Question of the night. What to do if you run into WH in an accidental encounter and he is already in a bad mood?
THAT ended up making him in an even more p*ssy mood and guess what? I DON'T CARE.
DS2 had eye doctor appoint today and WH was taking him for his monthy (obliglitory :/) wing-nite. WH was going to pick up DS2 here at house, with me gone of course. This was all arranged through DS2 so he could go to eye doctor(needed contacts so had to go)and go for wings.
Wouldn't you know eye doctors ran late and WH (of course, shoulda known)showed up early.

He was looking at the engine of DS1's blown-up car when I pulled in driveway.
Right away he starts spewing(this is the same H I KNOW)about how there was no oil in the car, blah, blah, blah.
I just smiled and waved, shrugged my shoulders and walked in the house.
WH of course follows me.
I won't give the whole conversation but I will tell you what he said. Remember, for most of this conversation I said NOTHING!
WH: "I need your social security number to file my taxes, since you really screwed on that one, blah, blah, blah, we could have got a lot more back, blah, blah, blah how much did you get back?"
ME: That's none of your business(politely)
WH(getting madder by the second, teehee)"OH yes IT IS MY BUSINESS! I blah,blah, blah, this family all last year ( I really wasn't paying much attention)and I'm entitled to that refund money we could have got if we filed together."
What I wanted to say was, "well, we're not together anymore"WH:"Are you getting back $XXXX?"(some astronomical amount)
ME: (laughing) NO WAY!
WH: "Well I'm going to have to pay,blah, blah,blah, why wouldn't you want to file together when we would get so much back?"
ME: "I don't care."
ME: (very calmly)"No, WH, that is YOUR description of Me from YOU. YOU always thought I was obsessed with money."
WH: More blah, blah, blah
WH: "So, you don't call me back when I call you?"
ME: "Oh, yeah, I did see you called, I was at the doctors office. Sorry."
WH: "I see you have me blocked on the home phone! I wanted to talk to you."
Then a bunch more drivel and dumb talk about how I seem so happy and how I never wanted to go anywhere with him(I told him I was going out at 8 because the car is getting towed tonight)and then he said something about my e-mail...okay, I'm listening now WH...
He brought up the fact that on my return address I changed my name from my name to 'Happy in MYHOMETOWN'. Now mind you the last time I e-mailed him was OVER a month and a half ago and that was the NC letter!
Then I told him I had some stuff for him, gave him his bowling ball and his insurance card and I DS2 & my part of car insurance. Well, apparently when I told him I was going to pay it, he thought I was going to pay the WHOLE car insurance bill!
I laughed, "No way"...oh...the anger in his eyes! I'm surprized my hair didn't catch on fire the way he was burning me with them!

THEN, he went on about a friend of ours whom he
thinks, although he acted like it was fact, fixed that shower. I wouldn't tell him and his exact words were, I kid you not,
"This is MY house and I have a right to know whose comming in and out of it!"
I just said he abandon his house. More blah, blah, blah, "my name is on the deed", blah, blah, blah, "that's what I wanted to talk to you about", blah, blah, blah...
So, MY take on this conversation is he's hurting for cash, B.A.D. What does he think? I'm going to say "Sure, lets sell the house NOW so we can take our equity because I'm a money hungry obsessed fiend!" Licking my lips and rolling my hands together

He left, I said bye and he yelled loud enough under his breath "F**k you". Never brought up engagement, our relationship, kids or any of that stuff...just about money.
But read between the lines...
OOOOOH, how will end? How will it end? Stay tuned young veiwers for updates as they come rolling in!

Thing is, right now I really don't care. I'm sure I'll be crying tomorrow, but right now...I couldn't give a bucket full of hog sweat.
sorry so long, I'm a droner, I know...