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still----Happy Birthday to you!!!!!
Hope you had an awesome day doing whatever you wanted!!!!!
BS 49 Divorced 10 yrs/married 21 yrs Life is good and I am happy! Engaged to be married on the 4th of August 2012! 30yoS&DIL & 2 gson/27yoD-Divorced & 3 gson/21yoD
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My ex is in town visiting his mom. She lives about 3 hours away. He wants to see me. I have told him no. But, I am freaking out. Can anybody give me one good reason to see him?
Over it.
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I haven't seen him since last September when he left for the airport to leave the country.
Over it.
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He just texted me that he missed me. It is taking everything I have to not get in my car!
Over it.
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Another text: I'm sorry M!
I didn't respond. Am I making a huge mistake? Should I see him? What if...
Over it.
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your ex is an *ss. He doesnt want to make you feel better, he wants YOU TO MAKE HIM FEEL BETTER. You are worth so much more than that. Think about when you first went into recovery with him and he 'seemed' to be doing the right things. What happened a few months later? He gave you essentially 100% of everything and left the country!
He would have to be literally crawling over broken glass before even considering talking to him.
You are worth so much more.
Recovered marriage, recovering self, life gets better everyday
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Sounds to me as if he hasn't been getting his needs met anywhere. So he figures "I'll call SS and she'll see me and I can manipulate her into a night or two of fun and sex and then I'll go home and leave her all alone again till the next time I need something that she can give me."
I know I'm late to the party, but tell me you didn't meet up with him...
Agree to meet with him when he tells you he will do anything in order to be given a CHANCE to win you back. Until them, ignore the boy.
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I haven't met him. There has been some texting. My boyfriend and I broke it off though. I wasn't in love and it was very clear to me tonight that I was wasting his time.
Over it.
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Seems you have alot of work to do before you should date anyone. I would not consider meeting my ex whatsoever.
grindnfool M-13 years D-Day 10/26/06 Divorced 11.2007 DS-16, DD-9
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I am sorry for these latest developements SS2 !!! I do however totally agree with what Lil and Mark said, you know that your ex is a total a$$ that left you after making you think you were going to reconcile. He will just pull the rug out from under you again like he did so so so many times before he left the country. He is not asking for your forgiveness or anything, he just wants a "quickie" and you are worth so much more than that SS2 and don't you ever forget it!!!!! I also agree that you need to be alone a little longer, i told you earlier that i thought this guy may be a rebound guy and that is not fair to either of you ..... And i hope you held yourself and did not meet him or let him meet you. Hope you have a better day!!!! SC
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Why are you doing this to yourself? You ex was not good for you. Move on, don't set yourself back by wondering. You already KNOW how he is! Focus on YOU, get out, make some friends, start a hobby, volunteer, enjoy yourself!
Enacting life's lessons into positive change... .
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I am alone tonight. I saw the ex today and it was a very nice day. I still have a place in my heart for him- probably always will. He still says all the right things. I am okay. I'm glad I saw him even if nothing has changed. I loved him very deeply for a long time. It was good to see him and spend the day with him.
Now, on with my life...
Over it.
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Ok time to get serious about recovering and living a better life. This is my chance to make some changes, learn from my mistakes and move forward. What I did to my ex-boyfriend was horrible. I can't do that to another person again. He had moved in with me a few months ago. I know that it was a mistake. I was taking the easy route. I was not willing to take the time to stand on my own two feet. I let him stay because he tried soooo hard to please me and it was a serious help with the bills. Now that he has left, I can't pay the bills alone here.
Time to make some serious evaluations and changes.
I deserve every 2x4 that I get. I am so sorry for using him and causing him so much pain. I was lying to myself every day that I told myself, "it might work out - give it more time". I was being selfish.
I don't know what I am going to do next. All I know is that I will have to figure it out and do it alone.
Over it.
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Every choice we make, every decision, has consequences. While we might not see those consequences even for years to come, they are still there, pending just as surely as if they came swiftly.
Often times our choices that we make have consequences that we did not intend, but again, they are still the result of the choices we made no matter what our original intention might have been.
The times we end up with consequences we would rather that we were somehow able to avoid, are usually those times when we compromised what we knew to be right and just. We allow ourselves to accept what we know is wrong from ourselves for expediency or for our own comfort, for our own selfish reasons.
Usually when we make those kinds of choices, those that require us to modify our own belief system or lower our standards, justifying those choices by claiming them to not be AS bad or LESS wrong than what we know to be right and good, we are making those choices based on how we feel at the moment we are faced with the decision of which way to go.
We follow our heart rather than leading it...
Here's the thing. We make those kinds of choices every single day. We choose not based on what we know or believe to be right or wrong, but rather based on our situation at that moment in time. We make our decisions based on situational ethics instead of on what we know we should do.
The problem with all of this is that as time goes on and as we get further out from one of those bad decisions, we have to make other choices along the way that we are only faced with because of the original choice we made. We head down a road we know is the wrong one and wonder why we ended up in a place we never wanted to be.
The time to decide to make a good choice is when we are presented with the first choice. If we let ourselves compromise on what is right and then realize it soon after, we have to choose to do otherwise and retrace our steps to undo choosing the direction we did at first. Even then, there can be negative consequences for the choices we made.
After we act on our choices it is too late to undo those choices. The consequences flow from those choices just as assuredly as night follows day.
Go therefore and choose wisely...
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I agree. I am in a place that I never wanted to be. When I was young and unmarried, I wanted to be a wife and mother when I grew up. I knew that I would have to have a job but it was never the important part of my dreams. I wanted to have a beautiful, loving, happy family, and a nice garden. I wanted to grow old with my one and only husband and have big family get-togethers with my grandkids.
I have been married and divorced twice. I would have been happy to stay married forever to my last husband. It was not in the cards. My daughter lives on one coast. She is married to an enlisted military man. So, my one grandbaby will move all over the country with them. My son lives on the other coast -also enlisted in the military.
So now that I find myself where I am- underemployed, sinking in debt, and alone, I don't see any possibility of living the life of my girlhood dreams.
I see no option but to choose a new "happily ever after" picture. My new happily ever after does not include settling for Mr. Almost Right or Mr Says All The Right Things. It may include being happy taking care of myself, living alone, and reinventing who SS2 has become.
I am researching jobs in this area. I am also researching job in more affordable areas. I am in a position to do and live wherever I want. I miss Arkansas and the cheaper cost of living. I also miss my friends.
I am sick to my stomach and my head aches.
Over it.
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still---I am so sorry that you are going through this!!!!!
I tell people to have their pitry party (we all need to do that) just know when to go home!!!!!
You are right you are at a point in your life where you could do and live anywhere!!! I envy you!!! My family is here where I am, actually my parents and my brother who has MS live across the street!!! On daughter is an hour away right now but will go further once she is done with college, my son and DIL and 2 grandson live here and my other daughter is in TN, there are days I would move in a heartbeat, but I am needed here!!!!
Let me know how you are doing!!!!
BS 49 Divorced 10 yrs/married 21 yrs Life is good and I am happy! Engaged to be married on the 4th of August 2012! 30yoS&DIL & 2 gson/27yoD-Divorced & 3 gson/21yoD
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Today has been hard. I am alone and missing my ex-husband almost as sharply as when he left me a year ago. I thought I could handle it better. I was wrong. It is just as hard and painful as everyone else knew it would be. Would I still have seen my ex yesterday if I had known that I would be so sad today? Yup. I'm still glad that I got one more good day with him. I know the sadness will pass.
I also have the added guilt of knowing that my ex bf is grieving at my hands. He has called several times asking for another chance to win my heart. I can't do that to him again. I miss his company but I can't be selfish.
I have spent the day researching best places to live and work in the event that I can break my lease. I haven't spent the entire day wallowing.
Over it.
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Yep it is hard to see the x sometimes, playing the "what if" game sucks!!! But it is part of the growing process, just keep fighting!!
I am sure you are missing the BF, he helped by re directing your thoughts and your time!!!
I like that you are looking for new jobs and stuff. What is it that you do for a profession?
I am a little lonely today myself, Doug is with his kids at the state softball tournament on the other side of the state. I have talked to him, he was hanging with a bunch of college buds last night and they had been drinking, he didn't remember what we talked about this morning and so I told him we picked a date!!!!! Blew his mind!!!
Oh well, hope ou have a good Sunday!!
BS 49 Divorced 10 yrs/married 21 yrs Life is good and I am happy! Engaged to be married on the 4th of August 2012! 30yoS&DIL & 2 gson/27yoD-Divorced & 3 gson/21yoD
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Sometimes, I wish I had fought the divorce. I wish I hadn't given in so quickly. I miss my ex-husband. Again, more what ifs. I can't change the choices that I make. Mark is right. I have to make better first choices.
I miss the companionship that the bf provided. We weren't right for each other. We bickered almost daily. It was exhausting. He wants to come back. That would be a terrible choice - not an option. He is hurting and it is my fault. I can't make it worse. Must make the right choices - not the easy choices.
I am a finance director/sales manager for a car delearship. I moved up here in March to work with an old boss. The store needed to be turned around because it was failing. Things were hard the first month. It seems doable though. Well, the boss was a recovering alcoholic and he started drinking again, his wife left him with their baby. He quit a couple of months ago. New management has come in and made life miserable. Even fewer cars are being sold and almost all the old employees have quit. The stores reputation has been ruined from years of poor customer service. It is the worst store that I have ever worked at- no exageration. A change is definitely in order.
I'm sorry you are lonely today. What "date" are you talking about? Meeting the kids or...??? Did I miss something? Lol
Over it.
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You seem to have gotten what I was saying. Good first choices open up an entire world of possibilities that are just gone forever when our first choice is not such a good one.
If you talk to your xH, then you will keep a connection to him alive. Then when he wants top see you, you will want to see him and then after you see him, you will miss him as you begin to realize that nothing has changed, he is still a selfish a$$ and the whole cycle starts again...
If you jump into a relationship with another guy based not on a lifetime commitment to being a married couple but simply out of loneliness or for some solution to some other problem that he solves for you, then when a crisis comes along, you will not be able to weather the storm together because your being together is a temporary solution to a short term problem. Also, if you then see your xH, you will immediately want to be with him again and any guy you are with will become dead meat as you jump back into the love you have for your xH.
Get over your xH. Wait till you find a guy you know you want to share your life with and grow old together with and then never see your xH ever again for as long as you live.
You can't see old flames when in a new relationship and you can't forget an old flame when you are in contact all the time.
To be treated like a different person you need to become a different person. New phone number, new life without xH, life outlook on life...
So what new choices do you face now and what direction do you think you should go now?
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