My H and I have been a couple for almost 7 years. During that time, (into the 2nd year) we had major troubles and he went and slept with a minor. Then, my first love popped back in and created more havoc. Then, we got married. He became an Internet junkie ignoring me and the kids. I finally had had enough so we seperated this past summer. The kids and I left the state for a while. We didn't know if we were still a couple or not. I wanted time to think. I wanted him to see how important our marriage was to me. I hoped he would see that I was serious about our family. Instead, he started a relationship with a woman from the Internet. He and I talked all summer with no word about her. The weekend I agreed to come home he went to see her. He told me when I returned about her but told me they had not slept together - he had slept on the couch during his visits to her. (She lived in another state). He promised to break off all contact with her, then I find her # on the cell phone. I called her to find out what was going on and she told me she was PREGNANT. It happened the weekend I agreed to come home. The same weekend he professed how much he missed me and loved me. <P>After several months of fighting back and forth with her because of comments made by her regarding his part in the child's life, he has broken off all contact. Yet, I am still faced with the question of whether or not he will run to another bed when things get rocky again. <P>I am from an old fashioned family. Marriage is sacred. Yes, I made a mistake almost 3 years ago. We were a couple at the time, but we weren't married. He broke our vows as soon only a few weeks after I left. I am trying to work through things and some aspects are better. Then again, there is still some major doubt about him. I saw letters he had written to her expressing undying love, moving the sun and the moon, and such. Things it took him longer then a few weeks to say to me. I don't know if I can be sure he is truly over her. <P>I just don't know. <P>Nikole