I went to Church with WH this morning. This is very unusual, because I am the one who used to be a server at Church back in England, and went regularly up until 4 years ago, while he's never been to Church at all in his life, apart from weddings, funerals and baptisms - and now tells me he's been going regularly for the past few weeks!<P>Anyway - it was, of course, a Father's Day theme - and I got quite emotional because I kept thinking that this might be his very last Father's Day with our children, if we moved back to England and he stayed here. Well, then we spent the rest of the day at the car races - but he was obviously in a very 'down' mood with the withdrawal from OW and was really niggly with the kids, losing his temper with them many times. This really upset me, because I thought that if it does turn out to be his last Father's Day with them, then he ought to be cherishing every moment. Apart from which he put a CD in the car stereo for the journey there and back, which I KNEW was a copy of the one that he had given OW as a gift before he went on vacation.<P>By the time we got back to his apartment and had a chance to talk, my emotions were quite frazzled. Then he starts talking about how much he misses her, and how perhaps I should go to a later Church service than the one he goes to, so I can meet some 'new friends' (this was after I had suggested that we go as a family again the following week), blah, blah. I wasn't feeling very strong by then and I allowed myself to spiral downwards again bigtime. Cried all the way home and then some. Now I'm mad at myself for being so stupid and letting all this get to me. This is horrible - I really feel for him and he's acting like a lovesick puppy!<P>I feel a little better now, but still quite down. I need some words of encouragement and level-headedness here!<P>hugs, Paint.