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Joined: Jun 2004
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Joined: Jun 2004
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Wow-- I arrived the day before and talk about an emotional roller coaster of events! My daughter and new son in law are now officially married!!!

Rather long post before I ramble on. I would love to thankyou everyone again, again and again for all the wonderful generous support, advice and prayers!!! Especially, for all the warnings, and PREPARATION!!!!

My how true the old saying of a stitch in time saves nine and relieved my open wounds ruptured could be re-stitched in time.

The most incredible, amazing things happened which I wish I could have recorded on video tape. The wedding event certainly produced a rainbow of hopes and obstacles. Things that could go wrong did, and things that could go right did in a strange peculiar way.

God Great Grace was ever present and at work. He really got us all through the joyous and difficult moments. The entire wedding celebration was breathtakingly beautiful!!!!

My daughter looked absolutely radiantly stunning and eleganace beyond compare in her satin ivory, strapless victorian mermaid styled gown, with copper, taupe ribbon bows. The back of her dress laced up in victorian cris cross satin ribbon. Her hair just glistened in thick lush brown beautiful ringlets.

Her hand held bouquet consisted of three long stemmed calla lillies, wraped in a large banana leaf, wrapped in matching copper, taupe ribbon. The same ribbon she wore as a choker with a beautiful cameo broch, matching earing my mother had bought over 30 yrs ago in Italy. For some unknown she had never wore.

My son inlaw was especially so handsome, in his deep royal blue suit, blue shirt and golden yellow &blue stripped tie. A celloist played during the entire cermony.

The celebration was held in the most romantic, old English styled manor and outdoor sunken garden setting. Modelled after a shakepearean themes, replica cottages.

It had rained straight prior for two days. The sun had come out, for the occasion, the day was shining brightly. The amount of birds that were present were every where in their festive chirpings. It was like we were all in a beautiful dreamy fairytale.

I am delighted to report that I was calm, cool and collected the entire time. And managed to be the artful dodger. Talk about grace under fire. Since the wedding was held so far away there were 15 of us in total for the gathering.

Talk about a small intimate gathering, I pretty much kept my entire focus on prayer, my daughter, son inlaw and guests. Of course on the floral gardens, fairytale of the venue.We were so in our right proper element.

I on the other hand wore a forrest green crushed velvet long ankle skirt, matching jacket, with an ivory turtle neck sweater & ivory hose. Jewlery wise wore balkan amber beaded necklace and matching tear drop earings. Hair swept up, with long wild curls past my shoulders.

The kids did such a magnificant job in organzing and planning their entire wedding on such short notice.

The setting was amazingly awesome paradisce!!! My x drove out with my son, sooo things were a little awkward.

I managed to completely tune out my x-- had my personal dial on smile, which I managed to keep on most of time.

I was so touched to see my daughter so happily in love. The union vowes they exchanged were so beautiful and inspiring. About mutual love and respect.

My daughter opted not to have her father give her way so not sure of what he thought but how she wanted things to go. Instead she and her husband decided to give each other away. They looked so beautiful descending down the long stone staircase which fed directly into the sunken garden.

From then on they walked together into a wide open brillant green grace space towards a beautiful gazabo, with cresent shaped humming water ponds. The flowers in the back drop were all in white,cream theme.

During the cermony, all of sudden it seemed my entire video of our lives,marriage, childbirth of my daughter, her growing up through the stages, and tons of footage of family life memories were released within in me and unfolded. I couldn't shed a tear but calmly went along a new beginning unfolding in a rosepetal splendor.

But GOD in his mercy was greater, overode the internal video footage and cleansed every hidden tear I had of shattered dreams and mended a broken heart. To feel the waves of incredible joy and sorrow at the same time was a bit overwhelming. Beholding my daughter on her day of joy was so soothing and moving.

Photo sessions part was rather very intense, most interesting but I managed to armor up, and keep my boundries with a smile. Leaving a very wide bandwidth for everyone to socialize. I made sure that my x and I didn't end up any position to be included in their photos together.

Sadly, there were various points that x tried to connect with me in a friendly manner, but I managed to completely deflect, avoid comments or eye contact and stay far out his personal zone.

Thankfully, after all the photo sessions were completed. I headed to my room for a good short nap and handed everything over to God. Considering I had no sleep as of yet, a good nap was just the perfect rest I need to discharge all the emotions.

My, it's at weddings when a family, couple re-connect where one can feel the depth, breath, the scope, reality of a severed ties and destroyed bonds.

Such intense acute painful hurting emotions of being torn& ripped assunder. The dangling marital nerves that were so sensitive to touch seemed almost deadened. Amputation wounds scaring over. Even the deepest trauma wounds were being awakened but cleansed.

During the vows exchange I also realised at that flash moment. How very very deeply how unsatisfied I really was with my x. How unhappy he made me with his harhness, harsh life imposed upon us, amplified. I needed to really feel those wounds.

After my short wonderful nap, I woke up so light hearted, with a peace and calm that was indeed not of my own doing. All my nervous enegries seemed to dissappear.

In fact my son and x came into my room which I was sharing with my mom, just to check it out.
I was enabled of course interact with my son, in such way that wasn't ungracious and let my mother and x chit, chat about what ever. I seemed too be given a detached peace to accept the reality of deep common severe dsyfunction between them.

On some level I just didn't want to spoil the beautiful silence, I was blissing in nor dare want to waste any energy. I was so silent- I couldn't care about the dsyfunctionality. The beauty of the environment, being replanted in my right element where I truly belonged was far more important for my mind, soul.

This is what I was feeling but drought, of where I lived, the people who were suppose to be my family. They produced more drought in my life. No wonder I felt the need to observe grief.

There was a wonderful out door deck ajoining my room, so I managed to stay outdoors and enjoy the ocean air, vista views of a majestic forests that lay in the distance and mountains ahead. Permit my son, x and my mother be do their thing.

Why my x invited himself in was boggling. Maybe he was really lost and confused himself...

The next leg of events of course was the reception, which was held in a beautiful small dining room to enchance the setting of the intimate wedding romance. The entire room sparkeled with my daughter in her glowing gown and my son in law. Their love lit up the room.

The actual dinner was so elegant- the chef was the former chef at the 4 seasons in Vegas. Dreamy, melt in your mouth delicacies that awakened every taste bud.

Tinges of saddness certainly hit my heart in pounding waves as my mother and I were seated at table with my sil aunt and uncle. While my son, x, were seated at the opposite end of the room with sil parents.

To be seperated from my son and daughter was so so sad. I could feel my children saddness, as I looked over at their faces, felt their lostness, their courage, private sorrow, and struggle of pain from the family breakdown.

The air of shame, disgrace also sent vibes throughout the room. Very strongly felt. Having my x return to his senses of what class was all about as opposed to his trash lifestyle did something.

The meal lingered on was absolutely wonderful, and the conversations in the room were light.

At one point when speeches were being annouced by my sil father, my x stood up next did the dad speech and my son. My son felt such tension by the ultra reservenessed by my sil family relatives, since we are more lively high spirited family.

Feeling slightly overwhelmed. I managed to excuse myself from the table to slip out to the out door deck, gain some air, smoke a cigarette and prayed intensely. I felt saddness knowing all wasn't so well in my children hearts. I felt sad by their loss.

But all of a sudden one of my favorite songs by Nat King Cole came on called " Smile" . Ooh the lyrics were so timely... smile when your heart is breaking, smile. Smile I did, follow suit underneath it all.

At that moment my sil father, mother and x all walked out on to the tiny deck with me. Ooooh, was I in a tight spot with no where to go now. I cheerfully looked at everyone, actually right through them and smiled.

I turned around and kept my composure in looking through the dining room window and enjoying my daughter basking in cooeing love and sweetness. It was her day, her precious love filled moments.

I felt such a strong conviction to leave x & in laws well alone in their circle without saying a word. I didn't want to join in or to be apart of a facade, nor give a false impression that everything was alright.

However, I just let things flow as they were and let my x be who he was. Actually, during the entire time thus far he was in his right mind and senses.

All of sudden my son burst out on deck very upset and a great deal distress. The long and short of it was a very intense heated moment, his own wounds of grief had ruptured.

At that point it was a welcome relief to excuse the both of us and take him to my room. My poor son was just in agony and tears throughout the hallway. His volume was pretty high at this point.

Once we got inside our room, all his pain, anger, rage, tears, sorrows came pouring out. I was so worried for him as he went out on the balcony and did all I could to keep him calm, loved, and distracted from falling or rather jumping off the balcony.

His emotional state was quite serious, and plus he had a little to much drink.

The emotional family dynamics wounds had bursted. All the loss, the grief was all so to much, too soon. On some level he had felt very intensly his sister closing her heart to him.

The overall feeling of unrequitted love hit him hard, the reality of his sister moving on so suddenly greatly disturbed him. He was so actutely aware of the great injustness of it all. He felt so alone inside and I shall not repeat all his words of despair.

I felt his deep young male wounds of what it felt like not to belong to a healthy male well run, functioning system. His dad just being a negative weak influence.

At that point my mother walked and broke down crying in seeing the state of my son. I kept my calm, prayed, held him, affirming him over and over of how much I loved him, his grandmother and his sister. God was so merciful.

As my mother was crying and too, falling apart. My x walked into my room, as I was on the deck with my son. Again, I asked God, what on earth is he doing? Why does he not stay away, he's taking so many liberties.

I looked up and saw my x and my mother embracing. He was comforting my mother in her fraility and distress. Immediately, I rembered the comment that it appeared that I had married someone like my mother. Belive it or not in a split second a smile of validation came over me.

I just at that moment understood and found my internal locks not to react, or get upset.

I could clearly see through the fog, thinking inwardly yes it is so true, my mother and x are so much a like and let them be. I simply detached and focused on my son.

The next thing I knew my x was standing on the deck with us, and I quietly let go of my son, and permitted the two of them to interact. They walked into our bedroom, my mother is still crying, my x sat down in a corner chair, while my son stood in the middle of room, crying, and getting it all out.

I quietly sat in a chair in the opposite corner and closed my eyes to pray. All I did was go into to prayer requesting GOD, help us now. I felt so sorry for my son, but he let out so much pain.

Actually, my x was on deck, in his right mind in the right heart, and saying almost the right things to my son.

The atmosphere in the room changed considerbly, a wonderful warm presense filled our space. The dynamics strangely felt we were once again a complete whole family on some level. I sat in my chair very quietly, in silence and kept on praying. All of sudden a deep, deep peace and calm overtook us all. When there was a deep pause from my x end.

I managed to walk over to my son, held him very closely, telling him over, over that I loved him. He settled right down.

My x walked over to comfort my son. All I said at this point since my son had to much to drink, was that there would be no reasoning done tonight to him.

All his focus, energy was needed to calm down& wind down, sleep. Assuring him I would certainly continue to deal with all his correct and valid concerns.

My x agreed and the only thing I said to him was two words with a firm smile. " Good Night".

I just praised God, he got us through that storm, was quite settled and subdued.

My mother couldn't belive the interaction that transpired. I didn't react, or interact but prayed, and tuned out.

The events was like a mini miracle on some level. Not that I understood any of it, other than my son pain. I could sense on some level my x lostness, and had a strange sensation that He and God would get it right between them someday.

I was deeply saddened to let go of my son to my x and longed to have him stay in our hotel. Honored the bonds be what they may between them. They left the following morning.

We were pleasantly surprised to woken up to the newly weds, at our door and exchanged warm hugs& kisses. My daughter, sil were thrilled to know that her father & I managed to keep the peace for their sake. My sil thanked me for coming, he had a sinking feeling that I wouldn't show up.

He mentioned that I should appreciate the effort my x made in being in his right mind. I said I indeed did appreciate his efforts to be the dad, I once knew on occasion, and was pleased he was "on deck for their occasion". My daughter was in blissful happiness.

At one point just a few hours before my flight departure in the early morning, during the night night before the wedding. I had quite the internal battle going on and filled with doubts of not wanting to attend.

Oh the struggle and temptation. Actually, my car was still in the shop, and I couldn't get a hold of the mechanic. I said God please get me through this somehow on a wing and a prayer. At 5:30 am my mother called and I shared with her that my car was no where ready.

Bless her heart, she drove half way across the city to pick me up before her 82 yr old friend was due to arrive in several hours to take us to the airport. I hadn't gone to sleep that night, but just prayed in preparation.

The funniest thought came over me that I couldn't jam out now, my entire family were on the other side. Somehow that thought struck me as odd, yet profound. My entire family were waiting for me on the other side. How could my senses fail me now.

The irony of it all, was when mother and I did reach the airport, the attendant said there was a huge snow storm that hit the area. I thought to myself away out, then thoughts of disappointment
came through he said he was joking.

Amazingly our boarding seats were assigned. It just so happened I was seated on the window side of the wing. I just laughed and sighed to my self. God has such a marvelous sense of humor as He did have me assigned on a wing and saying my prayers all way to our destination. Amazingly the entire trip was a perfect,smooth, smooth, flight, as I looked at the peace, calmness of the clouds, all my anxieties dissappeared.

By this point, our newly weds were quite hungry, and had the dining room to themselves. So not wishing to intrude upon them.

I suggest to my mother we seek out other adventures elsewhere- we went on some pretty marvelous adventures, hitting garage sales, locating a super market where we decided to have an outdoor picnic. Then exploring our way to locate the beach which was so breathtaking.

The next day, we headed to the famous butchart gardens. What a magnificant garden. It was absolutely breathtakingly awesome. I just was filled with thoughts of what heaven will be like some day.

I took everyone on MB here with me on this beautiful specutalar tour of supreme beauty. The roses were blooming, and the entire garden was in splendid regalia. At the end of our tour they had a vistor guest book-- and as I signed my name. It came to me to write down all your names in thanks for everyone support and wrote our MBuilders team.

If anyone wants to see the these beautiful micro eden of gardens check this site out!!!


<img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

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Hi Sky Diver,

We seem to have the kanck to make each other cry. I have just finished reading your post and cried through most of it. Your eloquent manner of writing put me right in the room with you and your family.

I truly envision my 14 year old son having such and emotional event in his life at some point. I fear this part of the chaos of divorce the most. What it does to the kids. Not just in the short run and that is quite evident in their daily behavior. It's what happens to them years down the road. How will this effect their lives and tose people they choose to make part of their lives.

It sounds as if you made it through with poise and dignity and I'm very happy for you. I know it had to hurt and the memories from it will linger for some time to come. But in time these to will pass.

Weddings are especially tough for us divorced people. To hear the things we should have had but got cheated out of. My youngest daughter is 16 1/2 and knowing her it won't be but a few years before she will be taking a trip down the aisle herself. I only hope that she can get through all the crap her mother brought down upon us and realize that is not the way things should be and it wasn't OK in anybodies book.

God Bless and be well,

Warmest Regards,

David A

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What a wonderful day and Hallejuah!!!!! it was HER special day.



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Praise God for what He has done in this situation. Doesn't it just blow the mind how wonderfully He works and in the most unexpected ways!

I'm proud of you sky...your x has lost out on a wonderful woman. I'm sure he knows it, if not before, he surely does now.

You have given your daughter the most precious of wedding gifts-a wonderful memory... God bless you and this marriage. When you thought your family was dying, you learned how richly it is growing!

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How proud you must feel - not only of your daughter, but of yourself. I predict you will look back on this time with great self-admiration and respect for how wonderfully you handled things. Pack this up in your mental baggage as one suitcase to carry with you always.

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(((David A))))

Ahhhh-Thank you, so much for being here, tuning in with your tears& compassion, validation!!! I am most deeply touched and appreciate your feedback! I'm still stunned, somewhat in a state of shock so I am trying still to make sense of it all.

New altered experince for me-- that I wasn't ready for really understand myself. Thankyou, for giving our family experince understanding.

Perhaps with all our tears--our pain turn into collective rain, each teardrop, adding up. Meaning together we will heal on the same or similar time line, like a big archway rainbow. Wouldn't that be nice!!! Gives me comforting hope!

I don't cry to easily for myself as I tend to vault it--. But your sharing your searing, frying pain sure open my flood gates. I thankyou for being so honest, and sharing your experinces. I have been really touched at my very deep core levels.

Amazing how all our situations, are so similar, yet different, unique like snowflakes. Everyone has completely different style in presenting their hearts. Throughout that diversity of pain, sharing, new dimensions are felt, insights discovered, grieved, validated, healed or more reflection attention given to other areas of our lives we may not have seen, needing more work at, or deeper awareness attained. We really do learn from one another.

Look at me know blubbering on the boards.

All I could think about was trying to reach that goal of stringent mental survival, passing the test not to cave into my emotions for my children sake.

Your so right--weddings are especially tough for us divorced. I really like that statement! Very true!!!

You have gone through many losses, and yet each loss hurts you very deeply. Is that just how it is with each risk of opening our hearts so deeply and widely? Do we just brace our selves for more? Do we simply pass out now???

I really don't how you endure what you endure with so much pain flaunted in your face everyday. Do you ever go and kick a tree or something?

What I am becoming more attuned to here is the emotional components of our hearts. So confusing, challenging, and can be so powerful, toiling, deceiving, debiltating, confusing if not channeled in the correct way. Question, is what exactly is the right way.

Seems to me at this stage. Culling out foolish emotions part seems to be the hardest part of all, which I am discovering be such a balancing act, so tough. One moment I see crystal clear and next moment something new pops up on screen, things I saw clearly become clouded. What's that all about?

Everyone here's has such exceptional unique ways, with tremendous capabilities of diffusing crisis situations, when we are hit with such crippling blows at various places, over, over. Or new places where one never imagined they had nerves there before.

Surviving Adultery Boot camp is sure a harsh tough life lesson to endure. I particularily don't like our x spouses have to be our teachers for putting us all through this cruelity but they are.

Perhaps, just maybe that's how we are to view this process. What do you think?

I have never experienced going through an official bootcamp. But I imagine on many levels, it must be like this.

As you correctly understand none this is "OK"!!! I greatly appreciate your saying so. Makes me feel much better way deep down inside.

Of course there is a side of me that wants to wind up my pitching arm and throw big red, ripe, squishy tomatoes at my x, non stop, then repeat those rounds with cartons of stale smelly farm eggs. A terrible thing to say on my part but how I feel about x harming our kids...

Truth is breaking up of a marriage is one thing, but hurting the family is so highly disturbing, distressing and wacked for some of us and yet for others it's NO big deal. I don't understand the "NO big deal" side and why they think that way.

- But portions of this big mess, is that it has to be "OK" for our kids sake to see our children through. What a winding spiral stair case of struggle to climb that seems to lead no-where. But a climb I must do it for our kids, or else what hopes do they have for their own lives?

Your sooo absolutely right. Feeling the agony of how our children feel now, endure and emotional upheavel encounters they will face, over and over throughtout their course of a life time is pretty brutal has definately, life-long term consequences.

Hurts so much. What harsh punishment- and our personal consequences attached to our kids is so heartwrenching. Why must they pay, when they didn't deserve any of it.

You have good reason there to be very concerned. Your children ages-son 14 ohhhh and daughter 16 1/2-- my,my, my. Your kids at this stage are so highly tender and impressionable during this difficult passagehood of transition from childhood to adulthood.

Throw in parental crap, it sure makes it difficult, not to act out... The emotional encounters are a biggy. I was so scared inside for my son, it is has been so awful for him and my daughter.

I can't begin to tell you what wreakages I had to pull them out off... Not some nice places, situations or people they got themselves entangled in, over the last several yrs.

The adolescent transition for them is such a confusing,preplexing time for them as it is. All the incredible insecurties they face. Where I grieve for my children and many other kids.

Thanks again for your kind support, understanding and compassion!!!

Hugs, smiles!

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Wow.....sounds like a beautiful wedding! You must have been very proud!
You did a great job! I don't know if I could have been so good!
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Once again...just like at Cana, Jesus shows up at a very difficult wedding...and makes it BEAUTIFUL BY HIS PRECIOUS PRESENCE AND CALMING LOVE!!!!

I'm SOOOOOOO proud of you Sky Diver!

~ High Flight

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The wedding sounded lovely. I thought of you and prayed for you all weekend, but I knew that you would show the lady that you are.

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Like FaithfulNewCJ said - Grace Kelly! You truly were regal. I'm so glad you didn't take the easy way out. Staying home, or going and creating a scene (and who would blame you?) Instead, you let God help you.

Thank you for the details. Now I feel like we were there with you in spirit. I also linked up to the butchgardens website - oh my goodness! I can just see you and the wedding party in the sunken garden.

Your serenity and your classy behavior will remain with your son and daughter all their lives. What a gift you have given them. And what a difference you made in your daughter and son-in-law's wedding.

Your presence and your grace under fire were a silent rebuke to your ex and his morally bankrupt family. They ought to be ashamed for not supporting you and they ought to be heartbroken to lose you through the selfishness of their relative (your ex.)

They can take their non-judgmental little selves home and wonder for the rest of their lives why they were so weak, so shabby.

Hopefully your son will emerge from this event with a lifelong understanding of how to be faithful to his wife and family later on. ANd hopefully your daughter and son-in-law will enjoy a long and solid marriage.

We were your entourage, invisible and cheering you on. You were brave, and I admire you.

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Blessings, blessings, upon blessing everyone!!! THANKYOU, sooooo much for OPENING your hearts so wide too, me & refilling me with such sweet kindness, and calming my spirit!

My what tremendous beautiful souls you all are, with such giant wonderful hearts!!! I deeply, deeply cherish all of you and can sincerely feel the deepest love of our precious Savior dwelling richly in your hearts!!! I am blessed beyond measure... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

Sorry for my delay here- In between houses with re-moving my stuff back home from my mother's & unpacking my son's things! So much yet to do around here, confusion, as my home for the moment looks like a zoo, with everyone's movin out, movin in, movin on, movin somewhere?

I am still deeply processing the wedding events and all of your responses. God is doing yet a greater work in my heart.

Yes, indeed, it was all worth it. My daughter and son-inlaw just arrived to day from returning from their honeymoon! They are now planning to find a place to live and have part two of their wedding, for their friends, which will be a much more down to earth affair. So more work, planning to do as the party continues. Why not, we should all party more!!! How I would love to have everyone here attend! We would have a grand time!

I am so happy not to have spoiled their blessed occasion. I looked through their photos and relieved their beautiful overall moments. Not a harsh word was said, no regrets to recantor, no terrible scenes, only good thoughts of God on the scene!

My what an astoundingly beautiful wedding-- To see my daughter in actual love and the young man that opened her heart to love& joy! Wow, what blessings!!!

Yes, I even rejoiced with my daughter, when she showed me, her photos of her and father standing together. There was true joy, on both their faces.

I could clearly see the resemblance between them. The unity, harmony for a moment between daughter & father. A real kodak moment between them, that no-one could take away from either of them! I have been able to decrease and permit Jesus to increase.

Get this I thought about x . My what beautiful daughter precious daughter, son he has given me.

As I lower my defenses. I actually counted my blessings. Some things actually did go right, are right, and all perfect in His Sight.

Though, I on the otherhand am short on His sight. The gene combining, I guess was pretty hot stuff!!!

I suddenly understood a crystal moment. I was truly happy for my daughter on every level and mean it on a heart felt level.

A precious moment deposited richly in her life! Thank you for all the reminders and acting as safeguards of her blessed day!

Just think everyone the reality here is one day we will be altogether, clustered with Christ at the Royal Wedding Feast, basking in immeasurable joy& splendor,gardens to stroll!!! Truth is, many of our fallen spouses will also be in attendance too, some won't yes that's true !!!

Loved, cleansed, and completely forgiven, just like us!!! What a thought??? On that blessed day the entire occasion will be about our Blessed Saviour-- Jesus Christ celebration?!!! All negative baggage to remain on earth and no petty whining will be permitted. As we shall all sip on the ROYAL WINE- No thoughts on his pain or or her pain but HIS MAJESTY--FINEST HEAVENLY CHAMPAGNE!

Upon reflection, and further cross examination, one of the lessons which I needed to learn. While we are here on earth looks like some of us need to "polish up" on our manners!!!

Obviously, GOD felt I should be in the front row dish rack, for immediate polishing!!! Thank you, again everyone for shining me up, in assisting in the "tarnish removal" process, which I was so tightly clinging on too.

Our children's weddings and celebrations of life have a far greater reaching purpose in the grand scheme of life and God's plan!!!

He has a tremendous growth plan in their lives as well! In spite of our own failures, well I can honestly speak only for myself here!!!

Actually, I am so reminded here it is clear that it was my time also--to put away my own childhhood tom boy days--grow up and be an adult. Perhaps, not all entirely, but a deeper lesson for me to mindful of. Clearly, obvious I need to channel my engeries elsewhere.

The Art, of refinement of Christ peace is a wonderful gift inself! Calm spirit and focusing on our Source is really all we need. I almost lost that focus and who I really was!

I feel I have GROWN in my soul!

Blessings, huggs, and all my love!!!
PS. Sorry for any confusion. The actual wedding was held at the www.englishinnresort.com

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by ClarencePeterson - 09/22/24 11:19 AM
by ClarencePeterson - 09/21/24 08:58 PM
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