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#346108 04/23/04 05:49 PM
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I thought we might have one thread for daily requests and praise reports...

I am asking for prayer because my husband hasn't phoned all week. He was feeling hurt when I saw him on Monday, and hasn't called since then. I don't have number for him, and I sense that even its best not to call around for him, but let him be and he will call when he is ready.

Please pray that I will calm down, and that he will call and come out to see us soon. That he will get over being angry.


#346109 04/23/04 06:18 PM
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I pray that you will have patience and strenth. Please read Philippians 4:6, I have to read it daily.

Please pray that my W will open her heart back up to me and start to break down the walls that she has built up.

#346110 04/23/04 06:50 PM
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Whenever I start feeling "down" about wanting to talk to my H (who doesn't want to talk to me at all, apparently) <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" /> I start thinking about the Lord, and about how I have rejected HIM. I think about all the times I SHOULD have talked to HIM, should have read my Bible, but instead turned on the TV. Times I should have prayed, but got distracted, so got up from the prayers I was saying, and went to do something else........

This feeling of "rejection" from their beloved is something our Lord is very familiar with. We have done it to Him many times in our lives (at least I have). Why not turn to HIM any time you are lonely for your WH? Why not turn to HIM every time you feel alone and rejected by WH? He is there, He is waiting, He is longing for fellowship with us. WE are the ones who continually reject HIM.

Sometimes I think the Lord has allowed all this in our lives so I WILL think more about how much I have rejected Jesus throughout my life, instead of RUNNING TOWARD Him.

Put your focus on HIM anytime you are missing your H. HE IS ABLE to be our everything. HE IS our husband for this season, and He wants to be our provider...........to provide for us emotionally, financially, spiritually, etc. I am learning this, and it has helped to comfort me whenever I am lonely, down, discouraged. It has helped me not to dwell on what WH might be doing, or thinking, or where He might be.

Jesus wants us for His own during this precious time alone with HIM. Whenever I refocus on this, and see it from God's perspective, I realize I am just as guilty of abandonment toward God as my WH has been to me - and I don't like the feeling, so, WHAT MUST GOD BE FEELING?

I hope you don't think I'm "beating you up." I certainly am NOT! I'm just trying to give you another perspective to look at your feelings, and turn your attention back toward God. HE loves you, and CAN'T WAIT for you to spend this alone time WITH HIM!!!!

God Bless,

#346111 04/23/04 07:35 PM
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Yes, in fact I was thinking about that just yesterday- that God has reached out for us, his Son has DIED for us, and we don't talk to him. And yes, he is our everything. I have to find my peace and fulfillment in him.

I have spent most of the week in prayer, every minute I haven't been working, mostly pleading for my husbands healing. I sensed this morning when I was in a panic, that God was saying "Yes, I know his ways and I will heal him".

But I am a nervous wreck right now. I have always been the one to seek him out, call him, but I am not doing that anymore. I have to let him come to me on his own time, not pressure him. Its so hard to wait, though. My stomach is in knots.

I will go and read Philipians right now, Learninglots, and I pray that God will give you an opportunity to show love to your wife today, and that it will soften her heart.

Thank you both.

Thank you Father, for what you are doing tonight in our lives and in the lives of our loved ones. Thank you for always being there when we call out. Forgive us for neglecting you and ignoring you, after you have done so much for us, and are waiting to bless us. Thank you for loving us steadfastly, patiently. Let us be patieent with our spouses. Help us to sense your presence tonight, and to trust you to work all things out for your glory.

#346112 04/24/04 11:39 PM
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I have a Prayer Request and a Praise Report.

REQUEST - I feel that I am getting further from God. I know it's the enemy working here but I ask that you pray for me. I want to be in love with the Lord FOREVER. I don't want my old life back. I don't want the old me back. I want to be the godly woman God created me to be. I want to have the true happiness that only comes from loving our Lord. Please pray for me.

PRAISE - I know it may not be too much but for me it was GREAT. This evening we had a special program at church with a Pastor that works with families. He had people anonymously write question and he read them in front of the church and answered them. Meanwhile, some guy is trying to set up the laptop and the projector to show his power point presentation, but can't get it to work. The first question the pastor read was from a lady who recently divorced her husband and was asking if it was ok for her to re-marry in the future. He started talking about the vows we made to the Lord and how they are FOREVER. And lo and behold, my H walked in the church, went straight to the laptop and helped them fix it. As he was standing there (almost at the front of the church) the pastor had someone read Malachi 2:13 and on. For any of you who remember, this is where the Lord says he HATES divorce. I don't know if my H was paying attention to what was being said but MIL and I (who were sitting together) were happy that he was just there. As soon as the computer was fixed, he walked outside. I thought he had left, but when we finally got out of the program (at about 8:30pm) he was still there. He was outside the church, talking with some friends. I would have liked even better if he had been inside but I KNOW the Lord is working in his heart and has at least brouht him TO church. It's going to be a process (and could even be LONG) but God WILL bring my H back to Him. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!

Thank you Shul for this post. It's great to share praises with all my brothers and sisters in Christ.

#346113 04/25/04 12:17 AM
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Praise: God is awesome and keeps me out of trouble.

Prayer request: I am starting to doubt again. I feel that God is calling me to fast again for strenght and clarity. I know God wants me to stand for my marriage. He has placed me in a place where everybody (except my parents and husband's parents) tell me I am doing the right thing in standing. I am impatient and have been dwelling on my husband's sinning. I pray when that happens but it keeps happening more and more. I need prayer help with forgiving.

Thank you,

#346114 04/25/04 02:59 AM
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I will try to pray for you all tonight before I go to bed. God created us as a Body for a purpose, eh? It is hard to bear our sorrows alone.

<small>[ June 12, 2004, 04:23 AM: Message edited by: LoveMyEx ]</small>

#346115 04/25/04 05:10 AM
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I left up Lovemyex and ask you to heal her heart, and give her clear direction for her life. I pray that you would save her husband and restore their relationship.
I ask that you would give her joy,in spite of her husbands actions, these circumstances.

Thank you Father, htat nothing is too hard for you.

I pray for Lunadove that you would give her grace to forgive her husband and see him with your eyes, as lost in sin.

I thank you for Hopeful's good news Father. It is a reminder that you are working on our behalf to draw our husbands to yourself, and to convict them of sin. Thank you that yoru word never goes back empty but acomplishes tat which you have purposed for it. May this word be in his mind, and may it convict him of the wrong he has done to his wife.


Let my husband come to his senses and call me today. Let him realise how he is hurting his child and stop sulking and feeling sorry for himself. Give him no peace until he does the right thing. Let him come to me in repentance.

#346116 04/25/04 08:35 PM
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Thank you Shul. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> I agree with you in prayer. "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."

I wanted to share with you all something about how it's so interesting to me (interresting not really the right word) how many stories of reconciled marriages I've heard, even among non-Christians.

Two stories:

I read on AOL today that Estee Lauder passed away. I read the article and near the end, it mentions how she married Mr. Lauder and then 3 years later divorced him. Well, then 3 yrs. after that they remarried and stayed married until his death some 40 years later! And as far as I now, this wasn't out of any conviction and they weren't Christians.

Second story: The other day I ran into an old family friend. She is my mother's age (60ish). Her and her husband were very close with my parents when I was growing up and our families did everything together. Well, I think he had an affair or two and eventually they divorced (when I was a teen or in college I think). Then he was guilty of embezzlement and went to prison for a couple of years.

I had not seen her since college (about 13 yrs or so) and we talked but I was sensitive and didn't say or ask anything about her ex-husband. When I was about to go, she said, "You do know that --- and I are back together don't you?"

NO, I didn't know!

Well, after 12 years of divorce, affairs, and even jail, they reconciled and have been back together for 4 years. I honestly was dumbfounded. They are not Chrisitans and I don't think they even desired to be reconciled. But... they are. She talked about how much they'd changed, learned, etc. They have five grown kids and several grandkids and I can only imagine the blessings that they are now together.

Anyways... thought I'd share that! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

God bless and may you see God's hand in your life and marriages in awesome ways!

#346117 04/25/04 11:58 PM
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As far as the Estee Lauder story. This is what was posted on Foxnews.com:

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">In 1939 she got a divorce and moved to Florida. Years later, she explained why: "I was married very young. You think you missed something out of life. But I found out that I had the sweetest husband in the world." </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">That is the explanation she gave. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

I haven't heard from my husband in over a week either. I know God has a reason for H to not contact us. I know God is working on him and I could see the inner struggle in my husband when he was here. Let God work on him and don't worry. There is a reason they are not contacting us.


<small>[ April 26, 2004, 12:01 AM: Message edited by: LunaDove ]</small>

#346118 04/26/04 07:53 AM
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Thank you both so much.

He still hasn't called. I am angry that he cares so little for his child that he doesn't call just to make sure we are ok.

And I am worried that something may have happened to him. But I have prayed. God knows where he is , and if something has happened to him I will hear eventually. No one has heard from him, which probably means he is out of town working. In his job, he never knows from one day to the next if he is going out of town, which means he never knows hwen he is going to be able to see us. He has said a few times that he would be out, and then he had to work. I was disappointed but I wasn't upset because I knew he would come if he could. But I think he feels pressured to come out, or say when he is coming and he keeps saying he doesn't know. I told him it doesn't matter , that I am just glad to hear his voice and know he is ok, I am not asking for a promise.
What upset me is that he had two days off finally after a month, and he said he was coming, but instead chose to waste it working on a car, getting drunk, and so on.

I have made every effort to make things easy for him, to make things pleasant for him. I have asssured him that that the door is always open. Maybe I have been trying too hard. It might be better if I am not so available to him.

Maybe as you say, God is dealing with him. And I am going to do my best to just pray for him adn then forget about him today. I have a job, and a child to take care of, and other things.

A friend of mine used to say "Don't rent him out too much space in your head."

I guess thats good advice.

I don't know what I will say to him when he does phone.

#346119 04/26/04 07:59 AM
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He is on the phone right now

#346120 04/26/04 08:27 AM
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Well I was just posting that and he called. He said "sorry for not calling , that was inconsiderate of me"

He didn't offer any explanation. I asked him, " Were you mad at me? Is that why you didn't call?" He said, "partly".
I said, " I was worried about you. I figured you were either in trouble, or in jail, or in the hospital or with someone else"

I said," whatever id going on with you is your business, and I am not asking you to come out here if you don't want to see me." I am your friend and I was worried about you"

He didn't say anything, changed the subject. Said he will call me tonight.

#346121 04/26/04 08:42 AM
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Father God, I lift up this day my brothers and sisters to You, and I ask that You would do Your will in their lives. Father, I come before the throne of grace, making my appeal known to You, O'Lord for joy and happiness to return to them. I ask that You prove to them that You are a jealous God, and that You will not let them go their own way Lord. Persue them Lord, and bring them back into Your warm embrace.
I ask that You would forgive any sins that they may be harboring, and that You would cleanse them in the purifying blood of our Savior Jesus. I ask that You would show them any areas of their lives that are displeasing to You Lord, and that You would mold them and make them into the people that you want them to be. I ask that You would restore what the locusts have eaten Lord. I charge you satan to return what you have stolen from them. In the name of Jesus I command to give it back.
In the name of Jesus Lord, I ask that You would loose all the powers of heaven to come to the aid of my brothers and sisters. And in the name of Jesus I bind the works of satan and his demons off of their lives, marriages, and families. Lord I ask that you make a path for them back to a normal and happy marriage once again. That You would cause the covenant that these people have made with another human being, and with You to not just be restored, but to be devoted and committed to serving You. Father God, I ask that today You would remove any roots of pride, of judgement, of bitterness, of anger, of hurt, of hate, of jealousy, and of revenge, from their hearts. Turn their hearts back to You Lord. In Jesus name. Amen

<small>[ April 26, 2004, 08:43 AM: Message edited by: singleguy ]</small>

#346122 04/26/04 09:48 AM
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Singleguy: I receive that prayer today....I also agree with you in prayer for the other brothers and sisters on this board.

For me, I pray for my husband's salvation - that God would send godly men across his path to lead him into salvation.

I also pray for God to restore what the locusts have eaten in our lives. I pray for forgiveness, bitterness, I pray for myself to walk in love as Jesus would do.

Thanks for the prayers - each of us needs them.


#346123 04/26/04 10:53 AM
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Lord, hear the request of Angelia. Bring her husband into the kingdom. We praise You in advance for what You will do. In Jesus name. Amen

God Bless Angelia Today!!!

#346124 04/26/04 03:36 PM
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Father God,

I am in agreement with these requests, and thatnk you heavenly Father, for the healing work you are going to do in the lives of our loved ones.

Father, guide me today, give me wisdom concerning my husband. Let my words be like honey to him, blessing him. Let me radiate love to him. Cleanse my heart of any attitude that is not in accordance with your perfect love, and let my words be a reflection of your love for him in me.

Guard my tongue from saying anything that I should not, Lord. Help me to be quiet and to win him 'without the word'. Give me today a quiet and gentle spirit, and take out of me any selfishness or pride, or anything that will hinder your will, your love from reaching him.

Please prepare his heart to receive this love. Let it be a balm to him, comforting his heart, soothing his mind. Let him feel cared for and valued, respected and honored by me.

I know that you said if I ask anything you will do it for me, and nothing is too hard for you.

Thank you Father

#346125 04/27/04 08:44 AM
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Lord, I stand in complete agreement with shul, and all the others who have prayed her prayer. Hear this request Lord. We plead for You divine intervention. In Jesus name. Amen


#346126 04/27/04 01:27 PM
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Yesterday, when my husband called he didn't ask about us, he just talked about a family we know who are in crisis because of booze, whose children and house are at risk.

Father, please wake him up and show him how his own family are in need and his own house is falling down , because of his neglect. Show him that every word he said about them he was condemning himself. Let him see this, and give him compassion for his own child. Let him take up his responsibilities before he concerns himself with others. Let him get his priorities straight.

Father, show him his true condition. Let him stop hiding from his own wife adn child. Let him start to keep the promises that he has made about fixing the house so we can live there, about paying the bills, and let him care abou this daughter and show it by calling and visiting her, asking about her.

Give me strength to keep taking care of her and everything in the meantime. Help me today to do my job, I am so tired.

Thank you Father.

#346127 04/28/04 09:51 PM
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Thank you for taking care of us today, and for providing for our needs.

Thank you that my husbnad phoned. Father, he wants to get a car, but you know this is a bad idea. Please convict him about this, the money he has wasted, the cost to all of us, the potential price he might have to pay if he gts caught driving. Please let him give up this idea.

I also ask that he would get time off this weekend, and that he would think about how to spend this time off, that he would come out and help us , and spend time playing with his daughter.

Lord, tonight, let him think about what is really important in this life, and get his priorities in line with your will. Open his eyes to the good things in his life, and be conscious of the value of his family, how he has thrown away and neglected and abused this precious gift.


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