First off, this is my first post even though I've been reading this thread for about six or seven months. I just wanted to thank everyone out there for helping me to survive. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one who's been through this. <BR>A brief background; Last Aug.28, I found out my wife (sorry, I still don't know the proper abbreviations) had had a "physical encounter" with a co-worker some three and a half years ago (at the time, we had been married for a year and a half and had an almost one year old son). Funny thing how even though it had been that long ago, it felt as if it had happened the night before! It was, as you all know, devastating to say the least. I went through all the emotions, including some I never knew existed. Nightmares, followed by tears, became a part of every night's sleep. I went to my Dr. and told him and he decided to try XANAX to help with the anxiety. It was more than three months until I could even bring myself to read anything about this subject. I constantly prayed for help to get through each day.<BR> Then one night, I decided to look on the net for something on this subject and found this site. I began healing when I realized that there were others out there in the same boat as me.<BR>It's been more than four years now since it happened and nine and a half months since I found out. The wife and I are doing pretty good. She says she feels horrible for it and it only happened once. I mostly believe her but, my trust in anyone is now non-existent. I still have one to two "bad dreams" per week and I don't sleep a whole lot anymore. I would write more about us as a family (we had twins in Dec. 99) but it would probably bore everyone.<BR>Anyway, I've rambled on enough. Thank you to EVERYONE who has shared their grief and triumphs. I'll try to pass along the help if I can.<BR>Here's a little inspiration. When I found out, I had just started my first week of my last year at college. I was a "non-traditional student, mid thirties, two nine month old babies and a four year old. I graduated last month Cum Laude with a sociology degree. I did the impossible, according to a trusted professor that I had confided in. With God's help and guidance, along with a little help from you all, IT CAN WORK OUT!<BR>Thank you again and God bless you all.<BR>