Christmas eve. What an emotional time of year. This one will be tough:
My mom passed way in April.
My XH is spending day 3 with his new wife.
My brother-in-law and my niece's husband - also my XH's cousin - had a huge blow-up over Thanksgiving. We always spend Christmas eve and Christmas day together. So far, they haven't repaired it so this will be very awkward. They live a quarter of a mile from each other. My daughter and I normally go to my sister's and spend the night and we all open gifts together Christmas day and spend the day together. Don't know how all this will work out this year. I pray that God will soften my brother-in-law's heart as he is currently the hold out to fixing it. My nephew said some pretty nasty things to him in front of others.
I'm trying to keep busy to keep from thinking too deeply about everything. I'm trying to remain positive and be thankful for all that I DO have in my life and that list is pretty extensive all things considered. I'm a young 54 year old, fantastic health, amazing daughter, good job and retirement plans in place, good family to lean on. The one thing I don't have that is making me so sad is a lying, cheating man in my life. Go figure.
Seriously, I know that people shouldn't be what is required to make you happy, but I do think that having someone in your life adds to that feeling.
Maybe 2013 will be my year. I've said that long enough. Need to work really hard on that one.
On Friday evening before his wedding on Saturday my XH sent me this email:
Just want to tell u that u were my saving angel but I was too stubborn n stupid to c it. I believe that early on u did love me n I wish I'd done what was necessary to reward u for it. Instead I stripped u of what u built years to build up n beat u down to where u felt like a whipped puppy. I'm SO VERY SORRY for how I made u feel. When I let u go, I made the biggest mistake of my life. I'll never love again like I do u n I'll always regret what I lost in u. Plz don't ever let anyone take from u what I did then u took years to build back. Ur an awesome an beautiful person. Probably the most thoughtful person I've ever met. Keep ur sights high n always make a man deserve u. Don't let him take advantage of u n take u for granted. Make him earn what I had n wish I had the chance to have again. There'll never b another Punkie pie for me n I'll always miss being a dipper stick.

. I would've done anything to have one more chance to have u n when I finally realized n was told that u haven't loved me n a long time I gave up on u!! I'd always said I would keep ur door open. But it finally did sink in n God above knows it hurt n I cried so much!!! I'll forever love, miss n desire u. I'll forever regret my loss in u!!!!!
My response - yes I did respond:
Bottom line up front: be happy.
I don't know your relationship with her or your true feelings for her; only you do. I think I would prefer to be left at the alter than to be married to someone not fully committed to me and/or madly and obviously in love with me. If both those things don't exist, your marriage won't either. You alone know how you truly feel and whether or not you have it within you to make this marriage work.
I was not frustrated when you called me. I was asleep. I have been trying to numb myself to the possibility of today. Regardless what you may think, I am not "jumping for joy", but you have made a commitment to someone else - saying I love you, buying a ring, setting a date. Something made you take those steps as it's not something that a 4th time around person would take lightly. I can't put myself in the middle of that.
More than anything in the world, I pray that we both can find peace and happiness. God knows we've both suffered greatly. I honestly can't imagine my life without you in it. I also can't imagine you married to anyone else, but decisions have been made, plans have been placed into motion and today is the day that (names XH)and (me) ends and (names XH)and (new wife) begins. Your wish will come true: you won't be alone at Christmas this year!!
I wish I could flip a switch and not think or feel; I can't. Despite what you think you know, you don't know how I feel or what I wish. But, beyond my selfish wish for things to have been different, my greatest wish is for you to be happy. Yes, you can say I would have or should have done things differently if I had wanted a different outcome. Not too long ago I suggested a meeting between us and my family to discuss those things you said I lied about. You dismissed that as too little, too late. At the time I didn't know that the "too late" meant that you were engaged, but it all makes sense now.
We've both made choices that have led us to where we are today and that includes a wedding for you. Although it hurts to say it, I'll forever love you, too and will forever wish I could turn the clock back to 1996 and do so many things differently so that we were still together.
This needs to be the last correspondence between us. It just hurts too much and after the "I do's" it wouldn't be right.
His response 11:21 am when he was to stand at the altar at 4:00 pm was this:
All u had to do was give me a glimmer of hope. U couldn't n u didn't. I've tried for years. As I text this, I'm still thinking that a glimmer would still make the difference. But u rather not!!
At 11:42 am I got this:
Y didn't u day something r try to show me something other than push me away. I tried to tell u so many times n so many ways how I felt n what I wanted. U made that choice n when and only when u found out I was getting married u act like it bothers u. I do have a strong feeling that u still couldn't care less n saying that n acting like it bothers u just to dig a little deeper hurt. I've literally begged u!!! All u hound in it to say was that if I didn't love her the right way I should rethink it. Never once that if I wasn't truly where I needed to be we could take a shot at it. U just found it to slam how I am doing something wrong n to hurt someone. But I'll leave u alone n honor ur wishes. Uv made it clear to me that I'm not the one u wanted!!!! I'll always love n miss u.
My response to him at 1:03pm was "You need to pray and follow wht God lays on your heart."
I got no response and as far as I know he got married at 4pm Saturday afternoon.
Yesterday at 11:30 am I got a text from him telling me that he saw my DD - he adopted her but they have zero relationship as she knows what he has done and hates him (I didn't tell her, but others did plus she witnessed and overheard a lot) - riding down the road and texting. Said the following:
I know it's bad to text u n I know u won't believe me but if ud like to c the video, you can. But DD was all over XX Road TEXTING this am. Got right beside her to make sure. Plz don't mention that I said it n if it wasn't so bad I swear I wouldn't mention it under circumstances!!
She left our house headed to church 5-10 minutes before I did. I left at 10:50. The direction she headed she would have been off that road long before 11:02 am at which time she called my niece asking if they were going to church. Was on phone less than 1 minute. She did not text anyone or receive a text until 11:30 or so. Confirmed this online by checking cell phone records real time!!
I thought about it and I talked to my niece about it and I sent this response:
Send video. Will address.
Never heard a word.
What WAS that all about? I would not have responded except that if she was driving erratically I do want to know, even from him. That's a dangerous road and she drives some heavily travelled roads in our area.
I'm not interested in talking to him or seeing him or texting him, etc. I do wonder if he's wanting to keep the door open so he can ask me to help him with end-of-year taxes for the business that we started and he still operates.
He should be able to handle it. The processes I put in place are pretty simple. He has several folks, including the new wife, that should be able to help him figure it out. I don't plan to.
I'm sad to think that he would do that to me - be that manipulative to try and keep me around to help with that, but also sad to say that I think he would.
I need to say some prayers for her as well as for me. She's going to need them.