I have my son and the house. She is living with a couple (H/W) friend of ours, who we have known for years. They said they are just helping a friend in need. She always has a story for anything I discover(finances, insurance, etc). She has always had my crdt crd 3's.
burrhead, sorry you are here.

The first thing I would do is cut off all her credit cards and take her name off any accounts. She has moved out so she can have affairs and you should not finance that.
I would file for separation/divorce only to get legal protection from her. You want to keep possession of your home and primary custody of your son. If you don't do this, your W can come home and have you booted out while she replaces you with her lovers. Your wife is extremely destructive to you and your son and it is your job to get protection.
Counseling will avail you absolutely nothing while she is having affairs.
After you cut off her money and get legal protection in place, I would make her an offer. Go to her and tell her you would be willing to give her an opportunity to EARN YOUR FORGIVENESS and reconcile if she does certain things. Those things would be:
1. complete and total honesty about her past - followed by a successful polygraph test - complete names of adultery partners
2. complete transparency, cell phone passwords, access to her cellphone at all times. No more online time unless together
3. NO leisure time apart EVER.
4. no opposite sex friends or single female friends
Tell her, this is what it will take to interest me. If she doesn't do those things, you are NOT SAFE WITH HER and are better off moving on.
You need to RAISE THE BAR, friend. You have lowered the bar SO LOW that she is simply living down to your expectations.
And lastly, you should tell everyone in your family about her affairs. Tell everyone the truth, ESPECIALLY YOUR SON, that your wife is a serial cheater who has moved out so it will be easier to conduct her affairs.
If you don't tell your son the truth, she will tell him lies. She has probably already introduced him to some of her lovers and he very confused about that.