my husbands affair is over but he still works with the girl and sees her almost everyday. (he says that they do not engage in any "friendly talk") he won't go to counseling to help us work things out because he feels even if he tries he will be "grounded for life" because of what he did and he is not sure he can be happy with me anyway. when i cry about the affair(which i do not do very often like i could) he hardly appologizes or shows much remorse. <p>i told him he has to move out by tues. if he does not get a counseling appt. it doesn't look as if that is going to happen. he does not want to move out and does not want me to leave either. <p>what am i suppose to do??? live with a man who doesn't know if he wants me or not?! he seems to only be thinking of himself and his wants and needs. a marriage can never work that way.<p>heenie