Hey everyone. New to this board and to SAA. Brief history is I discovered A Feb 10/02 WW has sworn to stop seeing him, has issued No Contact phone call. <p>My problems of late are that now - reading SAA I am recognizing LBs, and find myself doing it alot or at least think I am. <p>My wife has had contact of OM through her work, so everytime she goes I become suspiscious, wary, even freaky. I catch myself wanting to phone her every 5 seconds to check up and when I do I ask questions that sound suspiscious and nagging. I think this is LBing, right? I know it feels bad when the conversations happen.<p>Today I phoned and confronted her about a phone text message I had recieved (I have our old cell phone, she has new one.) The msg was innocent enough, it is not the OM but this other guy friend asked her to dinner. At any rate, long story short, she keeps getting more and more irritated by the questions, but I feel I had the right to ask and get a rational answer as to who he is. <p>I know she is growing tired of having to explain her every move to me, e.t.c... Today on the phone she angrily said "a day can't go by without dealing with this huh?" While I feel justified I also understand her frustration. <p> Seems like I am making withdrawals, but maybe it's just that I need honesty at all cost? I dunno, confused as hell over this. <p>I should add that she insists that we should work it out, and has insisted her honesty about the end of A and the OM is genuine, but almost daily I find out new things that she has been keeping from me. Most recent discovery was two phone conversations with OM - one moments before the "no contact" call, one a few days later while she was visitting relatives for a function. <p>Anything you guys can do to help would be appreciated. Thankyou in advance