Hmmmmm, let's see. I am fine, almost good really. There has been no contact for a few months now, H has been going to sex addict meetings, and marriage counseling is going well. ALL HAIL THE WONDER OF PROZAC. I am working out every day, I even ran in a 5K on Saturday. I am fitting nicely in size 18 jeans, and I must say I turn me on WOOO MAMA. Because of H's big accident and not working we had to file bankruptcy. That was kind of a bummer, but some good has come out of it - we don't have to worry about selling our stupid bad neighborhood house, it is just gone, we aren't argueing about money, there are no credit cards he can use without me knowing, all money is cash through "the bank of James" (my dad). And I think the bankruptcy kind of ties us together even more - we are in the same boat, no chica is going to look at him as a meal ticket..... Health wise I am doing awesome - depression lifting in a big way, weight down, blood pressure NORMAL!!! and the doc is putting me on thyroid medicine because I guess I am only running at 25% which adds to the depression, weight, tired....... My kids are thriving out here in the sticks of Wisconsin. Geeze, I am A - OK. I still have my moments, probably always will, but we are really sailing along. OH - had our anniversary in November - spent it in the hospital keeping watch over H who had to have emergency appendectomy. I am trying to only go on the computer a tiny bit - it is kind of a LB at our house for whatever reason, but if anyone needs me ever my email is