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<B>Hello all my old buddies and those of you who don't know me too.</B><P>I have been at this site for what seems like forever. I started posting in May of 1999. It's been a long hard road but I am happy to report that hubby and I are in true recovery. It's not where I'd like it to be always and I'm sure he feels the same way.... but we are doing very well. [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] For sure we are a MB success story. I guess I seek perfection? That's not a bad thing to strive for is it? [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] So now enough about me/us.<P>There is so much unrest and chaos these days here. So much pain! [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] Craziness too I might add. With all the intrusions on the <B>Pregnancy/Child Forum</B> and attacking one specific member relentlessly, well it's hard to bear and stay up about.<P>We do have power here though. We, the members of this site are a mighty army of what is good and righteous. We are an army standing up for how things should be. I say we use that power to thwart this evil that is plaguing so many of us here.<P>A long time ago, other members and I started lighting candles and praying. Sometimes we lit them for everyone and often for specific people and needs. I am hoping that many of you will join me in doing this again? As soon as I finish posting here I am going to go to my fireplace mantle and light a large amount of votive candles for this purpose. I am going to keep them lit by replacing them as they burn out as diligently as I possibly can. <P>So will any of you join me? Calling all <B>Lurkers! Old timers and New comers.</B> Come on everyone please light some candles and pray with me. Post her and "roll call" that you're on board. I know it can help and I know the power of prayer, especially group prayer. I have seen it work here so many times in the past.<P>Okay, going to go set up the candles, get my fire stick and asbestos gloves and start. This house is going to get a tad bit hotter in this heat wave were having here, but there couldn't be a more noble cause.<P>Love to each and every one of you.<P><BR>------------------<BR><B>God bless you and all of us. We are all going to make it, all of us! [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] With God on our side we can't lose! [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] What God has joined together let no man put asunder. <P>Samantha</B><P>------------------<BR><B>God bless you and all of us. We are all going to make it, all of us! [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] With God on our side we can't lose! [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] What God has joined together let no man put asunder. <P>Samantha</B><p>[This message has been edited by A blessed Samantha (edited June 29, 2001).]

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Honey, I'm with ya!!<P>Going to light a candle right now!! <P>Hugs, Sheryl<BR>~the poster formerly known as new_beginning, who remembers the candle-lighting rituals well [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]

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OMG ... Samantha! How are you? I'm so glad to see you back here and know you and H are doing good. God Bless you both!<P>I remember our candles and prayers vigils. Count me in!<P>And hello Sheryl (aka New Beginning/Nyneve) too! Thank you for posting on my "Return" post, Hon.<P>Alright everyone ... orders from headquarters, gather up your candles and sign yourselves in, pleeeeease!<P>Jo

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<B>Sheryl</B><P>Hey sweetie. So glad you had the patience to follow me. [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] What a do do head huh? Oh well, what can I say?<P>I have to tell you that I haven't done that is so very long. My prayer life and spiritual life has been suffering greatly. It felt so good. I was on my knees and I felt the Spirit of the Lord so strongly. Natch I cried a bit, but heck what's a girl to do? <P>Now I can't sing very well (who am I trying to kid. Hubby always asks me not to sing when I start. I honestly sound like a tin eared frog. :eeek: LOL), but here goes....care to join me?<P><B>This little light of mine. <BR>I'm going to let it shine.<BR>This little light of mine.<BR>I'm going to let it shine.<BR>Let it shine, let it shine,<BR>Let it shine.</B><P>Thank goodness this is a joyful noise to the Lord. I expect my neighbors to call the police any moment and report someone abussing a cat in my house.<P>I have to tell you <B>Sheryl</B> I literally LOL when I saw your reply on the first thread I started. Thanx for that. I love you lady, you're one in a million to say the least.<P>------------------<BR><B>God bless you and all of us. We are all going to make it, all of us! [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] With God on our side we can't lose! [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] What God has joined together let no man put asunder. <P>Samantha</B><p>[This message has been edited by A blessed Samantha (edited June 29, 2001).]

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I wrote you two a reply, reread it, it sounded dorky so I'm back to fix it...<P>How's this:<P>Thank you for the lovely thoughts Sam and Jo [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] <P>That's better...<p>[This message has been edited by Nyneve (edited June 29, 2001).]

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You can count me in!!!<P>I loved the idea then and I love it now!!! [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P><P>------------------<BR>Love and Prayers<BR>Nicole smile

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LIGHTING as I TYPE. DONOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!!!!!!!! LOL<BR>Maine<P>------------------<BR>IN the words of BOB the BUILDER!!" WE can fix it, yes we can!!!"

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<B>Jo</B><P>Thank you honey so much for coming on board. Welcome. I hope one and all hear your orders from head quarters and come a runnin. [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P>I haven't been on here much so I haven't really read your thread...but I will, I promise. So good to see you. God bless you too. Couple that with tons of love. <P>Oh, I can see this is going to be a wonderful night. We're going to make a difference here and I am so excited. <P><B>Sheryl</B><P>You are loved, but of course you knew that. To know you honey is to love you. Will you do me a favor please???? Pretty please!!!! Keep this thread active. My hubby just came home from work unexpectantly, which is a huge treat. We work completely opposite shifts now and only see each other on weeekends. So this is a huge blessing. Looks like the candles and prayer are already having an effect huh? [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P><B>To one and all</B> sorry I won't be here for a while. I am sure you understand. I will check in as often as I can and properly respond to each and every one of you. After all you are my much beloved family! More importantly my "Choosen Family!"<P><B>{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{To one and all}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}</B><P>------------------<BR><B>God bless you and all of us. We are all going to make it, all of us! [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] With God on our side we can't lose! [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] What God has joined together let no man put asunder. <P>Samantha</B><p>[This message has been edited by A blessed Samantha (edited June 29, 2001).]

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H working late tonight -- I'm here for the long-haul tonight... <P>(((((sam and hubby)))))<P>Have fun!!

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I'm in. Just lit one up (he he - no I don't smoke) and sang the song. It feels great!

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<B>Nicole</B><P>Oh my, Praise the Lord! You're here. Hallejeiuh. I am so happy. <P>Glad you're aboard and if you just read the post above you see I need to get moving. It's going to be so hard though. I was all geared up for a marathon of hours posting. <P>This is such a hard choice...let's see. Night of posting here, or a night of wedded bliss with my husband. Guess I'll just have to adhere to MB principles huh? [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P><B>mainemade</B><P>Hi there. I know we haven't posted to each other before, but it is so wonderful to meet you.<P>I must add a big LOL. I loved what you wrote! Made me giggle like crazy. I do think I'll take your advise and not try this. Again LOL.<P>Okay, I have got to get out of here.<P>------------------<BR><B>God bless you and all of us. We are all going to make it, all of us! [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] With God on our side we can't lose! [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] What God has joined together let no man put asunder. <P>Samantha</B><p>[This message has been edited by A blessed Samantha (edited June 29, 2001).]

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Okay! *A meant to be* ... I looked over and low and behold there's a brand new beautiful candle that Lora gave me for my last Bday. Thank you Lora [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] <P>So I lit that baby and said a prayer for everyone here, with tears running down my face. I haven't been so good lately, so while I was at it, I said a prayer for me too!<P>Gawd, that felt good.<P>Thank you ~Samantha.<P>Lv,<BR>Jo<P>p.s. I've been keeping an eye on the Other Child board and I'm aware of the "intruders". I may breeze by and post something.<p>[This message has been edited by Resilient (edited June 29, 2001).]

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Well, the kitties make it difficult to light candles in my house, but I sure am thinking of everyone here. I, too, am sick about some of the things that have been showing up here on the forums lately...<P>I've been having a tough time emotionally of late - a lot of it has to do with the fact that I am a really good listener and have been the primary emotional support for a few friends of late - all of whom have some relationship issues... It's a real epidemic lately - and boy, does it suck rocks.<P>This place has been a haven for me for the better part of the last three years, and it really hurts to see some of the crap that has been appearing here in the last couple of months. I hope that we can continue to make the forums an understanding and supportive environment for people who really want to make their marriages work. Seems like the focus has really slipped in many cases of late.<P>So ... I am thinking of the pure glow of a candle flame and I am thinking of all of you on MB. Love and strength and patience in abundance to all of us.<BR><P>------------------<BR>terri<BR><B>Courage</B><P>Whatever course you decide upon,<BR>there is always someone to tell you<BR>that you are wrong.<P>There are always difficulties arising<BR>which tempt you to believe that your <BR>critics are right.<P>To map out a course of action <BR>and follow it to an end <BR>requires courage.<P><I>Ralph Waldo Emerson</I>

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SAmantha<BR> I am sort of new around here, I am good friends with Resilient who told me of the board ( even though she NEVER POSTS A HELLO TO ME IN HERE ONLY ON YAHOOOOOO LOL)thank you for appreciating my humour!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have my moments right JO LOL Candle is still going, ( not an easy feet with a 3 yr old blowing bandit onthe loose!<BR>Have a blessed day<BR>Maine<P>------------------<BR>IN the words of BOB the BUILDER!!" WE can fix it, yes we can!!!"

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Hi Terri ...<P>You know, I feel the same way regarding what I've seen on here since I've been away. Hopefully our candles and prayers will help make a change for the better.<P>I talked to Lora the other night and I asked about you. She told me that your H moved to Florida after all. I'm sorry to hear that, Terri. I don't know how long it's been since he's been away, but I'm sure you know that now he has to lean on OW for all his needs. And knowing how he kept in close touch with you before he left, I'm sure she won't be able to fill that tall order.<P>Be well Terri and stay strong.<P>Love to you,<BR>Jo

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Alright you fiesty Maine Chicky!<P>Here's your "Hi" and "I love you"!<P>me

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Just wanted to let you know I said a nice prayer for everyone here, and some for others that haven't joined in but are still in my thoughts (sadandalone, paint,cali, among others).<P>If anyone could pray that the meeting with my H goes well tomorrow and I get some sign of hope, I would appreciate it.

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I love you JO you SWEETPEA you LMAO<BR>Maine<P>------------------<BR>IN the words of BOB the BUILDER!!" WE can fix it, yes we can!!!"

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Yes, well... since I am not currently working outside of the home, I'm here a LOT (like that was ever a good excuse - I worked FULL TIME and hung out here long enough to get 3000 posts [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] ).<P>I bop all over the boards, and sadly, there have been some interlopers all over the place... I love that word, "interlopers"... I picture them like gazelles, only drooling and mean.<P>Lot's of pain folks... too much... [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P>terri, I'm so sorry about your H moving to Florida... <P>...and...<P>hurtbyhubby, prayers for your H's meeting gone up already!!

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You got it HBH ...<P>Saying a prayer for you and H both to feel the love you had when you married, and to realize forgiveness is alot easier than carrying the burden of anger and fear.<P>Hope and Love to HBH,<BR>Jo

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