Freddy, you're right on about how many WSes have no intention of leaving, as long as they can pacify the BS into thinking it is ok, or will be ok. <p>When you move to Plan B, it is partly because the WS has continued to pacify your EN's, rather than truly meet them. Yeah, there's the whole "protecting your love" thing, but I don't buy into that as much. <p>WSes don't ever actually want to end their affairs, as long as they keep going well, and nothing is preventing them. Even if they really do love you, and want to keep the marriage, they have to be convinced that they are at risk of losing that marriage, in order for them to realize they need to give up the affair, in spite of how badly they still want it.<p>Of course, if they just stop wanting it, that's great. But that doesn't happen most of the time. <p>When you go to Plan B, you got to make absolute SURE that she is committed, before you re-initiate contact. Even after you're sure, don't rush into anything. The same way you didn't rush into no-contact, don't rush into re-establishing contact. Give it time. She has a lot of re-evaulation to do.<p>You'll be alright, man!