I don't think that is the same at all. Thanks for asking & not assuming

You're welcome.

Would you refuse your husband some cancer treatment because an adulterer either A. invented B. perfected C. provided the necessary treatment?

Wow. You got me there. No I wouldn't.
I live with a known adulterer, and so do you !

Would you like the list of TV and films my H has worked on so you can be sure not to support him?
I do. You're right. Of course not... your H works in TV and films? I THOUGHT he looked familiar.
But there are SOME movies that I won't step foot in or TV shows (or commercials!) that I won't watch because they are offensive to me. The last thing I want to become is desensitized. What goes in through my eyes and ears, travels to my heart and exits through my mouth and my actions. If I can filter that, I will.
My children came to me because another woman was foolish and morally sick ... if I reject her I reject my children as well.
Why would you reject her children by rejecting her? Her children were/are innocent and so not responsible for what
their mother the woman who gave birth to them did.
You can tell me to shuddup now. I don't know the details and I would never want presume that I have all the answers. I just know what feels right for me.

I cannot make adultery so important that is is the only or primary measurement with which I consider how/if I will interact with people. In my opinion, that belittles myself.
But, guess what? I don't care if anyone else makes adultery the only measure they take. I think they miss out on a lot of good stuff that way, but so be it.
Oh adultery's not the only or primary measurement I consider, but if it becomes glaringly apparent to me, I decide on an individual basis whether to remove myself from the relationship... family or no... depending on the circumstance.