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tully, he probably WILL go through withdrawal. My H certainly did but denied it. He also was in the "selfish fog" for a LONG time. I think it has only been in the last 3 or 4 months that I think the fog is TOTALLY gone. And even then, I wonder....

When he wants to come back and you have BOTH figured out how to establish NC and he becomes totally transparent to you, you will feel a little differently.

But one of the big lessons I have learned at MB is that recovery is a rollercoaster. UP, DOWN, AROUND the corner and DOWN again, and then waaaaay up only to be spun upside down. Recovery is NOT for the faint-hearted.

You will NOT ALLOW him to slip back to thinking he can have both of you. In Plan B, you are showing him as clearly as you can, that you WILL NOT be part of a threesome(please excuse my crudeness.)

He may never stop caring for her. True. But not likely. Affairs do end. As a rule. They are FANTASY and thrive in darkness. When exposed to the light of day, they wither. I think your WH is already showing signs of cracks in the illicit relationship because of the bright lights you have turned on.

In the end, her wanting HIM is going to mean NOTHING. When he makes it CLEAR to her that he wants nothing more to do with her, if she persists, you will have more options.

For now, take care of yourself. Eat good food and rest. Laugh with those children and reassure them that THEIR lives are going to work out fine. Read the articles about Plan B again. That Dr. Harley is a smart man. I KNOW, KNOW, KNOW that without his work, I would NOT be married. MY H is a hard case for a LOT of reasons, but MB has given me tools I couldn't find anywhere else.



Married-5/26/2001(2nd for me, 1st for him)
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Black raven, the only issue I have with your post is that I am not sure that I do love him any more and I certainly don't miss him. I did love him, very much and I still care enough to feel bad about him suffering. But I think that my feelings have evolved so much throughout this trauma that I don't want to be too dogmatic too soon. Maybe, just maybe if he becomes truely remorseful and understands the pain of what he has inflicted on me then maybe the love might come back. (what do you think?) For the sake of the children, I'd like to think it might but my feeling is that he has destroyed our relationship and now we need to build a whole new one from scratch.

I totally understand tully. I wasn't sure where you were at with feelings of love towards WH. There was a time when I thought my FWH had killed all my love for him and had zero desire to recover my M. There was a time I wished he was just GONE and it would just be me and my kids. Even though my FWH showed remorse a day or two after D-day, it was the trickling half truths, denials and discovered lies that sent me over the edge. You will have to build a new relationship. The old one is destroyed. I admit I don't feel the same joy or love for FWH as I did before...how could I? But I can see the potential for a great love nonetheless. There is still love for FWH and he is doing things to make me fall in love with him all over again. He understands the pain and damage his betrayal has caused not just to our marriage but to ME. If I feel this way with a remorseful spouse I can only imagine how a BS feels with an unremorseful one.

I'm still don't think FWH understands the depth of the pain (but I'm not sure any WS/FWS does) but he has Godly remorse for his A and everything he has EVER done which hurt me. It does help to have a remorseful spouse but the BS will still struggle with resentment. Getting full disclosure provides more layers of hurt, triggers and resentment to deal with as well tully. The fun just never seems to end. frown

I still have hope for you tully. It's natural to shut yourself off from the person that is bringing you pain but there's no shame in having hope even when things seem impossible.

BW - me
exWH - serial cheater
2 awesome kids
Divorced 12/2011

Many a good man has failed because he had a wishbone where his backbone should have been.

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.
--------Eleanor Roosevelt
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This appears to be going similar to other situations. You are standing out of the car accident that is the A, hopefully far enough away that you won't get hurt form flying debris.

You have stated, and now restated your needs very succinctly. It is clear what is needed by him to win back his M. There is nothing more you need to DO for him, or any more work you need to DO to rebuild the M, he has to make up his mind.

It is as though he has the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. What may be clear to us, and those around us, is not at all clear to him, because he has the counsel of the OW who will turn things around. That is as it will be. As the saying goes, give a person enough rope and they will hang themselves. With enough "alone" time this A couple will become shattered and unhappy.

Your job, my dear lady, is to nurture and keep safe the love you still have for your WH (hopefully future FWH). That means remove anything that will tear away at that love. Some of these things you will need to do, or not do, although it seems counter-intuitive, is to not think about him. Don't think about her. Do not get into long conversations about him and the why's and wherefores about his actions, inactions, etc. Don't try to guess what is going on his mind.

DO take care of yourself. DO realize you are lovable and wanted. DO protect yourself from well-meaning advice and counsel that goes against what you feel is right. DO eliminate any contact, whether second-or third-hand or direct with the A participants. Live your life. Think in the future when the family is intact again.

Some folks have kept a journal about their time apart with the thought they will share this with their WS to let them know what they missed while they were apart, writing love letters, details about kid's events, etc. Knowing they will share this one day, but not now...

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
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SHMI, the timing of your post is absolutely perfect (if you only knew) and what you say is completely right and I am so convinced of that now. Thank you so much for saying exactly what you said, every line. I had a very big wobble today because a good friend rang me to say that her husband had been talking to WH and that they believe I'm doing things all wrong -that by taking away the children I have made him so angry that I'm driving him away and also by not talking to him. She said that she can't understand what I'm trying to achieve by cutting contact. I got very upset and spoke to my sister who then called WH without my knowledge. She rang me back to say that she thinks I should open the lines of communication with him. We had an extremely long, heated conversation where I defended my postion, mainly because I cannot compromise on the basics. She acted out of love for me and a desire to make things better but I think I convinced her that I have no option but to stay on this track. I KNOW I need to stay dark, to not communicate with him but even more I now need to not talk to anyone who might be in touch with him and I'm so sure that I need to protect my LB which is already in trouble.

Black raven, thank you too for the reassurance that love can come back. It is great to hear about your own experience and your own doubts and waverings. It really helps. And I know you are right that I shouldn't worry too much about this as it is premature.

Thank you everyone for keeping me on the narrow path, as mindshare calls it. It is certainly very narrow and easy to fall off the path but thanks to you, I'm still on it.

What I want to hear from WH is this: 'I love you and want to reconstruct our M. Please forgive me and give me another chance. I will do everything in my power to ensure NC with OW.' I think he has enough indicators to do that and if I hear this I will talk to him but not until then and he's a long way from there. Any discussion prior to this point would be counter-productive. (By the way, that last paragraph was just a pep-talk to myself to make myself hold firm so please humour me.)

Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.
Maya Angelou
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Tully, I think you've got your head securely fastened on, and you know exactly what's at stake for you here.

Others don't. One of the things you learn from this infidelity cr&p is that there are very few people who understand a) how lacerating the emotions are for the betrayed spouse, and b) how important it is to establish any recovery on a VERY solid footing.

Most BSs have to deal with well-intentioned advice from friends and family, but in most cases the F&F haven't had to face this situation themselves, or worse, have been in that situation and have 'survived' it by dumping the marriage and running, or sweeping it under the carpet and telling themselves everything's fine. YOU are dealing with the mess by asking yourself deep questions and being honest with the answers. YOU are facing up to the fact that a marriage with a half-hearted, half-faithful spouse would not be worthwhile for you or your daughters. YOU are being clear about your standards for the kind of marriage you're prepared to be part of.

Trouble is, other people see you doing this and it makes them feel uncomfortable. Watching someone stand up to a huge problem and refuse to fudge or compromise, awakens in everyone around them the awareness of having fudged and compromised in their own lives. They'd rather see you as rigid and unreasonable than face up to the awkward truth that giving in to a bad deal is not wise in the long run.

They also probably don't understand what it is you're complaining about. People rarely understand the dynamics of betrayal unless they've been there themselves. It's obvious to you that contact between the affair partners is just a way to put the affair on a low flame, ready for the heat to be turned up at any time. Other people simply don't get that. They don't have a clue about the addictive quality of affairs. They couldn't even imagine the irrationality and warped thought-processes of people in affairs. They hardly ever understand the searing pain that betrayal causes.

I'm sorry your support network is being less of a support than it might be, but it's not surprising. You'll get a heap of garbled advice before you're done with this, I'm afraid. Stay strong. You're asking for the right things. YOU'RE the wise one here.


"Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people." - Spencer Johnson
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It's sure easier when your family is all on board, but good for you for sticking to your guns. It may be really tiring defending yourself, but you did it.

And better still, you realized that for now you need to keep a distance between people who, no matter how dear and well-meaning, drain your energy instead of lifting you up.

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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TA, I agree that people don't understand. This is worse in many ways than a bereavement because a death is a tough circumstance thrown at us by life and getting over it doesn't involve difficult decisions, you just have to absorb the shock and pain and try to comfort youself until it passes. In this case it is intense pain and hurt caused by the person you loved and trusted most and there are lots of hard, hard decisions and actions to take to get through it.

Neak, you are a champion, a voice of wisdom in the dark. My sister is supportive and on board, it's just that she cares very deeply and she wants me to be happy and she got upset to hear me upset yesterday and wanted to do something to help. She is 100% behind me now. If I have wobbles, then those around me will surely have them too but I'm back on track again now.

Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.
Maya Angelou
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Hi Tully,

I will be keeping up with your story, sorry, life.

I empathise with you and wish you support and love during your difficult time.

I envy your strength and hope to put mine in place soon. I think I need to go to plan B but have been dragging my feet for so long that I don't even know what I need anymore.

Surround yourself with people who support your plan B which we know through MB as tried, tested and best for the BS.

Take care!
WH moved home

BS 32 (1st marriage), WH 38 (2nd marriage), DD 3, DS 1
Married Aug 2002, EA/PA 2005, NC mid 2005
EA Jun 2008, Plan A, 1 Aug 2008, WH moved out 14 Sep 08, D-Day 14 Sep 08, Moved home 2 Nov 08, moved out 30 Nov 08
Plan B, 2 Dec 08, broken 5, 11, 15 & 17 Dec 08
Current Status: Contact for visitation, children and finances.
Embarking on a new plan to Let go and Let God and to not settle for less than I deserve!
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Check your mail please tully.

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2M2L, I'll have a look at your thread too. I have become more convinced by Plan B as time passes although I resisted strongly going that direction at first. I hope your situation works out.

Now I've got to finish painting a bedroom before school is out.

Sugar, will do!

Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.
Maya Angelou
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Yes, WH has become a cake eater...he wants his cake and eat it too. He wants you both...and he is working hard to get it.

He can't convince you of this directly because you won' talk with him, so he is trying to manipulate you through other people...wow, he is good at this. He is good at convincing other people.

Some simple statements you can say to other people...

"Right now he is trying to negotiate my return so he can have OW and me both. I won't entertain any conversation or manipulation with him until she is out of the picture and I would appreciate you not doing the manipulating for him."

Or simply...

"Until he has taken steps to remove OW from his life, I will not come back. He has not done that and does not plan to do that or else I would be hearing from him directly, not from you."

Wow, they want what they want don't they. WS are like addicts to the A and the OP, and when you think of it in those terms, while the A is still going on and the OP is still in their life, they will lie, steal, manipulate to get their drug. They can't be trusted, and will suck people in with their sob stories. You can see who are the enablers in this picture. Well-meaning people who have gotten caught into the story of 'poor-me', when what they are doing is enabling WH to get to a place where he can eat cake.

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"Right now he is trying to negotiate my return so he can have OW and me both. I won't entertain any conversation or manipulation with him until she is out of the picture and I would appreciate you not doing the manipulating for him."

Or simply...

"Until he has taken steps to remove OW from his life, I will not come back. He has not done that and does not plan to do that or else I would be hearing from him directly, not from you."

hurray Beautifully said!

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

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I think you have done an amazing job so far under the circumstances. I've told you before how impressed I am with your strength. So, please don't take this the wrong way. I'm 100% behind you...I'm on your side. Simply put, I don't think you have been dark enough. You have done an outstanding job of no direct contact but there has been way to much 'peripheral contact' (ie. through the mediator, sleuthing, etc.). I'm very concerned that this continued to make withdrawals from your LB even though you have been in Plan B. Plan B was supposed to protect your LB from further withdrawals. It seems like with each passing day and each new post you are moving towards an acceptance of the end of the M. You certainly have every right to go to Plan D at any time and I'm sure all here will support you. But, if you really still want to have a chance at saving this M then you absolutely...positively must go completely dark if it's not to late. You have been very close to following the narrow path but there has been too much drama during your Plan B. This is just my opinion of course and others (with way more experience) may disagree. But, since I've been posting/supporting you for a while now I have to tell it like I see it.

As always, stay strong and keep posting!!!


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Originally Posted by Wknghrd2LoveEasy
hugSugarcane hug

Oh, sugarcane, no!!!!!! I in no way meant to misrepresent what you said about Tully's situation. Please believe me.

Sugarcane, I am so sorry that my words gave you even a moment of concern. You are one of Tully's greatest supports and I have nothing but admiration for your words to her.


Dear WH2LE,

I meant to reply to this post days ago, but I have had the hardest time getting away from work stuff to post to this thread. Please forgive the delay.

Why is is so easy for written words to be misunderstood? That's what seems to have happened here. Anyway, I was impulsive and grumpy in my comments to you. Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorry!

You were much too generous and kind in your reply to me. Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!

I'm going to read your history now. I hope your recovery is progressing well. It's hard, isn't it?


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Originally Posted by tully
Anyway, my friend asked for WH's number so that her husband arrange a time and I took the opportunity to ask my friend to pass on 3 messages to WH.
- that I know he is lying about being with OW the weekend before last and that it is pointless to continue lying.
- that I have taken note of his request to reconstruct with me and to have NC with OW but that I would like him to produce a written proposition on how he will achieve this including career, house or country changes if necessary.
- that he should pass this through our mediator or another one he may wish to propose.

She rang me back to say that he said very little, just that he will take time to think about the proposition and send it to me on Wednesday. (I'm curious to see if he includes an apology in it. I'll post it here when i get it.)

Sugar, I just wanted to refer to an earlier post and say that my fear is not that he will move on and learn to live without me but that I will. Life here is coming together. Friends are rallying round and life is not too bad at all. It's not always perfect from a logistical point of view but well, logistics aren't everything. I can feel that as time moves on I am less inclined to go back and I feel that going to him is a far riskier life-strategy, not that I'm terribly risk-averse. (by the way thanks for all those complimentary adjectives even if none are verifiable)

You're not celebrating Thanksgiving, are you tully? I know that our American friends are busy with turkey (in November! that's just wrong! Except Neak, who must be doing a vegetarian version.) Where have you been lately? I've been waiting with bated breath to hear WH's response. If you don't post soon I'll pass out.

In my earlier post that you refer to, I was indeed suggesting that it might be you who moves on if Plan B is lengthy. Plan B might result in "out of sight, out of mind" for him, but I can see very well that it might result in the BS rebuilding her life without H and seeing no reason to go back to an unhappy situation. You sound as if this is happening to you, tully.

I just hope that the friends and family who are speaking to WH are helping him to see this threat.

Anyway, check your mail again please.

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Happy Thanksgiving Day to all my American friends! I hope you have lots and lots to give thanks for.

Well, I haven't heard anything back from WH yet so he's probably still stewing in his anger. The other night one of the twins asked him if the name of that girl he liked was 'X' and i could hear that he didn't want to answer. She asked him a couple of times. Now he knows that I've told the children everything, even her name, so I'm sure he's really mad over that too. I got an email from WH's cousin who is very close to us and his family. She was very nice although she also said I was wrong to come back to Ireland, that I should stay and fight for my marriage. I replied using WH2LE's lines for inspiration (but in French) and haven't heard anything back. MIL rang last night and asked me very nicely how I was. We has a short but pleasant conversation and then I passed her to the children.

Mindshare, I agree totally that I need to go dark, dark, dark. I don't know if he is coming this weekend but that always seems to bring drama. Why can't he understand that a bit of humility, self-questioning, an apology and a promise to cut contact with her would get him what he wants. But if his pride overpowers good sense than that's his problem. Today a friend is coming to stay the night and then we will go to Dublin tomorrow morning for that 20 year college reunion. And next weekend is a long weekend from school so I think we're going to go away to a friends house who has children of the same age and they live by the sea. It would give the children a break.

Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.
Maya Angelou
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Yes, lots of yummy veggie food. AJ is making soy chicken skins, Dad (or somebody) veggie turkey stuffing, and my mom will make lots and lots of gravy. Such yummy things we're having!

hurray for Tully...just because...

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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About all those people, including WH, who think you were wrong to go back to Ireland; don't they realise yet that there is a good chance that if the marriage ends, that's where you'll choose to live, and you'd be right to do so?

Have they, but most importantly H, worked out that in France you would be, as you once said, a single mum, not earning very much money and living in a foreign country without family?

Do they think that the move is just temporary petulance on your part, or do they realise that H needs to get on his knees, beg you to go back and stop this from becoming permanent?

I know that some friends and family have talked to him about his feelings. Do you think that any of them have given him the reality check and severe bashing that he deserves?

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Do you think that any of them have given him the reality check and severe bashing that he deserves?

Got to run, Sugar, but i just wanted to reply to this. i think some people have tried but he doesn't listen to them. The general feeling from people around (including a phone call from the mediator last night) is that he is getting worse rather than better, that his anger and frustration is so strong that he is distancing himself from me rather than coming closer. Well, some day he will have to go one way or the other, towards D or towards reconciliation and either way I'm ready.

He's coming over tomorrow and I know you may all scold me for this but I sent an email to the mediator this morning suggesting that if he wanted he could take the girls to a self-catering apartment belonging to a friend of mine (excellent price) where they could have better quality time together. it broke my heart last week to think of them all sitting and eating their breakfast together on a bench outside a supermarket. I said that he could keep them for the night and drop them back on Sunday if he liked but that there was no obligation on him to do so.

Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.
Maya Angelou
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Hello everyone. You may remember that I passed a message on to WH last Monday saying that I had taken note of his offer (vaguely mentioned to my brother) to have NC with OW and that I was willing to receive an email passed through the mediator explaining how exactly he proposed to cut all contact with career, country or home changes if necessary.

I got the following email sent directly to me from a new email address. He did not send it to the mediator but sent it direct through a new address. At no point does he mention NC which was supposed to be the point of the email. Maybe I shouldn't have opened it but I did. It is very long and I hesitate to reproduce it here but in the interests of full disclosure and getting best informed advice from you I've put it below in the quotes box. Also I feel a bit disloyal for revealing what he would consider a private correspondance but I need your objective advice on what I should do now and I'm afraid of distorting his point of view if I summarise it. Skim over it if you wish. I'm hestitating about what to do now. My instinct tells me to ignore it and not to reply even through the mediator as he does not deal either with NC or committment to our M but I'd like to know what you think.

This is going to be a very hard email for me to write because I don't know if I am going to say what you want to hear. I don't really know either where to start from. I suppose it is best to start from the event that pushes me to write this email as opposed to talking to you directly. So, you took the girls and left three weeks ago. I understand from your note and from GF the reasons why you did this. You obviously felt that there was no other solution. However, there are always several ways of doing things and this is just the one you chose. It made me very angry because I think that by doing this, you de facto involved the girls in our problems. I would have dearly loved to avoid this as I think it could and should have been avoided. Anyway, I understand that, as you told me before, you needed to go 'where you feel loved'. You also said once that minding the girls was not exactly an advantage these days. So, it made me first wonder why you took them to Ireland with you. Why not leave them here where they could have continued with school and their friends? Do you think I could not have minded them myself? So, I could be wrong, but I presume that either you need them, or you do not want me to have them. The first reason is slightly contradictory with you feeling that they added a bit of a struggle to your situation. The second reason would be wrong, I think, and I don't believe you would do that. However, the bottom line is that I have been without them for 3 weeks and I miss them dearly.

In fact, the problem linked to you escaping to Ireland with the girls and cutting direct contact with me, is that this has completely focused my attention on my fear to lose my children. This in turn makes me feel that I would do everything to get them back and you can imagine my frustration when every night, they ask me when I will come to bring them back home. In fact, it is even worse because it has diverted my attention from our relationship and my frustration pushes me to be angry at you. I have been telling Isa this very fact from day one insisting that the longer you are away the worse things are getting. Last week-end was a dreadfully hard blow. I had hoped to see you by coming unexpectedly in order to restore some sort of contact and also to beg you to come home. You found out (presumably seeing that I booked air france tickets on the net…) and asked your brother to prevent me from getting into his house. My attempt failed and I spent the rest of the evening thinking of my poor situation. Well, our poor situation I should say. I slept 3 hours that night and I had lots of time to be very frustrated with the way things are. The following day was, in a sense, even worse. Although it was great to have the girls in the morning, their questions were a killer. For the first few minutes, they asked me if I was there to take them back home. Then DD8 asked: 'Papa, why are you in love with OW?'. This destroyed a lot of things in me. Since the beginning, I have been thinking that by acting like you did, you involved the girls in what should have remained our 'big people' problems. By telling them that, you put them in the first line of that battle. I felt that this was so so wrong and I have to say that I was immensely annoyed with you for that. I refrained from reacting, or doing anything for a few days, just so that I would calm down a little. The problem is that again, I feel terrorised at the idea of losing the girls and I am not trying to rebuild our relationship in my head. Worse even, I have now to fight against my feeling of anger and annoyance at you. This is so destructive.

I am sure all this seems really unfair to you as I am the one originally at fault. All this is because of what I did. Yes, this is true, but nevertheless, how is this possible that I now find myself in this state of mind whereas I had decided weeks ago to rebuild our relationship? I understand that you felt I was not making enough efforts in rebuilding. You are a very motivated, involved and passionate person lovey, but I don't work the same way as you do. Although my attitude did not show the motivation you expected, I was making progress in my head. I don't function like you Tully, how come you don't know this by now? Why did you not let me deal with my big mistake my own way? Well, I do not reproach you anything as we are two different people who react differently and who have to find compromises to live together. I believe this maybe the crucial point in our recent problems. During my long solitary night in the hotel last Saturday, I tried to address this very thing and tried to understand what had gone wrong in our relationship. My analysis is the following. Of course, I can be wrong, but this is what I feel anyway: what went wrong is that one of your big qualities slowly became a fault in my eyes. You do everything 200%. You are very 'entière' as we know and that can be great. However, this slowly became a problem because I felt that if I did not agree with you, I was getting involved into big long, very long (often at night) arguments. These little by little were draining me and I found myself trying to run away from them. I ended refraining away from talking about anything interesting. I should have talked about this problem, but I am not sure I fully understood it myself. I am not sure I realised that the drift I felt was happening had a simple cause. Do not mislead yourself on that point: OW had nothing to do with it. No, it was a problem between you and me, and I am at fault not to have tried to analyse what was wrong. It could have sorted itself I am sure, but then, life put OW in the picture. And everything went down the slope. This was my analysis last Saturday night, but I think this is not far off the track.

In the last weeks, your 200% involvement in things has pushed you to demand the same involvement from me. Again, you are of course more than justified to have reacted the way you did. I am not here trying to put the blame on you. I feel blame is irrelevant if we split up. Splitting means that we failed, we, as a couple. I am conscious that it is mainly my fault if we have reached this point, and I can take the bulk of the blame but this is meaningless I think.

At present, I am faced with a problem that is getting bigger and bigger: I focus all my attention (and suffering) on the girls. The complete loss of contact with you makes me forget about our relationship and it is even worse because I have a tendency to blame you for the pain I suffer these days. I am also trying to cope with the present situation by adapting to my new life. I am becoming used to being alone and seeing the girls at week-ends. No, in fact I am not adapting to seeing them only at week-ends, but I am slowly getting into the mind of a divorced man. How can you expect our relashionship to improve when you put me in a situation where I tend to blame you for what I suffer? Why cut all contacts? I don't understand that at all. I don't know how it preserves you from losing the rest of your love for me. What I am sure of, is that on my side, this situation is slowly destroying my love for you. I have known this would happen since the very day that you left. I have told GF every time we had contacts. I wrote it to you by email but you did not want to read it. I have been telling everybody who rings or call in. I am desperate to pass the message to you, but I have been feeling completely helpless in getting it across. Tully, I have reached an extremely dangerous state. If you don't come home urgently, there will be nothing we can do to make our relationship work again. This is what I think at this very moment.

I know you think that the basis for everything is the two of us, but personally, I cannot disassociate our children to our relationship. I know they would be happiest in a normal family life with both of their parents. They ask me every evening to come and get them back home. This breaks my heart and every time I hear this, I feel it is very detrimental to our relationship as I get angry with you for imposing that on them and me. I hope you understand how I feel. Whatever the exact matching of our feelings for each other is, I feel the present situation is not good for the girls and this is hard to accept. Please, come back home or let me bring the girls back home if you feel you would prefer not to come back yet. I would understand if you still don't want to see me.

Concerning the future, I am reaching a stage where I ask all relevant people how to deal with kids in case of a separation. I am now imagining my life away from you and how I would deal with seeing the girls much less. In fact, last week-end, I though separating would be a much better option that what I am going through now. This is because if I was clearly separated, I could organise something much more structured, much better to see the girls. This would surely prevent us from having breakfast on the bench in the shopping center after searching for a decent place early on a Sunday morning. It would surely prevent me from relying on jumping jacks to get a bit of fun with my girls. I don't know what I want anymore. Before you left, I knew I wanted to rebuild. Now, I am completely lost with what I feel. In fact, I go from one extreme to the other 10 times a day. People who ring me probably think I am a looney because depending on exactly when they catch me, I am a completely different person. So much so that it is difficult to estimate where my average mood is… This is the reason why I did not want to write to you straight after last week-end. I have been delaying sending this email since Monday because I would really like to have a clear vision of the way I see things. But I don't. I do have to send you something before things go completely out of hands though. This is why I am sending you this now. Just because this is reflecting my feelings, knowing that I am not offering anything clear. I feel that it is most important that you all come back home urgently. I could move out and rent a small apartment for a while, or stay in the house if you can bear my presence. In any case, we have to talk directly and calmly about the future. I cannot do that through somebody else. I cannot do anything through somebody else actually. So please, I beg you for the girls sake, please come home now.


PS: I have read this mail again and find it rather scattered. This is because I have been changing and adding things every day. Sorry about that, but it somehow reflects my frame of mind.

Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.
Maya Angelou
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