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Joined: Dec 1999
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Everyone just a few words to vent out some please. I have told I have been standing in the Gap for my family 15 months, my husband lives with another woman, tells me he's coming home in March its April and he tell's me today he's not sure that's what he wants. He says he's confussed. Thirty minutes later he calls a business call and at the end of the conservation he tells me I love you. My mother a young woman of 63 lives in a nursing home due to strokes and we could no longer take care of her, Oh how I miss her. I have never told her of my husband leaving me, she thought the world of him, and I didn't want to hurt her anymore. I miss being able to talk with her. I pray I'm now so confussed. I want to do God's will and I don't even think at this moment I know what that is. I have always had faith in God. Taj told me I need to focus more on God than my circumstance and I thank her and I do try. My mother has been very ill the last few weeks and had emergency surgery yesterday. I went to see her again today, I told her she looked good and she replied the best she could, Thank God, I remember those words so clearly as I grew up and even now, she never forgot to Thank God, and I Thank God he gave me to her, I was really blessed. My life is a mess I feel, My husband with another woman and my Mom is so sick and my father has passed away. I just feel so weak and I dont know what to do I pray and I know God answers prayers and I do have faith and I love God, My flesh is just so tired. Will you please once again pray for my family. God Bless you all. Thanks for listening.

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Father, when the world is dark and the circumstances surrounding us are gloomy, the enemy waits for a moment to attack. You have told us these things and we do try to be on guard, watching, trusting, hoping, knowing that the only safe place to put our trust is in you. <P>Father, see our sister, Your daughter Brown. She is tired and weary and the evil one attacks at the very core of her being. Her mother is so very ill, her earthly father not here, she feels isolated and alone, clinging minute by minute to the hope that Your Word gives. <P>Father refresh Brown this day. Surround her with Your arms and place your angels around her to minister to her needs just as you did when they served Jesus after His mighty trial. Increase her awareness of Your presence, let her senses be heightened so that she feels the electricity of excitement as You draw her near to You. <P>Let her joy be complete in Your love for her. Let her feel relief, a gentle breeze in the recesses of her heart, let her hear Your whispers and be comforted. Let Your peace pour over her. You said that You are an ever-present help in trouble, our strength, our deliverer, our hope, our shield and because of Your help we can sing in the shadow of your wings. Bring Brown a melody today Father. <P>And Father, for this husband who has broken his covenant vows, deal with him swiftly. Make his life miserable without the wife of his youth, let there be much strife with this other woman, let her become like a dripping faucet and let his irritation increase, so that each word she speaks is not like honey dripping but like a scratching finger on a chalkboard. <P>As the shepherd goes after the one lost sheep, go after him Father. As the shepherd strikes the lamb down and binds his feet to throw him over his shoulders and carry him back to the flock, do so with this man. Break his will Father so that Your will prevails. <P>You say that you don't give us anything that we cannot handle and that if you do, you always provide a way out. Father, we have been told that divorce is not acceptable except for infidelity and yet, we also know You have restored these types of relationships. Father, give Brown Your wisdom this morning. As you give her Your rest, also give her Your insights to the path You would have her take.<P>Show her whether to remain in Plan A or if Plan B is now called for to protect the love she has for her husband. Whisper in her ear if Plan B would better get his attention to what he is doing. Help her to set healthy boundaries so that she is not continually in a vulnerable spot and open for receiving festering wounds. Surround her with godly women to counsel her. Provide a host of supporters to share in her burdens. Let her joy come this morning Father! IJN, Amen.

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Brown,<P>I've heard it said when you feel like you are at the end of your rope and hanging by a thread tie a knot on the end and hang on some more!<P>Like SueB said God never gives us more then we can handle and I have to believe that He is promising to give you the strength you need to endure all these troubles.<P>I can tell you are focusing on God and that is the only place to be, but that doesn't mean the troubles will just go away. God uses all of these things to cause us to lean harder on Him.<P>God wants to be everything to you Brown, your mother, your father, and your husband. We must put God before everything else, he is a very jealous God.<P>I miss my mother and father so much so I understand your pain. They were very important to me and I know they loved me, but do you realize how much more God loves us then even our parents?<P>God is making you into the image of His Son and that takes alot of effort and time for all of us. Hang onto that knot Brown!<P>Father, strengthen Brown with Your might today. Dress her in Your spiritual armor that she may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Comfort her and protect her in the shadow of Your wings. Give her the power through Your Spirit to endure these trials which are a part of her life. Be with her Mom and give her Your peace. Open Brown's husbands eyes to see what he really is doing. Give him clarity and direction to do the right thing. Bring turmoil to the relationship he has with this OW. We would ask for a healing and restoration of this marriage. But whatever else Lord make Brown the woman of God You have created her to be. IJN<P>------------------<BR>"Perfect love casts out fear" I John 4:18

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Brown, you are always in my prayers. I'm praying for you this afternoon too. Hang tight to the hem of our Lord's robe.<BR>

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Brown, You are never alone. The Holy Spirit is with and within you. I pray that angels surround you, their wings held high in a hedge of protection to guard you as you feel so alone and in the wind.<P>I pray that your husband suffers in his unstable, double-minded way. I pray that wherever he turns that is not on the way to God that he is faced with his inquity and his wretchedness and it brings him first to his knees and then flattens him before the cross. I pray that when he turns God's way that he feels the love and that he connects God's love with the wife that God chose for him (thats you, Brown). I pray You bring Christians and Christ's message to him in every way possible continuously. Awake & stir Your words within him.<P>I also pray salvation and chastisement from the Lord for the OW. I pray that she realizes how little she has in Brown's H and that she turns from him in her own wretchedness and disgust.<BR>I pray these things in the Blessed Savior Jesus' name.<P>Brown, just lay before the cross and dig your fingers in. You are safe.<P>------------------<BR>Lor<BR>"Let love be genuine...hold fast to what is good; love one another." Rom 12:9-10

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What a powerful prayer Lor! AMEN<P>Dear Heavenly Father, thank You Lord for bringing Brown's husband to brokenness, for driving a huge wedge of discord between her H and the OW, thank You Father for keeping Brown's husband from having any rest or peace in his mind until he chooses to do Your will. I praise You Lord, for you are so wonderful and loving to us. Thank You Jesus, thank You. Brown loves You so much Lord, please carry your daughter through this, and I pray Lord that You will cover her with Your peace, and comfort. IJN AMEN

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Maybe I see and think different, but God is our Daddy, and when were hanging on a thread and feel its ready to snap, I hear "Let go child, my arms are more than big enough to catch you and bear all your burdens for you"<P>I just think that is a good place to be, to see the end of ourselves so that we have to say "I can't do this", God knew it already and thats what He's waiting for!<P>Just as you cannot find Salvation in yourself, you cannot walk the Christian walk on your own, I mean the Bible says "Be Holy", as if its something within our means, NO, its within Jesus means through us when we come to the point when we surrender all, let go and say God you take over, it is well with my soul! Then in the faith that your God is big enough, let him go ahead and DO everything untill you know he's telling you to join in... <P>I know that He always puts me in situations <I>that are more than I can bear up under </I> that I will give up and let Him have that area in my life too! I believe that bit of scripture that uses those words is specifically related to sins we are tested by and not tribulations that we come into.<P>Maybe this situation is where God has me/us so that I/we will give it over to Him.. He wants it all, we must surrender all... And then we can say "It is well with my soul" and live in the peace that MY GOD IS BIG ENOUGH!<P>Sorry for the sermonette, Brown let go of that thread, God is waiting to catch you and safely let your feet back to the ground.. Let Him be your Daddy!<P>------------------<BR>Jesus is the only answer!<BR>His blessings, Cozy

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I wanted to share with you my Mom is doing better back at the nursing home. Praise the Lord. My husband still with his girlfriend. I'm having some very serious problems with a 16 yr old daughter. She was always Daddy's little girl and then he walks out of her life. He doesn't visit, or call her very often. Satin is trying to take over her. With God he will get me through this. I cant handle it all so I have to turn it to God. Please pray with me as I study God's word I gain understanding of his word. Much love and Thanks to everyone

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Dear Brown,<BR>You are always in my prayers.<BR>Joynicole

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Brown,<P>I have a daughter who just turned 16. From the time just before she turned 15 until now has been an awful year. She really slid down and then she found out about the other woman and my husband. Their relationship had not been the strongest in recent years also. If our h's, their Dad's just knew and understood how vital their relationship is with their daughters at this age./ When they are absent from their lives the daughters go seeking it elsewhere and those elsewhere's are generallay not good. My h and daughter are working at it now. She has also shown many positive signs since Jan of this year. <BR>I believe God orchestrated events in her life that then allowed me to investigate a Christain Boarding school about an hour from home. It is a wonderful place. She has resented it much of the year, but she seems to be adjusting finally and seems to be doing much better. She even calls me less and her grades are starting to get better. She is resigned to returning next year. My daughter needs the structure and she needs to be away from the kids in this neighborhood who have such a negative influence. It has been hard sending her away. I didn't think I would ever do it, but it was to save her life and I know God led me to this school. But it has been hard. My prayer is for something this summer to come up. It can't come from me or she will think I am trying to get rid of her for the summer also. It is never about getting rid of her it is about finiding her a safe place to grow and saving her life literlly.<BR>Do what you have to do to save your daughter. And I pray that your h will wake up and see his daughter. He is so hurting her. It boggles my mind how blind the enemy has them even against their own daughters.<P>Father, I lift this daughter and my own daughter up to you this day. Lord, hold them strongly within your grasps during these teenage years. Lord, help Brown to know how to handle her daughter and comfort her about her Dad. Lord, wake these Fathers up and let them see what they are doing to their daughters all for their own sinful pleasures. Lord, these daughter need their Fathers, but in their absence show these daughters Your love for them, that You are the perfect Father, and they can find their identity in You. Only then will they be truely free to grow and mature into the young women you have designed them to be. Help Brown to know when to intervene and how to pray for her daughter. Help her daughter to stay with you and not to be led astray by friends that do the wrong thing. Oh, Father this is such a trying time for child and parent. Increase their faiths and draw them both to You and closer to each other. In Jesus name, Amne.

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You are all in my prayers. My marriage is hanging by a thread and I am scared of losing the one woman I love more than anyone or anything in this world and have been in love with since we met 6 years ago. Apparently I am a poor listener, talk too much, moody and needy. I try my best not to be, but seems I keep falling into the same rut. I am an extrovert so there is no guessing what I am feeling or thinking. My wife is almost the exact opposite. I have been praying to God and Jesus to intervene in our marriage and help us find the right path to a good and happy marriage, but I feel my faith being tested by the fact that my wife is almost ready to leave me and told me she does not like me at all, hates me yet loves me. I am at a loss with what to think or do. I feel my heart breaking in two and I feel helpless. I have always been faithful to my wife. She had a affair that she is in denial over and blames me for but because I love her so much I forgave her indiscretion. I do not want a divorce or to lose her. Sometimes she is sweet and tender for a moment then the moment fades and things become tense and I feel like I'm walking on eggshells.

I pray daily for God to intervene and soften her heart. Sometimes I feel he listened to my prayer, but sometimes I feel he is not listening to me.
Please pray for us that we reconcile and become closer with God's helping hand.

Last edited by Sunniecam; 10/10/16 10:45 PM.
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Sunnicam, it sounds like you need some help for your marriage. Maybe your prayers may have served to guide you here. Can you repost this to the MarriageBuilders101 thread, where more helpers can see it?

Copy and post it here: Marriage Builders 101

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