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Reged: 09/30/07
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She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated
#3312419 - 09/30/07 09:54 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

Please help me, I don't know where to turn or what to do. (Is this the right place to post this?)

So my wife is pregnant again.... Isn't this a nice way for you to find out? Mom will be so proud.....

She had the usual tests done and a day later the Dr calls leaving a message, they would "like to discuss the test results". She didn't get a chance to call them back until the next day. She came home shortly after she left for work in a tirade. Telling me what a loser I am and that if I don't get out of this house right away, she would have me removed...

I had NO CLUE what was going on or what had happened. I didn't even know she heard back for the Dr so quickly... Apparently, over the phone, the Dr/Nurse - whoever it was, told her that she has Chlamydia.

Well now I'm the loser who went and slept with someone and then gave it to her. The thing is... I am NEVER alone, I'm either at work or here at home with her, I do NOTHING without her...ever, so how could I even if I wanted to??!!?! It never happened. I've never considered it. Period.

But now I have to go get tested too. I'm fairly certain I'll come up negative... seeing how we rarely have sex.

I've made comments to her that we moved closer to her job so she wouldn't have to be gone 12-14 hours a day (We live 6.5 miles form her office now). Yet she STILL is gone 12-14 hours a day. At least 2 days a week, sometimes 3. So I asked her, who has she slept with? After all, she's CONSTANTLY accusing me of cheating on her. So this makes me think she's accusing me to cover her tracks? (That part comes from experience...sadly).

She swears she never has cheated on me, or anyone else. I have though, so I must have cheated on her too. Now she's super pissed because of her age and the complications this STD causes for the pregnancy.

I am beside myself, completely pissed off that she has this knowing full well that I have never cheated on her, and doing my own research to find out if there is any other way to get this....there is, but it's VERY RARE, so I'm highly doubtful it was contracted any other way but through sexual intercourse. Which makes her the cheater and the liar.

I'm at a loss though.... I can't prove to her that I didn't cheat. Her words... there is nothing, not even solid proof - if any existed, that would make her believe me. I have lived with this woman for 4 years, telling me to "get out" I'm a "loser", and she "hates me". I honestly wonder if this is how my Uncle felt/feels being married to my Aunt... it is 100% her way or no way. Period.

What's really messed up, is I'm more pissed I can't prove to her that I didn't cheat than I am of her cheating... why?!??! I KNOW I DIDN'T CHEAT!!!!

Years ago.. my Mom said something I overheard one holiday, she thought my wife was marrying me for a settlement I was getting from a motorcycle accident. She hates my mother now for that reason alone.

The money from my settlement? It's gone. Every penny. Gone. I bought her a car in cash, then bought a laptop, TV, and went on a vacation. The rest went into CDs. It was supposed to be for the kids. But We needed some money so we closed them out... I was shocked! These were all slated to be replaced with one of her bonuses (more on that later).

We had some loans and I needed a new car, seeing how I bought her a car (For the safety of the baby) she gave me her 1996 Ford Taurus, which we sank about $4000 into for tires, brakes, and a new transmission. I just wanted a new car back then, but seeing how her father gave her the Taurus, she couldn't get rid of it so wanted me to fix it up and drive it. So we did, but then it died...

So for me to get a new car, we agreed we would close out the rest of the CDs and pay off all the loans, my credit card, and her SEVEN credit cards... I bought my car, but I have a loan on it, something I cannot afford on my salary alone. (the titles to each car is in both our names though) What "change" was left over from paying the stuff off with the CD money, was pissed away on ...I don't really know. Clothes maybe? Out to dinner too much? Bottom line is the money that I had and was actually doing good saving for my future and the benefit of my kids...is gone.

Ironically, the same day the Dr called and left her a message on her cell phone, she got a $9000 bonus from work. She gets at least that every 6 months - this is her 2nd bonus of this amount as she's been there a little over 1 year, her very first bonus was $2000, after being there 2 months.

So now that my money is gone, and she has hers - hers is "hers", mine is "ours" just for reference.... She wants me gone, no contact with our son, just 2 now... ever,(I don't see my other kids now so I don't need to see him) Here's the thing about that though, she doesn't like them! And I end up feeling uncomfortable with them here with us, and I don't want the 20 questions if I stay somewhere else with them. And she says this next baby will never know me. I love him so much, and I would fight for custody of him if I honestly thought I had a fighting chance. She'll never let me see him though, she refuses to let me go see my Mom and Dad with him. She doesn't want to go, and when I mention going she tells me to go alone.

I'm tired and emotionally drained from dealing with the way I feel I need to live around her, I'd go in a heartbeat but I want my son. I would prefer that he be raised with an intact family though. I just don't know if I can do it. Plus, reality is, I'm financially ruined again. I couldn't make it with my current job and bills on my own. Sure I could give up my car, but I doubt I'd get what I owe, so I'd still have that bill, and have to get another car.

Want to know what really sucks? Next Autumn we could have seriously bought a house. Now look at me. Almost 38, back in the same damn boat I was in 15 years ago. Going to have to find some guy renting out a room and dealing with roommate crap.

What do I do? How can I prove I haven't cheated? Do I really care? Is this a real opportunity that's telling me, get out now? What about the next Baby? She's due in 6 months. That baby needs a father! My son needs a father!

Honestly... with no kids in this marriage, I would have been long gone. I am not happy, I haven't been in a long time. I am just used to the mental and emotional abuse. I just exist.... It's not like we really see each other anyway. She's gone to work long before I get up. She's home between 6-6:30 and upstairs watching TV or in bed by 8:00. So I get 90-120 minutes 5 days a week. Weekends is when the fighting typically happens too... Unless we're on a road trip or not talking about my family.

Do I try to stay for the kids? Or do I try to get my life back? And....what life is that?

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Reged: 11/03/06
Posts: 2434
Loc: St. Louis Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ThinkingOfMyKids]
#3312426 - 09/30/07 11:14 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

A nurse practitioner once told my wife she had chlamydia, but it turns out she had bacterial vaginosis instead. If her test result comes back positive for chlamydia, get yourself tested, and if you don't have it, she 100% cheated on you. Ask her how she would have it but you wouldn't (I know that you could test neg. and still transmit it to her, but don't tell her that).


BS - 26 (me)
FWW - 28
Married 8/31/03
No kids (but 2 cats)
D-Days - 8/25/06 (EA), 11/3/06 (PA)
NC agreed to - 11/8/06
NC broken - 11/28/06, 12/16/06, 1/18/07, 1/26/07, 1/27/07
Status - In Recovery
Jim's Story

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Reged: 11/07/06
Posts: 98
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ThinkingOfMyKids]
#3312450 - 10/01/07 03:52 AM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

Your situation doesn't sound like much fun.
A few thoughts from a relative novice until one of the pros comes along...

1) Have you read the Basic Concepts (see menu bar)? It doesn't sound like it because you don't mention any in your post. If you haven't, do!

2) Repost on GQ2 - it's a much busier forum, and you'll get more responses.

3) Wife working long hours... infrequent sex... romance gone... 'righteous indignation' and an STD!

All are possible pointers to infidelity.

Have you snooped? Check cell phone records? Keylogger on the computer? Bank statements? GPS tracker? Search for a thread entitled 'snooping 101'.

4) After the birth, consider a paternity test - it's simple, a cheek swab from the alleged father (you) and the baby will for around $300 confirm if you are or are not the father.

5) As far as saving your M goes:
- again, read the Basic Concepts
- eliminate YOUR lovebusters (you can't eliminate hers but you CAN set a good example!)
- find out what her most important Emotional Needs are and meet them as much as she will allow.
- snoop as above - if she IS having an affair, identify the other man, and expose the affair to his wife or GF, his employer, family - anyone who can bring pressure to end it.

The good folk on GQ2 will guide you - listen to them carefully!

Good luck.

Me 47 SAHD; W 39 SAHM; DS1, S2(grrr!)

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Reged: 01/31/02
Posts: 2440
Loc: Europe Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ThinkingOfMyKids]
#3312464 - 10/01/07 06:01 AM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply


suggest that you both get a lie detector test done. Look at her "reaction" very closely. If she has nothing to hide, she'll probably be delighted, otherwise.............hmmmm.

If I had the opputunity and if I was being accused for something that is NOT true, I'd do it for sure. In a situation like yours, I'd ask my partner to do one also.


Met 1975/ Married 1980
2 children- 27yo+ 24yo
3 month affair/D-d January 2001
Grandparents since Dec.2005

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Reged: 08/19/05
Posts: 1906
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ThinkingOfMyKids]
#3312484 - 10/01/07 07:12 AM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

Here's the thing - if your story is valid, then it seems to me that your W has no respect for you. If that's truly the case, then it's also more likely that she's cheated on you.

However, I think if I was in your situation, and my my W didn't want to address the concerns as you've addressed them here (the finance issues, the time spent together, etc.), then I'd be planning my exit strategy, no matter if she cheated or not.

BH (me)
FWW (her)
05/2003 - 05/2005: EA/PA with former coworker

Recovery Status:
Me? Recovering!
Us? Getting better at it, and learning to tug in the same direction...

"Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will." - J. Nehru

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Reged: 09/30/07
Posts: 15
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ManInMotion]
#3312635 - 10/01/07 01:34 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

Went to the lab today to get tested for everything under the sun... just want to be safe, if that's possible now... I thought after I got married to her I wouldn't have to worry about that anymore.. We'll see what the tests show. Though she now says if I come up negative it's because of a recent sinus infection I had...I was on meds for 2 weeks to clear that up, so the meds will magically take care of this Chlamydia thing too...whatever. So in her eyes, if I'm negative on the test, I still gave it to her and am now clean. So I'm the one that cheated... This is maddening that I cannot prove to her that I'm not the one that cheated!!

5outof6, I don't know what you mean by GQ2? or righteous indignation? This is where wifey knows I'm not particular smart in the general sense of the world, so I'm worried there that she will rake me over in court if it ends up that route...

I told her I would take a lie detector test, she said she didn't care. I'm a liar period, no detector needed in her eyes. I did not however ask her to take one, perhaps I should have.

Yeah, you have her pegged, she's told me time and time again that my opinion doesn't matter. Or if I ask why things need to be done a certain way the answer is "Because I said so". I even get "I don't need a reason" on some things!!

Exit stragedy?... I had a life planned with this woman, we have a child together and apparently another one on the way (Amazing how one time of sex can produce a child...) We almost NEVER have sex, and she accuses me of not wanting to. Not the case! We have to do it when and where...SHE wants. If I don't go to bed with her and 8:00PM...then I am to lave her alone when I climb into bed. Her sleep is more important than anything...after all, she needs to get up at 4:00AM to travel the 6.5 miles to work.... that doesn't official start until 8:00AM.....

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Reged: 08/19/05
Posts: 1906
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ThinkingOfMyKids]
#3312674 - 10/01/07 02:32 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply


Though she now says if I come up negative it's because of a recent sinus infection I had...I was on meds for 2 weeks to clear that up, so the meds will magically take care of this Chlamydia thing too...whatever.


Sounds like a rather poor attempt at gaslighting to me...


Yeah, you have her pegged, she's told me time and time again that my opinion doesn't matter.


To me, that's a definite sign to start planning an exit strategy. I suggest really asking yourself why you want to remain with that woman, particularly as she appears to be quite uninterested in your opinions and concerns.


I had a life planned with this woman, we have a child together and apparently another one on the way (Amazing how one time of sex can produce a child...)


Though I'm usually an advocate for staying together if there are children involved, I suggest this: Ask yourself if your children will be better off being exposed to a situation like yours where the W obviously does not respect the H and apparently feels free to express that.

BH (me)
FWW (her)
05/2003 - 05/2005: EA/PA with former coworker

Recovery Status:
Me? Recovering!
Us? Getting better at it, and learning to tug in the same direction...

"Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will." - J. Nehru

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Reged: 09/30/07
Posts: 15
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ManInMotion]
#3312684 - 10/01/07 02:45 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply


Though I'm usually an advocate for staying together if there are children involved, I suggest this: Ask yourself if your children will be better off being exposed to a situation like yours where the W obviously does not respect the H and apparently feels free to express that.


I guess I should have mentioned that after a fight and she takes the baby to another room, I often hear her telling him "Daddy's such an @sshole" and other such comments....

My sister said it best I think in this situation....
How many years do you want to waste wondering if it is a good time to leave?? Do you want to wake up an old, unhappy man wondering where your life has gone???

..You will be what - 38 in a few months.......how many more years are you going to waste away NOT living the life you want? This is not up to her, not up to me, it is your decision and you have to make it. Change is always hard, but sometimes it is for the best. Unfortunately, you don't have a lot of support in your life and sorry to say, that is your own fault. So start making some changes to prove yourself responsible. It will take time......but it will be worth it. Make a 5 year plan - what do you want your life to be like in 5 years? If you don't start working toward that plan now.....what will your life be like in 5 years....probably exactly the same (if not worse) than it is now so you have nothing to lose!

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Reged: 01/31/02
Posts: 2440
Loc: Europe Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ThinkingOfMyKids]
#3312691 - 10/01/07 02:52 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply


GQ2= General Questions II
you are posting in "Just found out" right now. You'll get more responses if you post your thread in the GQ2 section of this forum.

I think that your wife's behaviour is very disrespectfull. I'd "turn around" the situation and tell her that YOU want her to take a "Lie detector Test"!!

She will only be able to get away with her behaviour if you "don't set your boundaries".


Met 1975/ Married 1980
2 children- 27yo+ 24yo
3 month affair/D-d January 2001
Grandparents since Dec.2005

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Reged: 08/19/05
Posts: 1906
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ThinkingOfMyKids]
#3312700 - 10/01/07 03:06 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply


I guess I should have mentioned that after a fight


Ok, I'd like to stick a pin right there. It usually takes two to have a fight. I think that it's possible to choose by your own behaviour to avoid having a discussion or confrontation turn into a huge fight. It sounds to me like she's very good at "pushing your buttons". The thing is, it's up to you to decide if you want to her allow her to continue doing so. Perhaps its time to look at your behaviour and choose to act, not react, so confrontations do not escalate.


and she takes the baby to another room, I often hear her telling him "Daddy's such an @sshole" and other such comments....


This is highly disrespectful of her, and falls in line with her other behaviour. Have you spoken to her about this? How have you approached the subject - by making demands that she stop, or by indicating how you feel when it occurs?

BH (me)
FWW (her)
05/2003 - 05/2005: EA/PA with former coworker

Recovery Status:
Me? Recovering!
Us? Getting better at it, and learning to tug in the same direction...

"Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will." - J. Nehru

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Reged: 04/22/03
Posts: 1336
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ManInMotion]
#3312720 - 10/01/07 03:28 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

ThinkingOfMyKids..............my EX wife did the same thing to me.............accused me of cheating and stating that she hated cheaters all the time. She always threatened to leave me instantly if I cheated on her. I had numerous opportunities to have an affair and never did. Well, she was the one who actually HAD more than one affair.

I think the ones that always talk about hating cheaters and pushing off the blame are only covering up for wanting to (actually doing it) cheat.

Its a way for a cheater to make themselves feel better, and less guilty in some sick a$$ way. *rolls eyes*

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Reged: 09/30/07
Posts: 15
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ManInMotion]
#3312727 - 10/01/07 03:38 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply


This is highly disrespectful of her, and falls in line with her other behaviour. Have you spoken to her about this? How have you approached the subject - by making demands that she stop, or by indicating how you feel when it occurs?


I constantly tell her I refuse to argue/fight in front of the baby. I am VERY conscious of that!! Perhaps fight was too powerful a word in that post. When we talk, we disagree almost 90% of the time...on every subject.

When it does happen, after the baby is in another room or in bed. I ask her to please not do it in front of the baby. She says it's my fault. I'm the one pushing her buttons... I don't think I do though.

I've learned that one a while ago though. I refuse to continue when it happens in front of the baby. I simply walk away.

And now... as I walk away and don't say anything, she says I'm "remarkably calm for someone who thinks his wife cheated on him" So I must yet again be the guilty one...

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Reged: 09/30/07
Posts: 15
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ThinkingOfMyKids]
#3312740 - 10/01/07 03:49 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply



This is highly disrespectful of her, and falls in line with her other behaviour. Have you spoken to her about this? How have you approached the subject - by making demands that she stop, or by indicating how you feel when it occurs?


I constantly tell her I refuse to argue/fight in front of the baby. I am VERY conscious of that!! Perhaps fight was too powerful a word in that post. When we talk, we disagree almost 90% of the time...on every subject.

When it does happen, after the baby is in another room or in bed. I ask her to please not do it in front of the baby. She says it's my fault. I'm the one pushing her buttons... I don't think I do though.

I've learned that one a while ago though. I refuse to continue when it happens in front of the baby. I simply walk away.

And now... as I walk away and don't say anything, she says I'm "remarkably calm for someone who thinks his wife cheated on him" So I must yet again be the guilty one...


You took the words right out of my mouth. And I've told her that repeatedly. Her reply is always the same. "If I wanted to cheat on you I've have your @ss removed first, and believe me, I've had PLENTY of opportunity to do it... but I'm not a cheater!"

Why tell me about all the opportunities? To make me feel special that she hasn't?

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Reged: 09/30/07
Posts: 15
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: StartinOver]
#3312744 - 10/01/07 03:54 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply


ThinkingOfMyKids..............my EX wife did the same thing to me.............accused me of cheating and stating that she hated cheaters all the time. She always threatened to leave me instantly if I cheated on her. I had numerous opportunities to have an affair and never did. Well, she was the one who actually HAD more than one affair.

I think the ones that always talk about hating cheaters and pushing off the blame are only covering up for wanting to (actually doing it) cheat.

Its a way for a cheater to make themselves feel better, and less guilty in some sick a$$ way. *rolls eyes*


You took the words right out of my mouth. And I've told her that repeatedly. Her reply is always the same. "If I wanted to cheat on you I've have your @ss removed first, and believe me, I've had PLENTY of opportunity to do it... but I'm not a cheater!"

Why tell me about all the opportunities? To make me feel special that she hasn't?

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Reged: 10/05/05
Posts: 594
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ThinkingOfMyKids]
#3312750 - 10/01/07 04:14 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

It sounds like she's gaslighting you... You need to start snooping and become your own private investigator. Look up bluenote, he's really good at it! His thread is on GQ. Maybe he'll share some tips with you?)

I wouldn't doubt it if the baby isn't yours... insist on DNA when he/she is born.


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Reged: 11/03/06
Posts: 2434
Loc: St. Louis Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: familycomesfirst]
#3312759 - 10/01/07 04:29 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

The best defense is a good offense.

Based on her recent interactions with you, I think that she knows she's busted unless she can convince you that she thinks you gave it to her. I would definitely ask her to take a lie detector test and get a DNA test to make sure the child is yours.


BS - 26 (me)
FWW - 28
Married 8/31/03
No kids (but 2 cats)
D-Days - 8/25/06 (EA), 11/3/06 (PA)
NC agreed to - 11/8/06
NC broken - 11/28/06, 12/16/06, 1/18/07, 1/26/07, 1/27/07
Status - In Recovery
Jim's Story

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Reged: 08/23/05
Posts: 568
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: jmwc95]
#3312763 - 10/01/07 04:36 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

I had a friend once who had that STD. She thought her husband cheated on her too. The doctor told her that she could have contracted it years ago during her single days- because hers was so bad. She'd never been tested for STD's before.

Something to think about.

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Reged: 08/19/05
Posts: 1906
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ThinkingOfMyKids]
#3312771 - 10/01/07 04:52 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply


I constantly tell her I refuse to argue/fight in front of the baby. I am VERY conscious of that!! Perhaps fight was too powerful a word in that post. When we talk, we disagree almost 90% of the time...on every subject.

When it does happen, after the baby is in another room or in bed. I ask her to please not do it in front of the baby. She says it's my fault. I'm the one pushing her buttons... I don't think I do though.


Firstly, do you let her know what her behaviour means to YOU? I can understand why you don't want to have such behaviour exhibited in front of your child, but that's not all that concerns you, right?

Secondly, it sounds like she's not taking any responsibility for HER actions. Even if you are "pushing her buttons" (BTW - next time she claims that, ask her what is it that you're doing that causing that problem), she can CHOOSE to respond in a manner that's not highly disrespectful, just like you can CHOOSE to respond in a manner that does not cause the argument to escalate.

Unfortunately, IMO not taking responsibility for one's behaviour (i.e. always blaming it on "reactions" to something else) is another sign of a wayward-capable person. My FWW exhibited that a lot, and still exhibits it at times.


I've learned that one a while ago though. I refuse to continue when it happens in front of the baby. I simply walk away.

And now... as I walk away and don't say anything


That's the thing - perhaps you should not just walk away without saying anything. Perhaps instead you should say WHY it is that you're choosing not to continue the conversation any further, and suggest that you may be open to talking about the topic again later when things have calmed down a bit.


she says I'm "remarkably calm for someone who thinks his wife cheated on him" So I must yet again be the guilty one...


That just sounds like more gaslighting, IMO. She's trying to make you feel even more guilty for feeling the way you do about her.

"Orchid" has some interesting threads on reverse-babble. Perhaps we need a thread on "reverse-gaslighting" too...

BH (me)
FWW (her)
05/2003 - 05/2005: EA/PA with former coworker

Recovery Status:
Me? Recovering!
Us? Getting better at it, and learning to tug in the same direction...

"Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will." - J. Nehru

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Junior Member

Reged: 09/30/07
Posts: 15
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ManInMotion]
#3313246 - 10/02/07 01:55 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

I can't do anything anymore.....
She had me arrested lastnight. under FALSE PRETENSES!!! I went home after work, didn't say a word to her, fixed my own dinner, went upstairs to notice ALL my clothes all over the bedroom floor.

Shortly after that the cops were knockign onthe door, they took me away saying I threatened her life, told her I would kidnap my son, and that I back handed her, and pushed her into a door.


Now... I can't go home, restraining order, can't contact her in any way DON'T WANT TO!!! Can't get my mail, and can't go anywhere she goes within 1000 yards.

At my arraignment this morning I had 3 Class A Misdemeaors against me. 1 simple assault on her 2 simple assualt on the unborn child 3 criminal threatening.


And here's the part I really enjoy... I can't do ANYTHING about seeing my son until after my court date. 12/13/07
That's 10 weeks!!!! Thus is not right at all.

I have no address anymore so I have to wait and call tomorrow to find out if I qualify for a court appointed attorney.... she was the bread winner of the family... and she's taken everything out of the joint accounts already.

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Reged: 09/30/07
Posts: 15
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ThinkingOfMyKids]
#3313249 - 10/02/07 02:00 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

OH yeah.... when i got to work today (after 12:00) I had an email from her...

"Sorry for the way things turned out last night, I just wanted you to leave quietly"

WTF is that?!?!?!! Except for a ploy to get me to reply. She knows I can't. I WANT TO...to say if you wanted me gone quietly why didn't you just leave me alone and let me finish packing????

She's so full of sh*t!

I'm starting to think that all this is a way for her to look good in her parents eyes when the baby comes out and it's not mine, if I'm already out of her life, they will never know it's not mine.

Coniving B*tch!!

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Reged: 10/05/05
Posts: 594
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ThinkingOfMyKids]
#3313329 - 10/02/07 04:05 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

Wow... you need a lawyer fast.

Do not respond to her but keep the email she sent. Do you have family you can stay with?


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Reged: 10/05/05
Posts: 594
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: familycomesfirst]
#3313330 - 10/02/07 04:06 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

Also, consider posting in GQ, there is a lot more traffic and you'd get more responses.


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Reged: 09/30/07
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Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: familycomesfirst]
#3313333 - 10/02/07 04:12 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

I am not replying to anything.

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Reged: 11/09/05
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Loc: Wiscowsin Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ThinkingOfMyKids]
#3313340 - 10/02/07 04:27 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

You Called???

Save that email. Make sure you lawyer see it / has a copy of it. It proves that she wanted you out of the house and can be used in your defense.

BTW: She is NOT the first WW to have pulled this stunt.


*** Warning *** Make sure brain is engaged before shifting mouth out of Neutral.

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Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: walkingthefield]
#3313363 - 10/02/07 05:21 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

NO! I have not called or emailed or anything... in fact I was waiting 500yrds away from the house today @ 2:00 for my police escort so I could grab the rest of my stuff... they never showed. And i was strong (and smart) enough NOT to go there and grab it anyway.

I feel good right now. No one to answer to.... nice feeling. Oh, and Friday I get paid! I don't have to transfer it to the "household" account! That will be strange!

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Reged: 08/19/05
Posts: 1906
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ThinkingOfMyKids]
#3313366 - 10/02/07 05:35 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply


I can't do anything anymore.....


I'm sorry to hear how things have turned out.

Keep that e-mail, and I don't mean just a paper copy. The electronic copy will have Internet headers included that can be used to determine where and when it was sent. If you can prove that she had you thrown of your own home under false pretenses...

Do you have a trusted friend that can snoop on her? Now's the time to gather as much evidence as possible of any A-related activity on her part (unknown men entering/leaving the home, etc).

BH (me)
FWW (her)
05/2003 - 05/2005: EA/PA with former coworker

Recovery Status:
Me? Recovering!
Us? Getting better at it, and learning to tug in the same direction...

"Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will." - J. Nehru

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Reged: 11/03/06
Posts: 2434
Loc: St. Louis Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ThinkingOfMyKids]
#3313382 - 10/02/07 06:12 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

That email is a smoking gun. She just admitted to filing a false police report in as many words. Get a lawyer now, and get her tossed out of the house. Find out who she is having the affair with. Expose her to all her friends and family.

Move this post over to the GQII forum.


BS - 26 (me)
FWW - 28
Married 8/31/03
No kids (but 2 cats)
D-Days - 8/25/06 (EA), 11/3/06 (PA)
NC agreed to - 11/8/06
NC broken - 11/28/06, 12/16/06, 1/18/07, 1/26/07, 1/27/07
Status - In Recovery
Jim's Story

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Reged: 10/12/05
Posts: 2428
Loc: 200 miles north of Wapakoneta,... Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: jmwc95]
#3313668 - 10/03/07 09:33 AM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

I presume you are moving in with family.

SAVE as much money as you can to fight this thing. Eat Raman noodles and banana's every day so you can save money to fight her.

However...do buy a voice activated digital tape recorder and carry it with you so you can record any conversations she does have with you n the coming months. IF she calls you...you can speak to her (and just maybe get her recorded confessing she filed a false report). What state are you in...this matters because in some states it's illegal to record phone calls without the consent of both parties. Other states it's perfectly legal.

I can almost guarantee you the baby isn't yours and she knows it (won't stop her from trying to make it yours if she thinks she can get more support from you than the real father). I will be interested to see if the baby happens to come out a different ethnicity.

Were you married previously??? What happened??? You don't have to roll over this time. At the very least the court will give you every other weekend and one weekday visitation as long as you seek it and follow through with it. Eventually...when your wife falls apart and you get the fundage necessary to fight for more...you can seek a modification.

Finally...children grow up. At some age they are able to indicate to the court where THEY choose to live or they turn 18 and can have a relationship with whomeever they choose. Your children will not be gone forever no matter what your wife does. Maintain hope for the future...it will get better. Just conduct yourself with dignity and integrity. In the end...YOU WIN, no matter what.

YOU will make it.

Mr. Wondering

p.s. - I'd consider taking the offensive position and filing for divorce first based upon adultery. Her behavior gives ME a 98% certainty she's been or being unfaithful. You have circumstantial evidence indicating the same (her STD and you are clean) which would likely place the burden on her to refute your claim. Your "abuse" charges are separate and the divorce judge will likely see it as a ruse (though they are very hesitant to trust a man charged with abuse because just one mistake will ruin their legal careers...however, they can disregard it when making other decisions...like temporary custody orders). You see...in a divorce petition you MAY be able to seek a temporary custody order within the next two weeks wherein you get visitation with your son. You don't HAVE to wait until December to clear your name...and then await your wife's "allowing" you visitation. You HAVE to seek it yourself and stand up for yourself legally.

I know money is tight....but TRY. Get a second job. Occupy the extra time you have right now making money to build up a legal war chest. It's much better than burrying yourself in self-pity and depression. Your life IS NOT over.

FBH(me)-40 FWW-38 DD-Age 7 Dday-April 2005
Married-August, 16, 1997
Happily Married
email - the_wonderings@yahoo.com
Pep's - Carrot & Stick of Plan A

"The definition of fanaticism is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result" - Wayne Campbell and/or Wayne Newton

BEWARE, OWL crochets, which makes him a WISE HOOKER

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Reged: 10/05/05
Posts: 594
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ThinkingOfMyKids]
#3313695 - 10/03/07 10:03 AM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply


I'm starting to think that all this is a way for her to look good in her parents eyes when the baby comes out and it's not mine, if I'm already out of her life, they will never know it's not mine.

Coniving B*tch!!


You can request DNA... you may have to cough up the cash for it, but it would be WELL worth it.

Then, if it isn't yours, you out her to anyone you can.

How far along is she?


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Reged: 08/19/05
Posts: 1906
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: MrWondering]
#3313743 - 10/03/07 11:08 AM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply


I'd consider taking the offensive position and filing for divorce first based upon adultery. Her behavior gives ME a 98% certainty she's been or being unfaithful. You have circumstantial evidence indicating the same (her STD and you are clean) which would likely place the burden on her to refute your claim....


I think that's a pretty good idea.

BH (me)
FWW (her)
05/2003 - 05/2005: EA/PA with former coworker

Recovery Status:
Me? Recovering!
Us? Getting better at it, and learning to tug in the same direction...

"Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will." - J. Nehru

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Reged: 10/05/05
Posts: 594
Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ManInMotion]
#3313848 - 10/03/07 01:28 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

First off, have you been tested yet for the clamydia, and what were the results if so?

If you come back clean, like the others said it would be best for you to file first. When you file, mention the fact you guys have had very little sex and that you question the paternity of the child she is carrying. You will want to "strike first" so to speak.

Hopefully she is brazen enough that she will keep emailing you. I doubt she understands the seriousness of what she filed against you and how bad she'll look for contacting you like that.


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Reged: 09/30/07
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Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: familycomesfirst]
#3314062 - 10/03/07 10:45 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

How do i move this threat over to GQ2?
I thought of filing fisrt too... emotional abuse and infidelity.

I just don't have the $ to file the paperwork though.

I live in NH. i went to go get some things from the house yesterday but the cops weren't available. I waited down the street fromt he house as the restraining order says.... for over an hour. Called the PD and they told me the officer was redispatched to an accident and they didn't know when they'd get to me. So I tried again tonight. 7:30PM.

SHE WON'T LET ME IN NOW.... The way she opened the door ...she was hiding something. I didn't think of it at all untill after the cops made me leave...EMPTY HANDED.

She had that door open just enough to pop her head out the door. What was she hiding???? WHO was she hiding????

There was NO REASON to have me put on a restraining order! I WAS LEAVING ON MY OWN....nice and quiet.

What happened from Sunday afetrnoon traveling to the northern outlet shops as a family til Manday evening after work when she tried to get me to argue with her...and I wouldn't so she calls the cops lying that I hit her?????

my thouhgts now are this. She's terrified of what her father will do when he finds out she was the one that cheated, and this child isn't mine. If I'm gone, and she bad mouths me to her family... I'm ousted and they won't listen to me. I'm gone.... this kid comes out and looks like her and????? if not me... I'm not there to say "See!! That's not my kid!!"

I think she had a 1 night fling and REGRETS it... and is scared that it might not be mine, so better hurry up and get me gone.

Oh... she's 3-4 months along now too.

Cops say don't reply to the emails or phone calls, i'll go to jail if I do. That's bogus!!! SHE puts a RO on ME and then emails me???? talk about trying to set me up.....

I wish i never had that Vegas wedding for $55!!
but....I do love my son, and i would have loved the next one if it was mine..... if it IS mine (highly doubtful now though)

Someone move this thread for me?

oih and the 2nd job thing... already been trying!!
thanks everyone.

I had my test done on Tuesday morning. I shoudl hear back by friday...

Just cuz I'mt he guy doesn't make me the @sshole by defualt!

Edited by ThinkingOfMyKids (10/03/07 10:46 PM)

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Reged: 11/03/06
Posts: 2434
Loc: St. Louis Re: She's Pregnant, tests show STD - thinks I cheated [Re: ThinkingOfMyKids]
#3314067 - 10/03/07 11:22 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

Get the money. I don't care what family member you have to hit up, do it. Otherwise, you might just lose custody of your child for life. You cannot take that risk. You need to lawyer up now. Otherwise, you are guilty of the charges (in the family court's eyes) by failing to respond to the charges.


BS - 26 (me)
FWW - 28
Married 8/31/03
No kids (but 2 cats)
D-Days - 8/25/06 (EA), 11/3/06 (PA)
NC agreed to - 11/8/06
NC broken - 11/28/06, 12/16/06, 1/18/07, 1/26/07, 1/27/07
Status - In Recovery
Jim's Story


BS - 32 (me)
FWW - 33
Married 8/31/03
No kids (but 3 cats)
D-Days - 8/25/06 (EA), 11/3/06 (PA)
NC agreed to - 11/8/06
NC broken - 11/28/06, 12/16/06, 1/18/07, 1/26/07, 1/27/07
Status - In Recovery
Jim's Story
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Unfortunately, New Hampshire is a two party consent state for taping telephone conversations.

Still a good idea to record your conversations...just in case she says something that exonerates you.

My presumption here is she WILL eventually call you.

Here is a link to a resource about recording telephone conversations.


One way around these laws is using internet phone service. It's still up for debate but the telephone privacy laws apply to recording voice conversations..."recording" internet phone conversations is really recording data...not voice.

Plus...the New Hampshire law doesn't apply to interstate calls. IF a out of state family member called her and recorded her saying something to exonerate you...and they recorded it...it wouldn't be illegal (I believe Federal law applies...even if they too reside in a 2 party consent state but to be sure...hopefully they are in a one party state)

Good luck...you've got a tough one but in the end...

YOU will make it.

I promise,

Mr. Wondering

FBH(me)-51 FWW-49 (MrsWondering)
DD19 DS 22 Dday-2005-Recovered

"agree to disagree" = Used when one wants to reject the objective reality of the situation and hopefully replace it with their own.
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Here is a site that I found with some information. I'm not sure if it will help or not. Do some research in your area and see if you can get any help. A support group or father's advocacy group might be able to assist you with advice.

Lay low, she filed a false report on you. Hopefully it will unravel on her.

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My 2 cents:

You stated that it is SHE who initiates sex, and she initiated it the last time. The time she got pg. Could it be that she had an oopsie and had sex with you to cover up, "just in case"? People can be really devious. Another reason to get paternity testing.

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are you still around???


Me-46yo + Husband-49yo
Met 1975/ Married 1980
H had 3 month affair/D-d January 2001
Grandparents since Dec.2005
Recovered and moving on and we're looking forward to the years ahead!
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thought Marriage Builders was about saving marriages where possible. I think that a lot of the advice offered here is not geared to that. Why are we rushing to assume W had an affair leading to this pregnancy when there is so much (and easily available) evidence that there might be a more logical reason for this?

Chlamydia CAN be dormant in women. A change in body functions such as a lowering of resistance caused by pregnancy CAN be the kicker to wake it up. So your wife COULD have had dormant Chlamydia for years. Pregnancy can also seriously alter a woman‘s hormone levels, making them even less mentally predictable for us men than normal.

Dormant Chlamydia would not pass from your wife to you. Therefore you are still clean.

Here are some quotes from the enclosed link:

"It is possible that your one friend has Chlamydia even though the lab test is negative. This is because the Chlamydia organism doesn't always show up on the test, even though it may be present. It has a lot to do with the type of test and the way the specimen is collected."

"Chlamydia can lie dormant in the body for extended periods of time, with little or no symptoms. This is especially true in the female."


"Chlamydia is a very common sexually transmitted disease that can lie undetected in a woman for years. This is because in around 80% of women there are no symptoms at all, and it is an infection that is not picked up on routine Pap smears. You need to have a specific Chlamydia test done to confirm the diagnosis."

"In my practice, I have found that occasionally someone has contracted the infection from a sexual liaison years beforehand"

PLEASE calm down. Google Chlamydia dormant pregnancy and read about it. Gather the links together along with your results and find some legal way to get the info to your wife.

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thought Marriage Builders was about saving marriages where possible. I think that a lot of the advice offered here is not geared to that. Why are we rushing to assume W had an affair leading to this pregnancy when there is so much (and easily available) evidence that there might be a more logical reason for this?

Well this is kind of why I think it is not healthy to try and save marriages at any cost. Let me see if I have this straight:

-He has never cheated on his wife.
-She accused him of cheating.
-Had him removed from his own home
-Had him jailed with false accusations
-Accused him of having a STD.
-He can no longer see his son

Add on top of that her behavior. She has already spent all of the guy’s money so now it is probably time to discard him. What more should a person like this put up with. I realize that a lot of people think you should save a marriage at all costs but I don't agree. I personally don't think you should even consider taking back a WS unless they immediately ask for forgiveness and stop seeing the OP. I also realize that a lot of people disagree with my point of view and that is OK.

I still can't help but think if a woman was thrown out of her home and in jail with false accusations and not allowed to see her children what kind of advice would people give her? Would they tell her she needs to suck it up and accept this behavior and be nice to him? It just seems that if this happens to a man people don't consider it that bad? This is why men end up without their kids and homes when they allow their spouse to cheat on them and abuse them and then they don’t realize it is a war at this point.

ThinkingOfMyKids we are all just amateurs trying to do the best we can. You have a lawyer so take their advice and stay out of trouble. I would think that if she has a child and DNA shows it is not yours well she may have some explaining to do on any custody battle. My point is don’t get steamrolled and if you want to save things with her later maybe it is possible but when a person blocks you from seeing your children and has you thrown in jail do not sit back and take it. If you do you may end up with nothing.

Again, just my opinion.

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I'm in self preservation mode. I was arrested cuz SHE called the cops on me. I am homeless and away from my 2 year old boy because she called the cops on me. My life is in a whirlwind right now because she has an STD, I don't care when she got it, but she accused me of cheating on her and that's how she got it. She told me she was tested when she was pregnant with our son and came up clean... so is it possible that this dormant STD STAYED DORMANT throgh THAT pregnancy and not this one? If not, then the point STILL is she's lieing, trying to pin it on me, and cheated SINCE the birth of my son!

I have gotten 2 more emails form her, one sent directly to me, and one either accidently sent to me, purposely BCC'd to me, or just sent to me as a ploy that she sent it to someone else.

And now she is calling and emailing my exwife and hassling her!! Which is in effect hindering my abilities to re-establish a relationship with my children from that marriage.....

Why am I quick to get out?!?!?! I'm NOT!!! THIS type of behavior from her has been going on for THREE YEARS!! I've been doing everything i can think of to try to make this work. Whatever i do just doesn't go though. I have no life, no opinion, no nothing. It's 100% her way or no way. I'm CONSTANTLY being told "Because i said so" and "I don't need a reason". Is that a way a marriage should be??? No...

i was willing to accept it and just exist in the marriage so that I could be with my son 24/7 365. please remember, SHE removed ME.

Yes I was packing my things with no where to go... but that's just it... i was packing my things...with no where to go. i would have sucked it up, known my wife is lieing to me, calling me a loser, most likely cheating on me cuz she has ZERO respect for me... but I would have my son!!!!!

thanks for moving this...


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here is the email that somehow made it to my mailbox...i wonder what she's up to now?

First one rec'd today 6:45PM

I got a call from her cell to mine @ 6:07PM... about the time she's been getting home, though she's supposed to clock out @ 5 and we live 10-15 minutes away... I did not answer the phone, but I had a hunch she wanted to yell at me for things I took from the Civil Standy today. Which by the way, she went through EVERY box and approved or denied my taking it. The officer accompanying me followed what she said...

Further thought was that she might pissed that I took MY wireless router off the cable modem. She can still connect her laptop to the cable modem but i'm not sure she knows how, so at 6:39PM I called our ISP support and asked them to call her (as i can't) to walk her through how to do that. Apparently my hunch was dead on....
I did not realize you took all the routers from the house leaving me with none. Thanks for the civility.
How's your ex-wife? I heard you have called every day for the last 3 or 4 days. Again, predictible.

I'm sorry I tried to help you at all. Best of luck to you.
You will not hear from me again.

Second email rec'd 8:37PM
Preface: there is no email address in the "to" field, she's smart enough to know how to use the BCC feild..
J -

FYI...don't use my *email address removed* ONLY edit I made in this quote- account for any emails please. My husband monitors that one...and he locked me out.

I am so furious right now. When I got home, I found out Steve smuggled out all the wireless routers today. I did not realize that during the Civil Standby. I was left with no internet connection and a broken ethernet cable. I had to get a new ethernet cable to get back up and running. Piss me off...a waste of my time.

I am also more certain than ever that he was cheating on me...although maybe not with his ex. She has always been truthful with me (I think) and we had a good "chat" today. Gaver her an earful she did not want to hear, but was glad I told her all I did. His ex thinks he is a pig anyway...still. She always thought he was a liar and a cheat...so now we both know the truth.

So anyway, I found this elaborate set-up in a back room in the basement. Phone, cable/internet connection, CDs...what a friggin pig. That must have been where he downloaded his porn I found...and how he called his girlfriend late at night. Oh yeah not sure if I told you, he actually accused me of "planting" the porn on his computer Monday night when we were fighting.

I think given all I have leared and found, it is safe to say he was cheating...but wait he accused me of that!
I am so disgusted and I hate him more than ever.

I was so mad about the routers and the friggin basement "smut set-up", I called the cops just to get the router thing on record and I find out that it is a violation of his bail and the Protective Order. Whoops! I really hope he goes striaght to jail right about now. No wait, better yet he should run off and hide in Florida again.

How could I be married to someone like this? Someone I never really knew at all...and I let him sleep in this house night after night???

I have Right Networks sweeping all my computers and servers now for the key logging software and other monitoring things Steve used in the past.
Locks have been changed...and alarm installed today. (thank god for emergency services) And we will be moving.

I was the best thing that ever happened to him even though he would never admit it now...I hope he rots in a tiny little jail cell.


I began official paperwork today for the next step. It is time to move on and walk away from this part of my life.

I will be up for a few hours reading about the alarm system. IM me if you want.

- L

I have no clue who "J" is... maybe her sister "Jaclyn" but then again, this could be a ploy that she sent it to "J" but as there is no address int he "to" feild, she could very well have just sent it to me... more to the point, why did I even get this?????

I can explain each and every accusation in this eamil too. If anyone knows how VOip works and you have 2 different sets of cordless phones, the base needs to be plugged into a phone jack... there were NO other outlets for the phone except for the one inthe back room of the basement...next to the noisy furnace/AC unit. it was only there to get the 2nd cordless to work...and never used. heck i think the plastic LED protectors are still on it!

The email address thing... lies! send an email to it and you get a non-deliverable report.. I deleted her account, per her request over the weekend....

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oh yeah... "J" can't be her sister... she would never refer to me as "her husband" to her sister.

And the broken ethernet cable is crap too. I MADE CERTAIN I broke NOTHING in the house and didn't touch anything she would say was 100% hers...

Odd how I call the ISP at 6:39 and 6 minutes later I get an email... there is NO WAY she made it to a store that is close enough to home, went back home, and connected from the time i got the phone call on my cell, till the time she eamiled me. NO WAY.

I called my exwife to talk to her this time... to verify my wife called her, she said yes, she called her work and left a message, then emailed her. there was no "chat" as refernced in the email I got.

My Ex asked to be kept out of this, i apologized to her and asked if it was still OK for me to see the kids... her response "I have to go, i don't want to deal with this, i have my own problems to deal with" and she hung up as I herard her saying some explicits...

i'd say mission accomplished on my wife's part!

correction, soon to be exwife!

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I’m not excusing her behavior. Far from it. I am 100% certain that IF you two get together again you better head off for MC ASAP.

But put yourself in her shoes:
*She get’s the news she has a STD.
*She has been faithful so she assumes YOU gave it to her (just like you automatically assume she has been unfaithful since you are clean).
*She is pregnant. The STD is a threat to her health and to the health of her unborn child.
*Add that to 3 years of a troubled marriage.
*Add to the hormonal changes in a woman in pregnancy.
I wouldn’t be surprised if SHE were posting on an infidelity site: “I’m pregnant and my WH gave me an STD”. Imagine the advice she is getting…

Once again: get someone to contact her with your results and some info on dormant Chlamydia. Her OB, your MD, a nurse, your pastor, a joint friend, your lawyer, her lawyer…. Anyone. You claim you want to stay with your son – well work for it.

Maybe you two are destined for divorce but at least make her say she wants a divorce for real reasons. If nothing else then if she carries on with her actions after she has been offered the true reason for the STD then you have a better shot at custody. Her actions do not indicate a stable mind.

Has anyone suggested TOMK “suck it up and accept it”? All I am offering is a LOGICAL and very VIABLE reason for why the STD was found, how it came to be and suggestions on how to calm the waters.

I strongly encourage you to look up MB heroes here like Dazedandconfused and Hopethisworks. These guys went through [email]H@ll[/email] and back on the advice and guidance of the Harleys to save their marriages. True not every marriage should be saved but what TOMK is relatively easy to set right. Seeing as there really is no infidelity in play.

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the "setup" my adoring "wife" refers to...
this is a server she gave me. SHE wanted me to set it up in the basement. We connected our big screen tv to it and have a wireless keyboard/mouse in the living room...it never worked though.

I really like the part about the fighting we had too... there was no fight, i was packing my stuff calmly remember? She came upstairs and smacked me across the face whiel i was on my knees picking up my socks that were all over the floor. And then told me about the smut she found on the PC. I jumped up and yelled "what?!!?" She jumped back, tripped over the closthes that were all over the room, backed into the half open door which poked the doornob through the wall by the way. So there is her proof that i hit her I guess, after all, how else would that hole get there right???

I went down stairs and asked her where the smut was, she said "Its not on your laptop, it's downstairs ont he server" I went down there... saw it, and immediately deleted it! NOT to get rid of somethign I did... to get rid of that garbage of what i thought was my PC....

The snooping software she talks about... yep, I did do that IN THE PAST...as I said, i've been dealing with this from her for THREE YEARS.

I don't beleive I've mentioned this part yet...

We got married on a whim in Vegas. I was being set for work, she didn't want me to go. I asked my boss if i could take her with me, he said sure... While there I found out she had bought a $180 victoria Secret bathing suit and sat out by the pool whiel i worked 7am-7pm.... i personally never saw the suit, just the bill!

Vegas is Vegas baby.... $55 later I was hitched. MISTAKE!!!!!

One week later we were home and it was my turn to have my kids form my previous marriage. I saw the exwife face to face and told her that I was remarried. BUT... before I saw her, my new wife calls me and asks what i'm up to for lunch. I didn't want to worry her so i told her I was having lunch with a Vito ... a co-worker. I had EVERY intention of telling my new wife that I saw my ex and told her about my new marriage, when i got home...so i could tell her face to face...instead of over the phone and to amek sure she didn't worry about anything...in case she would. well to this day, just one week after my vows, my new wife thinks i cheat on her with the ex and i'm a liar..... I've explained this to her a million times, I just didn't want her to worry and had every intention of telling her when I got home. She somehow found out on her own between lunch and 5:30... to this day i still dont' know how she did.

on the flip side of this. The man she lived with for ten years... she sent him a nice lovely long email about how she had gone on a trip "just to get away from it all" told him about all the fun and daring things she did in Vegas and the Grand Canyon...even sent pictures of herself on the strip and hiking the Canyon.... funny though... not 1 picture she sent him had me in it. not one word of how she went WITH ME.... or that little part abotu her last name changing... then...get this... she signs the email "Love Les"

i found this on our new laptop as a married couple on accident... she left her email open. i sent a copy to myslef and read it from time to time when she tries to tell me what a loser I am....

She sent him my favortite picture of her....it's tainted now. i can't look at it without thinking of that email.

I just let my ex knwo i was married face to face... she never told her ex and signed a letter "love"?!?!??!

So yeah... after that email i would from time to time fine new snooping software and check to see if she was doing what she constantly accused me of. Ad i would call her on things when I needed to. What happened from there you ask....

I was the @sshole for snooping and I need to get out.

That went on throughout our 1st year.. then i actually listened and left. 2 months went by. It was the holiday season and as a married man i should be with my wife... So I called and we talked and I went back on "day trips' to try things out...another month or 2 goes by and she tells me she's pregnant. I move back in and 9 months later I deliver my little boy. yep... I delivered him!!!

The baby brought us back to where we should have been. or did he? Maybe he was just a distraction from all the problems we have with each other. I didn't much care, i loved him more than anything, still do, and would do anything to keep him safe. I stayed home with him and she went to work. My line of work was contracual and the contract was up for renewal, we agreed it was smarter for her to go back to work for the bennifits as my contract didn't have any.

So my son and I bonded even more so as I was the primary care giver.

Now though... now I'm just a loser who mooched of her.

Now that all my money is 100% gone. She just recently got a 9K bonus and is pretty much gauranteed at least that every 6 months, all on topof her 70K/yr salary (at keast that what she told me she makes) she doesn't "need me" anymore... or my $16/hr minus child support from a previous marriage paycheck. So I guess instead of me leaving again, she wanted to make sure the story goes that she had me tossed out....

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I’m not excusing her behavior. Far from it. I am 100% certain that IF you two get together again you better head off for MC ASAP.

But put yourself in her shoes:
*She get’s the news she has a STD.
*She has been faithful so she assumes YOU gave it to her (just like you automatically assume she has been unfaithful since you are clean).
*She is pregnant. The STD is a threat to her health and to the health of her unborn child.
*Add that to 3 years of a troubled marriage.
*Add to the hormonal changes in a woman in pregnancy.
I wouldn’t be surprised if SHE were posting on an infidelity site: “I’m pregnant and my WH gave me an STD”. Imagine the advice she is getting…

Once again: get someone to contact her with your results and some info on dormant Chlamydia. Her OB, your MD, a nurse, your pastor, a joint friend, your lawyer, her lawyer…. Anyone. You claim you want to stay with your son – well work for it.

Maybe you two are destined for divorce but at least make her say she wants a divorce for real reasons. If nothing else then if she carries on with her actions after she has been offered the true reason for the STD then you have a better shot at custody. Her actions do not indicate a stable mind.

Has anyone suggested TOMK “suck it up and accept it”? All I am offering is a LOGICAL and very VIABLE reason for why the STD was found, how it came to be and suggestions on how to calm the waters.

I strongly encourage you to look up MB heroes here like Dazedandconfused and Hopethisworks. These guys went through [email]H@ll[/email] and back on the advice and guidance of the Harleys to save their marriages. True not every marriage should be saved but what TOMK is relatively easy to set right. Seeing as there really is no infidelity in play.

I did put myself in her shoes... all weekend before I decided I needed to leave. I was trying harder to prove to her i din't cheat than accusing her of cheating. I stayed up litterally all night all weekend googleing this disease tryign to find some shred of evidence that there was another way to catch this... there isn't.

Bottom line, if Chlamydia can be dormant and shows up during pregnancy, it should have shown up in her 1st...but didn't. Since then I have not left the house. More over, I have not cheated since I met this woman, never mind since our marriage. yes, even when i left the first time for 2 or so months. So that still elaves the question... how did this come into our lives? our marriage? There is only 3 ways to get it, and all 3 should ONLY be done with your partner you are married to!!!!

It still remains.... if I dind't cheat, (and my test results came back clean too btw) how does she have it now? AFTER the first baby?

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From what I have read then the theory is that when pregnant the immune system can lower its guard. Possibly only for a short time (several days or even weeks) but then recovers.
So why now but not during her last pregnancy? Well here are some ideas:
She was obviously younger then. Perhaps she was healthier.
By your own admission the marriage has been hard for 3 years. Could lead to stress that can lower the immune system.
Perhaps it simply wasn’t diagnosed back then.

At least get the info to her. I strongly recommend you use your MD or her OB. Then he/she can also tell you WHY it didn’t come forth last time.

Look – I am not blind to this possibly being infidelity but I am in no hurry welcoming you to our club. I have been through infidelity once before and am not too eager in adding to our membership. Yes it’s also entirely possible that she was unfaithful from the time of last child to now but to me her actions seem like confusion rather than an elaborate ploy to get you out of the marriage.

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I spoke with an OB friend of mine. He confirmed that it can be undetected for many years because most don't show any symptoms and unless there is a specific test for it, you probably don't know you have it. he said it was a most common form of STD and lots of people are out there with no idea that they have it due to lack of any indication. Said it was entirely possible that it was there for the previous pregnancy but was undetected. More doctors are checking for it now so maybe this time there was a test but previously there wasn't one. The doctors records would indicate if a previous test was done and the results.

I don't have an opinion one way or the other...just wanted you to know.

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I would get a paternity test after the baby is born. You can do it by mail, and just need a cheek swab. That way you will know if the child is yours, just in case the marriage doesn't work out.

You already have children from one marriage that didn't work out, and married this chick on a whim. I suggest you do some working on yourself to find out why you are picking the women you pick. You sound like a great guy.

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thanks for moving this...

Jim moved it for you.

I just posted the link for you.

You seem to be a 'fly by the seat of the pants kind of guy'. You'll get some good advice from some very smart, settled folks here.

Keep posting. And reading.

You've come to the right place!

~ Marsh

Last edited by Marshmallow; 10/05/07 10:44 PM.
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thank you both. If only ms high and mighty could open her eyes to this news though. All that has been said to me is that I gave it to her. Period. there is NO WAY she got this from someone else.

I cannot however convey this to her just now...in any way. after all, I have an RO on me and if I contact her, off to jail I go till 2 weeks before christmas..woohoo

I have said this once, I'll say it again.
i could care less about the damn disease. She tossed me and removed my son from my life. I don't care how temporary it is. I can only imagine what the little guy is going through. he freaks out at bedtime if i'm not home to give him a kiss goodnight (if I'm at the store for wifey-poo or something like that) So he must be crying his little slef to sleep at night. Coupled with the FACT I have heard her tell him what a loser I am....

She was the one that made me sit in that disgusting cell and wait for bail. She lied to make that happen. I was searched, treated like a criminal, finger printed, and removed of my dignity. Why? Becuase I wouldn't argue with her?

Hormones or not... that's not forgivable.

I stayed in the marriage for my son. Now I'm out, by her doing. And I will fight for custody if it takes 3 jobs 120 hours a week for years. I will fight for him!

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Joined: Sep 2007
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I would get a paternity test after the baby is born. You can do it by mail, and just need a cheek swab. That way you will know if the child is yours, just in case the marriage doesn't work out.

You already have children from one marriage that didn't work out, and married this chick on a whim. I suggest you do some working on yourself to find out why you are picking the women you pick. You sound like a great guy.

I plan on the test...trust me.
Mom always told me i'm a nice guy..... people always say nice guys finish last. I'm not worried any longer about the 2 I picked to marry, I'm not going to pick a 3rd!

thanks for the support!

Joined: Sep 2007
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Joined: Sep 2007
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thanks for moving this...

Jim moved it for you.

I just posted the link for you.

You seem to be a 'fly by the seat of the pants kind of guy'. You'll get some good advice from some very smart people, settled folks here.

Keep posting. And reading.

You've come to the right place!

~ Marsh
Thanks to both of you then.

Being away from my son is KILLING me. this will be the longest weekend of my entire life!

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