HI! Sorry it has been so long. Things have been going really well I think. <p>OW, has contacted my H a couple of times, (she still has the truck...I know, I know...I am working on it) for vehicle assistance...H took someone with him who would hold him accountable. He got back in contact with some friends that we let slip away, a married couple that we helped through some marital difficulty. They have been great support and concience for him. I am now talking with the wife and it is like we have never lost contact...so I think that this will be a good relationship for us. There is a date when she has to have the truck back and the husband of the married couple is going to go retrieve it for us. I am dealing with this the best I can. But having them in our lives along with our faith and the great support from you guys I think we will do good. <p>I am even looking into a job possibility through my friend...for me, so that I have something to do that is my own and to contribute to our finances. My H opened a seperate checking account while he was gone, for his National Guard Checks, we are going to keep it for vacation/home improvements...I will have access to the money, and take care of it financially, but I won't have a cash card, checks etc. (I'll spend it) Eventually I know he will put my name on the account, so I am not pushing on that aspect...everything else is so good.<p>H has been very honest with his feelings and such. Also ver honest on if OW tried to contact him. I feels very different this time compared to the last 4 times! When he came home it was one of those scenes that we romantic women think about. WOW! I want to share the following with you and then I will get off of here because I know that this is long. <p>A little note that I wrote to him (I still have a hard time expressing feelings with words from my mouth so I write them)
When you came home on Sunday, hugged me, kissed me looked me in the eyes and asked if you could make ove to me-I felt cherished and loved, like you were fonally glad to be home. Like it was in the first few years when you would be gone and come home, like it should have been all the time, before I helped make that impossible.
I want you to look forward to getting home everyday, to want to hold me-and I you.
To be able to melot into one another, not knowing where one ends and the other begins.
To know tha tonce again that we are the only one in each others hearts, minds, fantasies and dreams once again.
To just enjoy each other.
Let me know how I can help us.
I love you. Wife.<p>He read it and looked me in the eyes and told me that was exactly what he wanted too. We then suggled and watched T.V. with D. <p>I am sure that there will be bumps and major mountains, I am sure I will be back for help...but I feel that I am on my way. Thank you guys for being there, I will be here every so ofthen if anyone needs some advice from me. I will post when I have things that are post worthy. If I don't have anything I will promise to just pop in and say HI! <p>Orchid, I did get your e-mail...I have to call on that job now but I will reply soon...maybe with some photos!