I reach and it moves,<BR>I touch and it draws from me,<P>Elusive, Oh so deceptive!<P>I feel it in my arms and I grasp,<BR>but nothing is there.<P>Elusive, Oh so deceptive!<P>I run to where it hides,<BR>But my eyes connot behold it.<P>Elusive, Oh so deceptive. <P>In the night I dream of it<BR>but when I awake the memory is as a wisp of smoke, fleeting. <P>Elusive, Oh so deceptive.<P>I hear it speak, but listen as I will<BR>the words are faint and distant. I cannot hear. <P>Elusive, Oh so deceptive!<P>I used to hear it speak, sometimes I understood, but then the words become uncomprehensible. <P>Elusive, Oh so deceptive!<P>TRUTH!!<P>SIMPLE, HONEST, TRUTH!!!<P>ELUSIVE, OH SO DECEPTIVE!!!!