I know I have been posting lots these days...so please bear with me!!!!
With my son being here wounds are open again. This is my son's first summer where his parents are no longer together.
He is going thru this for the first time. All the summers we had before we spent them as a family.
Yesterday my son had told me he might have to meet his dad, but at the end of the day it did not happen.
We later went out for ice cream and saw OW and her smaller son walking near the ice cream place.
Both my son and I know that OW's XH does not want WH to be in contact with his kid, thus we knew WH could have not spent the day with OW since she had her son with her.
My son then started wondering why his dad did not contact him since he must have been free of OW.
Well at that point I had to put in my 2 cents and say that probably "your dad is busy with other people, including possibly other women." My son did not like this comment, but agreed that his father's choice to spend time with current (neighbor) OW was a horrible choice.
He added that he really cannot understand why he prefers to dedicate time to her instead of us. she is not even attractive and that she must be a horrible person.
He also commented that he is puzzled this A is lasting so long....
Again...I put in my 2 cents and told him that MAYBE the reason it is lasting so long is because WH is living on his own, having his independent life, wants nothing to do with OW's kids (OW's XH not wanting him to is just an excuse...as nothing stops a WS from moving in with OW...it is done all the time!!)
All of the above probably allow WH to have other "adventures" with other people without commitment.
Son does not seem to like to hear this, and I know I should not talk about WH with him, but in a way I am trying to make him see what kind of person his dad his.
Maybe that will help him understand why his dad is acting like a teen...rather than like a 50 year old....
In a way I am trying to not give so much importance on current OW, I am trying to show my son that it is not so much about her but about my WH's desire to be free to do as he pleases including having adventures with many women.
OW is just the money in the bank..the person he leans on for practical matters (car rides, sex, company) when WH finds nothing better around....

Am I wrong to say those things>>>????