I did say thank you - I didn't jump him and congratulate him for the effort. I agree more effort on my part was required. Most of the stuff DH did, was stuff that was specifically for him, that during the time he was away, I simply did not have enough hours to get it done. I get that while he is away I should be getting his stuff done as well as my own, my job, taking the kids where they need to go, house clean etc. The taker in me has a hard time appreciating the things that he would normally done himself, if not for the travel. I know I need to address this, I am trying man. I thought I did pretty good over the weekend with the LB's (dealing with his, and trying to eliminate mine). I would say although not 100% on my part, I am getting there and would grade myself with an 80%. Not quite there, but getting there.

Soo Tired of the sadness

Me 43
Him 42
S 22
S 20
S 16
D 14
Married 17