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I apologize that the edited portion of my post went against MB. I must have worded it wrong because that wasn't my intention.

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Originally Posted by Rungirlrun
I do thank everyone for the help and suggestions, I'm out of here now to implement what I can; for the record, most people need a chance to process befor being told what to do. A huge asset in H and I staying together is that he has never told me what to do; he's given me his thoughts and let me make my own decisions to prove whether I really want to stay with him.

rungirlrun, I would ask that you send him here so that we can speak to him. There are several steps that must be taken to recover your marriage. He needs to be leading the recovery of your marriage if it is ever to happen. One of the first steps would be for him to expose your affair to the OM's wife and to your close family and friends.

Please show him this article: Can't We Just Forgive and Forget?

And this one:
Originally Posted by Dr Bill Harley in Requirements for Recovery
The plan I recommend for recovery after an affair is very specific. That's because I've found that even small deviations from that plan are usually disastrous. But when it's followed, it always works. The plan has two parts that must be implemented sequentially. The first part of the plan is for the unfaithful spouse to completely separate from the lover and eliminate the conditions that made the affair possible. The second part is for the couple to create a romantic relationship, using my Basic Concepts as a guide.

I'll describe these two parts to you in a little more detail.

The first step, complete separation from the lover and eliminating the conditions that made the affair possible, requires a complete understanding of the affair. All information regarding the affair must be revealed to the betrayed spouse, including the name of the lover, the conditions that made the affair possible (travel, internet, etc.), the details of what took place during the affair, all correspondence, and anything else that would shed light on the tragedy.

This information is important for two reasons: (1) it creates accountability and transparency, making it essentially impossible for the unfaithful spouse to continue the affair or begin a new one unnoticed, and (2) it creates trust for the betrayed spouse, providing evidence that the affair is over and a new one is unlikely to take its place. The nightmares you experience are likely to continue until you have the facts that
will lead to your assurance that your husband can be trusted.

An analysis of the wayward spouse's childhood or emotional state of mind in an effort to discover why he or she would have an affair is distracting and unnecessary. It takes precious time away from finding the real solutions. I know why people have affairs: We are all wired for it. Given certain conditions, we would all do it. Given other conditions, however, none of us would do it. So the goal of the first step is to discover the conditions that made the affair possible and eliminate them.

After the first step is completed, the second step is to create a romantic relationship between you and your husband using my 10 Basic Concepts here
as your guide. While your relationship may be improving, it won't lead to a romantic relationship because you are not being transparent toward each other. Unspoken issues in a marital relationship lead to a superficiality that ruins romance.

<snip unrelated>

Infidelity is not something that can be swept under the rug. While those who have affairs want to forget about it and move on, those who are betrayed must take very specific steps before they can fully recover. In your case, those steps have not been taken, and as a result, your fear persists. I will send you a complimentary copy of my book, "Surviving an Affair," if you send me your address. It will describe these two steps to you and provide you with a roadmap toward full recovery. But the path will require full disclosure of all details.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

Exposure 101

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RGR: When you said you had a history of "self-medicating," were you referring to drug abuse or alcoholism?

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Originally Posted by everythingcracks
Far from coddling. It's extremely difficult to:
1. buy a book
2. read it completely
3. understand the depths of it
4. Applying it
5. Accomplish all of this under 24 hours.

If this was the case - we would all be rocket scientists and doctors.

I love how you wrote that and then made numerous comments--which had no relevance whatsoever to the discussion--to impress (convince?) us that you are a doctor so we would be more likely to respect/defer to your opinions. Didn't you realize how transparent that was?

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Originally Posted by JessicaClaire
Originally Posted by everythingcracks
Far from coddling. It's extremely difficult to:
1. buy a book
2. read it completely
3. understand the depths of it
4. Applying it
5. Accomplish all of this under 24 hours.

If this was the case - we would all be rocket scientists and doctors.

I love how you wrote that and then made numerous comments--which had no relevance whatsoever to the discussion--to impress (convince?) us that you are a doctor so we would be more likely to respect/defer to your opinions. Didn't you realize how transparent that was?

His whole last post was just weird. I am ignoring it and I agree we should get back to helping the OP.

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Originally Posted by Rungirlrun
Everythingcracks, thank you for understanding. I was going to pm you but apparently that's not an option here - makes sense I suppose.

Yesterday I was working from home. So was H. We talked a lot. I read 80% of the book, was posting here and was fielding work calls due to a crisis situation. I was sobbing most of the day in between calls. I went to lunch wi H and wore my sunglasses the whole time. This is not a ploy for sympathy, I brought this on myself, but I believe some of you understand that there's a real human behind the screen so I apologize if I came across as a hot mess. In short, it's because I am. K? I'm trying to hold myself and my life together and work on a marriage that's been broken pretty much since we got married - there's a lot I haven't told. It's a tall order. Right now I'm putting in as much work as I can, one step at a time. Cutting off contact with OM was huge, and like Dr. Harley said, it's hundreds of decisions every day, not a one-time thing. The fact that I know his digits and don't call him is not flaunting everything, it's reiterating that no matter what I do, I could still contact him and I don't because I know how damaging it would be for everyone. This is a conscious decision on my part and one I'm not compromising on. It would kill H and therefore me. My A didn't reach the secretive stage and I'm not a liar. The reason I was found out so quickly is because I can't keep anything from H. Two days was all I could do and it was tearing me up.

My H isn't perfect but he loves me more than anyone, and I love him more than anyone too. The hell I've put us through isn't worth any contact, and feelings, any anything.

The judgments I was referring to are the ones that seem to know my motives, what goes on in my therapy sessions, whether I've read the book because I forgot the author's name (yesterday it was a miracle I remembered mine) etc. I know there are patterns to these things, but I'm one person. Everyone's mileage varies. Please listen to the stories before you make assumptions, and be familiar with the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy before you tell someone who they are and what they want. Even well-meaning tough love type of posts could be very triggering.

I do thank everyone for the help and suggestions, I'm out of here now to implement what I can; for the record, most people need a chance to process befor being told what to do. A huge asset in H and I staying together is that he has never told me what to do; he's given me his thoughts and let me make my own decisions to prove whether I really want to stay with him. I was the one who cut off contact with OM, who chose to give H access to my phone, accounts, etc. Feeling like I'm made to do something would've sent me running and made it an insincere gesture on my part. Many will disagree, i think even dr h, and that's fine. I readily admit that I have huge issues with rules and authority. I also don't believe that humans are one-size-fits-all creatures and approaches need to take individual strengths into consideration.

For the record, H and I went for a run yesterday. Running is literally keeping me from losing it entirely right now. Do not underestimate the mental state that people are in when posting here, even if they were the bad guy. I had half a mind to run straight off the bike path into traffic; luckily the exercise helped immensely. He's going out of town for business next week and I'm going with him. I still don't know for sure if we're going to make it; some of our long-term stuff seems insurmountable but I'm going to try like hell.

Again, thanks, I think I needed to be here but I also think I got what I needed to get. I still need to be functional in life as well and the constant posting here would prohibit that. If you havent picked up on it, im a bit of an obsessive sort and staying away from here would be tough.

I wish you all well, I really do.

Sometimes 2x4s are necessary to break through the fog. They are used routinely here and actually demonstrate caring. We don't pat people on the back when they are continuing to make bad choices. People really do want the best for you and your M.

And no, we do NOT underestimate people's mental states. You probably haven't considered that many BSs land here and have to Plan A (demonstrate a willingness to meet their emotional needs and avoid all lovebusters) their wayward spouse who is actively in an affair. This is so demanding and stressful on a BW that it can lead to an actual mental breakdown.

You don't need to tell us your life history in order for us to get it. Withdrawal is extremely difficult for a WS. This is why we are pressing you so hard to get these basic EPs implemented. All it will take is ONE text or phone call from the OM to reset your clock all the way back to DAY 1. Just by having your FB and phone as avenues for him to be able to contact you will likely keep you triggered and prevent you getting out of withdrawal.

I hope that you will send your H here.

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Since you like analogy, try this on.

Someone calls 911 because there is a crisis. The operator on the phone takes the call and makes suggestions. I.E. stop the bleeding, go to a safe place, etc.

Does it really help to go into the why we need to stop the bleeding, or why do I need to get to a safe place?

No. Success does not hinge on why the instructions were given. Success hinges on following the instructions.

After the danger has passed, if the caller wants to learn more, they can. But in the crisis, actions are far more important than an in depth understanding.

Follow the directions, get on the right path, and then, when you've stopped the bleeding in your marriage, you can learn more about why and how to do it better, an so forth.

This is a marriage ER. We are not teaching folks how to be doctors, we are triaging the wounded and teaching them how to take care of their marriages.

A patient doesn't need the same understanding that the doctor has to follow the doctors recommendations.

Originally Posted by everythingcracks
Originally Posted by SusieQ
Sorry but this is getting silly.
I agree.
Originally Posted by SusieQ
It was explained over and over to her why she needed to implement a simple EP that a 10-year-old could understand. She does not need to read the entirety of SAA in order to somehow process that.

When I was a medical student my first procedure I performed alone was a port-cath removal - took me 45 minutes - skin to skin (which is about oh 39 minutes longer than the procedure should take by an expert). Each step had to be explained to me in real-time. The attending I was working said, don't make a move unless I fully understood what I had to do next, and if I don't, ask and he will explain it again. In my field they say you can teach a monkey to operate. If someone doesn't understand something - explain it again. It's simple and harms no one. Just because a 10-year old can understand it, like a monkey operating, doesn't make it simple.

Changing ones character is methodical and take times. Respect that.

Originally Posted by SusieQ
You swoop in after she rejects the advice, calls posters "judgemental" (a wayward tactic) and says perhaps she should leave as the forum is making her feel bad and basically tell her that this is a "good idea".

You further tell her that we have confused her by not giving her a "solid reason" (not true!) and suggest that this has turned her off to the forum. THAT is what was out of line and THAT is what you were called out on.
There was no swooping.
You are the one who vocalized the word judge-mental (for the record)
Funny, but I'm a BS - but by nature of profession I have to be/remain objective - but carry on.
Never did tell her to leave, she suggested and I supported her decision - FYI it's called respecting ones autonomy (something physicians must do - if a patient want to sign out AMA and they have ST elevations in precordial leads - guess what I can't make them stay)

Never did try and confuse her - only reinforced the principles extolled by Dr. Harley's writings and research.

So what now?? So far you have insulted me by judging my opinions and labeling them as a WS when in fact i'm a BS and echoing the words/opinions of Dr. Harley who practices patience and understanding. You have then used your own lens to distort my words to fit your view point. Is there any end to the depths of your judgement?

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Originally Posted by everythingcracks
Changing ones character is methodical and take times. Respect that.
Everythingcracks -

Please respect this: Dr. Harley's program derives from behavioral therapy, not cognitive therapy. You keep insisting that her mindset must change before her actions can change, and everyone here is trying to make you understand that this program doesn't work that way.

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Originally Posted by Enlightened_Ex
Since you like analogy, try this on.

Someone calls 911 because there is a crisis. The operator on the phone takes the call and makes suggestions. I.E. stop the bleeding, go to a safe place, etc.

Does it really help to go into the why we need to stop the bleeding, or why do I need to get to a safe place?

No. Success does not hinge on why the instructions were given. Success hinges on following the instructions.

After the danger has passed, if the caller wants to learn more, they can. But in the crisis, actions are far more important than an in depth understanding.

Follow the directions, get on the right path, and then, when you've stopped the bleeding in your marriage, you can learn more about why and how to do it better, an so forth.

This is a marriage ER. We are not teaching folks how to be doctors, we are triaging the wounded and teaching them how to take care of their marriages.

A patient doesn't need the same understanding that the doctor has to follow the doctors recommendations.


Everythingcracks - I suggest that if you feel there is advice being given that does not match the MB plan than notify the moderators. You are doing nothing good in this thread right now other than confusing an addicted WS. I will put Melody's experience up against anyone here. This forum is not an anything goes, anyone can say anything forum.

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Originally Posted by Rungirlrun
most people need a chance to process befor being told what to do.

You are about to be hit by a bus. Do you want me to let you "process" that or do you want me to tell you to GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!

Time to process will come. Right now you need to do specific, critical things to avoid getting hit by the affair bus.

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Originally Posted by JessicaClaire
Originally Posted by everythingcracks
Changing ones character is methodical and take times. Respect that.
Everythingcracks -

Please respect this: Dr. Harley's program derives from behavioral therapy, not cognitive therapy. You keep insisting that her mindset must change before her actions can change, and everyone here is trying to make you understand that this program doesn't work that way.

As is often said here:

Feelings follow actions!

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I'd say Dr. Harley is from the behaviorist school so the cognitive school of thought is completely different. Repeated behaviors that become habit will lead to a change in cognition.

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