To Ace, could you tell me about that "alien fog" I saw that referred to somewhere else, how did you learn about that, I have not read it anywhere else. It makes sense as my husband called HER morning, her lunch break, smoke break and when she got off, you could set your watch by it, never, ever called me during day in 9 yrs of marriage to just chat! Totally out of character and he usually does that kind of thing when drinking and he did not start drinking until 5 so the alien behavior makes sense, would just like to read more about that. Thanks, Lindy
You asked me (on Marriedfor30yrs thread) about the alien fog and I happened to see it.
I will change the title of this post but you can change the title of the thread to get more input on the GQII board.
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2. Put your cursor in the title box and delete your present title 'infidelity'.
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That's how you change the title.
4. Then you can change the entire post if you want.
I'm new, too but as I understand "Alien Fog" it is the fantasy that any vulnerable person allows to penetrate his/her core beliefs, tempting them to violate their values, specifically vows of fidelity.
It can be caused by a variety of stimuli, but breaches in one's own marriage makes one or both vulnerable to seek the faux excitement the 'alien' offers through infidelity.
When it takes over, the 'victim who chooses it' becomes another personality....the 'alien' who cheats on his wife (or her husband). It's like an addiction....they can't get enough and that's why they sell their soul for a fix.
Hopefully, someone else will explain it further but that's a start.
Did you read my story on my sig line? My Mr. Romance emerged after the fog left. It made an abrupt about face when I shocked my WH by telling him to go live in his truck at the local campground .....and did not change my mind like I did the previous 3 D-Days.
Hope that helps. You'll get more info as others share. If I can find a better explanation, I'll link it for you.
Who else can help Lindysue?