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yep, GTO isn't a fool, because he has a plan and has made a decision to not make emotional agony a way of life.
Stick to the plan, GT, you are on the right course. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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We watched the MBs Infidelity DVD together. Yep that's right she finally agreed to check out the MBs information. It was a tiny step, Why do you consider watching the video together a tiny step? Did the two of you discuss the video afterwards? and I'm still planning on going through with the divorce, but if she is truly willing to call SH and work on our marriage using the MBs principles, I think I should be willing to give it a shot. What do you think???? I'm not looking for just talk, I need to see action from her. We'll see what she does next. It's in her hands now, I've made my decision and I need to stay the course. Getting an appointment with Steve isn't difficult. Did she say she was willing to talk with Steve and does she have the contact info for MB counseling? If you know what your and your wife's schedule is for next week, can you contact the Harleys and set up an appointment for the two of you to talk with the them? You could probably make the appointment this coming week, tell your wife the date and time and then you can see this week whether it was talk instead of action. You can proceed with your choice to divorce, but you can also include the possibility of your wife's positive actions in the in the meantime, can't you?
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yep, GTO isn't a fool, because he has a plan and has made a decision to not make emotional agony a way of life. Do you make this nonsense up as you go? You cobbled this 2gether from my term "emotional agony" which I used 2 describe the feelings a newly betrayed spouse feels, and your "way of life" comment, which makes no sense with my term because "emotional agony" describes the past, and gto isn't feeling that way now. Stick to the plan, GT, you are on the right course. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> The foolish thing 2 do would be 2 file without seeing what his W does now. She made several big steps all at once, and you want him 2 essentially ignore them. gto, I would offer 2 make the appointment for her. SH suggested I do the same thing, after I give my W the choice as 2 whether 2 do it herself or have me do it for her. How old are you? How long have you been married? Do you know how easy it is for long term marriages 2 get exactly the way you've described your W feels about it? Give SH a little credit for knowing what 2 say 2 start changing her mind, when your W calls him. Sheesh!
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I remember a long time ago someone here said "You have a lifetime to divorce but only a short while to save your marriage"
Sometimes the window of opportunity is short lived.
No man likes to have his intelligence or good faith questioned, especially if he has doubts about it himself. - Henry Brooks Adams
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GTO wrote: I spoke to SH a few minutes ago, and yes my loving wife did indeed hear with "only one ear". Steve gave her a way to bring back love to the marriage, not a list of things I needed to do.
He believes my wife is still in some affair fog and still has some feelings for the OM. He does beleive that her, or I think he does, that her primary purpose for returning to her job is not necessarily the OM and that she believes she can stay away.
After talking to Steve, I'm leaning towards moving on with my life. This has to end somewhere, I thought it would be with my wife and I working things out, but it doesn't look like that will happen. She is still not being honest and I'm not sure she really ever has been.
On a side note. My mom watched my daughter yesterday and was playing school with her. When she asked her what her name was she gave my wife's maiden name as her last name. I have concerns about my MIL and what she says around her, but this could just be a three year old being a three year old. He wrote that post - 08/12/05 I bring this up because I want to point out that GTO has not been known to make rash decisions. And no one is advising him to do so.
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Exactly, Pep! I should add to that that Dr. Harley told GT some time ago to file for divorce. Steve helped him with a plan afterwards and still he finds himself where he is today. He has BTDT. I think he is exactly correct to pursue his plan. Do you make this nonsense up as you go? You cobbled this 2gether from my term "emotional agony" which I used 2 describe the feelings a newly betrayed spouse feels, and your "way of life" comment, which makes no sense with my term because "emotional agony" describes the past, and gto isn't feeling that way now. Wow, how rude! But no, 2long, it is not a term confined to a "newly betrayed spouse," but to most betrayed spouses who are living in limbo he11 with repeated contacts. Perhaps you noticed that GT is not here because he was singing too loud in church, but because of his despair. That he has been enduring for years. That is why he is filing for divorce. [also, Dr. Harley told him some time ago he should file for divorce] Just because you have become ACCUSTOMED to living like that, does not mean others can. OR SHOULD. The foolish thing 2 do would be 2 file without seeing what his W does now. She made several big steps all at once, and you want him 2 essentially ignore them. No, the foolish thing would be to CHANGE HIS PLANS BASED ON EMPTY TALK NOT BACKED UP BY ACTION. Talk is cheap with a wayward. And if his wife thinks she can throw him a little crumb to keep her live in babysitter, then I suspect she will. If he changes his plans, it should be based on ACTION, not empty talk. He can file for D, which will give her TIME to demonstrate any changes. If she can successfully demonstrate changes, he can always stop the D action. With that plan, he wins either way. If he changes his plans based on some empty talk, I seriously doubt she will change a thing and he will be right back where he started: with nothing. It would be foolish to play this same game again and again, 2long. He has been doing this for years. She most likely will not do anything unless she sees action on his part. Like I said before, emotional agony was not intended to be a way of life.Also, he already counseled with Steve and with Dr. Harley {it was Dr Harley's opinion that he should file for D] some time ago. He still finds himself at this place. Hopefully his wife will follow through and contact Steve. We will see. I hope for his case she does. Stick the plan, GT. You are finally on the right track! Don't change your path [b]UNLESS SHE DOES!
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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Sorry for getting so frustrated with you, but you were insinuating that gto and I are fools.
Also, I'm absolutely certain that I'm in no "emotional agony" whatsoever, and I really don't believe that gto is either (correct me if I'm wrong, gto).
Pep: I re-read that thread you quoted of his, and I can understand what was being said 2 him then about his W hearing what she wanted 2 hear from SH. I felt that my W was doing the same thing 4 years ago - with her ICs and with her 2 calls 2 Penny.
I really just wonder what mrs gto might be able 2 hear now, if she calls SH.
-ol' 2long
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but you were insinuating that gto and I are fools actually - I think Mel's response was unlikely to be about you perse - and was likely personal .... her veryownmomma lived in a chronic state of emotional agony when Mel was a little girl I think situations like this hurts Mel in the gut - so, you might take any of my comments and interpret them as an insult toward you - but I assure you - this discussion is not about you
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Fair enough.
But my W grew up in a chronically uncomfortable si2ation (with an abusive alcoholic father and a co-dependent mother) as well. I really wish she hadn't used an LTA 2 drown her pain from that experience, but she did.
I don't know how similar gto's W's background is 2 my W's, but I was empathizing with him about his W's reaction 2 his email about wanting a DV.
I read "frustration" in2 gto's recent posts, which is what I've felt for a long while. I don't feel desparate at all, though. Which is why I wondered about the plan 2 go ahead with the DV even if Mrs gto is saying she's willing 2 talk 2 SH again.
Is having a WS coaching with the Harleys no longer thought of as a big step in the right direction around here? Yes, she's done it before (my W has done it before, 2, though not with SH). Maybe she'll be more receptive this time?
I dunno, really.
-ol' 2long
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I remember you from a long time ago. A couple of quick comments:
>”…but after this last event,…”
What last event? What is this? Another OM? A ONS? Broken NC? A bloody argument about what she should be doing or not doing? How important is whatever this is to you? How important to her? IMO, this euphemism is more than a trigger to you. It could be what suddenly decided things. You should understand this event and it's importance thoroughly.
You know what they say about timing:
“Timing may not be everything, but it’s way ahead of whatever is in second place.”
Wait, that’s what they say about money.
But time is also money, or whatever is used as specie these days.
GTO, D or not on your schedule, not any MB posters’. Figure out what is optimal for you and schedule it for the optimal time. Your optimality may be financial driven. It may be family and children driven. It may be a one last opportunity for the wife you still love driven.
To some, 2Long and you appear to be in completely different time zones, but you may not in fact be all that far apart.
2 ‘s wife is actually making slow and certain progress extracting her haid from her, um, clouds. She is showing action without talk. Her recent contact is isolated, incidental to her profession and was short and curt. Sure it hurts 2, mostly the secrecy, as it would most BH, but upon reflection is not a show stopper for 2. It is a lever, if used as SH has counseled 2 to use it.
> “Worse yet, as I look back on our past, I'm not sure that she hasn't been doing these kinds of things from the beginning. And that would really suck.”
This does not immediately differentiate you either. I bet most WW have done it before to one degree or another. 2 and I can both say this about our wives. And they both had VLTAs too.
We all agree if your wife is an unrepentant serial adulterer you should protect yourself and your children. That can be D, or it can be getting on board with MB methods like POJA and even Plan B (and I suppose some serious IC). But, you will not know one way or the other unless she starts telling the truth to you. Her adopting MB methods for a fulfilling marriage is a very good way to move in that direction, even if she starts out unwilling.
What does differentiate you from 2 is your apathy. You are giving up. The Harleys, and many other experts, say once the BS gives up, once the BS definitely does not love the WS (or FWS) any more it is all over but the shouting. Nothing, not even MB will fix the M then.
> ”Long story short, it ended in her saying she didn't know how to fall back in love with me and she didn't understand how I thought I could ever love her again after everything she has done. “
As you wrote yourself, this is what MB is good for. More than breaking up an affair. More than controlling outcomes. More than hope. It’s about a lost, confused and even unwilling WS falling back in love with a BS anyway, if that’s what the BS wants.
> “We watched the MB Infidelity DVD together. Yep that's right she finally agreed to check out the MBs information. It was a tiny step, and I'm still planning on going through with the divorce, but if she is truly willing to call SH and work on our marriage using the MBs principles, I think I should be willing to give it a shot. What do you think????”
I think jump on it. I think keep the pressure on. I think follow through, strike while the iron is hot and the old college try. I think similar metaphors and analogies.
Do you still love her?
Is failure of one last well oiled chance too much for you to suffer?
If not, call SH.
If yes, move on with all our blessings.
But think it through, have a plan and do it when the time is right for you.
With prayers,
"Never forget that your pain means nothing to a WS." ~Mulan
"An ethical man knows it is wrong to cheat on his wife. A moral man will not actually do it." ~ Ducky
WS: They are who they are.
When an eel lunges out And it bites off your snout Thats a moray ~DS
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You said that better than I did.
-ol' 2long
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Hello everyone, sorry I've been off for a few days. I'm not feeling very well and have been laid up and not feeling like dealing with the relationship thing.
Thanks everyone for your insight and support.
Aphelion, I understand where you are coming from, but I'm not sure that I feel like I'm giving up since the first d-day was 1/28/05 and then recently I caught her making inappropriate emails with her junior high sweetheart.
Also, I think I implied that my wife was going to talk to SH, that was one of my actions that I wanted to see happen. Instead, she has made an appointment to see her own counselor who specializes with adult ADHD. I've met the counselor, as he is my MIL and BIL's counselor. My FIL thinks he is a good counselor as he doesn't allow his clients to blame other people for their actions. Still it's not SH.
As expected, after recieving my letter on Friday and the initial talk, not much else has happened between us.
So, for now I am sticking with my initial plan (for once). I told my wife in the letter that inaction on her part would not be acceptable and that I would file for divorce.
She thinks talking about things Friday night and scheduling a visit with a counselor is action. I do not. As Mel said, I can always stop the divorce if my wife makes some real change.
Thanks everyone, sorry if this is a little incoherent. I'm heading back to bed.
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2Long, thanks I need to check out your posts . . . I've been pretty selfish and I'm sure I could learn quite a bit.
I forgot to mention another interesting tidbit that is helping to keep me on the divorce path.
My wife is heading on a weekend ski trip with a couple girlfriends. She is leaving Saturday afternoon and will return Monday. She isn't concerned about her marriage, so why should I be????
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Well, not 2 say that you shouldn't go ahead and file if that's what you want, but 2 answer your question:
You should be concerned about your marriage because you believe it's the right thing for a H 2 do (if that's what you believe, that is).
It doesn't matter what your W thinks. it's what you think that's important here. Live by example.
-ol' 2long
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Your story has been going on for a long time. I am pretty sure I know why you wrote the letter. You have invested a lot in the marriage. You love and supported a person that does not return the love and support.
I wrote letters to my ex-wife all of the time. The reason I did that is if I came to her about any of my needs she would gas light me to death. I learned not to go to her anymore because well it was all about her. I thought that if she saw it on paper she would see my pain and then treat me with respect. Now that I look back not once did she ever show empathy from my letters.
The only time my showed any empathy was when I filed for divorce. Sometimes that is what it takes.
I know others have said you should maybe hold on but that is exactly why your wife acts the way she does. No consequences to her actions. You allowed her to treat you this way and as a matter of fact you enabled her to do it.
If her answer to your letter is to go ski then I would have divorce papers ready for her on her return. And to ruin her trip I would call her when she is there and tell her when she gets back she will have the papers and have a nice day. It will ruin her trip.
Just because you file does not mean you divorce but it should mean you plan on divorcing unless she changes and now. I would keep moving ahead with it until drastic changes are made and if she refuses you can move on.
It seems for men they would rather be beaten to death than change anything. It seems like us guys live in fear that even though she is abusing us at least it is a known pain. We are so afraid it could be worse that we just endure it. Well I am here to tell you that does not have to be the case.
I am so much happier than I was when married to a woman like the one you have. I loved her but to be honest I put up with her neglect of me and my needs because I was afraid of what the future would hold.
In my case my XW did start to come around and she did beg to save our marriage but I no longer wanted to save it. I can assure you what changed her mind is when I got a backbone and played hardball and stopped taking her abuse.
What ever you decide to do good luck. I really would ruin her ski trip though. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
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Great post Ihadenough. Would you care to share some more of the details on how your WW came around? Please look at my thread 'gone to plan B'
Sorry for thread jack
Plan D June 08 Me FBS 36 W 38 Married 13/1/09 The best is yet to come, with or without your WS
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IHadEnough, thanks for the input, it just confirms that I am making the right decision. I realize that the letters are more for my benefit than my wife. At best I get an immediate response from her, but never anything of substance.
Mostly now I am struggling with my daughter and how she will handle it. My IC's wife is a well respected children's therapist and has written that adopted children, especially those from China do not do well during a divorce. Abandonment issues that you weren't even aware of become an issue or resurface. My daughter yesterday walked in during an argument and said that she was scared that we were going to break up because we are fighting a lot. My heart broke, but it broke even more when she said that if we got a divorce she would miss me when she was at her mommy's house and miss mommy when she was at my house and that she doesn't want two bedrooms, she just wants one! It's time like those that I wonder if I can't just bite the bullet and stay with my wife for 12 more years.
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IHE: It seems for men they would rather be beaten to death than change anything. It seems like us guys live in fear that even though she is abusing us at least it is a known pain. We are so afraid it could be worse that we just endure it. There's a third alternative: Work on the "fear" within yourself (speaking 2 gto, now). What are you afraid of? Change? Losing your W? Putting your DD through a painful DV? Work through the "pain". Are you in pain? Why? How much is a direct result of your W's actions (or lack thereof) and how much is a result of your perspective and/or expectations of your W and yourself? How can you reduce those things, whether you DV or not? Here's an article about preparing for DV (and maybe just saving your marriage in the process) that you might find interesting: http://iloveulove.com/relationmarriage/saveyourmarriage.htm-ol' 2long
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