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A little while back there was a lady here who was dealing with an ow-oc from Ill. Her DD was having dental difficulties. Do you remember who that was?
I found some interesting things out about Ill. I wanted to pass along to her. In Ill. you can sue ow for:
1. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
2. Alienation of Affection
And my personal favorite
3. Criminal Conversion-all you have to do is prove the ow had sex with your DH (ie: oc)
So, how have you been doing? How are your personal things coming along? I hope everything turns around for you guys. And buy the way, you don't need to change a thing about you or how you present the facts to people. I think you are wonderful with words!
I am so busy nowadays, my little one just turned a year old on the 2nd.
Would you like to see my family? Not sure if I posted my picture album to you before, but if not, take a peak-
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That was me!!! I come and read a little every couple of weeks. I have been so busy with my second child that I have basically fallen off the face of the earth.
But once again the ugly head of this mess is rearing its head. We are looking at maybe having to move again because of this. The ow's money is going up again in the spring, and we won't be able to afford it. So now my h is interviewing for another job. I am, sick of thinking how much it pains me to think that after moving two years ago to pay for this I might have to move again because of it.
I would be interested to hear what you found out. Although I don't know what it will get me considering it was a one night stand. But would love to hear about. Thanks for remembering me!!!
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Mshermi! I saw the album and I gotta tell you I love that "bad hair Day" pic. That was priceless. What a doll...she sure is a combo of you and your husband but I think Jenna looks more like Trent if I was pressed. Are you a blended family like we are...Bipolar and his two and my one???
In your wedding photo, is the woman in the green dress your twin? I KNOW she must be a sister, right? I liked tht one picture of you titled "Me" in black with the black background...you remind me of my beautiful step daughter in that photo.
You have such a nice family, mshermi. I love happy endings...and beginnings.
The woman in question is "Babstr" and she lurks occasionally. I believe she has recently had her second baby, but she hasn't been around to let us in on the happy news/blessed event yet. She's been on my mind a lot lately and have wondered what is going on with her...this is information she would certainly welcome. It is information I would welcome....anything like that in MN??? NY???
Things are just OK. I am four years into all this and this year I am having a tougher time that ever before and I am not sure why unless it is all the outside stuff dragging me down and making me snarky. I think I am just worn down from all the negative stuff. A kind of accumulative effect.
Monday begins my week from hell. Well, there were a few weeks before that that were extremely painful, but this upcoming week is the grand-daddy of em all and I am already feeling pretty bad, anticipating Monday. It's stupid, I know...Monday, Monday...I keep wondering if I should allow myself to go through this one more time and purge myself of it once and for all (if I can), or if this is something I will be sentenced to (annually) all my life, or if I am just a masochist and I just love feeling really bad.
Now the GOOD news...I have an "almost" attorney/law student preparing Bipolar for his court appearance on Dec 9 to modify the CS and hopefully, the staggering arrears...I would love to tell you who our counsel is but I cannot until I have permission. I am very excited about this and have some guarded optimism that he will get some relief...we really cannot go on like this much longer and something's gotta give.
You sound good, Mshermi...and busy. You have your hands full with the baby and your other two kids and your husband, but could you tell me if you have any similar information on MN or NY?
I hope Babstr lurks soon and sees this or perhaps you could post a personal thread to her...this is information I know she will want.
Thanks, Mshermi for looking out for us and I truly appreciate your interest. And thanks for sharing those wonderful pictures of your pretty baby and family.
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Babstr, Babstr, Babstr!!!! You had your baby! What did you have? Pink or blue?
How are you feeling (besides pissed...me, too)? Hope you are doing well...so is your daughter crazy about the new baby? How about your hsuband? How is he doing?
I know what you mean about the one night stand and then forced to pay outrageous support for a kid that never should have been and especially from a one night stand or a short fling...I mean, these courts award and reward these women with amounts similar to alimony to a wife or CS to a woman of a legitimate marriage of several years. I still say it should be a sliding scale according to circumstances instead of a one size fits all. Case by case basis.
And those who would complain "But the courts would be so backlogged because of the multitude of illegitimate children to be processed"...I say to them, "What does this tell you about our society..." I don't care how backlogged...process each one as it comes up without all these stupid mindless delays. Justice is supposed to be "swift".
Tell us all about Baby, Babstr. I am so glad you lurked tonight.
Catnip =^^=
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Good Lord Catnip you made me tear up with all those wonderful things you said.
Don't worry about having to say Jenna looks like her Daddy, I hear it all day long. I don't mind, cause daddy is a hunk <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />
We are a blended family. We have yours, mine, and an ours. We just had some new portraits done, I'll post them as sson as we get them. They turned out so good.
The young lady in the green dress is my 19 year old daughter. Loooong story.
Unfortunatly, both your states have abolished these laws. Bites.
I can somewhat understand about the negative stuff, mine is not as negative as yours, I am just dealing with an exwife who doesn't want Trent to have any time with my stepdaughter. We are taking her to court. Did you see the plumb of smoke from her ears Thursday?
I hope everything works out for you and Bipolar in court on all fronts! You two deserve it.
I still search this internet for answers to everything I want to know, I wish I could find more. Damn internet is just not big enough for me, I WANT MORE INFO!!!!!! Oh well, I'll keep looking and you guys will be the first to know when I find something. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />
Catnip, thank you for the wonderful words, you are a classy lady.
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Hi Babstr,
CONGRATUALTIONS on that new baby!!
The info is in my 1st post. You can sue the ow. You have the grounds to sue her, you have the proof (the oc). You can sue her for criminal conversion, all you have to do is prove she had sex with your dh. You can sue her for Alienation of Affection and the Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress. I am still trying to find out the statute of limitations on this, having trouble with that one. Call youself a lawyer in Ill. and get something going, request a jury trial. DO NOT let a lawyer tell you otherwise. This is law in Ill. You break it, the inured spouse can sue.
Maybe this will make ow back the hell off and you guys can settle down with your children instead of having to move all the time. You know that is just terrible, that our family court system has pushed your family into this situation. I would be having news conferences on the courthouse steps weekly and blasting my story everywhere. Stepmothers everywhere would rally to support you.
Take Care,
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Hi! I posted about one week after I had the baby, but you might have missed it. In fact happy girl and I had our daughters within a week of each other. She was born in July. She has been sick with severe reflux up until the last three weeks. I had to give her meds six times a day to keep her from throwing up. She is small, but doing 200% better. I am panic stricken right now with the prospect of having to move again because my H couldn't keep it in his pants for twenty minutes. It really makes me sick. And I am afraid that I won't be able to handle the burden of ripping up my new friendships and taking my daughter away from her friends and school because of this once again.
If we didn't pay CS, we wouldn't even consider moving. I mean granted it would be nice to not be breaking even but I want my sanity. And to move to an entire new city where I know no one and do that to my kids based only on that woman getting more money, I don't think I can do it. So once again I am in the evil cross fire of this disgusting siutation.
One, to move so that we can cover the child support and screw up what happy life myself and my children have.
Or Two, not move and risk not being able to pay our bills come this spring. I literally do not know what to do, I am lost in this miserable position. Both sides are equal in their own right. But the bottom line will always be that I have to consider making my family unhappy to support her. I can feel a nervous breakdown coming on.
I tried and tried to find the information which stated I just had to prove that they had sex to have a case. But I couldn't find it. Do you have the site that specifically states that law?? I could have hope that the ow wouldn't ask for money. Except that the state child support department, sends out the paperwork to prompt the investigation into more money. All she has to do is sign it, and it is pretty mandatory for it to happen every three years. This would put her at almost $1000 a month, ouch.
babstr. <small>[ November 23, 2002, 11:31 PM: Message edited by: babstr ]</small>
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Catnip, I don't know who the heck you have helping Bipolar prepare for his case, but I'll bet she is a really wonderful person. Whoops. Did I say "she"? How did I know that??? Heh, heh. -cd
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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by cdcollins: <strong>Catnip, I don't know who the heck you have helping Bipolar prepare for his case, but I'll bet she is a really wonderful person. Whoops. Did I say "she"? How did I know that??? Heh, heh. -cd</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Outstanding ...I apparantly have permission to crow my good fortune...the cat is out of the bag....my attorney in our CS matter is (drum roll) cdcollins!!!! Yaaayyyy!
I'm am so excited and grateful..
Babstr! Can you post some pictures of your baby and your older daughter for us and give us the link? I for one would love to see them.
I have cdcollins and you have Mshermi who is giving you some excellent, excellent possiblities for retribution....please let us know as it happens and I will do the same.
Even though it is the "eve" of my worst week ever, I am feeling particularaly joyful. Bipolar is wonderful, I am off my nicotene hum that I have been addicted to for 10 years...TEN YEARS...now that is a monkey on a back, my oldest son is getting through his crisis and I am eagerly anticipating a balance of justice on the 9th of December, with guarded optimism.
cedcollins is an amazing woman, my friends, and I am very lucky to have her working diligently on my (our) behalf. I don't know where she gets time to squeeze me into her busy schedule. Sometimes she rides it hard for THREE hours and still manages to get it all done.
Catnip =^^=
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Melissa, I was just wondering how you find out your information? I wonder in there anything in WI.
Babstar, Sorry to hear about your troubles.
Catnip, Hoping everything turns out for on Dec. 9.
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Melissa I adored your family pictures.
I want to say you astound me with your occassional popping in to help us!
Keep it up, won't you?
Babstr my old friend, it's nice to hear from you. I pray the courts will be sensible.
Catnip ole girl (snarly, wonderful, to the point, glad you're here to help defend BS against these "learning" ow/ w/oc who continue to post things that to read, are like fingernails on a chalkboard!) best of luck on your approaching court date, with cd collins there, and God, a change should take place soon!
You girls give me hope that laws concerning these oc will allow only an amount of cs to sustain oc, then the Mom can get up and go back to work, like we do to help support their oc! Just because our H's had the misfortune to forget that condom! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />
At least it's only 18 years. Hell I've been married longer than that! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> 11 years longer...now it doesn't seem so bad....17 more years... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> and we'll be through!
Bless you guys. Love Debi
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Sorry it took me so long to get back here.
Thank you ladies for the wonderful words regarding my family. They are precious. I do have a dark haired, blue eyed, into everything, nonstop baby talker for rent-real cheap! Only a year old. Man she is wearing me out.
Babstr, I got the info from a fathers rights group. You should visit: deltabravo.net childrensjustice.org
These guys are VERY heavy handed, they believe absolutely that every kid should be with dad, not sure what they would think of this kind of situation. I don't want you to be hurt by there sometimes not so kind words. Just be careful,
Also, secondwivesclub.com has some good stuff. Those ladies know just about everything, they are from all over and pretty much know about everything in every state. There is a $15.00 fee every 3 months be in this club, but well worth the money if fishing for info. I love this place, helps me tons with my DH exwife.
Criminal conversion is a civil matter, you have to file a civil suit against her and ask for a monetary award. She wouldn't go to jail, but she could end up owing YOU money for damages.
Also, Illinois CS guidelines are set up like GA. Just recently GA. Supreme Court ruled thiers unconstitutional. On the website above (childrensjustice.org) they have a copy of the argument that was used in GA. If you want to go big, you can use that argument in Ill. and sue the state and say that they are descriminating against your children by not providing equal protection. That is unconstitutional and that is where people are beating this stupid system. Got to get in the guts of it.
Now, you need to somehow get an attorney to help you in filing some papers and start suing. You have a few options and grounds on which to do it. I just am not a lawyer and can't help there (even though my DH says I missed my true calling-detective/attorney/counselor)
Things like the injustice that I see on this board just get in my crawl and stay there. Thats why I am always looking for info and anything I find of interest I bring here.
And I plan on sticking around for quit awhile, I'm not going anywhere, Gemini1.
Why can't everyone who has an oc be as classy as Obratti? Damn this world be such a better place.
Oh Dawn, Unfortunately Wi. abolished those laws. Most states have, and 9 states still have them on the books.
<img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> <small>[ November 25, 2002, 08:33 PM: Message edited by: mshermi ]</small>
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I hope you stay Melissa!
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Why can't everyone who has an oc be as classy as Obratti? Damn this world be such a better place</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Needed repeating but must also add BTDT, she's a cool girl with her head on straight and gives great answers to a lot of us too.
love Debi
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Your right, I knew there was another one here, that I respected, I just forgot who.
I just hope someone can get some usefulness out of the info I bring here. I get up on the internet each night after I get everyone to bed and just look and look. Somewhere out there is a solution to all these problems, I just need to find it. I do know that the laws need to catch up to the here and now and start addressing this issue and evetrything that comes with it properly. I for one do not think an ow should ever be rewarded for bad behaviour. They will never make dad stop paying support, so the absolute bare, bare minimum at most. I believe the father pays for his sins also daily. He must live with this everyday, he knows what he has done to his family, he must deal daily with the wrath of a very hurt and angry wife, and he must watch money that his family needs go to someone else because of something he participated in.
If there were more severe consequences, as in court punishment for people who sleep with a married person be it man or woman, they didn't get a small fortune per month, maybe it would curtail this kind of family detructive behaviour. Who knows. Then you have some like Obratti and BTDT who I feel don't derserve such harshness, so what do you do?
I don't know, I just know that these situations bother me. I lurk on other boards and see the garbage that spews and just shake my head. I will never understand the thought process of it. They are angry that mm stayed with the family, they are angry he didn't leave 3 children behind for the sake of one who shouldn't be, crying that he abandoned thier baby, how could he, but yet have no qualms if he abandoned his other children of the marriage. That is OK. It is all so double standard to them, it just boggles my mind. They complain that their child deserves the same lifestyle as his other children yet how can that be when they now get $1000.00 per month or more. The children of the marriage just had their lifestyle snatched from them, and they think it is fair. I know it does not take that kind of money to raise a child. Our daughter costs no where near that per month. I see them complain that they only get $600.00 and that barely covers daycare. Well, that is his portion to pay, what about theres? What portion belongs to them? They get angry because he doesn't have to pay 100% of eveything. They want no money to come from their pocket to help support their child.
And another thing, I have had friends on birthcontrol for years, not one time, ever has any of them became pregnant because of failure. Why is it that only they have birth control failure, or they know someone who had birth control failure? It seems to me it is just them, their friends and family. My guess is they become careless. Skip a day or two, don't tell mm of course, take an antibiotic, don't tell mm how that can affect birth control, and still be able to say they were on the pill. It is preventable if you are taking it as it should be taken. I know not one person who accidently became pregnant on the pill. Not one. I have a very dear friend who has been on it for 10 years, never a pregnancy, her and her DH are planning on a family, just not now. She takes hers everyday, same time, and look, no unplanned pregnancy.
I will never understand why people set out to do this kind of damage to others, it just is not right.
Here I have been up since 5:00 am thinking about you all and wondering where to look next, went on a tangent LOL.
Obratti and BTDT, I hope you take no offense. I believe that you two are an exception because of your understanding and compassion for those that have been hurt. I mean you no ill will, please know that. You are not lumped in my above thinking process. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
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If insomnia strikes again tonight, try looking up Iowa and see what you can dig up.
I have not posted here lately but have been reading faithfully.
I see the end very near for my M.
H's A lasted approx. 7 or more years, and produced 2OC. We have been separated now for almost 3 months. His choice. I have been trying to keep our family together, and reconcile the marriage,even accepted the OC, and allowed visits, but with OW and OC in such close contact it is nearly impossible. OW has stated that since the past year of working on our marriage hasn't worked, then her children deserve the chance for a full time father.
You have your work cut out for you.
Tina Me,BS 49, WS 47 OW 34 M 27yrs. 2C 20&23 2OC 1 & 4
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They are angry that mm stayed with the family, they are angry he didn't leave 3 children behind for the sake of one who shouldn't be, crying that he abandoned thier baby, how could he, but yet have no qualms if he abandoned his other children of the marriage. That is OK. It is all so double standard to them, it just boggles my mind. They complain that their child deserves the same lifestyle as his other children yet how can that be when they now get $1000.00 per month or more. The children of the marriage just had their lifestyle snatched from them, and they think it is fair. I know it does not take that kind of money to raise a child. Our daughter costs no where near that per month. I see them complain that they only get $600.00 and that barely covers daycare. Well, that is his portion to pay, what about theres? What portion belongs to them? They get angry because he doesn't have to pay 100% of eveything. They want no money to come from their pocket to help support their child. I am not sure which ws's on here you are speaking of, but if it includes me, you couldnt be more wrong.
I am not angry MM stayed with his wife, not at all, I know why he did, I didnt ask him to leave because I was pregnant, although he asked me to leave my husband. I stayed, didnt want to divorce. I never asked for a dime, and dont to this day, he did come up with a child support amount, but he and his wife decided how much and asked if that was ok, I said what ever you like, and that was it. how ever they did not start paying that till she was 14 months old. I also told him if he walked away, he was free to do so, did not chase, call or bother him, and certainly did not call or bother his wife.
My om has children, but his children are married and live far from here, so I did not expect him to hurt or break up his family, their were no small children. WE added a child to our family,so now we had three children of our marriage, one we adopted and now we had 5 my child from an affair. My husband and I paid all medical bills, we pay the insurance. We bought all things we needed for the baby, and even when om decided he wanted to be involved, I sent things I knew they would need and did not have so they werent having to buy things at their expense when I had enough to share.
so Not all x ow are the same, and sure if it was legal here I guess om's wife could sue, but then my husband could sure her husband and we qwould have a mess that didnt help any one.
You cant make general statements about ow. xow, ws's, they are not all the same and NO it isnt fair to claim they are.
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This statement alone says so much .. This is so untrue and can not be said as a general statement,. I would guess most of these women are working and caring for their child. They do not expect any man to pay 100 percent of the childs care,and wellbeing. I would guess they just would like some help from the father.. that is fair to do, although some of these amounts are pretty crazy, if someone is paying that, it is the court system and judge you need to be complaining about, not this woman who is caring for her child. For those of you who are mothers, you know taking care of a child is so much more than just money. I know your angry and I am sure I would be as well, but you cant assume all these women are just stealing your money and do nothing for that child.
I dont pay day care I have help when I need it, but I know it is expensive, I also know clothes and shoes and diapers cost alot as well. I would guess there are some people with children who get more than they need for the well being of that child, but there are so many more, who have no help. we have got to start seeing that not every one of these situations are the same. You cant blame all women who have a child by someone else and assume they and they alone caused all this by them selves, and that they and they alone are out to destroy a family. It just isnt so. Just as my husbands goal for cheating was not to destroy his family, but he came pretty darn close. My goal was not to destroy my family, but I sure came close as well. and did some damage that hast o be prepared.. I can no longer look at my husband and have anger over what he has done all these years, I dont always understand why , but He made bad choices,
I am gratefull he is making good choices now and we are healing.
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"I am not sure which ws's on here you are speaking of, but if it includes me, you couldnt be more wrong."
I didn't say that about anybody on this board, I said I lurked on other boards (one in particular), and what I typed is the gist of their complaining.
Your situation may be working out for you and mm but he still has a very angry and hurt daughter whom you don't seem to have much compassion for. Of course she is going to be angry,hurt and resentful. Not everyone in your personal situation is going to be accepting of it.
I wasn't refering to you personally at all in my post, not sure why you took it so personal. If the shoe doesn't fit you, then don't worry about. But from where I lurk, they are all nasty and bitter. One chased mm down at work with the child at 3 weeks, begging him to look at him. This man chose his family and she is still livid, she can't see straight. Now all she wants is money, money, money. Talking about asking for $400,00.00 to $500,000.00 settlements, future college expenses, etc., etc. Where in that is her financial contribution? She is not the only woman who has ever given birth, she is not special. When it becomes clear that he is staying with his family, it all becomes about getting as much money as they can, another way of hurting the innocent people in these messes simply because they found out the hard way they weren't all that great, at least not great enough to actually leave for.
MO5 your situation works for you and that is great, best to you, but don't pick apart my posts to certain people here and make it personal and get defensive. There are truly some really rotten apples out there. I didn't say anything about any ow on THIS board that was ugly, I think I did the opposite.
Tina- I'll look it up and see what I can find for you. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
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wrong again, he doesnt have a daughter who is angry and hurt, he has a step daughter who like to stir trouble. she is 40 I say she should move on and get over it, if her mother can she can, and before you think he raised this step daughter... wrong again, she was on her first marriage when he met her.. he doesnt feel she is his daughter
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Sorry Tina, Iowa abolished the law. I guess I just don't understand how the ow in your case feels that you and your dh have tried, hasn't she been in the picture all along? How do you try to repair and restore when she is still in bed with you two? What makes her think like that?
Here you go ladies:
Theodore P. Funderman v. Gordon Mickelson, 304 N.W.2d 790 (Sup.Ct.Iowa 1981)
CASE: Man sue's ex-wife's lover for alienation of his wife's affection.
FACTS: A man sues his wife's lover for alienation of affection.
HOLDING: Alienation of affection is abolished as a cause of action in Iowa.
* Suits for alienation of affection are useless as a means of preserving a family and demean the parties and the courts. * Juries cannot dispassionately wade through the evidence to determine whether the marriage breakdown or the misconduct came first. * The theory of alienation of affection is rooted in the idea of wives as property. * The affections of people who are devoted and faithful are not susceptible to larceny, no matter how cunning or stealthful. * A married person who has become inclined to philander is not likely to be dissuaded by the threat of an alienation suit, nor is the marriage likely to be saved out of fear of such a suit. * There is an unmistakable trend away from allowing alienation suits. * It is the duty of the court to abandon antiquated doctrines and concepts, not the legislature. * Abolishing the right of recovery under alienation of affection is not inconsistent with the affirmation of the right to recover for loss of consortium; the right to recover for loss of consortium is a factor in assessing damages when underlying liability has been established in a personal suit, while renunciation of the right to recover for alienation proceeds from the belief there is not basis for the underlying claim.
DISSENT: Juries are as capable of deciding alientation cases as any other type of case entrusted to them.
INTERESTING TO NOTE: According to the July 1999 issue of Trial magazine, 39 states have abolished alienation of affection as a cause of action, five judicially, including Washington in Wyman v. Wallace, 94 Wash.2d 99, 615 P.2d 452 (1980), and that alientation of affection remains a legitimate cause of action in nine states (South Dakota, Illinois, Hawaii, Missouri, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina and Utah). Ohio has statutorily denied money damages for the cause of action, Louisiana has never accepted alienation of affections as a cause of action and Alaska does not have a statute or case law addressing the cause of action. It cited Veeder v. Kennedy, 589 N.W.2d 610, in which the Supreme Court of South Dakota upheld a $265,000 award to a husband against his wife's lover (including $200,000 in punitive damages).
States (plus D.C.) which have statutorially abolished alienation of affection: (on thier own)
1. Alamaba 2. Arizona 3. Arkansas 4. California 5. Colorado 6. Connecticut 7. Delaware 8. District of Columbia 9. Florida 10. Georgia 11. Indiana 12. Kansas 13. Maine 14. Maryland 15. Massachusetts 16. Michigan 17. Minnesota 18. Montana 19. Nebraska 20. Nevada 21. New Jersey 22. New York 23. North Dakota 24. Oklahoma 25. Oregon 26. Pennsylvania 27. Rhode Island 28. Tennessee 29. Texas 30. Vermont 31. Virginia 32. West Virginia 33. Wisconsin 34. Wyoming
States which have judicially abolished alienation of affection: (court ordered)
1. Idaho (1986) 2. Iowa (1981) 3. Kentucky (1992) 4. South Carolina (1992) 5. Washington (1980)
States in which alienation of affection is a viable cause of action:
1. Hawaii 2. Illinois 3. Mississippi 4. Missouri 5. New Hampshire 6. New Mexico 7. North Carolina 8. South Dakota 9. Utah
Ohio does not permit monetary recovery for alientation of affection (by statute), Louisiana never recognized it as a cause of action and Alaska does not have case law or statutes which clearly address the issue.
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