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What e-mail? You didn't get no stinkin e-mail 
Last edited by Enlightened_Ex; 10/03/11 09:28 PM.
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That's what I think. What email?
Since when does POSOM have your email?
Besides, you don't respond to POSOM and he can't show up to file on her behalf.
My gut says something is afoot.
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Continued until January. Status quo until then. My attorney said it smells too. Hospital examination on Thursday, ex ww looks like fool, then medical procedure next day.
Me BH 49 WXW 50 Married 1998 DS 2002 DD 2005 D Day 1 7/28/08 D Day 2 8/19/08
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"Status quo" for them, maybe, but can't your attorney arrange some professional evaluations of the kids in the meantime?
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Can you hire a BIA? Why not?
Your kids need representation!
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Well, I looked at the "documentation" exWW sent. Turns out her "discharge" report from her procedure on Friday was for a migrain and back pain. She knew her goose was cooked. Let's see what she and POSOM come up with now.
Me BH 49 WXW 50 Married 1998 DS 2002 DD 2005 D Day 1 7/28/08 D Day 2 8/19/08
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The only thing it seems holding OM & exWWs "marriage" together is their mutual hatred of you. I wonder if there is an angle you could use to your advantage in that?
God Bless Gamma
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Do I have this right?
POSOM sends you an email describing a spinal tap on Friday with complications on Monday?
And you see documentation about a migraine and back pain?
Did she/he flat out lie to you?
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Not to defend your exWW, but sometimes migraines and back pain do get spinal taps to check for spinal pressure, meningitis, all sorts of fun things.
And, if you have migraines, and you get a spinal, there can be some nasty side effects.
Me: 30 Him: 39 Together 5 years Married the very best man in the world 04/06/2013 after being common law for too long. I'm a lucky woman. 7 Cats - Viscount Ashley of Leftfield, Pawkie Petunia, The Timinator, Leo the Lionheart, Fruit Snack, Cloud, and Barret And our very lucky pony, Starbucks
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Agreed, but to get the thing posponed, it just seems like she is dragging it out
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Not to defend your exWW, but sometimes migraines and back pain do get spinal taps to check for spinal pressure, meningitis, all sorts of fun things.
And, if you have migraines, and you get a spinal, there can be some nasty side effects. Headaches AFTER a lumbar puncture can be extreme. It's known as a rebound headache whereupon they drained some spinal fluid and didn't keep her on her back long enough afterwards. The drastic change in spinal fluid pressure causes a "rebound" effect and thus, a rebound headache. Rebound headaches, in my experience don't last 4 days. Sometimes the needle entry point doesn't heal properly and can have complications (continued draining being one of them...especially if she intentionally picked the scab off). I would think no one would fake an illness and sign up for a lumbar puncture voluntarily. I know waywards are crazy and your wife takes the cake...but even that is over the top when SOOOOO many other options are available. I have a friend that gets lumbar punctures regularly and asked him if he needed to get out of court which would he choose...cutting himself and getting stitches or voluntarily getting a lumbar puncture. He choose stitches. Seriously...she's broke...she could have gone to the hospital and faked ANYTHING to get out of this. Then again...she IS nuts. Did she email/call your attorney too? Otherwise, I'd never have made any indication I got the email. POSOM has no interest in this case...if she wants an adjournment...she can show up in court and ask for it. Mr. Wondering p.s. - Why JANUARY??? That seems like a long adjournment. As I recall is this actually her motion so the court thinks it's pushing back her and her bogus claims until January? Can you attorney get in with the Judge's clerk and get a sooner date? Can you now file your OWN motion and get YOUR motion (and you'll get to go first) heard sooner?
FBH(me)-51 FWW-49 (MrsWondering) DD19 DS 22 Dday-2005-Recovered
"agree to disagree" = Used when one wants to reject the objective reality of the situation and hopefully replace it with their own.
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I personally have had intractable migraine since January of 2006. This is a headache that has lasted for over 5 years.
If I knew I could use it as an excuse to get out of court....
wait a second.....
I have jury duty coming up!!! What a coup!!!! Now I have a reason to get out of it!!!
ZowieS!!!! Please call POSOM and thank him for me.
Lucky to be where I am, in a safe place to get marriage-related support. Recovered. Happy. Most recent D-day Fall 2005 Our new marriage began that day. Not easily, but it did happen.
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Not to defend your exWW, but sometimes migraines and back pain do get spinal taps to check for spinal pressure, meningitis, all sorts of fun things.
And, if you have migraines, and you get a spinal, there can be some nasty side effects. I kind of thought it might have been a meningitis check. You would think that someone wouldn't have scheduled a tap 4 days before a custody hearing. POSOM used exWW's email and included a vague Dr. note. We found out during the hearing it was faxed to the judge's office too. Headaches AFTER a lumbar puncture can be extreme. It's known as a rebound headache whereupon they drained some spinal fluid and didn't keep her on her back long enough afterwards. The drastic change in spinal fluid pressure causes a "rebound" effect and thus, a rebound headache. Rebound headaches, in my experience don't last 4 days. Sometimes the needle entry point doesn't heal properly and can have complications (continued draining being one of them...especially if she intentionally picked the scab off). I would think no one would fake an illness and sign up for a lumbar puncture voluntarily. I know waywards are crazy and your wife takes the cake...but even that is over the top when SOOOOO many other options are available. I have a friend that gets lumbar punctures regularly and asked him if he needed to get out of court which would he choose...cutting himself and getting stitches or voluntarily getting a lumbar puncture. He choose stitches. Seriously...she's broke...she could have gone to the hospital and faked ANYTHING to get out of this. Then again...she IS nuts. Did she email/call your attorney too? Otherwise, I'd never have made any indication I got the email. POSOM has no interest in this case...if she wants an adjournment...she can show up in court and ask for it. Mr. Wondering p.s. - Why JANUARY??? That seems like a long adjournment. As I recall is this actually her motion so the court thinks it's pushing back her and her bogus claims until January? Can you attorney get in with the Judge's clerk and get a sooner date? Can you now file your OWN motion and get YOUR motion (and you'll get to go first) heard sooner? The court calendar's are that backed up. My petition and her petition will be heard at the same time. Winner take all. Most likely though status quo. POSOM used her email address. She also sent a request to the judge's office via fax. I'm more affraid what she and POSOM will cook up next. I am fully anticipating she and POSOM will file a complaint with the MD DFS in the next week or so.
Me BH 49 WXW 50 Married 1998 DS 2002 DD 2005 D Day 1 7/28/08 D Day 2 8/19/08
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Gaaaahhhhh. My attorney sent me the case notes from the investigation from DFS. Turns out it was exWW and POSOM that made the allegations. POSOM also went with exWW to take DD6 to the exam and interview at the children's hospital.
Lots of good highlights:
- Principal said the school knows exWW uses a false address in the school district and lives in another state -The investigator from the case in Dec 2010 said mom had an agenda, no concerns with dad, major custody battle - DD interviewed, nothing of concern was disclosed, exWW wasn't happy and was talking about all the injustices done to her. -ExWW upset with the results of the interview and did not talk rationally -ExWW talking real fast and not making any sense. She will not be happy with the outcome of any investigation -ExWW said she was not happy with our judge. Wants a new judge, will request that the custody case will be heard in MD. -Principal said Father is always pleasant and lucid, mother the opposite. Mother always brings POSOM to school with her. He can be rather intimidating and threatening.
Me BH 49 WXW 50 Married 1998 DS 2002 DD 2005 D Day 1 7/28/08 D Day 2 8/19/08
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Why no BIA? The BIA would likely get an earful from your WXW, the way she's treated everyone else.
The BIA in my case was very fair. Just saying that one would be worth the money.
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Why no BIA? The BIA would likely get an earful from your WXW, the way she's treated everyone else.
The BIA in my case was very fair. Just saying that one would be worth the money. Our state doesn't do GAL's / BIA. Only time they do that is for DFS / neglect cases.
Me BH 49 WXW 50 Married 1998 DS 2002 DD 2005 D Day 1 7/28/08 D Day 2 8/19/08
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Isn't what your ex is doing both neglect AND abuse?
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If I were you, I would either record every conversation with her (if this is legal), or have a witness to any and all interactions with her (and who accompanies you with your children everywhere) who would be willing to testify on your behalf.
Do not tell her that you have this witness with you when you have the children. I would make sure that I was NEVER alone with the children, and document who was with me at each and every turn, so that I could hand the DFS worker the "witness calendar" so they could interview each and every witness you have documented. This will take the wind out of her sails immediately, and also show the court the extent to which you have had to go to protect yourself against her ridiculous claims.
I am serious here. You are at risk, and it is very easy to have another person simply spend the evenings/nights at your house when you have the kids, follow in another car when you go to get them, go to dinner with you all, etc. The more, the merrier. You probably have lots of friends, you could ask them to rotate duty. If I lived near you, I would volunteer a night, just to put this woman DOWN.
Lucky to be where I am, in a safe place to get marriage-related support. Recovered. Happy. Most recent D-day Fall 2005 Our new marriage began that day. Not easily, but it did happen.
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Ditto on that. And I would get a PI to document what they are doing. I would bet anything she is living some kind of crazy possibly addicted lifestyle. Beg borrow and ask relatives to help you get a PI.
Ditto on schoolbus' last four words. DOWN. It's like a prize fight, a nasty custody issue with a seriously bad wayward. They go down, get knocked down, but in their fogged out psycho haze, they will stand up and try to keep swinging but they are just more impaired in their condition. Keep going on the offensive, and one of the next blows your legal counsel delivers will finally be enough and your opponent, the psycho xww, will not have a leg to stand on, legally, and she will just be down for the final count. We declare the winner, PSU Biker!!!
Like dealing with a long term plan A with a ww, plan f-u and plan "deal with a psycho ex in the courtroom" is not a spring..it is sometimes a marathon.
Took me a few years to finally wait until I had the perfect angle and got my pop shot in and xwh went down, legally-speaking w/regard to his stupid custody stuff, for the last time.
Let me tell you PSU, having your kids free and clear, with ZERO contact wtih a serial wayward and mentally ill/immoral person is liberating!!! When the judge read the words giving me full custody and for ME to decide if and when he EVER sees his child again was like a 10,000 ton weight was instantly lifted off of my back and my blood pressure went down about 20 points.
Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right. ~Jane Goodall
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PSU, just a thought, could you get a nanny cam type of setup with sound? That would suffice, if you have video and audio of your visits wtih your kids. it would be admissable b/c you are taping yourself. Get it? That would be an easy way to also make sure you are not being set up by a vicious and desperate wayward.
Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right. ~Jane Goodall
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