Marriage Builders
I'm not sure if I should post here, or in the general forum.

Here is my original post.

Here is a quick recap. I suspected my wife was involved in an affair with a co-worker. I snooped, but was never able to prove anything. I had lots of circumstantial evidence, but my wife has been steadfast in her denials that anything happened.

I am 99% sure that she had an affair. She still works with the guy. Her behavior towards me has changed for the better. We read HNHN, but I can't say we are following MB strategies. I struggle everyday with my feelings of resentment towards her because of the way she treated me and because I believe that she got away with having an affair.

I'm looking for advice on the MB way of dealing with this.

Thanks for your help.
Sir, this is your post from 3 years ago:

Originally Posted by NotSoSureInSoCal
Hey guys! I'm still here. I lurk but don't post much.

I've yet to find any evidence. I still believe in my heart that something happened, but I can't prove it. The wife and I have discussed it a few times but it obviously doesn't help to keep bringing it up. Unless something comes up I will keep my mouth shut.

Our relationship has improved but I know we have a long ways to go. We are working on His Needs Her Needs at the moment. I've read a bunch of different relationship books in the past few months and this is by far my favorite.

In addition I have been working on myself. I think that at the beginning of the year (when things were really bad with my wife) I was depressed. This whole thing was a huge wake up call. There are some things about me that I want to change.

Two of my favorite self improvement books are No More Mr. Nice Guy and Married Man's Sex Life. I am definitely a nice guy and have been working on changing that.

I continue to snoop, but not obsessively. If I ever find anything, I will for sure post it.

I guess I would say I am cautiously optimistic about the future of my marriage. Maybe she cheated, maybe she didn't. Either way I will be the best me I can be.

You've been told numerous times what to do.
She IS HAVING AN AFFAIR wit the co-worker.
But years later, you downplay it.
You've been told what to do. I just spent 20 minutes reading your old thread.
Will you follow the advice given this time or is it a waste of time?

I also just spent 20 minutes reading your original post. I am very convinced she was having an affair, and if she continues to work with this man today, the affair never really ended even if the physical piece did.

I also had a gut instinct that my H had affairs, with FAR less evidence then you. The greatest piece of evidence I had was my gut instinct! It gnawed at me for years. It chipped away at who I was like an ice chipper. But, of course, anything I asked him he denied.

One day I asked him to take a polygraph. He was visibly shaken by the idea. He gave me all the reasons why taking a polygraph was beneath us, and I did not pursue it. More gnawing. More chipping. More feeling like I was crazy and obsessive!

Finally one day I called him on the way home and told him he needed to take a poly, or divorce me, those were his two options. He tried once again to convince me that it was a bad idea. I told him I gave him his options and hung up. He came home again, visibly shaken. We put the kids to bed and sat on the couch, and he continued to tell me why it was a bad idea. I remained unemotional and firm, and said, I will give you a third option and that is to tell me the truth right here and now. And he did confess an affair, one that was almost a decade old, with a girl I had never even heard of.

I eventually had him do the poly anyway, of course, thanks to encouragement from the good folks here.

What ever became of your plan to have your wife do a poly? I would highly HIGHLY recommend this. Your original post was over 2 years ago, and this is going to keep eating at you until you know the truth. Some people may be able to focus on the here and now, but I could not. I HAD to know the truth about my marriage, and it seems to me that you do to. If your wife really did not have an affair, then she should be more than happy to do it, to clear her name and get you to drop this! If she DID, then she will highly oppose it.

You need to not give her a choice. Tell her, I will continue to wonder about your relationship with OM until I have proof that your story is valid. For this reason I have schedule a poly on (date and time). Here are the questions that may be included on the poly, you can read and respond to these now. Your answers will be verified by the examiner. If you have nothing to hide, you should welcome the opportunity to prove your word to me, and to set my mind at ease.

If she refuses, that is your answer.
The poly examiner can only ask a very small number of questions, but she doesn't need to know that. So write a list out of all the questions you have, and present it to her. Ask her to answer ALL the questions.

The examiner can help you pick 3-5 or whatever he/she needs, these will be 'tangible' questions like 'did you have sexual intercourse with anyone other than your H during the course of your marriage.' You will NOT be able to ask subjective emotional questions like 'do you love OM.' But, you could ask this on your original list if you want, as long as she doesn't know the rules of a polygraph and doesn't know which questions will be on it.
It is highly unlikely that she will just confess to this affair. The polygraph is the only way to force her hand. OR vindicate her, if you are wrong! Which is why, if she is telling you the truth, she should welcome it.
Originally Posted by NotSoSureInSoCal
We read HNHN, but I can't say we are following MB strategies.

What MB have you implemented in your marriage?

In your original thread you seemed to be doing a Plan A, are you continuing to do this?
Originally Posted by Jedi_Knight
Sir, this is your post from 3 years ago:

Originally Posted by NotSoSureInSoCal
Hey guys! I'm still here. I lurk but don't post much.

I've yet to find any evidence. I still believe in my heart that something happened, but I can't prove it. The wife and I have discussed it a few times but it obviously doesn't help to keep bringing it up. Unless something comes up I will keep my mouth shut.

Our relationship has improved but I know we have a long ways to go. We are working on His Needs Her Needs at the moment. I've read a bunch of different relationship books in the past few months and this is by far my favorite.

In addition I have been working on myself. I think that at the beginning of the year (when things were really bad with my wife) I was depressed. This whole thing was a huge wake up call. There are some things about me that I want to change.

Two of my favorite self improvement books are No More Mr. Nice Guy and Married Man's Sex Life. I am definitely a nice guy and have been working on changing that.

I continue to snoop, but not obsessively. If I ever find anything, I will for sure post it.

I guess I would say I am cautiously optimistic about the future of my marriage. Maybe she cheated, maybe she didn't. Either way I will be the best me I can be.

You've been told numerous times what to do.
She IS HAVING AN AFFAIR wit the co-worker.
But years later, you downplay it.
You've been told what to do. I just spent 20 minutes reading your old thread.
Will you follow the advice given this time or is it a waste of time?

Hi Jedi. I appreciate you looking over my old thread. While I agree that she had an affair, I am not confident in my evidence. That is why I am posting today. I don't believe the evidence is enough. I'm looking for help in how to proceed.

What do you know about OM, is he married, does he have a girlfrend, does he have a history of cheating with married women.

Did he have a girlfriend while your WW was having an affair with OM, if so can you speak with her?

Did your WW ever say "I love you but am not in love with you" during that time period.

A workplace is a perfect cover for an affair which goes underground for years and years. Your WW may be in a "stable relationship" now.

I've seen workplace affairs like that, in the one case the OM got jobs for his OW at the places he worked, and that was for 3 or 4 different companies.

The polygraph is your best bet, but what have you done to step up your snooping?

God Bless
Originally Posted by unwritten
It is highly unlikely that she will just confess to this affair. The polygraph is the only way to force her hand. OR vindicate her, if you are wrong! Which is why, if she is telling you the truth, she should welcome it.
Unwritten - Thank-you for the response. You are correct. I don't believe she will ever admit to this.

I am similar to you in that I can't just let this go. I need to know the truth, and right now I don't believe I have it. I have tried really hard to just forget it, but it is slowly taking a toll on my and our marriage.

I think that asking her to take a polygraph is my only hope. I expect that she will fight taking it.
Originally Posted by Gamma

What do you know about OM, is he married, does he have a girlfrend, does he have a history of cheating with married women.

Did he have a girlfriend while your WW was having an affair with OM, if so can you speak with her?

Did your WW ever say "I love you but am not in love with you" during that time period.

A workplace is a perfect cover for an affair which goes underground for years and years. Your WW may be in a "stable relationship" now.

I've seen workplace affairs like that, in the one case the OM got jobs for his OW at the places he worked, and that was for 3 or 4 different companies.

The polygraph is your best bet, but what have you done to step up your snooping?

God Bless

Gamma - the suspected OM is someone that has worked with my wife for over 10 years. They work for a small company. Initially, my wife worked as his assistant, but she now runs the department. He has also advanced and is in a different department. They still work very closely and see each other often.

The one thing I did right, was contact OMW. I told her that I was worried they were too close and suspected and affair. She was not as concerned, although I know I planted a seed of doubt. Since then, they no longer sit by us at any of the company events that include family members. (Christmas party, summer picnic, etc...).

During the period of time that I initially posted, my wife had said ILBINILWY.

That she worked with this guy for 10 years in itself opens some questions. Did your WWs relationship with OM precede your marriage, it's almost like it is a cyclical affair, perhaps there was an earlier episode.

There 2 additional checks, which are somewhat objective.

You can DNA test your child/children

You can get an STD test for yourself.

God Bless
Originally Posted by Gamma

That she worked with this guy for 10 years in itself opens some questions. Did your WWs relationship with OM precede your marriage, it's almost like it is a cyclical affair, perhaps there was an earlier episode.

There 2 additional checks, which are somewhat objective.

You can DNA test your child/children

You can get an STD test for yourself.

God Bless

She has worked with OM longer than we have been married. We were dating when she started at her current job.

Don't give details, but did your love life ever come back after this affair went quiet?

Have you been able to speak with other co-workers who might have been witnesses?

Is this a business environment which encourages cheating?

Have you spoken with personnel? It sounds like this guy was your wifes boss at the time.

God Bless
All of the things you need to do are in your original thread.
Since years have passed, and this man even came to your wifes hotel room...and you still dont consider that proof enough I think you need to hire a PI.

I think the only thing that will ocnvince you of an affair is pictures of them kissing or having sex
Gamma has a very valid point.
Have you tested your childrens DNA?
Are they your children?
Have you had STD testing?
Originally Posted by Gamma

Don't give details, but did your love life ever come back after this affair went quiet?

Have you been able to speak with other co-workers who might have been witnesses?

Is this a business environment which encourages cheating?

Have you spoken with personnel? It sounds like this guy was your wifes boss at the time.

God Bless

Our relationship has gotten better, but I wouldn't say we have a deeply intimate relationship. That is what I want. I have a lot of resentment surrounding the suspected affair.

She does not work in an industry that encourages cheating. While I am friendly with her co-workers, I can't talk to them about the suspected affair. It would 100% get back to my wife. She also handles HR.
Please schedule a polygraph. Polygraph Testing
Originally Posted by NotSoSureInSoCal
Originally Posted by Gamma

Don't give details, but did your love life ever come back after this affair went quiet?

Have you been able to speak with other co-workers who might have been witnesses?

Is this a business environment which encourages cheating?

Have you spoken with personnel? It sounds like this guy was your wifes boss at the time.

God Bless

Our relationship has gotten better, but I wouldn't say we have a deeply intimate relationship. That is what I want. I have a lot of resentment surrounding the suspected affair.

She does not work in an industry that encourages cheating. While I am friendly with her co-workers, I can't talk to them about the suspected affair. It would 100% get back to my wife. She also handles HR.

Have you asked your wife to quit her job?
Three years ago, after the motel incident, did you tell her that you were unhappy and ask her to find other employment?
Originally Posted by Jedi_Knight
Originally Posted by NotSoSureInSoCal
Originally Posted by Gamma

Don't give details, but did your love life ever come back after this affair went quiet?

Have you been able to speak with other co-workers who might have been witnesses?

Is this a business environment which encourages cheating?

Have you spoken with personnel? It sounds like this guy was your wifes boss at the time.

God Bless

Our relationship has gotten better, but I wouldn't say we have a deeply intimate relationship. That is what I want. I have a lot of resentment surrounding the suspected affair.

She does not work in an industry that encourages cheating. While I am friendly with her co-workers, I can't talk to them about the suspected affair. It would 100% get back to my wife. She also handles HR.

Have you asked your wife to quit her job?
Three years ago, after the motel incident, did you tell her that you were unhappy and ask her to find other employment?

Yes, I let her know that I was very unhappy and encouraged her to find another job. She told me that she didn't do anything wrong and I was being very unfair in asking her to do that.
Originally Posted by BrainHurts
Please schedule a polygraph. Polygraph Testing

When will you do this?
Originally Posted by NotSoSureInSoCal
Originally Posted by Jedi_Knight
Originally Posted by NotSoSureInSoCal
Originally Posted by Gamma

Don't give details, but did your love life ever come back after this affair went quiet?

Have you been able to speak with other co-workers who might have been witnesses?

Is this a business environment which encourages cheating?

Have you spoken with personnel? It sounds like this guy was your wifes boss at the time.

God Bless

Our relationship has gotten better, but I wouldn't say we have a deeply intimate relationship. That is what I want. I have a lot of resentment surrounding the suspected affair.

She does not work in an industry that encourages cheating. While I am friendly with her co-workers, I can't talk to them about the suspected affair. It would 100% get back to my wife. She also handles HR.

Have you asked your wife to quit her job?
Three years ago, after the motel incident, did you tell her that you were unhappy and ask her to find other employment?

Yes, I let her know that I was very unhappy and encouraged her to find another job. She told me that she didn't do anything wrong and I was being very unfair in asking her to do that.

Even if there wasn't an affair (or a current active one), she has shown that she is not willing to show mutual care towards you.
In marriage, Dr. Harley encourages couples to follow the Policy of Joint Agreement and make mutual decisions.
She refuses to do this.

I think you should snoop and prepare to battle the affair, or separate from her due to her unwillingness to join you in a caring marriage.

What about all the other questions.
Can you answer them?
DNA testing of children?
STD Testing?
Originally Posted by Jedi_Knight
What about all the other questions.
Can you answer them?
DNA testing of children?
STD Testing?

I haven't done DNA testing or been tested for STD's. (If I get a confession or prove an affair, I would require this for reconciliation).

I will ask her to take a polygraph. What do you advise if she refuses?
Well you better get STD tested ASAP!
Some STDs can cause blindness, death, etc.
Originally Posted by NotSoSureInSoCal
Originally Posted by Jedi_Knight
What about all the other questions.
Can you answer them?
DNA testing of children?
STD Testing?

I haven't done DNA testing or been tested for STD's. (If I get a confession or prove an affair, I would require this for reconciliation).

I will ask her to take a polygraph. What do you advise if she refuses?

If she refuses I would prepare for separation and Plan B
Originally Posted by NotSoSureInSoCal
I'm not sure if I should post here, or in the general forum.

Here is my original post.

Here is a quick recap. I suspected my wife was involved in an affair with a co-worker. I snooped, but was never able to prove anything. I had lots of circumstantial evidence, but my wife has been steadfast in her denials that anything happened.

I am 99% sure that she had an affair. She still works with the guy. Her behavior towards me has changed for the better. We read HNHN, but I can't say we are following MB strategies. I struggle everyday with my feelings of resentment towards her because of the way she treated me and because I believe that she got away with having an affair.

I'm looking for advice on the MB way of dealing with this.

Thanks for your help.
You're trying to deal with the resentment when you should be dealing first with the affair. You can't make the resentment go away when the issue of the affair is unresolved.

Dr Harley's programme for recovery, which includes dealing with, and removing, resentment, starts with the ending of the affair and the establishing of NC. It involves discovering the main details of the affair and includes transparency and accountability.

None of those steps has been taken, and so it is technically impossible for your resentment to fade.

Your thread title is wrong. It is the affair you should be dealing with and ending, not your resentment. Cart before horse, and all that.
Originally Posted by Jedi_Knight
Originally Posted by NotSoSureInSoCal
Originally Posted by Jedi_Knight
What about all the other questions.
Can you answer them?
DNA testing of children?
STD Testing?

I haven't done DNA testing or been tested for STD's. (If I get a confession or prove an affair, I would require this for reconciliation).

I will ask her to take a polygraph. What do you advise if she refuses?

If she refuses I would prepare for separation and Plan B

I second this motion.

SoCal, if she refuses that is your answer. The answer is that she had/is having an affair and is planning to take that info to the grave. Can you live knowing that? Can you be in a marriage where there is this long term deception and subsequent lack of intimacy?

She gaslighted you and got away with it. She told you it was 'nothing' and made YOU feel like the one doing something wrong, because you perceived an obvious threat to your marriage and responded to that. And, even though you never bought what she was selling, she still got away with it with no repercussions. She needs to know you are serious.
Even if there wasn't an affair (and I believe, like you do, that there was/is), you are dealing with an incredibly selfish and uncaring spouse. You have told her that this man bothers you and that you feel threatened by their relationship, she blew you off. You expressed extreme concern over them spending traveling nights together, she discredited that concern too. Now, you are telling her that 2 years later you have lost trust in her, and are haunted by the 'what ifs' and that her taking a poly would ease the mental anguish and pain, and she is going to be upset and say no???

Any caring spouse would do the opposite of this, and an MB marriage would respond to each one of these complaints. A good and caring marriage would have complete transparency. Complaints about a coworker would result in ending contact with that coworker, even finding a new job if needed. Concerns about overnight travel would result in the spouse coming with or NO overnight travel. Because a caring spouse would place their SPOUSE before some random coworker or before a job.
I did have to draw that line in the sand with my H for him to take a poly. It was either 1) take it or 2) leave. I asked him politely once if he would and he declined, of course. But when I got serious and drew my line in the sand, he knew it.

He confessed. And then I did not have him take the poly for almost a year. I guess I felt like he had finally told me the truth (gut instinct) and that the poly would vindicate him, and I didn't want to give him that satisfaction.

My point here is that, after he finally did come clean, he wanted to take the poly! He pleaded with me to take one. He wanted me to know that he was finally being honest. It was a night and day difference from when he was afraid to take one because he knew he would get busted.

So...I repeat, if she refuses then that is your answer. Then you can rest assured that she DID have an affair and perhaps still is, and is at least still working with the man she shares her secrets with. Then you need to decide if you can live with that for the rest of your life. I know I couldn't.
Originally Posted by unwritten
I second this motion.

SoCal, if she refuses that is your answer. The answer is that she had/is having an affair and is planning to take that info to the grave. Can you live knowing that? Can you be in a marriage where there is this long term deception and subsequent lack of intimacy?

She gaslighted you and got away with it. She told you it was 'nothing' and made YOU feel like the one doing something wrong, because you perceived an obvious threat to your marriage and responded to that. And, even though you never bought what she was selling, she still got away with it with no repercussions. She needs to know you are serious.

Unwritten - Thanks for this feedback. I do believe that her plan is to take this to the grave. It obviously still bothers me, which is why I am posting.

She definitely made me feel wrong for bringing up her relationship with OM.

How long did your husband fight taking a polygraph?

You wrote, She has worked with OM longer than we have been married. We were dating when she started at her current job.

If you combine that with a lack of real passion or intimacy for you, it sounds like your WW was in an affair with OM before you got married or early in your marriage, and settled for you since OM was not free or had other problems.

The excitement and effort a WW puts into her relationship with OM makes a painful contrast to the lukewarm feelings her BH has to put up with sometimes for years and years.

God Bless
This thread is only 4 pages, and I'm already very frustrated reading it. You've been a spectator in your wife's affair for years, and you refuse to do anything about it.

Unwritten has giveN you some clear steps to take regarding the polygraph. If you are here just to whine to us, then ignore Unwritten. If you are here for good advice and want to end this once and for all, then take Unwritten's advice about the ultimatum: polygraph or divorce.
Originally Posted by NotSoSureInSoCal
Originally Posted by unwritten
I second this motion.

SoCal, if she refuses that is your answer. The answer is that she had/is having an affair and is planning to take that info to the grave. Can you live knowing that? Can you be in a marriage where there is this long term deception and subsequent lack of intimacy?

She gaslighted you and got away with it. She told you it was 'nothing' and made YOU feel like the one doing something wrong, because you perceived an obvious threat to your marriage and responded to that. And, even though you never bought what she was selling, she still got away with it with no repercussions. She needs to know you are serious.

Unwritten - Thanks for this feedback. I do believe that her plan is to take this to the grave. It obviously still bothers me, which is why I am posting.

She definitely made me feel wrong for bringing up her relationship with OM.

How long did your husband fight taking a polygraph?

If she takes it to the grave, you will never be able to have a loving and intimate relationship, because this will stand in the way like a big wedge.

This doesn't just apply to you and your building resentment either! My H now tells me that he could never really look me in the eye, or fully engage, because he knew he had this secret. He felt guilt and shame. He felt unworthy of anything I was doing to meet his EN's. He also worked hard to find fault in me, picked at me, to try and make him feel better about his infidelities and dishonesty. So it created a wedge for HIM too.

My H fought taking a poly until the exact moment he told the truth. The exact moment sitting on our couch that he confessed to his A. Immediately after, he begged me to let him take one to prove that I finally knew everything and he had come clean. To restore some credit to his word. It was very simple: resist one when lying/be enthusiastic for one when not lying. A switch that took a matter of 5 minutes.

I repeat. If she refuses to take one, she is lying to you and that is your answer.
Seriously man, you need to listen to these people. I'm new to the site and I'm a cheater. I was about to post my story and question, but your thread title caught my attention.

I cheated online with a woman for well over three years. My wife caught me on a sex site at one point. I copped to explicitly discussing sex with various women online, but I never told her about the one woman I spoke with every day. She was suspicious, but she only had hearsay evidence from someone, but could never get cold hard proof of an affair with this particular woman.

She was right all along in her suspicions, but I lied and gaslit her to the point she didn't want to leave with no real proof. I know her intuition told her the truth, but she didn't listen to it, because of my ability to argue coincidence and happenstance. I knew if she ever knew the truth she would leave so I only told her enough about my cheating activities to get her to stay.

I am no longer cheating on her, and I am working to rebuild our marriage.
Originally Posted by NotSoSureInSoCal
She definitely made me feel wrong for bringing up her relationship with OM.

This is a defensive position. She is defending her secret, by making you out to be the bad guy. It is a way to shut you up and get you to stop pestering her.

It is ever important to maintain a cool pleasant disposition when asking her to take a poly, for this reason. Because you want to come across as a loving, caring husband who wants an intimate relationship with his wife, and feels concerned about a threat to that. You do not want to come across as a jealous possessive bully. It is much more difficult for her to get angry at the first husband, or say no to that request, than it is to the second.
Originally Posted by BigDave33
Seriously man, you need to listen to these people. I'm new to the site and I'm a cheater. I was about to post my story and question, but your thread title caught my attention.

I cheated online with a woman for well over three years. My wife caught me on a sex site at one point. I copped to explicitly discussing sex with various women online, but I never told her about the one woman I spoke with every day. She was suspicious, but she only had hearsay evidence from someone, but could never get cold hard proof of an affair with this particular woman.

She was right all along in her suspicions, but I lied and gaslit her to the point she didn't want to leave with no real proof. I know her intuition told her the truth, but she didn't listen to it, because of my ability to argue coincidence and happenstance. I knew if she ever knew the truth she would leave so I only told her enough about my cheating activities to get her to stay.

I am no longer cheating on her, and I am working to rebuild our marriage.


Why don't you start a thread? There are many former wayward spouses on here who have turned their marriages around. It is a huge task, but totally worth the effort in the end. It is a task that requires reinventing how you look at marriage and your own spouse, and there are veteran posters who can help you with this.

Would your wife be willing to start a thread? We would love to help her too.
Originally Posted by unwritten
Originally Posted by NotSoSureInSoCal
She definitely made me feel wrong for bringing up her relationship with OM.

This is a defensive position. She is defending her secret, by making you out to be the bad guy. It is a way to shut you up and get you to stop pestering her.

It is ever important to maintain a cool pleasant disposition when asking her to take a poly, for this reason. Because you want to come across as a loving, caring husband who wants an intimate relationship with his wife, and feels concerned about a threat to that. You do not want to come across as a jealous possessive bully. It is much more difficult for her to get angry at the first husband, or say no to that request, than it is to the second.

Unwritten - I really appreciate all of your advice. I will sit down with my wife this weekend.
Good idea, put it off some more. Why deal with this now, when you can rationalize it on the weekend.
You will come back here on Monday and tell us you didnt want to ruin the great weekend you were having, so you will do it next week.
I started one, thank you. My wife doesn't know about this forum and I'd like to keep it that way for now.
Originally Posted by NebDane
Good idea, put it off some more. Why deal with this now, when you can rationalize it on the weekend.
You will come back here on Monday and tell us you didnt want to ruin the great weekend you were having, so you will do it next week.

Thanks. I appreciate the support.
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