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Sack how was Christmas ? Did all go well as could be expected?
Any news on the job front?
will be praying for great news.
take care.
Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.
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Sack how was Christmas ? Did all go well as could be expected? Christmas went really well. If it wasn't for my friends, I wouldn't of had any gifts for the kids. My daughter asked me when I picked them up if Santa came over to my place, I told her no. When we got to where I'm staying, they seen the presents and didn't think they were theirs. My daughter then says, I thought Santa didn't come? I told her he didn't that he stopped and left all the Santa gifts at home. These gifts are from Dad. I think that meant more to my daughter than anything. Any news on the job front? Yes, I've worked a whole week, and tomorrow I get to call on another job. Now that I have a job again, I can do some bargaining. This company that called me last week is HUGE. And I'm estatic about them wanting to talk about my resume. will be praying for great news.
take care. Thank you so much. I am on the upswing now. I hit rock bottom, but god is looking out for me and will be behind me every step of the way. DV case will be in front of a jury in just a few weeks........
Last edited by sack; 12/27/10 08:01 PM.
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I need some advise.....
I've got my kids with me right now. I got them for five days. My STBXW sent my DD with a cell phone. The first night, my daughter seemed to be texting mom all night. I had to put a stop to this. This is my parenting time, not my STBXW. Last night, my DD took her cell into the bathroom to conversate with my STBXW. Once she got out, I took it from her. Secretcy is not gonna happen. Once I took the phone from her, she started crying her eyes out. Being with family, I wanted to get her out to release the tears so she didn't feel comfortable. I left my son with my family. My daughter started to tell me that I'm not allowed to do that. *shrug* Why I have no idea. But STBXW is definetly filling her head with crap.
When I left, her phone stayed here. One of my family members heard the phone going off and read the texts. One said, "I know your daddy loves you, but mom loves you more." I also found out that she got the cell after I was asleep and called my STBXW. Basically to rat me out for leaving my son with family that I trust. There isn't nothing that stats i can't do this. What do I do about this?? I was told about this this morning from my family member. My DD has been erasing all texts that are coming in and going out. But the call log shows that she was up making calls early at 2am......
I'm spending all my time with them right now. It's hard to split myself between the two ages. Each one wants my attention at all times. I got to alternate, I'm only one dad.
I'm not keeping my DD from texting or calling the STBXW, but now I just might have too. Sneaking behind my back makes me feel like she's telling things that aren't true. I have them for a couple more days. WHAT DO I DO???????
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You need to sit down with your daughter and tell her everything that is going on that u missed her and wants to spend as much time as you can before she leaves ask her if she can do that. Let her know that what ever happens that you love her so much. Tears might be flowing cause it is coming from your heart but let her know everything.
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I need some advise.....
I've got my kids with me right now. I got them for five days. My STBXW sent my DD with a cell phone. The first night, my daughter seemed to be texting mom all night. I had to put a stop to this. This is my parenting time, not my STBXW. The act of taking the cell phone from your DD will likely be twisted by your WW as you being "controlling", even "abusive". I suggest instead of taking it from her, try to engage her in activities that will minimize her time to use it. And make sure you invest in a blocker for the next time she visits.
ManInMotion =========== (see "MiM's Story" for more details)
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Sack, any update? And make sure you invest in a blocker for the next time she visits. If you mean a Cell Phone Jammer, there technically illegal to buy, poses, build or operate in the United States and is punishable by an $11,000 fine and up to a year in prison for each offense. That said, the FCC has never actually prosecuted anyone for using one. http://www.spygear4u.com/helpct.asp?show=1&hid=71&cat=17
Last edited by Gack1; 01/18/11 02:24 PM.
Me 34 WW 30 Abandoned Feb 17th 08, D-Day Aprl 27th 08. Returned home Jul 7th, OC born 12/30/08 The FOG is clear, and we are in recovery.
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Well, here's the update. DV case got adjorned til Feb, why I have no idea. I believe she's behind it getting adjorned. She's been caught driving by where I'm staying with her boyfriends brother. I've had my kids every weekend since the weekend before xmas. She's not sending proper clothes, and as of yesterday she caused me not to be able to excersize my parenting time by not leaving something within our agreemenet. So I was able to get my parenting time this evening with the help of my lawyer. My daughter is now at 22 days of absenses and tardies for the year. 3 absenses just this week. This is getting ridicoulous. I'm getting sick of having to stay with family for something that I didn't do. I'm just bored, lonely, got no friends out here and it just sucks that I got to suffer for her stupidness. I want to be back into MY HOUSE. She can GTFO. My job is going great. Matter of fact, it's an awesome job. Had to take a pay cut but they treat people so well it's crazy. Had an offer at another job, for more money but they wanted me for second shift. That was gonna interfere with my parenting time that I fought so hard for. So I opted not to take them up. 3 weeks from now, I will have my jury trial. Hopefully it will go good. I believe that she was out here driving by with another person to show them where I'm staying so that something could be done to keep me from going to trial. Slashed tires, and numerous other things are going through my head as to what their plans are. If I don't show, I'm guilty. So, I will make arrangements to stay somewhere else that night. Somewhere where I will not be found. I have to show up. I believe her so called witness isn't going to show as she won't want to perjure herself. Time will tell.......
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What exactly are you going to trial for? What is a DV?
I think what�s happening is very good so far. You have to be patient, but you�ve secured weekend visits with your DD, which is awesome.
The continuing absences of your daughter are very concerning. Ask your lawyer if you can request an emergency hearing about them and have custody transferred to you or to have her removed from the house while you get full custody. Request drug tests while you�re at it. Has your DD ever hinted anything regarding drugs?
Make sure you get the official attendance records from the school and offer them in disclosure. Also see if she will agree to school records as being �self authenticating� documents.
That�s important since they�ll be considered hearsay otherwise and will be inadmissible.
It might be different in your state, so run it by your lawyer.
Also, get pictures or video of her going by your house while scoping you out. She can�t very well claim she�s threatened by you when she goes out there to see you. Make sure you�re the one recording since it will be hearsay otherwise and not admissible. You may even consider setting up a camera to record all the time in case she does come around when you�re not there.
Just some ideas.
Good to hear from you. I�ll pray for a good outcome.
I recommend you consider getting a two bedroom apartment if it looks like you won�t be able to go back to your house. Setup a situation where you can show that you have a place for your DD to stay and decorate it for her. Get some female friends to help.
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Domestic Violence. why I have no idea. I believe she's behind it getting adjorned. She is stalling. She's not sending proper clothes, and as of yesterday she caused me not to be able to excersize my parenting time by not leaving something within our agreemenet. So I was able to get my parenting time this evening with the help of my lawyer. Awesome My daughter is now at 22 days of absenses and tardies for the year. 3 absenses just this week. This is getting ridicoulous. Does your Lawyer know about this? I believe that she was out here driving by with another person to show them where I'm staying so that something could be done to keep me from going to trial. This is quite probable. She could also be doing it to try and get someone to "Pay you a visit" in order to intimidate you. Slashed tires, and numerous other things are going through my head as to what their plans are. If I don't show, I'm guilty. So, I will make arrangements to stay somewhere else that night. Somewhere where I will not be found. good I believe her so called witness isn't going to show as she won't want to perjure herself. Time will tell....... Probably not Just remember, she is crazy right now. Wayward Spouses, especially wayward wives are completely bonkers. She truly believes that she deserves your house, your kids, you to pay the bills, but never come around "and" have her boyfriend fill your place in your house. She really believes that YOU are the bad guy, YOU are the problem, and she will do ANYTHING to get the kids, house, your paycheck and her boyfriend. It's sad really. Be carefull
Me 34 WW 30 Abandoned Feb 17th 08, D-Day Aprl 27th 08. Returned home Jul 7th, OC born 12/30/08 The FOG is clear, and we are in recovery.
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Correct My daughter is now at 22 days of absenses and tardies for the year. 3 absenses just this week. This is getting ridicoulous. Does your Lawyer know about this? Yes and now its at 23 days.....just keeps going up. Just remember, she is crazy right now. Wayward Spouses, especially wayward wives are completely bonkers. She truly believes that she deserves your house, your kids, you to pay the bills, but never come around "and" have her boyfriend fill your place in your house. She really believes that YOU are the bad guy, YOU are the problem, and she will do ANYTHING to get the kids, house, your paycheck and her boyfriend.
It's sad really.
Be carefull She don't deserve nothing. She's the reason for all of this. And hopefully when and if I win this DV case, it'll look 200% better for me. I got kicked out of my house for no reason. I had the FOC case adjorned til after the DV case goes though. That way I can show the judge the whole reason why she wants me to pay support. I'm still paying the mortgage on a house that I'm not even in. I still want to live in "MY" house, but without her. And hopefully once and if I win the DV case, I can go back home soon. If not, I'm gonna rent an apartment....... I wouldn't wish this on nobody. The pain, the lonelyness, the boredom is enough torture as it is, without the trial in the back of my head. Having to stay with family is not fun. 
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I agree that this sucks in a big way. It�s easy to say, but be patient. Things work themselves out in the wash. She needs to present evidence of DV to have any chance of success. The fact that you have unsupervised visits with your DD says that the court doesn�t necessarily agree with your WW�s accusations. She needs to present her evidence and it can�t be heresay.
Have you been given copies of the police reports or evidence against you through discovery?
What does she have besides her claims?
Now, if you end up getting this thrown out, what�s going to happen? Do you get returned to your home? I would not only return to my home, I would file for a D, requesting full alimony, custody, and child support, and hammer her with the repeated absences and tardies of your DD.
Go out and get two books. One is called �Father�s Rights� and the other is �Custody for Men�. They outline the dirty tricks women often pull on men in court and how to counter them. The false DV claim is certainly up there.
But don�t expect any of this to stick to her if you go to court. Don�t expect charges of perjury to be brought against her.
Look at your legal options, but if the OM testifies against you and wasn�t really there, then consider charges of slander against him, if your lawyer thinks they�ll stick.
Best of luck in all of this. When is your hearing?
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I agree that this sucks in a big way. It�s easy to say, but be patient. Things work themselves out in the wash. She needs to present evidence of DV to have any chance of success. The fact that you have unsupervised visits with your DD says that the court doesn�t necessarily agree with your WW�s accusations. She needs to present her evidence and it can�t be heresay.
Have you been given copies of the police reports or evidence against you through discovery? Yes I have all the police reports and testamonies. What does she have besides her claims? All she has is her word, her boyfriends word, and a so called witness that seen this alleged incident happen. Now, if you end up getting this thrown out, what�s going to happen? Do you get returned to your home? I would not only return to my home, I would file for a D, requesting full alimony, custody, and child support, and hammer her with the repeated absences and tardies of your DD. The D is already in the works. I plan on returning home, hopefully. The FOC case I asked my lawyer to adjorn so that way I will have my verdict of why I had to leave, either guilty or not guilty. Lawyer thought this is a great strategy on my part as she's already got an order for me to pay child support that we're appealing. Only because I'm still paying all the bills, she's not. That's support in itself...... Just checked into daughters school record. Shes now at 25 absences and tardies for the school year. Go out and get two books. One is called �Father�s Rights� and the other is �Custody for Men�. They outline the dirty tricks women often pull on men in court and how to counter them. The false DV claim is certainly up there. I will look into this But don�t expect any of this to stick to her if you go to court. Don�t expect charges of perjury to be brought against her. Really? Even if I get 3 people to perjure themselves? Because thats whats gonna happen..  Look at your legal options, but if the OM testifies against you and wasn�t really there, then consider charges of slander against him, if your lawyer thinks they�ll stick. He was there. I have pictures. But the so called witness was not. Best of luck in all of this. When is your hearing? Hearing for the DV is in a couple of weeks in front of a jury.......
Last edited by sack; 01/28/11 04:51 PM.
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Hugs to you and here's a pat on the back for being strong. Make sure your attny is a bulldog and go after her. But do focus on getting back in the house and also changing the custody when the DV trumped up charge is found not guilty! She is blowing smoke (your ww) trying to divert attention onto you rather than what she is or isn't doing behind that plastered window. Classy to use wrapping paper huh? (giggle) I'd save those texts as they are manipulative and would show she is trying to undermine you as dad. Also use a VAR and get your daughter to re-tell the tale of how your crazy ww told them YOU left and weren't coming back. Judge should love that one! Keep var at all times with you too in case you need to prove your innocence. I'd also have your attny btw, pull up any arrest or conviction history on your ww and her om. Drug use? Shady things? Where there's smoke, there's always fire my friend. Oh heck, YOU can go get those items. Go to court clerks' office and give them names and dob of the "offenders" and see what comes up. YOu will pay for copies. Did this and cooked the goose of my x. Full custody baby and never to return to the wxh! 
Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right. ~Jane Goodall
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You have to be careful with a VAR. It is illegal in some States. You also have to be careful of appearing to be coaching your DD.
Leave such determinations to a licensed professional, who can read through the crap.
Don't take the chance, especially as a man, of recording something illegally or to appear like you're coaching your DD.
That will make you lose custody.
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Well, she keeps doing things that keeps me from getting my kids for my scheduled parenting time. I went by to get get kids yesterday and they weren't there. This makes twice that I couldn't get kids during my scheduled time. Which is a bunch of crap seeing as I have to drive 70 miles round trip to get them and there's a no contact order and nobody notified me. That's ok because things should be changing in next couple weeks. DV case in a week, and FOC 4 days after. Hopefully, the judge sees that I'm the victim.
Last edited by sack; 02/03/11 09:51 AM.
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document for a possible alienation of affection suit.
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Talk about having to jump through hoops.......
Again, yesterday I went to pick my kids up for my scheduled parenting time that's court ordered. I get met at the door at the agreed meeting place (her mothers) and her mother is at the door and tells me that if I want to see my kids i need to call child protective services (CPS), that they were supposed to of called me and that the kids weren't there. I then called my lawyer and told him of this and he told me to go to the police department to make a report for parental kidnapping. So I did and the officer behind the counter told me no crime has been committed. I told him that all this that I'm going through is absolutely "BS" and he threatened to take me in for disorderly conduct. REALLY? For one swear word?
Now I'm trying to figure out what she's trumping up on me now. Or is it someone call CPS on her? My daughter is now at 27 days of absences and tardys, maybe it was the school? I'm thinking not and that she's made up some crap about me AGAIN. DV case is coming up in next few days, and now I am again without my kids.
I'll have to wait until Monday to call to find out WTH is going on. All of this is wearing on me............
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Hi sack.
I have looked at your thread from time to time, and am sorry you are going thru this with respect to your kids. However, from what you said something doesn't sit well with me. I am not an attorney, but just logically speaking am wondering how confident in your attorney you are. Kidnapping is a serious charge and I am suprised he even advised you to do that instead of to meet with him to schedule a court date to investigate why she is violating court-ordered visitation! I think the mother was lying - I can't believe a child protection agency would simply just 'call you' and not send a formal notice! That is a far cry from running down to the local police and accusing someone of a serious felony. It is a good thing the officer looked the other way. The last thing you need right now on your record is another recent criminal charge.
If I were you I would trudge down to your attorney's office Monday and tell him to explain to you why he advised you that, and to see if he is willing to investigate the violations of visitation in court. Are you keeping a detailed log of these denials?
Best of luck,
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I am not an attorney, but just logically speaking am wondering how confident in your attorney you are. Honestly I feel good about my attorney. He did say he was going to get something going on this matter first thing Monday morning Kidnapping is a serious charge and I am suprised he even advised you to do that instead of to meet with him to schedule a court date to investigate why she is violating court-ordered visitation! I think the mother was lying - I can't believe a child protection agency would simply just 'call you' and not send a formal notice! I would think that the CPS agency would have got in contact with me as well. I believe the mother was lying too, but I can't put NOTHING past them. I have a friend that knows a manager of a CPS here in the state, he's been in contact with her and she'll be to work at 6am Monday morning looking up to see what is going on. This way I know before I make contact with my local office. That is a far cry from running down to the local police and accusing someone of a serious felony. It is a good thing the officer looked the other way. The last thing you need right now on your record is another recent criminal charge. Yeah no doubt..... *sigh* If I were you I would trudge down to your attorney's office Monday and tell him to explain to you why he advised you that, and to see if he is willing to investigate the violations of visitation in court. Are you keeping a detailed log of these denials? Actually, I have an appointment with him in the next couple of hours. Going to be an expensive day for me today. We need to go over all the facts and evidence I have to prove myself innocent this week in court. We will be talking about what has happened in this past week as well.
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Hi Sack.
Just wishing you good luck in your court case this week and will say a couple of prayers for you.
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