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After the affair has ended...retroactive exposure is not clearly specified, Yes, but she won't even tell us if there if NC in place. Which is usually a bad sign in my experience...
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"What about exposure of an affair that took place years earlier and is now ended but recently revealed? I feel that the children, close relatives, close friends, and the lover�s spouse should be informed. Granted, it�s embarrassing to admit an affair, but publicly admitting failure is usually the first step toward redemption.
As you already know, I�m a strong advocate of honesty and openness in marriage. I call it transparency�letting your spouse know everything about you, especially your faults. But should that level of openness carry into the public arena? I believe that it should in cases of extreme irresponsibility, and that certainly includes infidelity. When you have done something very hurtful to someone else, others -- especially those who care for you the most -- should know about it. Such exposure helps prevent a recurrence of the offense. Your closest friends and relatives will be keeping an eye on you�holding you accountable." here
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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In other words, exposure is therapeutic, not "harmful." It is the first step towards redemption. And if someone is embarrassed or humiliated, so what? That is a good thing, not a bad thing. You SHOULD feel embarrassed if you commit adultery. If you don't you are probably a sociopath. 
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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words like BS are really not necessary.  Someone (Willie S.? Willie Nelson?) once said "To thine own self be true". Good advice, it appears. The irony of this entire exchange is that, becoming worried that I was morphing into a caricature version of "Waldorf" ![[Linked Image from 3.bp.blogspot.com]](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_wxoadJx_jhw/SjE4uAxvbnI/AAAAAAAAAEw/d2h-L0S-Smw/s200/120px-TF1-MuppetsTV-PhotoGallery-36-Waldorf.jpg) on The Muppet Show, I intentionally and with full intent dialed back my usual blast-and-scatter response. So instead I get sneered at (by a wayward? really?) because she was ignorant of the use of the initials BS. Barkeep! Another round - and leave the bottle!
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"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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Humility, I am a former "1-time cheater" (in that I had one emotional-then-physical affair that lasted about 2 & a half months.)
I don't think I have enough facts to know what your situation is (how long was the affair, when did it end, how did it end, etc.)
Regarding the purpose of exposure, exposure is to serve the two purposes of (1) ending an active affair, if it's still active; and (2) helping to make a resumption of the affair less likely, thereby giving the couple breathing space to get the wayward spouse out of withdrawal and start to try & repair the marital relationship.
The threat of imminent exposure is what got me to confess my affair to my wife; and we both (together & separately) informed some very close firends of ours, whom we felt needed to know, as we felt they had our best interests at hear both as individuals & as a couple. We did not expose indiscriminately to ALL our friends & our family & children because (a) it was my wife's choice and (b) in our case it wasn't necessary to end the affair. However, if an affair is allowed to linger, if the wayward spouse isn't immediately repentant & desirous of terminating the affair & taking concrete actions (no-contact policy, extraordinary precautions) to that effect, then exposure, far & wide, is the best weapon there is. It is not a weapon against the wayward spouse per se; it is a weapon against the affair.
That's my clinical 2-cents take on it.
I hope you have a thick-enough skin to stick around & listen.
One thing I learned (among many things) was that people who are fresh out of affairs are usually not in the best position to judge what's dumb advice vs. what's good advice. If the judgement was at its best, then foks like you & I wouldn't have chosen to take all the steps we took out onto the slippery slope that we chose to take as we got into affairs in the first place. "Humility" is indeed a crucial prerequisite for rebuilding a marriage that was better than the one you had before the affair (and it CAN be done, as both my wife & I can tell you from personal experience); but sometimes, if you haven't gotten to a stage of sufficient discernment to tell very good advice from dumb advice, you can fake humility by at least keeping a thoughtful silence, asking honest questions, and spending time contemplating the answers before lashing out at folks who are here donating free time to share their years of painfully-earned experience at dealing with the frustration & heartache that infidelity causes for its victims as well as its perpetrators.
Spoken as a former perpetrator.
If there are things you want to ask me, fire away.
Me: FWH, 50 My BW: Trust_Will_Come, 52, tall, beautiful & heart of gold DD23, DS19 EA-then-PA Oct'08-Jan'09 Broke it off & confessed to BW (after OW's H found out) Jan.7 2009 Married 25 years & counting. Grateful for forgiveness. Working to be a better husband. "I wear the chain I forged in life... I made it link by link, and yard by yard" ~Jacob Marley's ghost, A Christmas Carol "Do it again & you're out on your [bum]." ~My BW, Jan.7 2009
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God forgive you, Humility, this is a really really mean thing to say to maritalbliss, who has been through all the hell of an affair.
You can say you are not full of meanness and harshness all you want, but we can see when you say mean and harsh things to people who only want to help you, like maritalbliss. She absolutely does not deserve that from you, and I hope you will make amends. Thank you, Markos. I appreciate that. 
D-Day 2-10-2009 Fully Recovered and Better Than Ever! Thank you Marriage Builders!
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Wow I am a FWW and if my husband heared me talking like this he would think I was back in the affair Can you please get your husband back here so we can help him? I am a little worried for him.
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BW 46 XWH 46 Boys 17 & 19 Girls 16 & 10 D-day #1 12/2006 (confessed affair in 2004 w/BF & his wife) D-day #2 10/2008 (denied by XWH) D-day #3 10/2010 Kick WH out 01/2011 he files for D D finally final 03/2012 I'm free!
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I'm afraid you have the wrong website. This is a very humble and open-minded group found here, and far from self-righteous. You sound very angry and confused.
I have a 20-year marriage that has survived two affairs; one by my wife and one by myself. I am certainly not narrow-minded nor self righteous. In fact, I am thankful God brought me to this website. If you took a walk in my shoes, you would find that it was probably as challenging as yours. Good luck.
Oh, and one more thing: your comment that people just don't one day decide to go have an affair. Let me ask you this: how many deliberate decisions did you have to make from the time you first saw your affair partner to the time you were naked in bed with him for this affair to happen? 20 thoughtful choices? 30? 40? 50? You see, affairs take probably 50 or more deliberate, thought-out decisions to bring an affair to fruition. And now you have to be accountable, just like me.
Last edited by Wisertoday; 03/10/11 08:54 PM.
Me: FBH (2010) and FWH (1996): 40 Her: FWW and FBW: 40
2011: In recovery
A's are merely chocolate-covered cancer lollipops.
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Here's the thing, though, GO - she hasn't actually shared with us her infidelity. And she hasn't indicated any form of (dare I say this?) humility for her actions in betraying her marital vows. Right now Humility is out to explain to us, those who have 'been there', why we are wrong to feel the way we do. It doesn't really matter whether we have recovered our marriages or not - all that matters is that we are here and available for her verbal tongue-lashing.
Humility, you will gain nothing in your favor this way. You'll just exhaust yourself fighting what is 'right'. When do you want to give up that fight?
D-Day 2-10-2009 Fully Recovered and Better Than Ever! Thank you Marriage Builders!
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God forgive you, Humility, this is a really really mean thing to say to maritalbliss, who has been through all the hell of an affair.
You can say you are not full of meanness and harshness all you want, but we can see when you say mean and harsh things to people who only want to help you, like maritalbliss. She absolutely does not deserve that from you, and I hope you will make amends. Thank you, Markos. I appreciate that.  No problem, maritalbliss. It needed to be said, and I'm honored to get to be the one to say it. There was a time here last year one of the really good posters almost left because of the meanness flying around. I'm so glad she didn't, and I hope we don't lose any others. And for Humility ... you really need to face up to the way you're treating people. Seriously.
If you are serious about saving your marriage, you can't get it all on this forum. You've got to listen to the Marriage Builders Radio show, every day. Install the app! Married to my radiant trophy wife, Prisca, 19 years. Father of 8. Attended Marriage Builders weekend in May 2010 If your wife is not on board with MB, some of my posts to other men might help you.
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Some of these posters make me think of the drunk who goes to an A.A. meeting and then gets upset when he's told that if he wants things to get better, it would help if he stops drinking.
Preach the Gospel every day. When necessary, use words. St. Francis of Assissi
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I am at the point in AA that is is ALL ABOUT ME! Seriously? Do they teach people this in AA? My stbx/AAer ACTS this way, to get his way.
Last edited by MyJourney; 03/10/11 09:58 PM.
D-yr fall 06-fall 07 Separated 10/2010 Him-several affairs, last one 3/2011 Divorced filed 3/2011, final 3/2012 Formerly "Mopey". http://forum.marriagebuilders.com/ubbt/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2013149&page=1After a 4 yr FR, it became CLEAR to me of what you can look for in a FR. And that is the absence of POJA, and/or if your spouse tramples on your boundaries. If someone is not willing to do POJA with you, and they don't respect your boundaries, imo, the relationship is doomed.
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I'm with you 100%, msbliss. I'll re-read what I posted earlier, but I don't think I credited "Humility" with having actually manifested any herself, LOL.
At her current level of blindness, I don't think she is even capable of it -- which is why I suggested she consider faking it ad interim, by, uh, maybe keepin' her yap shut except to ask questions. (That is, if she is serious about wanting answers, as opposed to merely wanting someone to agree with her.)
For now, all I hear from her is the distant dog barking...
Me: FWH, 50 My BW: Trust_Will_Come, 52, tall, beautiful & heart of gold DD23, DS19 EA-then-PA Oct'08-Jan'09 Broke it off & confessed to BW (after OW's H found out) Jan.7 2009 Married 25 years & counting. Grateful for forgiveness. Working to be a better husband. "I wear the chain I forged in life... I made it link by link, and yard by yard" ~Jacob Marley's ghost, A Christmas Carol "Do it again & you're out on your [bum]." ~My BW, Jan.7 2009
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Humility(that's ironic),
Maybe you should do what you were first advised to do when you joined AA: "Shuddup and listen."
With your uncanny ability to insult good folks who are only here to help you, my guess is that you've been through many sponsors at AA who threw up their hands and thought, "I can't help this woman."
Humility is where it starts.......
But I don't see any.
Good Luck and God's Blessings Jerry
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Dear Humility, In addition to all other valuable answers here, I second to Tawandabelle (page 4). Once you remove yourself from the situation, start healing your husband and your marriage, put down boundaries so it wouldn't happen again - in other words, (re)gain integrity, you will be able to detach yourself from the person you were during your adultery. It will always be a part of your past, but it won't mean it defines you forever. And then you will understand that sharing this story does not humiliate you. Btw - I did my exposures pretty much myself (DH is not very talkative) and I was as bluntly honest as I could be, taking all the responsibility etc (the first ones were quite foggy all right, but I have corrected the story with those people). For me, this has served two purposes: increasing accountability and warning/educating others. So don't be surprised if down the road someday you will be voluntarily sharing the information about your affair as well. And another thing... when I first came here (I had recently gone into no contact = NC), I thought almost everybody here was cruel and had really strict (and even narrow-minded) opinions  Guess what... reading the thread from the beginning some months later, they didn't seem so cruel at all. As I kept reading the site, the viewpoints that had initially seemed parochial and archaic turned out to be making sense after all... Now I go around and preach them to the people near me. So please come back, read other threads, read the articles, listen to the MB radio... You are defensive and that's what provokes the heaviest 2x4s here  This might be counterproductive sometimes, I admit, but we don't treat WS-s with kid gloves here. FWS-s (or former waywards - repentant ones) on the other hand get (mostly) respectful and loving treatment... Which proves again, that the affair doesn't need to define you forever, if you do the right thing. I believe you will choose wisely. (Sorry for the long post.)
Me: FWW 31 DH: BH 32 M: April 2001 DSs b 2005 and 2006 EA began summer~autumn 2009, D-Day1 Feb 2010 EA went uglier until NC-letters mid-June 2010 Discovering MB site end of June 2010 D-Day 2 Jul 7, 2010, followed by 2 other D-days (Jul 14, 2010, and Jul 31?, 2010)
Falling back in love - or so it seemed...
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actually "public humiliation" is the term used by my husband, perhaps HE got the words incorrect in your writings.
I am at the point in AA that is is ALL ABOUT ME! and trying to stay sober. I am quoting the steps because I am trying to live them.
Thats funny-I work the AA program from the first 164 pages of the Big Book and what I read and understand it is about service to God and our fellow person. Can you quote me a page # or something so I can read about the selfish part?
We are to become SELF LESS if we truely want to become RECOVERED.
Markos, I am not full of anger or harshness. I am living the truth. It was admitted, it was admitted to another human being, it is being wrapped in a warm blanket and handed over to God as he is the honest truth, not any of us.
Thats OK and good from the AA program point. Your on the MB site and this is a program to. Dr Harleys program does work to restore Marriages. To come on here with one issue and condem the whole program is narrowmindedness. How do you think it would work for me to come on a AA chat board and tell them they are doing it all wrong and using the Marriage Builders Program to try and justify my stance?
Are any of you recovered alcoholics or in the AA program?
Yes-There are a lot of Recovered and recovering alcoholics on this board. Stick around and you will figure it out real fast.
I would really like to hear their side. Not that I'm not listening and taking all of your opinions to heart as I said I just don't believe in "public humiliation" to people I may see at weddings or funerals who don't know my situation at all.
Please find one article or referance to "Public Humiliation" on this site. Exposure as the article I linked you to is to inform those who would be able to influence the end of an A and also to provide support to the BS (Betrayed Spouse)
Telling everyone and everybody is never advocated or promoted here. Maybe I am blind. Please find a post or referance promoting that style of exposure.
After 26 years of marriage NESRE and talking to "many" individuals about the whole situation which would take 26 years to make you understand, there were none who felt "public humiliation" would benefit anyone.
Refer to the above referance since you call it Public Humiliation. When presented in your twisted context I would probably feel the same.
If anything it would make the person who made the mistake feel unwelcome/unwanted wherever she (I) go within the families, around friends of "his", etc.
Did you give your BH (Betrayed Husband) a choice in your A? Why would He want you to feel comfotable with the most selfish decision you ever made in your life?
I have enough on my plate dealing with my sobriety than to worry about what people think about an affair. I did not join to create a huge debate on this subject. But it is nice to see that no one agrees with me so that will surely make my husband happy. All I am saying, is public "humiliation" may have worked for all of you but it will head directly to divorce court for me
Please study what the site is about rather than pick out of context what you want to argue. Much like the BB is a program of recovery from alcoholism and is complete to accomplish that this program is a complete program to recover from Affairs.
For either to work the person must work the program right?
Happy marriage to all of you. I will log in again after you have had 26 years of marriage and many stumbling blocks in your lives and see where all of you are in your marital bliss (like the day I got married). Sorry I ever logged on.
BTW 27 1/2 years Married. 24 years clean and sober FWH currently BH
Last edited by nesre; 03/11/11 06:04 PM.
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It's also notable that the founder of this program began his career as a PHD in psychology dealing with addicts. The prognosis; you cannot fix a marriage in which there is one active addict.
"An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field." - Niels Bohr
"Smart people believe weird things because they are skilled at defending beliefs they arrived at for non-smart reasons." - Michael Shermer
"Fair speech may hide a foul heart." - Samwise Gamgee LOTR
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Dear Humility: My name is Schoolbus. I have been married since June of 1975, which gives me about 36 years of marriage under my belt. My story: My husband is a recovering alcoholic and former drug user. I am a recovering alcohol abuser, and former drug user. I have suffered in my childhood from severe child abuse having been physically abused by my father (one was a felony), and was raped repeatedly by a family member over the course of three years. I was also raped by two neighborhood men when I was seven years old. We can likely agree that I have "some experience" with trauma and difficulties in my life. My marital history to date: I had a ONS and my Husband had revenge ONS (One night stand) in 1976. Husband had an EA (emotional affair) that I did not know about in 1979, at which time he left me for the OW (Other woman). We were separated for about 3 months or so. Because I was really very stupid, immature, and basically a huge idiot, I dated many men during this 3 month period. My husband pursued the OW, who gave him little attention once he was "available". Husband returned home, and I was elated. Two nights later, husband had yet another ONS. I took him back anyway. (Now, what was I thinking?) Husband had EA with a woman in college in 1982 or 83. At the same time, I was having an EA with a man. We both came to our senses, given our mutual stupidity of the past. We fixed it yet again. Husband's brother died in 1989. Husband enters into a kind of fantasy EA, wherein he somehow wants to take care of brother's widow...yet be my hubby...this fizzles out with reality. It was rough, this one. Brother's death hit him HARD. We drift apart over the years, not meeting each other's needs. Hubby returns to the bottle. This occurs gradually over time, despite our discussions, my objections, and the obvious daily drunk-a-thon. 2005, husband has PA (Physical Affair) with a Not-so-much-of-a-friend of mine. His plan? I would never find out, it was only for sex, and nobody would ever get hurt. Not so great of a plan, because: every. single. thing. he. planned. went. wrong. I think my credentials speak for themselves. I have been where your husband is right now. I have been where YOU are right now. You. have. not. been. where. I AM RIGHT NOW. Because, I have some experience in RECOVERING A MARRIAGE FROM THE DEPTHS OF THE DESTRUCTION THAT I BROUGHT ON IT BY MY OWN STUPIDITY. And I HAVE EXPERIENCE IN FORGIVING SOMEONE just like you. Now that you can see that there are both wayward spouses (WS) and betrayed spouses (BS) here and that we can be all-inclusive, read my next post. I have some street cred.  Schoolbus
Lucky to be where I am, in a safe place to get marriage-related support. Recovered. Happy. Most recent D-day Fall 2005 Our new marriage began that day. Not easily, but it did happen.
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