I don't want to have access to her email for two reasons first it would be unhealthy for us to no have our own space, on saying that i don't have any secrets she knows where I am right now!
It is unhealthy for you to NOT have access to her email because it enables her to have a secret second life. AS YOU CAN SEE. Do you not see that having the ability to cheat on you is NOT HEALTHY? She should have no "space," no secrets from you. You should be checking her emails DAILY and keeping everything out in the open in ORDER TO PREVENT AN AFFAIR.
My suggestion would be for you to put a keylogger on her computer and don't tell her so you can independently verify she is being faithful. A good one that will email reports to you is eblaster over on
www.spectorsoft.comA keylogger will alert you to any problems so you can nip them in the bud early or it will give you peace of mind that she is behaving. Either way, right now she can't be trusted so you need to protect yourself until she EARNS TRUST. Until that happens she should be watched like a terrorist.
secondly I would be devistated if i did find something more.
That doesn't make sense. How will sticking your head in the sand help your marriage? If there is a problem you have to know about it to solve it.
For now I have to believe nothing has happened, or will.
That is wishful thinking and not based on a rational thought.
There are circumstances that need mention: I work a long way away across the otherside of the country (Australia)in mining camps. I have been returning after periods of between 4 to 8 weeks for 10 days or so.
Your marriage probably won't survive much more of this neglect.
This of course will be ending the minute we get out of the imediate financial state we are in.
Your marriage may be ending SOONER than that, though, unless you stop traveling. Then your financial state won't matter.
I have been bombarding her with questions and I have to stop it is wearing her down. She has been unemotional about the the whole issue and says she is numb.
It is important that she answer all of your questions openly and honestly no matter how much it "wears her down." You have a right to know every detail to your satisfaction. Lets keep in mind that you are the victim here, after all.
Here is what it will take to recover your marriage from Dr. Willard Harley:
Requirements for Recovery from an Affair
The plan I recommend for recovery after an affair is very specific. That's because I've found that even small deviations from that plan are usually disastrous. But when it's followed, it always works. The plan has two parts that must be implemented sequentially. The first part of the plan is for the unfaithful spouse to completely separate from the lover and eliminate the conditions that made the affair possible. The second part is for the couple to create a romantic relationship, using my Basic Concepts as a guide.
I'll describe these two parts to you in a little more detail.
The first step, complete separation from the lover and eliminating the conditions that made the affair possible, requires a complete understanding of the affair. All information regarding the affair must be revealed to the betrayed spouse, including the name of the lover, the conditions that made the affair possible (travel, internet, etc.), the details of what took place during the affair, all correspondence, and anything else that would shed light on the tragedy.
This information is important for two reasons: (1) it creates accountability and transparency, making it essentially impossible for the unfaithful spouse to continue the affair or begin a new one unnoticed, and (2) it creates trust for the betrayed spouse, providing evidence that the affair is over and a new one is unlikely to take its place. The nightmares you experience are likely to continue until you have the facts that
will lead to your assurance that your husband can be trusted.
An analysis of the betrayed spouse's childhood or emotional state of mind in an effort to discover why he or she would have an affair is distracting and unnecessary. It takes precious time away from finding the real solutions. I know why people have affairs: We are all wired for it. Given certain conditions, we would all do it. Given other conditions, however, none of us would do it. So the goal of the first step is to discover the conditions that made the affair possible and eliminate them.
After the first step is completed, the second step is to create a romantic relationship between you and your husband using my 10 Basic Concepts
http://marriagebuilders.com/ca/to.cgi?l=qa080103bcas your guide. While your relationship may be improving, it won't lead to a romantic relationship because you are not being transparent toward each other. Unspoken issues in a marital relationship lead to a superficiality that ruins romance.
Your nightmares are only the tip of the iceberg. They are but a small reflection of the suffering you experienced when you discovered your husband's affair, and the fear you have that the suffering will be repeated. You have no assurance that the affair is over because you don't even know who the other woman is. You are being asked to trust your husband, who has already proven to be untrustworthy. For all you know, he could be working with her, or you could be going to the same church, or she could be your neighbor. And since he won't discuss the details of how the affair took place, you have no assurance that another affair will not take its place.
Infidelity is not something that can be swept under the rug. While those who have affairs want to forget about it and move on, those who are betrayed must take very specific steps before they can fully recover. In your case, those steps have not been taken, and as a result, your fear persists. I will send you a complimentary copy of my book, "Surviving an Affair," if you send me your address. It will describe these two steps to you and provide you with a roadmap toward full recovery. But the path will require full disclosure of all details.
Best wishes,
Willard F. Harley, Jr.
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