Marriage Builders
Posted By: paradise_blue How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/18/05 09:45 AM
I have been reading the material on this site for a number of weeks now. Although, I think I may have found it alitte late to save my marriage.

We have been together for 25 years. Over the last three years while working full time in a demanding job, I have been caring for my father who has dementia in our home. Two years ago on my husband's birthday I realized he had formed a very strong emotional attachment to one of my younger and quite pretty girlfriends. She is a neighbour.

I have since moved my Dad into a nursing home and my husband has unsuccessfully tried to forget and get over this woman.

He has refused to go to counseling. I went once by myself but frankly have found this site to offer much better practical advise.

He seems to be going through some sort of mid life crisis. I don't believe they have han a physical affair he just really misses her and has built up this fantasy around her in his head which makes her into someone who does not at all resemble the woman I regret that I know so well.

He has tried to stop seeing her but it is difficult given her close proximity. Occassionally you can't avoid running into her. ( She practically stalked him until he told she had to stop calling and following him around.)

About a month ago, after seeing him talking to her, he admitted that he still thinks about her all the time. He also said that he felt constrained by our marriage, that he wasn't sure that he loved me enough and that he no longer found me as attractive as he should. (I am an attractive well groomed 50 year old but not the knock out I was at 25.)

I have loved this man it seems my entire adult life. Throughout our marriage I have been incredibly suppportive, I have provided strong and consistant financial support, admiration, affection, recreational companionship, conversation, and great domestic support.

Our one weak spot was sexual fulfillment. My husband was virgin when we married and he has never been with another woman. He didn't mention this until last week. I had always assumed that he just wasn't that interested in sex. I think now rather he just wasn't experienced enough to communicate effectively on the subject. He has told me that I have been a fabulous wife, that most men would kill for but he isn't happy - he wants to grab life whatever that means.

After hearing his comments I told him I thought if he truly felt that way - he should leave.

We have been apart over a month now. This week he told his family about our separation not mentioning the other woman.

We own a company together and I still talk to him daily about business matters.

I just find that I really don't believe that this is happening to us. It just seems that the sweet attentive man I married has been abducted by aliens. We have been friends for over 31 years and I am just stunned by his behaviour.

When reality does sink in - the hurt is just unbelievable. Frankly being stunned is much better - numbness is preferable to agony.

It seems I am now on Plan B. Although it is difficult to maintain complete separation he sees me several times a week and talks to me twice daily on company issues.

I have resolved to bring wind down my involvement in his company, and sort out our finances in preparation for a permanent break. Basically to move on with life ... thank god for our dog, road trips and the soothing monotony of housework.

It just seems like such a waste.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/18/05 03:17 PM
Dear paradise,

My heart goes out to you. I am so sorry you are living with all this.

Your post caught my eye as I have been with my H for close to 27 years and married for almost 24 of them. My H was 17 1/2 when we got together and I was just 21. Sexual experience was not our forte. My H has had 2 mini PA's and I think the lack of knowing what's out there tempted/perhaps still temps him.

What's that old saying??: Nothing in life is a guarentee except death and taxes? Feels that way.

You have come to such a great place here at MB. Helped me stay sane when I needed it most.

I don't think you should give up just yet. Keep working on your Plan A. I feel there will come a point when the OW will start to turn ugly to him. She was only meeting one of his EN' That will tarnish all too soon, when she can't support him in the way he had become accustomed to for 31 years.

Don't be hard on yourself either. A "hottie" at 50 is wonderful! Keep your chin up (to God) and let him guide you.

If you need me, I am here (you can find me also under <Old Newbie's post. Where are you> with my 2 good friends here who like to help also.)

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/18/05 06:31 PM
Thank you very much Holiday for your kind concern. I enjoyed the death and taxes remark. It is so true.

Trying to do more of Plan A than I was previously doing hasn't been successful. It is like while he is wrapped up in her I don't exist. No love bank deposits are possible there is a freeze on the account!

I thought that as you progressed in a relationship it would get easier frankly I think it gets harder. Particularly, when you have grown up together as we have - much like you and your husband.

I feel like someone has sawed up a limb but he is showing no signs of anything but a kind of delusional giddiness. He plans to buy a new wardrobe, get an new condo and redecorate it to be a bachelor pad, practically next door to me.

I don't know how much he is seeing this women or if they have progressed into a physical relationship. Or how serious he will be about her in the long run. At one point he was all charged up about one of her girlfriends. Now there is painful irony.

Men do seem to perceive the situation differently. I have had many many opportunities to cross the line and I have never given it a moment's thought because I could never imagine hurting him. He doesn't see that his behaviour is wrong in the least. I am wrong for interfering in his friendship with her. She in turn has been really aggressive with me basically trying to intimidate me into leaving them alone. Which is what I am now doing.

I always thought sex was wonderful communication and I enjoyed it but it never really gelled between my husband and I. I wish now we had taken our awkwardness more seriously and worked it out - because it has to play a role in this.

The largest part of it though I think is the admiration quotient. He loves to be complimented and she speaks in nothing but compliments.

So you are right this does seem to be a great place to go for solace and the opportunity to ramble to people who have been there.

I am thankful I have found it because I think I will need all the encouragement I can get. Before I again feel like a 50 year old hottie with my chin up.

Faith, humour, friends two legged and four legged, work, and I guess the recognition that pain is what gives definition to joy is what gets you through the hard bits.

Ultimately, I believe loving and giving in life are the most richly rewarded activities. They are the skill set you need to be truly happy. Even if for some reason it does not work out - amidst the disappointment is the ability to walk away with the skills to do it better next time.
Posted By: moveforward Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/18/05 08:26 PM
Dear Paradise,
My husband and I have been together for 25 years and married for 23. I was 17 he was 20 when we started dating. I am so sorry you are here.

Isn't it amazing that the admiration they need is so easy for someone who isn't picking up their dirty clothes, cleaning the bathroom when they 'miss' and all those other wonderful things we do for them? That is something that has really bugged me.

Sorry, that's my vent for the thread.

I do hope that what he feels for her fades and you can work things out.
Posted By: krusht Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/18/05 09:38 PM

""I realized he had formed a very strong emotional attachment to one of my younger and quite pretty girlfriends.""

I take it she is no longer your girlfriend. I am curious if you have ever confronted her on this issue. Has he been seeing her since he left?

Is OW married? Exposing to all is a great way to stop the A..if there is one.

I would not be so quick on the trigger on calling it quits. Your H sounds like he is experiencing a mid-life crises or some revelation of mortality. A plan Aing, loving, caring, and understanding wife should be able to draw him back.


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/18/05 11:01 PM
You're welcome paradise...

Yes, admiration is the key to a man (I always thought it was through his stomach, ha!).

As tough as this is, continue while you can giving him the same "compliments" and make up some she hasn't told him.

I was always dogging on my H that "he" never gave me enough compliments and what was really happening was I wasn't giving them to him (holding out so to speak).

Well, I changed it up considerably. I don't fight it anymore and boy has he changed.

I think I must tell him he's "cute" a dozen times a week and he "gloats" and in return he says a nice thing or two back. That's what was missing so much in our long term relationship...the short term lovey dovey stuff.

Don't let her intimidate you. Don't let her know anything you are doing. Keep her out of your business. Like I said, her "halo" will soon tarnish, fall off and hopefully she'll trip over it and your H's fog will lift.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/18/05 11:02 PM
Hi Krusht,

I agree it is a waste to throw away such a stable long term marriage and I am in no hurry to do that.

When I first found out about the emotional affair. It was an admission on her part. I thought at first that perhaps she was lonely and fixated on him and we could simply tone it down abit and all remain friends. We walk our dogs together - so I simply went out with her instead of my husband.

After several weeks, I had to stop because she was so manipulative, aggressive and intense - I was coming home so upset - I wouldn't sleep. She has suggested that they are soul mates, that she will be handling his divorce - she is a lawyer. I have just kept my head down and ignored her comments - changing the conversation to the weather! Now I simply don't talk to her. If he didn't see her he would call her five or six times a day. Which I noticed quite by accident on his cell phone bill one day.

Mostly, the part hardest to take was how much she seem to want him. He has I believe not seen her for long periods - but she will take whatever crumb he offers. If he is not seeing her, I have no doubt that he wants to.

This is the second time my husband has indulged in an emotional affair. The one before moved into our condominium and joined the same clubs. I have gotten the impression that these women want my life. They are attracted to us by what we seem to have as a couple but they don't realize that I am a large part of that loving generous warm fun environment. The first time it happened I just assumed that it was her chasing him, now I realize there must have been substantial encouragement on his part. I still think that what really draws him to these situations is the admiration.

I will continue to try the Plan A approach during the contact we do have. I have never indulged in love buster behaviour. I know my husband so well, it is really hard to watch him be so attracted to someone else. The saying that marriage is about being a witness to each others' life is very true. I just find it really difficult to be understanding when he is being so hurtful and totally careless of my feelings.

My husband believes I will always be there for him - that I will always love him no matter what. Any mess he makes in whatever circumstance - I will clean up. I just don't think that is true anymore.

I have no doubt there are mortality issues here at play. He has had to watch my father decline from being an incredibly smart man - to someone who needs help with the simplest tasks. It scares him. Whereas what I found amazing was how my father still managed to love so well and connect with people. My Dad was just so popular in our little community....

I have told him he should follow his heart but sort out what it is really saying. - That to throw away what we both thought until very recently was a great marriage is quite likely not going to make him happy in the long run.

Basically, everyone he talks to friend or family tells him the same thing. He is actually resentful of the consensus of opinion. Although there are only a few people he has admitted the other woman to.

Thank you very much for your perspective and for lisening. It really does help with perspective when you put your thought to paper rather than just let them spin around your brain.
Posted By: dencaptg Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/19/05 01:26 AM
I feel your pain, im kind off in the same boat as you are with my wife. I had an appointment with steve that helped alittle. You can read my story on Just Found Out - "Wifes Affair" and also by Plan B letter that stills needs some tweeking on General Discussion II - "Need help". Please look at those and we maybe can help each other through this. Keep strong, as I know it is hard.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/19/05 04:41 AM
Thank you very much Moveforward. I heard a great line on Seinfeld once about the options in life being either loneliness or irritation. All those little habits which just plain mean extra work for the person who has to clean up - are never fully appreciated by the other person until they actually have to do it themselves. Thanks again.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/19/05 05:03 AM
I guess the key to being strong is to remember them as they were before the aliens took over. Despite the fog and weird behaviour - that person is still in there somewhere. While alot of this stuff seems just out and out selfish. Everyone does have the right to make choices regarding their personal happiness and loving someone always involves the risk of being hurt. But frankly the greater risk is not to love at all because then you just never grow.

I find it just plain spooky - how this type of behaviour has such set patterns - irrespective of gender or individual.

A constructive step for your own personal peace I would guess is to ensure that the relationship your wife has with your two sons is not damaged more than need be. I would probably put the most effort into helping them understand that the human condition is fraught with fraility and that though the marriage is undergoing difficulty - she still loves them very much. That would be just good all round and show the kind of calm in the storm attitude that women find attractive.

Good luck. I think I will say a prayer tonight for all those souls out there myself included who are going to bed with tears on their pillows...
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/22/05 06:59 PM

The saying a heavy heart is really true isn't it. There are moments lately when my whole body feels heavy. It just like my blood has turned to mercury - every movement is hard. When ever I'm alone I'm likely to cry or shake or just plain howl. I feel like some sorry pup who has been left on the porch all night.

When I read some of the situations described on this site of going through the same nightmare again and again it is beyond my comprehension how people find the strength to cope with this type of agony - such remarkable resilence.

My husband is still in the fog. Doesn't know what he wants. It changes from moment to moment. I am having as little contact as possible. Part of me is trying to get ready to accept it if he chooses to be with someone else. On one of the posts I've read - they suggested just treating this as mental illness - that in effect the WS is delusional and in some kind of fantasy land. That actually helps alot. I have a hard time believing that the wonderful man I married has suddenly turned into a hurtful deceitful person - crazy is much easy to cope with and probably much closer to the truth.

I have wonderful friends - they have been so good to me through this... With more time on my hands I am really begining to appreciate that how irrespective of the heartache and regardless of the outcome I am really lucky.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/22/05 08:46 PM
Glad to read you are still keeping up your humor.
I'll keep checking on you.
You are so cool (in a good way) and have a great head on your shoulders, keep it up!
Posted By: Just Learning Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/22/05 08:57 PM

In reading this thread I was struck by something that you might want to consider and that is plan B. Here is why I say that. First, the OW's behavior is a bit obsessive, and given that she plans on handling his divorce she will be pushing him hard to get it done. That will be a huge love buster, and especially so if YOU go to plan B.

It is clear you are still meeting some of his needs by your presence in his life. It is also clear he is in the fog and the A must end before any progress can be made. You have planted the seeds with your plan A, you apparently have been dealing with this for awhile. So do an EXCELLENT plan A for a bit more, BUT start planning to go to Plan B NOW. It takes time to set it up, and structure it as needed. Start to make those plans now. Further, I would urge you to see a lawyer NOW. Get information on what you might face, and remember the OW is a lawyer, so it is likely she will not "play fair".

But, I think for your H to come out of the fog, you are going to need to go to Plan B and withdraw the support you are providing him. At first he will rush headlong to OW, and that will hurt, but once he deals with her constantly it is likely she will mess up and reveal her true character.

There are no guarentees in this stuff, but start to work the plans as described here and you might find him starting to wake up.

Just some thoughts, but please do your homework about legal stuff, plan B, AND areas where you feel you could make a change for the better if the marriage survives his foolishness.

God Bless,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/23/05 04:40 AM
Thanks Holiday,

It is a day by day effort - requiring:

> numerous shoe purchases ( 4 pairs in the last 2 weeks);

>having a marathon movie watching binge of the films my husband would hate and as a consequence I never get to watch;

>not making any meals to speak of - unless you consider eating tuna on a cracker over the sink - a meal;

> spending unlimited amounts of time with friends and family doing all manner of activities often on the spur of the moment - that would bore him silly;

> ultimately remembering that no one is critically hurt or bleeding, there have been no car crashes, no deaths. This is not a lethal or permanently debilitating illness. It is just plain and simple heartache caused by one very silly man who is I guess afraid of getting old ...


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/23/05 05:41 AM
Thanks JL,

I have been trying to fashion a type of Plan B which will meet our situation. I have limited our conversations to just business with rare exceptions. I try to avoid seeing him as much as possible. I can't actually not talk to him because we are making joint decisions every day and it has to be conducted in a business like manner. I always return calls.

I have already set up a consultation with a lawyer and last week reviewed our asset structure with my accountant. Frankly, I am hesitant to bring in legal counsel at this point. I am going just so I am clear where I stand with respect to a couple of corporate issues.

I strongly suspect this woman is after our money - if she is successful in getting him to live with her - she will likely get a good portion of it.

There is not much I can do to change that fact and she knows it. Ultimately, I think of money as a number on a page. I can make more. Frankly I would gladly sign a check for everything we have - to wipe the last two years from memory.

The basic unit in every economy is trust. Money is pretend. We believe it has value so it does. Trust is not pretend it is the vital component of every human organzation, situation and condition. If my husband and I lose our trust in each other - we should expect to lose money.

Goodness - late night philosophizing!

Thanks... I will read up on Plan B strategy to see if I can tighten up my approach.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/23/05 03:05 PM
The basic unit in every economy is trust. Money is pretend. We believe it has value so it does. Trust is not pretend it is the vital component of every human organzation, situation and condition. If my husband and I lose our trust in each other - we should expect to lose money.

Wow, "I think I love you"(hypothetically speaking). You are truly an inspiration. Seriously.

Have you thought about writing? I think you have great words of wisdom to help others. Just a thought. Are you keeping a journal?

My ideas for you today: #1 Make sure the shoes you buy are pretty and comfortable. #2 Sit down to a pretty table setting and eat the tuna on the cracker. #3 Make sure you keep up on your physically activities. Take good care of you!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/24/05 02:03 AM
Thank You Holiday,

That is such a nice thing to say. Honestly, I don't feel terrible inspirational, I feel like a middle aged women who is plain terrified she is going to lose the only man she ever loved to someone else. Frankly, when I think of them living together my knees go weak and I want to throw up.

On a more humerous note, yesterday I dropped by with a friend to where he is living temporarily to pick up some things she had stored there and I snooped! He has a silver framed picture of our wedding day on his desk. Several bottles of MY Chateau de Sours bordeaux in the cupboard, I guess for entertaining and two bottles of wrinkle cream standing on the vanity. My 52 year old husband has raided my cosmetic drawer for wrinkle cream! He wouldn't wear aftershave for decades because he thought it was sissy.
I stood there and just roared with laughter. Maybe it is more sad than funny but it felt great to be laughing.

As to your other advise, I have booked into pilates for tomorrow and I am munching away on a fancy cut peanut butter sandwich on Carlye china. You are right it adds a certain sense of style to the everyday.


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/24/05 04:02 AM
He has a silver framed picture of our wedding day on his desk.

Hmmm, maybe we should analyze this?

Yes, eating your peanut butter or tuna on a cracker on gorgeous china does alot for one's soul.

Great idea taking pilates classes. I began kickboxing a few months ago. Very good for the spirit!

You truly are inspirational,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/25/05 04:59 AM
Hi Holiday,

I've been watching 'Love Actually' - It is a lovely film. There is a part where Emma Thompson's WS tells her he has been a fool and she replies with something like yes and you have made me a fool too. In fact you have made how I live my life everyday - foolish. That line is really resonating with me right now.

When I first found out about the EA. My husband told me that this friend and I use the term loosely had been coming onto to him since we first met her. That he could have slept with her at any point and that he never did.

I believe he felt virtuous. I stood there and blinked and said: "You allowed me to welcome this woman into my home and my heart. I made her dinner once a week for probably five years. I bought her lovely gifts. @#$% I bought her dogs lovely gifts.

And you knew from the very beginning that she was not my friend and would without question at some point hurt me." This decision to withhold key information was made before his feelings were engaged. Well before we got into the whole mid life angst thing.

I think he failed in the openess and honesty department but there probably should be a protection category in emotional needs. I believe if you travel through life together you should be trying to keep each safe from harm - not needlessly inviting it into your home.

Going through this is just like being on a roller coaster of hurt, anger, humiliation and that - boy was I a dumb bunny feeling.

I'm really getting tired of having such strong negative emotions. I want to be normal again.

Kickboxing is probably not only good for the spirit - maybe it would help me get rid of some steam...


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/25/05 04:16 PM
Love Actually and that exact scene tears me up everytime I see it. My H watched it once with me and had to put his head down.

The BS feels like a complete fool, yet this is not our fault. I always wonder how that one relationship in that movie really progressed...or not.

Your H is on a "ME" trip. The OW's true colors will show. It's only a matter of time and time is all we have. Hopefully, you will still have a shread of love in your heart when they do and will be able to have feelings for you H to recover.

Off to the gym! TTYVS,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/26/05 03:38 AM
Hi Holiday,

Funny how there are good days and bad days. Yesterday was a bad day but today I feel better than I have in weeks. I indulged in the age old female remedy for any type of man trouble. I changed my hair. I've lost the blond streaks my husband always favoured and I am now a brunette shorter too - shoulder length. I like it.

On the way home I stopped on impulse and bought a dozen really beautiful pink tiger lilies. They are sitting on my dining room table in a square cut vase and I can smell them from where I am sitting.

I have a brother flying into tonight to stay for a few days. My house is clean. I've made a double batch of his favourite cookie - (Three Ginger Cookies - P276 Silver Palate Good Times Cookbook - they are to die for if you like ginger).

My 89 year old father is still the smartest man I know and I finally told him about our separation and my husband's interest in someone else. And he looked at me and told me just to be myself and that I'd do fine. Driving home I realized, he as always was right on the money.

I've loved and trusted my husband for 31 years. I should believe him, if he tells me he loves someone else or maybe needs to love someone else. In that light the situation changes to something that needs to be accepted not raged against. I have a generous heart in part because I have a very pragmatic brain. It is just so much easy to be generous - there is less resistance and it comes back 10 fold.

My Plan B will be unique. It will not be a strategy to manipulate my husband into coming back to me by withholding my affection and all support. It will be letting him go freely with my best wishes for his happiness. In effect, I am giving us both a guilt free green light to change and grow.

It doesn't mean I will want to spend time with them as a threesome but it does mean I have found a way to look at the big picture and am able to respect his needs and not take the whole thing so personally.

I believe that the whole concept of ownership is BS. We are strictly on a rental program. Every single thing you have will go to someone else.

We had a happy long term marriage but you know it is still a rental!



P.S. I hope you enjoyed the kick boxing!
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/26/05 04:27 AM
Ginger cookies!! My favorite. Soft gingersnaps, old "Pogens" (I think Mother's brand might still make them)...and I say old because they go soft then. My Mom used to keep them on top of the refrigerator so noone could find them, but me...

You have a wise Father. My Dad, whenever my H and I had any problems in are early years of marriage would tell me to "close my legs" that would have worked with my Mother. From then on talking to my Father never worked out and to date we aren't close. Wish it was different, but he never really took time with his children and now, nor his grandchildren.

My Mom would always tell me to "go home" and work it out. It's so different today. So many temptations. You are correct, everything is basically a "time share". Nothing is ours to keep.

Tiger lilies...they were in my wedding bouquet. The aroma is breathtaking. I kept my bouquet next to the hotel bed where we spent our wedding night. When I catch the scent somewhere (usually have to be in the florist's shop as I live in Nevada and everything dries up and dies here), I think of that special day.

Enjoyed kickboxing yesterday. Today was a workout with trainer and friend and then a "core power" class (strickly abs for 1 hour). I feel so good when I get home, but could eat a house!

I am glad to post with you. You have such a great attitude. Your H will lose so much if he continues down his path.

You are so enlightning. I hope I may be of some help to you,


ps I just bid on that cookbook...thanks for the tip on great ginger cookies!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/26/05 05:33 AM
Hi Holiday,

It sounds like you are in shape girl! I used to spin faithfully every lunch hour, but over the last several months I've haven't been doing much other than the occassionally yoga class. Well - I have more time on my hands now ... so kickboxing here I come. It would take a while but I would love to have enough upper body strength to go climbing - probably just the wall climbing that certain gyms are set up for. That just plain looks like fun.

Scent has the most direct track to brain, it is the sense most closely tied with memory. I am glad you have such a wonderful connection to tiger lilies. I guess your husband knows what flower to buy for you.

Opps got to go. My brother just arrived.


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/26/05 03:06 PM
Have a wonderful visit with your brother!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/27/05 06:35 AM
Thanks Holiday,

We are having great time. My brother landed bearing a gift. One of these little ipods with 450 CDs on it. I'm lisening to K.D. Lang - Hymns of the 49th Parallel right now - 'Helpless' - Great C.D.

He is trying to talk me into a cycling/camping trip to Croatia. Tha Adriatic Coast is apparently breathtaking. My brother loves very rough off the beaten track kind of travel. He has a gift for languages which makes it easier.

I've heard now from almost everyone in my husband's family. Everyone is shocked etc etc. Infidelity doesn't just effect the couple - it ripples through families. I am not only losing my husband but his family which I have been part of for so long it is my family too.

I find it hard to grasp. No more big family dinners, cottage weekends together, watching the kids grow into just great grown ups. We are all connected in some way and I find it amazing how a change in one person's life will set off changes in many lives.

I was once on a business trip and I stopped to get a coffee . While I was adding milk I had this powerful urge to take some sugar and put it in my pocket. I don't take sugar in anything and I don't pick up stuff I don't need. An hour later I was standing in a building in a different part of town and a woman beside me went into an insulin coma. We were miles away from any source of sugar except for the packets I had picked up earlier in the day - strange but true. I often wonder what would have happened if I had not given into that urge.


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/27/05 02:25 PM
Good Morning,

How thankful the woman must have been for your sugar packets.

I have similar "energy" urges and see things in people and events that at the time no one else might notice.

Just the other day I was waiting at a traffic light and noticed the car on the right of me had a small beagle in the backseat trying to see out the window which I felt was down to low. It reminded me of my good friend's beagle. I wasn't able to get the driver's attention as I was afraid the little dog would jump out or fall out. I made a little prayer and the window rolled up. I felt then the dog would be just fine.

The next day my distraught, friend emailed me to tell my his dog had past away that morning. I told him my little story. She had been with him for 12 years. He told me it helped ease his sadness.

Amazing on how many things we are not in tune with. I feel God sends us messages over and over in different ways, hopefully we will catch on.

The IPOD is what my daughter is saving her $$ for. Great little item.

I was thinking after reading this last post of you journal? I try to keep up, but it's hard. I feel your last post should be a letter to your H. You might not send it to him, but address it to him just the same.

Have a wonderful Saturday with your brother. A trip sounds wonderful! Do you have room in your suitcase? for me ha!

Posted By: I'm Natalie Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/27/05 07:54 PM
Hi PB,

Welcome to Marriage Builders. It's a great resource. I'm sorry for the reason you're here, though.

I've loved and trusted my husband for 31 years. I should believe him, if he tells me he loves someone else or maybe needs to love someone else.

You say your husband is in the middle of a mid-life crisis. It's been my experience that people often don't think rationally in a crisis. Do you really think you should believe anything he's saying right now?

In that light the situation changes to something that needs to be accepted not raged against. I have a generous heart in part because I have a very pragmatic brain. It is just so much easy to be generous - there is less resistance and it comes back 10 fold.

Are those the only two options you see, PB? Give up on a 25-year-marriage or rage?

I have a generous heart in part because I have a very pragmatic brain.

All right then! Let's make full use of that pragmatic brain during this crisis in your marriage. The emphasis now needs to be thinking not feeling. Please consider calling Steve Harley. He can come up with a pragmatic plan to get your marriage back on track. There's no time to lose.

My Plan B will be unique. It will not be a strategy to manipulate my husband into coming back to me by withholding my affection and all support.

PB, are you saying you will support your husband's affair with another woman?

We had a happy long term marriage but you know it is still a rental!

I know this has got to be the hurt talking. You can't possibly think of marriage as a rental agreement. Was that the level of commitment you had in mind when made your wedding vows?

Do you love your husband and your marriage enough to seek help and come up with a plan to recover it???

Please consider posting over on General Questions II. There are many Plan A/B vets over there that can help guide you through this. Are you up to the challenge?

I wish you well.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/28/05 03:26 AM
Hi Natalie,

Thanks for taking the time to both read what is now becoming a long post and give the matter such careful thought. Often being on the outside of a situation gives great perspective.

I'll just take your points one by one.

Is he making any sense? - Short answer NO.

But I have watched him be head over heels in love with another woman for two years and even though he honoured my request for no contact about one year and half ago - with few exceptions (I think) - he has been miserable. He pines for her. He says she opened him up - and that he has had a cartharsis of some description. Concurrent with out and out adoration of someone else, he has become increasingly distant with me - no physical affection, quick to criticise - and just plain indifferent.

This is either a very long term mid life crisis, misguided true love on his part or affair fog. You are right - I can't trust what he is saying.

Rage or 25 Year Marriage ? Short Answer - the 25 Year Marriage

We have been through alot together in our 25 years, This is by far the worst. I have never ever felt so abandoned as I do now. An absolute roller coaster of all manner of emotions that can cloud the brain, but I really think I may be sitting on the car by myself.

My husband seems happy. He just came by to drop off the dog and he says he is sleeping well. He feels great. We've both been invited to a party tomorrow. Do I mind not going so he can bring someone else - oh and have I bought and wrapped the gift?

By my calculation, I will lose 15 people I love if our marriage ends. He will lose some 38 people who have loved and cared about him for two decades. Although, right now he is not taking their calls. That a huge loss of human wealth - the connectedness that makes life rich. I watched my husband and brother stand and stare at each other like strangers today. They have been friends for 25 years. They should have been hugging and doing that male back pat thing and then immediately yapping about Lance Armstrong.

Supporting My Husband's Affair With OW That would be No

Before I read any of the material on this site I did three things right. I insisted on no contact once I realized there were very mutual very strong emotional ties, I started paying attention to my marriage - I tried to reconnect. When he bascially told me he loved her and he didn't love her I asked him to leave and drastically reduced contact.

Plan B is hard. I hate manipulating people. And that is what it feels like. I'm not supporting the affair. But I love my husband enough to want him to be happy. If he is not happy with me and he has not been for two years - then perhaps leaving me for someone else is something to be considered. However, that presumes he is sane and above I believe we came to the conclusion he is fogged.

Is Marriage A Rental - Yes

Allow me to explain, I think of life as a 'lease'. Our concepts of permanence just aren't based in reality. Becauxe we are impermanent. I think the concept of ownership is a misconception for the same reason. I don't want to think of my husband as someone who I own or who is mine in a possessive way. It makes him an object. I want to cherish him because he loves me freely ideally without being dragged kicking and screaming away from someone else.

When I think about our situation, I am to blame too. I allowed what can best be described as a little Dana Buchman clad human torpedo into my home. She scoped out my husband, set her co-ordinates and armed up for a seek and destroy mission on our marriage. I should have been looking at the radar!!!!!

Am I up to the challenge? I guess we will see. Some parts of this are as much fun as chewing glass. But tonight I will put in a very old VHS tape of our wedding and I will lisen to what I promised him.


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/28/05 03:20 PM
Good morning,

Once again you are an inspiration girl!

Saddens me to think you sat and watched your wedding video though.

And sadly, your brother and your H. My stomach has a knot.

I agree with the "lease" of life itself. How we take care of our rental/lease in God's eyes is what it's all about. You'd think (and I have always felt this way) if you are basically borrowing something (from the man upstairs, especially) you would take better care of it than if it were your own. Humans take alot for granted especially in concerns of the heart. PB, where you are now is a good place spiritually, believe it or not.

I don't like my "radar" on all the time. But since my H second PA I feel like anyone could be a threat to our marriage and I at times act accordingly. I was a very easy going person, gave everyone 3 strikes, yada yada, but now I'm "tuned in". Makes me tired at times.

Yet ,when I take the time to really think about it all, I really do realize it is ALL beyond my control. And then I relax again and let God do his work.

I pray your H will have a epiphany (splg?) soon and wake up, that is what I pray. You are wonderful!

Have you ever written "her" a letter on your feelings? If your H doesn't really look at the "whole" picture, I believe she will be walking in your shoes in time. Alot of people, especially OP, don't get that the WS is looking for a "fix". And once the "fix" is used up they are on to another to get the "high".

Is your brother still visiting? Hope so. What are your plans for the day? I'm heading out to kickboxing woohoo!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/28/05 04:52 PM

Hi Holdiay,

Not a fun day so far. My brother is away visiting with friends but we are taking my parents to dinner later this evening. He is staying for a week.

I woke up thinking I am dealing with a lunatic and a viper. How else could this woman hurt me? There is a lovely film called Persuasion based on a Jane Austen novel. It has a line of dialogue that is ringing in my head "It is the cake she cares about".

I went through my home today and picked up every single item she has ever admired and locked it up. It made sick. But this is like a war and I need to jealously guard the fast diminishing balance my husband has in my love bank. At this point she is quite likely bedding him and drinking my very best wine, it would kill me to see him give her something of mine.

Not a fun day at all..... Only bright note was a call from my mother and father in law - to tell me once again they will always be there for me - no matter what happens.

Time to go do something physical - maybe a run I think. Thank you for your prayers - that's really sweet and helpful. Faith is so powerful....


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/28/05 07:40 PM
Let's hope if they are "drinking" your wine...that they choke on it, ha! Okay enough negative.

I wish my in laws were still alive. They loved me (I felt) more than my own parents.

Have fun with your parents and brother tonight!


Ps may I ask what part of the country you live in?
Posted By: I'm Natalie Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/29/05 06:00 AM
Hi PB,

You sound like a lovely person with a strong sense of self. I know you'll be fine no matter what happens. But you need help here recovering your marriage, if that is what you'd like to do. Again, I urge you to post on General Questions II, where others have extensive experience with Plan A and B. And of course, to consult the experts, the counsellors that host this website.

You said:

even though he honoured my request for no contact about one year and half ago - with few exceptions (I think)

Operative words here: "I think" and "few exceptions". Everytime there has been contact, you go right back to square one. Your marriage can never move ahead. And I believe you said she's a neighbour, making true no contact more difficult. Your marriage never had a real chance with all this contact. Did your husband ever write her a no contact letter?

He says she opened him up - and that he has had a cartharsis of some description. Concurrent with out and out adoration of someone else, he has become increasingly distant with me - no physical affection, quick to criticise - and just plain indifferent.

Yadaa, yada, yada. It's like he's reading from the WS (Wayward Spouse) script book. This is very typical. He felt this way about you at one point, right? You can get back to that point...

We've both been invited to a party tomorrow. Do I mind not going so he can bring someone else - oh and have I bought and wrapped the gift?

I'm curious, what was your response to this?

I started paying attention to my marriage - I tried to reconnect.

How? Did you determine what his top needs are?

Plan B is hard. I hate manipulating people.

PB, you're not in Plan B. You are still in contact with him. You may even be buying him a gift to take to a party that he'll be going to with the OW?

Plan B is not about manipulating anyone. It is about NOT enabling cake-eating: i.e., I will NOT be part of a triangle. It's about clearly and lovingly setting boundaries. It's about protecting your love for him.

Is Marriage A Rental - Yes

Allow me to explain, I think of life as a 'lease'. Our concepts of permanence just aren't based in reality. Becauxe we are impermanent. I think the concept of ownership is a misconception for the same reason. I don't want to think of my husband as someone who I own or who is mine in a possessive way. It makes him an object. I want to cherish him because he loves me freely ideally without being dragged kicking and screaming away from someone else.

Well, PB, I have to disagree with you here. May I share my perspective with you? I think our core, our spirits, our souls are very permament, indeed. And I believe the vows that my husband and I exchanged are also part of a life-long, eternal commitment to each other. It's not about ownership, at all, you're right. But it's also not about what FEELS right at any given moment. It's about commitment and promises. The promise we made was not to love, honour and cherish until we meet someone else that might tickle our fancy.

When I think about our situation, I am to blame too. I allowed what can best be described as a little Dana Buchman clad human torpedo into my home. She scoped out my husband, set her co-ordinates and armed up for a seek and destroy mission on our marriage. I should have been looking at the radar!!!!!

You are NOT to blame for your husband's affair. He will need to do the work to uncover what character flaw in him allowed to make that poor choice. You may be responsible for your part in allowing the marriage to become vulnerable to an affair. I think you suggested that you may have failed to meet your husband's need for admiration. That's a good starting point.

Some parts of this are as much fun as chewing glass.

Isn't that the truth! But don't lose hope here, PB. It does get better with work and time. Hang in there...and seek expert help, okay? Your marriage is on fire! Time to call in the professionals...

God bless,
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/29/05 06:29 AM
Hi Holiday,

We ended up having a lovely day - took the dog to the beach, saw mom and dad, and walked a long way by the water and had very long talks. I live in southern Ontario.

My brother thinks that basically every man has fantasies of other women and as they mature they realize that is just what they are fantasies. He believes that it has alot to do with self knowledge. People who are not very self aware have difficulty in understanding the impact of their actions on others. Without some self knowledge it is difficult to come up with strategies to deal with your limitations because you simply are not recognizing that they are there.

I not sure that it isn't more primal/instinctual. Sheepdogs who are bred to herd, often don't know what to do with sheep at first - then all of a sudden - they get it. It is like a switch turns on and they never look at sheep the same way.

I worry that maybe the OW has like flipped my WS's switch and he is going to become just one of the legion of sad older men who chase younger women to kind of greedily suck up life. Ouch what a horrible thought.

There is a great book, by Temple Grandin - Animals in Translation which explores animal behaviour - well worth reading.

I hope you enjoyed your day....


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/30/05 02:40 AM
Good to hear you had a nice visit with your parents.

I was born in Rochester, NY and had relatives (don't think they are living any longer...Great Aunts etc) in Hamilton. We moved to the west coast when I was young, but made trips back to the east and many visits to Ontario.

The people there were (to me) so much more educated (proper), compared to the west coast. It was a delight to visit my one Aunt.

I placed an order on the book you recommended. I love a good read.

I don't mean to ignore you Natalie, sorry. If I were going through a rollercoaster ride like PB with my H that long, I would probably be sick to my stomach, dizzy and wishing to go home. I feel sometimes in certain sitch's like PB's, all the Plan A-ing etc may not be noticed and one might chose to sit back like PB is doing and let life settle down before getting on the ride again. We can only do so much and then we need to place it in God's hands.

PB, have a nice Monday evening.



Oh...And I love your "Dana Buchman" analogy...cute! She sounds like a "peach"!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/30/05 05:29 AM
Hi Natalie,

Sorry, I am slow in getting back to you. I think we were posting at the same time last night. I was signing off just as I noticed your comments. I read them carefully and decided to sleep on them. I enjoy your posts you always give me a lot to think about.

Your botton line conclusion is spot on - yes we need professional help. I have asked my husband if he would consider counseling perhaps 10 times - if only to help me adjust to the change. He is not interested. He doesn't need counseling. He is fine. If I need it I can go. I went to a therapist right after I had to ask him to leave. Her suggestion was if we were to make any progress on resolving the marital issues - he had to be there. Otherwise, it would be strictly helping me find my way through this.

I can fill out the needs questionaire on my own. I can talk to Steve Harley on my own - both I believe will help. I will spend more times in the Plan A Plan B forum. I have not sent him a Plan B letter, I will work one up over the next day or so. I have quietly and patiently said everything I will put in that letter.

Yes there has been too much OW contact. No he did not write a no contact letter because I just discovered this resource perhaps two to three weeks ago. He did sit down with the OW and ask her to leave him alone.

The party comment made me take a deep breath. I just shook my head at him said "Sorry, I have already accepted the invitation and I would prefer that you allow me go on my own. Thanks." It made me tear up and when ever I show any emotion he runs like a rabbit - it is almost comical.

Agreed, it is not a perfect Plan B. I have been giving thought to ways of bringing our situation closer to the program. We are business partners. I can use email more by buying him a blackberry. Which he will either lose, drown or mangle in some other bizarre manner. My WS is very hard on all types of hand held equipment. We replace his cell phone every 4 months.

It is very hard to run a business and not talk to each other. We have employees, clients, bills - all manner of legal responsibilities that we share right now. I work from home - whenever necessary to avoid contact as much as possible. No contact would be impractical. We are doing our best to be professional - because we have no choice.

He is moving tonight to stay with a family member some 20 miles away - which is a welcome surpise!!!! His sister is worried about him and has invited him to stay with her for a few weeks until he sorts out his 'accommodation' issues.

The move will help reduce contact. I find it very draining dealing with this pod person who only looks like my husband. Quite often he won't even look me in the eye.

I don't believe the affair is my fault, but I do believe I allowed my marriage to become vulnerable. I was busy with work, professional associations, parental care, dog care, house care, meal preparation, entertaining - but truthfully very little direct one on one husband attentiveness.

I really wanted to keep my Dad at home and frankly I thought over the three years we cared for him - the quality of our life did suffer but there was an upside too. My husband didn't see the upside.

Our whole community seems to know about this now. I had to leave the party on Sunday earlier than I had planned. In the first 20 minutes - 6 people came over to tell me how sorry they were. I hate pity. It makes me itchy. I am not keen on melodrama - I abhor it in my own life. At some point in our lives no matter what happens I am going to try to get him to understand how hard a situation this is for the BS.

From my review of the material on this site, I believe you sometimes have to just do your Plan A and then Plan B - till they come to their senses. Till the affair dies the natural death that basically all relationships based on deceipt and thoughtlessness do.

I am pretty much completely in the dark on what is going on with the OW. I have no idea to what degree they are involved. The fact that he is moving to his sister's surprises me actually. He says he has been working so hard he just hasn't had time to find a new place.

There are funny moments though. When I was looking at his stash of wrinkle creams, I thought - he is going to want hair implants and a face lift next. Sure enough he asked me this morning what I thought it would cost to get his 'face fixed'. I just laughed.

Thank you for sharing your experience and understanding.

You are right I will be fine in time - no matter what happens.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/30/05 05:53 AM

Hi Holiday,

I've driven through Rochester. I like the American West. It is beautiful country - burnt but beautiful.

I've been really busy the last few days between family etc. I did get a nice comment from Dad tonight that I thought I would share with you. "Honey - Right now you need to think about and remember the good times."

So, I am going to follow Dad's advise and post some of the particularly funny or poignant moments in our married life. Great therapy I think... !!!!!

My husband taught me to drive standard when I was in my late teens. He took me to a parking lot with his first brand new leased red Honda Prelude. He LOVED that car.
He sat there patiently while I violently rocked that baby across the lot in 5 foot long shuddering spasms of clutch grinding agony. I have never seen anyone's skin go so pale. He keep his eyes on the floor mat held on to the dash while sweating profusely and told me - "you're doing just fine honey!"

I hope you enjoy the book.... I know you will love those cookies.


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/30/05 09:46 PM
Good Afternoon PB,

How is your day going?

I've been sewing totes, getting ready for the fall (I sell on ebay).

Your Dad is a very wise man. What a wonderful thought to remember the good things. When things feel like they are going terribly wrong we will dwell on them too much at times. With positive thoughts we can hope to remain positive.

A Honda Prelude...I learned standard in my girlfriend's boyfriend Scott's Ford MACH 1. The linkage to shift was so close together and everytime I would shift Scott would bit his lip...what are your girlfriend's boyfriend's for??? Ha!

My boyfriend at the time had a 64' Vette, but it was in the garage being worked on more than on the road.

Oh the days of only having to worry about what your outfit for school was going to be.

Talk with you soon,

Posted By: I'm Natalie Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/30/05 11:09 PM
Hi PB,

I'm not sure what your wants are here. I don't know if you want to recover your marriage or if you don't. And I don't know if you can recover it or not. But if you do want to save your marriage (and I'm not trying to push you here), I would recommend you do the following:

1. Call Steve Harley. He does telephone counselling. He has helped many recover their marriages without the initial involvement of their wayward spouses. YES, YOU CAN START THE marriage recovery process ON YOUR OWN! I've seen many people do that here many times.

2. Post on General Questions II. That is where everybody is. There's not much traffic here or in the Plan A/B forums. General Questions is where you need to be. Put a call out to MelodyLane or Pepperband. They CAN help.

I wish I could be of more help to you but (fortunately for me) I don't have any first-hand experience with Plan A or B. I am one of the "lucky" ones. My husband gave up the OW the day I discovered the affair.

He is moving tonight to stay with a family member some 20 miles away - which is a welcome surpise!!!!

Well, that is a good sign! Me thinks all is not well in AffairLand. Usually, they just move in together, right? Or is the OW married? If she is, the first order of the day is to inform her husband. Exposure is your most powerful tool in ending the affair.

From my review of the material on this site, I believe you sometimes have to just do your Plan A and then Plan B - till they come to their senses. Till the affair dies the natural death that basically all relationships based on deceipt and thoughtlessness do.

That's great. You've been reading. And you have a good grasp of the essentials. Can you see there is hope? If recovering your marriage is what you want...

A couple of other thoughts...

The party comment made me take a deep breath. I just shook my head at him said "Sorry, I have already accepted the invitation and I would prefer that you allow me go on my own. Thanks."

PB, why are you apologizing here, honey? Be a mirror. Reflect his question back at him(CALMLY...):

PB: Are you asking your wife to stay home so you can take another woman to a party?

PB's Husband: Well, we are separated.

PB: And married.

I had to leave the party on Sunday earlier than I had planned. In the first 20 minutes - 6 people came over to tell me how sorry they were. I hate pity. It makes me itchy.

I feel the same way. HATE pity. Would rather almost that people hate me than pity me. So my solution is not to be pitiful. Tell people you "share the same concern for your husband that they do and are hoping for the best." HE's the pitiful one right now.

Keep your chin up, PB. Nurture yourself, right now. You've been through a terrible trauma. Take care of yourself.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/31/05 05:53 AM
Hi Holiday and Natalie

Natalie, I have been thinking about this sentence in one of your previous posts.

He will need to do the work to uncover what character flaw in him allowed to make that poor choice.

I'm not sure that infidelity and flawed character are synonomous. Or rather I believe that many people who cheat are not flawed. If something like 60% of all marriages have some episodes of infidelity - then you would have to believe a very large percentage of married people have character flaws. I believe it is behaviour which has a complex base of conscious choice and physical factors.

By way of example, in Temple Grandin's book she described a breeding accident in chickens. In seeking to produce chickens with more white meat, breeders lost the little piece of DNA that allowed roosters to instinctively know the mating dance ritual that hens expected. They bred the romance out of the rooster. The hens simply would not get ready for action without the dance - the poultry equivalent of a movie and dinner. The hens weren't co-operating. The roosters were getting frustrated they began to rape the chickens often killing them. This problem became so pervasive breeders just thought that this was how roosters were. They cured it eventually. Sexual behaviour is complex.

I agree with Dr. Harley when he says there is a real instinctual basis to unfaithful behaviour -that good people when programmed with the right fulfillment of their needs will go into a kind of addicted to love crazy mode and virtually throw their lives away - abandon their children/spouses, jobs.

I think where the conscious choice comes in is recognizing how destructive this behaviour is and eliminating situations or scenarios which would put you at risk.

I love his love bank analogy. It equates emotions to a kind of accounting system that trigger behaviour. I like this site becauae the explanations make sense to me.

I don't believe my husband has a flawed character for an instance. He is a good kind generous honest man. I do believe he is a pod person right now for a number of complex reasons - some of which are physical. Maybe the whole older man - younger gal thing - is kind of a last call for a procreation "bingo' being put out by some chromosone we have yet to figure out.

When I explained the whole love bank paradigm to my brother. His first reponse was - What about unconditional love? Does this outlook mean that it does not exist? Is love solely conditional on needs being met?

What do you think girls?


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/31/05 03:45 PM
Hmmmm PB,

I have always thought "unconditional love" was still a condition.

I will have to think it over a bit more and post later today,

Posted By: I'm Natalie Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/31/05 07:02 PM
Hi PB,

Well, I had this whole long post written out that suddenly just evaporated...I'll try to recall what I had said...

PB, as I said before, your marriage is ON FIRE. So, I'm going to be frank with you. Time is of the essence here.

If something like 60% of all marriages have some episodes of infidelity - then you would have to believe a very large percentage of married people have character flaws.

EVERYBODY has flaws. Do you believe you or your husband are flawless?

I don't believe my husband has a flawed character for an instance. He is a good kind generous honest man.

A (ONE) character flaw does not make a person completed flawed. We are defined by more than one choice, more than one episode in our lives.

Maybe the whole older man - younger gal thing - is kind of a last call for a procreation "bingo' being put out by some chromosone we have yet to figure out.

What strikes me about this (and the tone of your whole post) is that you seem to be making excuses for your husband. I think we agree that unmet needs can make a marriage vulnerable to an affair, as can many other factors that Dr. Harley outlines in his concepts: lack of honesty, time together, joint agreement, failure to protect the marriage (boundaries)...

Needs alone don't explain the choice to participate in an affair. If that were the case, then I should have indulged in a few of my own. My own needs were certainly not being met a few years ago. And I didn't choose to have an affair for lack of opportunity, either.

It may sound like I'm being unforgiving of my husband. But that's not true. I am not tolerant of his actions, though. He made WRONG CHOICES. He is the first to admit that. A lot of things went into play to encourage him to make those choices. He had to dig within himself to uncover those vulnerabilities and strengthen them.

What about unconditional love? Does this outlook mean that it does not exist? Is love solely conditional on needs being met?

Short answer: I believe only God is capable of unconditional love. It is very UNhealthy to love unconditionally. In fact, I think it is humanly impossible. If someone were to subject you to constant horrendous abuse, any love you felt for them would die out. Healthy people need conditions on their love to protect themselves and others. We cannot allow people free reign to act however they like without consequence. There are natural consequences to actions.

Do a stellar Plan A, PB. He'll then have a favourable image of what his new marriage can be like. Then if your husband still chooses to indulge in the affair, write out your conditions to resume contact with him (Plan B letter). Seek help with this. It's tough stuff. And don't spare him the natural consequences to his actions. You'll do yourself and him a great disservice.

Yes, true love is and should be conditional.

Best of luck,
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/01/05 05:10 AM
Hi Holiday,

I love Ebay. When my Dad was living with us I would often be up with him a couple of times during the night. Often older people experience very vivid dreams of intense experinces they have had earlier in life. My Dad was an engineer in WW2, laying and defusing bombs throughout Europe, Normandy in particular. He saw horrific carnage and never really got over the guilt of surviving when so many died. I digress.

I have spent many a happy hour on EBay. When it is 2 a.m. and there is no one to talk to and you don't feel like reading. Hey you can shop. I started innocently enough - 1 set of lampwork beads and it slid downhill from there.

I crunch numbers for a living. I like it. It can be very satisfying particularly - predictive analysis. Being linear, I have never been crafty or good with my hands - until I started to bead. I really enjoy it. Ebay has created so many options for people who prefer to work from home. It was a brilliant concept.

Last month, I heard a radio item, where a BS sold her soon to be ex-husband's fancy sportcar - a lotus I believe for less than a $1 on Ebay.

Hope you enjoyed your day, I took my btother to a spinning class. We spent time with Mom and Dad. A good day....


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/01/05 03:44 PM
Good Morning,

If you like, you can email me at **edit** and I can give you my ebay names (I sell under two different accounts for different items, handcrafted and retail).

I once saw a BS list his soon to be ex wife's wedding gown for a starting bid of $1.00 (with him in it modeling it for the pics. A studly biker dude.). I believe it may have sold for over $10,000.00. What people do to heal.

How are things going with your H? Did he make the move near his sister yet? When he talks with you, is it always business?

Great to hear you like to "spin". I tried that several time but my *ush hurt too much (need more quad strength I'm told).

Have a wonderful day,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/02/05 04:42 AM

Hi Holiday,

You are so right, we all heal in different ways. My brother made an interesting comment today.

"Emotional pain can be worst than physical pain - it is like you're heart has been in a train wreck."

While the WS all seem to act out the same types of responses and behaviours. The effect on the BS are very much the same too. Sleep disruption, weight loss, tears, confusion, anger, frustration, humiliation, stunned disbelief, depression.

I am finding with each week, life gets alittle easier. However, my productivity at work is way down, I'm spacey - I have locked my keys in the car twice in 3 weeks usually with the dog inside looking worried, lost a cell phone - and I stare off into space a whole lot.

Curious how our emotions really run the ship sometimes.

We went to a lovely film this evening. Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill. A quiet understated 60 minute documentary whioh looks at a relationship between a man and a flock of wild parrots. It was quite a sweet film, although I dozed off at one point. My brother and I have been staying up late talking every night. Sleep has been minimal.

I was down in San Francisco in March and walked around Telegraph Hill and saw these parrots fly.

If you decide to give spinning a second chance, the best plan is to stay out of the saddle for most of the first few classes - it eliminates the problem.

I am sticking with the program with my WS. No unnecessary contact, supportive but not overly accommodating etc.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/03/05 03:30 AM
Hi Natalie,

Thanks again for responding. I have been thinking about your post.

I have not figured out how to move this thread to General Questions. I would like to keep it intact because it allows me to see how my perspective is gradually evolving.

I don't believe I am trying to make excuses for my husband's behaviour. I am trying to understand it. Ultimately, if our marriage is to recover, I have to be able to forgive him, which is much easier to accomplish if I understand his perspective. Even though we agree that it is a mistaken or fogged outlook.

I also have to understand that he has shown signs of a vulnerability to a certain type of tempation which could ultimately destroy our life together, assuming it hasn't already. Together we have to improve our awareness of this and understand it sufficiently well to set up adequate defenses. You were able to work together with your husband to accomplish this - so clearly it can be done.

A good measure of this will be his choice - as it should be. It is a tough go waiting to see what they ultimately will decide to do with their life when it is so intrinsicly tied to what happens in your life.

I always try to look at the upside. I have not had this much time to myself in 25 years. It is allowing me the space to sort out how I would like to see the rest of my life unfold. I am reviewing my own needs, priorities, goals and aspirations. The mc is also helping me understand where our marriage needs attention. I am hoping that the time apart will allow my husband to gain perspective too. It is easy to take things for granted.

I really like my husband. I know when you read this post it is not showing him in a favourable light - but he has the heart to make someone very happy - I am just hoping it will be me.

I am still mulling over the whole unconditional love issue.

I am very happy you are one of the lucky ones and your husband snapped out of it the moment he realized what he might lose. I wish you both a very happy life together.


Posted By: I'm Natalie Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/03/05 09:23 PM
I have not figured out how to move this thread to General Questions.

PB, I've set up your own thread with a link to this one over on GQII. I'm not very computer savvy, but I think it worked. (I clicked on url and cut and pasted). Weekends are slow, though, so you may have to reply to yourself come Monday to "bump" yourself up to the first page again. I hope you find the help you need there.

Posted By: Orchid Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/05/05 10:47 AM
By way of example, in Temple Grandin's book she described a breeding accident in chickens. In seeking to produce chickens with more white meat, breeders lost the little piece of DNA that allowed roosters to instinctively know the mating dance ritual that hens expected. They bred the romance out of the rooster. The hens simply would not get ready for action without the dance - the poulty equivalent of a movie and dinner. The hens weren't co-operating. The roosters were getting frustrated they began to rape the chickens often killing them. This problem became so pervasive breeders just thought that this was how roosters were. They cured it eventually. Sexual behaviour is complex.

I agree with Dr. Harley when he says there is a real instinctual basis to unfaithful behaviour -that good people when programmed with the right fulfillment of their needs will go into a kind of addicted to love crazy mode and virtually throw their lives away - abandon their children/spouses, jobs.

I think where the conscious choice comes in is recognizing how destructive this behaviour is and eliminating situations or scenarios which would put you at risk.

I love his love bank analogy. It equates emotions to a kind of accounting system that trigger behaviour. I like this site becauae the explanations make sense to me.

Very interesting Paradise. Would like to carry this thought over to your GQII thread.

You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders. That in itself is not enough to stop an A. It makes it frustrating for a BS who is thinking clearly to be able to see the problem but can't touch or fix it. Very frustrating.

That's why this place is good. We learn here what to focus on, how to concentrate and how to heal. The tendancy is to fix our spouses. Granted they sure need fixing but it is ourselves who need attention first. We need to get ourselves in a position of strength to deal with this crap. Most of us are not strong enough to deal with this stuff. Even the best of the best, have a hard time. So learning and applying the principals here provides good support.

Keep posting, ok?

Let me know if I can post your 'chicken story' on GQII. Think it maybe a 'refreshing' POV. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/06/05 03:30 AM
Hi Orchid,

Please you can have 'free range' with the chicken story.

You are spot on how these types of situations take strength.

My husband dropped by to access files available only on my computer tonight - he spent about an hour here. We are very polite and professional, but at the end of it - he kisses the dog good-by - nods at me and leaves - quite likely to go to her.

After he left, I took a look at his cell phone bill. I still handle all the bills. I have had it on my desk for probably a week unopened because I did not think I was up to more pain.

They may not be living together yet but they certainly are on the phone alot. It makes me physically sick when I think about this situation. I think if the OW were someone I did not know so well who practically lives next door. It would easier. It would also be alot easier if I did not have to stay in regular contact with my WS for business reasons. I find the days I have to see him - very tough. He always manages to withdraw something out of my love bank.

Earlier today, I was clearing out closets and drawers. I found a box of old pictures -just photo after photo of very happy funny moments. I still find part of me does not believe this is happening. It just can't be real.

What is worse, is that another part of me finds it is getting increasingly harder to imagine us going from our current estrangement and his all out love affair with someone else - back to where we are once again a happy couple. I keep giving myself pep talks that people do this. That I can do it too, if I hold on, stay calm, focused - do the program. There are nights were that is really tough to visualize. I really admire those of you who have accomplished it....


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/06/05 06:20 PM

I am here with you. I think if there is a chance for you and you H that you can be once again a happy couple. I hope the wind blows soon and pushes his fog away.

Keep up on yourself. Again girl, you are a writer!! Start writing. You are so full of wit!

He is still is not living with her, hmmm and why not? He's free to do so, so could you still be on his mind, alot? I think so.

Keep breathing my friend and have a better day,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/07/05 04:50 AM
Hi Holiday,

I find I have a really up and down kind of existence these days. Last night was a low point - so today I took your advice and focused on 'keeping up'. I got my hair done. I am not sure men comprehend how well having shiny hair can lift a woman's mood.

I had a nice chat with an interesting woman in the salon who had travelled Europe doing the chorography for operas for over 35 years. She is probably in her 70s now and still living her life fully - moment to moment.

The dog and I dined at the beach, chip wagon chips soaked in malt vinegar with root beer as a chaser. We walked for a long way along the shore... lisening to Diana Krall. Actually he barked at the waves and legged it after tennis balls - while I lisened to Diana Krall on my new ipod. My brother's has some great ideas some times - music to soothe your heart - what a thoughtful gift.

I now have no less than 7 books on my night stand dealing with betrayal, deceit and infidelity. I use to read Brian Greene at night - ( The Elegant Universe, The Fabric of the Cosmos). I'd think about how there are 11 dimensions, while we can only perceive 3 with time being the fourth and wonder just what was up with the other 7. I don't like the change in reading matter.

On a positive note, my current woggy mess has helped a friend's 17 year marriage stay together. Her husband was not meeting her emotional needs. He shows his love by buying her things when she wants his attention and physical affection - not the loot. However, a husband whose greatest faults are: that he works too hard to provide luxury; and really likes to clean the house alot started to look pretty good compared to mine. They are back together. He brings her wildflowers now that he stops to pick by the side of the road on the way home from work. She loves it....

Hope you had a great day!


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/07/05 05:26 AM
Ditto on my reading material. Funny, that has been my type of reading my whole life. Since high school I have always read about relationships. Should have been a counselor or something...instead became a "cosmo tologist"!

I left the hairhood approx 16 years ago after the birth of our daughter. I decided that "hair" was really counseling and the work followed me home. Then I went into the judicial system (started as a 911 about troubles) and retired at 40 and became an ebay queen.

Now with my new found friends at the gym (and mind you, I live in the Las Vegas area), I have a new set of clients in need of counseling. Seems my single, gay and straight friends want the "key" to a long term relationship through my experience...if they only knew.

Glad to hear you have been helpful to your friend. Reason/season. I think people come into our lives just for that purpose. I have been befriended recently by a young woman who was the "OW", my, now I hear the other side and it isn't pretty. How messed up she is.

How about your readings being alternating books?

Well, off to bed. Hope you have a great Wednesday,

Posted By: innocence_lost Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/07/05 12:28 PM
Hi Paradise Blue,

I know your pain. It has now been 18 months past DD day. It does get better. My husbands emotional affair pretty much finished on DD day. However, I did find there was more contact past DD day via email and one phone call, despite being promised that he would never contact her again.

It is definitely a rollercoast of emotions. I did not believe it was happening to us. It was during a very difficult period in our lives when our teenage daughter was suicidal.At the time, I told him that it had been the worst year of our lives. I did not know he was having an emotional/internt affair when I made this statement. I was coping. He was not.

In amongst this he was having a mid life crisis. He had sold his business and had basically retired at the age of 46. I continued working in my own business. He had too much spare time on his hands. This OW was after our money as well. When they broke up because I discovered all these love letters, her comments to him were that she had only been interested in the money. Her true colors came out.

When I found out. I was extremely angry and threatened to fight him in court. I told him, his lover was not going to enjoy our hard earned money. I did not Plan A as is suggested here but rather let him know the reality of what his life would be like. I exposed to our teenage children . He came out of his fantasy pretty quickly.

You do not say if you have children and whether they know. You also say that you are contining business as usual. Perhaps, you should look at your options of doing something with the company and the risk of him losing it.

A change I made Post DD day was treating myself to the hairdressers once a week. It is very therapeutic.

Take one day at a time
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/07/05 09:21 PM
Hi PB,

Hmmmm, I think IC has something.

PB, Would you be able to investigate in some "changes" in your business that would affect him seriously or at least make him think? A little "fly in the oinment", so to speak.

IC, sorry to hear you are here too. My, the numbers of members here just keeps on growing. Scares me terribly. I hope you are past all this saddness.

Hope you are both having a nice day,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/08/05 12:57 AM
Hi Holiday,

It sounds to me as though you have a wise and kind heart. People are attracted to kindness.

Often I think there is alot we see without seeing - for example, when you instantly like someone- there is information being processed on many levels beyond what we are conscious of.

It is especially true of those have spent many years lisening to others - the counselors in life - who develop intuitive understanding.

Funny how we all connect, you are sitting in the Nevada desert and thousands of miles north I am watching the rain fall on very green green grass.

Technology is incredible. I got an email yesterday from a friend in the Netherlands who I had contacted to see if she would like to go cycling with my brother. She picked up the email while staying at a WCS research facility in Gabon. Wild, an afternoon watching the gorillas in remote rainforest - then a quick update by satellite to a friend in Canada.

I've always thought the key to long term relationships of any kind was to treat people really well, to view them as your most important treasure in life. I still think that.

I believe the true meaure of person is how well they treat others. All the other standards really don't capture a person's essence. Money, position, talent even are ridiculous measures of worth.

I remember warning my husband - that at some point you become what you do. If you lie - you become a liar, if you cheat - you become dishonest. Our actions accumulate within us - they form a sort of internal structure that can sometimes cripple and maim the spirit within. I believe people who harm others ultimately do themselves greater damage.

Whereas being kind is just a wonderful gift you give to yourself really. A lady I seldom have chatted with, at the dog park this week gave my dog a tennis ball toy he had snagged from one of her dogs. It is two tennis balls attached on a bungee cord. He loves this thing. He has been carrying it around all week - proud as punch. Every day she see him with it she laughs and now I make a point to go over to her to chat and hopefully make her laugh some more.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/08/05 07:36 AM
Hi Innocence_Lost,

You're name is very poignant. Surviving infidelity is innocence lost. I am sorry you are here.

We have no children. It just didn't happen for us. I had thought seriously about adopting at one point, but my husband was not that keen on the idea.

I did not expose my husband's affair. It was 8 months before I broke down and told even my brother. Anyone who reads this site - knows that was a big mistake.

I think alot about him but I spend very little time thinking about her - when I do it is a weird mixture of heartfelt dislike and pity.

I don't know what her motivations are - I suspect they are a mixture of wants. She is very keyed in on material wealth. This gal - a lawyer by trade sues people as a hobby. I have never known her when she was not involved in some form of legal action against former employers, landlords, etc. She can be utterly charming but also alittle frightening. I think he is both smitten and scared all at once.

Dr. Harley believes relationships that are based on deceit and thoughtlessness die. I whole heartedly agree. The relationship my husband has with the OW is chock full of deceit on both sides. He has been dishonest with her. She has been dishonest with him.

Could I use financial/company considerations to sever their relationship? No. Essentially, if I lawyer up - it would just set the field for her to go to battle. I think I am better off not to engage and to wait it out.

The whole prospect of the three of us sitting in court some day is just so creepy I can't go to sleep on it. I have to come up with something more cheerful.

My husband has always been fixated on knowing where I am. If he didn't know precisely where I was - he would call around until he found out. My Dad used to sometimes shake his head when I got home and tell me the hounds were out. Recently, I went up to friend's cottage and stayed a day longer than I planned to. No cell connection. As soon as I was back in cell range, he called with the same old edge of panic in his voice all upset. " I didn't know where you were." I laughed and replied " Are you not in effect leaving me for someone else? Doesn't that mean you are not going to know where I am for the rest of my life?" There was a very long pause at the other end of the line. My husband is still there inside the pod person - occasionally I hear his voice.


Posted By: innocence_lost Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/08/05 10:44 AM
Hi, Holiday,
I have been lurking and learning for quite a while. Although, I am more fortunate than others in outcome, the necessity to understand the dynamics of my husbands affair was still there. I could not stay with my husband unless I somewhat understood what had occurred. I am no longer sad, a far cry to how I was before. I would consider myself to be quite depressed for a considerable amount of time and I suppose I still am at times, especially when I am premenstrual. It is and was very painful to have read 3 months worth of love letters. I never thought my husband was capable of such exquiste and tender words, words he had never used on me.I never considered my husband a romantic. He was a no nonsense sort of person and here he was after only 4 phone calls and 4 emails, madly in love with a woman on the other side of the world sending her flowers, gifts and cards. They had declared their unconditional love for one another and were soul mates. Mind you, they had not exchanged photographs and had never met. Go figure.

Paradise, My husband had had a cancer scare. He was facing mortality issues as well as a daughter who was giving us ******. He told me that it was an escape for him. An escape where they were both planning to leave their spouse to grow old together.

His emotional affair lasted 9 months and during this time, he was quite indifferent and distant to me. At the time, i was so wrapt up in our daughter, other children, work, and committees I was on that although I was aware of his behaviour, I was in denial. I suspected, but could not find anything.

On DD day, I exposed to my mother, father, brother and children. Those letters were so powerful. They were communicating every day. My husband told her he was willing to give up everything for her. So, On DD day, I told him give up everything. I went to see our bank manager and froze all accounts and assets. It was very easy to do. Apparently, if there are marital problems and there is joint ownership, one party can request this until it is sorted out.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/08/05 06:53 PM
Hi IC,

Have you read Harley's books - Surviving an Affair and His Needs Her Needs. This site also has excellent telephone MC services. I think with EAs it is easy to minimize them but I feel they are more dangerous than many isolated PAs of short durations.

Some dynamic in your marriage allowed this to happen. You can affair proof it. But I think it takes committed effort from both parties. Sit down with your husband and fill out the emotional needs questionaire. There is a marriage builders weekend seminar in October. It would be good to go if you can convince him.

There are many VETs on the General Questions II who have successfully dealt with this kind of situation. Read all the threads - there is excellent advise there.

Sad but true - you can't really believe anything he says with respect to the OW. It will take him a long time to regain his perspective.

Mine told me the EA only ocurred over the course of one summer. I think instead it starts from the first act of deceit. The first time she came on to him and he did not tell me about it. That was 7 years ago when we first met her, which means for almost 28% of our married life he has been in an inappropriate relationship with another woman, often in our home! It is very sobering.

Take care of you - you will need lots of time to heal. Spending alitte money on yourself is an excellent idea right now, thank God for beauty salons and shoe stores!.


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/09/05 03:25 AM
Ditto on the shoe stores!!!

Good Evening...

I wish I could have more words of wisdom. I am not sure how I would cope with my H having an EA verses a PA, yet he did have to get a bit emotionally involved to have the PA's.

I had never asked him to fill out the EN Questionare. I had made copies back in November of last year (around Dday) but never gave them to him. Just the other day I placed them in his bag for work (he works 24 hour shifts as a firefighter) and told him if he had a chance to read over it and fill it out if he liked. I never filled them out either. Well, today he told me it was too difficult to do. Time has past and he feels we have been working very hard on meeting most of each others needs. We read over them this afternoon and he might try doing it this week on a 72 hour shift.

He says he thinks the A's happened because he got "caught up in it all". The deceit, the secrets and what she was promising (same with the first, however the second I feel was a "fatal attraction" and scared him. Before I found out he wanted me to obtain a concealed weapons license.).

People do such stupid things under the "lust fog" (that's what I call it). Once the dope high wears off, they are looking at a relationship they were already in with even more adjustments to be made. They forget they are 50% of the equation.

Both of you continue to take care of yourselves.

PB, thank you for your compliment. I do pride myself in being kind to everyone I come into contact with which does frighten alot of people here in Vegas.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/09/05 06:47 AM
Hi Holiday,

Actually, I do believe the best wisdom I have heard yet was from you, something about just relaxing and trusting what will be - should be.

My husband dropped by with papers for me tonight. Sticking to Plan B I cleared out - so as to avoid contact and I left him my Plan B letter. I guess he did not see it because it is still here un-opened.

I was at a friend's having tea, her garden balcony overlooks the OW's door. I stood and watched my WS bounce across the courtyard carrying a quart of milk. I guess she needed milk. It seemed so domestic ... I honestly don't understand what this beautiful young woman wants with my completely bald very weather beaten wrinkled 52 year old husband. He must have told her we have a heck of alot more cash than we do. Oh well I guess everyone is entitled to a surprise!

We went on to join Mrs. J knitting class tonight. My girlfriend is having a baby - and her maternal urges are stirred up to the point she wants to be able to knit booties. Mrs. J was a tonic. She is an 82 Yugoslavian grandmother. When I asked her if she was married. She said not any more - he died in 1971 - "Thanks be to God" Apparently, he drank and misbehaved in general. I asked:
You have been alone since you were 48, hasn't it been lonely? She replied: Nope - it has been great. I sleep when I want to. I eat when I want to. No one bosses me around and I don't have to put up with any cranky panky.

Cranky panky is that not a great word for it. They get to panky and we get to be cranky. It so captures both sides of the experience. I won't be able to think of it any other way now...

Hope you had a good day!


Posted By: innocence_lost Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/09/05 08:08 AM
Hi Paradise,

It has been 18 months since my husbands emotional affair. He pretty much stopped it on DD day and has been a loving and attentive husband and father. I cannot complain.
Despite this, I need to heal and am nearly there. Part of that healing is the understanding of affairs and prevention. I completely trusted my husband. Harley says we should not blindly trust and this is what I did. I never thought him capable but I was wrong.
When I suspected, I would indirectly discuss people who had affairs and his response would be that there was no excuse for an affair. If you are not happy, you tell one another and if it cannot be resolved you then divorce. This was the thinking he conveyed to me. Unfortunatley, this was not reflected in his actions. It took him a long time to admit that he had had an affair. AS they had never met and obivously had not had sex, then there was no affair. He did not even understand that there could be an emotional affair.

I believe this is how it started with your husband. The line was crossed emotionally, but no physical contact. It was flirting, flattery and admiration which then eventually got out of hand. He did not believe there was anything untoward and was obviously enjoying the attention.

I have read much. I have not read Surviving an Affair. I am not from the States and this book is not easily available here but I will order it through Amazon.

I believe men's greatest need is admiration. My husband's OW was not younger nor prettier than me. How old is the OW. Has she previously been married? Does she have children.

There is a veteran called Mortarman on this board who offers great advice. . I have read numerous posts of his. His wife had left him for the OM and he turned the situation round. I hope he posts to you.

It is interesting that your husband still inquires about your whereabouts. Why is this?

Enjoy your weekend,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/10/05 02:38 AM
Hi IC,

The OW - I haven't really thought about her alot. Today I really gave it some thought.

She is in her mid thirties now, quite pretty, extremely smart, with many emotional/psychological issues which include: severe depression since teenage years, for which she is on daily meds and in therapy for; and a personality disorder which results in conflict issues - she is on speaking terms with only 1 family member and aside from my WS has only 1 other real friend that I can think of.

She has the wit and charm to make friends but eventually her limitations kick in and she abuses and loses them. She is estranged from dozens and dozens of people. She has had only two boyfriend relationship of fairly short duration that I know of in her entire life and both ended badly.

Her problems result in it being difficult for her to hold down a job. She is lawyer who gets fired alot. Then she turns around and sues them and will not work for 1 to 2 years.

On the flip side, when she is on - she is the most captivating and charming woman I have ever met. The woman my husband is in love with is a total fantasy.

I can't say I feel threatened by her looks or youth. I am not a complete slouch in the looks department and there is simply no comparison in personality. Youth is fine, but every age has it pluses too. I like being 50. I think I have a better understanding of what is important now. I didn't have when I was younger.

I realize now I have what she wants but can't have : a very nice family who I am close to, lots of great friends, professional/financial success, a long happy marriage - 25 years is a good stint, and most importantly a happy balanced outlook on life. I think if she is incapable of friendship - lasting love will be impossible.

I was a sympathetic kind friend to her - but I think it must be hard to be day in day out miserable for good reason - and yet be around someone who is consistantly cheery.

Why she wanted to break us up - I have no explaination for. It doesn't make sense to me. It may be that my WS is the first real male friend that she has had. On her own, it wouldn't have lasted long - within the safe confines of our friendship - it blossomed. Or this may be a money thing - who knows. I think there may be a mixture of desires.

Do they have a chance of being happy together - no. People with her limitations are going to make themselves and those around them unhappy. I would say she scares me a bit. Frankly, because she is beyond my imagination, I could not imagine befriending a couple and then immediately trying to physically seduce the husband. When that didn't work, adopting a more subtle type of seduction through flattery. She understood my WS need for admiration and attention better than I did. Not withstanding that it took many years of pretty much daily effort. And I strongly suspect, if I hadn't been slightly overwhelmed by parental care, it would have taken much longer.

What I find hard to forget is the way she tried to destroy my respect and love for my husband, by rubbing my nose in it so to speak. Someone normal - would not have been been so vicious.

If you asked me two years ago, I would have said I was very happily married to just about the nicest guy on the planet. I am no longer happily married and he is definitely not acting like the nicest guy on the planet.

Ultimately, it takes two to tango. And he certainly seems to want to dance! Clearly this is not just her doing. He started to make wrong choices from the get go probably because important needs of his were not being met. I also think he has been dishonest with her. When he broke off contact for about a 1.5 years - it must have hurt her.

She has taught me three very valuable lessons: 1) Not to take things for granted. Marriages need constant upkeep. They are like a garden. 2) Not to be naive - most woman would not let their husband spend up to an hour a day for years with another very pretty woman - I thought we were all friends - what a dumb bunny! 3) To use caution when dealing with someone who is clearly dsyfunctional. I befriended her because clearly she needed a friend. I should have thought longer and harder on why she didn't have any.

On the plus side, I am starting to enjoy living on my own more - gelato for dinner tonight - in front of 2 chick flick movies. I've relaxed about the situation. People will make their own choices - unhappy or happy. I know asking him to leave was absolutely the right thing to do. You can't be part of triangle and not be messed up. Being messed up is such a waste of good days, fine weather, life!

I am happy that you and your husband have reconciled. I hope you have a great weekend.


Posted By: I'm Natalie Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/10/05 05:09 AM
Hey PB,

Life is funny. Earlier today you came to mind and then I thought about CarolHK's story and how you might find it helpful. I tried to do a search on it but never found it. I logged in tonight and guess who had posted an update? The last time she posted was a year and a half ago! I believe things happen for a reason. Here's the link to her story... I encourage you to read her most recent post as well. Carol's Story

Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/10/05 01:57 PM
Good morning PB...

Hope your weekend is bright.

Hmmm, I must say the OW sounds like the semi new friend I have made at the gym. Young, on anti depressants, attractive in her late 30's etc, failed relationships, three children with different men (possibly one or both not from the husband she lived 7 years with). She recently went to her XH's business function and while under the influence she had relations with a married friend of hers.

She became suicidal after the fact...she just wanted his attention. She has no clue on how devastating all this will be to the MM's family and wife. She just moves forward not understanding why she now has lost so many friends (married or not) in her circle.

I think she has enlightened me to the world of the "OW". Why, you might ask do I still associate with her. I am the "motherly" type and I guess for some strange reason I think I can help her (probably not). She was placed with me by my personal trainer. He thought she would give me some competion (all this before I knew her past) not knowing I will usually back down and let the other guy (if he needs it more than I do) win.

My H even made a statement about watching out for her (glad he's been listening to me for the past few years). She is a dear, but I keep her at arm's length.

I agree with IC's "admiration" idea. Men need so much especially as they age. I need a nice hot cup of tea, a good book and a garden for the same endorphins!

Bad news last night, someone has used my debit card # and charged over $450.00 to my little ebay account. Been working on it all morning. What is up with people? The bank is working with me, but what a hassle. They suspected fraud immediately and froze my account.

Well, need to get my Saturday morning list done.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/10/05 07:21 PM

Hi Natalie,

Thanks very much for the link. That is a great thread. I've copied the to do list below for other readers reference. It is an inspiring story.

Here is more on 180: I got this off I hope
this helps. DivorceBusting suggests doing a 180.
1. Do not pursue, reason, chase, beg, plead or
2. No frequent phone calls
3. Do not point out good points in marriage
4. Do not follow him around the house
5. Do not encourage talk about the future
6. Do not ask for help from family members
7. Do not ask for reassurances
8. Do not buy gifts
9. Do not schedule dates together
10. Do not spy on spouse
11. Do not say "I Love You"
12. Act as if you are moving on with your life
13. Be cheerful, strong, outgoing and attractive
14. Don't sit around waiting on your spouse - get
busy, do things, go to church, go out with friends,
15. When home with your spouse, (if you usually start
the conversation) be scarce or short on words
16. If you are in the habit of asking your spouse his
whereabouts, ASK NOTHING
17. You need to make your partner think that you have
had an awakening and, as far as you are concerned, you
are going to move on with your life, with or without
your spouse
18. Do not be nasty, angry or even cold - just pull
back and wait to see if spouse notices and, more
important, realize what he will be missing
19. No matter what you are feeling TODAY, only show
your spouse happiness and contentment. Show him
someone he would want to be around.
20. All questions about marriage should be put on
hold, until your spouse wants to talk about it (which
may be a while)
21. Never lose your cool
22. Don't be overly enthusiiastic
23. Do not argue about how he feels (it only makes
their feelings stronger)
24. Be patient
25. Listen carefully to what your spouse is really
saying to you
26. Learn to back off, shut up and walk away when you
want to speak out
27. Take care of yourself (exercise, sleep, laugh &
focus on all the other parts of your life that are not
in turmoil)
28. Be strong and confident and learn to speak softly
29. Know that if you can do 180, your smallest
CONSISTENT actions will be noticed much more than any
words you can say or write
30. Do not be openly desperate or needy even when you
are hurting more than ever and are desperate and needy
31. Do not focus on yourself when communicating with
your spouse
32. Do not believe any of what you hear and less than
50% of what you see. Your spouse will speak in
absolute negatives because he is hurting and scared
33. Do not give up no matter how dark it is or how bad
you feel
34. Do not backslide from your hardearned changes.

I'm going to order Michelle's books. If anything I will end up with a great library of marriage manuals.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/10/05 07:59 PM

Hi Holiday,

So far the weekend has been fine. Cleaning house, errands, car washing etc. WS had to track me down at the beach today to pick up the dog. I decided not to take his calls for the last two days. No pressing business reasons to do so - right now. Still haven't given him the Plan B letter, although I suspect he may have read it on my computer while searching for some price lists this morning.

He wanted to walk and talk! He was actually a wee bit teary! I smiled made my way back to the car - gave him the leash and waved a cheery good-by. Very glad I had just had my hair done!

The dog went crazy - Dad and Mom at the beach at the same time WHOOO he was running estatic circles around us at full tilt. I should lisen to my dog more. He never liked the OW -would never let her touch him -barked at her alot. They know!

I watched a very touching film last night - Schultze Gets the Blues. Although, I had to play parts of it twice because I wasn't sure I was getting it. Quite lovely.. It has this little piece of music in it that keeps jigging away in my brain.

I'm really enjoying the ipod. I literally have it glued to my head at all times. My brother filled it with just great music. Music really does just reach in and soothe you...

Sorry to hear about the debit card hassle. I've always used paypal on ebay without any problems whatsoever. Hope they work it out for you...

Have a great weekend!


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/12/05 05:36 AM
Hi Holiday,

The weekend took a decided turn for the worst today.

Lovely weather - so I geared up for a bike ride and was heading out my front door. When I ran smack into the OW. I have carefully structured my movements to minimize the likelihood of running into her. She gave me a big smile and looked back over her shoulder. I could see her two little rat dogs rounding a corner. With a gut dropping sensation, I knew who would be holding their leash - wearing jaunty new clothes - and walking with a spring in his step.

I just put my head down and biked away - went 15 miles out and found myself some very deserted shoreline and just wailed and wailed and wailed - like some 4 year old whose cotton candy is in the mud.

I cry alot these days - probably an hour or two a day. I cry in the bath, when I'm driving, when I'm spinning (dark room, loud music and so much sweat no one notices the tears) and always before I go to bed. It is like I have big iceberg of grief inside and the tears just gradually melt it away. My brother stressed keeping a routine, staying busy - finding refuge in the mundane. But for me balling my eyes out seems to work best.

When I couldn't cry anymore and I felt just completely empty. I opened a cold beer ( handy foresight) and filled myself up with B.B. King - and thought about my predicament.

I have spent the better part of 20 years coming up with elegant solutions for a wide variety of problems - companies, institutions and governments get themselves into. Surely I can deal with one besotted old fool.

The counter intuitive behaviour recommended by this site and the divorce busters site - are only counter intuitive from the BS point of view. They make perfect sense from the WS point of view. BS fill up with dark emotions you can't help it. Those dark emotions are what actually destroy the relationship - not the fogged behaviour of the WS. Once you lose the love in your love bank - you have absolutely nothing left to work with.

My Nana use to say - Happiness is the best cosmetic. Is my husband going to want walk into a home filled with lit candles and a Katie Holmes lookalike who whispers one compliment after another. Or is he going to want to visit his 50 year old wife - who is curled up - pale faced - in agony because he is hurting her so bad. I would say the former -right.

If I let them destroy the love I have for him. I will lose big time. I lose my marriage, I may lose my perspective on the last 25 years of my life. I will have let them diminish me as a person. The love I have for him is one of my best parts. There is a real danger of becoming - angry, bitter, just nasty and living like that for a long time. I will be inevitably sitting in some courtroom some day - not only watching her pillage my finances but knowing I am a lesser person for it. Yuck!

My Dad was a great parent because - he really believed in his kids. Nothing could shake his belief in us. If we screwed up - there were never condemnations - just the question "Well what did you learn?"

What am I learning from this? I really think this is about the power of love and faith. Can I love my husband through this? Can I continue to believe in him? What do I need to do to accomplish both?

I think really this a time for prayer, remembering the good times - and most ironically for being happy - because happy is what will work to bring everything alive again. Unhappy will simply let it die...So on a happy note...

One of our favourite memories as a couple - was the night after our wedding. We didn't leave for our bargain basement cruise (a revamped WW2 hospital ship) till the following day. His grandmother gave us a party at her cottage on an island. She was in her 80s and all her friends attended it. At the end of the do, she hired the local ferry boat and driver and everyone piled into for boat cruise. We sat at the rear of the boat and they sang love songs to us. All songs from the 30s and 40s.

When they dropped us off on the ferry dock to return home. We stood and watched them motor off. The water was like glass under a big full moon and their voices drifted back to us in perfect harmony. It was magic.


Posted By: innocence_lost Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/12/05 10:24 AM
Hi Paradise,

I posted to you earlier on but I just noticed that it did not go through. I thought of you over the weekend and read Carols story. I suppose I instigated some of Carols tactics unconsciously post DD day. I wanted to share them with you.

DD day. I find love letters and cards. I exposed to my parents and teenage children. The children were disgusted with him. I told him to leave and that the children and I could live without him. He refused, saying he loved me and his family. I told him if he loved me, he would not have done what he did. How could he have in all conscious been communicating with this woman promising her the world and then facing me everyday. He refused to leave and slept in the car that night. He however continued to communicate with the OW for 2 weeks. I later found that he needed closure, to know that she was all right bla, bla. Anyway, he told her to get on with her life and that I had found out. She was most abusive towards him and really let him have it. A far cry from the sweet angel of her letters. Anyway, that was good for me. I did not insist that he leave.He came back inside the next night.

It is what I did over the next few days that stunned me when I think back. I was in shock horror over what I had found. I had complete trust in my husband. I would have trusted him with my life. I dont know if I can say that now. He knew how much I valued honesty and how I kept my distance from people I did not consider genuine. Despite this, he pursued this woman. It was an emotional affair and not physical but to me it was just as bad, if not worse. He was leading this double life. I thought over how all my married life, my husband, children and work always came first. I always came last. Infact,I did not even come into the equation. I fitted in with them. My husband and I were very good at making money, investing etc but not at enjoying it. I was a very conservatively dressed woman, as I felt that in my profession, I needed to be to be taken seriously.

After DD day, I was in so much pain as you are now. I lost so much weight. I did not know how sincere my husband was and whether he would go rushing back to her behind my back. I had so much anger as well. The thought of him abandoning his children to live in another country was sickening.
I became quite depressed.

I had lost so much weight in a matter of weeks- the infamous infidelity diet. I was actually looking quite good. I wore my clothes quite loose anyway but now they were too big for me. I went on a shopping spree. Over the next few weeks, I changed my mode of dress dramatically. I started wearing fitted, fashionable and younger looking clothes. I went to the hairdresser and told him I wanted a completely different look. A new hairstyle and colour. What had occurred had changed my life so much. I would never be the same person again. Over that month, My external appearance changed drastically, the weight loss, the stylish clothes and new hairdo, people did not recognize me. As some said to me, have you had one of those makeovers like in TV. I said yes, but without the surgery. I looked 10 years younger.

My husband sat up and took notice of this change. Privately, I was grief stricken as you are now. I had this knot in my stomach which I thought would never go away. I had lost my appetite. I was not sleeping. I did not let him know this and soldiered on. I became focussed on my appearance more than I had ever before. My husband noticed other men would look at me. He thought he was going to lose me. I believe that because of those immediate changes post
DD day, my husband did not suffer as much from withdrawal as what he may have. He was concentrating too much on me and my new look. He loved it. I enjoy how I look now.

I know you have bought a few new shoes. Have you thought of changing your look, something which will make your husband sit up and take notice. Look after yourself. You are indirectly letting him know that you can live without him. My husband told me that his wake up call was how close he came to losing me, especially when I did not break down (not in front of him anyway) and started looking after myself.

I really feel for you Paradise. You are a kind and honest woman. The true colours of this OW will eventually surface, as she will not be able to hide her dysfunctional personality. It is only a matter of time. Please be patient and look after yourself. Go out with friends.

Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/12/05 05:05 PM








paradise, your post brings tears. I am sorry your weekend started out as such.

Girl, you are a writer. Please start writing soon.

I wish we lived closer. We could have a long walk and talk. I really believe all this will get better for you and very soon.

My Nana use to say - Happiness is the best cosmetic.
I think this too. My face has seemed to age so much since my H's first A. I am drained when I dwell on it. Then with the second, even more so. The more my H and I talk about why we became vunerable to an A makes me feel more at ease. He needs his ego stroked more than I do. Perhaps, in your H's case, the OW sees him as you did 25 years ago and is playing on that part of his ego. You can do the same. May I suggest something for the next (should it occur) encounter? Stop and smile at them, really. Even tell your H in front of her how great he looks. I mean this. Fight fire with fire.

I really feel for you Paradise. You are a kind and honest woman. The true colours of this OW will eventually surface, as she will not be able to hide her dysfunctional personality. It is only a matter of time. Please be patient and look after yourself. Go out
with friends.
I agree wholeheartedly with IC. Just you wait and see.

I will say an even bigger, extra prayer for you today,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/13/05 10:47 AM
Hi IC,

Thank you very kindly for the encouragement. No I have not bought any new clothes. While I am also losing weight, for the most part I still have items that fit.

After reading your, comments, I looked at my wardrobe with a critical eye. I have really classy business attire, sport wear, nike golf, patagonia, columbia gear but absolutely nothing really sexy. I stopped doing sexy in my late 30s I think. For two reasons, 1) men do not really lisen to a sexy clad female. I really like being lisened to; and 2) My husband in no way approved.

I once came back for a weekend jaunt to Nassau with a girl friend, in a halter, mini, corn rows and lots of eye make-up. I had left in a long skirt loose fitting sweater -chignon - no make up. My husband stared at me for a solid 2 minutes without recognizing me. When he did he was cranky for a week. It looked liked I had way too fun!

With the OW, he loves her to do sexy. I think in some measure she is like an accessory. He told me that when he has her on his arm - all the other men look at him with envy and it makes him feel great. Do other men think like that? Worst yet, when did he start thinking like that?

When I look at them together they look mismatched. She looks younger than her years and he looks much older than 52 from the neck up. She is at least five inches taller, in heels taller still. The man looks like a wizened bald little garden gnome beside her. There is just a measure of the ridiculous in it.

I took the afternoon off today and popped up to a swanky area in town - to buy something sexy or at least feminine. First I sat and had a glass of wine and watched a fashion show and then scanned the crowds of people for women in their 40s for 50s who were sexy. For the most part, I didn't see many. Women in their 40s or 50s have been working two jobs for say 20 years, career/raising a family, everyone else has come first, most of the money goes on the kid's backs - and somewhere in the shuffle they've often lost sexy.

I actually like being 50, I passed the threashold about 10 years ago - where I definitely look better with clothes than without. My definition of hot is that you look you're best naked. I'm OK with that. If I stay miserable long enough, I will likely be getting back into my size 4 jeans - which I didn't think was going to happen again in this lifetime - but I wouldn't look forward to it. I found when I was really thin - I was more fragile - I got sick more easily. Every stage in life has it charms...

After mosing around for a couple of hours, with the dog in tow. I ended up buying a quite lovely peasant skirt from Guess - brown shirred chiffon- cute and a matching T-shirt. I haven't owned a peasant skirt since the 70s. Not exactly a shopping spree - but a start...


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/13/05 11:35 AM
Hi Holiday,

I must admit knowing that anythime I walk out my front door there is the possibility of running into hubby and his young honey - is deflating - even for a cheery soul like me. I find it curious, that I am the only one who is mortified in this situation. They both seem pleased with life right now.

Oh well Mom would say if you have lemons - you make lemonade!. I need to get over it - so at the very least I don't run like a bunny whenever I see them together.

Had a good day today - went shopping, later on I attended my first meditation session. I have been reading alot of different texts on buddhism for the last 6 years or so.
Being able to meditate - is a great way of stretching and relaxing your brain - and bringing your emotions into balance.

It was cool, four of us sat on a lovely persian rug - read a couple of verses from The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying - and thought about the various ways of bringing compassion into our life. I need to be VERY compassionate right now.

Never having done anything like that before I had a alittle awkward start. We had just commenced, a candle was burning, they strike a gong and you sit cross legged and try to clear your mind when the chap next to me said. "Excuse me do you have a walkman going - I think I can hear very faint music. In fact I may just be tuning into Elvis -not the divine! Sure enough, my ipod was not turned off. I had trouble not giggling for the next 10 minutes - I was actually bitting my lip to stop from laughing.

Thanks Holiday for so patiently lisening to me rant. Sometimes you really just need to rant, maybe not make a lot of sense, and maybe even be lame and it is lovely of you to put up with it.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/13/05 08:15 PM
Hi IC,

I am replying to my own post - because I realize it is bollocks? I was thinking in stereotypes yesterday and when I was writing those comments I had just woken up and was groggy.

There really is nothing like having some Size 4 - Extra Tall lass shagging your husband to put your confidence in the toilet.

Older women are sexy - in all shapes and sizes. Hey they have had more practice at it! Catherine Deneuve will be hot when she is 85!

Sex is in your head. It is all about confidence, style and connecting and giving to a man. Most older women have been doing that for decades. I have been part of couple pretty much steadily with the current 7 weeks an exception since I was 14 - What could be more feminine?

What isn't sexy is curling up on the couch in your husband's old terry bathrobe because it still smells of him, eating dry cereal out of a box, and sobbing through light romantic comedies! Now that is a turn off!


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/13/05 09:11 PM
Good Afternoon,
I couldn't have said it any better PB!
My H doesn't think you need to be a size 4! It's what you do with what you've got that counts.
I am petite, but a size 4 was only around when I was in 6th grade.

I'm fit and fun! My H also says "sexy" is in my smile. When things get me down, I wear it on my face so much. Bums him out. When I am happy..."he" radiates.
And yes, men are "shallow" when it comes to someone on their arm that they can show off. But if she is as shallow, his friends will pick up on it very soon and will tell him to move on.

I feel men like a confidant woman that dresses sexy sophisticated (is that a term???). I think I look best in my old Levi 501 and Harley boots, yeeha!

We are leaving tomorrow for a 6 day tour on the bike with 20 other firemen. All men except me and one other girl and she rides her own bike.

I will chat when we get back. Take a deep breath when things get you down. And remember, every day is a new day.

Hope you have a nice week PB.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/13/05 10:25 PM
Hey Holiday!

Have a great trip..... It sounds like it will be a blast.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/14/05 05:13 PM

I watched As Good As It Gets Last Night, - great movie. There is a part where all three characters are in the car and they are talking about Simon's break with his parents - Where Melvin says " Some people have happy lives, they picnic by the lake with friends and eat noodle salad. That is their life noodle salad."

My hand is up for noodle salad. There is a dark side to life, but you don't have to live life that way. You can choose not to - you can choose noodle salad.

I'm spending alot of time these days at a beach near me. People swim, kite surf, wind surf, sail, canoe, kayak, run, bike, roller blade, walk their dogs - leash free. All the dogs are smiling. All the people are smiling. It is a happy place. I chat with friends, walk lisening to music, read, throw tennis balls in the water for the dog - he loves to swim. It is free - you don't even pay to park. You don't even need a car. You can get there by bus. It is a noodle salad slice of life for anyone who cares to show up. When I leave with regret usually because the sun is setting, I feel better. Ultimately, feeling better is what it is all about.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/15/05 10:52 AM


I had a girlfriend over for dinner last night, on my way back from driving her home. I was hit by cabbie while proceeding through an intersection after being waved on by a police officer. The other driver was charged but he is fine. The dog and I are fine, although he was pretty agitated and I will likely be really sore and bruised for a while. My car is not fine, it looks like it will be a write off.

Wow, this is just my year for drama. On the bright side, I will have to get a new car ... and I will not do my usual frugal thing and just buy the most practical used vehicle possible. I am going to go for something new, racy, and most defintely red.

My nana said that men in their 50s, either have a work crisis, a marriage crisis or they buy a convertible. I have been really wishing that my WS had opted for the convertible - hey maybe I will instead. The dog would look great with his ears flying in the wind....
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/16/05 12:13 AM

We'll be made it back to the beach tonight, both alittle worse for wear. I have a sore shoulder, the dog has a sore paw, my earphones are duck taped and we are both walking like a four door ford got the better of us.

But, we arrived in a spiffy new rental car with loads of intriguing buttons.

There are wooded trails at this park. Tonight we started there because the monarch butterflies have arrived. For a couple of weeks every year the woods here are full of thousands of monarch butterflies. They are incredible. I startled perhaps four hundred out of a sycamore grove - they whirled out in a dance of colour. I wish I could paint. Tomorrow I am taking my camera.

Walking along, I thought how life is just a multitude of small co-incidences. Last night, my girl friend and I decided to play scrabble. I seldom beat her but the games are hard fought and long. It was much later than I am normally on the roads - 1.30 a.m. The route I would normally take home was closed to traffic. When the police officer waved me through I slowed to smile at her and mouth thank you. Did that get me hit or save our lives? My car no longer has a front end. If the cab had hit me a couple feet further back - my noodle salad days would be pretty much over.

My Dad says now - that every day he wakes up breathing is a gift - so true!

I called my husband today to tell him about the accident. He was concerned. I kept saying I'm fine - no problem. He called back 10 minutes later to hear me say it again.

Two years ago - he would have dropped everything and raced home to see for himself. Maybe my marriage is over.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/17/05 03:59 AM

My WS showed up at my door out of the blue about midnight last night. To see if I was OK - I guess. I hobbled around before I opened the door, changing from flannel to silk, quick hair brush - etc. As soon as he walked in and started talking I realized it was the pod person - not hubby. Cranky about the accident and the prospect we may not recover the true value of the car. (He takes immaculate care of our cars. They last forever.)

I have been driving accident free since I first got a license - 34 years. The other driver was charged with failing to obey a police officer - so no deductible. I and the dog are alive. What is there to complain about? Yes, we will probably lose money - but frankly I am really happy to just be breathing.

I miss my husband. This pod person is just a big pain. I should have stuck with the flannel. He stayed five minutes and left. I was happy to see him go.

When I read the other posts on this site. What impresses me most is that somehow, in the face of extraordinary bad behaviour, people keep their love alive. They maintain the faith they have in their spouse. I guess they manage to see and remember the whole person - not just the characterization that an episode of bad judgement provides.

I married just a wonderful man - 25 years ago - patient, generous, kind, honest, caring, affectionate, fun, curious, gifted, - 100% sweet and he stayed that way for 23 years.

Whereas this alien entity I'm dealing with now. Is not someone I want to be in the same room with. I keep telling myself he has been abducted - cut him some slack and stay clear, until either your faith, love or time ransoms him. I hope that is sooner rather than later. Next time I see him I am going to check under his collar for scales!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/19/05 04:51 AM

Weekend slipped by really fast. Dined out with a group of friends Friday, a couple who make documentories - they are starving but happy happy happy. Another friend at the table just had a kidney transplant and is on tenderhooks to see if it will be accepted by his body successfully. Another couple trying for a second child - just had a miscarriage. Life is up and down for everyone.

Since the accident I have not cried much at all. It actually hurts to either cry or laugh. The cabbie may just have knocked some sense into me. Life is way too short and uncertain - to waste any of it being miserable - when miserable is the one thing that won't actually get you what you want.

Hiked wooded trails both Saturday and Sunday with a friend - great weather, excellent conversation.

Taking care of my parents, has taught me that life shrinks as you get older- particularly when you stop driving. So I accept all invitations, two luncheons, two dinners this week. Emailed my brother a yes to the cycling trip. There is no point saying no - you never know how many more opportunities you are going to get to do things - see people.

When I mentioned it to the WS - he said: "Aren't people shooting each other over there (Croatia). You'll be sleeping by the side of the road you know." No shooting, but with my brother's taste in travel I will be sleeping by the side of the road and given his expectations on milage -I will probably prefer to stand the entire flight home. On the up side there will be starry nights to look up at and the sound of the sea to fall asleep by....

I've decided I am going to treat the separation - as a husband holiday. I am going to buy floral sheets, paint our bedroom - something soft maybe peachy. Our home is way too masculine. I've signed up for a digital pbotography course. I am going to try something new every week - from food to sports to whatever. I am going to treat every day exactly like what it is - a blessing.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/20/05 02:27 PM
Just wanted to let you know we arrived home safe last night.
Spent my bday yesterday for about 600 miles from Albuquerque, NM to home here in Vegas.
Great dinner Sunday night at my most favorite rest in the world.
Sorry to read of your accident and glad you and puppy are fine.
RED, yes red will do nicely. Warm baths with salt and baking soda should help your soreness.
I will post more later.
Have a better day,
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/21/05 05:14 AM
Hi Holiday,

A Very Happy Birthday to you, I trust it was a memorable one - hopefully wearing the levis and Harley boots!

So how was the trip? I would bet the whole of the six days flew by seemingly in an instant. I love road trips. You never know what is going to happen and the landscapes can be breathtaking.

Hope you had just a great time.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/22/05 04:47 AM

Plan B is completely necessary at this point - but lonely.

I have been thinking of happy moments.

In all of the years we were married, my WS had a knack for showing up when I needed him. Over the holidays one year, I was returning by train up north to meet him to go to a New Year's Eve party that evening.

The train broke down about an hour out of town in minus 20 below farenheit weather. I watched out the window as the conductor, engineer and stewards stood out in the cold with a map - trying to figure out exactly where we were. If I could paint, I would paint only tableaus of men thinking. They look so cute. It was a sunlit snowy woodland scene straight out of Norman Rockwell.

The train got really cold fast. A group of us decided to walk out to see if we could find a road. After a 15 minute hike through the woods we came upon a seldom used country lane.

As I stood stamping my feet to keep warm, my husband's little car came sailing over a rise and he pulled up to showy stop in front of me with a huge grin! Found You! He had been scouring the country side for an hour and a half from the snow bound high roads looking for the train. They knew at the station the train had broken down - they just didn't know where.

I piled in with as many other passengers as we could fit and we went back to the station to let them know where it was and then on to the party. I was proud of his resourceful determination.

Curiously, I think my husband needs me now more than he has ever needed me in his life. Completely wacko, willing to throw away a life he has spent decades building - he needs me to be resourceful/determined - to scour the high roads until I find him again.

Loving through adversity is in a way a definition of what love is or should be. I can't think of a greater test to love than adultery. Those of you out there - who have loved through the pain, deceit and violation - have truly loved ...
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/22/05 11:06 PM
I have not abandoned you.
I will email you.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/23/05 10:09 PM

Sorry I need to vent.... Just got off the phone with the pod person, who is persisting in trying to rent a condo practically next door to me - as a bachelor pad. Would I help decorate it?

I have explained to him dozens of times that it is really hurtful for me to see him with someone else and that it is completely unnecessary that he be so close. Where I would very certainly be running into him and anyone he was with. Unfortunately, I think it is not me that he is concerned with being close to. My needs or feeling don't even register with him.

There are many other very cool places to live as a single in our town. I keep stressing he could be very happy elsewhere.

I see less and less hope for us. I was praying that this would be a temporary mental clitch that he would overcome or get over - it doesn't look like that is going to happen.

I may just give in and let him live where he wants. It will mean I will have to speed up my plans to spiff up our home to sell it. So basically I can get clear.
Very tough day .....
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/24/05 12:32 AM
My H thinks you H is wanting to keep tabs on everyone concerned by moving close to you and the OW. He's keeping his hands in the "mix".
Tell him to go ahead and find a place close by so he can watch how well you will be doing (and you really will).
As far as temporary mental clitch/glitch. Temporary is only how long you can take this sitch. So do the best you can for you,
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/25/05 07:03 PM
Hi Holiday,

Good weekend so far, out with friends most of the time,- dim sum - old movies, today, it is errands, cleaning and putting together a plan to revamp our kitchen. I've started a scapbook of kitchen ideas that I like. A designer friend has volunteered to help.

After our talk on Friday, WS has been calling my friends and letting them know he won't be moving in nearby. That is a relief. I am not sure I really could have coped with that kind of invasive humiliation. He promised to leave me alone for two weeks - no calls - no dog pick ups - only strictly business emails.

He also has been giving my friends a long and hard go of psycho babble. How he needed to find himself and she was so appreciative and receptive blah bhah... How he never wanted to hurt me blah blah. The consensus is that his head is truly messed up and his brains are not going to unscramble soon.

Apparently, life in affair land has sprung a hitch. She has some other man now. She is less keen on my WS but I don't believe she has actually severed their relationship. She has them both on a string. Amazing! Two years ago, she was so obsessed with him and so sure he was leaving me then, she redecorated her condo to meet his taste! She spent the duration trolling outside our front door any time he might be passing through, often in increasingly scantily clad clothing - short shorts in April up here is downright chilly! Perhaps - she just wants what she can't have and when she gets it - promptly doesn't want it anymore. I can understand why this woman needs twice weekly therapy sessions!

I find I have gone from being hurt for two months to plain out and out steamed. After two years of this tacky debacle, I am thinking maybe I will just let go and move on.... Maybe I don't love him enough to stay the course and nor am strong enough to take more emotional pummeling.

I can't say I am certain of anything right now other than I really need to stay away from both of them. They make me crazy, sad, spitting mad and just so tired of the whole shabby scene. If I even see her from a distance, I have a bad day. When I hear his voice on the phone, I mentally brace myself for being hurt.

Hurt just paralyses you whereas anger has a bit of get up and go to it. I have had an easier time now in focusing on work and getting things done. There is alot to catch up on. I was a bit of a mess over the summer - not terribly productive.

I'm getting organized for the trip to eastern Europe with my brother, one of my girlfriends has opted to join us. It should be fun. I am really looking forward to being away - somewhere completely fresh. Everyone says Prague is the Paris of eastern Europe and completely enchanting. Enchanting sounds so good right now! I'm not sure of the exact itinerary but we are working on it - we will likely spend time in Croatia, Budapest and Prague.

So, how was the sushi? I love sushi. I eat it usually once a week - that or pad thai. It must be fun to be treated out to a family dinner by one of your kids - a sweet moment!


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/25/05 08:43 PM
Good Afternoon PB!
Glad to hear you on a "higher" note!
The sushi was great. My son has been out on his own for well over a year (22 YOA). When he was in college at least I knew he would eventually come home. Tough knowing we only see him once in awhile when his schedule permits. He's a great son.

I am also glad to hear you WH decide to move a bit farther away from you. Good not to have to worry about possibly running in to them every day.

The OW sounds like a peach. I thought the "as soon as he's mine I move on" syndrome was something one did in high school. Sad that some people don't wish to "grow up". Your WH sounds like he might be floating in the same boat with you very soon.

Have you been reading? I just received "Animals in Translation" you recommended.

I hope you continue to have a nice weekend. I can only dream of a trip to Europe right now. Two years until Italy when our daughter graduates!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/26/05 06:04 AM
Hi Holiday,

I have always wanted to go to Italy too! I love everything Italian, the food, culture, sense of family, wine, history, shoes and handbags, glass, fashion, music, did I say shoes and handbags? I think the real joy of travel is the anticipation. I love planning trips. Whenever I was sick and confined to bed, hubby would go buy maps and travel guides to keep me happily occupied.

Every time I go to Staples to pick up office supplies, I look at the 5 disc Learn Italian programs - I may just spring for it next week. I day dream of renting a house somewhere in Tuscany for a month with friends and maybe doing day outings or may be doing nothing ...

I am rereading - Scandalous Life - A Biography of Lady Jane Digby - by Mary Lovell. It is a great read, the woman really lived - messily but clearly with passion. I am also trying to finish Over the Edge of the World by Laurence Bergreen. It is on Magellan's circumnavigation, I started it last winter and never finished it.

The WS has sent me a long email apology for thoughtless, insensitive and mean behavior? I must know he doesn't really mean to hurt me right?

We normally rent an old ramshackle but roomy cottage during the winter with two sets of friends. We entertain (nothing to sit 14 at dinner every Saturday night), downhill and cross country ski, plus lots of baking/cooking/reading/walking the dogs. I love the place. We have been renting with the same people for many years. They are family, I have watched their kids grow up. WS called them to say he will be sharing the cottage with a group of guys (divorced loser guys) and did they mind not sharing it this year? They called me to ask what was up. First I heard about it. WOW. My life is changing.... There are parts I am really going to miss.

I will need to re-invent.... That's kind of what life is really isn't it - a constant gradual and sometimes not so gradual invention. We live the lives we imagine we can.

I've been reading up on the male mid-life crisis. Damm I wish he had gone for the car. Sometimes, a life that has made someone happy for decades -just doesn't cut it anymore. They have a sense of urgency to squeeze as much living as possible into the short time they feel they have left. Always it is a different kind of living - they walk away from everything they have - searching for more. More of what I don't know maybe just more.

I'm really looking forward to the trip. My brother is an extremely frugal traveller - who has never really seen the necessity for hotels although if pressed he will admit indoor plumbing has its benefits. He has circled the globe many times on a shoe string. My shoulder was quite torn up in the accident -twice weekly physio sessions for the next four months - 45 minutes of daily exercises - or I will need surgery. It is a perfect excuse to get him to spend some time in the cities - not camped out in the wilderness absolutely every night .... I will get to shower some days - Yeah!


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/27/05 05:06 AM
How wonderful your trip planning sounds!

I am sorry to read how painful the accident has left you and all the rehab you are going to be going through. Those are some sour lemons life served up.

I just feel that your H is going to wake up and you'll be in "Tuscany" purchasing a semi "ramshackle" (my Grandmother loved that word...must be an east coast thing) cottage to enjoy with a new set of friends (may I join you????) <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />.

I think we must continually re invent ourselves, not for the sake of others, but for ourselves. I would be pretty bored with myself if I was still doing what I was doing 20 years ago (working at a hotel desk in Laughlin, NV...yeeha!).

You are growing whether you know it or not. Right now is your time. So use it!

Aren't you glad you didn't have a mid life crisis? Think of the insurance payments on that Red Ferrari? ha!

My H's mid life (which is yearly) crisis gained us the Harley motorcycle. He then could drive himself into trouble with the A's. It's such an ego thing.

Since his second A (which related to the Harley), the OW must have placed some fear into him. He now only wants to go on trips with me going along (his safety net). His bday card inscription to me was sweet..."Thank you for being there for me all the time." And hopefully I can be.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/27/05 01:23 PM
Hi Holiday,

It is wonderful to hear how you two have overcome the whole affair thing - gaining a stronger marriage from it. It impresses me to no end. Love is really what makes life worthwhile because it is the emotion which connects us.

Last night, I did another tibetan buddist meditation session - (turned my ipod off this time.) We read a great quote by Stephen Levine in the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche: "When your fear touches someone's pain it becomes pity; when your love touches someone's pain it becomes compassion". Pity has its roots in fear, and a sense of arrogance and condescension, sometimes even a smug feeling of "I'm glad it's not me". Whereas to train in compassion, then, is to know all beings are the same and suffer in similar ways, to honor all those who suffer and to know you are neither separate from nor superior to anyone." I thought this was just a great passage and pondered it all the way home. I like going to this group - very small only four of us - but very cool thoughts...

My hubby got out voted on the cottage thing. Same people are going in as always - WS will have it most of the time I will use it at least for a couple of weekends. I do two really big weekend parties a year up there for old university and work friends. It was always a collective and not really his place to change the mix. The tribe has spoken....

Booking my airfare today - so exciting.... I love going to the airport. Even if I'm not flying anywhere - I like to go and just know I could if I really really wanted to... Sort of like always asking to hear the desert menu and relishing the thought that Creme Brulee exists only a few feet away but never actually orderiing it... It makes me happy to know its out there....

You and yours will be welcome in Italy... It will likely be two years before I get organized. You'll like the mix of people I have great friends.

You are so right, applying your imagination to how you live your life and the person you become is something you do for you....

Getting late, got to walk the dog and go do that work thing!


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/28/05 09:13 PM

Just back from the beach, the weather is changing here, a touch of coolness in the breeze, most are wearing pants now not shorts ....

It makes me wistful, the beach has been a happy refuge .... with winter coming it means shorter walks earlier... no lollygagging for all hours walking on the shore - lisening to music or reading at a picnic table sipping Starbucks coffee ..

The dog senses it too. I had to carry him to the car today... 43 pounds of floppy passive canine resistance... but I don't want to go home Mom!

I had physio session today, ultrasound waves, electric current and something glibly called manipulation therapy (physical torture would be more accurate).

I wonder if healing your heart is like healing a torn joint. You have to work through the pain... or it doesn't heal right. I think I have to continue to love my husband - little pod person that he is - whatever happens - perhaps only to appreciate the time we had together. If I give into anger or hurt - I won't heal right.

~ ~~~~ ~~~~~

I had dinner tonight with two of our oldest friends. They believe WS is delusional, obssessed with the OW beyond reason (she is his true love), and wound up like a top - in short crazy. They don't see it changing soon. I am advised to get on with my life. Simple words but challenging to do when you have loved someone for 25 years.

It is hard to be the one being rejected particularly after so long. You feel small, embarassed, pathetic. I dread being asked questions about it and the answers even more. This has been on the horizon for two years now - but it still seems so unreal.... like it can't be happening...
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/29/05 05:31 AM
How about looking at it this way: Your WS is small, embarassing! and pathetic.
You on the other hand you have stayed the course.
That's what my H meant about "not a date date", just coffee with someone of the op sex. And to place your ducks in a row concerning your business and home, just in case this doesn't blow over or you decide you don't wish to continue on the way you have been.
I think once you know where everything stands in your life with or without your WS you will have a clear place to start from.
Sorry to be so short tonight, just a challenging week so far.
You are in my prayers.
If we change the way we look at things, the things we look at will change.
Posted By: innocence_lost Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/29/05 09:51 PM

I feel your pain. It is difficult. Continue writing here and venting. It is better to write your feelings down and not keep them bottled up inside.

Are you still working with your husband. Do you see him everyday. Are you still partners in the same company.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/30/05 05:05 AM
Hi IC,

How are you and your family doing?

I hope everybody is well ....

You're right it really helps to vent and write down my thoughts.

Life holds surprises! It is my WS's birthday on Saturday, it will be the first time in 31 years I will not be wishing him a Happy Birthday, baking a cake and making a fuss. Two years ago, I spent weeks planning, cooking, decorating for a roof top party for 50 people on his 50th. It was a great party.

We are still running the company together - largely by email. I've also hired another staff person, who works with me mostly out of our home and interacts with WS. It is hysterical. He calls her. She calls me then she calls him - very funny. We are having a good year and we needed the help.

I have only seen in him passing or from a distance for the last several weeks. He dropped by on Sept 16 the day after my accident to check on me for about five minutes. I find the less contact the better.

I have been trying to focus on just feeling better. When something like this happens it as though they have ripped out your heart... it is just that painful..

It gets better though. My days are busy, work, beach, dog walking, gym, friends, cleaning, organizing and making plans to spiff up the place before we sell it.

I can only get on with life at this point. I had lunch this week with a old friend who hadn't heard. It was dellghtful. The first normal conversation I have had in a long time. I didn't say a word - I just sat there and enjoyed normal. Next time I will mention it but it was nice to just forget about it for awhile ...

Frankly, someone always gets hurt in a break up. It is possible he may stay fogged for a good long while, it is his choice to make.... and mine to deal with.

I don't know exactly how this will play out.. I am preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.

Even the worst isn't that bad. Sitting with friends at dinner last night - I shook my head and said "S*&* happens. I have had 25 good years with him, there were very shaky points in the last two years perhaps but it has without a doubt been a blast. Besides, I have had his best years - whoever gets him now is just getting a cranky, bald, in bed by 10 p.m old @#$%%.

Saturday nignt, I will try very hard NOT to mentally picture how he is choosing to spend his birthday: open a good bottle of wine; and look at happy photos of his 30th, 40th, 50th ... basically remember all the great times.. for about an hour and then go find something else to do...


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/30/05 06:14 AM
Hi Holiday,

It sounds like you are having a harry week, I hope it settles down a bit. TGIF soon.

I'm working on my ducks... some are lined up ... some are just bobbing around all wobbly like.. it takes time ...

Honestly, Holiday, I am just not there for any kind of OP contact right now. It's been 26 years since I've dated - I know very few available single men of an appropriate age that I could imagine even a friendly coffee with - we live in a couples world. The only male in my life right now has: a keen intellect: a fun sense of humor: endless patience - (he likes to shop), a 100% loyal heart and four legs! I'm happy with that.

I look like a happily married woman. I look like part of a couple. I am slowing trying to shift that to looking like just a happy woman... It is a subtle difference...

Last night I went out to dinner clad in snug denim, wearing new red boots with the express purpose of it being reported back to the WS. The misery diet works wonders! With my husband, I would have worn, something much more formal - a sweater set or blazer.

One of our friends at dinner last night went through this in her early twenties and told me she stayed crushed for an entire year, lived at home with mom and dad, didn't work and moped. I laughed and said I'm 51 in January - I don't think I'm going to spend that kind of time moping....It has to get better soon.

It sounds like you are having too busy a week to do any reading but let me know how you enjoy Temple Grandin's book.


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/30/05 08:31 PM
Hi PB,
Took a little break from sewing...still so hot here in the Las Vegas area.

Would it be hard on you to bake your H a cake this year? How about a cake with a map on it...maybe a hint to find you soon.
Just a little thought.

May I also give you MHO on something? Try not to refer to your H as "a cranky, bald, in bed by 10 p.m old @#$%%". Perhaps that is what he thinks you really think of him and now the OW pumps his ego in the other direction. (Did I make sense?)

Hope you have a wonderful Friday,

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/30/05 09:53 PM
Take it from someone male and trying to get back to a normal existence also, there are plenty of available men out there your age that would love to just spend some time with someone like you. I'm not talking about just to satisfy their need for SF either. I haven't been on a date in 28 years with someone other than my EXWW. I know what you mean by it being a couples world I see it every day too.
Whether we are BS's or just divorced or still single we feel the same, on the outside and looking in. Once my EXWW made it eminently clear that she was not interested in any form of reconciliation I felt like I would never again hang myself out there to be that damaged again. Then a strange thing occurred last week. An acquaintence from one of my recreational activities showed some interest in me and I asked her out. She shocked me and said "what took so long".
I think your dressing up and changing you outlook will have this same effect on your life. Others will notice and something strange and unusual will happen to you and your life will brighten up as mine did. All it took for me was to have that one date watching our favorite football teams play and dinner together. Noting more happened and I don't need anything more right now. Just to be in the company of someone who likes you and to be able to have fun with someone other than the ex meant a lot to me.
Maybe this is a false recovery of sorts for me but it sure felt good. You sound like you have started down this road already so let go of the steering wheel and see where the road will take you.

Holiday- Its cooled off up here in Reno so it should start to get better down there in Lost Wages soon. Too bad the cannon came home to Reno last week, it looks better painted blue and silver anyway!
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/30/05 11:02 PM
I just read the rest of the thread and realized you were not divorced yet. In no way do I think you need to have an affair of your own. But maybe an evening out with someone platonic would help and your WS might get wind of it too. A Divorce Busting 180 plan maybe?

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/01/05 12:13 AM
Hi Holiday,

LOL, your right as always... flattery will get you everywhere ...

It is hard. Plain hard... to sit with old friends and try to chew your food while they tell you how head over heels in love your husband is with a former friend. You just want to choke, cry, throw the dinnerware around, or politely excuse yourself to go throw up. I try instead to be funny.

I sat at the beach tonight... thinking I've lost.

Sometimes in life you come up against someone who is smarter than you are. This gal is absolutely dysfunctional but very smart. Worse yet she understands my husband better than I do - because she see him exactly as he is.

She manipulates his weaknessses. The other man on the string I will bet donuts is a closing technique... to twig his competitiveness ...

I don't see him as he is. I see him as the best he can be. I always have. That why our marriage was so easy for me. In choosing to believe in his strengths and ignoring his weaknesses I have made strategic misjudgements... She hasn't.

My friends told me that there is no way I can use the cottage this year. How, I could I stay in a room where they have been together... They are right of course. I can't. She is walking away with my life.

The last time I had such a crystallized realization I was not as bright as I thought I was; I was locked out of a hotel room standing in the corridor holding a VERY small handtowel, wearing glasses nothing else and lisening to the bath run inside.... Never lean out to place something on a room service tray - unless you're wearing a bathrobe at least!

I have to hunker down, do a great 180 and Plan B and hope she mucks up...or that at some point his heart will discern the difference between love and manipulation.

For the duration, your right again this is my time to explore, reinvent, grow and do whatever helps me keep it light. Today that meant going to the beach twice. The dog and I are going to have chicken soup for dinner and watch Jimmy Stewart in Harvey...

I hope it cools down for you. Have a great night!


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/01/05 01:16 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Thank you for your thoughtful comments.

Life is a journey isn't it. One minute you look around and you think this is great and poof it shimmers and disappears.

You sound like you are through the worst of starting over and on the climb back to normal. I bet it is a great feeling. Companionship and sharing are two of the big pleasures in life, and I'm happy you have connected with someone that brings that alive for you again.

One of the reasons I think infidelity is so hard to deal with it - is there is no more profoundly personal blow to your self esteem. It has to top the charts for that.

Rejection is always hard to deal with but when it breaches the connectedness that is a marriage it is just a !@#$% to get through.

I do feel like I am wandering around missing an appendage, I do look in the mirror and wonder if she is that much prettier, sexier or whatever.

In a way having this happen, later in life makes it easier. I also know who I am, what I am capable of, how as yet there has been very little I have been handed that I could not make better by just being patient, thoughtful creative or trying hard.

At some point in the future, I will be wearing my new red boots and making some guy laugh over coffee - but in my heart of hearts I'd really like it to be the same guy I have been making laugh for the last 25 years... he always gets my jokes!


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/01/05 08:17 AM
I can't imagine a guy who would walk away for from someone who can express their thoughts and emotions so well. Your writing skills and the way you express yourself are captivating and eloquent. You also have the patience to be a MC or IC for a living. Not once in all of your posts have you ever taken anyone to task or snubbed them in any way. I read some of the replies and I would have been hard pressed not to respond in kind. You on the other hand turned the table on those posts and did it in a way that made them "enjoy the journey".
I hope you continue your journal and consider expanding on it. I for one would be first in line to buy the complete story no matter what the outcome. If I were to guess I'd say your WH is in over his head and if he has an ounce of sense he will be back with his tail between his legs wondering what was in that infidelity cocktail the OW was serving.
I am wishing the best for you and just say the course you have chosen it's the most straight forward and rational approach I have seen in all of the lurking I have done these past few months. It's certainly not the easiest but it may be the best I've heard. It's not for the faint hearted thats for sure. But from the sound of it you are more than up to this task. I know I fear for your WH should you really get angry with him. I cant see him staying up with you verbally , mentally or in any capacity.
Hang in there we are all rooting for you.

Posted By: innocence_lost Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/01/05 12:05 PM
Hi Paradise,

Thank you for inquiring about my family. We are actually having quite a lot of rebellion from one of our daughters. It is putting quite a strain on the entire family and the marriage. I am more vigilant this time.

Paradise, you appear to have a very good clarity of mind and clear grasp of your situation. You are doing all the right things. We cannot control our feelings. The pain, despair and loss of self esteem. Believe me that with the passage of time, this all improves. Again, writing it all down is very therapeutic. It also declutters your mind.

The OW is smart but appears to be very needy. She is in therapy twice a week. Is this what your husband was attracted to, the protector in him. On the other hand, you are intelligent and quite capable of looking after yourself.

Is your work arrangement going to continue as is? Are you able to go your separate ways with respect to your company.

All the best and continue looking after yourself

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/01/05 05:29 PM

Hi IC,

My mother used to rail at me saying " Wait till you have teenagers. I fooled her I didn't have any." You have my heart felt compassion. I have several friends who are reliving their teen age angst from the other end of the spectrum these days. It can be just day to day tough.

I was in the elevator this moring with a young lad who had the same ipod as I did. We were both standing there smiling ...into the music,,,, me into Chet Baker and him I don't know what that was... It seems music is a remedy for both teen age woe and middle age bewilderment. Have you tried giving her some portable music..

It is tough growing up ... they are so uncertain of everything ... themselves ... their bodies...who they should be..

Or conversely, maybe you need one... then you could tune into something else sometimes!


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/01/05 06:07 PM
Hi Dukhuntr,

I liked your comment about letting go of the steering wheel and seeing where the road takes you.. I'm going on a road trip today for a couple of days .. I'll think about the analogy - with both hands on the wheel though!

Thanks too for the compliments. A chap in my meditation class said last week that he was told by a bonafide guru that you will never be enlightened if you think you are special.

I do think I am special. I am lucky in that. Where I am much much luckier still is that I absolutely know that everyone is equally special in a unique way. You are special. The gal you had dinner with is special. My OW with her lovely dark eyes, seductive smile and complicated problems is special. My husband is special. We are all special, I think because we are all very much alive and part of some larger very connected whole...

"... to know you are neither separate from nor superior to anyone." - Sogyal Rinpoche

Life is special. Every single moment.. including - no especially the agonizing moments are precious. They are the part of the experience that gives the contrast. If every thing in life was just plain happy - the picture would have no depth...

Thanks again for your encouragement...

Now after all that philosophizing.. I have to go clean out my fridge and pack... I hope you have a great weekend!


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/02/05 02:03 AM
Your writing skills and the way you express yourself are captivating and eloquent. You also have the patience to be a MC or IC for a living. Not once in all of your posts have you ever taken anyone to task or snubbed them in any way. I read some of the replies and I would have been hard pressed not to respond in kind. You on the other hand turned the table on those posts and did it in a way that made them "enjoy the journey".
I hope you continue your journal and consider expanding on it. I for one would be first in line to buy the complete story no matter what the outcome.

So what did I tell you? Get that book started. dukhuntr is right.

dukhuntr-would it be possible to have some background on you, so we may all help out here? Reno huh? We were thinking of a motorcycle ride up there for the run last weekend. It is very warm today (was suppose to be 90 but hit 101).

IC-I have a 22 yr old son and a 16 yr old daughter. Son has moved out on his own over a year ago. Daughter is definitely in her teenage state. May I be of some help? Just ask.

PB-I hope you have a wonderful road trip. Yes, only metaphorically of course...let go of the steering wheel and see what happens. Sometimes the harder we try the less we succeed (for the moment). I don't feel the OW is "smarter", manipulation is not a sign of genius.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/02/05 05:26 AM
I am one of those unfortunate people who found this site too late to turn the tide in my marriage. I met my EXWW in HS and we had been together ever since. She was the only woman I was ever with and I think I was the same for her, until D-Day. Now after a lot of hindsight and emotional discussions with her I even doubt that. She is the epitomy of a conflict avoider. Her picture would appear next to the definition in an encyclopedia.
We had 28 great years together and few if any problems for the most part. I am an avid outdoorsman and I also could be termed as OCD about golf. I kept the compulsive sports under control until the past few years when the kids started doing their own things. Before that we were the softball, little league and girl scout family. Both my Ex and I coached, ran snack bars and did our part to make these activities enjoyable for our kids.
As the kids got older my Ex went back to work after being a SAHM for 15 years. Since her return to work we have been really concentrating on improving our financial situation and retirement accounts. As I saw it things were finally starting to really look good for us. We were saving for retirement and still had the money to do the things we had always wanted to but just couldn't afford on one income. Both of us agreed that this had worked out perfectly for us because we had two independent, intelligent and well adjusted kids that loved us and loved life.
Well, I thought this at least. The Ex on the other hand felt trapped and pidgeon holed into the housewife mold. What she has said is she "just couldn't stand to do the same things day after day any more". She has also said that "she needed more than she was getting at home" and wanted "someone to care what she wanted". All of this first came out after I found her with a co-worker in a motel room. She had already been seeing him for 8 months every time I left town to hunt, fish or golf. She had even called friends of mine to go when I wasn't planning a trip and told them "he needs to get out more" just to be able to go to him. And the best part is he's 15 years younger than her and although she knows "its not a permanent thing" she "just couldn't give up what she had going" with him
Well after D-day I did pretty much everything MB says not to do. Lots of LB's, and first and foremost I made her leave the house. I told her to stay at her parents house across town(They were out of town), she went to the OM's apartment instead. From there everything that I could do wrong I did. Checking on her, calling her, e-mails appealing to her morals, etc. Needless to say it pushed her closer to him and they began appearing around town as if they were married already. After two months of the phone calls from friends telling were they were and what they were doing I couldn't take it anymore and we got the divorce. She said she didn't want it but in the end she asked me to get it done.
So here I am a single man again and not liking it much at all until just recently. About the only good to come out of this is I lost 45 pounds in 8 weeks and have only gained a few back. Don't get me wrong I am still in need of losing "more than a few pounds". So there you have it. The rest of my life before all of this has faded into the background and this stuff dominates my thoughts now. If I had not been born and raised here and been blessed with many great friends I would not be here now. I was a mess and they(along with a great MC)restored me to a functioning individual again. The AD's are also a blessing.
The kids are not happy but they just want us to get to a place where we all just go on. I think they need some peace in their lives too. Sorry for the long post but I still just seem to go on and on about all of this when given the opportunity.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/02/05 05:46 AM
Get the journal packed first! Your road trip will just be the next chapter in your book to be. I look forward to reading the story. This road trip is one in which you should definitely grip the steering wheel, but only while on the actual roadways. The remaining time at your destination should be traveled 'hands free" and as carefree as possible. Have a wonderful trip!


P.S. - Holiday, You should have come up for Street Vibrations! If you are into bikes you need to see this event. It's still new enough that the crazier elements haven't found it and its an amazing assembly of bikes and bikers in a small area. Lots of runs and lots of parties, plus plenty of exhibits and vendors.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/02/05 09:46 PM
dukhunter...first wow...I read your post and you can always make it long as you need it to be, that is why we are here, to be heard!

Yes, Street Vibrations, I need to tell you...that is where my H met the OW (his 2nd A). They met in one of the local bars and well, you can guess the rest of the story. Now I'm not sure if I want to visit Reno (I think I will, but right now, well, doesn't sound fun to me).

Do you and your wife get along after all of this? Is there any chance of reconciliation even after the divorce?

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/02/05 11:04 PM
Sorry about the Street Vibration call. That can't be a pleasant memory. I have been in a late plan B with the EXWW for over a month now and really no change at all. I think it was an exit A. She as I said is the ultimate conflict avoider. She went so far as to put a vacation mail hold on my mail after she left so she could sort out what she didn't want me to see before she brought it over to the house. If I hadn't come home for lunch one day and run into the mailman I would have never known.
She had been running up credit cards and getting new ones when she maxed out the old ones. No, I made her keep those in the divorce. They were all in her name only anyway. She and the OM are still in their thing and going strong. It continues even though our kids won't go near him nor her parents or brothers. My friends and family have all threatened bodily harm if I start talking reconciliation again. I would still try, I still have some love for her but she would have to really, really want to come back to clear the hurdles I have erected now. I don't think she has the desire anyway. Too much conflict to resolve for her. She went to MC twice, didn't like what she heard the first time and the second time she said she wanted to get back together. After hearing that I was so excited I went to her apartment to see her and the OM was there. Same thing the next morning. Called her to ask what was up and she lied and said she hadn't seen him in weeks. Needless to say she never went back to MC.
She has pretty much sealed herself off to everyone except the OM and the friends who didn't express any negatives to her. Only sees our kids once a week for dinner for an hour or so and even abandoned her dog to me. She still rages about exposure six months later. Reno is still really just a small town still and I know she is still being confronted by people weekly. Again not liking the conflict she created.
Well if Reno doesn't appeal to you Tahoe is incredible right now. The trees are changing color right now and the weather is perfect up there. Nothing more beautiful than the Tahoe basin in fall colors. The crowds are gone for the most part and the prices are way down on rooms. I hope you weekend was pleasant. Have a great week!

Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/03/05 12:34 AM
I was going to add I'd love to visit Tahoe!
Sorry to read of your EXW's issues. Too sad she didn't stick it out in MC. She will continue to have the same issues in the next relationship.
Have a wonderful evening. Still hot here. Til tomorrow,
PS Hope pb is having a wonderful trip!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/03/05 04:24 AM
Hi Holiday/Dukhuntr,

I do love road trips... They are easy - you can decide and go in usually less than 20 minutes. The dog and I looked at each other Saturday morning - nodded and off we went.

I made a quick call and we ended up joining some friends for a seafood dinner and spent the night on their boat in the Thousand Islands. I arrived at the restaurant first, ordered a table for five. There were four of us - three grown ups and a lovely teenage daughter. The waiter asked if the fifth was joining us soon. I just smiled said no actually it's just me living in the past. Everyone looked down or away for a moment while he took the place setting away.

We talked and laughed like we have been doing for decades. I brought a photo in a magnetic frame of when my girlfriend and I were in our early twenties - and definitely babes - her eyes shining with strength and confidence - mine with mischief. It is great cleaning out your house - you find wonderful things ...

The next day we worked getting their boat ready for the winter. I have gimpy shoulder she has a sore hip - we did everything carefully... taking sails down, caulking hatches, storing lines - it was a sunny day... on brillant blue water. What more could you ask for?

Amazing how the weekends go so fast.

Glad to see you two chatting, it helps to talk about it - Dukhuntr .. particularly with people who have been through it...

Tahoe would be a great trip!


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/03/05 05:39 AM

Late Saturday night - wrapped in a sleeping bag, I stared out a boat hatch at an incredibly starry sky and missed my husband unbearably. The dog was snoring. I thought of how many nights I had laid awake lisening to them both snore, usually grumpy because it was keeping me awake ...

Groping around in the dark, I turned on Taj Mahal, cranked up the earphones and lisened to that deep baritone voice sing "Put some shake in your shaker and quake in your quaker..." I find now even when I'm crying, if I'm lisening to great music, my toes and feet move to the beat. I think this is a very good sign .. it means I have some body parts having a good time! Before I knew it my good shoulder was moving and my head was bopping.

I started to remember just how much I love to dance. I use to sail on the Tall Ships and we would have just great impromtu dances - unfortunately almost always all girls under the moon while gliding through the water.

I like all kinds of dancing from the playing the imaginary guitar in your stocking feet shimmy to a hot latin rumba....

Dancing is a metaphor for SF - it is all about rhythmic, paired movement, connecting in space fully aware of your body and your partner's body ... moving with a flow...While I wouldn't describe myself as sexually experienced I did cover more bases than my husband did before our relationship - the guy who could play me like an instrument - was a great dancer!

I am convinced if we had learned how to dance well together we would have scored high marks for SF.

He hates dancing. Since we have been married not counting our wedding dance - to "As Time Goes By" I can count on one hand the number of dances...I have had with him.

If he ever decides he wants to come back to our marriage - my number one condition is going to be that the man learn how to dance with style, grace and abandon! I mean - jive, latin, ballroom, not just the regular old hip swaying wiggle , did I say latin - the works.

I think the chickens have a very good point on dancing... What good is a male if he can't dance? If he can't strut his stuff - what does that tell you - girls?
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/03/05 07:03 PM

After signing off last night, I took the dog out to quickly stretch his legs before bed, thinking at 1.30 a.m. I was safe I walked past the OW's door and promptly ran smack into her.

The woman without question has had me completely wupped.

In the last year and one half I do not think I have looked her straight in the eye. I wear sunglasses, peaked caps, I look away. In the final weeks we walked together when she really started to be aggressive, I pretended I didn't hear her and talked out about the weather. "So do you think it will snow soon!" Perhaps not an apt reply to someone telling you they are in love with your husband; will be handling his divorce and that you probably won't be left with much after they are through. Later I just out and out avoided her.

When she blurted out their involvement, I could NOT let her see the devastation in my eyes... I was conscious that it might give her enjoyment and that would just be worse.

In business, if I let someone wup me like that I would make a poor living. It doesn't happen to me at work. I am not attached to the cash or outcome the same way I am to my husband. I can walk into a dicey dust up and smooth things out with calm pragmatism - never for a moment taking any of the issues personally. This is just so personal.

Last night I wasn't wearing sunglasses, no hat.. I didn't look away... I looked her straight in the eye and I gave her my own slow megawatt smile. Unfortunately, it wasn't with the true compassion I aspire to. It was with the thought " Darling I have seen you dance..."

It really does help to journal, slowly you sort out the jumble of emotions you feel into an ordered outlook on the situation. Thanks guys for encouraging me do this - it is working..
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/03/05 08:41 PM
Sounds like you crossed one small barrier in your life already, just as I did. The passion you have for life and the world around you will get you thru all of this. I wish I could be as strong emotionally as you. I still get really uptight and weak when I have to see the EX. I actually make my self sick thinking about seeing her again. I think that is why I try to avoid it at all costs. I look at her and an image of the OM instantly comes into my head and the "why birds" start flying around again.
I don't know about you but each form of contact with her triggers all the same emotions all over again in me. They don't last as long anymore but the same cycle occurs each time. First you get the pangs of loss, then the whys, then the anger, and then lastly the sense of futility. The anger part is what really scares me. When I discovered them it was the first time I had any inkling anything physical was going on. I lost it in that motel room at Tahoe and I went postal on the OM and hurt him pretty good. After beating on him I went out to my truck and got a gun and headed back to the room to do something stupid and my daughter called me to ask if I had found her mother. She is the one who told me where her mother was.The Ex had called her to tell her she would not be home that night and to tell me not to look for her she needed to "think about our relationship". Caller ID gave her the number I used to track them down. When I told her I was going to do something drastic my daughter saved me, she talked me down by telling me how much she and her brother needed me. She said she didn't know where her mother was headed and needed to know I would still be there for her.
To this day that is the worst feeling I have ever felt. I lost my entire sense of self worth and was going to throw everything else that meant anything to me away because of my EX. After months of IC I can still recall that feeling and it scares me to think how fast I got there.
That is why I enjoy your posts and journals so much. You focus on everything else in life that is beautiful and rewarding even without the companion that used to make it more wonderful. The analogy between dancing and SF is perfect. When two people dance well together you see that they have connected in a way that is sensual and unspoken the same as in a physical relationship.

I have been writing all of this stuff out again for you guys and I do think the writing does help organize your thoughts and has given me a release from the self doubts. I talked my friends to death the last few months and it didn't seem to help at the time. It only served to keep everything fresh in my mind and painful. I do still have the reconciliation fantasies running thru my head all the time. I know in my head she will never change her CA issues but my heart seems to want to hang on to the vision of the future I had before all of this happened.
I have continued with IC and I have asked my counselor to get me to a place where I would not melt like a chocolate bar on a Las Vegas street in July if she were to show up and express a desire to come back to me. He's the same MC the EX went to and he is convinced this is where I need to be also. She lied to him too and had him completely convinced also. He still marvels on how well she can tell a lie and believe it herself.
Right now I have been helping my kids cope with some more bad news. Their uncle on the Ex's side who has been very close to them their whole lives has just been arrested on his 5th DUI. A long term alcoholic who has been thru rehab 4 times and narrowly missed mandatory jail the last time now is headed for a long strech on prison. We all knew it was coming, but we have done all we could even interventions and such. I feel the worst for my ex-mother in law. Her comment was "great, now I have two felons and an adultress for children". The other uncle had a drug problem and the usual issues regarding how he got the money to support his habits.
I guess my problems are getting less and less critical in terms of what they could be. I'm home sick today with a flu bug so that's why I seem to be going on so long here. I can't sleep and I ache too much to just lie down and watch TV. Hope all is weel with you and let me know if you decide to run up to Tahoe. You don't need a tour guide there but I do know some great eating and drinking spots that enhance any visit. I do also know of one motel in particular you might want to avoid. Bad karma there!


Duck season opens Saturday!- Bad news for the duckies this year- no restrictions on how much time spent in the marsh and a humidor full of cigars to smoke while hunting.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/04/05 01:23 AM
dukhunter...amazing...your wife's family has a few of my H's relatives, not kidding.
I think my H comes from an additive background and has fought long and hard not to fall victim to it completely.

He is one of 7. Oldest brother has been married three times. The last marriage of 13 years ended with him having an affair with his old "high school sweetheart", whom she left a 30 year marriage for.

Next oldest is a sister who has been through three husbands, two children by different Fathers, a multitude of jobs, all which end in her giving them a lawsuit. As well in a 9 week retreat for sex addiction.

Next a sister who has three children, all by different Father's First one born when she was 15 and her Mother raised her son as her own. Her oldest daughter is addicted to meth and three years ago sued our insurance for $100,000.00 when she and my H tipped over on his motorcycle while giving her a ride and skining her shin.

Next his brother who in high school was the biggest druggie which then converted in his 30's to being the biggest NA rep in the state he lives in (was a blessing). Married twice, divorced once, but before converting to a drug free life his first wife was addicted to gambling and uppers.

Then my H's youngest brother. Has two children with two different women, one he married, one he was in high school with. Ex wife has 3 DUI's, that we know of (she still drives around with my 8 year old nephew unseatbelted in the car).

My family doesn't have too much going on. Rather we have issues that our parents basically raised us then we moved out and they began their lives without us (they don't really even contact their grandchildren).

Soooooooo, everyone has somethin'.

I will say a prayer for our children tonight. I will also pray that I will have words to express inspiration for us in the future.

Have a nice too PB!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/04/05 07:10 AM
Hi Dukhuntr/Holiday,

Wowser...those were some posts. I will need time to digest all the information and complicated situations....

Spent 9 hours in an emergency room tonight with my Dad - I had picked him up from his nursing home yesterday and popped him up to my Mom for his weekly overnight visit.

When you are confined to a nursing home - getting to spend a night at home with your wife is a treat. He takes her out to get her hair done and they have a diner lunch. It's a big deal.

Tonight, when I went to pick him up, he had severe chest pain.... He is still in the hospital but stable and doing well.... perked up right away when a very pretty nurse came on shift... Men are men no matter how old they get...

Got to go to bed ... pooped.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/04/05 03:06 PM
Oh pb...I will say a prayer for your Dad. My Dad was in 5 hour surgery Mom didn't tell any of us (3 siblings) about his surgery until last Thursday, so no one was able to be there for them. Again, they are a strange couple. I called her last night to check on her and she had been sitting in the waiting room for over 4 hours without anyone, nor any of the staff letting her know what was going on.

I forgot to add that my H does have one wonderful sister (I didn't think to add her into that above mix). She was married at 18 to a fella coming home from Viet Nam pretty messed up (drug wise). Divorced after only a year. Then married to a wonderful man for almost 19 years whom passed away in 1996. Now married to another wonderful man who is a quadrapaligic (splg?).

I hope you both have a good day. I am off to Laughlin for the day to visit my niece and nephew,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/04/05 03:17 PM
Hi Dukhuntr:

" I actually make my self sick thinking about seeing her again. I think that is why I try to avoid it at all costs. I look at her and an image of the OM instantly comes into my head .....The anger part is what really scares me."

It sounds like contact with your ex is just toxic for you right now and to be avoided. I agree the anger is what I find the most challenging about this type of situation. Living so close to the action as it were... I have had a few murderous thoughts myself and I definitely get the urge to just break things. I've never experienced such strong negative emotions before.

Every time I pick up something up to throw it though ... I stop and think wait a minute this is mine and I really like it - plus it seems just rude to be scaring the dog. So instead, I go to the beach and imagine the waves just washing it all away.

Visual imagery is very powerful. You can use it too.

Yes she is acting in a way that hurts big time. However, on the flip side..everyone has the right to live their own lives.. make choices.. sometimes make very bad choices and learn from the consequences.

I am so happy you have a daughter and son that love you. There is always a plus in every situation ... for you it may be that you got two great kids out of the deal.

I never understood crimes of passion - how anyone could just so completely lose it - now I do. You have alot to be thankful for. A daughter who has the presence of mine to save you....from tossing your life away... and causing pain to others. What a gift..

Our marriage appears to be ending after a few quiet talks. I think after 25 years - there should be some yelling and a ruckus - maybe even alittle bit of smashed china. I have an emergency item that I plan to break - should the OW come over and tell me how sorry she is that our marriage failed. One of my husband's trophys - a ceramic bowl.. it should hurl through space nicely.... but by then I probably won't need to destroy anything.

Dealing with this is NOT about how strong you are, it is about perspective - how clearly you see the situation for what it is. Keep writing!

Hi Holiday,

I think I can understand, why your husband really appreciates you. He must look around at his brothers and sisters and then his own situation and think "Wow did I get lucky."

I believe he got very lucky!


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/04/05 04:17 PM
Holiday and Paradise,
I like to think I am past all of that anger now and I can cope with the rest of this stuff rationaly. I'm sorry to hear about you Dad PB. Coming at this time makes it even more difficult. ALthough it might serve to take your mind elsewhere for a while. Any break for me in thinking about my marital woes is welcome. I don't know about your sich but too much time thinking about one subject can't be good.

Holiday, your Dad and mine come for the same cloth. Mine has a multitute of physical problems and never tells anyone anything until it's done and handled or he is ready for you to know. It must be some sort of generational thing where they don't want to lose some of their independence? All you can do is be there for them when they are ready. In my case my father has been taking me hunting and fishing since I was 5yrs old. Now he's not really capable of going on his own and I take him out. I really enjoy this because I feel like it's my turn to give back some of what he gave to me. He used to carry me out on his back to the marsh so I could hunt. My mother who hates birds(angry rooster as a child) used to go just to help with my brother and I. I have done the same things for my son and daughter and I think this is what family is all about. Sharing what you enjoy and making memories.

Keeping perspective is a must in these times. PB you are right on the mark as usual. I have two great kids and I want to be there to share the time I have left with them and their children. We all have things that are worth looking forward too if you really sit back and think about it. Lost visions of how it would have been seem to cloud your thoughts and how you move forward. Maybe there is a "fog" that the BS needs to clear also. It's the fog of their version of where they were headed in life and where they wanted to be and with whom they would share it. The future you want is still there you just have to alter how you get there.

I want to thank both of you for sharing your thoughts with me. You can talk to friends all you want and they just don't know the depths of feelings involved if they haven't been thru this. The two of you have really helped me to put some clarity to my sich and I thank you again.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/05/05 04:04 AM

I sat with my Dad tonight in the hospital. He was heavily sedated. He patted my hand told me "I knew you'd be here.. I just want to sleep now." He is looking very old. I know I am going to lose him.

Sometimes you come across or meet people - where spending time with them has been a priviledge. My Dad is the number one person I have felt lucky to spend time with. He still makes me laugh, think and be thankful.

I say prays for Dad daily. He doesn't need them. He is fine with where he is right now. I know he is getting tired and he wants to move on. I really need him to stay awhile longer though...besides which my Mom would be mad at him...if he pooped out on us before he made it to 90. She has been planning a party.

Woke up early this morning, poured a coffee and took the dog to the beach; I go to the beach now usually twice a day... sometimes early enough to catch the sun rise... and always after work to watch it set. My life is slowly developing a new rhythm. Every hour has music in it now practically... today K.D.Lang's song The Valley.

My husband would always wake me up in the morning with a cup of coffee. He was usually up first. I've been really missing that. Sitting on my kitchen counter this morning is a sleek stainless steel coffee maker. It has a timer!

Mrs. J (knitting teacher - cranky panky!) was sitting in our lobby this morning, waiting for a bus pick up to take her to her volunteer work at a nearby hospital. She made me promise to come to class; "We will have a joke and I will make you cake..." I really like her. She is a survivor. She has lived long enough to know what life is really about and is very happy to share it with you... life is all about sharing things...moments... smiles ... tears... cake and most of all jokes!


My Dad's cardiologist at the hospital called. He has refused to have an IV inserted. He won't allow them to put a tube down his throat either. All the invasive procedures that she would normally do to keep him alive -he is saying no to. He had a second heart attack yesterday.

After a long painful discussion we have elected to proceed with oral medication only. Should a code situation occur while he is being stablized - there will be surface electrical stimulation only and only if he will agree to it.

The doctor is saying that at this point with the damage already present - all the procedures required would be painful and only done if the patient is willing. He still could stabilize and live another few months or a year .. you can't tell....

Right now I really need a joke.

At my Aunt's funeral, we lost track of the procession and ended up at the cemetry - front bumper to front bumper with the hearse - seeing the shocked dismay in the driver's eyes.

I was driving with my entire family in the car. We were on a narrow lane way and I couldn't back out of the way without literally driving over someone's grave. We ended up backing up over a mile like that - the hearse following us only a few feet away - the entire procession behind it. When we finally reached her open grave site, everyone in our car was laughing so hard - we were crying.. Dad was sitting beside me shaking with laughter saying between gasps how Grace would have loved it!

Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/05/05 03:27 PM
pb, keeping your Dad in my prayers as well as your Mom and you.

I wish I could have the same relationship you have with your Dad and you too dukhuntr. My Father never let me (nor any of us for that matter) in emotionally. In the past I had tried many of times to walk though his arrows to get close to him, but his aim was so precise.

For the past 15 years I really don't converse with him too long. I calculate just how long, 5 min, 30 min or woo hoo 1 hr has gone by without him saying something negative about me. I have since learned "it's not about me" which helps for the most part.

When my H betrayed me, it hurt all the worse as I felt "no man" can really care about me the way I need to be cared for. To date my H is trying very hard, but I do have little set backs.

Talking to my Father last night via phone to the hospital, it turned into the same thing. Only he was too drugged to sling an arrow, only could give me a tone on how I have never been in as much pain as he was in now. I sometimes find him down right infantile!

Oh well, I keep praying that someday God will show him the way.

Have a good day you two!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/05/05 05:27 PM
Hi Holiday,

I am sorry for your Dad's blindness, not everyone was cut out to be a parent. I'm sure in some ways your kids benefited indirectly. You learned what not to do by his example. I'm including your Dad in my prayers too.

It is beautiful weather here. I have packed up a kit to give Dad a haircut and shave with... going to spend the day with him... looking at photos if he is up to it. I may even sneak him a beer.

I have been cutting both my Dad's and Husband's hair for decades now. It started as a cost saving measure and ended up just a domestic ritual. I just wondered where WS has been getting his haircut lately... probably a chi chi salon.

I drove by a cute blond at the beach this morning that made me think of you... riding a brand new soft pink Vespa, matching helmet and leathers...not a Harley girl but certainly one with attitude.


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/05/05 06:52 PM
Yes it is a wonderful thing to have supportive and loving parents. In your case you are not the one missing the boat, your father is. Your father missed out on all that he could have shared and and been a part of and it makes me wonder if this is part of your siblings problems in life. You recognized what was missing and have chosen a different role for your own life and that speaks volumns about you as a person.

By all means take your Dad whatever he wants. Beer, wine, or even smuggle in a flask of expensive single malt scotch. Make it another memory you can look back on forever as something you and he shared together in fun. How many skills can one person possess. Writing, business, and now hair styling? Do you rodeo also? Bobsledding maybe? Don't tell me you flyfish and tie your own flies, if you do I may have to move! Ever tried golf? No don't tell me I would move then!

The Ex has started to e-mail me concerns about our children all of a sudden. Mind you these kids are 23 and 21 and pretty self sufficient and very bright. It's usually about how much time I am spending with them or one of them seems down in the dumps. When I ask the kids about it there is never a problem or issue involved. What is she doing here? Just trying to get me to break my plan B silence? She is definitely still with the guy and knowns I will not talk to her about anything but the kids, so whats up with the stupid stuff? I hope the fog is not lifting. I am not ready for that yet! Too many doubts still lingering and too much residual love and respect left over to outweigh the negatives. Would someone with the conflict aviodance issues she has try and get back on the fence between us again? Probably just my reconciliation fantasy talking again but what do you guys think?

Have a great day with your Dad Paradise and you too Holiday.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/06/05 04:06 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

"Maybe there is a "fog" that the BS needs to clear also. It's the fog of their version of where they were headed in life and where they wanted to be and with whom they would share it. The future you want is still there you just have to alter how you get there."

I liked this comment. A marriage can be likened to two bonded atoms - when a separation occurs both atoms are sent spinning. I have gone from a very well ordered perspective on my life, my marriage, my husband, my career, myself to basically - pudding brain.

I don't even know what I want anymore. I am changing. I have absolutely no idea where I will be living or what I will be doing next year. Most days I really only know I have to spend as much time as possible at the beach.

As a BS you are dealing with accelerated changes amidst enormous uncertainty often relating to almost all aspects of your life - moving residence, living alone after decades of a couple existence, the option of divorce versus reconciliation, property issues. For example, in terms of the company we own... there are major issues there.. I will need to deal with. Whilst all this is happening there is an emotional rocket ride...

It also impacts how you view yourself and the world. Does it have to be negative - no. The old saying about the chinese symbol for crisis - same symbol for opportunity.

I do feel like I am in a fog. I also think if I manage to stay perfectly calm, free myself from any dark emotions and strain my senses, eventually my life in a new form will emerge from the mist. The only thing I know for sure is that there definitely will be more dancing.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/06/05 05:38 AM

Dad is Dad. What can I say. No IVs, no tubes, just my dear old shameless flirt of a father, chatting up the nurses, gleeful he has got his way.

On my way to the hospital I was sad. After seeing him so weak last night, hearing there had been a second heart attack and having to tell a doctor today to basically let him die should another attack occur - I was expecting the worst only to find the best.

I walk into his room on the cardiac ward and he beams at me - clear eyed and completely rational - looking positively fine.

Yes he would like a shave. "Leave me a bit of my nose ... Do I have to tip you? Would you like to be tipped up or down?"

Haircut sure... "Leave me at least one ear dear... Am I handsome now? Where is the dog? Tell him Grandpa misses him. Did I tell you your mother and I loved you the moment we saw you? " Likewise...

My husband walked into the room - as I was shaving my Dad, I looked up at him briefly before concentrating on the task at hand...

My Dad was really happy to see him... started to tease him right away.... Hubby looked at me and said "You know he really is an ever ready battery bunny."

I'm cautious with my husband these days. When visiting hours were over, we walked to our cars together - talking mostly business... he sounded almost normal there for awhile. I thanked him for coming. It was a nice thing to do.

Until, he started to complain about not seeing me... "Why can't we at least go to dinner this week end? Apparently, he really doesn't want to be married anymore, he wants to live in his own apartment - spend time with the OW but finds it unreasonable of me to not want to see him on casual dates... Wacko wacko wacko...

Even lisening to him talk about next year's numbers - he's just gone loopy.

The friend I stayed with over the weekend, had a long talk with him last week, her comment was that he has so much me, myself and I going on - I don't see that there is alot of room for a fourth person. He won't even consider seeking help but I firmly believe he needs it. I don't know what the proper medical jargon would be - banana head I think covers it for me.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/06/05 07:09 AM
Up late...
Trying to get my holiday stock up...a never ending process.

Well, dukhuntr...hmmm, her fog lifting? Could be or it sounds something like PB's husband...just keeping one foot in the door (hopefully they are wearing sandals!)

She sounds like she still wants a connection with you and your life. I feel when we are with someone as long as the three of us all have been, the WS definitely has a piece of us and when they "think" they need to "find themselves" and try to replace that piece, they wake up one day, look in the mirror and notice a hole they can't repair.

My H has been very edgy lately. Scares me. This is the month last year is when he had his second PA. He is studying very hard to pass his paramedic classes and when he's tired he gets opinionated (picky). I haven't worked since 1996 outside the home. We made a deal the day he bought his Harley...he gets Harley and I retire. He truly likes me home (at the time we still had two younger children home, now only our 16 year old). I don't make a killing on ebay as when we moved from our little 1914 cottage in Prescott, AZ (I miss that place terribly) and moved here to tract and stucco land, my business connections in vintage and collectible items seized.

Anyway, off to bed. PB have you asked your H what would he wish to talk about on a mini date at dinner? Like, what is his agenda? I still think your spouses want the best of both worlds...but they can't have it.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/06/05 03:38 PM
Sounds like you had the good day with your father you were looking for! You even "kept it in perspective" when the WH showed up. Good for you! I think you are right in not letting him fence sit with you. He needes to make up his mind to "fish or cut bait". Your being with him here and there will only allow his indecision to continue and as messed up as his thinking is,if he can get away with it it will feed his ego. Your friends even sensed his narcissim showing up. I thinks WS's all have some narcissm to an extent. You have to, to rationalize what you are doing to people you love or even just care for. WS's have to concentrate all of their focus on whats best for them and the he** with everyone else. How else can you continue down a path that is morally and socially wrong and still look yourself in the mirror every morning? My EX even said this to me after I exposed. Her comment was "I don't care about what other people think, they do not know about me".

And by the way no one who has ever read what you have to say or how you express your feelings would ever call you "pudding brained". You are as far from that as anyone I have ever corresponded with. Just because you you have emotions and feelings, and a conscience does not make you pudding brain. It makes you a real and complete person.

Thanks for your thoughts on the EX, thats a more likely explanation for her sudden concerns. She hasn't paid much attention to her children for a long time and now that the initial excitement of her new relationship is becoming more mundane a hole would appear where family used to fit. I worry about her still and I know it's no longer my place but how can you just suddenly stop after 28 years? Her "boy toy" is 15 years younger than her and wants a family. She has hers and doesn't want any more children. They started this even knowing that "it's not a permanent thing" from the beginning. I think that has been the hardest thing for me personally to deal with. Knowing that she left for something temporary and short term without ever trying to fix our relationship first. Heck, without saying we had problems first!

Your radar has popped up with your H so don't sit back and see what happens! He has been studying hard and I asume still working too so invest some time and effort with him. He may not be feeling the appreciation he needs right now and some LB deposits are in order! I know you need to get you stock up for the holidays but maybe he feels his stock needs to be replentished too. Time for the ride to Tahoe I think! My Grandmother lives in Prescott and its a lot like Northern Nevada. Reminds me a lot of Virginia City only bigger and fewer saloons.

Duck season only two days away!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/06/05 10:30 PM
Hi Holiday,

my business connections in vintage and collectible items seized.

What about looking at a different business model. One say involving old movies in DVD format. I watched a fascinating documentary on Ebay. Their prime success story illustration was a couple who sell old movies on DVDs..- husband quit his job after four months.. they had to build a new building on their property to store stock.

It would be an easy model to build. You would have to research suppliers, costs, etc. You may be able to buy authorized versions made abroad economically. There are existing sites to look at for an example of how to go about it; getting an idea of the titles which move, what they are charging, where other sellers are getting their stock etc.

It is appealing because you can make much more money on a product class where you are adding a margin versus creating from scratch. Plus there would not be a big cash outlay up front. No sewing.. just shipping.

Hope you have a great day.


P.S. Just talked to a neighbor - she met my WS this morning coming out of you know whose door ... banana head!
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/07/05 04:56 AM
Thanks PB.
I can always use business advise. My sitch is though that I love to sew (create). I just wish I could think of more things I can make that someone can't live without, ha!

So old Banana Head was in the neighborhood. How nice. You are so cool. I too don't think you are a "puddin head" for trying to make things still work. I think when we get to the gates and St Peter looks at us, then his clipboard, he'll say,
"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, you were married to (spouse's name)? Well, you are going straight to heaven. You've already done your time in *ell."

I'm off to early bed,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/07/05 05:49 AM

I agree, it makes it harder to think that without real complaint - they are prepared to walk away for something that common sense would suggest is going to be temporary. It just that common sense has nothing to do with this. I think the love bank paradigm is a good one, but not the whole picture - wrong has a draw to it - breaking a rule is exciting.

This is compulsion. I haven't felt compulsion in a long long long time. I don't think regularly walking back to check that my car lights are off - when I'm positive they are -qualifies.

The last time I experienced compulsion I was a child. I've been trying to remember the sensation so I can relate to what my WS is going through.

I had two terrifying habits when I was a toddler and young child.

I took off the minute you weren't looking. Gone in a flash as fast as I could run out into the world. I spent many an hour in a wide variety of managers' offices usually being fed candy, even crossed a busy six lane highway once pushing a little pink pram as a four year old. No wonder my Mom went prematurely white.

I loved to be up high. I still do. I would climb out windows to the roof, trees, bridges anything high. I used to climb a very big old apple tree in our yard to the point where the new growth at the top was. Branches only as big as my finger. I'd leapt up gather an armful and hang there like a monkey swaying with them in the wind - just a fabulous feeling of being free - always a little tricky getting down, dropped 30 - 35 feet on more than one occasion.

My early vocations appeared to be hobo or aerial circus performer. Neither came to past. When scolding, spanking, isolation and taking away priviledges did nothing to curb my urges. My mother instead kept me in a harness and on a leash - literally I was tied to her wrist whenever we went anywhere.

I also spent several of my early years tied in that harness to a clothes line. I can still remember how sad I was on windy days, looking up at the tree branches swaying in the wind.

Sometimes when we would run into the OW my WS would look just unbelievably sad - it is all about compulsion how an experience makes you feel.

I never thought for a moment what it must have been like for my mother staring up at her six year old daughter clinging to a few twigs or scampering from roof to roof all the way down the street to avoid capture, or looking up from filling out a deposit slip at a bank to find me gone - the sheer gut wrenching terror of it. As a child I only knew that going places and being up high was exhilerating.

I will still drive 500 miles round trip for an ice cream and a good view... but I haven't climbed anything since I used to run up the rigging on the Tall Ships as a teenager -being up high while going somewhere - how cool was that.

My Dad cured me of running off. He wittled a willow branch into a hobo stick..(Dad grew up in the depression). Tied up my bunny, a dolly and some candy in a checked napkin and left it by the door. After calmly telling me that if I wanted to go live somewhere else that was fine, but I should take my things with me, so they would know I wanted to leave them. When he put it like that I didn't want go anymore. That stick stayed by our door for years my parents still laugh about it.

It is because it is wrong, dangerous, risky, a could lose everything proposition - that there is such a charge to it. The OW makes my WS feel alive.

However, when it is not wrong anymore, when they live with the OW or OM ... when reality sets in... the high evaporates.

My WS in his current state of mind has no concept of what this is putting me through... if he did he wouldn't be doing it.



PS. Holiday loved your hole in them or pieces missing analogy.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/07/05 06:22 AM
Yes wrong really must create somthing like a high or a rush. Like moths to flame, I just hope they all get too close and burn their wings. I want to be there when it happens to hear the thud when they land.

Holiday can you imagine paradise being an unruly child? I'm having trouble with that one. Must have had a near death experience or some other life altering occurence. You are light years away from that persona now paradise.

All of this talk about business makes me think of work. As a CPA I have helped people with all of this stuff for years. Startups, Valuations, etc. Get together with a good CPA/Consulting firm locally. They can walk you thru all of this stuff and save both of you time and money in the long run. I work in private industry now so I'm a little rusty on this stuff but if you need basic advice, fire away.

Well I need to rest, big night at the duck club tomorrow night. Everyone goes cabin to cabin with their glass and just like trick or treat you get refills. Opening morning is "foggy" every year regardless of the weather. Pent up demand from the offseason I guess. That and good times with old friends and new!

Have a good night!

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/07/05 05:17 PM
Paradise and Holiday
Just have some free time this morning and have fallen back into the dwell mode. In the course of my IC we have been dealing with my feelings of loss and anger for the most part. We haven't spent a great deal of time talking about my issues that created the environment that allowed my Ex's A to happen. I am well aware that I have contributed to my own problems but nothing I would consider fatal. I would love for you guys to hear me out and tell me what you think.

My issues she took offense to were that I had all of my outlets such as hunting, fishing, etc and she was limited because of bad knees , and a recently replaced hip. She felt there was no excitement in her life and she could not go on doing the same things day after day any more. We traveled together, went to basketball and baseball games together and dined out frequently. We also followed a local band and would see them at every opportunity. So I am not sure what she meant by this.

I have also made two career moves in the past several years (all for the better) and I have spent a great deal of time at home after work by myself. I would come home eat and visit with the family then retreat to my basement to relax and unwind. I was very concerned about what I was doing with my career and the new jobs all entailed a higher level of performance and responsibility and I was under a considerable strain. I have to admit it probably appeared to her that I had distanced myself from her. When in fact I was simply unsure of myself and unsettled.

As far as SF, that has never been an issue in our marriage. We have always been passionate, caring and sometimes very daring in that respect. Even a very loving morning on D-Day!

As for the day to day household chores she was a dynamo. She liked to have a neat and clean home and never let anything slide. She only let me help out to a small extent inside the house and the outside was all mine except for her flower garden. She did all of the cooking except when we barbequed and I think enjoyed cooking.

Well my question here is do you think that after 24 years of making this work and being happy you can become bored with your life and just want out? Or is the OM the cause of the change? How much did my distancing myself effect her? Could her hip problem have contributed to her restlessness?

I know I am rambling here but some days you just need to search for answers even though you know there aren't any. I wonder now how long these questions will haunt me and send me back into my funk.

Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/07/05 11:23 PM
Hey just want you both to know I will read your posts better later tonight or tomorrow.
Also, what does SF mean (I think I have a clue).
Hope you both are having a wonderful Friday.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/08/05 04:42 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

What were the things that your wife found interesting or enjoyed doing? Did you spend time on her passions as well? With bad knees - you can still line dance, swim, go to movies, cycle, play cards, entertain, do tai chi, take any manner of courses - photography - even couples cooking classes!

It sounds like maybe she would have liked trying different things.

Every marriage has shortcomings. I don't believe they justify having an affair. Virtually everyone I know has some needs that are not being met by their spouse. I do think this site has an excellent pardigm for improving communciation within marriages and provides a great perspective or how to manual on improving them. Marriages are all about communication.

Was the OM the sole cause or a contributing factor? No one knows that for certain I am sure not even your wife, but I would bet a combination of things come into play. It is easy to be harsh with a WS because the pain is so intense, but I suspect Dr. Harley is right everyone is capable of an affair given the right set of triggers.

From the details at the bottom of your posts, it looks as though in three or four months, you two decided to end a very long mostly happy relationship. A relationship, that given its tenure defines parts of both your lives and will leave a lasting perspective.

To me it seems too quick, like trying to make a decision on which way to go while standing in a dust storm. She was not thinking rationally and probably still isn't. People having affairs never do. Finding them together like that - must have tanked your ability to calmly assess the situation. I know I couldn't come to that conclusion in that time. Everyone is different dealing with this type of thing.

What is important is not your current marital status, it is answering the question - Do you still love your wife?

If you do - then you wait - do the program outlined on this site, keep your hope alive and do a personal inventory of what you would like to change in yourself, your life and your marriage.

If you don't - then you get on with exploring life but I still think you need to do the inventory on what you want to change in yourself and your life.

This kind of fundamental change is like a threshold, you need to pause and think carefully before you step through.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/09/05 02:51 AM

I keep losing track but I think next week I will have been separated for 10 or 11 weeks. I've thought non-stop pretty much every day and sorted out all of 2 conclusions:

1) Irrespective, of what I end up doing for a livelihood - I am not going to work the hours I am accustomed to working because I really like going to the beach.

2) I going to pursue old passsions. I want to: dance more frequently and more expertly; join a climbing gym, after my shoulder has healed and I've trained for it; take more trips maybe even take up horse back riding again.

I'm trying hard - but clearly not making huge progress.

I took my Mom out to dinner tonight then on to see Dad. He has been released from hospital and is doing fairly well back in the nursing home.

She always surprises me.

A tiny frail, white haired 80 year old woman with perfect hair and nails, sitting across from me, lisening calmly - as I simply said we had split up and he was seeing one of my former friends.

"Oh well, I'm glad, you're far too nice of a girl to be treated badly. Don't waste anytime getting your divorce dear - your only 50 - you have a very happy life ahead of you. The jacket you are wearing is lovely. Who made it? Where's my drink"

She spent the rest of dinner trying to convince me to get involved in politics. That's my Mom don't waste any time on nonsense - lets get to the broad strokes.

My mother needs help walking, she holds on to my arm and likes me to walk in step with her. She has plastic knees and a plastic hip. As I looked at our feet I smiled - she was wearing red boots!


I find journaling really helps me sort out my thoughts or at least put them to rest. Once you write a thought down it seems to leave the building - not just spin around a dozen or so times.

It just feels sooooo like I'm back in 10th grade, my boyfriend has ditched me for one of my girlfriends and I have to watch them flirt through home room. Except I'm 50 not 15, and they are doing more than flirting.

I'm getting better, with people prying and asking me questions. I just say.. I'm speechless what can I say and leave it at that.

It helps NOT to talk about it. I've stopped bringing up the subject with friends. Ultimately, if I am right and we had a pretty great marriage for a very long time.. I would think that at some point that may be relevant again but I don't know... in fact I know absolutely nothing. I remind myself of Schultz on Hogan's Heroes.

The problem with this kind of scenario is it puts into question - alot of what you believed to be true about a big chunk of your existence for a very long time - it opens the door to doubt your life. Even though one part of your brain knows this is all about him, not you... there is still something that nags away at you.

I am going to try to just let go. I'm not giving up on my marriage. I am just not going to spend any more time - puzzling over it - until there is some demonstrable change in his behaviour.

I need to make more lists. Get more done. Focus on regular day to day matters.

For example, I did finally go out and buy a floral duvet cover and sham pillow covers this week. A rich brown and gold chinese brocade. I was trying to go for something different from what we have and I ended up with something he would love too. After so many years together your tastes merge.

I went out today to upgrade my cell phone so it will work in Prague - should I decide I am still going next week - its going to be a last minute judgement call - given Dad's latest in a long series of heart attacks.

The chap who helped me looked terrible - thin, unshaven, like he hadn't slept in months. I smiled at him and wondered what was going on in his life. We are surrounded by so many people who are going through so many things...

Posted By: familycomesfirst Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/09/05 02:19 PM
PB - I have been following your story. I am a FWW, 4 years into recovery. We now have a new addition to our family, a beautiful baby boy and things are going good. There is the occasional set back, triggers can sometimes still be an issue. I fear that when we're 50 my H will have a mid life crisis like your H's and leave me. My parents divorced and I always felt like my mom got shafted.

You write so eloquently, I read your posts and wonder how I would handle what you are going thru. Having your H and the OW right there, seems almost like God is giving you more than you can handle. Yet, you are keeping your head held high and making plans for the future. I think you should do those things you just posted you would like to do, they sound like a blast.

Your H is going to wake up one day and realize he lost a great woman. I imagine it will be too late by then, you will have realized how great life is w/o him.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/09/05 05:35 PM
Hi Familycomesfirst,

Thanks for you encouragement. I suspect that it is harder for the WS than the BS over the long term. There is just timing differences on when you feel the pain.

Packing up for another overnight road trip right now, going to see Dad on my way to a friend's cottage near Algonquin Park. I can pop into see him on the way back too. I'm trying to figure whether or not I should be going to Europe? It's a tough call. He needs to perk up a bit more or I'm not going to want to go.

It is our Thanksgiving this weekend. My Mom is already booked for two turkey dinners. While I think going for a drive seems an easier option. The colours I hear are just stupendous, I've packed three bottles of great wine... and music of course.

No dog this weekend - he is with hubby - the place seems so empty without him...



Great news about the baby...glad you two have put it behind you ...
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/10/05 02:37 PM
Hope everyone had a nice weekend...
PB, no dog? I hope your puppy comes home today. He needs to take you for a run on the beach asap.

Thanksgiving already? I didn't even realize Canada had a Thanksgiving (however, I do understand we "all" need a Thanksgiving no matter how troubled our lives).

I am thankful each day that I wake up and I know I'm alive. That the air I breathe is still fresh (given I live in a city now) and that the water I drink will refresh me. I am thankful I have a roof over my head to protect me and clothes to keep me warm on a cool fall morning. And I am thankful for finding such wonderful people here on MB...and one special one in you PB.

Your journal, although makes me sad at times and wish I could help more from this far away place, is beautiful.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/10/05 03:48 PM
It's funny to hear someone else miss their dog. I took my Dad out hunting this weekend and we had a great time, but he has a one year old lab he's been dying to get out hunting and I had to leave my lab behind in camp. That was harder to do than I could have ever imagined. She has been the one constant in my life for the last six months and it actually hurt to leave her behind. She got to hunt both days but she spent the afternoons with my mother prowling the house looking for me.

I know what you mean about worrying about leaving with your Dad the way he is. I think the only way it will work for you is to sit with him and talk about it. I'm not sure if you should leave because, could you really enjoy the trip worrying about him the whole time? And if something were to happen would you be okay with yourself after? The more time I spend with my Dad now the more I see how much he is failing in his health. It felt really good to get him out and to help him enjoy hunting again. I handled his dog for him and chased his ducks and did not even bring my shotgun that part of the day. Dad used to be the guy who saw everything first. This weekend I had to tell him where the birds were and when to get up to shoot. His diabetes is in his eyes and even after laser surgery twice in the last year he cant see past 50 yards. He is a very proud person and this is the first time I knew it was this bad. It's frightening to see the rock of your life become less than rocklike. I know I would not be able to leave if I thought anything would ever happen to him while I was gone.

On the positive side he was so excited to see the dog he and my mother have spent hours and hours training and taking care of show her natural abilities. She retrieved her first six ducks perfectly. I actually think the only reason he went out was to watch her and see her perform. A double benefit for me because I got to spend a great weekend with both of them and Mom too!

I hope you have your dog back and all went well with the WH during the handoff. Hearing that he still wants to see the dog gives me the feeling that there may be hope for him afterall. Six months later and my EX has yet to even ask to see the dog she raised from a puppy. Mind you this is a 70lb
Lab that used to sleep in our bed (between us if given the opportunity). No alarm clock needed in our house, 6am every morning and you get a big wet kiss that means get up, I gotta go! Still happens every morning just no one to take turns with on getting up first.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/11/05 03:08 AM
Hi Holiday,

You have such a great attitude. You are right, we all have so much to be thankful for every day.

Still no dog, I don't see him until tomorrow morning - definitely going into both puppy and beach withdrawal.

We ate turkey, played crazy 8s with the kids for quarters, talked, laughed until the wee hours yesterday. Then up early to walk wooded trails in just the most beautiful park you can imagine today - riotous colours - reds - oranges- yellows - jean jacket kind of cool weather, with a crisp fall flavor to it.

Then a long drive home, to visit with Mom and Dad, he was better today. He has eaten very little in the last week. We changed his diet to soft foods and he seems to be managing better. Mom is telling me to go but I am going to wait until the last minute before I decide. He is still basically sleeping all day - and pretty weak.

Life is like that - sometimes you just can't plan things.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/11/05 03:47 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

So trick or treat rounds of scotch, lab trials, and lots of time with your Dad - sounds like it was a great weekend.

Not sure what to do about the trip. My Dad is stable, out of the hospital, but weak.

If I don't go, my brother who is there already waiting for me, will be really disappointed. It leaves him at loose ends.

I think I will just wait and see how Dad is on the morning -I am suppose to leave. You are right, I would not be happy if I was a 12 hour plane ride away in an emergency. Even though with today's technology you can stay in constant contact - it is not the same as being an hour's drive away and getting to see him every day.

I can understand why you like the outdoors part of hunting. I really like being outside, somehow nature seems to creep up through the soles of my feet and end up a smile on my face. I've camped, canoed and hiked the park I was in today for over 20 years. I love it.

On the way home, I did a side trip to an old family cottage now sold - where both my husband and I practically grew up. I parked got out looked at the dock where I learned to waterski. I've spent every Thanksgiving for the last 30 years there until now - sad in a way.

Driving the road out, which I have run, walked, biked, thousands of times - I thought of your hands off the wheel quote. Going down quite a big hill - I let go for minute and just smiled. Life is just full of surprises. You never know what you are going to be doing one minute to the next. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/11/05 07:37 AM

I can't sleep so I thought I would journal ....

I really miss the dog. It is amazing how a 43 pound bundle of fur can change the atmosphere in a room to homey and alive just by being there.

We sleep together, he snores, and sleeps diagonally so as to take the maximum amount of space, on his back - four paws in the air.

Sometimes at night, I sniff his paws, they smell of seaweed if we have been to the beach. They tell me of his travels. I love dog paw smell.

I think dogs can smell exactly what we have been eating, doing, where we have been, our health issues. I suspect, they even know when you last had sex. I had the begining of this conversation with a friend at the beach last week. We were holding onto each other laughing at the thought of what if humans could do that. If you could sniff someone and think "Oh lucky you - so it was this morning and oh my not with your wife." It would certainly knock the PA business back a step.

In Temple Grandin's book Animals in Translation she has a great section on how when humans and dogs got together, both species brains shrunk - a sign of domestication. We domesticated them. They domesticated us. I mean if aliens landed and saw me walking behind my dog picking up poo - who would they think is the dominant species.

I believe my dog is as smart or smarter than I am about some things and I pay attention to him now. He intensely disliked the OW, wouldn't let her touch him, barked at her all the time. He was definitely trying to tell me something.

Last week I was in a park sitting on a bench with the dog, when another dog we know joined us. He refused to leave. He does this all the time. He sits all meek like in front of his owner but doesn't budge. His owner apologies, says he never disobeys him, that he must really like us.

I looked in that old dog's light brown eyes. "You sly old thing. You smell defatted chicken broth with a touch of garlic and basil on my dog's whiskers. You know he is 8 years old but has perfect teeth (Electric toothbrush-poultry flavored toothpaste! Takes a few months of patient training.). You can see he has alot of fun - it shows in how he moves. You are thinking - yep - she the one Dad. I will bet donuts - that dog's owner is single. His dog is trying to tell him something.... How funny! When he gets put on a leash and trotted away he always looks back...I always smile at him... you sneaky old thing."

They are shrewd. My dog picked me - not the reverse. I was going to adopt a little beautifully groomed cocker spaniel in the cage beside him. Every time I went to pet the cocker spaniel, my dog would groan. So I went over to pet him. He had been starved and beaten for 18 months, weighed all of 20 pounds, a little skelton, completely shaved, except for his head which was a white puff ball. He looked like the dog from Mars Attack. It took me over an hour to convince the WS that this was the one - am I ever glad I did.

Now I think we pretty much have some kind of telepathy going. I find it most poignant when I see him with his Dad. My WS will bend down, the dog jumps up puts his paws around his neck and furiously face licks for all he is worth - tail going like a band. Then he looks over at me... as if to say "Trust me Mom ... Dad is still in this Pod Person, I can smell him....

There is a great website called - you type in you postal or zip code - what you are looking for and it does a geographic proximity search for you.... very handy if you are looking for a great friend.
Posted By: familycomesfirst Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/11/05 05:44 PM
PB - We have had a daschund since my daughter was 2 (she's 11 now). He is such an integral part of our family. Looking at pictures/video of my family over the last 10 years you see him everywhere. People love him, he is a calm sweet dog that will do anything for a treat. I have never owned a dog for this long, he truly is like our short son (that's what we call him sometimes). He turns 10 this month, I can still remember the day we picked him up. He was so scrawny and shook for a week straight, we thought he was defective!

I love the way he tries to guess my moves, he'll take off walking into a room he thinks I'm heading for. Then he'll come back out with that cute little "where did you go?" look on his face.

I know what you mean about smell, sometimes when he's laying with me, watching TV, I catch a whiff of his doggie smell and it makes me nostalgic. The one thing on him that doesn't smell so good is his breath. I tried the electric toothbrush, I got tired of wrestling him. He clamps his mouth shut and makes it hard to get open.

My family will be heart broken with it's the little guy's time to go. My son will only know him as an older, cranky dog. My daughter loves him tremendously, she will be crushed when he is gone.

It's funny how comforting their unconditional love can be in trying times.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/11/05 07:42 PM
Good afternoon,

On the subject of our wonderful canine friends...our little puppy of 12 1/2 years is not doing so well. We had gotten her from an animal shelter when she was a puppy who someone had abandoned on a busy hwy on Memorial Weekend near the river (Colorado River) in 115 + degree heat.

Shes a cutie. We think part pom and sheltie. She has been so good to us all these years, but when we moved to this new house 2 years ago, the two sets of stairs are taking a toll on her hind legs and God forbid she couldn't go up or down those stairs to follow your every move.
We try to keep her comfortable. Vet thinks she might have congestive heart failure as she coughs and hacks alot.

On a more pleasant note...I always thought paws smelt of Fritos! or corn chex, ha!

I hope the rest of this beautiful fall day is good to all of you,


" He is your friend, your partner,
your defender, your dog.
You are his life, his love, his leader. He will
be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat
of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of
such devotion."

Posted By: familycomesfirst Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/12/05 12:23 AM
I've got one!

He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer; he will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounters with the roughness of the world... When all other friends desert, he remains.

- Goeorge G. Vest
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/12/05 12:55 PM
Hi Holiday, Dukhuntr, familycomesfirst,

Well it is 8 hours until I either fly out or cancel. Last night my Dad was doing better, eating, resting comfortably but not moving around much - still pretty much confined to bed. I am going this morning for another visit. I still haven't made my mind up on whether or not to go or cancel.

Hope you have a great 10 days if I go and if I don't go .. I'll talk to you soon...


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/12/05 11:38 PM
If you go, I will continue prayers for your Dad and that you have a safe and wonderus trip!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/13/05 05:03 AM
Hi Holiday,

I hope you are well. Cooler there?

Well, it could not have been much more last minute, but after much discussion, I did eventually go. My Mom basically was not going to let me stay if she had anything to do with it and she has lots to do with everything! She is very tiny, but on a cellular level - there definitely are steel atoms in my Mom - tough should have her picture by it in the dictionary.

Your prayers must be working.. because Dad has been looking gradually better each day. I have been saying prayers for your Dad too - for him to be healthier and more self aware.

I have been learning these beautiful sanskrit blessing mantras. I say them daily - misprouncing them terribly - but I am sure all is understood. I find praying to be a very calming practice.

I have a spifffy new cell phone that is set up to let me take calls where ever I am in my travels - I can talk to Dad each day.

The dog is with Daddy.

Interesting day... a quick jaunt to the beach... a long visit with Dad ... then home to speed pack... 15 minutes ... then out the door. Caught my flight, missed my connection.. stuck in Newark for a 24 hour delay! Yowser..

So I have lots of time on my hands. I may try to do a little sight seeing in Manhattan before I fly out. I love the Metropolitan Museum of Art - probably one of my favourite places in the world. Or I may just loaf about. I believe loafing is an entirely under-rated activity. I particularly like loafing after someone has brought coffee to my room - to me that is decadence!

I immediately fell asleep on the plane as soon as I sat down. It has been a tiring week. Lots of driving, long days, stress, worry, high and lows with Dad, plus a heavy work week.

Odd you know - you never know what is going to happen in any given day. Here I sit in Newark, when I should be on my way to Paris. Eating tuna sandwiches with another waylaid traveller, a dance therapist from Switzerland.. talking about find that he was visiting his sister-in-law who practically lives next door to my Mom.

Life is just an interesting circle...


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/13/05 07:54 PM
I'm glad to hear you are going. Now you can "let go of the wheel" for a good long time and enjoy yourself. It figures your would find a handsome(I'm sure of this) and foreign "fellow traveler" to pass the time with. Although I have never seen you I'm sure between your looks and the wit,and charm you posess you don't sit too long by youself in a public place. Enjoy the attention and take some solace in that if WH doesn't dislodge his head from his [censored] there are other roads for you to travel.

I have been thinking about your comment on perspective regularly. All of the things a WS puts us thru are emotionally damaging and stressful but we always need to remember that life could be worse. A good friend of mine went in for treatment of what he thought was a bad back. He is a Dentist and has regular back aches. This time it was particularly constant and more painful than usual so he went in to see a real ortho Doctor. He has pancreatic cancer and has become so sick now he cannot eat. They cant start chemo either. Now they have sent him home to spend his last days with his family. He is amazing. He is planning the celebration of life for himself. He has made everyone promise no funerals and no wake of any sort. He wants a big party to remember him by. I have many fond memories of hunting, fishing and parties we shared and this would match his life perfectly. His nickname in our group was Dr. FUBAR. An acronym for the condition he usually became after a day of hunting or fishing. We will all miss him dearly.In reference to perspective I would much rather be where I am than where he is. I would not want to be his spouse or his children either. He set a very high standard as a husband, father and friend.

Have a wonderful trip and enjoy all you can!

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/13/05 08:07 PM
We haven't heard much from you lately! You must be really working those fingers to the bone! I hope all is well with you and the H. Any other signals lately? Hopefully it was just a bad day for him and you got the wrong feeling from his words and actions. Men do that a lot and if you don't ask he probably won't voluntarily tell you what was up. Take it from someone who has learned a lesson in communicating the hard way.

I tried to deal with my problems on my own and not worry the EX. She sensed the problem and when I did not share the issues she felt left out and pushed away. All I wanted to do was spare her the worry when she could do nothing to help. Not the right wat to handle things on a R. A hard way to learn a valuable lesson!

Have a great weekend!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/15/05 07:46 AM

Well after 42 hours in transit, another 2 hours ¨searching for the right charger for my cell phone, another 4 hours of walking around because my brother would not let me go to bed too early - to ensure I would be on the right sleeping schedule. I got to go to bed. I was practically vibrating I was so tired.

Prague is beautiful. It is old, rich with history, and a language which neither of us understand - even alittle.

The metro is magnificent, with the most incredibly scary escalators -I have ever been on -extremely steep-fast- kind of like being on an amusement ride without being strapped in.

It is great having the phone. I fretted all the while I was in transit, but Dad has been doing better each day. This should be a great trip. I usually only get to spend about a week with my brother every year - so to squeeze in an extra 9 days with him is a treat.

I am sitting in one of many cyber cafes in Prague, the keyboard is different so please excuse anÿ typos. We plan to spend most of this trip in the city because I want to make sure I am in areas where there is good cell reception -¨no cycling.

Funnÿ the places you find yourself. Standing on the Charles Bridge, getting a business call and politely telling them now I will get back to them on something. Our world has just amazing technology.

Got to go... we are on the move to catch a tour... hope everyone is well...


Posted By: Shattered05 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/16/05 03:55 AM
Hello everyone,

I had the most enjoyable Friday evening reading all your posts. I felt like I was reading a page turning novel, except I was one of the main characters. I can identify with so much of what you are posting on this thread. I have been talking a lot to my sister and brother and feel as though they are tired of it. My sister in particular is quickly losing patience for what she sees as my obsession with WS and the meaning of his actions & words. When I read on this board I find that I am not crazy and my feelings are validated.

My quick sitch: WH (together 23 years)EA/PA I believe started in Jan '05. Confronted him 4/05, he denied it, moved out 5/05 - still denying, need space, just want to be alone, promise you'll always be my friend, etc. A month later he filed for divorce. He is confused and not sure now if its the right thing but he is still going full throttle with this OW. He tells me he loves me, but we are getting a divorce. Go figure. I am trying to find a job, a place to live, etc. etc. etc. Some days I am great and feel I will have a fabulously happy and fulfilled life and other days I never want to get out of bed. The loneliness can be excrutiatingly painful. Anyway, I'm chipping away at it all and am glad I have company for the ride.

As I started to read your posts, the first thing I thought was oh, he'll come running back in no time. Sybil has nothing on you! I really cannot imagine the charade continuing for very long, especially when he gave up someone like you. I guess that's what is hard to comprehend. Here are all these loving spouses posting on this board. We all realize we have been human and made mistakes in our relationship but we still dig down deep and find infinite love in our hearts to patiently wait for our spouses who have just about destroyed us in their (IMHO) selfish quest for fulfillment. As Dorothy found out in the Wizard of Oz, the answer is within and we all have always had it. We need look no further than ourselves to solve our unhappiness.

I love Frank Pittman and thought he summed the situation up pretty well in this comment:

After 42 years of working with over 10,000 couples in various states of crisis, I can confirm that divorce has already become increasingly popular and is now considered not just normal but the expected and perhaps inevitable final chapter of marriage. Divorce is considered, by the media, by the TV and newspaper advice giving "experts," and even by many of the professional therapists, particularly the youngest and least experienced ones, to be the treatment of choice for mild depression ("I’m just not happy,") for unpleasantness ("I felt verbally abused") and for sexual attractions to passing strangers or casual friends ("I must not be in love with my mate.") All baby boomers are sure they deserve an ideal partner and when they discover they don’t have one they know they should be free at any moment to dump this imperfect one, put the kids in storage, and go back to the perfect partner collection for another try.

I imagine right now my husband thinks he plucked one from the "perfect partner pool". Time will tell. Although, to be quite honest, I live in fear that he did and I'm history. Anyhow, I admire all of you for your grace, honesty, and love. May it be returned to you tenfold.
Posted By: familycomesfirst Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/16/05 07:44 PM
Hello shattered, nice to meet you. I'm sorry to hear how your husband is acting. Sounds like a mid-life crisis, like PB's husband.

You sound like a very nice person. Your husband must be crazy.

I know what you mean, too many people are just giving up these days. They throw in the towel way too soon. I hope that doesn't happen with me and my H. We are happy now, who knows about 5 years from now. I know how things can change.

Anyway, I wish you luck. You'll get lots of great support here.
Posted By: Shattered05 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/16/05 11:35 PM
Hello Family Comes First - Good Name! It is nice to meet you as well. I wish you and your husband all the best in your recovery.
Posted By: Mrs_STOWaway Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/17/05 12:35 AM
Shattered, I'm glad you found the forum, and welcome.

Would you consider that you in Plan A right now?

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/17/05 12:58 AM
Hello Shattered,
Sounds like your WH and my WW read the same novel. Seems to me that telling the truth becomes painful for them at some point in an A and all manner of stories spew forth. From your post you seem to be handling it almost as well as paradise. We all have the painful days and how you deal with them is different for all of us. I hope you dont spend too many days in bed but remember that's up to you now. Go out and treat yourself to something you have been putting off or just never had time to do. Glad to have you here, there are some great minds posting here with truely insightful thoughts. Use them to help you as I have and enjoy paradise's journal. It's going to be published someday if we have our say!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/17/05 03:22 PM
Hi Everyone,

I was thinking today my WS thinks life is a buffet and would just like to order another dish. They don¨t necessarily want to end the relationship... they would just like another course. that is not on the menu.

Sorry you are here Shattered. I think sometimes you will never really know the reasoning behind their actions. Probably because they don't either.

Enjoying Prague immenselz, it is just a great place to visit.. wonderful music, food, beautiful vistas, a verz livelz place. We went to the Reduta Jazz Club last night, Bill Clinton played his sax there once. The place was full... every seat taken..some were even dancing1

Tonight it is an Organ Recital in one of the many very beautiful churches. We have been out early day, walking, doing the galleries, sites...museums... interesting place.

Travel is great when you are hurting. It takes your mind of things. You are surrounded by new things, sounds, smells... and there is no time to dwell on what is bothering you.

Sorry got to go...¨



Pardon the typos = very different keyboard
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/17/05 11:22 PM
Hey guys,
You are going to love this one from the EXWW. I have been avoiding all contact with her and on Friday the day before my birthday she e-mails me. Basically a nice birthday wish. I thanked her and she responded with some stuff about our kids that needed little to no attention at all. First contact other than about the kids in 45 days.

Next thing I know she is in a full rationalization of why she she started her A and then she tells me I would have done the "same thing if I were in her shoes". Right down to the part where she said "I must have been craving attention more than I thought". Happy birthday huh! Well I got mildly aggitated(grinding my teeth) and I did a full description of how I felt about the OM, his morals and his ethics. Today I am getting e-mails from her friends telling me to grow up. She told them I went off for no reason and got nasty with her. All I said about her was I still loved her and I would always be nice to her. And that I still held some hope that we might be a family again.

Can the fog be so thick as to confuse disrespect and venom directed towards the OM as directed towards her? Can a WS be so focused on the OP as to take OP criticisms personally? It certainly appears so to me. It doesn't make sense but nothing in her A has so why should this be any different I guess. Weird part is it hasn't upset me near as much as I would have expected. I am starting to feel detached from her and sorry for them both. Maybe a sign I just need to stay as far away from them as possible and let their house of cards come down without my input at all.

Wish me luck I am starting to enjoy listening to her rationalizations. Each one is new and different and it is fun to nit-pick the discrepencies in each new version.

Posted By: Shattered05 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/18/05 02:22 AM
Hi Duck Hunter,
Happy belated birthday! It's interesting that she contacted you for your birthday. I bet she spent a lot of time thinking about if she should call, what she should say, etc. That means something, you are still on her mind. The rationalization is just the guilt. I think it's the only way they can come to terms with the person they've become. I also had some choice words for the OW. I hadn't really said anything about her before but suddenly I was feeling a lot of anger towards her. It was our anniversary a few weeks ago (or would have been) and we were together to discuss some issues. I told WH what I thought of "her" and her morals, etc. and that he should pass that on to her and say happy anniversary for me. He also stuck up for her and said something to the effect that I can't blame her for what happened. Oh yeah, she's just an innocent bystander in all this, right? Anyway, I figure I have to keep my comments to myself about her because it just backfired into him having to stick up for her and I certainly don't want that.
I feel for you and I can feel the love you have for your wife. Lots of people get divorced and remarried, you never know. Hang in there.
Posted By: Shattered05 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/18/05 02:37 AM
Have I been doing a plan A or a plan B? No. Well, maybe a half baked Plan A with intermittent LB's. I guess I don't have a lot of hope but I want to have hope. I'm just afraid it might be emotional suicide to start pining away for him in the hopes he'll come back. But the more I read here, maybe I should try a firm Plan A. But then again, when I try to act that way, I feel like I'm just making this all so easy for him to carry on his affair and eat his cake. He has told me many times he wants to "be friends" with me. I figure that's his guilt, he won't have to feel bad about what he's done to me. So Plan A confuses me.

What do you think of this. I got a card in the mail from WH today. It was kind of a support card I guess. Said I know you're having a tough time right now, but there is nothing I can say to take that away (oh yes there is!). It went on to say so let's talk about how wonderful you are . . . what a strong person you are . . . you will make the right choices with whatever life hands you. Then he signed it Love always. What the? This was a printed card, not his words. I feel like the other shoe is about to drop. I want to think that this card means something like he's still not sure about what he's doing, etc. but I don't know. Do wayward spouses that have filed for divorce usually send you support cards for pain they're causing you and sign it "Love always"???? How do I respond? I didn't tell him I received it yet.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/18/05 05:23 AM

Hope you are all well...sorry to be MIA. Very busy weekend and now with H in school and home almost every night (first time in over 22 years as being a firefighter has kept him away 24 hours at a time). I'm now cooking bigger meals etc and not too much "me" time lately.

PB...glad to see you writing from abroad. How wonderful to wake up each morning in a beautiful place. (Hey how about naming your"Writing from a Broad" with no disrepect of course <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />.)

DH...happy belated birthday! Hmm, the wife, wow. Can't quite figure that one out. And why do her friends feel the need to "save" her (stick up for her) to date?

Shattered, welcome...sorry to see you here, but I hope we all can help each other in some way.

Do wayward spouses that have filed for divorce usually send you support cards for pain they're causing you and sign it "Love always"????

I don't think so. Sounds like he's being pressured in some way and is still very confused. Does the OW know he's sending you cards? I doubt it. I don't think I would respond to it. But continue your firm plan A. I don't think it's showing the WS that you condone the A, just that you are a person with a great heart.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/18/05 09:26 AM
Writings from a Broad,

Hi Holiday,

I love it... great phrase. I'm sitting in a cyber cafe, drinking a very large expresso. Cold here, I actually have on my pyjama top under my zip up fleece, mid 50s. We have a small bag syndrome in our family - never travel with more than a very small satchel - mind is the size of a briefcase. The end result is that there is not alot to choose from if you get the weather wrong. Reminds me of being a kid, something I would routinely do, wear my pyjamas under my clothes, they are cozy and it makes you feel like you have not really gotten out of bed yet.

How long is hubby in school. I hope you get some me time soon.

Dad is doing well,his voice was really strong and normal last night. It is great having the phone, it allows me to relax.

I'm enjoying my time with my brother. He is mÿ big brother so prone to being a tad 'organized' shall I say. He is very bright, speaks five languages, chess master in his teens.. the only areas where I was able to best him were sports and whistling. Poor man just can't whistle. All through our growing up together, whenever he was being bossy, I would just smile at him and whistle... still am...
Let me take that back, he is sitting beside me at another terminal... counting on his fingers... not good with numbers my bro...

I've been missing my dog terribly... not hubbÿ..just the dog.. Prague is a great dog city. Dogs go everywhere, shopping malls, offices, hair salons... Opps a dog just walked into the cyber cafe ... at first I thought he was on his own... but he did decide to bring his human.

They are very family oriented. The city shuts down after midnight.. metro closes...Children are the centre of things here.

Music is very big .. particularly classical music.

I'm very glad I decided to go.. I've not shed a single tear since I packed my bag...

Take care...


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/18/05 09:39 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,


I hope you had a great day. It makes me hope things may look up for you two...if she still remembers the important dates.

Dissing the OP is a lost cause. It does more harm than good... far better to not to think of them at all. Truth is that it takes two to tango..

It is refreshing to be away. I have virtually stopped thinking about all the sad stuff. So much better not to be trying to understand something which is not rational.

I watched an inflight movie on the way out in french which translated to 'The Beast Rising'. It was the story of my life. Hubby leaves nice long term wife for new bit of fluff. It ends with the wife writing a stage play and being very successful... She reinvents herself... there is a lesson there.

Opps my brother has finished and is sitting with his satchel on his lap giving me long pointed looks.. I've got to go..

Kid sister's lot in life to always be running to catch up


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/18/05 02:46 PM
Keep up on the plan A as long as you can hold out and feel good about yourself doing it. Plan B is rough for the first few weeks. NC is harder to maintain than you can imagine. When it gets to the point you just can't resist the LB's that's when you go to plan B. Hang in there and emulate paradise, she doe's this with style and class. Your card and my e-mail are signs that our WS's really may still have a conscience and take it as a sign there is hope. Granted they may just feel some need to show us some sympathy to feel better about themselves.

I have given up trying to figure out what my EX is thinking when she does this stuff. The fog they are in doesn't allow for much logic. Take care of yourself and pay attention to your life and let your WS sort himself out.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/18/05 03:07 PM
Hey Holiday,
I have been wondering how you are doing. Sounds like your hands are full and your schedule is really booked up. I think back to those days in my life and miss them. Everyone is so busy life seems to find a natural and even balance on its own. It's those times when one spouse or the other is idle and the other busy that create tensions and LB's IMHO.

Yes my EX's friends that remain feel some weird compulsion to defend her at every opportunity. Mind you there are only two or three that feel this and all of them have had divorces in recent years. They seem to feed off of one another in a defensive mode. I have always hoped one of them would encourage the EX to look at what is going on and think. None of them will associate with the OM that I know of. All of them have told me they beleive he is all wrong for her and just want to be there when he dumps her. She was there for them and they feel the need to return the compassion. Not one of them has ever had the fortitude to tell her this stuff straight out though. I think they have a better understanding of her emotions than I do and wont diss him for fear of alienating her like I have.

Take care and don't be such a stranger. I have missed your posts.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/18/05 03:32 PM
You sound truely happy and stress free. Good for you! And from what I hear you are not "at the wheel", your brother is. Live it up and don't miss a single opportunity to do anything. Thanks for the birthday wish it was a great weekend with the kids.

My dog is all worn out and beat up from hunting 5 out of the last 10 days. Poor thing is out of shape from inactivity while Dad was in his funk. She was so tired at one point I could not coax her out of her kennel even with dog cookies. She was in the back of the truck and was afraid if she got out I would leave her in camp one afternoon. Too tied to move but afraid to miss a hunt! I have enjoyed watching her do what she was bred to do more than anything else this season. Watching her work is a thrill all its own and she has matured into a teriffic retriever.

I know what you mean about dissing the OM it did not help me in the slightest. I have never done it before and I should not have this time either. It gives him more credibility than he deserves. I just lost it when the EX suggested that I would have done the same thing she did if I were in her shoes. She e-mailed me yesterday and said she wanted NC now with me. I simply said that was what I requested months ago and I was fine with that. Shortly after that is when her friends started chiming in. Who knows what is happening! I am just going to do my own thing and try to be more like you in the way I go about life. Live for now, not what life was before. I even went down and got some info on Scotland and Ireland. I have always dreamed of going there to play golf and visit the single malt scotch distilleries I enjoy so much.

Have a great time the rest of your trip and keep the journal going! This could be at least one chapter and maybe two by the time you are back.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/19/05 02:06 PM

Journal, ¨

Just landed in Cesky Krumlov, a truly beautiful world heritage site - postcard quaint.

Travelled here by train, on a sunny crisp fall day. We are staying at a historic inn and looking forward to a walk about and visiting the local sites.

Being away has been great for my frame of mind... it reinforces what you sometimes forget... that it is a very big interesting world out there...

Scotch and golf... sounds like the makings of happy memories... go for it dukhuntr..

Checking out... pun intended..

Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/20/05 01:35 AM
Oh, it sounds and your words.
Hope the weather stays nice throughout your journey...

As for H paramedic's for the next 8 months. He took another test today and is ready to give up. We sat and I read him his books today. He has always had difficulty (since his school days) with reading comprehension. If he reads aloud or with someone reading he retains alot more information. He wanted to be tested for AADD (?) but is in fear that that will be something frowned upon in the future when applying for promotional tests etc.

Oh well. The stress level will remain in our home for sometime. This is when I worry about him the most...when he doesn't feel confident in himself. He was talking about a trip to CA for a meeting (we have invested in stocks with a genetic testing company) to hear the latest information. I told him, unless I was going with him, I felt it wouldn't be a good idea. He agreed .

Off to finish making dinner,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/20/05 11:00 AM

Hi Holiday,

It sounds like you two have set up a strategy to deal with away or stress related temptations. I'm glad... who needs more complications.

I!ve spent alot of time trying to remember things prior to an exam only to know I will immediately forget them afterwards. I always found writing things out to be helpful... also explaining them to someone else.... is good too.. it makes you express the info in a way that helps you understand...¨

It is really beautiful here but nippy... Enjoying both the time with my brother and the sites... I lucked out in the brother department... he is a great guy... a truly nice person...

He has actually been trying to give me compliments... not a behaviour I have ever seen from him... I guess he thinks I need them right now ... very sweet..

Getting away has been great... it just helps to be forced to think of other things... I!ve spent way too much time this past summer thinking about - just awful stuff.

I hope you enjoy your road trip...sounds like it will be fun.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/20/05 11:18 AM

Awoke with a start this morning around four a.m., I dreamt I heard my WS calling my name. It was so loud and clear... spooky..

I read for an hour..then turned off the light and lisened to my current favourite K.D.Lang album..then promptly got weepy ... so I dressed and walked up to the castle around five thirty a.m. Streets were deserted.. sat up on one of the benches on a high stone bridge and waited for dawn with my camera ready.

This is a just fairy tale setting. Incredibly beautiful... Enjoyed the dawn with a very shy Japanese couple ... who sat huddled together in the chill ... our breath forming clouds of vapour in the air.

Healing is a funny process.. there are moments when I think I am completely over it. Then other moments where it is so completely fresh. The pain, bewilderment, disappointment are like it just happened yesterday.

I still do not understand after truly loving a woman for twenty five years how you can suddenly decide you are not in love any longer. I know my husband really loved me. I have absolutely no doubt of that. I suspect I will never understand what happened to that love.

I am not sure what is happening to the love I have for him either right now. It seems to be spiraling slowly down into the realm of memory. The kind of reverie, you need to shake yourself out of because it no longer appears to be part of today's reality.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/20/05 05:35 PM
Even through the darkest phase
Be it thick or thin
Always someone marches brave
Here beneath my skin...

have a beautiful day!
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/20/05 06:27 PM
Yes we all wonder how a WS can turn their back on their former life and love so quickly. I myself have asked her that over and over. I don't think they know what changed for them. Dr. Haley is right in that we are all wired for an A. Given the right set of circumstances and an OP with lower morals than what I call "a normal person" any of us could stray. I like to think I am above that but maybe I have never had the right combination of circumstance and OP in my life. I know I beleive I would never be able to actually do this, but I never imagined someone I was with for 28 years could either.

I think once your have crossed the boundary into an A you have to do so many mental gymnastics to rationalize what you have done that the love and respect for the BS has to be locked away and ignored. Simple problems in the relationship have to be magnified to emense proportions, important dates and events trivialized. All manner of thought has to change to allow for the emotional and spiritual pain you are inflicting to be made meaningless or less important to you. All emotion and energy are transferred over to the OP in huge amounts and over a short period of time. I have a theory that this just does not leave room in their emotions for the BS to receive any consideration and certainly not any simpathy. WS are in the mindset that the old relationship is dead now that discovery and exposure has occurred. Their focus is now squarely on the OP to meet all their needs. And all we can do is wait and see if they can suceed.

I myself find it hard to beleive someone could replace us after such a long marriage. I felt a connection to my EXWW that was as clear and strong as ever even during the first eight months of her affair. It is going to take a very giving and focused individual to fill these roles and keep the A alive. That is our hope , that the OP really is the shallow, incomplete person we see them as and the A will lose it luster and rational thought will return to the WS.

I hope all goes well today on yur trip. You sound wonderful and light hearted until you speak of your sich. Being in such a wonderful setting would inspire some reflection and that's not all bad sometimes. Keep it positive because you are still an articulate and wise person who will come out of all of this better off no matter how it ends.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/21/05 09:46 AM
Hi Holiday, ¨

What a lovely poem. Thank you.¨¨

How are you doing... Sounds like between running your ebay business, your family and your home, it has been really busy.

Life is like that sometimes. There are just big chunks of time or years where it is difficult to feel like you get any time for you. Either work, family or other priorities are running large.

When I was really booked up. I would often stay up late a couple of extra hours or get up earlier by a couple of hours to read, or poodle about - just so it did not always seem like I was absolutely having to be somewhere or do something I couldn't really control. Of course the end result is you just get really tired -not always the answer.

Now I have more time than I have had in decades and it seems to stretch out to the point where I have to plan to fill it up. I like being busy but busy takes focus, concentration and discipline. My focus, concentration and discipline pretty much tanked this summer. I suspect that will improve as I mend.

Travelling in Europe has been a very interesting experience. As I sit in Cesky Krumlov, I am only an eight hour train ride through the Austrian Alps to Venice. Everything is so close, incredibly diverse and rich with history. There is a patina to life here of ages past that you can practically touch.

Wishing you a great day with your family and friends.. with hopefully at least an hour for you to just be.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/21/05 10:03 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Thank you for your thoughtful perspective. We are both living a very old story ... One that is being played out somewhere virtually every second to someone. It helps to know how other people cope. To know that others find it as difficult to deal with as I do..

Life is such a subjective experience. I would love to hear an uncut unedited version of my husband's viewpoint. I suspect I would both laugh and cry.

He has been telling people, that we both agreed to end the marriage, we both were finding it stale, we will continue to be each other's best friend, we will continue to work together and oh he has met someone new who is delightful.

My husband always was one of the most direct, honest people I have ever met. Never any icing on the cake with him, just the straight goods. To hear that he is lying like this makes me just shake my head.

I believe triangles are difficult for all three parties. Often the OW is hurt, humiliated, used. The WS has to practically deconstruct themselves to live with their dissonance over their actions sometimes. Other times I think the power of their wants just floods away all reasoned thought. The BS well we feel plain hurt, abused and out and out dumb or any combination of the above.

Triangles suck... With that less than clever thought I will sign off and catch up to my bro who wants to hike the hills today.. I will look around with open eyes, glad to be here, alive, vertical and breathing.

Every experience you have - bad or good has elements that you can learn from to make your life better, you better...


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/21/05 04:23 PM
PS...PB, poem from "Constantly Craving" KD Lang favorite!
Have a great day,
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/22/05 10:49 AM

Funny, how when you live with someone for so long, you use their brains to store info. I had to give a little talk before I left for my trip. I found myself driving around close to but not at where I had to be. I ended up pulling over and calling my WS to ask for specific instructions.

His brain holds all my finding places info, all mechanical skills and understanding. Pumping gas is a relatively new life skill for me. I am a 50 year old woman, who until very recently never pumped gas. It just magically appeared in my tank. If I was running low, the maybe five or six times a year I would just go to a full service bay and smile. Easier for me and an absolute treat for the dog... a legitmate cause apparently to go into a barking frenzy with his tail pounding out a fierce crescendo.

One day last summer, driving down from up north in a teary fog, I managed to pull up to a diesal pump had the nozzle in my car before I realized what I was doing. Fortunately, it didn't fit. I then promptly felt like a complete fool, pulled up to a correct pump, and locked the keys in the car, on a very hot afternoon, with the dog inside and a long line of weary gas hungry travellers lining up behind me.

I stood there, set my timer on my watch and with a full adrenalin rush, ran around until I had found a coat hanger, and screw driver, I had the car door open in four minutes. My husband would have done it in 90 seconds. When it did finally swing open, to my dog's delight, I thought hey I can do this.

I will have to start doing things I am really bad at. I have for example never checked my oil, don't know how, never changed a tire, don't know how. I can paint, wallpaper and change light bulbs that is about it. Fuses would be a challenge.

Amazing how there are such distinct divisions of labour. In our household, I ran the finances, did all the cooking, cleaning, kept the social calender, all gift buying, household purchases, clothing purchases. My husband maintained the cars, bought the hi fi equipment and all sporting goods.

One day he called me like 8 times maybe three or four years ago, to find out when I was coming home from work. When I did get home, there was a beautiful mountain bike hiding in my kitchen bestrewn with ribbons... I knew if I kept typing eventually I would make myself smile...
Posted By: ForgiveandLove Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/22/05 03:15 PM
I too have a similar situation as you. My dad has advanced Parkinson's Disease(in a nursing home)and my oldest daughter has personal problems(that I can't mention). I thought this would bring my husband and myself closer together. Instead, when I needed him most - he betrayed me, had an affair with his secretary - whom he still works with. It's been 4 long, cushing months. What is "mid-life" crisis - an excuse for cheating???

My husband's OW looks older, has been "around the block" many times with people in his office. I know if people would find out about his affair they would think he's crazy - she's a nothing - but yet he was involved with her emotionally and sexually. Men look at me and comment to my husband how attractive and lucky he is. To him, it didn't matter.

I was married and divorced before I met my husband and also had several failed relationships.For 20 years he has held this against me - for I was not a perfect wife to him. We have been married over 18 years with 2 children. So, he told me he wanted to even the score (with women). I was completely faithfull to him, always, and treated him like a king. Yet it wasn't enough. he OW listens to all the nonsense the man gives her, just so she can be with him. The OW always wants what she thinks you have. Your betrayed spouse, I know, doesn't see her in the "real light", real situations - if he did, he wouldn't stay for a minute.

He never wanted to talk about anything or communicate with me. He would pick fights with me so he would have an excuse to talk to the OW. Sometimes, husbands just refuse to talk to the wife - I found this out. The OW preys on this.

We're trying to work things out, but it's very hard because he works with her. I couldn't leave my husband because I love him - so I'm putting up with his nonsense for now. But, with all that is happening to me, the weight of the world is on my shoulders.

I guess we're all in the same boat?
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/23/05 09:20 AM
Hi Soooohurt,

I'm sorrÿ that you are here. It must be devastating to live with that kind of situation day to day.

It really is a hard call, when there are children involved. Do you stay and allow it to go on in front of you and bear all the hurt from it fresh everyday. Or do you cut and run.

I'm lucky in some respects, with only a dog to be concerned about. Plus I'm not dependent on my husband financially. For women who are trying to keep their children fed, clothed, schooled and give them a normal life - it must be incredibly challenging.

The program on this site has seemed to work for many. The choice is to I guess suck it up and do a plan A as best you can manage it. Or ask him to leave and adopt a Plan B.

If you post your story on the General Questions section, I am sure some of the veterans would be able to give you sage advise.

Personally, as I have a low tolerance for pain, I would ask that he leave the job, never have contact with the woman again, and start the program outlined here for improving marriages. If he responds with a no - I would ask him to leave - in a nice calm fashion - saying look it just not something I can live with. He has to make a choice at some point. Allowing it to go on with your knowledge is just not going to make anyone happy in the long term. Frankly it is really bad for your self esteem.

It does not sound like the OW will make him happy. It is also true that allowing him to cake eat, will not make him happy either. When you hurt someone else, it is unavoidable that you also hurt yourself.

Notwithstanding, the cheating aspect, when this happens clearly there have to be issues within the relationship that require caring attention... work both individuals have to do to make things better. While it is easy to be harsh with the WS they have a perspective too... which has some merit. This coming on top of other problems... is tough and his timing speaks volumes.

Good luck... I will remember you in my daily prayer...


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/23/05 09:27 AM

This is the last day, Ï have with my brother until next summer perhaps. We are back in do another concert, walk about, and just general lyming.

It has been a great trip. Alway interesting sharing digs with others for a time. You learn about how they live each day. For example, to my utter surprise, my brother likes to have long hot baths while lisening to opera... booming strains of Verdi and clouds of billowing steam ... exit with him when he is finally finished in the bathroom.

Always alittle sad to see the end of a holiday approach. This is the longest vacation I have taken in probably eighteen years. I am going to do more very soon. When you do get away ÿou wonder why did¨I wait so long..
Posted By: ForgiveandLove Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/23/05 03:22 PM
Thanks Paradise Blue,

Yes, I am living it over and over every day. I try so hard not to, but I know the OW is in the background. I can picture her face, her voice, everything and I can picture them together - only imagine what things they did together. Believe it or not, my husband even invited her over to our home on Memorial Day for a picnic while he was having the affair. What a slap in my face - double hurt!

My husband insists things have to take time to transfer her. She is in a union and has been working in his place for many years. According to him it has to be done right or it will "blow up in his face".

I'm trying to give him a reasonable amount of time to get her transfered. But, what is a reasonable amount of time? What if he can't transfer her? He WON'T leave his job. Do I just except this? I love him.

I was working before my dad went in the nursing home. I can certainly go back to work to support myself. But, I can't be without him. It's not that I need him for financial support - I need him because I love the jerk! I want to believe him. I honestly think he has nothing sexual or physical to do with her. But still, them working together just constantly reminds me of them being together in the past.

One other thing I want to mention. Now that he had an affair, he is not trusting me. I never was unfaithfull to him, never. But lately he's checking my e-mails and questioning me on everything. This is another thing that is driving me crazy. Is this normal???
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/24/05 04:52 PM

You are going thru what all of us are living and yes it does get easier to live with. It does not ever become acceptable. My EXWW is stll with the OM everyone thinks is totally inappropriate for her. He's only a few years older than our daughter, wants his own family, etc. This does not make it any less real or painful for you or I. Nor does it make any sense for us. I have struggled for 7 months to put logic to it and you just can't.

Somehow, someway these OP's fill a need or are an escape for our WS's. The fact that they are not as attractive, financially secure, committed, ect., only makes it more difficult to understand and accept for us. The reality is our WS's still feel a stronger connection to them than us. Here's our challenge, how do we reverse this and put their emotions back in our favor? Plan A is difficult because it's all one way at first. You are the only one working on your marriage and he is more concerned about himself and the OP. As long as you are not doing a bunch of LB's hopefully he will realize you have been been there all along and do still care for him and you are the reality in his life not her.

I know I am not the best example of applying the MB principles but I never found this concept and site until I had done all the wrong things already. I wish I had it to do over again, I would still be married and would have a much better chance of recovery than I do now. Hang in there and let us help you thru the bad days, there will be many.
Patience and solid nerves will get you thru this. Paradise is as good an example of this as I have seen in this site. Look inward and improve yourself and let the rest run its course.

We are all hoping the best for you however it turns out.

Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/24/05 05:09 PM
just wanted to say hello. hello!
you are in my prayers.
very busy week.
Posted By: ForgiveandLove Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/24/05 05:22 PM
Thanks for your advice dukhuntr,

I just had another fight with my husband over the phone - same old stuff - the OW is still in his office. But now lately, it seems he tries to make ME look bad in front of family, kids,friends, etc. Talking to everyone about all the guys I went out with 25 years ago (I've been with my husband for 20 years) how I was married before and the marriage failed because of me (my ex was abusive) - really hurtfull and mean things. I think it makes him feel less guilty about what he did.

This is just another thing that is driving me to "the brink". I told him it's got to stop. The OW has got to be transfered. I'm going around in circles and it never ends.

I just don't know what to do anymore. Can it work with the OW there? Am I being unreasonable? He says he isn't involved with her anymore - nothing to do with her. Am I just a "sap" wanting to believe everything he says? That's the way I feel.

One day we're fine the next day we are fighting like "cats and dogs". How long can this go on?
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/24/05 08:30 PM
This is exactly what you don't want to do if you can muster up the courage and will not to. Everything he is doing is "fog talk". It seems to me they do it to rationalize in their own minds the pain and suffering they know they are creating for their families and friends. Ignore it and let it run off like water off of my favorite bird's back(ducks). If you really do want to save this marriage you need to be firm on him having NC with the OW without LBing him away from you.

You need to present yourself as strong yet understanding to his poor choices. Not as judgemental and angry. This is where I went wrong and I'm divorced because I could not stop myself from doing this same thing. I know how hard this sounds and is, I failed at it. Allow yourself the time and space to cool off and think about what it is you really want. In the mean time you are giving the WH the same time and space to think not just react to you. Cornered humans react much the same as animals, they lash out and attack when backed into a small space. Do you really want him back if he does not want to be there? Give him the time and space to decide and make yourself be the person he turns to for his EN's. Be the safe haven he needs and he will see it eventually.

Don't try to fix things immediately, all of this takes lots, and lots of time. Use it to work on yourself and your issues. We all have our own demons and quirks to work on. Now you can improve yourself and feel better for it. I know its easy for someone else to say all of this but remember we all have been thru it. Its terribly hard to do but your marriage depends on you right now , if not more that him. There is not a lot you can do to help, just a lot you can do to impede progress or drive him further away.

Get your anger and frustrations out there to us in these forums and vent to us not him. We will listen and help as much as we can and no withdrawals will be made from his love bank that way. Keep it up you still have him from what I hear so you have a lot more hope than you think.

Posted By: ForgiveandLove Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/24/05 09:28 PM
Dear Dukhuntr,

Thanks for writing. I just had another fight with him. He has been indicating that the OW is in the process of being trasnfered - well at least he was taking the steps with the proper personnel. I thought he was just jerking me around, so, I called up Human Resources. Note, my husband told me on several occasions that he talked to the HR Director and other higher up personnel several times about this - even that I would leave him if nothing was done about the transfer. Well, much to my surprise, well maybe not too much surprise, the HR Director doesn't know about any transfer for the secretary. He said my husband hasn't told him anything.

I confronted him on this issue when he came home from work. My husband said he DID talk to the proper people and I should believe him, not other people-they are not going to tell me any information. I know these people - talked to them before. I begged him to tell me the truth - come clean. He swears he is working on the tranfer.

He stormed out of the house and went to his mom's! What are you views and comments on this?
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/24/05 10:30 PM

I'm sorry to say that it sounds like he is cake eating. Have you exposed the A at his place of work? I find it hard to believe a union company does not have a policy in place regarding relations between supervisors and employees. Even if you haven't exposed there, a well placed call to the HR director informing him of their relationship might hasten the transfer you desire.

Exposure will fuel a rage if you have not already done it so brace yourself for some fury on his part. He will tell you all about how much damage it has caused and so on and so forth. Again, all fog talk. Let it go and don't respond unless you have read up on reverse babble here. I can't think that quick so I just don't respond any more. Read Paradise's posts and try to be as patient and detached with him as she is with her WS when he is doing his thing. Use her actions and thoughts to guide you, I cant believe her WS can look her in the eye any more without feeling like the total louse he has been.

No matter what, present yourself as someone that can and will overcome anything he does. Show him that what he is doing is to himself and you will not be dragged down to his level with him. And most of all let him know how much you love him, but at the same time you won't share him and live that life any more. That is the boundary you have to set. What you will and won't accept while you are together.

Read up on the MB principles on this website and by all means find a MC or IC to help you get thru this. My MC/IC has changed my life considerably over the last 7 months and I will never regret a penny spent on this. Lastly I hope you have some sort of physical outlet to immerse yourself in. I went to the gym everyday for 12 weeks after D-Day and lost 45 pounds. Without that I think I would have done something stupid to either them or myself at some point. To much to think about and not enough ability to change anything is a hard thing on your psyche. Sweating it out seems to soothe the harshness and make things easier to deal with.

Be the eye of the storm and let the winds swirl around you, not within you.

Posted By: ForgiveandLove Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/24/05 11:28 PM
Thanks again Dukhuntr,

My husband is a director, he is not in the union, but the OW is. She has been with the company for 25 years or so. She has only been his secrtary for 1 year or so. I did speak to the Human Resources Director, but didn't go into detail. Just asked if my husband is or is having the transfer being taken care of. The HR director, flat out told me he didn't know of any transfer. Wouldn't he mention my husband talked about it to him (which my husband said he did on several occasions). I told the HR director I wouldn't put up with her working with him - I had my facts straight and he can talk to my husband. I also put in a call to someone even higher up (which my husband said he talked to). I have yet to get a call from that person - have to see what he says.

My husband said he will leave me if I make a scandal! He will get another job - which now he says he can't do. Make sense? Not to me.

We tried a therapist. Didn't work. My husband didn't think he did anything wrong - didn't know why he was in therapy.

Now all he is doing is saying bad things to friends, family, kids, etc. to make ME look bad because of what HE's done. I'm so tired of all this back and forth bickering. I didn't do anything, yet I am paying for everything. He wants to call all the shots. I don't want to break up our marriage but he keeps pushing and pushing.

I too do lots of things to keep my mind off of this. My dad has advanced Parkinson's Disease and I visit him every day. I do stuff around the house. I'm going back to work - I had to leave because of my dad. I also do stuff with my 2 girls - things run so smoothly when I'm with them.

Thanks for letting me get a little anger out.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/25/05 12:06 AM

If you read MB's guides and all the available materials you will come to see all of this is per the same script of an affair. Affair babble is what he is telling family and friends bad about you to make his indescretions seem less than they really are. Exposure to these people will reveal all of this and make him sit up and take note that you wont put up with it anymore. If you dont expose and the affair continues what have you gained in you silence, continuation of the status quo? Same as his workplace, expose the A and see what happens. Without exposure all I see is him continuing to straddle the fence between the two of you for as long as he can get away with it.

You have given him ample time to bow out of this gracefully and without scandal. You deserve better and you should expect more of him than you are getting. Show him your strength and do this for yourself. Let him know you have your own values and you can't go on forever living a life of deception and grief. It's clear to me you are meeting many of his important EN's or he would already be gone. Ask him to meet your EN's in return. Fill out the Emotional Needs Questionairre with him and see where the missing pieces are.

Our thoughts and hopes will be with you and I hope things turn around soon. Keep positive and pay special attention to your children they have to be feeling this too.

Posted By: ForgiveandLove Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/25/05 01:48 AM
Dear Dukhuntr,

My husband thinks all the stuff on this site is nonsene - just a bunch of loosers and hopeless soles. I guess I'm one of them.

I think I mentioned before that I honestly believe he isn't involved with the OW any more. I confronted the two of them at the office and spoke to her personally, in front of him. I asked how she can do this to another woman? She admitted that she loved him, thought she would marry him someday. She told me he indicated, not said, he would leave me. My husband then blurted out that he didn't say he was going to leave me. The OW told me the affair was over. Then I told her to leave him alone or I would beat the crap out of her. Called her an ugly big nosed, wrinkly, #"$%^.

The door was closed, no one in the office heard anything. I felt good after saying that to her. When she left the office she said, let him go he doesn't love you. I felt that I got stabbed in the heart.

This is the reason I think he's not seeing here. What do you think? Is it possible. Can he work with her and not bother with her?
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/25/05 02:06 AM

Arrived safely at home, to estatic puppy and much tail wagging, body wagging joy....

Met two ladies in their 70s on the plane today, they were sister-in-laws, both widows. They had traveled to Cambodia and the Czech Rebulic this year because they decided to see the world in alphabetic order. Currently, they are working on countries of interest that begin with C.. very cute, savy world travellers.

It always strikes me as strange how fast things shift when you travel. Yesterday evening I was sitting in Glam-Gallas Palace, under five enormous crystal chandeliers in a beautiful baroque room lisening to a classical orchestra, imagining graceful women in elaborate heavy gowns stepping delicately about the room. Now I am home.. dog at my feet...

I enjoyed the trip and in particular my brother's company. He is getting older and while he probably wouldn't admit it, he liked the city time.. doing concerts, walking, exploring. We stayed in a modest 5th floor walk up, apartment suite, several metro stops from Old Towne but with a private bath and kitchen. He barely grumbled about the expense... a sure sign he was having fun!

Going to make a quick cup of tea, give the dog a walk and then I'm off to visit Dad.


Dad looks much the same, not as strong as I would like. His nurse said tonight that this afternoon he told her, he didn't think he had too much longer... maybe just this year and that would be it. She is a graceful girl of east indian descent, just a great smile and kind heart.

We talked for a while until he got tired and nodded off. The dog and I sat with him while he slept. It was nice just to lisen to his breathing.


Talked to my husband upon my return, lots of business items that need attending to, I have a busy schedule the next few days.

He has signed a lease on a small sub penthouse apartment a 12 minute jog from our home - water view - apparently an ideal bachelor pad layout. Not as far as I would have liked but at least not right next door either. It seems kind of surreal to talk about which pieces of furniture and which pictures he will be taking.

He doesn't seem as giddy these days. I can tell he missed me. He has always hated having me far away. Yet, he is still light years away from being the man I know.

Ultimately life is so short. I am trying to let go and just see what comes... focusing very hard on staying positive. Life is all about choices. In away this frees me up to do things too.

My brother and I have decided that when my Dad passes, we will scatter some of his ashes on the beach he landed on in Normandy where so many of his friends died. He would like that. It will be a bittersweet trip...

Yet having had a glimpse of Paris through a plane window, I know there will be happy moments too... whoa - shoe shopping in Paris!

One thing about dealing with the prospect of death, is that it throws into high relief how we postpone living. My Dad always wanted to go back to Normandy. He never did. He got busy.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/25/05 12:04 PM
Hi Soooohurt,

It sounds like you up to your chin in affair fog. Sorry, no dice on whether or not they can still work together. They cannot. Particularly if she is still keen.

I have been in your shoes. Frankly, if I had packed house and moved us to a different town two years ago. I don't think I would be where I am now. Somewhere on this site, Dr. Harley says it is impossible for an affair to end if the OW is waiting in the wings. Very true...

You need to have him change jobs, if he cannot arrange for her transfer. Dukhunter suggestion of exposing the affair at work is a good one. His comments are right on the money. Although, if this woman has had previous affairs with other collegues - it may indicate this company does not have in place appropriate policies for dealing with this kind of behaviour. Unions can be very protective of bad behaviour.

The only other advise I can suggest is not to take it personally although I know that is hard to do. Right now, it isn't really about your shortcomings, or the weaknesses in your marriage. It is about someone who is trying desparately to shift responsibility - to project blame.

Best if you don't say a whole lot .. until there is hope of having a real conversation with someone who is rational. Nothing you can say is going to penetrate his self absorption - right now anyways.

You can't deal with this kind of pressure without finding some mechanisms for relieving the stress. Go do something nice for yourself...find a distraction... something happy to think about.

Ultimately, whether or not your marriage survives is much more in your hands than his. To save it you need to pay close attention to the information available here ... and keep your wits about you. Money spent on anything that helps you do that - what ever it is for you - is actually a great investment in your family's future happiness.


Posted By: ForgiveandLove Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/25/05 12:24 PM

I don't know what to do anymore. He knows I am on this site for MB and he's checking everything I say and do. Said that I'm listening to other people giving me advice - I'll be alone, without him, with the computer if I keep listening to everyone. Says the people on here are slandering him. He can read anything on this site, because anything I say is true - but he blows up when he reads the stuff I say.

Last night we had a big fight because he said I didn't believe him (that he was TRYING to do something about transfering the secretary). Threatened to leave - even started packing suitcases. I said if he leaves it will be his decision, not mine. He insisted is my my fault because I didn't believe him. He lied so many times - I just can't. I told him to give me some kind of proof, that something is going to be done about the secretary. I told him if someone in his office (some official) said something was in effect for transfer, I would appoligize to him.

We kind of made up. But, I don't know how much of this I can take. I love him, but I can't stop him, he's so hurtfull. I never did anything to him - why is he hurting me so much, saying bad things about me? All I ever did was love him and be faithfull. Why, Why, Why????

I don't know if I can write to this site anymore because he checks all my e-mails, etc. - it just causes another fight.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/25/05 12:28 PM
Hi All,

Poodling at the computer before getting down to work here and I found a great link which has many wonderful pictures of one of the towns we stayed at - Cesky Krumlov. It is a virtual tour. I also am posting one on Prague.

Thought some of you may enjoy it...
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/25/05 01:35 PM

I apologize if anything I have written has insulted your husband or in any way hurt his feelings.

I am quite sure if you two have been happily married for 20 years and you still love the man deeply enough to put up with what is just a hurtful nightmare - that he must have wonderful qualities.

Affairs don't happen to just bad people. They happen to everyone. There is something in the three person dynamic that alters how people behave dramatically - to the point they are unrecognizable - pod people.

Eventually, the fog clears, I believe that is when most WS have a very hard time dealing with their actions. Everyone gets hurt in a triangle. The timing is just different for each of the parties.

If your husband were dealing with a business problem, say his decisions had undermined a business partnership. Would he respond by continuing in the problematic behaviour, refusing outside help, lying about the situation, projecting blame. If he did, he wouldn't be a director for long.

Maybe, as a business leader, it is time for a little plus and minus column analysis. What does he lose and what does he gain? It sure looks lopsided to me.. eventually it will look lopsided to him.

If he is refusing face to face counseling and doesn't want you to have any manner of support through this - well it is nonsense isn't it.

There are other sites that are good for this. If he doesn't like this one - how about using the divorcebusting site. It is quite useful too.

This isn't just a 'they are a bad person' kind of scenario. They reference the WS script because everyone even the best of the best on the planet when in his shoes go through the same thing. Some hard wired trigger in their brain has got them in a mess and their poor beleagured grey matter just can't cope with it until the flooding of emotions subsides.. so they talk nonsense.

I am sorry for you both and in particular your children they will bear the pain of this more keenly than either of you may realize because they are looking on with fresh innocent eyes. They are helpless - they don't have the ability to change the situation for the better. Whereas you both do.


PS. I know Soooohurt that his actions have really hurt you but to save your marriage, you cannot allow yourself to hurt him back. So you have to avoid the negative. This is not the same as enabling. Just give it time... and don't fight... it doesn't help right now... reflection does. Sometimes you just need to stay clear of each other until some semblence of true communication can be had.

I wish you both will need all three.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/25/05 04:19 PM
Good morning all...
Good morning SH, soooo sorry you are here. PB and Duk are very wise. So keep venting here.

I believe your H is acting this way because he can not, at this time, handle the pain of causing you your pain. Possibly to him, this OW was only an escape of some sort. However, if he has any conscience, and sees her at work everyday, then he is unable to handle her pain (although between you and me...she earned it herself by dealing with a married man) as well. And I agree with PB, they can no longer work together. Your H needs to respect your right to BREATHE!

Continue as best you can to be loving, because you love him and have made the choice to do so. If he threatens to leave (which I feel is a call for help from a man who knows not how to ask for help) don't guard the door. After so many threats you may ask him to leave. He won't be able to call the shots then.

I feel you need to make some boundaries. If he continues to do things that do not prove he is trying to make your marriage work, then you may need to move on to a loving plan B.

As far as MC in your past, my H and I went down the same path. She was a good MC, however never, I felt, got to the true issue, that it was wrong to have sex with another woman while you were married.

How long was your WS's A? How did you find out about it? Perhaps I have missed your posts.

PB-Glad you are home safe and sound. And glad to read you have "puppy" again. 12 min jog from your home? Yes, that is better than next door. Has you H told you he needed to take anything from your home? Perhaps that is why he asked you to help decorate?

Try to all find peace in your day. This too shall pass, somehow.
Posted By: ForgiveandLove Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/25/05 06:06 PM
Good afternoon Holiday,

I know my husband is probably going to read all this stuff and blow up when he comes home tonight - but all of what I say is true.

I found out about this in June 2005. The usual stuff, staying late at work all of a sudden, picking fights with me for nothing, constantly talking about the secretary,hiding his wallet, looking up divorce sites on the computer. I guess I ignored it for a while, even though deep down inside I knew.

It was my daughter (she's 18 now) that first bought it to my attention - is dad having an affair? I said "Oh dad whould never do that to me - it's just the way he is". More fighting, crying, etc., etc. My daughter again, a couple of months later said are you sure dad is not having an affair. My response again, no not dad - he loves me - would never do that - he's just like.

Well this jolted me and I started snooping around. Well, I found a receipt for a Valentine's gift, cash taken out of his business account for no reason, more late nights (which I logged), checking wallet, etc..

I confronted him with the evidence. He denied, denied, denied. Said I was crazy. I told him either tell me the truth or we were thru. The next day he confessed and told me some of the truth. Husband said affair was a couple of months, but he loves me and it is over - he told the OW so. I confirmed this with her. He said he didn't know why he did it.

The no contact just didn't work for me. I begged him to do something, transfer her, have him get another job. He refused anything for about 3 months. Then about a month ago he started the procedures to have her transfered. But when he told me this, I didn't believe him. I think he should have started the process as soon as he confessed - not a couple of months later. Lots of wasted time, hurt, crying, fighting for nothing.

This other woman can never "fit into my shoes" - I know that, in anything. That's what makes it so hard to believe it happened. I could never inflict this kind of pain on him, especially with all the other things that are going on with my dad (Parkinson's) and other issues in the family.

I did get a confirmation from the Union Manager that my husband did get the "ball" rolling on her getting transfered. I wanted to hear this so much. Now, I have to wait. I'm trying so hard, I want to believe all he says.


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/25/05 06:38 PM

I'm glad to hear that things are indeed moving forward on NC. Don't stop here by any means. Your relationship has issues that need to be dealt with irregardless of the OW. I suggested the Emotional Needs Questionairre earlier. Print it out from this site and sit down with your H and work on changing the environment at home that allowed this to happen. Right now you both are going thru a period of change and withdrawal and without the help of a MC you need to make the adjustments and changes on your own as a couple. Having the OW out of the office will help but it's not the solution to the problems.

Continue to find ways to fill the love bank with your husband. Identifying what was and still is missing in your relationship is just the beginning. The hard part will be controlling the resentment, judgements and anger that will drain what you are trying to build back up. You said something very prophetic in your last post. " I just want our marriage to work". Well start working on it, because it is work. Use this as a painful and eye opening wake up call to that fact and get after it. Again you may be the only one working for a while because of withdrawal for your H. Take Paradise's advice and be patient and persistent.

Holiday said I was wise in her post and that may be the first time anyone has ever said that about me ever. I don't think I am but I have been taught a very emotional and painful lesson this year and I have learned from it. We all have learned from our experiences and you don't have to go thru it twice to learn this lesson!

Take this start as a good sign and go out and treat yourself and your children to something special. My daughter also pointed the way to discovery for me and she is 23 and still struggling to adjust to our split family. If progress is slow with your H spend the energy created by the nerves and anxiety on your children. They need to see that their parents will be there for them always.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/25/05 07:10 PM

Thank you for the link. I am very jealous now thanks! Cesky looks like a beautiful retreat from the reality of all of our difficulties. It must have been made ever better by having your multi-lingual brother there to get around and communicate. The river thru town makes it perfect in my view. Not over developed or as trashed as ours here in the states. Did the people match up with the sights and views? I have bunches of questions about the food, and the experience in general.

How about a chapter in your journal about the first thing that comes to mind in your memory of Cesky? I am especially curious about the smells that come to mind. The scents that are in the air are the strongest memories for me of places I have visited. Each is unique in its own way. San Francisco has it's own ocean scent and so does Anchorage. What is the first scent you remember from Cesky? My imagination is telling me a mixture of bakery and deli smells. Could be a manure farm nearby who knows huh!

Glad to hear all went well and that the puppy survived your being gone. Sounds like good news about the move for WH too. Couldn't you stuff his mailbox with fliers for a development 30 minutes away too? Keep up the happy thoughts and think back when the demons creep in.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/25/05 07:24 PM

Wise is not what I am used to people referring to me as. Other unprintable names yes, wise-no. I learn from people like you and Paradise. All I am doing is trying to learn from what has happened to me and become a better person because of it. I my mind the only other option is to become bitter, jaded and resentful for the rest of my life. Not what I would consider as a better option. If I can let people know what mistakes I felt I made in my marriage maybe it will make me look even deeper within myself to see how I contributed to my own problems and help heal some of my own wounds.

Every time I read either your posts or paradise's I can usually take something away from them to think about. It really does help to move your focus off of dwelling on whatever has stuck in your mind that day. Thank you for all of your thoughts, I do look forward to reading each of them.

Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/25/05 07:47 PM
Duk, how about changing your name to Wisolowl? (or Wisyngowl...don't know your age <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />.)

You are wise. You've come to this site even after all that was said and done as well as a divorce and are offering such great input. And you are wise because you have now taken the time to work on yourself and figure you out, for if and when it should happen, start a new relationship with someone. I believe one can not begin a good relationship nor a new relationship until they have corrected or got in touch with their own issues. You are doing that right now. Very proud of you!

I have been through this lesson twice, do you really consider me wise? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

I hope sooohurt's H will begin to read our posts with an open mind. This will only help her to move forward. Supporting her in her time of need. After my H confessed to all that was done last year, he wrote me a special note telling me he was sorry for what he had done to ME and that it was MY time now. That helped a great deal.

I believe sooohurt's H when he says "he doesn't know why this happened". I think WS's have "temporary insanity" issues. Hopefully with or without a new MC he can find his way so this won't happen again.

Sooohurt, check out the book Point Man by Steve Farrar. This book helped my H big time.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/25/05 09:23 PM

How about "Wisefowl" as in some type of intelligent waterfowl. They do have a brain the size of mine- about the size of a peanut! And yes I consider you wise! You have negotiated your way through this twice. Twice as wise and the patience and faith of a saint. I could not be patient enough to make it through the first time.

Funny thing about sooohurts and my former spouse, mine said the exact same thing last week in my birthday e-mail(I turned 46 last week). "I don't know why this happened" must be their way of saying "I didn't know how to say no". Insanity? Maybe, more like "I'm not real happy at home right now and this might be a way to feel better about myself"? Who knows without being involved in every conversation and every meeting they have had. All I know is my EX went on to say I would have done the same thing if I were in her shoes! Nice birthday wish huh! I think that one sentence in an e-mail finally convinced me I was not dealing with someone rational and cognizant.

You should feel blessed to have a husband that recognized what he had done and expressed it to you. I have pretty much given up any hope that I will ever hear anything like that from my WW. I am sure I don't want to hear it yet. Not emotionally ready to deal with that.

New relationships? I am happy being alone right now. Paradise is starting to influence me big time! I moved from my parents home to a home with my EX at 20yrs old. Never been alone before and I am really starting to enjoy it! I can go hunting without worrying about someone else's schedule or timetable. I can stop everything at the drop of a hat and take offers I used to turn down to hunt, golf or fish. I had a friend send me this quote the other day and I think it fits me to a tee.

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us"- Helen Keller
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/26/05 04:17 AM

O.K Duk, I will give it a shot.

When you get off the train and walk down towards the village, you overlook the valley. It looks like a village straight from a Grimm Brothers fairy tale. The village first came into existence in the 1300s and many of the original medieval structures still stand. It is a confusing maze of narrow cobble stone streets and wonderful architecture.

You can feel the lives lived over centuries here. The castle itself is just what a castle should be - an intriguing collaboration of many generations of three different families. Its court yards smell of wet old stone with a slight tinge of damp mold.

In summer the town is thronged with tourists, it was less busy while we were there. My brother nor I speak Czech. Although, his german is very good and it allowed us to bridge the occasional barrier.

The villagers themselves are very used to dealing with foreigners.. they live with throngs of tourists.. so at times I am sure they wish everybody would just stay home for a weekend.

The place is full of history, unscarred by any major disasters such as fire, earthquake or flood.

We were there for three days ... I could easily have spent longer.

The morning I awoke before dawn and watched the sun rise over the valley was enchanting. I sat thinking about how many sunrises had been witnessed over seven centuries from that spot. What they would have been thinking, hoping for...When you are there you can pratically see a rich fabric of shadowy human memories flowing all around you....
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/26/05 05:44 AM

Old stone and mold, not as appealing as bakery and deli but just as descriptive. Being in a town that old would make you nostalgic about all the generations of people who have built the town and kept it alive all these years. My mother went to her family's home in Germany last year and told wonderful stories about how our family has lived there for centuries. She's into geneology in a big way and has her family traced back into the 17th century. All farming families and their homes are two stories. Mangers and stalls downstairs for the animals and the people live upstairs. Now the farm equipment is downstairs so it smells a little better. Cleaning the stalls must have been an important task in those days!

Mom brings our family history to us in more detail than I sometimes want to know. Many of the family pictures she brought back with her to put in her books had the wrong uniforms on the men during WW-II. I got smart and asked some stupid questions about which camp our family ran and got some really dirty looks. Mom was not amused! I mentioned to her my desire to visit Scotland and Ireland and now it looks like I will have company if I go. Her mothers family name is McSherry and she has yet to get very far on that side of her family. SO instead of golf and scotch we now will add churches and cemeterys. Wooooee! Maybe I can get drunk at the distilleries before we go to the graveyards!

I hope you are adding all of this stuff to one file to be compiled later into your book. This is by all means of the quality and interest to make it worthwhile. Have a great day tomorrow!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/26/05 12:13 PM
Hi Dukhuntr,

I think it is a great idea. Your mom will end up making the trip just that much better - notwithstanding all the graveyards.

Dad was very interested in genealogy too. He traced our family history back hundreds of years. We were Quakers who arrived in North America on one of the boats after the Mayflower - the Fortune. Our direct ancestor was a carpenter. The family farmed for centuries.

I have a lovely letter written by his grandson who was 16 during the American Revolution... it describes the reaction of people the day the first British blood was spilled. He made it sound much like the day Kennedy died. Everyone was in shock.. and horror. He wrote the letter when he was 93, it finishes with instructions for a distribution of tracts against slavery. He was active in the underground railroad. Letters from that era are so articulate... people spent hours every day writing to stay in touch...We were United Empire Loyalists who moved after the revolution to settle in Canada.

Dad would occasionally take me to a Quaker Meeting house near us. Their services are very different. No one speaks until they feel that they have something worthwhile to share- so there are long silences where you just lisen to the fire crackle...

Everyone's family is rich with history if you have the skill set to dig. Our oddest family lore is that a relative of my Dad and a relative of my Mom sat in one of the lifeboats together - when the Titanic sunk. One was a child care pioneer...the other a mistress.

War is horrifying for everyone there... really people should decide not to attend... My dad arrived on the scene after a fairly famous battle where an SS troop had died to the man. He still remembers it with tears. Their mail had just arrived and their letters from their families ... photos of dads, sisters, brothers, girlfriends, mothers drifted like snow over the bodies ... all blond boys ... very few out of their early teens...

Finding your roots in Scotland with an able detective at your side... sounds like fun to me.




I sat with Dad last night ... he is sleeping alot these days and it is a hard to get him to take in food and liquids... While he slept.. I thought of how both our lives have been shaped by beaches at pivotal points ...his a landing in Normandy where he saw many childhood friends die..and relived in his dreams many times over. Mine a lovely sanctuary full of fun, happy dogs, all manner of sports...and very good company.

While I was away I read up on the Buddist thinking about dying. They believe it is much like changing your clothes.. you go onto a new life ... There are bardos or stages of dying as your spirit leaves your body. While I sit by my Dad I often pray... an odd mixture of just plain english, badly mangled Sanskrit, prayers of a variety of faiths. No harm in redundancy...

He always says I love you before he nods me and the dog. He nods off and wakes up many times during our visits. There is a constant stream of I love yous.

The dog lies on his bed, scattering muddy footprints on the clean white linen.. curled up against his side.

My chair is against a window. It is a nice room. Lots of pictures.. plants.. with only a lamp on ... it is a peaceful place to sit and think at night. I believe people should not die alone if it can be helped... always better to have company. Dying is very much a part of life and life in all its aspects happy and sad - is just more fun with other people around.

When I got home last night I rented a great movie. Born into Brothels.. a story about a photographer who teaches a group of children in Calcutta how to take pictures.. a movie well worth seeing... The kids are fabulous fun... full of beans and mischief.
Posted By: ForgiveandLove Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/26/05 01:15 PM
Hi Everyone,

Last night wasn't that bad. I felt so much better hearing that something is being done to transfer the OW. Still now sure if it's actually going to be done though. My logic is that if she was good enough to work for him for over a year why would they want to transfer her? All of a sudden she needs to be transfered????

I have another question. How do I handle when my husband's dad bashes me - even though I didn't do anything wrong to him or my husband? He's got very macho ideas. Lot of this rubbed off on my husband over the years. This hurts. Should I talk to the parents or just let it go. Holidays are coming up and they will be probably at our home.

Need some advice.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/26/05 02:46 PM

Just try to be yourself with the inlaws. You can hold your head high and know you have done nothing wrong. Inlaws seem to always rally around the family no matter what the circumstance. If you think about it, it is only natural and expected. As for the bashing I would try and get FIL off by himself and let him know you don't appreciate the bashing and to please stop, especially if its in your home.

As for the workplace, who cares what they think as long as it gets done. I would bet more people are aware of the relationship than you will ever know and word will get around. I guarantee H's superiors know by now after your calls to the HR person that something fishy is up.

Have you started woking with H on making things better between the two of you? Change your focus now that things are moving and work on yourself and your relationship with your H. The OW remember is only a symptom of a problem between you and your H.
Posted By: ForgiveandLove Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/26/05 03:00 PM

Tough to talk to FIL - very macho! He only says stuff when I'm not around. He would "fold up like a cheap tent" if I talked to him - "yes me to death". Like I said a lot of my husband's ideals and ideas came from his dad. Very hard to get this out of his system.

So far as my husband in the workplace. I told him that everyone probably knows. He insists that they do not - maybe suspect but never told him so. Of course they never said anything to him - he's the boss! I guess if he keeps saying that they don't know it makes him feel better.

The HR will not admit to anything - they have to be confidential. But I know everyone knows - he only has about 5-6 people in his department - close quarters -how could they not know?

I'm trying to work at it. Last night wasn't too bad. I just have to wait and see if she gets transfered. Hoping very much. If the OW doesn't then that will be another issue.

Talked to my 18 yr. old daughter this morning before she went off to college. She's such a good kid. Very smart - got a full scholarship and she helps me a lot, when I need her emotionally.

I'm going to visit my dad now - I think I mentioned he's got Parkinson's. He lost his remote control and can't change the channels on TV. Very serious stuff. I found an old one in the house - hope it works for him.

Thanks again everyone. It feels good to talk to people who understand.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/27/05 04:00 AM

Hi Soooohurt,

Great news about the transfer. I'm really happy for you both. It will feel so much better when this is behind you.


Posted By: ForgiveandLove Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/27/05 06:04 AM
Hi everyone,

I should be sleeping but tonight I think I hit an all time low in my marriage. Just when I thought things were going better, something changed in my husband tonight.

At dinner he kept telling me and the kids he refused to quit his job, never, no one was going to tell him what to do. No woman was going to tell him what to do. He's the boss. I was not going to order him around.

After dinner we went for a walk - we usually do. He was so different, very non caring attitude, distant. After talking, I think I found out that the OW will not be transfered - he didn't admit it, but I could tell by his words. Kind of indicated his company didn't want a scandal. He kept telling me over and over that he refused to quit his job. I told him I couldn't live with the fact of him staying with the OW. That he was being disrespectful, etc. He can start looking actively for a new job once or if he found out the OW is not transfered. He just sounded so uncaring - his words. Again, I was crushed.

When we came back from the walk I went upstairs to bed. Came back downstairs to take medicine(zantac for panic attacks because I was so upset). I asked him what was more important to him - his job or his marriage. He couldn't even answer me - couldn't say anything. This hit me like a ton of bricks. To me my marriage is the most important thing.

I told him maybe he should be away from me for a while - to think. He said I was throwing him out, he didn't want to leave. I said I wasn't thinking of a separation or divorce, but I couldn't do this up and down anymore. I'm so tired of getting my hopes up that things are working fine and then taking two steps backward. I asked that he give some time so I can find a job, so I can handle the bills. Also, that if he goes not to let us loose the house and help with the bills. I just can't do this anymore. He said I should be satisfied that he's working, coming, home, having a house and that he broke the relationship off with the OW. Yet he's there with her everyday.

Incidentally, he is on this site giving advise to people. Can you beat that? His site is "no more drama". He's giving advice when his marriage in falling apart.

I don't know what to do. I'm sitting here in tears, in the middle of the night when all I want is my husband to love me and all he can do is be macho.

Please need help soon.

I think he was saying these things because of what his father had told him a day or so ago. His father said several hurtfull things to him about me - I think he is taking his advice. The advice was that the man should be the boss and his decision is final, not mine and I shouldn't "lead my husband around with a ring in his nose".
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/27/05 01:20 PM
Hi Soooohurt,

Your last post is a heartbreaker. The fact remains that your marriage doesn't stand a chance if your husband is in all day contact with a woman he has had a recent sexual and emotional affair with. A woman who is actively pursuing him.

It is simply not pragmatic to assume that everyone he works with already doesn't know about this. Of course they do - small group - absolutely it has been a topic of general discussion.

His transfering her will certainly confirm it. Perhaps he thinks it is better to face down the gossip by ignoring the situation.

No way around it, he is in a mess. Leaving the job might be a happy solution. She is a unionized employee. He is management. If she complains there will be a hearing of some nature. She has enormous leverage to cause him damage, should she choose to.

Does you FIL know about the affair? Does he know why you want either the woman transferred or your husband to change jobs?

Giving up an affair is really difficult. She is a fantasy world which makes him feel great. You are making him feel like a schmuck. It is really hard for truth to compete with fantasy when truth makes you feel awful. He may be in withdrawal. There are some great threads by WS who have dealt with the pain of withdrawal first hand.

I agree with his by line... no more drama... this situation who is bringing drama to the table? Infidelity, nowadays... it is negligent to the point of manslaughter.. he is bringing the sexual health of all the OW's former lovers to your bed...putting you at risk of real harm... is that not dramatic.

It shows how powerful the whole affair magic is. This was not a good career move. In most companies bad judgement of this nature will put his advancement at risk. Buying into a situation, where you put your career, family, marriage, future financial stability and the health of your spouse in danger of ruin - says it all doesn't it. Nothing rational was going on in his head. It makes it easier in a way. It allows you to see that he really hasn't been himself.

I haven't looked at his posts but if he does not agree with the principles on this site why is he posting here? I'm confused. If he does agree with the program.. then it is a no brainer.. that he should end contact with the OW. On the plus side if he is posting. It means he is thinking and reading about other people's experiences with a very challenging dynamic. I think it is a positive.

Ultimately you have to decide for yourself what is best for you and your family. It would be even better if you could talk it through and decide together.

People get over this. There are success stories.

My prayers are with you both..


Posted By: ForgiveandLove Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/27/05 02:47 PM
Thanks everyone on this site,

A new thread has been opened up on Recovery for me. My husand is "Stop the Drama" and of course I am "Soooohurt". You can see what my husband's point of veiw is and how unreasonable he is. Please give us your thoughts. I want someone to make him see my point of view. Knock some sense into him.

Thanks for all your help. It feels good to talk to people.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/27/05 03:20 PM

I too and saddened by your news. Hang in there and be strong. If for no other reasaon your kids need you right now, they too are scared and nervous about what their life will become. I have gone out and read the H's posts and he sounds convinced that he can be in close contact with the OW and still remain in your marriage. Fog talk, maybe. I don't know him well enought to answer that. I do know two people I work with that had an A here and both are still here working in close proximity daily and are not involved anymore in any way. The problem is both are remarried to different spouses than they had duing their A.

I think in the MB materials I have read that one of the things a BS needs from a WS in a recovery is NC with the OW to give the BS a feeling of safety. A BS just can't feel safe in their M knowing that their spouse still sees the OW daily and anytime an arguement or problem occurs at home you fear the WH will turn immediately to the OW again. Proximity does breed these fears and emotions. Your H has put himself in a place where he has put all that he has worked for and achieved in jepardy. It is hard for him to give this up when he believes he is finished with the OW. He just does not realize yet how hard this is for you to live with or accept. Again I think you need to remain strong and express your fears and feelings to him in a non-threatening and non-demanding manner.

Remember he still may be in withdrawal and the thought of losing his family and his career at the same time would be too much to handle all at once. Right now all he has for sure is the career and he knows it. Time and compassion from both of you will be essential in resolving this and placing all your emphasis on NC right now may be counter-productive. Instead try to find the missing EN's and see if the two of you can fill those gaps for each other again. If you can again meet all of hs needs he may become strong enough in your M to make NC a priority himself. You are the key to this, in that you have to be the one that is committed and strong enough to live with the situation while working to improve the other areas first.

Hopefully your H will see that you are trying and you still have the same love for him as before the A. Your M will never be the same and that is good. Something needs to be changed to make it stronger than before and to become affair-proof. We will be here to listen and give our opinions and for you to vent on when needed. You can do this if its really what you want. You have to make that call not us. I for one would love to have this same chance again. My EXWW still works with the OM and is still with him. In my case she gave no statements or gave no signals that the A was over as your H has done. Take this as the opening you need and expand it as fast as you can.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/27/05 03:53 PM

I only recently discovered this board... and my situation is very different than what I have read of your's.

I am sorry that we are both here.

Your posts are some of the most eloquently written, heartfelt sentiments that I have ever read - in book or out.

I hope that someone as yourself would be friends with someone like me if our paths ever crossed.

God Bless you,

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/27/05 08:13 PM

We have another fan in the paradise book club! Keep up the writing, you are building a fan base for your soon to be written best seller. Maybe a way to pay for some more sight-seeing huh?

Have a great weekend- off to chase those pesky ducks again with the now healed up Lab.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/27/05 11:02 PM
Hi Eibrab,

It is very nice to meet you. Thank you for your compliments. I think our paths just crossed.

I don't know your story. Would you like to share it?

I'm not sure what perspective I can offer but I am happy to lisen or read as is the case.

Long busy day, now its off to see Dad.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/28/05 01:47 PM

Too tired last night to write...

My scrabble buddy and I had dinner together last night, she came with me to visit Dad. She visited him regularly while I was away.

We drank Newcastle Brown Ale... Dad had one small juice glass full. It took a long time for him to get it down but he seemed to enjoy it. Tomorrow I will be bringing stout.. lots of calories in stout.

My friend sang gospels songs. I have known her 16 years and never heard her sing. She has a lovely voice. Apparently while I was away she would sit and sing to him. Drinking beer and singing gospel songs an odd mixture but it felt right.

Dad is gradually getting weaker... not standing these days at all. His nurse said .. they always know first when they are going to go. Dad kept telling me last night how he was going to miss me... likewise.

Mom is mad at him. She thinks he is giving up before he needs to. My parents are an interesting combo. They understand each other. I always love watching them figure things out together.. two silver heads close together... glasses slipping down noses...then the round of quick smiles .."Yes that is it .. we got it right". They really did get it right.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/28/05 03:31 PM
Good morning! sorry sooohurt to hear your H is being as suborn as a bull, perhaps this is his coping skill for dealing with everything going on. He did it, it's over, yada yada, now you get over it...sorry, not so easy.
About your FIL, perhaps he's not aware that when you are a "mischief bull", you need to be led around by the ring in your nose! and possibly tied to the fence for awhile.

I spoke to my dear and special friend here on MB. We have been going through all this together for the past 11 months. She has told me that you are most welcome to ask her help as her H was the boss of the OW and only until now or as of Nov 4th (almost a year later) he has left his job for new one. Her user name is Godhelpme2. She has a kind spirit. I began posting here with MB under the title Newbies, now we continue under Old Newbie's Where are you in Just Found Out.

PB, I hope your Dad is comfortable. He sounds like an amazing man. I keep you and him in my prayers daily.

DH-hope you have great duck weather!

Still working hard on my holiday stock. Hubby still pounding away at the books. Say a little prayer for his big test on Monday. We are spending this weekend in Phx, AZ with his sister.

And I hope you all have a better weekend.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/28/05 10:29 PM

Hi Holiday,

Thanks again. I will visualize only A's for your Hubby. Have a great visit in Phoenix - I love it there.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/29/05 12:24 AM

Another busy day... beach.. work...a business now home. Staying in tonight to do a general clean and dust up. The WS is coming by tomorrow to pick up some of his things and a few pieces of furniture. He moves into his new place this weekend. It is uniquely female logic to want to have your house clean for someone to come and take your things away. I will pop up to see Dad in the morning and hopefully miss the denuding of my home.

At first the WS wanted to do his new place ultra modern - italian leather...minimalist. Now he seems to want to duplicate what we already have. He wants me to write down all the paint shades etc.. Very confused person I am dealing with.

I had an interesting conversation today with an old colleague. On how some people get into a mind set where being nasty makes sense to them. If your logic is pure - being nasty never makes sense. There is no advantage to be gained and it diminishes you. Although having the OW jog by me tonight (braless and in tight spandex) with a big smile - I can see it might at times have a small measure of appeal...

I still find it hard to believe he is doing this ... we had just way too much fun ...


Speaking of fun.. my purpose here is to do a Halloween post. I have turned off all the lights, lit a candle, poured a Pilsner Urquell (great Czech beer) and I have spooky organ music booming out of the cd player (baroque organ recital in St. Vitus church in Cesky Krumlov) - sounds a bit like a Munsters theme song.

This is all in honour of a picture... what I think might actually be a ghost picture. Last week when I waited for the dawn at the castle in Cezky Krumlov... I was by myself for probably 30 to 40 minutes before two other keen souls ventured up to sit near me and await first light.

Overlooking a 500 foot drop, I sat in still quiet darkness on an old stone bridge..that was probably built some 700 years ago. (No ipod) I found it peaceful but there is a kind of a density of lives lived in that spot.

I thought about how many countless others over the centuries have done exactly the same thing albeit not with a digital camera in tow.

I took probably 9 or 10 pictures, it was crisp and cold, our breath hung in the air. The valley landscapes all came out crystal clear. The sky gradually turn from indigo to pink. Just after sunrise as I was walking back down towards the village I shot an old woman raking leaves.

When I downloaded my pictures.. I stared for a long time wondering...what @$$@%%.. You can see her blurred through what looks very much like a spectre.. white blobby thing. The rest of the picture is in perfect focus .. really odd. There was no mist. No fog. There was nothing to offer a reflection.. No imperfections in the film because it was digital... Just this rather cool casper character... The tour guide at the castle mentioned that there are several ghosts who haunt the place .

One was the lady in white who was cursed to roam by her husband when she refused to forgive him on his deathbed for maltreating her very badly throughout their marriage. He was a lout. That was five hundred years ago.. she must be really mad at him by now ...
Posted By: familycomesfirst Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/29/05 01:14 PM
My daugther is fascinated by pictures with "orbs" she calls them. She looks them up on the internet all the time. I took some pictures recently in our living room and there were orbs in a couple of spots. I looked at the lense it it was dirty! I told her, there's your ghost, a smudge on the camera lense. We laughed pretty hard about it.

I'm sorry you have to live in such close proximity to your H's OW. She has some nerve jogging by you like that, I bet the urge to trip her was hard to fight! (At least it would have been for me.) I think there are better things in store for you. You've got your head on straight while your H is off chasing some fantasy life. It may take time, but you will come out ahead. I'm confident of it.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/29/05 01:41 PM
Hi Familyomesfirst,

I thought I would share a link with you and that you and your daughter might enjoy. I emailed off my picture to this group after alittle research.

On their site they have a number of real or at least unexplained phenomena shots and ones where there appears to be an explanation...

If you believe Brian Greene - The Elegant Universe - that there are 7 dimensions that our perceptual equipment - eyes ears, nose, taste - cannot perceive but that we can prove mathematically - hey who knows?


Posted By: ForgiveandLove Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/29/05 08:19 PM

Thank you for your good thoughts. We're trying and I think my husband is too in his own way.

If you'd like you can keep posting on us under (sooooohurt and stop the drama) in the recovery section.

I will contact god help me, when I get a chance.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/30/05 07:05 PM

I went to a party last night. An orange and black charity do that I decided to go to at the last minute.

Very spiffy scads of black and orange decorations, fancy martini bar, people decked out like Halloween kiss candies, very good band. I sat with two girlfriends... they drank red wine. I nursed a corona. I like beer, in my set I am the only woman who drinks beer. I can remember the day I learned to like it ..standing on the dock at the cottage, a very hot summer afternoon, I had just got up on a slalom ski ...first try... it was cold and tasted wonderful.

It was the first time I had gone to a large do solo so to speak. It felt weird. We only stayed a couple of hours. She is being tested for early onset Alzheimers..She tires easily these days. There is fear in her eyes and dread in mine. It is a horrific disease.

On the way home I stopped by to visit Dad. He was sleeping, I sat by his bed remembering. I can remember the exact moment I got turned on to shoes. I think I was nine, my Mom asked my Dad to take me shoe shopping. I picked out $50 italian brown alligator pumps- low square heel - adorable buckles.. I wore them home with surprising foresight for one so young. My Mom flipped, you could feed our family of five for a month on $50. However, because I had worn them they couldn't be returned. I loved those shoes.. I wore then till they shredded.

I awoke to my husband's voice this morning. He had called last night as I was heading out? He wanted to know how the party was? We had a normal conversation.

I saw him very briefly this week. He looked at me precisely the same way he would look at the OW when we would run into her - with heartfelt grief. It must be hard wanting more than you can have in life.


The beach was glorious today. Jean jacket warm, golden sunshine and slowly fading oranges and reds on the trees. Plus it was windy so big waves were being ridden by wetsuit glad windsurfers and kite surfers. ..just a beautiful day.

We did our normal walk. There are play activities at certain points in the walk. It is like a doggy fun circuit a mixture of ball tossing, swimming, barking at waves, running after other dogs, sniffing, digging, chasing sticks, and jumping up on Mom leaving large pawprints to beg for biscuits.

It was the chip wagon guy's last day to be open. He works seven days a week for 7 months then flys to his home town..200 miles south of Athens to spend the winter. There is a large picture of it in his window... azure blue water and crisp white stucco buildings. I wished him a happy holiday. His departure always saddens me - it heralds the end of warm weather.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/31/05 03:58 PM

Rainy here today. I'm at loose ends this moring. I have been reading many of the threads in this forum. They make me sad..some move me to tears.. so much needless unhappiness.

I find at times, I'm hesitant to post replies. My marriage seems to be dissolving before my makes me feel unqualified to offer advise.

Although, after weeks of reflection, I believe I have come up with a third point.

Love makes sense. It makes more sense than anything else in this world because it supports a true reality. The more I observe the world and those in it, the more I believe the buddists when they say no one is separate from or superior to anyone else. All sentient beings are part of a whole.

Love is the feeling of being part of that whole. It is your connection to a fundamental truth. Everyone may be at different points in coming to an understanding of that but they are still part of us and we are still part of them.

It makes sense that we all have givers and takers, at a different level, when we give we give to ourselves and when we take we take from ourselves.

Keeping that thought foremost helps me alot. I find it much easier if I focus on that kind of perspective. It washes away the anger, resentment, hurt, loneliness, any sense of inadequacy. It brings a kind of calm peace.

Even at its most painful.. it is better to have cared for someone else. The connection allows you a glimpse of the big picture.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/31/05 04:29 PM

Yes, it does seem that reading too much on this site will bring you down and discourage you. I have felt that myself. I think that others like myself appreciate your posts more than you will ever know. You have a sense of self we all wish we had more of. So don't ever feel you are not helping. You have helped me become more self aware and stronger just by being yourself and expressing it so clearly through your posts.

Holiday is much the same, a normal and caring person that can communicate her feelings and insights without judging or sugar coating what she feels. A BS like myself needs people like the two of you to bounce their fears and problems off of. I need people like you two because I just can't see talking and writing about this stuff with my parents or friends that have not been thru this. And take some comfort and pride in the knowledge that I really do put value on what you and Holiday have to say. I hope you keep posting and don't ever get discouraged about your situation. No matter what happens in your M you will come out better than ever. For me you represent a role model all of us should aspire to become. Still committed to your M and not a doormat for the WS.

Have a great day!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/31/05 08:53 PM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Thanks again for the moral support. You are right. Talking to people who have been through it or are going through it helps. If only that they understand the emotion involved.

I am cutting out early to-day to help a friend get ready for the deluge of little goblins. The dog is dressed in a top hat and tails. He won't look me in the eye. Grim forbearance is in his every motion.

Happy Halloween Everyone!


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/01/05 12:17 AM
paradise_blue and dukhunter...

When I have found myself at my lowest..your posts bring me back.

It is very peaceful to read through your archives here.

Thank you for the self-less sharing. You both make a difference.

I did not dress my dogs today..being of a bulldog type, I figured they were costumes within themselves.

God Bless you both,

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/01/05 03:16 AM

Come on in and talk to us. Talk is therapy for us too. Give us some background on your situation and let us talk to you during NC. This is painful and hard enough with someone to vent to and lean on occasionally. Doing it alone is self abuse and torture.

Thanks for not embarassing your dog like paradise. Poor thing, I feel bad for the dog. It cant voice it's protests and standing there looking all mopy and forelorn only makes paradise revel in it's misery even more! I bet if the dog had hands the costume would be out on the beach with the other washed up floatsam. I can hardly wait to hear about it's santa suit at Christmas. My dog gets all bent out of shape when my daughter ties a kerchief on her neck. Looks too yuppy for a hunting dog and she scratches at it constantly. Yet put her neoprene hunting vest on and she's all jacked up and ready to go!

On a more serious note I will be here when you are ready and although I think you are too kind about my posts, I will listen and respond to you as best I can.

I will be watching for your posts.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/01/05 04:18 PM
Hi Duckhuntr,

LOL, no santa suit but he does have reindeer antlers that strap under his chin. He was a very big hit with the kids. Down in Annapolis on July 4th weekend, I dressed him up in a American Flag peaked cap and kerchief. It was definitely over the top, but in our travels I counted over a hundred smiles. It can't be that silly if it makes so many people either laugh or smile.

Last Christmas I bought my sister-in-law's hefty chocolate lab a frou frou collar. Looks like a little tutu you wear around your neck. She's a lovely dog with soft brown feminine eyes and a hind end you could serve tea on - the frilly collar just adds to the blend.

There were wonderful costumes out last night. The best was a young teenage girl who came as a fully set table. She had a coffee table contraption with hole for her neck and a plastic flower arrangement on top of her head. China, glasses etc all glued to a halloween tablecloth. Kids have great imagination.

I have a long list today. So I best get back to work. I hope everyone is having a good day.


Posted By: familycomesfirst Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/01/05 04:32 PM
I considered dressing up our weiner dog. While shopping the other day I saw a trench coat that would have fit him perfect, I was going to make him a flasher. I decided against it, he hates when I even put sweaters on him in the winter. He has like no fur on his belly, so he needs it.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/01/05 04:47 PM

Has the dog recovered from his emotional tramatizing last night? I felt for the dog. He had no choice in the matter and I'm sure if his voice could be heard it would have said "stop the insanity".

I spent the evening waiting for the munchkins to appear and they never did. I have been in my house for 22 years and all of the kids that grew up with mine are too old now and all of my neighbors are still the same. Great for me , but no new families to renew the trick or treat force. So I spent the night watching football and horror flicks. Funny thing though I couldn't tell you a thing about the game. I spent most of the night thinking back to the same night 24 years earlier when my ex was in labor with my daughter. We were still at home timing contractions and answering the door to the trick or treaters. I was in a near panic. Racing back and forth and fraught with worry. When we finally went to the hospital it was a huge relief to me. At least there was someone there that knew what they were doing. I spent the rest of the evening holding her hand thru the delivery and febily coaching her while watching a Frankenstein movie between contractions. I still remember trying to cheer her up by telling her I wasn't sure what was more frightening, Frankenstein or her during a contraction!

I hope my daughter has a wonderful day today it will be her first birthday with her new adjusted family situation. I made her favorite ravioli dinner Sunday night with my parents her boyfriend and my son. I have tried to keep up on the semblance of family for her and I think has worked to some extent but I know she is feeling the difference. I'm not sure what the EX has in mind I just hope she has the presence of mind to make an effort to recognize the occasion.

I went back last night and re-read all of your early posts again and I have a question for you. You were friends with the OW same as I was friends with the OM. Do you think as I do that this has made it more difficult to accept and deal with for us. Not only did our WS's abandon us, but so did someone that we had chosen to befriend? For me it makes me feel twice as foolish. I did not see the warning signs in my marriage and I was fooled into trusting someone else that did not value my friendship. Obviously we liked both or we would not have associated with either party. I am starting to think I could have handled this much better if I did not know the OM or would have never found out who it was. I know I wish I had never gone looking for them when I found them. The image I have of them when he opened the door to that room at Tahoe will haunt me forever.

I hope you are well and the dog recovers soon. Take him to the beach and give him a couple of extra treats today he deserves it.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/01/05 07:49 PM
Thank you Dukhunter. I hope I am helpful in some way.

Hope you all had a nice Halloween.

Still pretty stressed here with H's classes and exams right now.
We also purchased 800 sq ft of tile to be laid (by me with H help) by Thanksgiving...woo hoo!

How did the duk huntin go? We were feeding them in the lake by my SIL home this past weekend, and I could only think of DH! ha.

PB, has your H gone silly? Wanting your paint chips so he can "recreate" his home away from home? I would need to tell him, hit the hardware store buddy! (In a nice way of course.)
Perhaps you may suggest a female decorator....hmmm, perhaps in her 20's???? Only kidding. Just wish your OW would just disappear and give him a chance to truly reflect.

Weather is getting cooler here. Still out from the gym (tore the muscle under the rotator cuff of my left shoulder). I can only run and some very light weights for the past 3 weeks...makes me a bit depressed.

Have a wonderful Tuesday,
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/01/05 09:01 PM
Hey Holiday!

Thanks for fattening them ducks up for me! Beautiful birds aren't they, tasty too if cooked right. I actually had bad weekend hunting. Seems like everything that could go wrong did, including my shotgun. I had to stand and watch as my hunting partner shot all the birds. For the first time ever I managed to wear out a part and break the thing to the point it would not shoot(my shotgun that is). It was still enjoyable but not the same. I saw a pair of Canvasback drakes(males) for the first time in years last weekend and just seeing them was a thrill. A little frustrating but still a thrill.

Missing out on the gym must be the same for you as me missing a day in the marsh. You just don't get those endorphins going. I have been talking to my friends down there in LV and they want me to come down soon. Sounds like it might be cool enough now for a northern boy like me to survive it. My friends BIL is a fireman also and so is his step FIL(retired) The FIL has a house done in firehouse decor and style. Concrete floors, institutional kitchen, all the memorabilia and a full scale bar to boot. A great place to have parties.

Yes, you are helpful and always caring so don't stop posting. This forum is only as good as the people who use it and you will always make it better. Have a great week and I will let you know if I decide to visit Sin City again. Maybe I can buy you and the H a drink to celebrate him passing his exams.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/01/05 10:13 PM


Dad passed away about an hour ago... On my way to spend some time with his body and arrange funeral...
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/01/05 10:35 PM

My thoughts and good wishes will be with you today. I know how much he meant to you and how much you loved him. He knew this also and it was a blessing for both of you. I am very sorry for you and your loss today.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/02/05 04:12 AM
Oh Paradise,
I am so sorry. Nothing can really prepare us for such a loss.
My prayers will be with you, your Mother and your Father tonight.
God bless,
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/02/05 01:03 PM

Dad died around 4.30 p.m. our time yesterday. When I sat with him the night before, I thought his eyes were very different. Pupils very large, sort of looking straight through me. It took him a while to recognize me. He said only I love you and missed completely the ridulous spectacle of the dog in costume.

He died yesterday quite quietly. Just before he died a music therapist had sat by his bed and played her guitar to him. He was clapping his hands weakly in time to the music. That's life one moment you are clapping your hands to a song, the next you're gone.

The chaplin said a few words, the nurses prayed around his bed.

I find beauty in all faiths but the one closest to my heart is buddism. The buddists believe the spirit does not leave the body right away - not until your skin goes a grayish hue.

I requested a buddist monk come say a final blessing. The dog and I waited seven hours for her to appear. I made several cups of tea..lisened to a rousing card game going on in the lounge outside ... and mostly remembered why I loved him so. It may be my fancy, but I thought his face changed during those hours, his eyes opened a little wider. I sat and wondered what he was seeing.

When the Lama arrived..she had come straight from giving a course and was wearing a sweatshirt that said 'Kindness is my Religion'. She had a six month old sheltie in her car - utterly charming. And as it happens out of the blue also one of Canada's foremost Lamas. She said she knew she would have a call today... and that whoever she was called to would be a very gentle soul. We prayed together and talked. She is visiting India in December for a special service being held by the Dali Lama. She requested a small amount of Dad's ashes to bring with her to be

After she left, I said the Lord's Prayer one last time. I found it really hard to leave him. The dog had been quiet most of the time. Around 3.00 a.m. he got up and had a huge happy scratch on the linoleum. He does that when things are good. I took it as a cue to say good by... kissed Dad on the forehead ...then went back and kissed him again.

My husband heard first from the hospital he went directly to my Mom to sit with her. She didn't want to go to the nursing home. She didn't feel up to it. When I arrived it was really late. All three of us hugged - too tired to talk.

I'm back home now.. about to fall into bed. Earlier, I went for a long walk by the water to just a spectacular dawn..running into a neighbour who has been diagnosed with lymphatic cancer. He and I joked and laughed about dying and death. I gave him Dad's lucky hat which I happened to have in my bag it reads - No Surrender.

I am going to miss him so much....
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/02/05 01:08 PM
No Surrender.

What a nice sentiment to take from all of your pain, though it may be selfish of me.

You and your Mother are in my prayers. Your father is now up and moving and doing all of the wonderful things that made him whole on this Earth before. I hope you envision this and smile.


Posted By: familycomesfirst Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/02/05 03:50 PM
Oh man PB, my heart goes out to you. I was holding my mom's hand when she passed away (she was only 46 yrs old) from cancer. No matter what their age, it's always hard to lose a parent.

Many hugs to you.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/03/05 02:42 PM
PB How are you doing today?
You are in my thoughts...
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/03/05 03:49 PM

We are all thinking of you and wishing the very best for you and your mother. Take care and god bless.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/03/05 05:36 PM
Hi Holiday,

Thanks for your kind thoughts. I have been really busy.. constantly on the phone it seems. Plus I have come down with just a wicked head cold. I look like someone you would want to keep 20 paces back from and I sound like Elmer Fudd...

I have things pretty much organized for Dad's service and wake. A good variety of beer, music (bagpipes), all the right final touches to a life well lived. The dog has a special dispensation to attend the memorial service.

My brother flies in tonight - so it should be a sad but fun gathering of the clan and friends.

I hope things are well with you. All that tile... impressive... I will be asking for tips... because I want to redo our foyer ...


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/03/05 05:55 PM
Hi Dukhuntr,Familycomesfirst,Eibrab,

Thank you for your condolensces.... very sweet... very much appreciated.


Paradise and Blue
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/04/05 03:29 AM

Wow what a week. I'm sitting here running through a box kleenex - a snuffling red nosed coughing virus farm.

I am just cleaning up after a setting out a quick buffet of chinese food for my husband and one of our employees. He had come by to drop off a couple pieces of furniture that were at my Dad's room in the nursing home. Would I mind if he kept my Dad's desk? It would look good in his new foyer? duh! Could he come over Saturday morning and organize some of more of the things he needs to set up housekeeping in his new place? My Dad's funeral is in the early afternoon that day. duh!

His entire family has called and confirmed that they will be there. Although my husband has been kind in the last couple of days... sitting with Mom the day my Dad died ... calling family.. picking up a couple of Dad's things. He is clearly not keen on being at the funeral. "My favourite suit isn't clean. Some of its here and some of its at home. I won't have time to deal with it. What time again is the funeral?"

It must be hard to know you have to face all of your family, your estranged wife's family, all of your old friends not having behaved in a manner everyone expects of you.

Things are looking up... my brother just walked in the door.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/04/05 02:44 PM

Your grace and class inspire me. Stay strong this weekend, those of us here are pulling for you.

I do wonder, however, if the dog appreciates the bagpipes?



Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/04/05 03:33 PM
Hey paradise,

I can see the clarity returning to your posts so I know you are doing well. You will get thru this with or without H's help and or support. Sounds like this has shaken him up too. Who knows and right now who cares, take care of your family and yourself during all of this and let him fend for himself. Might even do him some good to reflect on what he may be leaving behind.

Right now he is seeing what family really means. Your brother and the rest of the family are there for you and your mother and to pay their respects to your father. Who will be there for him if something were to happen now? This will be a big eye opener for him I think.

Be the gracious and caring person you have always been and enjoy being with your family. From what you have said of your Dad he would want you to celebrate his life not mourn it.

My thoughts are still with you and your family.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/04/05 03:38 PM
PB...I hope you will start to feel better soon. Head colds make it hard on a person, but perhaps it's God's way for you to kind of daze through these next few days.
I would kindly ask your H to wait until next week or so to come over and do "anything" with any of the things in your home. He's hitting you with too much right now and it's not fair.
How is your Mother doing?
Bagpipes...I love the bagpipes. What a beautiful way to celebrate your Dad.
You are in my thoughts.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/04/05 04:02 PM

Hi Eibrab,

LOL, I can just see my dog start to yowl.. the moment the piper launches into Amazing Grace. Should be an interesting service.

Thanks for the smile.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/04/05 04:11 PM

Hi Holiday,

Mom is well. She is a resilient woman full of strength.
The drugs are taking effect. I look marginally less like Rudolph this morning.

His funeral really will be a celebration. No one is wearing black. It is much easier dealing with death when you know the person was ready to move on. He lived a long and very happy productive life. You couldn't really ask for more.

How is your shoulder? Shoulder injuries take a very long time to heal. It is the least structured joint in the body. Have you been to a physiotherapist for it yet?

Stay well...


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/04/05 04:16 PM

Hi Dukhuntr,

Thank you. Maybe on Saturday you could lift a glass of that single malt to a kind old newspaperman... north of the border. I hope you have a great weekend. What are your plans?


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/04/05 04:39 PM

I will gladly lift a glass to the man that was the inspiration and role model that made you the person you are today. I will also lift one to you and your future, I know it will be a happy and fulfilling one.

I am taking a break from hunting this weekend and am just going to poke around the house and go to the UNR football game with my lifelong friends. We are planning a tailgate feast and a day of fun just to relax and enjoy the company of old friends. We were all in the same fraternity at UNR and it will be like the "old days". We will be raising our glass not just to you and your father but to another old friend that lost his battle with cancer last week also. Luckily I can walk home from the stadium if necessary, there will be plenty of "lifting" going on.

The dog will be depressed for the whole weekend but I will make it up to her next week.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/04/05 07:04 PM
Thank you for asking PB...working with my chiropractor and muscle therapist.
Darn thing is taking it's sweet time to heal. Lucky it doesn't stop me from tile laying only from lifting to the side or over my head.
I too will raise a glass to your Father on Saturday (if couse with my right arm!).

Sorry dh to hear of your good friend. I hope they weren't going through too much suffering.

I wish you both a nice Friday...and good weather on Saturday PB for the day.

holiday careful on how much "lifting" you do at the tailgate party!
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/04/05 08:54 PM
Okay everyone I need your input. An old friend of mine just called and made me an offer I am struggling with. He is going to Mexico tomorrow on a pheasant hunt for 5 days. Someone in his group bailed at the last minute and is not going. He offered to take me instead, and sponsor my trip to boot. I could not afford this on my own right now and don't feel right about accepting. What do you guys think?

I would love to do this but at the same time I am in the middle of billings for our company on our jobs. Half way thru 30 million in billings. Our CFO has been doing these in the past and could finish these for me so I have a dilemma. Do I go and swallow some pride and risk some bad feelings at work or miss a golden opportunity? Lets hear it from you guys. What would you do?
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/04/05 09:31 PM

Hi Dukhuntr,

Twenty years from now you will remember the trip... you won't remember the billings. Absolutely go for it...
Have a great time!


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/04/05 11:37 PM
I agree with PB...
Why are you questioning your friend's great offer? Go Man Go!!
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/04/05 11:58 PM
Hey guys,

Thanks for the input but I got shot down here at work. I am the controller here and we just had a management audit done a couple of months ago. Well when I asked to go they told me I am running meetings all next week on system changes and staff reorganization. I CANT GO!

AHHHHHHHHH SH**!!!!!!!!!!

The lifting will commence right after work today and continue all weekend now! I think the first few will be Tequila in honor of my sacrifice for the good of the company. And to kill the pain! 2005 is now officially the sh**tyiest year in the history of life as I know it. If bad things come in threes this should do it for me. Marriage, friend with cancer and now this. I hope this ends soon!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/05/05 05:49 AM

well it looks like we all need to rant tonight.

Took the dog out for a walk before his big bath up for the ceremony tomorrow and ran into the OW. Just kind of ruins the mood in my day or evening when ever I have to actually look at her. She always gives me these big smirky smiles. Now I look straight through her.. but steam up inside big time. Very unbuddist of me as my brother puts it....

Otherwise a very pleasant night...wrote Dad's eulogy. Lisened to his favourite music - Roy Rogers - what a hoot and we had coke floats - a big favourite in our household and Dad's remedy for all our chldhood hurts. The drugs are kicking in I sound normal and I am starting to feel better.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/05/05 02:21 PM

Could I ease your pain by speaking some spanish to you ?

I shall go look up duck, aim and fire...

I tend to be rather fluent for ordering food, and giving farm hands orders.. but your's will require some study.

I'm on it, if need be.


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/05/05 02:23 PM

Thinking of you today.

Sending you strength.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/06/05 02:25 AM

Dad's funeral was lovely. We sang Home on the Range... his favourite song in his last months. One of the few songs, he could remember the words to. Our finale was Happy Trails. People arrived to the chapel to the sounds of Roy Rogers - yodeling. It was a celebration. My Dad would have wanted a joke not a tear. He would have loved it.

The dog did growl at the piper once but mostly walked among the many people gathered, greeting everyone and licking their hands. I delivered my eulogy well. First time I had been able to read it aloud with out crying. I kept telling myself that would be what Dad would want. This was his day.

The WS was very helpful. He drove family here and there. He was good. After the reception, my brother and I drove him home to his new bachelor pad. Wow. It is really nice...great audiophile sound system. ... very swanky. At first I didn't want to go up for a drink but then I thought I should see this. The man has moved on. Now I need to.

I feel like I am mourning my marriage in layers. It has been a year of dispossession for me. I've lost my favourite strawhat on a plane in Paris, a car to an inattentive cabbie, a husband to a midlife surge of youthful giddy abandon and the allure of reinventing himself as a swinging bachelor .. a father to the inevitability of old age.

Life changes.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/06/05 05:46 PM

I felt certain you would write a great eulogy. Delivering it was the challenge and I'm sure you handled it with your usual grace and style.

I'm surprised you went to the WH's new place. Remember curiousity killed the cat! Other than work the less you know and see the better. I can hear the hurt that was caused by your visit there in your journal entry. I have the same problem in that I just can't seem to stay away from my EX. Every contact brings out some sort of pain or conflict. I am doing everything I can now to maintain NC. I know you can't at this point but it sure sounds like you could minimize your hurts by seeing less of him and his SO. And no I don't think he has moved on . I think he is doing everything he can to convince himself what he is doing is right in his own mind. Continuing the fantasy and decorating it to fit the image his mind will accept and live with for now. Give the OW the time she needs to show her true colors. He will wake up to reality then.

Me giving you advise, thats like telling your heart surgeon how you want your surgery done. I have barely enough sense to keep my life in order let alone help you. I have a terrible hangover today! Three nights of overindulgence in a row. I lifted a glass of my best single malt to your Dad and one to you also as I said I would. The problems started when the lifting didn"t stop. Today will be a day of recovery and of rest.

Go do something for the poor dog you embarrassed at Halloween and get yourself to feeling better. I think your cold has you down more than anything else so get well and then get moving again.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/06/05 05:56 PM

No spanish required I have completly put those thoughts behind me. Well actually I have killed all the brain cells that harbored all of those thoughts. Too much fun at the game and tailgate yesterday.

I actually thought to myself that my feeling of missing out on the trip of a lifetime was similar to what my EXWW must have been thinking when she allowed her A to happen. I chose to stay and keep my job and career, she chose to go with the A and start down a new and different road. Once I had this thought it was much easier to deal with missing out. That and a whole lot of beer.

Thanks for the offer and for caring.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/07/05 01:00 AM
I do hope that any contribution I attempt here is not considered an imposition. In this entire mess of mine, I have found so much useful information and so many kind souls, with some not so kind... but none refects anywhere near the compassion and "realness" of the posters in this thread.

Today I hoped Paradise's day was spent in reflection and peace. In reading here, I feel very close in train of thought as to what dukhuntr posted about your H. I do feel reality will find him. I wonder where you will be when it does.:-)

And Dukhuntr... I did ask the Mexican gentleman who works at the farm here, a few words regarding duck hunting and such. He was kind and ultimately very afraid that I asked. He's been wittness ro my latest attempts at trap shooting.... and the many clay pigeons who have flown to freedom at each of my turns.


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/07/05 03:26 AM
PB, glad all went well yesterday for you and the family.
And glad to hear your space alien attempted to be less of a body snatcher than usual.
As far as checking out your WS's new pad...well, I would have done the same thing. This might make me think of how much he is not the man I was married too and/or this would help me to start moving on too, if I chose to. Either one is rough but I think paradise you will make it. You have such inner strength.
I hope you sleep well tonight. Think of a fresh start tomorrow morning. Keep your Dad's memories close.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/07/05 04:11 PM

Yes we are real and I think Holiday and paradise are as grounded as anybody you could hope to talk to. Use them to help you through the rough times, I have and it really helps to have caring and compassionate people to listen and vent to. I think it helps even more when we get off of the WS topics and get into other areas to move your focus to. Paradise's travels get all of us thinking again about resuming a more normal and well rounded life. Holiday is so busy with her home business you get to thinking about all of the things you could be doing at home and just don't have the energy or motivation for. Most of all you just get a sense of decency from these gals that is refreshing and personaly satisfying to me. I will be forever thankful I have found them and that they took pity on this poor idiot and talked to me.

I will always try to pay this forward to anyone who seeks my thoughts or just wants an ear to bend for a while. Have a great day!
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/07/05 04:53 PM
Thank you DH. You are a kind spirit too!

I haven't been on MB too much since the start of my H's classes. Now laying the downstairs tile and sewing my craft.

Sooooo , Eibrab, how may I help. Sorry to see you here. There are just too many of us.

This month for me is d-day month. November 29th is the date I actually found out via the phone bill, but November 12th is the day the OW's phone call came in and my suspicions began. My H "was" (hopefully,) very good at hiding all of this from me. Had she not called his cell phone late that night (this also happened with his first PA), I may have never known. So this month has had it's ups and downs as well as last month, reliving the night in October he tried so hard to get away with. But we are working on it. I will have to say he is extremely "loving" this past few weeks. Only at times can I take it all in (sad, I wish I could just roll over and let the love cover me...), perhaps next year.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/08/05 12:03 AM
Eibrab, Holiday and Paradise,

I have been posting back and forth in the General Questions forum with some MB'ers who have been divorced and recovered. If I am to do what they suggest, I am going to need a tremendous amount of encouragement and support from you guys too. I need to be completely dark with the EX and all of her "friends".

I have tried to start withdrawing from her and just can't seem to do it with any conviction. I still love her and I guess I always will. So instead of trying to ignore those feelings and emotions, I am going to take the dark, dark Plan B route and try to sustain the love that is left long enough to allow the A to run its course. Hopefully when it does my light will shine thru the fog. I just hope by then I am not just her next best option and will be able to tell the difference.

All of you have read my posts what do you think? Am I being too optimistic here? Could there be a chance she could come back and confront the biggest issue she has ever faced? I am reaching for straws I know, but if there is a chance I want to give it the time necessary to come out. She has been with him for 16 months now if she was at least honest enough with me to tell me the truth about when it got physical. I don't have any idea when the EA started, but they have worked together for 5 years. I felt our relationship change almost two years ago when her hip started acting up before the surgery. I attributed all the changes to the pain her hip was giving her and not to the fact that she was discussing her fears and anxiety with him instead of me.

I almost wish she was reading my posts so that she could see how sincere I was about wanting to reconcile. I have always been a person who sees things as black and white. I don't ever put much into a grey area and she knows this. She, I'm sure, believes I would never forgive her even after several letters to the contrary. I think every time I have busted my plan B it has been to point out the fact that I do still hold out hope for us as a couple. And to bust on the OM of course. A definte no-win to be avoided at all costs from now on. I also need to bury the hatchet as far as the OM is concerned. I still have running thoughts as to what I want to do the next time I run into him. None are pleasant and many will land me in big trouble with both her and the law.

So you guys have your work cut out for you! Keep me dark and non-violent all over the internet. Good luck and start the posting I am a hopeless schmuck and I know it.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/08/05 04:53 AM
Dh...hmmmm, I need to ask you this: Do you really think you want her back? I mean, the new person she has become?
Sometimes we get what we wish for, but did we really search deep down inside ourselves and find the answer?
I don't want to mislead you in any way, but I would feel at this time, after 16 months of your torture, I would need to move on.
Funny, or should I say sad...I have a strange feeling once you truly get on with your life and meet someone new, she will be right there panting for you to take her back...Murphy's Law.
I will try to help all I can.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/08/05 03:31 PM

You are right as usual. I don't know why I still have this morbid desire to at least give it a chance again. Maybe its because I feel guilty I never saw this as it was happening. Maybe I am just stubborn, like I said I don't know either. I do know I had a vision of our future together and I just can't seem to give up on that yet. I feel in my heart that she is a better person than how she is acting right now. I truely believe the OM has taken advantage of a weakness in her and is exploiting it to the hilt. She is also a stubborn person and hates to admit mistakes and own them.

I am not to the point yet that I am ready for a relationship anyway so I am just going to do my own thing and see what transpires. I think you are right on the money about how just about the time I do find someone else she will be at the door. If that happpens I will be at a point I can say I gave her every chance to come back and I have moved on. I am definitely not there yet.

Thanks for being honest with me, I am still confused and somewhat angry over the whole thing and don't trust myself and my own judgement regarding her yet.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/08/05 05:16 PM
Hi Eibrab,Holiday and Dukhuntr,

I hope everyone is well. Holiday it sounds like being busy this month is a good thing. Sad memories are always difficult to deal with.

Sorry I have not been posting we had a technical problem with our modem. Just got it replaced today.

I am spending a couple of days working on my home with my brother's help. After see the WS's brand new pristine space, our place looks like it needs work. Funny when I was walking through it - there is no indication that it is set for a couple - only a swinging bachelor. I believe he has become a bit like a bee that wants to taste all the flowers.

Wandering through looking at the view, the balcony the way everything looks... I thought to myself. The man has changed channels. He was watching me an amalgam of cartoons, family programing, house and garden and the food network for 25 years and now he has defintitely switched to SEX TV!

I'm still focusing on staying positive.

Dukhuntr, I know how hard it is to stop loving some one after so long. I don't think you do have to stop loving them. I think it is very healthy to recognize all the good times. Statistically, you wife behaved wonderfully for the majority of your marrriage right. It is important to remember that. I think it is also important to face to-day's reality without getting all bent out of shape... angry and bitter. Anger is a wasted emotion. It gives you nothing back.

I've got to go. My brother and I are taking Mom to lunch...


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/08/05 10:18 PM
Great to hear PB you are in good spirits.
Hmmm, sex tv??? Did your WS happen to have a medical check up prior to his getting together with the OW?
The reports now say men don't go through just one midlife crisis, they may go through as many as eight!
Sex tv sounds like he's making sure he's still got it (whatever "it" was). I wonder if the OW has got her own set of troubles brewing.
DH, yes anger is hurt all twisted inside of us. It's better to deal with the aftermath of hurt vs the aftermath of anger. And I agree, anger is a wasted emotion. Wasted energy.
Enjoy your afternoon,
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/08/05 10:44 PM
Hi Guys,

Can you tell its been a bad week all around? No hunting trip, big repair bill on the heating system at home, and some billing deadlines I am struggling with at work. And to top it off I seem to have fallen back into a major funk again. I will be normal again soon, so don't give up on me yet!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/09/05 12:21 AM

A pleasant day, I got up early to do some house painting ... then off to the beach with the dog and my brother. We had a really nice leisurely lunch with Mom. She is looking frailer and smaller. The spark she always has - just didn't seem to be there today. It is going to be tough with Dad gone. There will be a gaping hole in our lives.

Funny how you can be a living breathing man making a joke and only a few days later, you are a small pile of ash in a bronze urn that looks like three antique books and would make a great door stop! Life is so fragile and transitory.

I have been thinking about people I have loved that have died. I had a friend die on her 60th birthday. I am still mad. No one should die on their birthday. Funny, when she was 48 her professor husband became obsessed with a student and basically asked her leave. She packed a few items in the car - drove across the country and started a great new life. She let him have everything. Even though, she reinvented herself completely. I don't believe she ever stopped loving him. I met him at her funeral. I thought she was so wasted on him. In fact though I think she was wasted on herself - she never really got just how great - how funny and how classy a lady she was. My husband was really fond of her. At one point, I told him you are doing exactly what Ann's husband did. He said no - there is no comparison.

On the plus side, seeing death face to face, makes me value each day more. I am ready to stop worrying about yesterday and concern myself with today and tomorrow.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/09/05 01:10 AM

I read your post and the need for support last night and have attempted to answer you several times today. Nothing quite "fits" for me here.

I suppose I feel so unqualified to offer any advice that might help you. I wish I could be so gifted with words, so that you could skip (in a manly fashion, mind you) away from the computer and feel as compelled to look towards tomorrow as Paradise is in her last sentence here.

I know we will all get to that point. My situation is different. I think each of our "healings" will be unique. I just hope they are complete.

I feel as Holiday. There must a be a lady dukhuntr out there somewhere with a heart of a true person and the looks of that tall blonde woman on the Sunday morning hunting shows...

I'd think a man with a newly restored heating system in his home would be a hot commodity.


You are in my prayers.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/09/05 01:20 AM

I appreciate your offer of help... I will ask for it in time . :-)


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/09/05 04:27 PM

Thanks for your concern, it is appreciated and also for the words of encouragement. I'm not sure why I have all of these mixed emotions over the EX. You would think that after 8 months of seperation and all that she has done to show me she is finished with me I would be in a better place by now. IC helps but I have never been one to give up on anything easily. It's the OCD of an accountant showing it's ugly head again. That and the fact she keeps giving off these signals to keep her foot in my door every chance she gets. That is the part that creates my indecision.

I know it's just her way of keeping her options open and I should not allow her to make me an option, but I am just not strong enough to do this yet. Everyone around me has told me the same things you and paradise and Holiday have about opening myself up to other relationships. I hear all about how I would be a "great catch" for someone else and all the good qualities I have to offer and how much I have going for me. At the end of the day though I still do not feel this about myself yet. The self respect and confidence have not yet resurfaced after all of this.

So instead of going about life in a way that would attract someone else to share in my life I dwell on what could have been and on my own insecurities. I know I look forward to the day that I can look back and say I did my best and it just wasn't going to happen for us. I am just not there yet. Paradise and I discussed how hard it is to give up on your vision of the future. Maybe that is not the right way to think of it. Maybe you did not give up, more likely the WS did not share that vision and wanted something completely different. Accepting that theory is difficult because you believed after all those years that you shared the same dreams and goals in life as your spouse.

For now I will be here talking to good people like you and paradise and Holiday and working on regaining that self assuredness and confidence that will look appealing to someone else. I would enjoy having someone other than the dog to spend my time with. The kids are busy in their own lives and relationships so I don't see that much of them lately. I talk to them daily but getting together regularly is not easy.

Have a great day and I hope you are well!

P.S. - I have seen the blonde on that show and if you have an in with her or someone like her, by all means hook me up!I can't imagine a better boost to the self confidence than sharing a sunrise in the duck marsh with someone like that.
Posted By: familycomesfirst Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/09/05 06:58 PM
Hey PB. I hear ya about your dad. It was a strange transition for me when my mom passed away. I kept expecting a phone call from her. It was hard for my mind to get itself around the fact she was gone, she wasn't getting up in the morning, making coffee, getting ready for a busy day ahead. She went from being this young looking vibrant woman to someone who looked like a concentration camp victim. She was always concerned about her appearance, never left the house without makeup. It was sad to see her stop caring, I knew she had given up. She just kept getting sicker and sicker. It only took 2 months from the time she was diagnosed to pass away.

I am also sad that my D doesn't really remember her. My mom loved that little girl so much. One of the first things she said to me when she was told her cancer was terminal was how it broke her heart she wouldn't see her grow up. I wonder sometimes what their relationship would be like now. I think she would have really enjoyed being around her. She was a cool mom who loved fashion. All of my friends always liked her.

When they leave you it does leave a huge hole in your life and in your heart. I want to tell you I am amazed at your strength. You have had a lot on your plate lately. Thank heavens for your doggie, and your brother, it seems they have been a great source of love and strength.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/10/05 12:19 AM

Hi Familycomesfirst,

I am sorry for the loss of your Mom. Even though time passes - there is still that aching place in your heart and sense of yearning for all the memories you still wanted to share with her. It must have been incredibly hard to lose someone so young and so quickly.

You are in my prayers...


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/10/05 12:33 AM

I believe I am returning to normal, although alittle lost without Dad. However, oddly enough, it is losing Dad that has made me really shake myself and get a grip. Life is far too precious to pine for what you don't have while not truly appreciating what you do have.

As humans go.. I am definitely blessed. Wasting away over a man, who my brother describes as pleasant enough but not even remarkable. ...doesn't make sense does it.

What does make sense is to start living again ... like I mean it....

I still talk to my Dad. His remains are not far from my desk. When I finish work for the day. Or particularly before I go to bed I always say 'Night Dad'.

I think when we lose people to death, mishap, another woman, another man, a change of heart, the urge to polinate! - there is a part of that person that remains with us. Some of my best parts are from my Dad. I'd like to think that after a 25 year relationship - there would be parts of me that come directly from my husband. Though I'm not sure what?

Letting go is easier if you know that there are things you get to keep. Memories, habits, phrases, ways of looking at things that just melt into you... that you never really give up. I know I will continue to miss my husband on a daily basis. I know that the pain won't stop. However, I can choose how much of my time and focus I care to allocate to it. Pain is part of life. It is what makes us aware, alive, in tune.

Frankly there is just so much out in the world that is interesting, much much much much more interesting than being broken hearted.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/10/05 03:40 PM

The thoughts in your last post have convinced me you missed your true calling in life. Writing should have been your career! Beautiful and encouraging at the same time.

Has the dog been in IC since Halloween? I haven't heard much about the him lately. He's probably keeping a low profile so as not to inspire new and more creative costume ideas from Mom.

You are an inspiration to all of us who read your posts. You seem to be able to look thru all of the hurts and emotions and get right to the core of the issues better than anyone I have even heard. I know I would be much better off if I could emulate you better. How you choose to cope with life's setbacks and losses defines you as a person. Your true personality comes out during all of this and can't be hidden or walled off. Your's has risen and shone brightly giving all those around you a sense of calm and rationality.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/11/05 04:05 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Thank you for the compliments. I believe you are not giving yourself enough credit. What you are going through is actually a very harsh experience. Everyone mends in different ways and at various speeds. I believe you have come a long way from where you were.

At present the dog does not appear to need therapy. Don't laugh a friend of mine once took her wheaton terrier to a doggie psychologist. The poor mutt was biting the cleaning lady. The psychologist would not see her and the dog without her husband being present. He had to interview the entire pack!

I have been running around all day dealing with alot of paper. Looking forward to a nice rum and putting my feet up...


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/11/05 04:22 PM
Hey Paradise,

I'd like to think I have come a ways from where I started but it only takes a little nudge and I seem to slip right back. Yesterday I had lunch with DD, and she used the opportunity to tell me something I knew was coming just not this soon. She said she feels she needs to be more supportive of her mother and that means socializing with the OM. She said she didn't want to make her mother hide that part of her life anymore.

Even though I knew it would happen sooner or later I still harbored a hope she would make a statement for me by continuing not to see the OM. I didn't handle it very well and said some things I should not have ever said. Nothing hurtful to her just not what she needed to hear from a supportive father. It just makes me sick to my stomach to think of my kids being influenced in the slightest bit by this "boy". I finally came to my senses and told her to do whatever she felt was right for her, but it sure hurt doing it. I fretted over her all afternoon and apologized twice and made her feel even more uncomfortable. I think this has made me feel even more loss over the divorce. Now I feel I have let my kids down even more.

I was feeling good before lunch, I had just left IC and he had hit on something that made sense to me finally. I asked him what his read was on my EX. He said he had only seen her twice but from what he got from that and what I have told him he sensed she was exhibiting sociopathic tendencies that were present our whole marriage. The use of the credit cards and hiding them, and all of the entitlement things she has done since. It fit with what I have seen for our whole marriage. Never owning her mistakes, always something or someone else at fault. He said he does not believe she has any guilt about the A. I have felt the same thing for months. It hit home with me and I did feel better for awile.

Well I am leaving work early today to start a long weekend of hunting with the dog. Maybe it will recharge my attitude. Sounds like you are getting back to normal yourself. Hopefully you won't have to go to group therapy with your dog after the psycological torture you put him thru! Maybe some rum in his kibbles would help? Just a thought for the dog on my part. Have a great weekend!
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/11/05 04:54 PM
I read Paradise's thoughts and feel like I have just added to my literary prowess. I can't think of anything that I have come across in written word so eloquently and understandably "put".


And dear dukhunter, Holiday is so much more qualified to understand what you are going through. I simply feel your pain and care.

I do think that these partners we have chosen in our lives do go through such a sense of fog. It hurts even more when we see our own beloved children being dragged into it. I read through most of the posts in this thread, but not all..and have noticed that your ordeal was so very fast for you. From acknowledgement to finality. We are similar in that respect for many reasons.

I find myself at different points of the grieving process in my situation depending on the day, the time, the mood or simply something that "triggered" it.

You children, no doubt, love you and respect you. How you handle them or their views in any given moment will be both admirable and forgiveable depending on the circumstance, and maybe even both.

As far as your WW feeling any guilt. She may. Someday it may come out. I would venture to guess that for both you and Paradise, those well-deserved emotions of guilt from each of your WW's will become quite evident when they finally see the two of you moving on with your lives.

Funny how those we love can play games with us and maybe not even know they are doing so. We're all guilty, I suppose.

On a deeper and more fascinating note... :-)
I had woman once who claimed to be an animal psychic come to my barn ( I make my living in the agricultural industry ). She was there for another venue and simply walked through and stopped in front of a particular horse's stall. She spent a moment with him as if in therapy, and turned to me and said.. He'd like to be called "Silver". It seems that she insists that this poor horse felt that everyone constantly made FUN of him due to his name and he thought he deserved more respect.

I gave it great thought. Truly...and I assure you that there were no indications of that animal's name anywhere to be found... But I started to call him Silver.

He acted proud. It was minimal effort on my part to ease his insecurities.

So, therapy may exist for costume wearing dogs. Then again.. if the dogs (or horses for that matter) actually tell us they need professional help.. We might be the ones in need of much more than they... lol

Btw, the horse's barn name was Ugh. Just Ugh. Short for Ugly.. and he was.

Be careful this weekend, Dukhunter.

Walk on the beach for me, Paradise... and Holiday, you can lay your tile by yourself *grin*..

Thank you all for being here.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/12/05 03:27 AM

The beach is fast transforming from sun drenched sand to a bleak windswept landscape inhabited only by the warmly dressed. However, those few hardy souls still provide good company.

I ran into a friend of mine today. She had heard but not in much detail what happened to my marriage. I said simply some men get silly in their fifties. I really didn't feel like saying anything more. I have no desire to be negative. Ultimately, a good measure of the happiness you can find in life comes from respecting other people's wishes. My husband has made choices I find hard to respect but I believe I should try. He must want this reinventtion of himself very badly to throw away so much.

I am dogless this weekend. Worse yet my brother leaves at 5.00 a.m. I will be left to my very long, many page list of things I must get done. Almost nothing on the list has any semblance of fun to it. The most appealing item is second coat of paint on laundry room!

My brother and I dropped off my Dad's ashes to the Lama tonight. She sat and talked to us for a very long time. I find her intriguing. She is 66 but has the energy and spark of someone much much younger. The Lama tried to make it clear in her comments that we are all connected. All one in a way. You cannot hurt someone else without hurting your self. I worry about my husband. He is living without thinking. That can't be good

They shave their hair. It strikes me as both practical and fetching. I am quite sure I have spent at least a full 365 days fussing, combing, washing, braiding, colouring, blow drying, curling and straightening my hair. Now I suspect the time could have been better spent. I've often thought that all hair care expenses for women should be tax deductable as a productivity incentive. My hair must link to a higher function control panel in my brain. Bad hair day... very little worthwhile gets done.

We met a friend of his afterwards for a quick drink. They were having an animated conversation, so I chatted with the lady bartender. She has a 16 year old son going to his first rock concert tonight-heavy metal. She is worried. She described a moshing pit, a place where the kids jump up and down to the music so violently - that sometimes bones get broken. Ouch.. I started to worry. She is from Newfoundland, her island charm is still intact.

I wandered home alone... stopping in the stores to pick up a few things. All the Xmas decorations are out in full strength. I have been dreading Xmas... but I think that is very poor spirited of me. I have always loved the holidays. I get right into it. There is no reason not to love it now. It will be different for sure.. perhaps there will be sad moments when I think of all the memories of my Dad and my Husband. Last year I made a sit down dinner for 20 people and three dogs. This year it looks like it will be 8 people and 2 dogs. I will make all the same dishes I do every year and the poor dog will wear his antlers.

I am spending Xmas at the cottage this year. My husband has agreed to giving me the first four weekends of the season. I will do my regular round of entertaining and then decamp for the rest of the season. He will stay with family in the area for the first month. I am really happy about it.

I looked at myself in a full length store mirror tonight. I don't look heart broken, just a well togged out, nicely groomed middle aged woman with clever eyes.

I wonder who I am some times. I am no longer a wife. within a few years I will no longer be a daughter. My key roles have shifted. What I seem to be changes with my attire. This summer I wore denim alot. I had people I have worked with for many years walk by me without seeing me. Without a suit and briefcase - apparently I am unrecognizable.

It is interesting how certain people come into our lives and leave a stamp on who we are. They change us. Others come into our lives without ever really seeing who we are - they relate only to what we do or what we have. I think there is alot of joy to be found in really trying to see those around us. When I was younger I use to ride a bus to university, I often sat there in awe of all the human knowledge, understanding, and memories that would sit around me at any given moment.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/12/05 04:52 PM
HI Eibrab,

I will happily walk on the beach for you.. fully dressed..hat, mittens and thick socks.

It is a lovely place in all the seasons to contemplate life. Something about waves, the continuity of their motion, rising falling lapping into the sand again and again that calms the spirit.

Plus there are magical sunrises and sunsets. I think bearing heart ache is eased very much by nature. I suspect your life on a farm has solace that would not be available in a city home.

Ugh... to Silver..there is a lesson in re-invention for us all. Thanks for sharing it.

Speaking of animal stories, I have friends who live in an island community. Their neighbour had a dog who would walk over every morning to another neighbour's home and wait outside for their cat to come out. The cat would flounce into the yard and two would walk the neighbourhood together for about an hour. They would return to their starting point and say goodby until the next day. This went on for years. One day the dog showed up at the cat's house in the afternoon. He laid down and died in her yard. The cat would not let anyone touch him for hours afterwards.

Love is all around us....


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/13/05 04:11 AM

I watched Something Gotta Give this week with my brother it had a wonderful line. " Schmucks are people too you know". There was also a reference to Mr. Midnight. I think that is how I will refer to my WS - Mr. Midnight.

I believe there is alot of sense in that line. We are all people - schmuck and nonschmuck alike. I think Mr. Midnight is making a mistake with our lives... yet I can't be sure. This may be his shot to really live life the way he probably has wanted to for a very long time.

What makes me sad, is that it means that many of the things I valued as very important - are definitely not important to him. We had a huge gap in perspective that escaped me completely.

I have spent most of the day cleaning to various types of music..Roy Rogers to Annie Lennox. When I miss my Dad I put on Roy Rogers.

I don't think most men understand the theraputic benefits of cleaning. It is very relaxing particularly if you don't have to deal with clutter. Wiping, polishing, washing clear surfaces is very soothing. Odd snipets of conversation float into my memory.

The OW once told me she thought my husband and I appeared to be the most happily married couple she had ever met. I didn't pick up on the 'appeared to be'. I should have I guess. Perhaps we were just a challenge she couldn't resist.

Given the huge smiles she flashes me I believe she is happy with the current circumstances. Awkward dealing with people who enjoy your pain. To me that is a true sign of disfunction.

Sadly, I can't envision myself with Mr. Midnight anymore. There are flashes of him in my mind and heart that are very appealing.. waking up from deep sleep ..face all crumpled..winning at anything always vibrating with energy. He was nice to be around then.

Now he is a complete stranger who is not nice to be around. Not that he is rude or anything, it is just difficult to be around someone - who when faced with a choice - didn't choose you.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/13/05 04:42 PM
Hi Dukhuntr,

I read your last post several times. It made me sad. I don't think you are letting your kids down. I do think you are dealing with a really big change in your life that is one of the toughest out there to come to grips with.

It looks like your wife has moved on. You can continue to hope for a reconciliation but you still have to live in the mean time.

I would take up new interests. The nice lady you asked out not too long ago. Why not ask her out again.. dinner and line dancing! She'd love it I am sure. It doesn't have to be a heavy romantic thing. You just need a friend right now. I would bet she would be delighted to lisen.

The dog gets defatted broth over his kibble.. he hasn't developed a taste for rum. Although I have! Pusser's British Royal Navy favourite!


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/14/05 04:33 PM

Thanks for listening and the good advise. Yes the EX has definitely moved on. Now she is in the process of moving the kids along with her. I need to let that happen for the kids. Holding them back would be strictly selfish on my part.

I'd like to think my daughter is bright enough and honest enough with herself not to buy into the rationalizations being thrown out there by the EX and the EXMIL. I would be disappointed if she felt she had to buy into them so she could feel good around her mother. Nothing I can do to control this other than be myself and not let her throw her mothers excuses at me. DS still really dislikes OM and has told me so frequently as of late. I assume EX has his sister working on him too and this is his way of letting me know.

As for that friend I went out with, she is having some medical issues and has told me she just doesn't feel up to dating or even just hanging out together right now. I have offered to help in any way I can, but she is real independent and wants to take care of herself. I think this is what attracted me to her. She lives her own life and makes her own fun. EX usually waited for me to come up with something to make her happy. I know I will never be with someone again that looks to me to make them happy all of the time.

As for line dancing, NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! My dancing abilities are pretty much limited to a nice two step and if drunk enough some other stumbling in general. I went to a Salsa lesson recently with another lady friend that needed a partner and I was terrible. Absolutely no rhythm or timing to speak of. She was really nice about it but I was BAD! I have played baseball and football and all of the other sports kids play and done really well at all of them. You would think that dancing would fall into place for me but no, I think that gene is missing in me. I enjoy it but I definitely do not excel at it.

Reading you journals gives me a nice sense of calm when I am feeling bad. I hope they do the same for you as you write them. I feel better today after a couple of days of fresh air and friends and family out hunting. Bloody Mary's with Mom at breakfast and Whiskey or Scotch on the rocks before dinner. Dad says I have hooked Mom on the Bloodys and is jealous. His diabetes prevents him from enjoying more than a sip here and there and he wants more. I have never had Pusser's rum I will look for some and give it a try in your honor.

You sound wonderful. I envy you in your ability to think and do what you know is the right thing for you at any given time. This takes a really strong person and I wish I had more of you in me. I have a vision of you in my head now and it is clearly in a business suit with briefcase. It fits with how you write and think. I bet spending the summer in denim was a complete release for you and very healing also. I wonder what the WS's thought of this? A complete change in appearance and attitude? Next time you need to get a point across to him and want to make it clear you mean business show up in the suit again and I guarantee he will sit up and take notice you are serious.

Take Care!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/15/05 03:28 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Actually, I think doing things you are really bad at, provides far more distraction than just about anything else. Doing things you are good at doesn't require the same focus or concentration.

I plan to get handy. I am the least handy person you are likely to meet. However, there is a challenge to improving -particularly when you are truly awful at something.

I plan to follow Holiday's example and learn how to lay tile. I would definitely like to install some moldings, refinish some marble, try some fancy faux paint finishes.

I have spent the evening cleaning out some of my bookcases. Apparently I own a 124 cook books. I use to read them at night to help me fall asleep. Cookbooks and bulb cataglogues are perhaps the most peaceful bedside reading that I can think of.

I find cleaning relaxing so I have been working at clearing out closets, decluttering, all worth while projects. Right now amidst so much change, I find it reassuring to be putting things in order. If anything I will at least end up with freshly painted neat closets. Plus which you find really great stuff. I've just come across a charcoal portrait of the dog. I forgot we had it done after winning it at a slient auction. He looks fabulous! I've put him in a place of honour - moving some of Mr. Midnight's trophies out to make space.

I just have this need to stay busy. It coincides with a time when I actually have alot to do: to organize my home for sale, wind down my involvement in our company, organize family matters and rethink my livelihood.

I have set up my mountain bike on my trainer - in my office. I am training for some longer distance cycling trips. My brother is doing a cycling trip to Cuba in February, I may or may not go.. but I thought it wouldn't hurt to be in shape to do the distances should I want to. I am looking forward to snow.. then the dog and I can go cross country skiing.

Typical things people do when they have been jilted I guess.. but they do seem to help...


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/15/05 06:15 AM
Hi paradise,

You need to remember who you are talking to here. I used all of my hyper-energy to clean my entire home of all visible signs of the EX by the third week she was gone. I also managed to rid myself of two truckloads of junk that went to the dump. I saw the floor of one closet for the first time in 20 years that week. You could tell by the difference in the paint color between the walls above the junk line and those below.

From there I moved on to the basement and went to town there also. The EX was great for ideas and starting projects but dismal at the finishing and clean-up. For example she painted the walls on the stairs to the basement while I was hunting one weekend two years ago. She said she wanted to put up crown molding at the ceiling line and did not paint where that was to be installed. It's still unpainted and waiting for me to finish now. As I said great ideas and starts but a poor finisher. Same as our marriage huh!

Challenges huh. I think I just stuck my hand up for one of those this week. Our duck club has 126 members and is run as a farm corporation. The treasurer is retiring from the board to relax and enjoy hunting more now that he is retired from his career also. I volunteered to take over the position(unpaid of course)and just got back from my first meeting. Four hours it took to talk about all the crap we deal with. This does not include the time I am going to spend each month writing checks, meeting with the bookkeeper, issuing new stock certs, etc every month. I don't think I need to worry anymore about dwelling on other stuff too long.

I think you need to make sure Mr. Midnight's trophy's find an appropriate storage area to compliment their significance to you. Do you have a septic tank? How about a dark, musty spider infested crawl space?

Alrighty then, I hope you are treating the dog to some special attention these days. I am off to hit the hay. I am working out at 4:30am with some friends that do call if I don't show by 5:00. Nothing makes my son grumpier than a 5:00am wake up call!
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/15/05 06:19 AM

Hope you are all well.

Still tiling and now repainting the family room. What a chore! Hopefully this will all be completed prior to Thanksgiving company.

PB...I just love the way you write. I can't tell you that enough. I am sorry to read that your WS is still a schmuck (love that movie, must have seen it 10 times by now. The way Diane Keaton's character crys as she types kills me.) Have you seen the movie As Good as it Gets? Very deep messages there also.
I am now reading a book called "Love Must be Tough" by Dr Dobson. It was recommended on another post here on MB. Very interesting.

This past week (H home alot more since classes than in 22 years) my H has been nit picking at me (which not until this past weekend did he even notice), to the point that our daughter and I smile at each other each time he does it. When he is stressed he complains about the "little things". On Saturday after major tile work, I finally broke down and explained to him I couldn't tolerate it any longer. He fought back for a moment and then, for the first time in years, he whole heartedly apologized. Amazing. Not that he is inconsiderate of my feelings, just in the past we always wrote things off like a joke. His apology gave me the warmest feelings of love for him in a long while.

The book I am reading describes your dealings with your WS, PB. Setting him free which you have done. That is what I did after my H's second A. I basically told him I couldn't live with him if I could no longer trust him and he would need to make every effort to prove I could trust him for the rest of our lives together. If he chose to continue on his poor path, it would be without me. So now he works on us everyday.

PB, why do you think your H hasn't asked for a divorce? How long does he think he can go on this way? How long does he think you can go on this way? You are always in my prayers.

DH, RE: your WS...
He said he had only seen her twice but from what he got from that and what I have told him he sensed she was exhibiting sociopathic tendencies that were present our whole marriage. The use of the credit cards and hiding them, and all of the entitlement things she has done since. It fit with what I have seen for our whole marriage. Never owning her mistakes, always something or someone else at fault. He said he does not believe she has any guilt about the A.

This sounds just like my H's oldest sister. She has been married 3 x's. She has A's to end the marriages. She even had an A, two days before her second marriage. She went through intense counseling near the end of her 3rd marriage ($90,000.00 in 1999 for a 9 week inpatient stay). They found her to be a sex addict. I feel today she is a mentally unstable. To her, everything she does is justified. (She has also been in at least 6 law suits that I know of.) Everyone else is to blame for her unhappiness in life. Strange, when the nieces and nephews were small they all called her Crazy Aunt Pat. I think she is a narcissistic sociopath. Scarey.

Have you read anything on this personality disorder? She used to run her CC up to buy items to impress other people in her social circle. My 3rd BIL almost lost a business he had created for 15 years before marrying her. After 4 years now he is happily remarried to a wonderful lady.

I always tell myself that we can't control other people. They cannot control us. We only have control over ourselves.

I think for both you and PB, there is someone out there just waiting to find good people like you two.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/15/05 04:35 PM

Thank you for the vote of confidence. I am hoping that things will start to turn my way soon also. All I can do is control myself at this point. You hit on the same theme my IC has been pounding me on. He even gave me a sheet to read repeatedly about this issue. I have to let it all go and concentrate my energy and focus on my own life rather than looking to fix someone else's.

Crazy Aunt Pat, not something to aspire to is it. The EX's brothers and their issues have given my kids the same sort of outlook on them. The kids love their uncles because they have been there for them their whole lives but they sure don't respect them. I think this is what is eating my daughter up so much. Her mother had lived a model life until her A. Seeing a "good person" make such a bad choice in life is tough to swallow. Watching her live that choice is even harder. I am not sure what the kids perception of all of this is anymore. The kids have so much going on in their lives on their own that I'm not sure this is that big a deal for them anymore. I think they would love to have the family together again but I don't think it is at the top of their priority list anymore. Or at the very least they just don't want to think about it anymore. I am looking to do the same myself soon if I can.

I am at the point in all of this that I wish I had not gone looking for her when I knew she was with him. I think the trauma from that ordeal has made this harder to recover from. I truely wish I could have just sat at home and waited to see what she decided to do knowing I had discovered her secret. I know she probably would have lied and said she was alone and I may have believed her. Denial on my part but I think I would have had less emotional damage to deal with. Accepting the reality of her choice in this the key to recovery for me. She is piloting her own plane and has the controls now. I am no longer her co-pilot helping plot her course in life. Nor am I any influence on her whatsoever. Finding contentment with this and letting go is proving harder for me than I ever comprehended.

It feels good to me just to hear about you H showing you the respect and affection he did. I know it must have made you feel good about it too! There are good people out there for all of us, finding them and then keeping the R strong and alive is the challenge. Sounds like you have a handle on this, so keep it up! It gives the rest of us hope that we can get to a similar place in life again some day.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/16/05 05:31 AM
Hi Holiday and Dukhuntr,


I knew you would be doing something very productive. Although, it is hard when you are doing it, think how nice it will be when all the tile and paint work is done and you get to sit back and admire it.

I am also really happy you are having warm feelings of love for hubby. I can't thnk of anything that would make tile laying more appealing than warm feelings of love.


I vote for letting go too. It sounds like you know exactly what you need to do.. it just is harder doing it than saying it - isn't it. It is helpful to remember this is a one day at a time kind of scenario. Each day hopefully alittle better than the last.

Everyone I think in the end formulates their own remedy for healing. Mine was lots of time at the beach...lots of time with the dog, family, friends .. alittle travel and shoe shopping. Writing the journals really helped too, I can look back at some of the entries and remember just how much I was hurting ... compared to how I feel now.

Even my appetite has returned, for the last four months I really haven't been eating. I had no desire to cook because every thing tasted like sawdust. Yesterday I made a grilled cheese sandwich and it tasted like heaven.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/16/05 06:02 AM

A long very busy day, which has culminated in a very bold move. I threw out my sofa - tonight. I gritted my teeth and just did it. Now I am in writhing agony. I loved that sofa.

I have stood in a variety of different furniture stores over the last three years - credit card out attempting to buy a new leather sofa. Every time I actually laid the card on the counter, I would get a vivid image of my dog's hind end hunched in the air, tail wagging fiercely, front paws digging in a blur of speed and energy, ears waggling side to side.

When my dog is happy he digs either in my bed or in my couch. The cushions fly about the room to a rhythmic ripping of fabric.

My sofa was refinished perhaps four years ago.. it looks like it has resided in a frat house for say the last 20 years. It is a tattered shredded gloriously comfortable place to be. The dog and I curl up together to watch TV, the three of us - dog, sofa and me - a symbiotic union of cozy home life.

Next week, two of my friends (who design) are visiting my home. Although I did have a slip cover that shielded visitors from most of the gory horror. I thought I better just get rid of it before I had to face their looks of shocked disbelief - head shaking - This won't do - kind of reaction.

The truth is my dog is very obedient. If I told him not to he would stop digging in the couch. It just that it amuses me so. I love to watch him go for it... My husband never understood the entertainment I derived from watching his nightly attack on the upholstery. Oh well....

So now I will go buy a leather sofa .. that I will slipcover so the dog and I can live on it and when company comes we will whip off the slipcover so that for a few hours - a perfectly intact leather sofa with nary a scratch is on display for visitors. Make sense- not really?
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/17/05 12:54 AM

Funny, how you can think you are pretty much over something then it turns around and bites you. I find if I stay really busy, and I have as little contact with Mr. Midnight as possible - I don't do too badly. I am a productive functioning person.

Tonight he stopped by with an employee to pick up a big screen TV. I will use my Dad's which is smaller but suitable for the amount of time I watch TV.

I watched him load it up and pick up some tapes and DVDs. The hardest part is saying good by on these occassions. After 25 years of always kissing someone on parting... it feels so awkward to be standing there, three feet little waves to each other.

He called me last night - to complain. He had washed his cell phone, locked his keys in the truck and wasn't sleeping well. I lisened patiently wondering what he was feeling.

HIs family continues to call regularly. My MIL wants me to commit to her that I will be there when as she describes it - he comes to his senses. I am non-commital. I don't think he is crazy anymore. I believe he is actually doing what he wants to do, which is something few of us really do in life.

On the plus side, it frees me up to do what I want to do. I just have to discover what that is...

Right now, I think I will watch As Good As It Gets, I have not seen it in awhile and it is one of my favourites. The dog and I have just had a nice roast beef dinner. No sofa yet - so we will be stretching out on a camping air mattress.

I find I really like looking at rooms from views I don't see very often. When I was painting my closets I would sit and look out at the room from inside them. In my office I often get up and sit across the desk in a visitor's chair so I have a fresh perspective. Lying on the floor on my air mattress will give me a slightly different perspective. It can't hurt.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/17/05 01:19 AM

Just imagining the dog attacking a couch does bring a smile and chuckle. My dog likes to attack shoes, ones that are tied to feet and moving preferrably. Imagine a 70LB lab grabbing ahold of your tennis shoe and shaking her head like a great white shark while growling menacingly. My son loves to do this with her and that's a riot to watch. It's when an unsuspecting guest mimics this behavior that the fun really begins! You may want to have two couches from the sound of it.

As for letting go, I seem to have gone thru a life change last week. I was grumpy, irratable and upset all week. I think it finally settled into me that I have to go forward with the assumption she is gone and live for myself. Until then I had always felt like I was waiting for her fog to lift and come running home to me. That is just not going to happen. Even if the fog lifts it not going to happen that way so why live like that?

I still think about her and what has happened much of every day and I hope that starts to clear more soon. For me it's been eight months now of constant thoughts of what if's or how or why. I think my breakthrough on this has been to look back at my marriage with my IC and see the traits in both of us that led to this. Her non-confrontatiional avoidance of telling me anything that would reflect poorly on her or anything that she felt would hurt or upset me. Her issues with entitlement and the inability to accept faults. And really with my own ways in which I developed all of these activities that did not include her, and how I was more of a parent than a husband in regard to bailing her out of her credit card problems.

Understanding yourself and what you could have done better makes you think about the whole picture instead of just the betrayal itself. I know I did some things I should not have and that I was not the model husband. At the same time I know nothing I was doing or not doing entitled her to have an A. I really believe she had a weak moment and let something happen and now is too deep in this to feel she could recover what she had. IC would be a godsend for her but she is just too stubborn and proud to open up and let someone else in on what all has gone on in her mind and with the OM. The problem is that she can't bring herself to believe that I would do anything she wanted to make this work if she would only agree to NC and to MC. Accepting that I can't control her or get her to do any of this lets me feel I can let go now. I can't make her do anything she is not willing to do and I can't shame her or coerce her either. If she wants it she has to do it on her own and all I have to do is decide at that time if I still want the same thing. As you said easier said than done, but I am very close to being there now. I know I would no longer let her walk right back into the house as I would have a month ago. No way , no how.

Well I am taking the kids to Dollar night at the cantina tonight. Dollar margueritas and tacos. Music and drinks and food with the kids, should be a fun evening. Throw a couch pillow at the dog for me tonight.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/17/05 04:55 AM
You both sound very peaceful Martha says, "its a good thing".

You both now have the time to explore the "real" you.
I hope you both will continue to know how special each of you are in God's eyes and of course, in mine too.

As Buddha says...Everything is in the process of changing.

As I always say...There is nothing more consistant than change.

Change is eventually's a good thing.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/18/05 03:17 AM

One thing I do miss about Mr. Midnight - is his heartbeat. He is a runner and has a very slow heart beat. At night I could lay my ear against his back and lisen to a reassuring thud dud ..........thud dud...........thud dud. It would slow me down just liseing to it and I would often drift off to sleep to that measured beat. I've tried lisening to the dog's heart beat but his is very fast and he drools on me when I try to get close enough to lisen. Normally these days we sleep back to back. The dog's head on my pillow. I can feel when he falls into deep sleep. His body stiffens for a moment. There is a medical term for it which I forget.

The dog fell asleep while I was reading in bed last night. He was dreaming with his eyes open. Dogs eyes have a film - a sort of a second eyelid - that when this happens really makes them look like devil dogs. His lips were twitching with muffled barks, his legs moved back and forth chasing someone I'm sure.

I think being newly single is hardest late at night. The house is quiet. The bustle of the day, phone calls, activities has abated. One is left alone with one's thoughts and in my case a dog that snores....
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/18/05 03:40 AM

I think just being home alone at any time is the hardest part of being "newly single". There are so many reminders of the life you shared with someone else there with you, even if you have cleaned out pictures and other more visible objects. It does get easier and I had to think back to remember what you are feeling because I haven't had that feeling in a month or two.

That's funny, me telling you something to look forward to! After I wrote this, I had that thought come almost instantly to mind. It is different, you have to admit, for me to be telling you something positive to look forward to. I am the one who has been the needy one lately. All negative and dour. I feel free and relieved this week though. I hope it's not just a lull in the mental storm. I am ready for some peace in my life.

The dream the dog was having was of a demented woman chasing after him with a set of tie on antlers and a collar covered in bells. She was singing "Grandma got run over by a Reindeer" and sloshing rum from a large tumbler as she went. I would say he was running from a devilish Mom not imagining he was a devil dog.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/18/05 05:37 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

LOL, We all have our nightmares, I guess. The dog really doesn't mine the antlers that much. He gets lots of attention when he is wearing them. Some years we go to the local Santa parade and Christmas fair, the dog in full reindeer regalia. He is a big hit with the kiddies.

At night, we have a major play session. The dog has a big basket of toys on the living room rug. What he likes best is for me to sit there and take out each toy one at a time and show them to him. I think it makes him feel toy rich.

Occassionally, when I try to weed out the truly ratty ones, he will retrieve them from the garbage and carry them back over to his basket and drop them in - looking at me sternly. Don't mess with my things Mom!


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/18/05 06:28 AM

You know I am just ribbing you , right? Your dog lives a life most people would envy I'm sure. I am just in a good mood and I hope to get you into one also. Do you know the words to "Grandma got run over by a Reindeer"? That is an image that has me ROFLMAO. Paradise inebriated and chasing the dog with the antlers spilling her favorite rum the whole time. Think about that and tell me you don't start laughing a little!

Humor and fun have a definite place in our recovery and I am starting to recover my sense of humor. You had best watch out now! I used to spread the ribbing around the office at work and I got it back tenfold. I came in one morning last fall to my office completely covered in tin foil. Everything was covered including individual pieces of paper in my in basket. They even took the switch plate off the wall wrapped it and put it back. Not a crinkle in any of it either. It had to take several people hours to do this. I know it took two of us two hours to take it all down!

I believe Holiday will love the thought of you and the dog I have described and I can hardly wait for her to chime in. Have a great day tomorrow!
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/18/05 07:51 PM
Grandma got run over by a reindeer, coming home from our house Christmas Eve, you might say there's no such thing as Santa...but as for me and Grandpa we believe!

I love that song. My kids and I used to sing it all the time (still do).

All is well. Going to tile more today (don't you get sick of hearing about it?...I get sick of laying the darn stuff.)

I am sorry about your "new single" lives. But I have a feeling something special is coming each of your ways.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/18/05 09:02 PM
Hey Tile Girl,

Tell me you at least got a good chuckle out of envisioning paradise, the song and the dog. It would be so out of character for her I thought it was hysterical.

Special for me would be to be able to feel content and satisfied I did the best I could to make things work. I am so close to being there it bugs me now when I go a step backward. It's because I recognize it now for what it is, a waste of emotion and effort on my part. If it is going to happen now it's not going to be because of anything I did or did not do, it's going to be her that does it. I just have to live like it's a new beginning for me and look ahead instead of over my shoulder at what she is doing. I don't think I have to learn to dislike her or write her off completely in my future. I just can't go on pining away over her and holding on to the hurts she has laid on me.

Have fun with the tile and grout and don't forget to get the best sealer you can to protect your hard work. Have a nice weekend!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/19/05 06:12 AM

The dog and I are exhausted. We had dinner with friends tonight and then went Christmas shopping. His taste never falters, but my feet got sore.

I tried on some clothes tonight. I ended up buying the same skirt I bought in the summer just in black. I have consistent taste. The dog is an interested companion on such occasions, although he does cast a curious eye under the doors of other women's changerooms. Alittle pair of twinkling male eyes suddenly appearing out of nowhere - can startle the unsuspecting.

Later, we curled up together to watch Briget Jones - The Edge of Reason tonight. It is funny funny movie. The dog got two helping of beef soup kibble tonight - to celebrate the commencement of the weekend. While I sipped a cuba libre.

Friday nights are tad more peaceful these days. I still miss the dinner making ritual of chatting while chopping, cooking etc. Often now, microwave popcorn is my entree of choice. Oddly I find when I shop I still buy Mr. Midnight's favourite treats. Somehow they end in my cart without me noticing it.

Many of the little rituals of married life stay with you somehow...
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/19/05 06:26 AM
Paradise and Holiday,

I am totally blasted as I write this, Don't know why just seemed like the thing to do tonight! Made a pass at a woman at the bar we frequent and pissed her off totally. Not smart but I at least know it. Is it something about being a man in a predominately male bar that turns you into an A******? I didn't think we said anything bad she just got up and said she was sick of us and left.

Alcohol is not a proper outlet for me right now! I need to stay sober and lucid. I hope you both had a good day and I will talk to you both on Monday. Going to reduce the bunny population in a friends alfalfa field tomorrow. Good night!
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/20/05 12:35 AM
Ewww, DH you sound like my BIL...he takes care of the "prairrie dog" pop every year...yuck.

Drinking to the point of perversion in the bar you "frequent" doesn't sound like a good thing (go to another bar for that <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> ).

You probably just weren't yourself and had you been she probably would have loved to chat with you. But, basically, I believe girls in bars aren't the kind of girls that you need right now.

We should both be at PB's house sippin cuba libre's with her and letting her chop and cook to her heart's delight just for us!

Is a cuba libre a rum drink. I think I have heard of that...sounds delish!

Finished the tile (minus the kitchen which is another 300 sq ft after company leaves next week). Too much to do and not enough time, especially with 3 guests coming and staying 5 days.

I think H and I will hit a movie tonight. I haven't been out (other than to the grocery store or the local hardware store) in over a week.

Have a nice Saturday evening....and PB, I love Bridget movies too. Have you viewed the English movies like Pride and Prejudice? Or Emma? Or any movie with Hugh Grant or Colin (my favorite) Firth?

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/20/05 03:34 AM
Hey Holiday,

I would be happy to chop and cook for you. It is so much more fun to cook for other people. I really enjoy entertaining. However, when it is just me - I am inclined to eat whatever is handy while standing over the sink. Tuna on a cracker anyone?

I am a big Jane Austen fan - she was so observant of people -she understood them in all their humanity. In particular, I believe she just nails down what it is like to be female. For men trying to understand the fairer sex, there can be no better primer. When visiting England a few years back and I stayed in Bath and sat in the Assembly Room ballroom admiring the two enormous exquisite chandeliers she would have danced under. I squinted my eyes trying to see/imagine them dance gracefully, moving to and fro across the floor.

I have all the Austen movies in their various editions. The only book she wrote that hasn't been made into a movie was Lady Susan. I loved Sense and Sensibility with Emma Thompson and Pride Prejudice with Colin Firth - the pond scene - yummy! Persuasion is very touching, it was her last book, and then of course Emma with the marvelous Gwyneth! Just great entertainment where no one is shot and the scenery is so beautifully detailed. I can watch them again and again. They calm me.

I was out at a wine tasting tonight. Mr. Midnight has the dog. It seems quiet here without him. Oddly, with the dog in tow, I still feel as though I am part of a couple. Without him - I am definitely solo. My three friends and I go back some twenty years. I am doing an album just of our photos over the years - so many great memories together.

When Mr. Midnight dropped in for the dog with 15 minutes notice, I was on way out and just smiled and kept going. It still feels weird to me. It is like my husband has disappeared. There is walking taiking body that looks like him - but it is not the same man - at all. It is hard to believe that you could be best friends with someone for close to 31 years and that their personna could just vanish!. If he had been lost skiing in some crevasse or sailing, I would be marshalling all of our resources to find him again. With this, I just work every day to accept it without acrimony.

You are tile liberated now! Way to go girl, I will be following your brave example soon. I am trying to find a tile laying seminar near me. Home Depot is one of my favourite stores right now. They have classes and seminars! I lisen with rapt attention.

I have ambition to replace the tile in my foyer, install new cabinet doors in the kitchen and perhaps countertops - plus I think I will paint just about everything. A complete change of decor, it will keep me busy at night.

Although the dog is not impressed by painting or housework.. he appears not to understand the merit of either when we could be at the beach instead! He lies on the marble floor, head on his paws, with sad reproachful eyes that follow me about the room. Occasionally there is a sigh and a very audible huff!

I hope you enjoy your date with hubby... and have lots more warm feelings of love...


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/20/05 08:04 PM

I washed out my Dad's toolbox, this afternoon. Old screwdrivers, pliers, many things I don't know the name or use of... but which I am determined to learn about.

I had a little cry. I miss him. I know I will continue to miss him every day. It is incredibly lucky though to have had someone in your life for so long who could consistently understand you and always wisely give you what you needed - to grow. With Dad it was usually just a question.. a way to subtly shift your thoughts to a more open balanced outlook.

Even now as I neatly put back each item.. he is giving me what I need. The tools to improve my circumstance, what more could I ask for.

It has been a lazy day.. lying about reading most of the morning. Harry Potter and a Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling for a second time before I go to the movie! Now that is a great story - a single mom on assistance who wrote in a tea shop during the day so she had only to pay for heat in the evenings when her daughter was home. Who is now richer than the Queen of England! And alternately the Wisdom of Forgiveness by the Dalai Lama and Victor Chan, a great wise book that is actually quite entertaining.

Soon I will get ready to go out to a friend's for dinner. She is a 45 year old dentistry professor, who today for the first time in her life is cooking a chicken! I have had frequent phone calls for instruction. Every time she calls I laugh when I see her number displayed but I am carefully polite and helpful. I know I will have a hard time not giggling during dinner...
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/21/05 04:30 AM
Hi guys,

Made it back from the barren wastelands of Northern Nevada with most of my brain cells intact. It turns out there was a birtday party this weekend at the ranch for one of our friends. Must have been 15 people up there in all manner of trailers and campers. Had a huge bon-fire and drank well into the night. I can honestly say I did not think of the EX or any of the usual garbage until late this afternoon on the trip home. What a nice change. It may have been because of all the things going on and all of the different people involved, all I know is I enjoyed every minute of it. I managed to stay semi-sober the whole trip too!

We cut up and vacuume wrapped 5 lambs today before we came home. The ranch is an actulal working ranch running several thousand sheep and almost as many cattle. The owner is the fourth or fifth generation to be running the place. He was a fraternity brother of ours and is just a simple hard working rancher and as good a man as you could ever want to meet. His wife is just as nice and a city girl who chose the life and has adapted wonderfully to it. We bought the lambs from him and he helped us cut them up( and helped drink the beer).

I may need help with recipies on some of the cuts, when you buy the whole lamb you get some things you would not normally buy. Shoulder roasts for example. I know about the chops and legs, but a lamb shoulder? How about the riblets?

Holiday -

Good job on the tile! Is H duly impressed? I would be.
I hope you had a good night at the movies.


I know what you mean about cooking. It just seems a waste to go to all of that trouble for yourself. Grabbing something easy and fast makes more sense for me too. Cold cuts and a handful of nuts will do nicely when all else seems like too much work. Now with a whole lamb in the freezer I may have to breakdown and figure out some new and more involved cooking skills.

Have a good night!
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/21/05 05:13 PM
No, no no you two!
Always make something special for yourselves especially at dinner time. And never eat over that sink PB! If you make too much, save it for lunch the next day.

We had a nice time at the movies and our daughter came along. We went to see, PB...Harry Potter. Very good movie, but my daughter always tells me the books are much more powerful (she is my little bookworm).

Glad to hear you remained semi sober DH...and had a great time. Hope to hear of some great dinners with you lamb!

We drove to Bullhead City yesterday afternoon for a pre Thanksgiving dinner with my niece and nephew (and x SIL whom I still love very much). Was wonderful.

I hope you two have a wonderful Monday. I am off for my daily jog and then hitting the sewing machine for a day of catch up.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/21/05 11:34 PM
Hey Guys,

I have come to the conclusion that the hardest thing for me to deal with now is the connection I used to share with the EX. If I was having a bad day or just felt like talking I always had her to turn to. Now you guys seem to be where I turn because friends get sick of hearing your woes and just have a full plate of their own to deal with.

Not that I mind talking to you but I do feel this loss the most right now. Over 28 years of building this trust and friendship you come to rely them instinctly and don't realize how much value you placed on this connection until it is no longer there to turn to. I am being completely dark with her now to try and keep some feeling alive for her deep down inside. As you both have told me contact with her is still toxic for me and I do seem to get better if I don't see her, hear about her, or talk to her in any way.

I fight the urge constantly to quiz the kids about how she is doing or what she is up to now. Paradise, I don't know how you can be so closely associated with Mr. Midnight and keep your composure as you do. Speaks volumns about your resolve and personal strength. I think I would be completely off my rocker by now in your sich. All of that leads me to believe that I really will look for that type of relationship again someday. I know if I find someone to trust and connect with again, I will be much more careful to guard this trust and make sure they put the same value on this as I do.

Eibrab- you have been thru the same thing, is this something you are missing too? I just can't seem to feel completely relaxed and confident in myself yet. A sure sign for me I should not be out looking for anyone new in my life yet. And when I do I am afraid I will be so gunshy about trust I will probably run off someone who could have been that friend and companion.

Starting to ramble here so I will get back to work and be productive again instead of a space cadet.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/22/05 01:47 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

I am not so sure about my resolve and strength. I was in the process of unloading my car just now and the OW walked around me several times... trying to start up a conversation. I ignored her completely.

Yet she still made me so angry I am shaking. It was all I could do to move my stuff and get out of her way before I really lost it. A couple of our other neighbours were standing there - an audience so to speak.

What's worse Mr. Midnight made off yesterday with my emergency breakage item. I have nothing of meaning of his to break right now... and boy do I need to break something.

Frankly, I think I should move sooner rather than later. I really can't take much more humiliation. I think I am making progress and then I am reduced to a shaking crying bundle of rage in probably under 5 minutes.

I know it is illogical. I know this whole situation is predicated on a choice Mr. Midnights made. However, it is just hellish to live day to day and never know when you are going to have your nose rubbed in it.


I actually dug out Mr. Midnight's wedding band, he stopped wearing it probably 10 years into our marriage because it caught on something and almost caused an accident. I was contemplating flushing it down the toilet.

I am calmer now. I can not stay really mad for that long. It is just exhausting. I did not flush Mr. Midnight's ring down the toilet.

The moments where I am so close to completely losing it yet manage to hold onto my composure - are small victories. The speed with which I can shed the anger, the hurt and return to a balanced outlook shows my progress I thnk. This is just so tough at moments.

The buddists believe that our enemies teach/benefit us much more than our friends. Learning to be compassionate towards someone who for whatever reason means you harm suggests that you are grasping the big picture - which is that we are all interdependent - sort of one canvass. As much as I would like to smudge her portion, instead I have to discipline my self to be understanding of her particular problems. By doing so, I gain big time and immediately, because that understanding will rid me of emotions that harm only me and no one else.

Sorry for the rant... I'm off to make a cup of tea... and coax the dog out of the bedroom. He doesn't see Mom that mad very often.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/22/05 03:23 AM

You have absolutely nothing to be humiliated about. What she did only proved to your other friends what kind of person she really is. I'm proud of you! I'd be willing to bet the other friends are too. They can see for themselves what she was doing and I'm sure they were appalled and afraid of what she was going to do next. You have taken the high road in all of this so keep your head up and held high. She's the one with all of the bad karma and moral ambiguity going thru her head.

I've been in your shoes and did not handle it anywhere near as well as you remember. I'm the one poking fingers into chests and where did it get me? Nowhere fast, thats where. Let this get back to Mr. Midnight and I think even he would be floored by this and not too happy about it either. Let the friends do the talking for you. Be your usual poised and confident self. Get on the bike and go for a long ride on the trainer, all of the anger will disapate faster. Even better go put the dog thru ****** again and get him dressed up in a new holiday outfit. Or you could be really evil and sign the OW up in every online porn site you could find tonight and sit back to see how she likes all of her new mail. Then let her figure out how she got signed up for all of this. I don't believe she would ever think of you doing something like this. More like Mr. Midnight doing some swinging bachelor research on her computer!

I know it sounds easy for me to say but I am speaking from experience. EX and her freedom tour of the town with OM while we were still married felt like a nose rub too. Having him stare at me from across a parking lot while EX pushed me away to protect him in front of my friends was exactly the same feeling. I wish I could have done as you did and ignore the whole messy scene and gone home without the big confrontation that ensued.

I will be home all night checking back to see if you want to talk some more. I wish only the best for you and I hope you are okay.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/22/05 04:06 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

I have opted for tea and belgium truffles - so far four - my nomal ration for a week. I may stop counting.

I am lisening to a very mellow Norah Jones album - feels like home. It is an odd life isn't it. I find posting here helps immensely sometimes because I am open about how I feel. Without the normal reserve I have with anyone other than my closest friends. I simply would not talk about this with very many people. There must be a fair amount of Brit residue in my DNA.

Thanks for lisening...

Dogs are so sensitive. I brought in my bags, stomped about the kitchen... didn't actually swear or anything..although I did slam some cupboard doors ... and the dog heads off to hide in the bedroom. He has come out, had dinner and is now sitting on my feet.

You know walking around another human being several times with a large smile is hardly criminal. Under the circumstances, it is perhaps insensitive. What is bad behaviour I guess, is Mr. Midnight's choice to create and leave me with this mess. I have no doubt he will move on from this OW to someone new and quite likely younger still.

I think everyone has a right to end relationships if they don't meet your needs, but to end it by chasing after one of your wife's friends is just tacky. I think I will be able to banish the anger and the hurt but the disappointment I believe will linger.


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/22/05 04:37 AM
Hi paradise,

The joke may be that I have no idea what a truffle is! Is it animal, vegtable or pastry? You can see my redneck showing here can't you? Any joke I have heard recently comes from a construction company environment and is not suitable for this site. I have a very poor memory for jokes anyway and always screw them up. The only one that has stuck with me recently is one about a blonde receptionist. It stays with me because of the resemblence to EX. It goes like this:
Q- How can you tell your blonde receptionist is having a bad day?

A- She has a tampon behind her ear and her pencil is missing!

I love that one! I even asked EX if she had lost her pencil recently during a conversation. Of course she didn't get it but I got a chuckle out of it. Strange how we can get a jolly out of something so stupid. As I said earlier it is easier to talk here than with anyone else. They have nothing to compare the depth of our hurts to unless they themselves have been in this sich. My closest friend recently, the one who takes me to the ranch, has been thru this, and he has been my biggest supporter. He is keenly aware of how hard this hits you and how low you can get. I have been to the Giants games with him, hunting several times and to his home at least once a week since D-Day. I hadn't seen him this much in the last ten years combined. Goes to show that there are good people out there that have been thru this and want to see you make it too. He is hapily married to a second wife that is a wonderful woman. The coinsidence there is that she went to school with Ex and I. She has been right there for me too.

So what is a truffle?
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/22/05 04:49 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Chocolate! Very very good chocolate. Oh the term can also mean a kind of mushroom considered a delicacy.

I was driving in the country tonight on some very dark roads. When a bunny ran in front of my car. I braked and slowed to a crawl behind him/her (I can't tell with bunnies from a distance). It ran in front for quite a while, my headlights highlighting its fluffy white tail. When it finally darted away into a field ... I thought of your weekend ... lucky bunny.

You're right. There are times in life where our friends really come through for us. I think we have to come through for us too. It is a process all right...

I am trying to think of something funny that will make us both laugh. Give me a moment...


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/22/05 05:01 AM

I got a laugh just from you last post! I imagined you talking to the bunny in Elmer Fudd's voice telling him to be verrry carefulll you waskkally wabbitt.

Chocolate is good and on a night like tonight calories are non-existent. Your girlish figure will not be affected by these calories in the least. Anger and emotions will burn all the calories, so enjoy them without guilt!

P.S. - We don't shoot the cottontail rabbits unless we are planning a meal out of them. They are really good eating bunnies. We only shoot the jackrabbits with the big ears and long legs that breed like mice and become a vermin to farmers trying to make a living off the land. Plus they are the main food source for Nevada's coyotes that also take a heavy toll on our friends lambs during the spring when the ewes are birthing. Reducing the food reduces the coyotes for next year at the same time.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/22/05 05:13 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

When I was younger, I had a gift for mischief. When I was probably around 7 or 8. I put a very large cricket up my Dad's pant leg when he wasn't looking. When it started to move about - he promptly jumped out of his pants.

Unfortunately, at that exact moment, my Mom was having her entire ladies church group in for tea. She was really mad at me for a very long time. My Dad thought it was pretty hysterical.

I can still remember my Dad's panicked dance about in his underwear and the shocked looks on all those women's faces.

I hope this makes you smile. I am going to have a quick bath and go to bed. Being so mad has just completely tuckered me out.



P.S. I know what you mean about the connection though... so many shared moments.. shared emotions ... shared thoughts.. it is like a woven mesh of joined existence.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/22/05 05:25 AM

I knew there was a hint of deviltry in you. I bet you have been at the keyboard all night registering OW in all manner of sites. Rest well and remember you are the only one in this mess with Midnight and OW that has a clear conscience. Allow youself some peace with that thought and I will be checking in on you tomorrow.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/22/05 09:02 PM

I had some spare time this afternoon - so I have been reading various threads on this site. There are remarkable stories here - testiments to the strength and adaptability of the human spirit. Women raising their husbands - OCs - tales of hope and forgiveness.

Couples overcoming enormous challenges to stay together. I do believe staying together is the harder option. I am barely coping with the little contact I have with Mr. Midnight - I can only imagine how difficult it would be to try to start at square one again.

I am ashamed of myself for getting so upset last night. As one very wise friend said to me this afternoon. You have no business allowing someone else to poison your good nature. She is absolutely right of course. I either I have to move or I have to be able to ignore the OW on all levels -easier said than done.

Ultimately, it is his decision not hers that caused the mess. I need a reality check I think.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/22/05 09:36 PM

I've been waiting to see if you would be here today. I hear that you have regained your composure and you sound much better!

What is there for you to be ashamed about? Did you do something other than be victimized by the OW? Yes you let her get into your nuggett but who in this world could have been strong enough to go thru that and not get upset or angry. The Dali Llama himself would have had anxiety over this himself. Cut yourself some slack here and get back on track. It's only a small step back down a long trail of success you have achieved. We all live in reality and you are the last person in need of a check up. You have already seen this for what it was. A cheap shot at you from the OW, out of spite. Or is it out of frustration that you have been such a model of consistency and resolution? Living her life of immorality and day to day stress has to have taken a toll by now. Maybe you have seen the first sign of weakness on her part.

Don't let her change a thing in you or your dealings with Mr. Midnight. She is a bump in the road for both of you waiting to get run over one way or another. You have way too much going for you to let her affect how you live your life from now on. Maybe you should hit the road again soon for another recharge in attitude. Tahoe is beautiful right now and I will give you the VIP tour anytime you want. I owe it to your for educating me on what it is to be a real woman and for keeping me sane and out of jail these past few weeks we have been talking. Weeks, or months now? I will have to look back. It seems like weeks doesn't it?
All I know is I have come to value your outlook on A's and life in general. It would hurt me to no end to hear that OW could do anything to dampen your spirit or change the outlook you have on your life and what is to come for you.

Stay strong and focused, you are the rock Mr. Midnight and OW are spinning aroud. Don't let them get you to spinning too!
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/22/05 11:18 PM

I feel so unqualified to answer your question as to whether or not I feel the same as yourself and Paradise. I read here every day for the inspiration that the two of you and Holiday offer. I am very much the same in so many ways, but also very different in the turn of my life's events.

I never truly shared my story here. I only sought refuge with a small group of people who I think would be the finest choice to find myself on a deserted island with. I wish life's distances would allow me to hunt a duck with you, lay some tile with Holiday and most of all walk the beaches with Paradise. The shorelines are my passion. I would wish to retire to Hawaii and run a small charter fishing boat for the great marlin or rent rooms in small cottages off the coast of Nova Scotia. I did some work outside of Halifax once. That is God's design there. But, I dwell in a four-season state and today I was freezing..

In a nutshell..may I share ?

I married the first man to hold my hand. He is a bit older and a very different personality than I... very powerful in his mannerisms and confident to the extreme.

After many years of a very one-sided marriage, we parted briefly. My split from my H was similar to your's Duk. Very fast and trainwreck-like (said with the utmost of respect). We farm together, and I have my own sideline business of the horse "thing", so I never went far. We continued to see each other consistantly. We have two dear children, a daughter 13, and a son 9.

At a point where it seemed to work for both of us, God took my hand and brought about the most amazing of reconciliations. If you had told me that I would be back amongst a life where I was a "hired-hand" and completely bowled over on a daily basis, I would not have believed you.

And here I am . :-) Not totally a bad thing..

During the reconciliation, my H started an A with a local married woman. A very loud, brazen, immature sort. I failed to see it for what it was worth until it was at a full-blown war that got very ugly in my attempts to save my family. God was with me. He gave me strengths to endure what I don't feel any human being could go through on their own.

After some much deserved family time in Hawaii, my H sat me down at a point where I truly felt the affair had been over for almost a year and shared with me that he had failed both myself and my children and that in a short "comeback" attempt from this OW, he found himself facing me and telling me that this OW was at the time 5 months pregnant.

Granted, she was and continues to be married.

This is my story. The OW's H and I became friends during the affair but do not have contact now. It seems the OW pulled every trick she could to win the "prize" (said lightly in Paradise fashion) and after seeing that I would stand by my H's side, she fashioned a perfect marraige once again with her H.

The tragedy continues in that this woman has a severly handicapped child and was told to never have another. And she chose to do this. I do believe it is a choice... there are measures that even cheaters can take.

DNA was done, my H carries this child on his health insurance as his "part". I don't know what comes next. There is supposedly no contact with any parties. I have reason to believe this OC is handicapped as well. I'm not sure how my prayers in this have been answered...but I have faith that God knows what he is doing.

You ask how I feel ? My H is a better man. He is very different to the kids and I. I for once feel like this man truly loves me..I, however, feel a bit lost.

I hope that I fashion myself after Paradise. I pride myself in maintaining class and dignity and I'll be darned if I ever let my outward appearance reflect the inside. I suffer in my own mind constantly. I am like you all here...Constantly searching.

Is he here because he wants to be ? Is he nice to ME..or to the idea that another human being would go through such evilness to stand by his side.

What will come of this all ? What do the folks in this small town think of me?

The month before this child was born, I was featured in a national magazine for my profession in a wonderfully written article that should have had me soaring to new heights.. What did I do? The same thing I have done in battling this A for almost two years now... I hid. I ran from the phone calls, I returned none of them.. I let others dig me a hole.

I want out of that hole. I may be happy now, but funny thing, I'm not certain of you, Dukhunter. We are where we are in our lives... Is it so bad?

God Bless each of you..


PS through my whole ordeal, I never stooped to any undesireable levels.. Paradise, I am so proud of your demeanor in your "walk-around" yesterday. She isn't worth your time..and I'd advice you not to tell Mr. Midnight. He would not believe the words from you... His finding out her true self in other ways will come back ten-fold in gracious rewards towards you in his eventual returning to his senses.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/23/05 03:01 AM
Hi Eibrab,

Your story is poignant, sad, full of pain, loss and surprisingly beautiful and hopeful... because your marriage made it through the fire. With faith and your considerable strength I believe you will find it worth the sacrifice in the long haul.

On a positive note, just think when you are wheeling hubby around in the nursing home - you can prop him in the corner, with your cups of tea in front of you and say: "Dear what was her name?".

I am impressed with you more than I can say. You should be proud of yourself. I can well imagine what small town life must have been like when that kind of horrid little drama is underway. Everyone feels so sorry for you. Do you not just hate that?

I know there is a lot of pain associated with the OW forming a permanent linkage in your life with the birth of a child. I've had bent out of shape thoughts about whether or not I would be able to handle that very well. My OW confided in me once that in her next relationship she planned to get pregnant - no matter what. Then I was gobsmacked by the truth that it is evil to want to wish away some one out of existence. I am not sure I would be able to face it as you have done.

I found this summer the beach was my salvation. It just seems to heal me everyday. Now with the weather turned cold it is harder to spend the same amount of time there - I miss it very badly.

From everyone I know who is horsy, they are animals which provide excellent company. I like that thought. I like to think of you on your ranch amidst the excellent company of many animals who adore you....

You are in my prayers,


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/23/05 03:06 AM

Wow! You need to chime in more often and talk to us about how to cope because you have been thru a Katrina sized storm and come thru batttered and bruised but intact.

I'm not sure why you have doubts about what other people think of you because you have done what we all wish we could accomplish. You have earned the trust and respect of your H and kept your family together. If the other people in your town are like me they too will see the courage, honesty and determination you have shown and admire you, not look down on you. Sounds like you live in a rural area where these traits are valued and you have exhibited all of them in bundles. In my opinion this is where you turned the tide with your H. He sounds like a man who makes you earn his respect. Once you earned this he knows what he could have lost and is placing a much higher value on your R. I work in the construction industry as a controller. I have either worked for or known several men cut from the same cloth as your H. I have learned never to tell them they need to do anything, you simply suggest what you believe is a good course of action and let them mull it over. They make all of their own decisions. Once you have earned their respect they will stand by you and support you even when they think you may be wrong. You are there with your H.

As for feeling confident and secure about yourself you need to let yourself shine in the limelight a little. You have earned this, both in you personal life and thru your work. Bask in the attention from H and from other sources such as the publication. Pride is okay in small and measured doses and you have much to be proud of. If you ever come to Nevada I would gladly take you and the H duck hunting or anywhere else you wanted to go.

Thanks for thinking of my ramblings as inspirational, I know those thoughts are mainly for Paradise and Holiday but to be included with that company feels good to me. I come mainly to vent and seek a calming and more spiritual outlook on life and they provide it. You have been very supportive yourself so keep posting, you have a wealth of experience and understanding to offer. Someday we will all again feel confident and relaxed in our own lives no matter how it turns out with our current or former spouses. Talking here to good people like you, Paradise and Holiday will only help us get there sooner.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/23/05 06:10 AM

I have a nice view from my desk, tonight there is a half moon hanging in an inky black sky. It is quiet here. The air is cold enough to leave your face stinging if you are out walking long.

I am reluctant to go to bed, although really tired. I don't think I slept last night.

I have been reading Eibrab's last post several times through...thinking it really is amazing what an open heart can accomplish; keeping a family whole, a business intact, a marriage together. Her story is powerfully insipiring.

A marriage is really a marvelous idea when you think about it. It is a ready exchange of emotion, understanding, love, honesty - founded on the recognition that the other person is so important that you want to spend your most precious resource with them - your time.

In Shall We Dance, there is quote about the purpose of marriage is so there is someone to witness your life. I think it is more than that, it is so there is someone to share/create a life with.

Yesterday, Mr. Midnight told me I was still the person he cared most about in the world. I told him actions speak much louder than words. It must be horribly confusing to be the WS. I don't envy them.

My Dad used to say that it is an art deciding what to view as important in life. Should someone's mistake define them forever? Will I live the rest of my life - thinking of a man I use to love profoundly - as Mr. Midnight? Ouch!

On the plus side, it is probably much more pleasant to the ear, than many other names/descriptions I have strung together in my mind over the last four months. say for example - lying, fox faced tweasle - ( a cross between twit and weasle)!

I would say his major card in the hole right now is that the dog still really loves him. He has been talking about a cute neighbour's little wheaten terrier alot though. If he blows it with the dog ... yowser!
Posted By: familycomesfirst Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/23/05 02:29 PM
Eibrab and Paradise, you are both truly very classy ladies.

E- I am glad your H is treating you kindly these days. I know you must be wondering when the rug is going to be yanked out from under you again, it's only natural. You probably have a little PTSD going on.

P- I'm sure your H still loves you. I definitely think this man is going thru a mid life crisis and felt an overpowering urge to see what else is out there. I doubt there is much you could have done to keep him from doing what he is doing. I still think someday he will look back and regret it, deeply.

Anyway, with that said, I hope you both have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/23/05 04:26 PM
Holiday, Paradise, Eibrab, and evryone else,

I am off with Mom and Dad to my brothers home in Oregon for the Holiday. I hope all of you have a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Wish me luck, Dad's eyesight ain't what it used to be and he refuses to let anyone else do the driving. 6 hours of hiding my head in a pillow to follow soon.

You all will be in my thoughts on this day of thanks.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/23/05 09:19 PM
paradise, DH, Eibrab (I wonder what that means?) and FCF...
(I know PB enjoyed her Thanksgiving a month or so ago, but hope you will still have a marvelous Thursday), Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

I am "thankful" to have found such compassionate friends here with you posting. I am thankful that even with what life dishes out we remain positive in the long haul.

My little sister and family are here for the next few days, so my posting may be limited.
Making ravioli and ham for tomorrow. Dips and cookies etc (I feel full already).

You have no business allowing someone else to poison your good nature.

This is the best medicine ever. And like karma..."what goes around comes around" (perhaps that is why she was circling)..
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/24/05 02:35 AM
Thank you for the holiday well-wishes. I pray for the same for all of you, and Dukhunter's safe return home as well as his eventual re-emergence from his pillow.

Eibrab is backwards for Barbie. I shamefully refuse to give up the haircolor I was born with. It may be vain, but us ladies can get away with it. *grin* A few years back in the height of my seperation from my H, I tried to immerse myself in an on-line game. My character was a short, blonde dawrf. I came to be known as a fun person to play with when no one was seriously out for valor, as I would usually proceed to get everyone's character killed. I called her Eibrab, backwards for Barbie, as she looked like a short, prissy version of me. I don't proclaim to be a "barbie" lookalike, but when you come from an existence full of sweat, dust and coveralls, any attempt at wearing lipstick will earn you a nickname or two.

FCF, I wonder what PTSD is. I am certain it describes me no matter what the meaning.

I am thankful for the respect that you all seemed to share in my story. I have been humiliated ten-fold in sharing it. I am so grateful for a kind soul's sympathy.

Paradise, the sorry feelings you write of... they've never come. Only one person in this whole mess of a town has ever been bold enough to approach me. She was, herself, a complete male basher, so she relished in it. Everyone knows.. I would have felt better to discuss it all at times.

Having my dear daughter come home from school in tears as a friend has mentioned it to her, walking through the school where the OW's mother works and having her completely run from me after having been cordial friends and sitting at my son's athletic events have been more than I think I can handle at times.

It does help to have my dear boy score all three touchdowns at a little league football game where most everyone present had attended a SuperBowl Party just this past year. The same party my H lied and snuck off to.. At the OW's House.

He's been the man I've wanted since he told me. I know he played the fence a bit during it all even though not directly seeing her anymore simply in case I would have ran. I think he is exactly the man Duk described. He would have been even more shamed to have been left alone in this. He might have settled for this shell of a woman simply to escape people's jeering. I worry that I was the easier choice.

Sometimes, when the mood is unbearable, I think maybe I should have been more brave in venturing out as Paradise and Dukhunter have....

And then something happens... even something small, that tells me that I just may be where God has plans for me. Reading here keeps me strong... on the days when I fail I try to remember that I am not alone in having lost trust for the one dearest to me.

I think you all here are stronger than I.

I've not had the courage to through out a couch. :-)

Happy Thanksgiving,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/24/05 04:31 AM
Hi Eibrab,

I think of strength as fluidity, the ability to adapt and master challenges without causing harm. Sometimes when you don't really feel strong - you are being very strong merely by surviving intact no worse for wear and without bitterness.

I think the fact that you have kept your family together is a sign of real strength. When you have to deal with an OW face to face - it adds another layer of conflict - raw hurt and humiliation on all levels.

Life is full of trials big and small and with each the potential for victory...even the crushing pangs of loss and regret at the rash disposal of a dear well loved piece of upholstry...can be overcome. You are a beacon of hope.

The dog is chewing on my feet, biting and pulling off my socks as I write this. We have a big play session every night and I believe he is telling me that it is time to play...



Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/25/05 01:40 AM

I took the afternoon off to take Mom - Christmas shopping. After much perusing, we finally slumped into leather couches to eat pecan icecreams and debate what we had forgotten.

Shopping with my mother is always an interesting experience. I bought her a new ensemble for christmas dinner -very rich looking red chinese patchwork top and black pants. She is getting smaller by the minute it seems - a very frail looking lady with great hair.

I took a cab back to work - and ended up with a cab driver I always dread getting. He studies witchcraft. On his dash there is a book entitled - Practical Witchcraft. It always makes me want to giggle. What exactly does that mean; spells for vacuming, doing dishes and motor mechanics. Is there impractical witchcraft? I never ask.

His conversation is always 'out there'. I say very little, nod and leave a huge tip. I am a non-believer but prudent nontheless - no hexes for me thank you.

Very snowy and windy here... miserable walking weather... although the dog loves it. He proudly leans his whole body into the snowy winds - tail ramrod straight - face fur flying in all directions. He looks back at me as if to say and you wanted to stay inside....
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/25/05 03:30 AM
Hey Guys,

Made the trip in one piece and am now sick from eating too much. The six hours drive turned into eight but it was still enjoyable. We stopped at a huge widlife area and did some duck watching. What a surprise huh? Hope everyone had a nice turkey day!

See you next week.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/25/05 06:47 AM

In a way Mr. Midnight is an excellent name for my husband. I shouldn't really call him my husband anymore.

A husband you can call when you have had a car crash just because it is a harrowing experience without stopping and thinking - no I can't call him - he might be lying in bed with her.

A husband you can throw your arms around when you have had a parent die - and sob into their chest because you really need too. Not merely pat each other on the back awkwardly - hoping you won't smell her perfume.

I find I am angry lately. I shouldn't be... the person doing all these things I find offensive is really someone I have never met before - a complete stranger.

I worry if I stay in this horrid situation.. I really will end up hating him. It all comes back down to what my friend said to me this week. "You have no business allowing someone else to poison your good nature."

Hate and anger are very bad for you. The buddists call them afflictive emotions - aptly named - they are an affliction we put on ourselves - that makes only us suffer.

I have to lighten up - laugh at this situation - poke fun at it and most of all move on and let go.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/25/05 07:12 PM

I decided to head out for a road trip with a couple of friends, for the weekend. Going somewhere, anywhere always makes me feel better, I have been grumpy the last couple of days and I don't like being that way.

So I have packed my little bag. The doggie is staying with Daddy. He looks glum... he knows all the signs of a trip... particularly when none of his kibble has been put in the bag. What I usually do first to assure him he is going along.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/28/05 04:15 AM

Made it home, with my wallet somewhat lighter, but spirits renewed. Funny how the simple action of just driving somewhere else always helps me regain my balance. Two friends and I headed south of the border to do a little christmas shopping and basically kick around.

Came home with new boots and a wonderful book by Matthew Kelly - The Seven Levels of Intimacy -The Art of Loving and the Joy of Being Loved. I started reading it in a Barnes and Noble, sitting by a nice fireplace drinking a Starbucks Grande Mild and could not put it down.

Its main premise so far is that all our relationships should be predicated on helping the other person, friend, husband, wife, daughter, father, son, neighbor, brother, sister alike to be the best person they can be and they in turn should share that goal as a common purpose to help us become the best person we can be.

It relates to old fashion values, patience, kindness, forgiveness, courage, faith, loyalty, generosity and love. Developing your emotional, spiritual, intellectual and physical well being in a constant journey of balanced improvement.

Simple but very compelling common sense. He touches on interdependence - our illusion of independence - and generally offers a quite intriguing discourse.

I know how my father, mother, brother, friends (face to face and online), co-workers and various pets have taught me marvelous lessons. I have spent some time trying to think of how I helped my husband become a better person and vice versus.

I think maybe we lost sight of what the purpose of our marriage was. I thought love, companionship, homelife, family summed it up but it doesn't. Does it? If you are not growing then the reverse is true...

Although I found the breakdown of our marriage incredibly painful. There is a lot to be learned from it. I think I will try alittle every day to see it from outside my own perspective .. from his ... from her's.. heck even from the dog's viewpoint.

One of the values of intimacy in a relationship is that it keeps you honest...There is someone who says wait a minute that's not right.. it happened this way. I'd love to hear my husband's "Wait a minute. ..

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/28/05 06:07 AM
Hey Paradise,

I have been worried about you all weekend. You sounded really discouraged and down and I did not have the time or computer to write to you. I hope you really are better after your expedition. What is it about shopping that soothes a womans soul? Is it some sort or ritual bonding that goes on while looking for the right pair of shoes of the perfect blouse? What is it, because we men have no comprehension of this phenomenon. An overwraught and distressed woman goes into a department store and emerges a dynamo full of life and enthusiasm. Men can do do this but it usually involves at least one or more scantily clad women and some alcohol.

I stayed in a motel in Oregon this weekend because my parents stayed with my brother his family. I used the time to finish Dr. Harley's book "His Needs, Her Needs". I really did learn from this book about how I contributed to my own problems. I did not spend enough time or energy in conversation with my EX. I know I took our married life for granted way too much. I placed way too much faith in our years together and did not simply sit and talk to her near enough. At the same time I realized how much she had withdrawn from spending any recreational time with me. There may be more merit in what she has said about drifting apart than I want to admit. It does not mean that her A was the way to handle it, it just means I can see how we got to the point it could happen. I had a great holiday and I was dreading it. Maybe I am finally getting a handle on myself and can go forward instead of dwelling on the past and what is gone.

From listening to you last week I wonder if it's time for you to really cut off all communication with Mr. Midnight and the OW. Finish the business ties and distance yourself from them as I have and let time sort things out between you. I know I have done nothing but feel better and think clearer since my last communication with the EX. I know you still have deep and lasting feelings for Midnight and why not guard and protect what's left of them by not letting either of them lessen these feelings any more.

Have a wonderful week and I will be waiting to hear what your thoughts are on getting into a serious plan B with Mr. Midnight.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/28/05 06:39 AM

I am glad I did not know what your your other name first. I had already formed a visual image of you before this revelation and it does not fit a "Barbie" mold in any way. I had pictured you more like Angelica Houston's character in "Lonsome Dove". Frontier horsewoman, ladylike but tough enough to make it in a "mans world". I still think of you this way when I read your posts. No hint of the doll character in there anywhere.

I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving with your family and said something special to make the day a memorable one for all. You have much to be thankful for. Your H is a good man and he is lucky to have you. I thought of my EX during our prayers at dinner that night and for the first time since D-Day I prayed for her to have some peace in her new life. I have been hoping the opposite for eight months and I think I have finally seen the light. Continually hoping the worst for her and the OM has been dragging me down, not her or him. I can only control myself and my thoughts, so why not direct them and myself at more positive and productive things. Makes me feel less than inteligent to think it has taken me over eight months to get here, but I know I finally have made it. If I were one of your horses and it took this long to get me trained and ridable I would have been to the rendering plant I bet. I would have ended up in paradise's dog's kibbles and bits.

Talk to you soon!
Posted By: Mrs_STOWaway Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/28/05 01:45 PM

I am glad I did not know what your your other name first. I had already formed a visual image of you before this revelation and it does not fit a "Barbie" mold in any way. I had pictured you more like Angelica Houston's character in "Lonsome Dove". Frontier horsewoman, ladylike but tough enough to make it in a "mans world". I still think of you this way when I read your posts. No hint of the doll character in there anywhere.

My goodness, I'll second that!
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/28/05 09:35 PM
Hey Guys,

I have a question for you gals. I told you about my daughter wanting to support her mother more and how she felt she needed to start socializing with her Mom and the OM to do this. Now after I told her how I felt about it she seems to have backed away from me lately. I simply told her I felt she could support her Mom all she wanted because she earned this. I did go on to ask her though how the OM has earned any of her support. Did I go too far here? Would this push my daughter away? It may just be me and my insecurities but I know it feels different with my daughter now and she seems to find reasons not to see me now.

How would you guys handle this? My daughter is very bright(CIS degree) and very independent. No one would ever say that she conforms to anyone's picture of how she should act or what she should do. She has always been very close to her mother and this has really been hard on her emotionally. Should I just let her do whatever she feels is right for her? I know it was selfish of me to ask her since D-Day not to ever be around the OM, but it sure felt good when she was doing it. Do you think she is staying away from me because she is going out with her mother and OM to basketball games and dinners and is afraid I will find out?

Just one more thing to worry about post divorce huh! This is what makes all the effort and emotional pain of plan A and Plan B worthwhile IMHO. You don't have to deal with all of the other stuff that comes hand in hand with the divorce papers.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/29/05 03:36 AM
Hi Everyone,

Someone sent me this today in an email and I thought it was worth sharing...

Charles Schultz Philosophy

The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the "Peanuts" comic strip. You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just read the e-mail straight through, and you'll get the point.

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America.
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winner for best actor and actress.
6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.
How did you do?

The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:
1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.

2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.

3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.

4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.

5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.

The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/29/05 04:00 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Sorry, I know how hard it is to accept that the OM has any place in your wife's life much less your daughter's life. However as hard as that may be to accept you have to at least not discourage it.

Whatever is going on between your wife and you should not negatively affect the relationship either of you has with your children. I believe you should be encouraging your daughter's love for her Mom, it is important to both of them for their long term happiness - if that entails her socializing with the OM - that is just a detail. Would you seriously want your daughter's relationship with her Mom undermined - out of disregard for the OM. No Way!

That doesn't mean you have socialize with him. Personally, I would ask to be kept out of the loop about any details on these outings but would definitely encourage both kids to stay in touch with and be supportive of their Mom too.

My life is less complicated. However, I do tell the Dog that his Daddy still loves him.

I'm glad you had a great week end. It sounds like you had fun! Happy to hear it! You were right my little session with my OW got me down last week. Alittle road trip, out to a friend's for dinner tonight and with some perspective I don't know what I was so upset about.

I think your Plan B suggestion quite wise. I just can't be around him, lisen to him talk and watch how he behaves - without losing heartfelt regard and respect. That is a shameful waste of good emotions that took many years to build up.


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/29/05 04:20 PM
Dukhunter and Mrs S.

My name ? lol. I can dream to be voluptuous and doll-like, can't I? The "Lonesome Dove" reference made me stand a bit straighter and proud. How nice of you to think of me in that way. My life requires me to be a bit on the tough side, but gloves still allow me visit the neatest of Vietamese gentleman who will decorate my nails with fun things that my daughter and her friends always admire. Paradise, Holiday and Mrs S. might find the humor in allowing this man to monthly take my hand and tell me how beautiful and lovely I am and how any man whould be lucky to have me... All of this as he proceeds to call his boyfriend before he tells his next "nail lady-in-waiting" the exact same romantic lines.. *grin*..

It's worth twenty dollars to me for the moments of grandeur, until I go home and have to throw a bale of hay.


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/29/05 04:43 PM

I must thank you for your kind words in referring to my H as a "good man". I must tell you that I almost never hear those words in reference to him. I think he truly is. He hasn't always been, and my mind wanders to the points where he was his worst, but reality brings me back and God is working.

I fear so much that he is judged by this latest ordeal which brought me to all of you here and that possibly no one on the outside can see the positive changes that have been brought about. I worry that the company he kept with an OW who has caused so much commotion and heartbreak in my and my children's world will forever be used in his valuation to those on the outside. I suppose that is not my cross to bear, is it ?

And, I also suppose that I am where God feels I should be and the feelings, doubts or insecurities, that I continually keep to myself are the works of the evil side of things. Do you find me silly to feel that those feelings may be the truth and I am the one in denial?

On your question, dear Dukhunter... may I offer all honesty and realism here ?

I read your post last night and really gave it some thought. However, my first and initial reaction seems to be the strongest for me. The OM and your Ex are a new "aspect" in your daughter's life. Newness holds fascination. I do not doubt that it is a huge focal point of the OM and your EX to keep your daughter fasincated with them and therefore ease the feeling that they have in anyway done any wrong. If they continue to have the "blessings" and interest of the children affected by this, then they can lessen their own feelings of guilt.

Please don't look to yourself or your daughter to blame. She's simply accepting attention that is "new". Of course, she and her mother are close... but here is a new element added. I would think it will lessen with time.

I think that your daughter being able to see you moving on at this point, even if that is truly not in your heart right now, would be a big factor in her not fearing to be around you. Not that fear is the correct word.. but if Mom and the OM are seemingly "happy" and you are dwelling, she'd be wise to seek out the positive and retain the feeling of "fun". Make sense?

I am a child of divorce. I could relate so much to your daughter here, but the one thing that stands clear is that at the times when my father tried the hardest, I reacted the least.

I would hope that you can remain calm and go about your duties as the good father that you are and your daughter will remember the dignity that you found yourself with in handling what her mother did.

I pray for you, Dukhunter, just as I do for everyone here. I know what it is to feel lonely, even when you are surrounded. I know what it is to feel like your children are your world and they are "your's"... Not something needed to be shared by the man who has brought you so much pain. In one HUGE lack of judgement in my whole ordeal, my H took my young children out shopping and to the movies with the OW. All of this, as this woman's own handicapped child was hospitalized and her H was at home with the other child. While this may be less of a time frame than what you are facing in the OP spending time with your children, I can assure you.. that even young children have minds of their own and they will be able to filter through the good and the bad, if you done your job as a parent well..

And I believe you have. :-)

God Bless you. Be strong and allow the time needed for all parties to find their place. We never know.. the place each holds now, may not be the place they hold in a month or even a year from now.

Now, tell me again how lucky my h is ? *grin*

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/29/05 04:45 PM

Well everything with my daughter is getting really heated up despite my best efforts to diffuse it. Now Ex has asked her to come to the house and get the Christmas stuff. This put DD further out on the edge with her emotions. She was edgy before and now she is upset and touchy about everything. I called my BIL and had him come get the stuff and take it to his sister. It's just stuff in my opinion and nothing to cause stress or discord over. EX got almost all of it. All I kept are a few of the ornaments the kids made me when they were in grade school and sent all the rest.

Why would Ex keep putting her children in the middle of all of this? She knows how much it hurts them to be put in this position. Still so self involved and wrapped up in OM to care? I just don't get it. Then I get upset and the kids see it and they feel worse. I have to learn to drop the racquet and not return her shots as she sends them out.

I do believe you are to the point you need to get really removed from Mr. Midnight. You sound like you are back to where you were before the confrontation with OW. This is only going to get better and better with NC. I also believe leaving the business stuff fully in his hands will be an eye opener for him. You provide a stable and reliable support system for him in that regard and he will face an additional challenge in life of finding and training someone to fill that roll in the business. Reality will set in for him here in a big way.

Distance for me has allowed some clarity in my thinking to slowly emerge. I see more of how I contributed to our problems and I see how much she had removed herself from our marriage. When you have built up this image of your life together over so many years you don't look at the small issues that start to add up and create bigger ones. Denial becomes a habit and a protective screen you never look behind. An A destroys this screen and makes you look at all of this stuff you either didn't want to see or chose to ignore. It's not an easy thing to think back on and accept in yourself and in a truely good R both parties would be openly discussing these things and actively working on them. In my case we chose to ignore them and never talk about them and it has caused all of this pain and grief now.

What really bothers me most now is how easy it seems for her to turn her back on our life together and move directly into one with the OM. Never once has she given any signal or sign that she was willing to work on getting back together. She stayed with me and kept her A a secret for eight months. She was still providing active and I thought mutually satisfying SF. And even after D-Day she did not want a divorce. But after all of the Plan A stuff I did and now Plan B she continues to make these decisions that send me notice she is done with me. I know I could not have had the fortitude to walk away from what our marriage was without giving it at least a chance to work again.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/29/05 04:53 PM

I LOVED the email you shared. Thank you.. how very true. I am fortunate enough to so some traveling and judge horseshows. There is always a small child needing reassurance. I try to seek them out, and have at many times had some of those same children seek me out years later and thank me for the kind words or encouragement. It takes so little for us to make a difference in other's lives. Thank you for reminding me. I never want to forget how much I might mean to other's. Even a stranger. I told my daughter once, that one of my favorite things was to smile at strangers. It makes me happier.

She thought I lost my mind. I'm trying to raise kind children.. the oldest one, at 13, is a challenge. The younger one will relocate caterpillars to a safer place in a rainstrom if he thought he could make a difference.

I, too, was worried for you after the run-in with the OW. May I share, that I find myself in almost a complete "breakdown" of sorts, when I even see the woman who holds that place in my life simply driving down the same road as I ? I affects me for days, and I hate it. It takes away from ME.

It's hard. I know at this point, we are different. You are being strong and venturing out to a huge world available to you, but rest assured, it still bothers me to the point of being obsessive.

It's not fair that our worlds have been tormented by the selfishness of others.

I hope you know that we are here for you..and that your grace is an inspiration to me.


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/29/05 04:59 PM

If you all can bear one more thought from me... your rendering plant reference gave me a much needed laugh.

Maybe I am more patient with the people in my life than I am with the horses. But.. I can use whips, chains, spurs and other unmentionables and still be loved by the horses. Unconditionally by most.. Others take a bit more scratching behind the ears.

Sometimes if we even look at the people in our lives funny..we have to scratch them for longer than what seems worthwhile.. LOL


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/29/05 09:51 PM

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me about my daughter. Yes it just irks me to know he will have any form of impact on her life, good or bad. Selfish on my part and she can see this too. I've never been the perfect father, never tried to be perfect. I just do what I feel is right and set an example of how to live and deal with other people for my kids to follow. I know now that keeping the kids away from him was a tool I was using to put a wedge between the EX and the OM. I can't do that anymore. It puts them in the middle again and it's me doing it.

Yes I feel your H is a good man. He has seen what has gone on and made a decision based on what he thinks, not on what others will think or say. He saw you and what you were doing and telling him and realized his life was with you not the illusion the OW had created. My EX won't admit this yet and does not want to hear it any more either. She has put the blinders on regarding our marriage and the past we shared and refuses to look back. I have lost a lot of respect for her in this and that is not something you can regain quickly. Your husband found this for himself and admitted his mistake and is doing everything he can to make things right again. As I told my EX at one point before the D, it is going to take a lot of courage from both of us to make things work again. Your H is showing his courage. My Ex is still running away from hers. Sometimes I wish I could use your whips, chains and spurs to change that in her but, I know in people you can't control their actions as you can with a domesticated animal. People are not that smart sometimes.

I have been e-mailing with my daughter all day and I think we have come to an understanding about what I can ask of her and what is out of my hands. She has flat out told me she is an adult and can see who she chooses. In no way am I going to influence her on this and I can respect her for this. She is perfectly capable of seeing for herself what is right and wrong and I have to accept that. She is wiser than me about all of this. She is also fed up with all of the posturing between the EX and I and just wants to be left alone. I can't blame her , I feel the same most days.

As for the feelings of doubt and insecurities haul them out for H to see and hear. I just finished the MB book "His Needs, Her Needs" and it talks about open and honest communication. It also talks about conversation. Something I let slide in my M and look what happened to me. Sit down with your H in an open and honest conversation about these fears and doubts and I'll bet he responds better than you could ever imagine. I know I would have listened if the EX had brought these kinds of issues to the table instead of keeping them to herself. As a man I think I am pretty typical, if nothing is being said I'm assuming all is good and well. Now I know better and I will never allow myself the luxury of assuming these things again. So get out the whip and chains if necessary and talk to the man!

P.S. Save the spurs for recreational uses only, and I don't mean just with the horses either!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/30/05 06:37 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

It must be really tough to have to deal with that added level of complication children bring to these situations. I believe you love your daughter very much and that you still love your wife very much. The easy conclusion would be that you would want both of them to be happy. If this is right, you will try your best day to day to eliminate discord within the family.

The problem with intensely painful situations is that they put you in a loop. Your thoughts just circle around and around because it fills you up with such aflictive emotions; anger, hurt, pain, jealousy, disbelief, remorse, bewilderment. It is just so easy to go around and around... It leads nowhere....

I think you answered your own question ... I agree drop the racquet...ignore all shots ...focus on your end game which is to help the ones you love be happy. If you do that - in the end it will make you happy too.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/30/05 07:43 AM
Hi Eibrab,

I like to smile at strangers too. Particularly, ones who look like they are struggling. I try to mentally send them encouragement. I have no way of knowing if any of those positive vibes register but I think it is good practice.

I think the differences we see in others versus ourselves are largely illusion. For in all ways but the most randomly superficial, we are the same. Once you really get that, it makes it so much harder to be ungenerous, judgemental and unkind. As you so astutely pointed out... everyone needs their ears scratched.

You are right, I was thrown off kilter by how strongly I reacted to the OW last week. I just didn't expect that after four months, she would still be able to make me cry at the drop of a hat.

I almost find her betrayal harder to understand. My husband is a middle age man, who has never been with anyone but me. I can see that after 25 years - you just might get curious. I think as men get older, lovely young women start to look straight through them. They become invisible. For an older man, it must be such a charge to have one find him desirable.

Whereas she was my friend. We saw each other every day for six years or so...talked...laughed...I often cooked for her. I looked forward to spending time with her. If she had fallen in love with him slowly - sort of unawares. I would have had an easier time with it. But to know she tried to seduce him from the get go... just made me ill. I wish Mr. Midnight had not shared that information with me. I felt so much more violated.

Nonetheless, I don't believe that one spell of bad behaviour defines you. Mr. Midnight and the OW are far more than their actions indicate. To keep my balance I try to remember that. When we are angry at people we see them very narrowly... we look at their bad behavior only and skip .. the remarkable bits.

I hope people do come to recognize that your husband changed for the better - learned from his errors. Magically the best part of your story is I think that he will truly come to love and appreciate you as you deserve.

What a lovely thought to go to sleep on...


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/30/05 09:17 PM

You can definitely tell how my mind has been working, can't you? Round and round with no end in sight. It's the part of me that just refuses to give up that fuels this. Being the obsessive compulsive accountant that I am, lends itself to this type of thinking. I have been trying to bust out of this cycle and just about the time I think I am there something comes up and the wheels start spinning in my head again.

It's these times when I like to come online and talk to you and Holiday and Eibrab. You all seem to be able to clarify my thoughts and just reading your posts slows the wheels enough to calm me down. I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate all of your insights and suggestions. Everyone's been caring, considerate and straight-forward when needed.

I took the kids to dinner last night and we had a good talk and all is as well as can be. The kids are my life now and I do have to clean up my act for them as well as myself. Helping them be happy is a wonderful way to express how to run my life for now. They can't be really happy watching me be a mess. I didn't start out very well last night, I had one or two too many drinks and they were worried about me getting home. That has got to stop! DD actually called to check on me later in the evening. She was laughing when she did it so I don't think she was that worried but it still said something to me to watch myself better.

As for making EX happy I am going to continue my version of Plan B as strictly as possible. This in itself is a contribution to her happiness. No one to remind her of her A and the fallout from it anymore. She keeps to her protective friends and her co-workers that have to deal with her. Her life now revolves almost exclusively around the workplace and the OM that works there too. If she stays in that small world she feels safe and protected against any form of judgement from anyone else. This has got to be eating her up inside. She used to be an outgoing and active person. Now she is holed up and guarded at all times. Not the life she envisioned for herself I'm sure. I'm not even sure how I could make her life happy if I wanted to. She doesn't know either. Said so in the birthday e-mail I got with the rationalization for the A.

Well I hope you are doing better yourself! How about a long journal entry on your shopping excursion and the way in which it rejuvinated you so well.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/30/05 11:20 PM

From what I am told, getting over something like this takes at least a couple of years. So we are both still in the early stages.

I wholeheartedly agree with doing a Plan B. But I do think there are appropriate things you can do that would make your wife happy, namely:

1) encourage the kids to spend time with her, love her and be supportive of her. That is different than being supportive of her choices. From the sounds of it she was a good Mom - face it - they still need her;

2) let go of any ill will you hold towards her or the OM. This is a tall order isn't it. But we both know that it only hurts you really;

3) focus on getting on with your life. I don't think if she cares for you that she will want you unhappy either. I do believe given the tenure of your marriage together. She has to still care for you in some part of her heart. Look for positive growth oriented stuff to do - that captivates you. That can distract, intrigue, spark your curiosity - leave you interested and feeling better. The world is a wonderful place when you really look at it. Or look at ways to train how you think...

For example, I am really sick of thinking of both Mr. Midnight and the OW. If they come to mind, I look at my watch and give myself 15 minutes to dwell on it. Then as a penance I make myself go do something I am not terribly fond of. At home that may mean scrubbing the toilet, at work it could mean any number of drudge items. So far this strategy has been working well.

Chin up... it has to get better... Ultimately, I think these kinds of challenges if handled right pose the opportunity for us to become better at any number of things. My toilet bowl cleaning capability is already on the rise!

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/01/05 01:04 AM

I have told the kids from the very beginning to support their mother and I always make sure they are spending time with her. As for ill will I have let that go in her regard, the OM is stil on my Sh** list and will be for a long time. He is much the same as your OW in that he was a friend and continued the friendship thru the eight months their A was still a sceret. Let me buy him dinners and drinks when we went out as a group during the A and everything. A scumbag will always be a scumbag.

The fact that the EX fell for his advances is mindboggling for sure. All he said to her was he had feelings for her. Does not speak well for her or for our marriage. I keep hoping the 15yr age difference will catch up to them but that may be a fantasy on my part. It is truely hard to quit caring for someone you have spent your entire adult life with. I can still remember her having to buy the champagne on our honeymoon because I did not turn 21 until four months later. She had just turned 21 herself. The waiter who carded me will never forget either. His tip went from substantial to miniscule in a hurry. Funny how your mind thinks back on stuff like this isn't it.

As for doing other things I have been very active as you know and it helps but at the end of the day you still have to go home and face the reality of it being just you and the dog. Not that the dog is all bad, she is just not much on the conversation side, and her breath leaves much to be desired. My IC made a similar suggestion for getting out of the dwelling. He said to think of it as handing the OM a 20 dollar bill every time I did it. That works pretty good too.

I know I should feel free to look for someone else to spend time with but I know the baggage I am packing is still a pretty heavy load and it shows. I am still in love with her and it frustrates the heck out of me that that feeling just does not want to go away. So instead, I have relagated myself to single life and the hope that someday a miracle will happen and someone, EX or otherwise, will come to me and open the door to the happiness that is to come for me. Hopefully the door will open soon I am growing tired of looking at the closed door.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/01/05 01:28 AM

Maybe the answer is to accept that the present is hard but look to a brighter future! They say time heals - it just can't do it overnight!

I am enjoying myself tonight. Diana Krall's new Christmas cd is on the stereo. I am wrapping gifts for my brother and his family. I have no eggnog - but coffee is doing the trick for now.

I may even bake tonight. I like Christmas. I will clean, decorate, bake and do all the things I normally do. I spent part of the afternoon - organizing christmas dinner and my entertaining for January. I am really looking forward to being away over the holidays.

I agree embarking on a relationship before you are ready - spells trouble. Somehow, I can't believe that at some point your wife won't be gobsmacked by all the accumulated intimacy she is missing.

Eventually, I believe the OP is at a disadvantage. Affairs start off pretty hot I suspect. They are wrong. It is exciting. But when the two of them are dealing with just life... it has got to be a bit of a let down. Maybe you are right on course. Staying positive with the kids and keeping busy - while keeping faith - that in all those years together there will be memories that will bring her home...


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/01/05 05:42 AM
Hi All!
Have missed you.
Been very busy with the holiday past. My sister and her family came to stay 5 days with us. Just getting my house back to normal, oh yes, and now going to tile the kitchen (well maybe).

Do you think she is staying away from me because she is going out with her mother and OM to basketball games and dinners and is afraid I will find out?

DH, about your daughter. She loves you very much. She loves her Mother very much. I think she is just torn about the sitch. And each time she is with her Mom and the OM, I am sure the guilt is unbearable.

My nieces went through the same sitch with each of my SIL's new husbands. They had Dad's and birth Dad and Mom's significant others. Very confusing. I think her pulling back is probably her way of not giving you any painful details (which you should and probably don't anyway, ask for).

It will all work out.

As for PB...paradise, I agree with DH. It might be time to really sever the ties of your marriage. When you write about Mr M...I picture a man happily skipping from one household to the next whenever he needs anything to perk himself up. He comes for furniture, the dog, decorating ideas etc. But never anything concrete, allowing him to keep you in his "dream" process without any consequences. Just a thought.

As for my H and I we are well. Today is D DAY. I almost forgot the date. Last night I just wasn't feeling emotionally right. I told my H that living here after moving from the most beautiful little place in my life makes me still so sad. I was very content living with my beautiful 100 year old ponderosa pines. They would sway only at the top and while relaxing in our spa late at night on cold winter nights, the moon would peak though their branches. Just thinking about them can make me cry.

But, then I told him, where ever we were so long as I was with him I would be alright. Paradise its so true about what you are reading in your book. I was just thinking to myself that that is how I always felt I should live my life. I also feel that if reincarnation were true (a possibility), that I must have been awful in my previous life for me to try so hard to do well by others in this life.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/01/05 04:20 PM
Hello Holiday,

I knew you would appear again after recovering from Thanksgiving. Yes it is a challenge to change the dynamics of family after a D. Everything and everyone has a different view of their life now and finding that balance takes time and patience. In my case having the change thrust upon me and not liking it makes it harder for me to see the bigger picture with the kids. Still thinking too much about what happened to me and not enough about them.

I had what I thought was the perfect family and perfect life going before all of this. I had just been recruited to a new job that was my "dream job". I was putting money away for the first time in our 24yr marriage, DD had just graduated from UNR, DS had a good job and was happy, and everything was just rosy in my life of denial. I should have seen the signs and chose not to or was so self absorbed in my little fantasy I missed them completely. Shows what men are capable of rationalizing to themselves!

I hope the tile work goes well and you are ready for Christmas with your crafts. I'm gald to hear your family came together. I spent the holiday with my family too. I dreaded it and it turned out to be a great time. Family is a wonderful thing to fall back on and they will always be there for you. I wish my kids could have been there but hey had a good time too so I guess it worked out for everybody. DD went to New York City and DC with her SO and my son stayed home to be with his GF and his mother. Missed them but it turned out good.

Have a great week!
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/01/05 04:44 PM

I am starting to have my doubts about EX and if it would be good for either of us for her to come back. May be just my insecurities talking but I am having serious doubts pop up in my mind about it ever working again.

First and foremost is I have never been able to tell if she was upset or being less than truthful with me. Even after 28yrs together I could never tell if she was upset about something or hiding something or lying ever. The credit cards she used to build up and hide are a perfect example. Three seperate times in our marriage she built up huge balances, overlimits and non-payment issues all in her name only and each time I found out it was the same. Huge fights followed by a plan for recovery and a big make up. The third discovery is after D-Day when she was intercepting the mail so I would not find the new batch of cards.

The A and her deceptions and lies to keep it a secret are a different issue and one that I think I could overcome in time. I'm not going to say it would be easy for me given the way I found them but I really believe this is just a symptom of problems between us as spouses. These I believe I could overcome given a willing spouse.

Lastly, she has become very judgemental in her own right over the past few years. Good friends that have been there for us for years have become bad people for little to no reason I can see. This took place before the A and I don't think it had anything to do with the A. She has always said I was the judgemental one but I have always given people the benefit of doubt and never labled them as bad for minor difficulties. I can count on one hand the people in my life I avoid at all costs as bad people. She has dozens now and building. Now it seems that once someone has crossed her in any way they are bad people. This includes people I respect and admire in my life.

All of this is what has started to creep into my thoughts lately and makes me spin those wheels even harder. Maybe this is how you start to lose the love that once existed for another person. Maybe it's just me seeing the stuff I have been in denial about for a long time. Being alone allows for a lot of reflection and doubt to appear when you need it the least.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/02/05 07:10 AM

Just back from a long walk with the dog, we were out a couple of hours, walking in heavy snow. We went down to a nearby yacht basin and back, I was hoping to see Christmas lights. Every year, many of the boat owners who live on their boats, put up wonderful displays of Christmas lights. It is one of my favourite winter scenes. It must be still early, only one boat was decked out in brightly coloured lights. I was lisening to Santana - hot music - cold wet winter weather.

Life with the dog - is filled with important little rituals. He just had a shower. He walks ever so slowly into the shower stall, head down, profound reluctance in every step. Throughout the judicious sudsing with tea tree liquid soap of specific problem areas - paws and privates - there is constant complaining - a sort of deep in the back of the throat mumbling. "You really should not be doing this. I am going to call the SPCA on you. Hey Don't be touching me there! Really Mom!."

Once I finally turn off the tap. Things improve immensely. Getting towelled down is apparently alot of fun. He runs into the living room - blind under an enormous bath towel bumping into the same pieces of furniture he always does.

Then it is off like a shot to go dig in the bed and in the process get the sheets really wet. I give the same yell I do every time - Get out of the bed Blue!

Now we are settled down with a cup of tea and peanut butter toast. He has his on the side - just a spoon full - which he takes forever to slowly lick off - enjoying it with the air of connoisseur. Before bed, he will get his teeth brushed, alittle emu oil on his paws to keep them from cracking and it will be the end of another pretty good dog day!

I am sitting at my desk with only a lamp on - the room is fairly dark. Light splashes over a pile of fabric swatches. I had dinner this week with a girlfriend and her husband - who design - we picked out fabric and wall colours for my bedrooom. Basically cream, chocolate and a sort shiny pewter, I like it... traditional but classy. It means I have to lug back the linen I bought earlier to the store but everyone changes their mind sometimes.

Beside the fabric is the book, I have been reading "The Seven Levels of Intimacy" by Matthew Kelly. There are wonderful sentences in it. The one that has been running through my mind all day is

"At the root of every solution to every human problem is a virtue."

It is so true isn't it. Virtues almost seem out date, quaint, old fashioned, redundant these days - when in fact they are our most powerful problem solving tools. Patience to allow others the time they need for whatever. Humility to be able to admit your errors and learn from them. Generousity to recognize that by giving to others you really give to yourself.. Forgiveness to recognize that we all make mistakes. The list goes on...

Life is about becoming the best person you can be - developing both your abilities and virtues. It is more than just a series of moments - cause and effect reactions - a wet dog digs in your sheets - you get pawed up rumpled wet sheets! It is a journey into self and worldly awareness.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/02/05 10:31 PM

That journal entry may be your best ever and the most insightful too. Remembering these virtues and applying them every day will lead us to a happier and more fulfilling life no mattter the circumstance in our lives. The fortitude to appy them consistently is our challenge. Some days it's easier than others but if you can remain consistent life will become a lot more even keeled and satisfying. I loved this post!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/03/05 03:39 AM

I have been dreaming of Holiday's ponderosa pines and spa all day long. It is freezing up here. Longing for places is a bit like longing for people isn't. They have left your are just left with the memories and in my case a whole pile of stuff.

Mr. Midninght hasn't actually taken his things. Only a few clothes ... he is buying everything new. However, I still have to deal with all the left over baggage. I have been packing it up. I don't want to throw things out without him looking at them. So instead, I am just folding clothes into boxes. I had to laugh when I tackled the bookcases. He does not have any books - just car magazines - every one published on the planet I think!

I think it is hard separating... but I honestly think it is harder staying together. I don't envy having to look at the calendar with dread and think "oh this is the day last year I found out".... that has got to be hard..

I couldn't sleep last night. The bed seemed as large as a foot ball field. We have a king size bed. The dog and I still sleep on my side. Mr. Midnight's side stays unwrinkled. Last night I could not get comfortable.

I have the TV on tonight. It feels lonely on Friday nights somehow. I had a couple of invitations but with no sleep -decided to pass. A program called Ballroom Boot Camp is on. Participants have 5 weeks to learn to dance and compete! No one is very good starting out...

I have been trying to focus on going forward. I believe human thought is creative. If you think it. It is the first step to making it happen. Everything starts with a thought. That is why keeping your thoughts positive is so important.

I am trying to imagine a new life. Whenever, I think of a new life I think of windows. I have changed jobs every five years religiously throughout my career. I would tell Mr. Midnight, I just can't look out that window anymore. I need a new window. Standing on the street this week in a slightly different part of town. I think I may have found a window. A large beautiful window..looking in on a new place to live....
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/04/05 10:27 PM

I spent the morning on the phone and the afternoon at the beach. Clad in fleece lined jeans, thermal underwear, fleece turtleneck and many layers, the dog and I walked our normal route at a relaxed pace. Large white swans were asleep in the waves, looking like chunks of snow bobbing gently along.

I like looking at tracks. Today there were duck tracks, many duck tracks. They look like two triangles laid side by side at the bases. I like ducks. Mr. Midnight and I watched a family of ducks grow up over a summer once. When they are young they play duckie games. Hide and seek with Mommy, hopping games on steps.. they are full of fun and mischief. I stopped eating duck that summer - couldn't swallow something with a sense of humor.

I really like beef. I have firmly avoided getting to know any cows.

There aren't very many people at the beach these days. The trees are bare and it is a windswept grey and brown hued landscape. Everyone has pink cheeks from the cold and wind. The dogs are as frisky as ever.

I took a great picture today of a friend's hound who climbs. He was 15 feet in the air -up a horizontal tree trunk -looking down at me, head cocked to one side, as though to say " My you look small from up here".

Before I left for the beach, I had a long talk with my MIL. It is hard. They want me to come to parties, dinners, etc and I really can't. She is worried. I am not sure there really is anything to worry about.

In a way this is an opportunity for Mr. Midnight to grow. I know now, I made his life too easy. I catered to his needs, financially supported him throughout the marriage to a ridulous degree, and accommodated his every whim. I thought I was creating a happy life together. I think instead I created a very spoiled 53 year old man.

My MIL is well aware of his weaknesses that is why she is so worried. She is afraid he won't do well without me. I think she underestimates him. He never exerted himself because he didn't have to. I think he is quite capable in his own right should he choose to be.

I am getting ready to go out with a friend to see Pride and Prejudice. I am looking forward to it. I dress with care and get "made up" for outings with friends these days. They take it as a good sign and they worry about me less.

Stops me in my tracks sometimes at just how lucky I am to have friends who worry about me....
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/05/05 01:39 AM

You're killing me here! Not eat duck? Blasphemy! Outrage!
Your missing the boat here, ducks are tasty little critters. Even as a consumate duck connessiour(sic)I see your point on little ducks. As sportsmen we do more for the little ducks than any other entity in existence. Ducks Unlimited is dedicated to making sure they are around for each new generation to enjoy. This group is made up of almost entirely hunters that want to see the resource flouruish and grow. Besides you probably never got to eat wild duck, or did you? Farm raised duck is no different than chicken is it? Besides, remember Ted Nugents most famous quote,"You cant grill it till you kill it". A motto to live by in my book.

All of this is said after just finishing cleaning this weeks batch of birds. I had a nice weekend with my Dad and the dogs. He has an 18mo. old lab and we are training her to hunt with my dog helping out. Watching these dogs do what comes naturally to them is almost as fun now as shooting the birds. I know my Dad enjoys watching his dog more than the shooting! I don't think he would hunt anymore if it weren't for the pup. She made a really long retrieve on Saturday with a little help from me and I thought my Dad was going to burst in pride when his dog came up with that bird. My dog had no clue on this one and the pup sniffed it out like a champ.

I'm glad your friends have come thru for you. I don't want to think where I would be without mine. I see you are keeping busy writing and that is good. The more you post the better you seem to think things thru and get yourself into a better frame of mind. How are you doing these days, really? Everything okay up there in Canuk-land? I will be checking back regularly tonight so if you want to talk , type away.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/05/05 04:01 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

I am well. Thank you. I was out with at girlfriend to watch the chick flick of all chick flicks tonight. I counted only two men in the audience! There were points in the film where there were very audible group sighs to be heard. Although I still like the Colin Firth version better... more flow to the conversation.

I am glad you had a good week end. Have you ever entered the pup into hunting trials - doggie competition for retrieving? She sounds like she would do well.

Sorry about the duck comments .. although they are all true ... I suspected you would voice some heart felt protests!

You are so right on the friends! Where would we be without them? Not even a thought I would want to contemplate.

Opps The dog is whining for a walk. I hope you enjoy your night or what is left of it! I've got to bundle up in many layers so as to brave a very cold wind tonight...


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/05/05 05:05 AM
Hey Paradise,

Dad entered the pup in a trial already and she took second in her class at a local event. Took a higher toll on Dad than the dog and I don't think he will do it again. He was a nervous wreck. Dog did well but Dad found that it was not for him. You think he would be used to watching sports by now. I played baseball and football for years and did very well and played on several really sucessful teams and so did my brother. Watching his dog perform made him much more nervous and antsy than watching us. Go figure!

I am glad to hear the weather is growing colder up your way. All of those Canadian ducks and geese should be here soon and the really good hunting begins.

I sent the EX a second plan B letter last week with a special emphasis on not using the kids to be the go-between for us. After using my daughter to get her Christmas stuff last week I wanted to make sure she got the point this time. I think it really helped me organize my thoughts and calm me down. I have noticed a big difference in how much I have been thinking about her and OM. A lot less on my high horse and more sympathetic to her side of this mess. Also way more focused on my work which I need to be right now. Our company has over 900 employees right now and I just lost two of my key bookkeepers. One to an audit suggestion to streamline the system and another to major surgery. I get to pick up all of the slack for the next 6 weeks. I will be nose to the grindstone all thru the holidays and I think this will be good for me. Less time to dwell on what will be missing.

I hope you don't dress the dog to go out in the cold. Dogs I think relish the changes if given the opportunity. We hunted out of my boat yesterday and the dog preferred to stand in the chest deep water next to the boat. Even I had to shake my head at that one. I hope your evening is going well and you are content and happy.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/05/05 05:46 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

I did actually try boots on the dog last year. The cold is really hard on paws. He resolutely refused to have anything to do with them. He is a long haired beaded collie poodle mix - looks like a large fluffy stuffed toy. He is one of the smartest and toughest dogs I have ever had despite his poofy looks.

I am glad your Dad gave his pup a chance to compete. I think working dogs are happier.. just like usually working people are happier.

Not dwelling on the past does make you feel better doesn't it. Letting go is usually the answer. I think with time, long term spouses who divorce can be friends, largely because there is no one else who shares the same terms of reference on so many memories.

Keeping your mind and heart open to her side of things also helps with perspective. It is the starting point. Even though you may have a different future than you envisioned - you always have the same past. It is hard walking away from such a big chunk of your life and having no one to talk to who remembers when. At some point, you two will be sitting and talking about old times. You will have wiped the slate clean with forgiveness and come to understand yourself and her better in the process. What a nice thought!

Sleep well. The dog and I are trundling off to get ready for bed. I think I would be wise to open the bedroom windows. He had turkey soup for dinner...


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/05/05 09:02 PM
Hello Paradise,

I enjoyed our exchanges last night. I hope the turkey soup didn't ruin your evening with the dog. You just never know what sets them off in that regard. For mine its the store bought chew bones my kids love to give the dog as a special treat. She parades around with these for a couple of hours showing everyone her new present and then devours them in nothing flat. Them we get to deal with the aftermath for the next couple of days.

I had a terrible night after we finished posting. I think I have a flu bug and I have been in bed ever since and still feel really run down and tired. Tis the season I guess. Can't bring myself to eat and ache all over. I think the dog sensed this too. She always sleeps on the floor next to me. Cooler for her and more room to strech out. Last night she she jumped up in the bed and curled up next to me. It was like a giant bed warmer that snores. Thank goodness she doesn't have a bone now or turkey soup.

I wonder where Holiday and Eibrab have been keeping themselves? I miss hearing more from them. I guess everyone is busy these days getting ready for Christmas. I think once I decide to put up what I kept it might take me 15 minutes or so to get ready and put in place. I just don't have the desire to make a big deal out of it this year. It used to be my favorite holiday and now I just can't seem to get into the spirit.

I am going back to bed now and see if I can't shake this stuff off. I can't afford to miss any more work than today.

Talk to you soon.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/05/05 10:27 PM
I'm here, I'm here...
Not much going on this past weekend. Hubby had the sniffles mid week through the weekend.
Your posts are wonderful.
PB, you are moving forward so graciously. DH, get some chicken soup!
I will check on you both later,
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/06/05 03:00 AM
I'm here, too ! Everyday.

I have found more peace reading here than in any other avenue during this whole ordeal of mine. I may not chime in, but the smiles you all bring me are therapy for my soul.

Dukhunter, I wish we were neighbors. I'd bring you soup and let the poor dog out. I hope you feel better.

And Holiday, you are so kind, but I'm not sure "graciously" is a big or impressive enough word for Paradise.

Thank you all for being here. I'm glad I found my "fix".


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/06/05 03:18 AM
Hi Holiday,

I hope you are doing well. I know this is an emotional time of year for you... deep hurt can leave you feeling very sensitive to certain triggers. Maybe some personal pampering is in order.

I visited with a friend tonight, drank a rum & coke and helped her make a Christmas present .. a dark blue lampwork necklace for her niece. We were both in low gear - no sparkling conversation to be had... but companionable busy silence can be even better sometimes.

I'm home to clean a bit before bed and organize myself to start baking this week.

I was watching a TV program last week, which interviewed kids who had lost their parents. One lad looked into the camera and said the best advice he was given was " to go on living".

I think he is spot on...and it applies to all life's traumas.

Dukhuntr, I hope you feel better. I think you are wise to play it low key over the holidays this year. Not every Christmas has to be a big deal. It sounds like you need to rest up. Next time you are stuck in bed feeling unwell, take out those Scotland brochures; thinking about going somewhere is a great remedy in itself.


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/06/05 05:18 AM too.
I make wonderful pizelle (okay, PB that is an italian waffle cookie, with the flavor of licorice). We have a fire dept shift party with an Italian theme Wed night.

Hubby has been down since he has been unable to work any OT (what we depend on for extra gifts at the holidays) due to being in paramedic school. He gets himself so sick, literally (he likes to pay everything cash and doesn't want to use the old credit cards for the past 10 years...honorable).

Since I don't have a "real" job anymore, I feel I have let him down. He likes that I am home everyday and that I take care of him , our daughter and the house. Ebay only brings in a little.
I have been asked to "day care" a soon to be toddler (she'll be 9 months should I decide to do this) full time for a girl who works at the wonderful quilt shop I frequent.

My home is no longer "child proof", we now have stairs and a pool. I am used to taking off and doing things with hubby when he is off, but while he is in school I wonder if taking this on will help or hurt us.

Well, only a moment break here from sewing. I will look for you later. Sweet dreams...I will pray you get a better night's rest,
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/06/05 05:43 AM
Hey Guys,

Sorry I haven't been keeping up today. Been asleep most of the day and on the couch out of it the rest of the time. I hate being sick to my stomach. Seems to have subsided now and I feel better but still tired. Not even hitting my six team parlay after tonoghts game has lifted me up. Christmas came early though. 50 to one payoffs are good for the soul too. Might even have won the local pub pick six pool too! That will depend on if anyone else hit six and the tie breaker.

Maybe a sign my luck is finally changing! Hope ypou are all well and it's nice to hear from you Holiday and Eibrab! You all sound well and busy and that is good. I'm going back to bed now so I can function somewhat at work tomorrow. Don't believe that a flu shot will prevent the stomach flu! I just had mine a week ago and still got this gunk. I would be at the tavern celebrating if not for this stuff! Even the dog is shying away from me right now. I think the strange and awful noises I have been making have her spooked. I don't blame her I would be spooked too!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/06/05 06:17 AM

I went into my storage locker tonight, to find a scarf. Not just any scarf, a very badly knitted striped scarf I made my Dad when I was 8 - my first knitting project. It was made of very cheap polyester yarn, and has been virtually indestructible. He wore it faithfully to the exclusion of all others - for 42 years. Somehow tonight I really needed to find it. To make sure it had not got lost in packing up his things.

I wonder what the sum of a man's life is? What did my Dad leave behind: A great old desk, a 1912 Royale typewriter, chlidishly fashioned neckwear, many pages of wonderful words full of keenly balanced perspective and lively humor; a family he helped create, nutured, protected, and joyfully valued above all else.

I think my Dad's greatest gift was that he could really see things. He always knew what was the right thing to say, to do, to feel, to believe.

He had a relaxed grace. He laid and defused bombs for the entire length of the war - pretty much always at the front and often in advance of any troop movement.

I believe he must have had a truly exceptional autonomic brain. (It is the part of your brain that takes over in life threatening moments. It has a differrent sense of time. When things that are actually moving very fast appear to you in slow motion - your autonomic brain has kicked in.)

His heart beat would slow in emergencies. Some years back, he was driving with my brother and his girlfriend, when she fell asleep at the wheel. They ran off a mountainous road and rolled several hundred feet down a steep incline to land upside down on a very narrow ledge, beyond which there was a two mile drop.

With everyone hanging upside in their seatbelts and the car balanced precariously on its roof, my Dad who was 72 at the time, talked my brother and girlfriend out of shock,and had them get out of the car slowly one at a time. He got out last.

His collarbone was smashed by of all things a first aid kit. My Dad would never allow us to leave heavy objects loose inside a car. At speed they can kill you. It must have been tucked under a seat. I still lock my laptop in the trunk, belt my dog in a harness - out of drilled into me habit. I wonder what would have happened when I was hit by that cabbie, if my dog had not been belted in.

My Dad thought being considerate of others was perhaps the most important rule of living well. He pulled the sheet over his head before he died.

There are times when I miss him so much it is hard to breathe...

He wouldn't approve of me staying up late, typing away in my pjs with a very silly looking scarf wrapped around my neck. He would pat me on the head and say "Go to bed. Everything will be just fine - Sprout!"
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/07/05 12:59 AM

I hope you are really taking those last few words you wrote to heart. I know how I would be feeling if I had just lost my father. I think you are on the right track here in envisioning what he would be telling you right now if he were able. Live like he wanted you to live. Independent and self sufficient. I know you know how to do this now you just need the determination to heed the words.

I wish sometimes just to retreat from life and hide from the things that still haunt me from the A. When this happens now, I try to think about all the things I have to look forward to in my life. Grandkids, winning the lottery, meeting someone else that will once again take my breath away when I am with her. I know any or all of these could happen, I just have to be there when they do. You need to think along the same lines when you think of your Dad and Midnight. There are many, many things I am sure you have to look forward to even if they are different from what I see for myself. None of them depends on anyone other than you.

I'm sorry if I sound preachy I just felt you needed a little pep talk after reading your last post. I do know I have a new question for you. I want to know the background on the nickname "sprout". No connection to the Jolly Green Giants little buddy was there? Go do something tonight that lifts your spirits up and gets you going. Maybe it time to torment the dog by dressing him up again, I know that makes you giddy and playful. And by all means if posting to us demented souls brings you down take a break and get away for a while.

Have a wonderful evening!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/07/05 06:10 AM
Hi Holiday,

We could do a cyber cookie swap! I will dig up my favourite holiday cookie recipe (Sorry for the pun) and then I could try my hand at your pizelles. Do you like cranberry?

Next week I am going to an in the flesh cookie swap. You bake 8 doz of your favourite cookie and then take home 8 doz of other people's favourites. Brillant idea. We do it every year. This year I will likely do the three ginger cookie and chocolate orange peel. Yum!

I have a friend who runs a daycare in her home. It works well for her and she has a generous income from it. She is allowed to care for up to 6 kids without a formal permit. The big advantage at tax time is you get to deduct a portion of your household accommodation expenses. It does really tie you down though and it sounds like you would have to do some child proofing, particularly with the pool.

It seems in life when you have time you have no money and when have money you have no time. I grew up on modest means, we still had great Christmases. We made our gifts, always had a good dinner and it was fun just being together.

However, we also did not have a television, so I never knew what I was missing. My father ordered a TV when I was around 7, wasn't impressed with it, sent it back and he never bought another one till many years later.

With all the hype, it makes it harder for parents I would bet. I think being able to spend time at home with your family is more precious than anything the income from an outside job would enable you to buy. Nowadays we seem to trade life for stuff. You spend all your waking hours working for stuff - that you have to keep clean, store, and evenutally throw out. You end up with no life.

Opps my dog is whining at his toy basket (which thank you very much he likes to keep full of stuff - materialistic puppy)... I better go amuse my furry pal!

He is relatively easy to please at Christmas - a plate of turkey and he is happy!


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/07/05 07:03 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Have you recovered from the nasty microbes? Sounds truly awful, all the stress you have been through must have taken its toll on your immune system - lots of sleep, fluids and no worries.

I have been watching movies tonight - great movies. Manna from Heaven, a very corny but funny funny story set in Buffalo and Mondovino an interesting look at the wine business - more than worth renting just for the scenery shots alone.

The dog and I dined on hot dogs. I like mine with saukraut, he perfers his without the bun.

All in all a low ebb day...



P.S. I am not sure where Sprout came from. It just always was my nickname.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/07/05 06:30 PM
Not much time today....yes, we can swap cookies recipes anytime!
Hope one day to hand pizelles to you in person.
I will chat with you soon.
I love cranberries!!
Hi, DH!!
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/07/05 09:32 PM
Was that a confirmed Holiday sighting or a figment of my demented mind?

Hi Holiday!


I see that you are still on the same single person diet I am on! I have gained most of the weight I had lost back thanks to fast food and quick meals at home. Well that and I can't seem to get my lazy butt back into the gym. I just don't have the motivation right now to be dedicated like I know I should. It just seems that sitting on the couch or on a bar stool has more appeal right now. Don't know which I prefer more. Duck hunting is the only physical activity I can get excited over.

I am feeling better now just can't seem to sleep well yet. DD had the same stuff and complained to me today of not being able to sleep. Weird flu for sure. Doesn't help on the emotional front to be sick and dwelling this much either. It's been a bad week in that front. Too much thinking and not enought doing. I did get a call from the huntress I told you about a couple of months ago. She is feeling better and wants to get together for dinner and a movie. Normally I would be excited and anxious. Right now I am nervous and unsure if I want to go.

This is someone that if I were to write out a description of the perfect companion for me she would fit the description like a glove. She hunts, fishes, shoots, reloads her own shells, owns her own home and lives alone with her dog and she is as cute as a button to boot. It is almost too perfect if you know what I mean. Ex had none of these interests and I fell for her hard. Since then I have been a firm believer in opposites attracting and that hasn't seemed to work permanently in my case. I'm having a hard time believing my luck could be this good! After our last "date" she told me it felt comfortable and natural to be with me and wanted to do it again and just has not felt well enough to call. She found out she was allergic to some meds she was on. I felt comfortable, relaxed, and had a great time with her, so her offer is very appealing to me. She is just a really nice person and made me feel at home with her after just a few minutes.

I think this is what makes me so nervous. I am torn between wanting to hold out and see what happens between EX and OM and having the opportunity to spend some time with someone I feel so comfortable with who could be special for me. What do you think? Am I just making too much of dinner and a movie? Nothing romantic went on in our first meeting, and I'm sure nothing will on this "date". I am just a mess and I know it! Maybe that is my clue to keep it simple and do my best to make sure nothing comes from this yet. Is that fair to her?

I'd love to hear your opinion and Holiday's and Eibrab's too so get to posting! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/08/05 04:46 AM

Hi Dukhuntr,

I think it is a hands down.. "Go for it". Dinner and a movie is pretty harmless. You can take things as slow as you like. Importantly, it will take your mind off the negative memories. Given the scope of your common interests, I would say at the very least you two will be great friends. You really cannot have too many friends.

I am glad you are feeling better.


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/08/05 05:03 AM

Oh Yes! What a nice diversion for you to go.. Paradise is right, this may be a wonderful new friend in the making.

I'd have to seriously wonder about the reloading the shells part.... Would it be a deal breaker ? Don't you think buying them already packaged and ready to go from the local WalMart, as opposed to time spent, is the wiser choice? :-)

I know you must be terribly worried about the "what ifs". As in what if this is the night the Ex will want to talk ? What if, by you not being home, readily available, she may not come back around ?

I was there at one point. I understand. You do not seem a weak man to me for this anguish... and I hope that you will know in your heart, that if your Ex is going to come back to the world that you two have lived, the fact that you are out making new friends for one evening is not going to spoil her plans. I do wonder, due to your rather charmed description of this lady friend, if this one evening spent making a new friend might just spoil your "plans"..

During my "alone" time, I did not take advantage of meeting anyone new. I was where you were. I can't say now that I am sorry for it, as the unknown isn't worth the worry... but in my low times here (of late often created in my own head), I do question if life may be easier had I started anew. Without the old pain, or the old frustrations or the... well, you know.

My wish for you, is that you never question... that you live enough to be certain, that you do not drink too much on this "date"..and that you leave the dogs at home.

Just this time. :-)


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/08/05 05:12 AM
Holiday and Paradise,

I cannot make cookies. I am simply horrible at them. I burn them. I mis-shape them. I eat the batter.

I have no fond memories of making cookies with family or friends.

I am guilty of buying bakery cookies, re-packaging them and offering them to my children to seek any amount of adoration that I can squeeze from them.

I have also hidden the last cookie in the house in the freezer, so that I can dunk it in my coffee when no one else is looking.

I am a cookie loser.

There is so much in my life that I am trying to overcome.


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/08/05 05:35 AM
Thanks Gals,

Okay it's official, I'm going to go and have fun! No worries, just be me and enjoy it for what it is. And as for the reloading that is a skill that I admire. I do it too! Although lately I just buy them, no time, and even less concentration. Don't want to blow myself up.

And the dogs will have nothing to do with this. A nice dinner in a restaurant downtown by the riverwalk and the theaters are right there. I am looking forward to it now. I talked to my best friends wife tonight at the UNR basketball game and she echoed your sentiments. We used to go to these games as couples and even she said it was time for me to get out. I did have a bunch of what ifs floating in my head and I know it was just some left over confidence issues troubling me more than the chance of this blossoming into romance. I will be on my best behavior, one glass of wine and that's it. Don't want to give her the right impression just yet, do I?

Thanks for getting back to me I really appreciate you gals and your kindness. It helps to have a female friend other than your 70 something mother to talk to about this stuff.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/08/05 06:42 AM

Easy girl, I know that we all have our challenged areas. How about a gentle start?

Paradise's Peanut Butter Cookies... Only 4 Ingredients.

1 cup Peanut Butter - Chunky or Creamy your call
1 cup sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon baking soda

Preheat oven to 350F Grease baking sheets with butter!

In one bowl with an electric hand mixer beat sugar and peanut butter until combined well. In another small bowl beat egg lightly with fork. Beat egg into peanut butter mixture with baking soda until combined well with mixer or fork. Or ignore above and dump everything into bowl and mix.

Eat Dough - Yummy

If desirous of venturing further, with a soup spoon, goop up bits of dough. Roll into balls. Place on greased cookie sheets about 1 inch apart. Flatten with fork to about 1 1/2 inch diameters. Bake in oven -10 minutes - until puffed and golden.

Time cookie cooking - by walking to barn, giving Silver/Ugh a kiss on the nose and scratching both his ears, walking back to kitchen. No diversions or detours allowed!

Cool on cookie sheets 2 minutes - transfer to wire rack or plates to cool completely. Eat at least two while still warm. Keeps five days in tin. Will not last one day.

Hey for a woman of your strength, intelligence and humor - this is a .......cookie walk!


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/09/05 06:20 AM
Just making a "fly by".
H just about over being sick and well, you guess it...I'm starting.
I rarely get sick, but since the shoulder injury and not properly working out like I have done for years, my body doesn't fight this stuff off as well as it used to.
DH, I will read your post tomorrow (hopefully with a clear head).
Sweet dreams,
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/09/05 06:24 AM
Hey gals,

Just back from the "date". I am really happy I went. We had a great time! Good food, some wine and then a really good movie. "Walk the Line" the Johnny Cash/June Carter bio. We both loved it and it felt just as comfortable being with her as last time. She's as handy as Holiday too. She's building her own patio cover and has it all but done. I'm embarrassed to say she is better than me at that stuff!

I kept it simple as I said I would but the hug and kiss I got after walking her to her door sure felt good. Nine months between a good hug and kiss is a long time. I had never thought about it until I was headed home and I was still feeling it. Turned the radio up loud and smiled all the way home. Didn't hurt that one of my favorite old rocker songs AC/DC's "Hells Bells" happened to be on.

It was a good night and I thank all of you for the encouragement to go. It's been a long time since I enjoyed an evening this much outside of a hunting camp full of men acting like boys again. And this good time only involved one glass of wine. No hangover to worry about tomorrow!
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/09/05 04:21 PM
What a date??? I really need to catch up.
Congrats DH! How wonderful. Nothing like a great date ending with a great kiss!
The first kiss with my H over 27 years ago was why I fell in love with him.
Glad you kept it simple and pretty much alcohol free. Hard to get readings on people under the influence.
She's handy too (hopefully, doesn't look like Bob Villa, ha!). Again, how wonderful.
Have a great day you guys,
PS "ac/dc rocks"
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/10/05 05:12 AM
Hi Holiday,

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Are you doing physiotherapy for the shoulder? Daily exercises?

Rotator cuff injuries take a long time to heal. My therapist tells me I am 16 weeks away from being able to consider joining a climbing gym. I have been doing twice weekly physio sessions plus daily exercises.

It is a miserable time of year to be under the weather. I hope you feel better soon.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/10/05 05:58 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

I am happy to hear that the evening was enjoyable. Does one a world of good just to be out and about. Walking the Line has had excellent reviews. It sounds like a must see.

I was out tonight at the theatre and then on to a fairly nice place for a late dinner with a friend. It is lovely when someone else cooks - what a great concept that is.

It has been a good week. I have been really busy most days. It seems I have lists of things to do for everyone in the family, work, myself, the dog and things I want to get done around my home. Many pages of things to do, I usually only get two or three things done a day - slow progress.

I am thinking less and less of Mr. Midnight. I haven't seen him in a couple of weeks - he was away skiing. I find now when I talk to him on the phone - he justs sounds lame and kind of lost to me.

The poor dog went to the groomers today, he returned looking very resplendent, brushed and clipped to perfection.

We tried out a new puppy spa that opened up nearby. The place offers doggie daycare, it has a puppy pool. Two jack russell terriers were dogpaddling away biting at the splash their front paws were making. A very nice gal did the grooming - she spent three hours on him.

She talked me into buying him a black turtle neck sweater to wear because his hair is alittle shorter than it is normally this time of year. He looks debonair. A black turtleneck is classic timeless attire for people or dogs! We can go to parties in matching sweaters! Oh dear, now I am over the edge!

I hope you have a fun weekend planned.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/10/05 06:59 PM

We are just back from a long walk at the beach. Peeling off many layers of clothing, it is a cold windy day here. I have been saying prayers of gratitude to the person who first came up with the concept of fleece lined jeans. They make a huge difference in the cosy factor.

There were big waves today, crashing on ice garbed rocks. Everthing was either white, gray or brown. We ran into Mugsy. Mugsy is aptly named, he is a 90 pound, big, broad faced, golden short haired, heinz variety, bully of a dog. His favourite thing is take other dogs' toys, balls, sticks ... just because he can. I have known many Hugo Boss clad human versions of Mugsy. They are much the same.

Still he is kind of lovable, with his loose jowls. He furrows his brow when his owner berates him for bad behaviour which is a daily if not hourly occurence.

Mugsy and I have an understanding, he leaves my dog alone. In fact he gives him a wide berth. My 43 pound poofy looking benji pup never backs down in a fight. I have to be constantly vigilant, he will take on anything that trys to dominate him.

Mugsy and I had a run in this summer over a very large log, my dog was dragging in from the surf. We had a growling tug of war and I won, in front of the other dogs it was a loss of face, this bruiser was quite unused to. Now to make up I sneak him the occassional biscuit.

We also ran an errand in town, there were mummers out, doing traditional english country dances. Perhaps 15 older men in their 50s and 60s, faces blackend and coloured, wearing odd hats, colourful ragtag clothes with strands of bells on their shins, kicking up their heels to a fiddle and concertina. It was charming. We watched until they brought out sticks to do a sort smacking noisy country reel. The dog started to bark the moment they started up with the sticks. He is an expert on sticks and he well knows you are not suppose to try to hit anyone with them. Too bad it is not an universal understanding....

I have a quiet day, baking, christmas decorating and maybe a workout later. I had planned on having two weekend guests but plans have changed. I have three rental movies in hand, should I want to veg. I like having options, I always opt for a Plan C in case I don't like my first two choices.

We all have options in life... for the most part that we never explore...
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/10/05 08:21 PM


This is from a thread in Divorced and Divorcing the quote was offered by Pieta.. It was so funny I thought I would also paste it here... Looking at birthday 51 in January.... it was refreshing to read....

Andy Rooney says:

As I grow in age, I value
older women most of all.
Here are just a few reasons why.

An older woman will never wake you in the
middle of the night to ask,
"What are you thinking?" She doesn't care
what you think.

An older woman knows herself well enough to be
assured in who she is, what she is, what she
wants and from whom. Few women past the age
of 50 give a damn what you might think about her.

An older single woman usually has had her fill
of "meaningful relationships" and "commitment."
The last thing she needs in her life is
another dopey, clingy, whiny, dependent lover!

Older women are dignified. They seldom have a
screaming match with you at the opera or in
the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course,
if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you
if they think they can get away with it.

Most older women cook well. They care about
cleanliness and are generous with praise, often undeserved.

An older woman has the self-assurance to introduce
you to her women friends. A younger woman with
a man will often ignore even her best friend
because she doesn't trust the guy with other women.
Older women couldn't care less.

Women get psychic as they age. You never have to
confess your sins to an older woman. They always know.

An older woman looks good wearing bright red lipstick.
This is not true of younger women or drag queens.
Once you get past a wrinkle or two, an older
woman is far sexier than her younger counterpart.
Her libido's stronger, her fear of pregnancy gone.
Her experience of lovemaking is honed and reciprocal
and she's lived long enough to know how to please
a man in ways her daughter could never dream of.
(Young men, you have something to look forward to.)

Older women are forthright and honest.
They'll tell you right off you are a jerk if you
are acting like one.

Yes, we praise older women for a multitude of
reasons. Unfortunately, it's not reciprocal.
For every stunning, smart, well-coifed babe of 70
there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants
making a fool of himself with some 22 year
old waitress.

Ladies, I apologize for all of us.

That men are genetically inferior is no secret.
Count your blessings that we die off at a far
younger age, leaving you the best part of your
lives to appreciate the exquisite woman you've
become, without the distraction of some demanding
old man clinging and whining his way into your serenity."
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/12/05 04:58 AM

We had a run around day today. First stop the beach, then on to Petsmart. Both the dog and I love going there. We cruise the toy aisle with slow deliberation looking intently at each and every item.

I bought him a green and red Christmas collar, it has flashing little christmas lights ... it will look grand with the antlers.. plus lots of treat items for the several doggie stockings I do.

Then on to do grocery shopping for my Mom. I also picked her up a new portable phone. We assembled it and practiced using it for several minutes.

After she mastered the little buttons, she looked at me and said "You know I think I would like a cell phone too; alittle one like yours with same ring - a cat meow that is followed by a polka! Wonders never cease!

After which while cleaning her bathroom, I dropped said expensive little phone into the toilet! Another cell phone drowning in our family in under a month. I dissembled it and let it dry on my car dash vent with full heat on during the drive home and was happy when it came back to life.. although the meow is decidedly weaker...

Mr. Midnight called to ask if he could come over to walk the dog and I declined because dog and I were out and about. He is sounds unhappy and definitely whining these days. Something is up I suspect. He actually complained to me that his apartment needed cleaning! I held my breath - waiting to see if his unbelievable presumption materialized into a question. It didn't. I think he knew I would promptly tell him to 'Get on his bike' and clean it himself...
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/12/05 05:54 AM
Hey Paradise,

Just walked in the door from hunting again and brought home my Christmas goose too! Took an old friend with me and we had a great weekend. He's the one the EX called last year to go with me when I was going to stay home and she had other "plans". He felt funny at first because he felt she used him last year and he felt bad about it. Once I explained that neither of us had any part in her issues we just had fun.

I'm not sure if I really want to know why the phone was so near the toilet and how it was deposited there unless Midnight was on the other end at the time. Don't get your hopes up that anything is happening on his end, it only leads to disappointment. Try real hard not to react to anything he says or does it just never materialzes the way we want and we are the only ones to feel anything. I know because this is how my rollercoaster went up and down, hoping to see a change in every word or action. It just doesn't happen.

I feel so bad for your poor dog! Firt antlers, and now lights and a turtle neck. You don't have to vent on the poor thing. Dogs have some self esteem too! His will be toast after all of this doo-dah. No wonder he challenges all other dogs, he has to prove his maleness over and over again to regain some self confidence! My poor Lab jumped into a tule bank after my goose and after much growling and thrashing about she let out a yelp and came runnung out tail between her legs. The goose was very much alive still and let her have it good. I didn't see what happened exactly but I would have to guess the goose pecked her on the snout pretty good. My hunting partner got a good laugh out of it and Dad went in and dispatched the bully post haste. No one messes with my dog!

Hope you are well and have baked to your hearts content! You are writing often and I can see your mood improve with each post so keep it up, I still love reading them.

P.S. - Andy Rooney is right on the money! No youngster in my future. I am going to find myself just the "lady" he describes. Especially in the honesty department!
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/12/05 08:57 PM
Glad to read you two are doing better...sorry about the cell phone at five.
Been sick with a cold my H gave me last Friday...and I was doin so good this year.
Finished tiling the kitchen head cold and all. Grouting today.
Had to miss two holiday parties (didn't wish to pass this on to anyone).
Working away on some custom orders this week.
Andy Rooney is too cool. We women do get better with age (only problem is the packaging gets a little roughed up in the process).
I will look for you later.
Have a wonderful Monday,
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/13/05 01:06 AM

So glad the date went well. See? God really does answer my prayers, though not always as I ask them to be..

As long as we hold fast to the faith that He knows best.

As for Paradise's phone misfortune... I go through cell phones like yesterday's news. Dropped in water buckets, stepped on by hooves, stolen by an ornery bulldog.. you name it. In Paradise's defense, during one call to the cellular insurance gentleman, I was told that dropping phones in the toilet is the most common form of damage..

What's worse... is that some folks have actually retrieved them from those lovely port-a-potties to turn them in...

Just a line in defense of Paradise's ladylike right to not give any further details...

As for me, I've been a bit "off" lately.. I did go and buy the biggest jar of Jiffy Peanut Butter to make the great cookie recipe that was posted.

I have left it on the countertop. I have stared at it for days.. I'm just scared.

For my now smoke-free home and my waistline..


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/13/05 03:55 AM
HI Eibrab!

Thanks for the prayers, I need all the devine providence I can muster. How have you been "off"? Not feeling well or just restless and concerned? This is the place to talk so talk away. As for the cookies you don't have to eat them yourself, you can give them away as fast as you make them. Takes away the temptations. If I can bake as I have been doing lately for my son you can too!

Ready made cookie dough but it still counts as baking, right? Yes the date was wonderful. Just two friends having a nice dinner, a movie and a lot of conversation. I enjoyed it immensely. The hug and kiss made my month for sure! Something so simple but so special! Maybe it was the fresh cut flowers I stopped and got her, I doubt it was my sparkling personality. And it surely wasn't my because of my looks!

I still say Midnight called while paradise was cleaning the toilet and she put him in his place, litterally. Hope you off feelings pass and one of festive holiday spirit replaces it!

Talk to you soon!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/13/05 04:45 AM
Hi Dukhuntr, Holiday and Eibrab,

Boy it is cold here... the inside of your nose ices up in just a few minutes ... hands sting instantly when removed from gloves to pick up doggie unmentionables ...brrrbrrrr

Coming in from a walk has its own little ritual in our house.. the dog gets to play with either my hat or one of my gloves for a few minutes after we get in. He runs around as proud as punch with it. Often after actually pulling it off my head while I bend down to take my boots off. I have several faux fur hats of various descriptions, he loves playing with them lying on his back pulling at them with his paws - generally slobbering them up good. Happily they wash well.

Just back from Dharma class. We studied preliminary tonglens, prayers/visualizations of compassion. I practiced breathing in suffering and sending out compassion to all beings. It feels remarkably good to do this type of mind training.

I was doing really well at it until I came out and found a ticket on my car for not having my parking receipt displayed right side up on my dash - on a very dark night... grrrgrrrr.

I am starting to really enjoy single life. I grocery shopped today and made a point not to buy Mr. Midnight's favourite proscuitto, feta cheese, peanuts in the shell and salted sunflower seeds. Instead I bought a science magazine, aromatherapy oil (balsam fir) for my bath water and laplander cheese - only because I have never tried it. I try eat something at least once a week I have never had before.

I also found a great variety of frozen dim sum items that can be steamed in just a few minutes from their frozen state. I can wash some bok choy and pop a few dumplings in the steamer, throw the bok choy in at the last minute and I have healthy dinner that is just about as easy as microwave popcorn!

The other marvelous thing about being single is you can be as obsessively clean as you wish or if you are in a hurry and can't make up your mind on what to wear (- frothy skirt and boots which would allow one to be fetching but surely hypothermic or fleece lined jeans - comfortable and cozy) - truly messy. The dog doesn't seem to mind if I leave a whirlwind of discarded clothing choices on the bed.

Mr. Midnight called twice today - he is shopping to replace my laptop with a new one - he is using my old one. Something is up, he is simply being too agreeable!

Eibrab, Trust me the cookies take a maximum of 22 minutes - all in - including the clean up. You can do this, if they prove too tempting - freeze them till company comes. If you are feeling seriously down, how about a little nail salon therapy...

Holiday, Tiling your kitchen while sick is beyond the call of duty! Take care of yourself... you are way more important than the entire global supply of grout!

Dukhuntr, Glad you had a great weekend... that would not have been a Canadian goose?

Off to soak in the tub with my new bath oil - not Ponderosa Pine but probably pretty close!


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/13/05 07:22 AM

Why yes it was a Canadian goose fleeing from your weather only to find little ol' me hiding in wait for him! He will make a fine dinner for myself and several friends one night this winter. I may even have to give the dog a small measure of revenge by giving her a bite or two to make up for the skin she lost off her nose to Mr. Goose.

Single life takes some adjustment but it grows on you and it really does get better with time. Had my last IC session today before Christmas and I'm thinking I may stop going. I think I have myself under control and only time will help now. Just have to avoid doing something stupid like seeing the EX or getting too involved with anyone else for now. We had a long talk today about my kids and how to make things easier for them. That is my main goal in life now. Keep them firmly planted in reality and help them by just being there for them. No heroics, just Dad being Dad. Nothing stupid either like hooking up with just anyone and bringing her home to meet the kids. My IC is pretty good at looking ahead and warning me off of potential stupidities. Wonder why he warns me of this kind of stuff? Maybe he knows me too well now!

Bundle up the cold is just getting started! Have a nice day tomorrow and make every day better than the last one.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/13/05 06:12 PM

I had a late morning today, both the dog and I slept in. We got to the beach late but enjoyed glorious sunshine. It has warmed up. The water was as still as glass and a kind gray soft blue. The stretch of beach I walk has a curve to it - so you can look back from where you have come and see your footprints in the snow. There is bench towards the end, we often stop there to sit and admire the view.

Today, I watched a duck land on very thin ice that had formed because the water was so still. It was hysterical, not at all graceful - a slipping, out of control flapping of wings, kind of tumbling disaster of a landing. I believe he/she was slightly embarrassed because he/she took off again right away.

Despite my griping, I really love our winters - skiing in the woods when the trees are laden with snow, or pulled over on a dark country road to look up at a kaleidoscope of colour that shifts across the sky. I probably only get a look at the northern lights about twice during the season - they are awesome. Plus there is the skating rink late at night... where a puppy can chase a ball and have a very good time - slipping and sliding...

It just make the year more interesting when there are four seasons. Another added benefit is that you need a greater variety of foot wear!

I should go to back work now... I am just plain prograstinating.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/14/05 04:17 PM
Hi Paradise!

Went out last night with some friends to a basketball game and dinner and had a good evening. I am finally starting to relax and and be comfortable being single. I enjoyed myself even being the fifth wheel with two married couples. I ran into some of the Ex's coworkers we used to go out with and that didn't bring me down like it used to. They all have accepted the situation and are still friends with the two of them but you can tell it's a completely different friendship now.

As I was talking to these people I realized they still did not know why the EX and I were divorced. If EX and the OM were so happy about themselves don't you think they would have opened up to their friends at work by now? Instead of getting mad and telling them I just shook my head in wonderment over what the two of them have created for themselves. They can't even share their relationship with others around them even 9 months later. Tells me they really do know how wrong this A is, even if they refuse to admit it to themselves.

What have you been thinking about lately in regard to Mr. Midnight? I still have back and forth thoughts about my EX. I know how good our marriage could be but now I am becoming more skeptical about if the EX was ever really honest with me for our entire marriage. If she could hide the credit cards, and the A as well as she did, what else was she holding back on? Is she really even capable of having an open and honest relationship? I haven't decided one way or the other what I would do if she came to me and asked to start over. I think this will be the final hurdle for me to clear to really recover fully from the A.

I think it feels strange and unnatural to even think about a life with someone other than the EX. This is going to be a long road for me into acceptance of the reality of her choices. I know I could never have made this choice and that doesn't help my thinking at all. It's still part of the control of others issue that I struggle with. I guess I am just a simple man and logic is too big a part of my life. Logically none of this should have happened. Emotionally I let that part of our relationship slip and she let someone else become more important to her than me. I should be thinking more about the emotional side of life when it comes to relationships and that is the one good thing in this for me. I have learned a really hard lesson in this regard.

I hope you are warm and toasty and the dog is taking good care of you. I am glad to hear you are fully into holiday preparations. I haven't put a single light or decoration up yet. I just can't seem to get into the spirit. My daughter is all over me to decorate and get the tree up and if I do it it will be for her. She wants to feel normal in the house and it bothers her I haven't put up the usual decorations. She will be disappointed when she sees how little I kept of that stuff. I might have enough to decorate the mantle and that's it. If it were up to me I doubt I would decorate. It just doesn't feel like Christmas yet for me.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/15/05 06:04 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Just in from a night on the town with my Mom and a girlfriend of mine. We went to see the Chronicles of Narnia. Afterwards, we stopped at a road side diner where I haven't eaten - since I was a teenager. The same three brothers are still running it. They all look much older than I remember them looking, when I used to pull up with my boyfriend in his souped up Superbee! Time just spins by doesn't it!

The movie was an enjoyable little film. I loved the books growing up - C.S. Lewis was a wonderful writer and not a bad mathematician.

It is still brutally cold here. I zipped the dog into a down filled vest to keep him warm as he waited in the car while we watched the movie. I checked on him once - he was toasty in his little black turtleneck and a seafoam green down vest of mine that fit him not too badly.

I am not sure what I think about Mr. Midnight. It is too confusing. I try to focus on other things mostly - and not dwell on it. Despite this, I do mourn and miss him very much at times. For me, it is like the man I loved disappeared from the planet. The whole situation seems unbelievable and impossibly wrong.

The person inhabiting my husband's body is not someone I know - nor want to know. He has become self absorbed living only for - me, myself and I.

My girfriend was right when she said I shouldn't worry, about other women there is no room for a fourth person. I don't believe he will treat anyone he tries to connect with now in a fair or respectful manner. He is just plain loco!

I drove by his place tonight while dropping my friend off. She pointed it out to me. Frankly, although I have been there once, I couldn't even tell you his address. I just block it out...

I try to focus more on the positive - what I have gained not lost. I am seriously starting to enjoy life on my own with my dog. I find it more restful. I do what I want versus what someone else wants.

I used to be in the kitchen alot - cooking, baking etc... now I hardly spend any time there. It is like I have been kitchen liberated. I have friends who are jealous. They whisper " Just think how lucky you are not to have to come up with what to make for dinner every night!"

Celebrating the holidays, can be done at all sorts of speeds. This year doesn't have to be a big Christmas, it can be low key, relaxed and even peaceful for you. It will be as good as you make it...just like everything else in life.


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/15/05 07:28 AM

I think you can cut to the core of things faster than anyone I know or have ever heard of! WS's have to be self absorbed and blind to the hurts they inflict to be able to live with themselves. You and I couldn't look ourselves in the mirror if we were the WS. I believe my IC said it best. He told me once that my EX had this character flaw her whole life and she had always fought it and won until the right set of circumstances occurred. Something changes them and their thought patterns to allow for the loss of regard for themselves and for those who love them.

I took my daughter and her SO to dinner tonight for his graduation gift. He graduated from UNR on Saturday and begins his student teaching next semester. We had a nice dinner and a lot of good talk. My son and his GF came too. Just like before the A only minus the EX. Nothing has changed for me except my outlook on things. I have spent too much time and energy on what I "lost" and not enough on what is still there for me.

I sometimes think that I feel I have to mourn what is no more to pay it the respect it deserves. That is wrong! All that happened is someone I have no control over chose to seek something different in her life and I have to respect that. I don't have to respect how she chose to accomplish the change, just the decision to make a change. Now I need to look to myself to make my own life better and just as happy and fulfilling as before. Mourning doesn't do this! Nor does drinking too much or filling my face with food and gaining all the weight I lost back! There is a treadmill waiting with my name on it on Monday morning and every morning after that until I get all of the weight off again.

I think you friend's thoughts about being freed from dinner planning is so true. I had never thought of that in that way before, I never had to worry about it until recently and it is a pain in the [censored]! I never gave the EX enough credit in this area and I am finding out how difficult this can be.

Christmas will be low key and much more relaxed this year for sure. I am going to renew an old family tradition of hunting on Christmas eve. My Dad and my brother and I used to go every year regardless of the weather just to be together that day. Mom even made the trip if it wasn't too cold. This year I hope all of us can get together again and we can include my son too! I am looking forward to the trip. After dinner tonight the kids came back to the house with me and we put up what few decorations I kept. It was just enough to get the feel of the holiday without going overboard. I even found an overlooked box that had a bunch of the hunting and golf oriented ornaments the kids had given me over the years. A true treasure discovered in the back room of the basement!
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/15/05 06:08 PM
Even with my WS working on the marriage, I find that I still mourn our/my innocence of our past marriage when I could feel in my heart I was the only one for him and he the only one for me. Things just don't run that perfect in life. I think we all struggle at different times in our lives for different reasons. Hopefully for only a short time.
You two are so strong. You are inspiring.
Have a wonderful day,
and DH...get on that treadmill!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/16/05 03:20 AM

I understand those words so very well.. I may get brave enough to pick your brain one of these days Holiday. Your wisdom might hopefully rub off.

I still haven't made those cookies.. The jar is staring at me. :-)

DukHunter...treadmills get boring.. I'd join a gym, where you can meet people..

Those you'd run across would benefit from it .:-)


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/16/05 05:01 AM

It is a snowy, winter wonderland here. The dog and I are just back from our final walk of the day. He has had his paws washed, alittle late night snack and then his teeth brushed. All in all I believe he is happy with the world. He certainly sounds it by way of several major burps. He always smiles at me after he burps as though to say "My didn't that sound funny?"

I have spent the night catching up on personal paperwork.. still working on my lists.

I have to pause ... the dog is whining at his toy basket in the most abjectly pathetic tones... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Well we had a short but intense play session... buried several toys in the bed and he is now happily chewing on a rawhide bone - shaped like a candy cane!

I have been looking at a wedding photo of ours. Boy we look young and oh so proud of ourselves. After 25 years together, I know marriage to be a challenging promise. I believe love within the boundaries of a marriage is a decision you make - not just a feeling that comes and goes.

If you want to make that decision work then following the MB model of identifying needs and ensuring they are met is a good bet.

It comes down to priorities. If we list what is important to us and then compare that list to how we spend our time - there are huge discrepancies. We seldom spend our time balanced to what we believe is important.

I have been spending alot of time thinking about what is important to me. Reflection should be part of everyday. There should some quiet time where you just think. It makes it far more likely that your time and priorities will mesh.

The disintergration of my marriage came as a huge shock to my system, identity, life purpose. While, there is lingering confusion, there is always an upside.

I have time to think... plan...decide .. It has made me step off the treadmill in a way... and opened up an entire world of possibilities.

I was worried I would become bitter and angry but I don't think that is really a concern anymore. It is far more likely that I will just really enjoy myself.

Even, Mr, Midnight made a grumpy comment to me about how my social life was better than his! Yikes! I haven't started to try yet!

Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/16/05 05:47 AM
PB...may I be your next puppy? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Ah, the life of PB's dog...

Eibrab, my words of wisdom? Thanks you. Ask away. I have been feeling better and my head is clearing.

I go to the gym, but the treadmill is boring there too. I wish I had one here at home to watch "Martha" in the am. I actually rather be outside on my walks, but darn, it is way too cold for a desert girl.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/16/05 06:52 AM
Hey everyone's here tonight!

Eibrab- I do have a gym membership and it has gone unused for several months. AD's took the desire and the depression away. I will be there on Monday! 4:30am sharp with the boys I used to see every day. The only benefit they get is to feel better about themselves being in better shape than me and to laugh at me in a sweaty chocolate mess after 45mins on an eliptical trainer.

Holiday- Since when does it get cold in Las Vegas? Come to Reno and I will show you cold! Or better yet lets all go to Ontario and visit Paradise in a really cold environment. You don't stick your tongue out there because it will frostbite before you can pull it back. I think all of us would like to spend our next life as Paradise's dog, except for the dorky costumes!

Paradise- I am starting to feel sorry for Midnight. I hear a resolve in your posts that tells me he is about to get a full taste of you and I don't think he is capable of handling you on your worst day let alone on your best. And little Miss Attorney better sharpen her pencil and look out too! You sound great!

As for me I am just trying to keep my snorkel above water at work right now and that is it. I am holding down the fort on three different jobs right now and I am barely getting things done on time. We downsized one position out of existence and my assistant controller is out for six weeks medical leave. No other accountants or bookkeepers on staff now. Whooey we're having fun now. Had a meeting with the President and VP today to discuss the "bottleneck" in my department. I didn't pull any punches and told them their move in cutting that position stunk in two ways. The first was laying off a person with 8yrs experience right before Christmas. The second was doing it before telling me and learning that my assistant would be gone for the next six weeks. Needless to say they are listening to me now.

I did manage to start and complete my Christmas shopping in two hours tonight. Nothing like a man with a plan and kids who like gift certificates! Only have to wrap my parents presents and my brothers family's stuff. Last step will be cutting the tree Saturday in the Sierra's outside of town.Good friends, Cinnamon Schnapps and chain saws - a match made in the ER!
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/16/05 04:50 PM
Cinnamon Schnapps and chain saws...sounds like a horror movie in the making.

Becareful wrapping that chain saw! ha.

And yes, it's cold in Vegas! Especially to a person that is used to 115+ in the summer.

Have a great Friday,

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/16/05 05:17 PM

Is it humanly possible to get used to 115+? We have it good up north because it only goes over 100 for a week or two a year. We do have to put up with several months of mornings like today of lows in the teens or lower. Just makes the duck hunting better!

I have been posting over in GQ with some gals that had recoveries after a divorce and I have a question for you too. I am having doubts about wanting to ever reconcile with the EX because of her ability to keep a part of herself out of our relationship for the whole time we were married. She hid her credit card problems and never was able to open up to me and express her missing EN's. She always told me she was happy and content and I was never able to tell if she was hiding something.

You have been thru this stuff with your H. Can someone change and become more open and honest or is that something you have to accept and deal with if you love the rest of the package? I struggle with with this stuff right now because I feel I will be fine with or without her now. A far cry from where I was a couple months ago when I started talking to you guys. I know she is and always will be the love of my life, but if I have to accept a life where I am constantly on guard and distrustful it won't work and neither of us would be happy.

As Eibrab said I need some words of wisdom from a trusted source and you fit the bill. Have a nice and toasty weekend.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/17/05 07:08 AM
Hi Holiday,

Outside my door right now with wind chill it is 5 degrees F, only about 110 degrees cooler than your desert hot zone. At anything over 80 degrees you will finding me hiding inside where it is air conditioned. I like it around 60 to 65 degrees F. I would be a wilted puddle in that kind of heat. Where my brother lives it routinely goes below -30 C or -22 F.

Would you really want to be a puppy? I see you more like a lion or tiger? Maybe a wolf! However,I do agree that you are deserving of much pampering in what ever guise you come back as. The buddists believe that in death we change our bodies just like an old set of clothes. The lama I lisen to once a week can remember some of her previous lives. I certainly can't remember any of mine. I have trouble just remembering what I need to know to get by in this one!

I really admire how you two have been able to work through the issues in your marriage.

Yawn, I should go to bed I have a busy day tomorrow. I hope you have a great Saturday what ever your plans.


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/17/05 09:29 AM

See what I mean, it's really cold where you are. Holiday is in the tropics compared to you! I went to a Christmas party tonight and had a great time. Friends from high school have an annual party and invited me. Ex and I used to go every year and I still had a great time. Old friends and lots of free booze. What a concept.

I will pay tomorrow but who cares at this point, I still had a great time! Off to cut a tree tomorrow morning so I talk to you tomorrow afternoon.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/17/05 07:57 PM

May I pick a bit today?

I do not ever ask where my H is going or where he's been. I do not check his cell phone or his email. He seemingly gives me no reason to, though I have been blind in the past. I keep my eyes wide open all the time.

There were times where he was simply horrible to the kids and I during the affair. I have trouble forgetting.

I do my best to keep things to myself. He seems to be a changed man and God is working on him.

Do you ever have those old feeling "triggered" by something silly? Something small and meaningless, but it puts you way "off"..

What do you do with these moments ? Do you confront your H ?

At this time, we do not speak of the affair or the child born of it. He seems to have washed his hands of the mess and left me the one sort of open and raw in dealing with it.

Do you continue to speak of it with your H?

Do men REALLY get over this sooner than women ?

I am sorry for such an intrusive letter. In the past, I would have just opened right up and went at him with these feelings. I am not that person anymore.

I totally keep my mouth shut and observe. I'm not sure if I like this new me.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/19/05 01:12 AM

All in all, the dog and I had a great weekend. There was a choral concert, a dinner and a cocktail party. The dog wore his flashing collar and antlers to the parties with cool nonchalance. I had a total of five different people ask me where I had bought it. (Petsmart).

This afternoon, I went to my favourite Christmas function an open house at a dear friend's. She does a swish job of it every year. There were many couples I have known for decades there.

Many stories... One couple who have three children, were married twenty years, only to have the wife fall in love with another man. They divorced, split assets, each bought a new house, then the wife developed cancer the new guy dumped her and she is back with her first husband. She has had a two year @#$% of multiple surgeries, and still faces a very uncertain future. I smiled at the husband tonight ... thinking good for you to let love win over pain, resentment and ego!

Another couple has even a sadder story, the wife has a very big job makes very big money. Her husband is less successful. He has a girlfriend that is married to another man. His wife knows about it. They socialize with both the OW and her husband who does not know about it. The wife just puts up with it. She does not want to break up her home or family. They have two kids. She buys him whatever he wants. Very high end expensive stuff is his for the asking. I did not smile at him. I worry very much about her. I think it a sure recipe to hate your husband and incredibly hard on your self esteem.

Our hostess told me a friend we no longer see much of. Keeps calling her husband at the office. Perhaps not a friend at all any more.

I had an casual friend call me this week, upon hearing Mr. Midnight and I had separated - asking me for his cell number! I gave it to her!

It is a very strange world out there with all manner of stories being lived out.

I try to go around and talk to everyone when I am at a party. It is always rewarding, and made easier by a very handsome four legged escort who goes up to people and licks their fingers by way of an introduction.

I met a woman who has been studying buddism for 20 years. We had a wonderful chat.

Normally at a do like this I would catch Mr. Midnight's eye across the room and give him a smile. It felt odd not to be doing that.

I find I often don't want to return to an empty home after a function right away. The dog and I will go for a drive looking for likely walking opportunities - somewhere there are completely different smells for him to explore, pee-mail!

It is going to be such a different christmas this year. I spoke with Mr. Midnight, who has not bought a single present yet. He sounds grumpy and woebegone. I decided I would shop only for my nieces and nephews on his side of the family. I will supply their Christmas dinner wine from my stock. It will be the first christmas in 25 years we won't have spent together. It will be different.

Adjusting to being single after being part of a couple for so long - is not always easy. Although I suspect it is easier than trying to heal the relationship after such profound betrayal.

Betrayal of trust is a loss. Our society doesn't really understands grief. I believe it should be expressed when you feel it. Repressing it in my mind is the root of many problems that arise later on...

Eibrab, In your shoes I would write him letters. You can always decide on whether or not you are going to show them to him. It would allow you to say things you probably need to say. You can burn them if that is your choice but writing things down I find releases emotions. The hurt you have in your heart has to have a means of coming out. It can't just stay there or it will morph into something worse.

The other thing I would do is to visualize holding on to what you want - your family - whole and unbroken - your loving husband - the present and future you have spent years building. Then I would visualize letting go of what you don't want - the bad memories, the hurt, the pain, the alienation. Write it all down then just let it go...

Holding onto negative emotions is kind of like drinking poison everyday and then being surprised that you are the only one getting sick from it. It doesn't do any good.

I think this site has excellent tools for rebuilding marriages. I would investigate them all...
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/19/05 03:54 AM
Goodnight Paradise.

I have done this. I will do it again. It helps.

Reading here helps. Understanding your thought processes and "twinking" them to suit my life makes me feel less alone in the challenges that life brings.

What a blessing people in all corners of the Earth can be.

Thank you.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/19/05 05:42 AM
Hi guys,

Well, its been one of those weeks. Tough workload, bad productivity on my part, and just a poor attitude. I feel like I need a change in my entire lifestyle and location. A fresh start in a new area. If it weren't for my kids and my parents I think I would just sell the house and hit the road looking. No new place in mind, just a cop out and I know it.

I don't think I could actually do it but it sure sounds appealing! Lose myself and fix me before I tell anyone where I am. I still feel like something is out of balance and unsettled for me right now. Cant quite put my finger on what it is that is creating this feeling but it's becoming aparent for my employers too. Long meetings this week about how to handle the deluge from their actions and now questions about my productivity and dedication to the company. Not what I want to face right now and I'm not so sure I am capable of dealing with this bull**** yet either. Hence the desire to run away from it.

Eibrab, I hope you have been talking to H and a least letting him know you are having some doubts and concerns. My EX kept all of these thoughts and feelings to herself and never gave me an opportunity to address them. You can't build on a relationship if you aren't sharing in every part of it every day. Use these doubts and fears to build a new and even stronger bond with him by letting him help find ways he can soothe them. Conversation is the key in all of this I think. Hopefully he is the type of man that can talk about these things without feeling you are being judgemental. Keep after him and I know from his past actions he will come around!

Have a nice week all!
Posted By: familycomesfirst Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/19/05 04:14 PM
Man, I don't see how you guys handle all that cold weather! Gotta love Texas in the winter time!

I have no words of wisdom, just hugs to you PB, Eibrab, dukhunter, and holiday. May your holidays be full of unforeseen blessings.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/20/05 06:35 AM
Hi familycomesfirst,

Thanks for the hug. I hope you and yours have a very wonderful holiday season.

Wishing you many blessings.. happy memories... and love shared..

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/20/05 06:56 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

I am sorry you are having difficulty at work. I know my productivity just tanked during the summer. It's improving but still not where it was pre A. Although, I find I seem to have different priorities. I am not as focused on work these days. Although I too have no shortage of catching up to do.

It sounds like you will be nose to the grind stone for a while to bring things current. That may not be a bad thing. Work can be very absorbing, distracting and it feels good when everything is complete.

The running away fantasy seems appealing at first. When you look at it hard though.. all your friends, your support network is really your home. You can't run away from them. There probably has been no other time in your life where you have needed them more.

While work may be pressing, I hope you have some fun over the holidays. I plan to just stay busy. Invite over many guests and entertain them well. I know I will really miss my Dad and my husband this Christmas but life changes and I find I am changing with it.

I believe I am through being utterly heartbroken and I am now on to the feeling sad and a little lost phase. Grief has definite stages to it. The happy thing is that they are progressive and you start to feel better coincident with understanding the situation more clearly.

I find I can be more understanding of their side of the story than I was even two months ago. It is all progress of a sort.

Sweet dreams... I am off to bed. The dog is walked. The kitchen is tidy and it is time for a little reading and some sleep...

Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/20/05 11:37 PM
Hi All,

Sorry to have fallen off the MB planet. I get to this point and our cable company decides to "resolve" my connection.

Anyway, Eibarb...

Why don't you ask your H where he is going or where he has been? Is this been policy for your marriage since together?

As for me, yes, little things trigger old things. It's still a "trust" issue for me, even after my H has bent over backwards to show me everything. I'm not sure if we ever "recover" total trust and I read we really never should.

Yes, I may still talk of the A's. More so of the last one. Makes life sometimes feel unrealistic. Each time, he was never unloving to me, nor showed any signs of discontent etc, so I really never caught any "red flags". His first came after a couple of years of parents dying, temp job loss for whistleblowing, a motorcycle accident (minor) which our niece sued our insurance for $100,000 and split our family. He's told me each A was more about "variety", not emotions and that through each poor decision he had made and even while making the decision, I was on his mind and he loved me. The second A boggles me as I thought we were recovering very well. We had been communicatiing our feelings and I thought we had moved past it.

So now I am left at times unsure about everything. I sometimes don't "feel" the love he shows or tells me due to the betrayal of trust. But, I work through it somehow.

PB...what are your plans for Christmas?

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/21/05 04:25 AM
Hi paradise,

Haven't had much time to post lately. Been to parties, cut a tree, wrapped all of my gifts and been planning a dinner for 14 on Christmas day! The things you do to keep busy and occupied are amazing aren't they? I think I am much better now regarding the EX. Work has been a handful and all consuming lately. No time to dwell or even get moody really. Couldn't have come at a better time for me.

You sound really good lately! Is it real or are you just trying to inspire me to be better? My friends are all concerned about me during the holidays and it makes me feel good to know they care. I even got a card today from the EXIL's. Nothing special inside just a holiday wish. What do you think I should do if anything for EX and EXIL's for Christmas? I thought of sending flowers or a centerpiece for their dinner when my kids will be there. Would that be coming too much out of the dark?

And just for your information I am cooking the bird myself! One of the few cooking skills I have, but it's a useful one this time of year. We will be using two different sets of dinnerware but the food will be good. I just wish the kids could be there to enjoy it with. Weird, after I wrote that I flashed on the fact I didn't think the same about EX.

Well I hope you are doing as good as it sounds. You deserve to be happy and content this holiday season. You have been a pillar of strength for all who read you posts. You have also insipired all of us to try and be as graceful and poised as you in our own lives. Have a nice evening and I will try to chime in more regularly.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/21/05 04:31 AM
Hi Holiday,

Good to have you back. I am going to our country place for the holidays. I negotiated the first month of our cottage rental - for exclusive use of the dog and I! So my family will be having a very wintery Xmas. We have friends coming to stay. It should be all manner of fun!

Mr. Midnight just keeps getting more and more scrooge like. There is just such a whine going on about not being able to do his own shopping! Poor guy... I've done all the gift shopping for the last 25 years. He is feeling overwhelmed! I guess he will just have to get the new gal trained up!

The dog and I have been dancing all around the kitchen to Diana Krall's version of Let It Snow. We are making cookies! Some are pawprints!

I am sipping a glass of Stone's Ginger Wine on ice, one of my favourite Xmas drinks.

I have only my Mom's presents to wrap. Tomorrow I have a very full slate, I am off to go to a party with just alittle work to do in the morning.

Then later, a girlfriend and I do a Christmas for a family in distress. We start with their Christmas wish list and then spend the afternoon pulling it all together and then usually back to her place to wrap presents. It is always alot of fun. All my nieces and nephews are older now so it is fun to buy young kid things.

I am looking forward to the holidays. I was watching the March of the Penguins this week. A beautiful film.. what struck me most deeply was that life is all about survival. One of the pluses to the these messes - is that you come away knowing that you can survive them ...

Yowser, I smell burnt cookies!


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/21/05 04:44 AM
Diana Krall!!! my hubby's favorite gal...well, besides me.
I need to get him her holiday CD.

How nice of you and your girlfriend doing a special Christmas for a distressed family. What a wonderful, wonderful thing!

What is the saying??? What doesn't kill us makes us stronger?

I need your prayers for a very dear friend of mine (my buddy who lived across the street from me while growing up...buddies since the 4th grade). He had skin cancer 10 years ago and they were able to remove it. Now it is back and in his brain, liver etc. I love him deeply as anyone could love their best buddy. His name is Terry. He is an atheist and for years he and I have bantered over Christianity (he loves all my good points and always listened).

Hope you all have a nice evening,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/21/05 05:26 AM
Hi Holiday,

There is a very beautiful sanskrit prayer ... which means in english..

By the power and the truth of this practice:

May all sentient beings enjoy happiness and the causes of happiness;

May they be free from suffering and the causes of suffering;

May they never be separated from the great happiness devoid of suffering,

And may they dwell in the great equanimity that is free from attachment and aversion.

It sounds just beautiful when it is chanted in Sanskrit.

I will say prayers for your friend Terry during the holidays. I am praying also for the neighbour, who I ran into shortly after Dad died. He started chemotherapy today. He has six months of chemotherapy scheduled - one session every two weeks. His name is John. So Terry and John will be in my prayers.

When I was young I was quite a rock hound. I loved collecting specimens. They say carrying a touchstone of sugilite - is reputed to help with cancer. I not sure how but sometimes - just the act of doing something helps.

Diana's new Christmas CD is lovely - you will enjoy it.

What are your plans for the holidays?

Can you believe it! I think Dukhuntr might just be serving Canadian Goose!


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/21/05 05:40 AM

Hi Dukhuntr,

I think flowers are always a lovely gesture. You could send them from the dog and remain in the dark so to speak. Christmas is about love and friendship. It is a good thought.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/22/05 07:18 AM

I had a visit and cup of tea with my MIL and FIL tonight. The first time I have seen them since my Dad's funeral. We sat and chatted for a couple of hours. Mr. Midnight's name was not mentioned once. Sort of humorous when you think about it. I was dropping off some wine and presents for the kids. I enjoyed seeing them very much.

I sat and looked around the room at things we have given them over the years - brand new TV last year. It was sad, fun, and confusing all at once.

When I got home I started to organize the stuff I need up north, decorations, baking utensils, books, snow shoes, skiies... Mr. Midnight called and wanted to come in - 11.30 p.m. our time. I asked where he was calling from and he said outside. Which means I sort of know what he was doing tonight. I suggested we go over the billings in the morning.

Wow what a different Christmas from last year. I am not sure I am that sad. I feel alittle empty and definitely confused. I suspect though in the end - what should be will be....
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/22/05 07:49 PM

To One and All...

Wishing you all a very Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!, I am just about to hop in the car to go pick up Mom and head out to the cottage. We have internet up there but I not sure I will have a lap top available to use. If I don't, I will be posting after Xmas. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers, particularly Terry!


Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/24/05 10:00 PM
Just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas!

PB..stay warm. Oh a cottage, sounds devine.

Quiet Christmas this year (actually all quiet since 4 of H's sibling of 7 don't talk to us and the 2 that do have other family ties).

Kids wanted a "pot roast" this holiday...easy on Mom.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/25/05 06:18 PM
DukHunter, I hope the holiday meal was wonderful. I've smiled greatly just picturing you creating it all..

And Paradise, a lovely cottage with your Mom..probably the best plans for the holiday that I have heard yet.

We have been very peaceful here.. Half of us down with some sort of flu, and the other half enjoying the time

I thank you, Holiday, for your advice and thoughts previously. I have so many questions for my own knowledge of so many things. I read the archives here to sort through most of them. Knowledge is so healing to me. Thank you for sharing.

I have many prayers for the best of holiday blessings for all of you..

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/28/05 12:36 AM
Hi All,

I hope everyone enjoyed Christmas.

Mom and I decorated the cottage, cooked and baked, entertained company, walked on a very slushy muddy beach and took it easy mostly. It went really fast.

I am back in town to take care of some business matters tomorrow and I will be heading out again tomorrow night.

I could not have pulled together the outside of Christmas any better than I did. Our table looked great. The room was festive with a cheery fire and a beautifully decorated tree. The food was yummy. Mom looked fab in her new ensemble.

However, on the inside it felt quite surreal. I missed my Dad and Husband enormously. It just didn't feel the same way I remember. Notwithstanding some long head down walks with the dog in the rain no less... we did make it through smiling mostly.

I was completely organized at least two hours before company arrived Christmas Eve. I used that time to count my Christmas blessings, calling near and very far friends to let them know how much their friendship meant to me.

Holiday, Dukhuntr, Eibrab, Familycomesfirst you are all on my list of blessings.... I hope each and every one of you has just a great New Year's Eve and a happy 2006...


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/28/05 01:14 AM
Hi Paradise!

I too pulled off my dinner for 11 marvelously if I do say so myself. I was glad to have the company of my parents, my brother and his family, and my brother's in-laws. My 70yr old neighbor came over and joined us too. Good food and some wine make for a good evening. I missed my kids who were at the EX's parents for dinner. That made it seem less than the usual Christmas for me also. Some of the usual joy and rememberance of prior holidays just wasn't a part of this year's celebration. Nothing we can do about that except for make new memories and try to still enjoy thoughts of the past.

I was fine all weekend but have felt more of the pangs of the "old days" today. I guess there was just too much going on to notice earlier. My dinner turned out great! My neighbor who is very handy in the kitchen herself even stayed after dinner to find out how I did the stuffing and the bird. No goose just a turkey. The goose goes to the oven next weekend.

Thanks to everyone for the holiday wishes and have a happy and safe New Year!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/28/05 07:51 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Not a bad Christmas when you can say you cooked a fabulous meal for family and friends. So how did you do the stuffing?

Life is all about change. While this Christmas wasn't as much fun as normal. It wasn't normal - so no surprise.

My Mom really enjoyed the time away. We talked..stayed silent...watched chick flicks...enjoyed our guests and still slept in practically every day.

The dog loves the cottage.. even being made to wear 'a dorky christmas light collar and poinsetta bandana' didn't faze him - he was running around going wahoooo! most of the time.

I really like the beginning of the new year. There is a starting fresh kind of feel to it. I always spend a fair amount of time on setting goals, scheduling projects, trying to sort out my priorities. Usually, I focus on very specific goals. This year I have a much broader scope. Everything is fluid right now - life is full of possibilities.

Maybe life is always full of possibilities but we limit our ambition with self imposed barriers of I can'ts which are really I won'ts. I think I will replace all my I can'ts with the correct terminology of I won't. It sheds a truer light on the self imposed limitations we all create out of an endless list of fears.

I wonder if you ever manage to stop being afraid of life or the consequences of life. There are things I am afraid of. I am afraid very much I will lose my Mom soon. She has lost her spark in a big way. I am afraid I will never love someone else as completely as I loved my husband. I am afraid that 23 years of happy memories will be shadowed by two years of sporadic pain and shock. I am afraid my Husband will become someone I can no longer respect. I am afraid I will not actually have the courage to live life as fully as I know I am capable of.

The list goes on and on. I think it is in a way healthy to be afraid providing you look at your fears regularly, holding them up to the light of day/reason... For the most part they are nothing but puffs of silliness...

Speaking of silliness.. the dog and I tried to make a snowman in the rain with sloppy wet snow. We succeeded in a fashion. Sadly though he shrunk in a matter of hours into a tumble of big snowballs which the dog then christened! Lesson being if you fall apart sure as heck someone will @#$%$ on you!


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/28/05 10:40 PM
Hi B,

You have absolutely nothing to be afraid of. You have so much care and compassion and such a good character you would be fine if they dropped you into the middle of BF Egypt on your own. I don't think its a fear when you think of losing your mother, it's just a sad thought. It's the last ties to our childhood and the final seperation from our parents that is painful to think about.

We on the other hand who don't possess the self respect, dignity and poise you have do have some real fears. I fear that I will forever hope that a big revelation occurs for the EX. I know this is the last big hurdle for me to clear my thinking and get back to normal. This hope creates all the self doubt and anxiety for me. I can't go back and I don't feel comfortable moving on yet either. Hopefully the fears and doubts created by this will start to fade soon. Do you have the same sort of dilemma run thru your head?

Respect? That is a tougher proposition in my opinion. You think you know a persons character over the 28 years spent together or however long you two were together and suddenly they show something you could never see before. Did they change? Or did we change or both? I know my EX has changed dramatically just from what my mother saw in her before D-day. She even told EX she saw a more confident and outgoing EX blossoming. Little did we know why! I saw other changes that I could not explain and ignored them. Who knows what all has gone on in their minds. We certainly won't. No use in guessing or looking back now. All we have to do is to be ourselves and keep the respect we have for ourselves intact. That is why I have gone completely dark in a Plan-B with EX. To keep what respect and feelings I have for her somewhat intact. There isn't much left in either area to lose anymore.

The dog by the way was just letting other animals in the area know who's snowman it was and to stay away! I could never imagine you falling apart enough to let someone *&^% all over you!
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/01/06 10:13 PM
Happy New Year!
Well, happiest it can be.
All is well here in Henderson. A quiet NYE with friends in from AZ.
Glad to read you each had a nice Christmas.
Thank you for your prayers, as my friend is doing well with the first "agressive" chemo treatment. He went in again on the 30th and haven't heard yet how that went.
You have both come so far PB and DH. I keep you in my prayers.
I will post soon.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/03/06 03:21 AM
Hi All,

I arrived back in town, fresh from some really nice winter weather and a very enjoyable few days away. I spent NYE quietly with a bottle of very good bubbly and five dear friends - talking, eating and going for a starlit walk on a near by beach. Although after skiing and being outside all day a few of us were struggling not to fall asleep before the new year arrived.

The weather has turned colder so there was excellent skiing and winter type fun.

One fabulous afternoon I and the dog hiked wooded trails in just brillant sunshine surrounded by a dazzling winter wonderland. There is something about being out in the woods that makes you breathe deeply and smile from the inside!

Actually, although I enjoyed the holidays, I am happy too, they are over. Now I am looking forward to getting caught up and organizing my upcoming year. I have made another list!

I really didn't see Mr. Midnight over the holidays - which was just as well. He did call Christmas night - 5 mins to midnight to wish me Merry Christmas - but that was about it. I did hear he spent NYE in a bar and got falling down drunk. Wow, in the 31 years I have known him I have never seen him drunk! I suspect that falling down drunk pretty much guarantees a not getting up too quick hang over.

On the way home, I stopped in and took my Mom shopping for clothes. She is fun to shop with. She looks great in just about anything. My Nana always said when you stop buying new clothes you are getting ready to die. Given how much she spent tonight... looks like she is planning to stay around awhile to wear them!

In approximately, two weeks I will have been separated six months. I must say with each month my outlook and mood improves. I woke up one morning at the cottage with the thought I am more free now than I have ever been ....

On the flip side, I also had moments where I really missed my husband. Someone asked me how I was coping and I just said: On one level I am still just stunned. Part of me, doesn't believe any of this could be real. The rest of me is trying to find the postive. As I am on a 'husband holiday'. I might as well make the most of it!

I am not sure that loving someone who doesn't seem to love you anymore is that awkward after all. I have many good reasons to love my husband that go back a very long way. Long before his banana head days - he was truly someone who was a delight to love.

I believe we are all crazy at one point in our lives or to some degree all the time. I find myself hoping he finds whatever it is he needs to be happy.

I know I already have. I think a big part of happiness is the ability to appreciate what you have. I have some great memories. It has been a trying year.. but bottom line I am truly grateful for what I have, who I am, for my life so far. I am looking forward to next year. It will be different. Different is exciting in a way.

I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. It is a treat no matter which way you look at it. Time off, good food and the opportunity to spend time with family and friends - indoors and out of doors....



PS. The dog has breathed a sigh of relief, the antlers, flashing collar and a variety of bandanas with poinsetta and santa motifs are safely packed away for next year! I did see a lovely collar with jingle bells on it but I resisted it thinking Dukhuntr will be glad I have drawn the line somewhere...

Holiday, one night when I was out walking the dog in very cold crunchy snow I tried to imagine what Christmas in the desert must be like. No snow.. Reindeer wearing sunglasses?
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/03/06 08:10 AM

I am glad to hear you have chosen to give the dog some semblance of dignity again! I'm sure he will respond and pay you back tenfold in attention and loving obedience.

As for Midnight, I never drank much until my seperation either and since then I have developed an rather bad habit of being a binge drinker myself. I had a good holiday season and only overindulged once in the two weeks but I for one know how this happens. Before a six pack used to last at least six months in my refrigerator. Now an 18 pack has a life span of maybe a week. Self doubt and an an overactive mind seem to go away after several drinks, at least until the next morning! Then real depression hits home. I have been much better lately by limiting all alcohol and it really evens life out. I think reality may be hitting home for Midnight too. I not going to suggest it will change anything, just that maybe his "new life" isn't too rosy anymore either.

You on the otherhand make me envious. I have been trying to think my way thru this stuff rather than talk it out to my friends and the IC more and more. I wish I could be more like you in that you seem to be able to put this in perspective and more logical terms than I ever can. I tend to let my emotions run rampant and it ruins my perspective constantly. Case in point being last week when I ran into EX at the basketball game. She tried to walk by my friends and I without even looking over and being the idiot I am I said hello and talked to her. She amazes me! She stood there with the friends we have known for 20+ years and acted like nothing had happened and everything was just peachy. My friends were polite but they all chided me for even acknowledging her. I just can't bring myself to ignore her like everyone tells me I need to. I think this is the part of me that is making all of this harder to handle. I do feel akward by still loving someone that does not love me back anymore. She made the last 28 years wonderful and special for me and we raised two great kids together. I think I will always love her for that. Finding the love for her that will allow me to let her go and find her own happiness is proving very difficult and challenging. Is it my taker talking still or just me being possesive? I'm not sure what it is but it hasn't faded much in nine months of seperation.

We have been thru another flood here in Reno same as NYE in 1997. Downtown bridges and streets flooded and closed and all manner if chaos and confusion. I spent most of the weekend at home putting Christmas away and doing household chores. I did have a wonderful NYE with a large group of old friends at a private party in a dry part of town. We revived an old family tradition of bringing in the New year with a "bang". From a shotgun that is! Shoot off a few duck loads to bring in the year on a positive note.

Well I better try and get some sleep, for the first time in my life I seem to be having trouble falling to sleep several nights a week and it's driving me nuts! I do more posting on those nights, but I pay the next day!
Posted By: csj Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/04/06 12:27 AM
Further, I would urge you to see a lawyer NOW. Get information on what you might face, and remember the OW is a lawyer, so it is likely she will not "play fair".

As a lawyer myself, I recall some "pointers" a family law practioner gave me in a family law seminar back in law school. "Empty the bank account." If she is truly planning to push him to a divorce with you, she will undoubtedly advise him to empty any joint account you hold with him. While I personally don't agree with this practice, it's probably not a bad idea to withdraw 1/2 and open a new private account, to protect your own assets. Also, most State Bar Assoc. would likely consider it a conflict of interest for her to represent him. If she does, report her to the ethics committe in your state.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/04/06 05:38 AM
Hey Paradise, Holiday and Eibrab!

Anybody out there tonight and want to talk?
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/04/06 06:48 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Recovering from the loss of a long term marriage is a lengthy process - one that takes years not months. From your posts I think you have been making good progress in adjusting to the change.

This is not terribly different than dealing with a broken leg. You know it hurts now but can expect it to heal, that you will walk, run and heck even skip again. It is harder if you spend alot of time blaming or being mad at whoever or whatever caused the injury and easier if you just let go of the negative thoughts. Easier said than done as we both know but very true.

I find I am less bereft at the loss of my husband if I remember the good parts. I feel lucky to have had such a loving long term relationship that was fun day to day.

I wake up thinking - life is as it should be given the situation. Accepting that you have to use the metaphor again - a broken leg is the start. Certain expectations aren't realistic until it heals. You cannot run a marathon with a broken leg... you are not going to be singing in the shower with a broken heart.

There are things to do to help the healing - emotional physiotherapy of sorts. For each of us I think that is a different list of activities. Going duckhunting wouldn't be on mine but it works for you!

We both know reading and sharing experiences with people on this site is really helpful. It aids perspective to know that everyone who faces such remarkably similar situations goes through the same heart ripping agony. Many of the stories here are truly inspiring, Holiday's, Eibrab's and Familycomesfirst strength and resolve to keep their families whole, for example.

Every tough situation in life affords one the opportunity to grow. You have an exciting chance to decide who and what you want to be.

Personally I haven't figured that out quite yet. I find however it is a much more engaging topic to think about than worrying about what Mr. Midnight is doing or not doing.

I have not given up on my marriage. For the time being however, I am pretty much alone in it. So I might as well use the time productively.

Your wife's behaviour cannot dictate whether or not you will be happy or unhappy, yours does.

Being polite is always a good sign.... I am glad you said hello!


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/04/06 07:26 AM

Thank you for your advice. As it happens, everything is pretty much in my name. I want very much to trust my husband - at least as a business partner. I may be naive but I like to think after 31 years of friendship at the very least we will deal with each other fairly financially.

I have just read your thread. I am so sorry you are here.
You and your family will be in my prayers tonight....


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/04/06 08:09 AM
Hi Paradise!

Is going thru this stuff a growth experience? Or is it a trial by fire? I think of it now more as a test of my character under extreme circumstances. Can I watch someone I love turn away and invest herself in someone else after so many years together and not become an angry and bitter person? So far with help from more rational people like yourself I think I am winning that battle. It's still a day to day ordeal for me but it is getting easier.

Not being able to understand her thinking or motivation creates all of these possible scenarios that makes you wonder if you ever will truely know what made her decide to abandon the house, friends ,the dog and me. Can starting over at 46 be more attractive than what she left behind? Am I the problem? I'd like to think that I'm not, but what was? Clarity of thought for me used to be a blessing. I live a simple life and do simple things for my recreation. Hunting , fishing, golf and an occasional trip up to Tahoe to ski. Life was full of day to day stuff that was plenty to keep me occupied and I was never tempted to put the complexities of an A into it. What made her or Midnight decide that life was not exciting or complete without these A's?

Maybe I am just too simple to understand the attraction or the excitement. Maybe that is why it has shaken me so badly and taken me so much time and effort to start to recover. I have learned a great deal about the people around me and I have come to see that that there is much I have ignored and chosen not to see.

Her family now is in complete chaos. Younger brother #1 is awaiting his trial for his 5th DUI and was detained last weekend by security guards at a local casino for getting into a drug induced brawl with his equally drugged up brother on NYE. All of this occurred while B#1's 9yr old son was with them. EXIL's were called to get the granchild and couldn't seem to get there. Where my EX was is anybody's guess. None of them had enough sense to call me or one of my kids to help. And I thought brother #2 finally had his house in order. B#1 came by last night and filled me in on all of what is happening. Such a schmuck I am, I had no idea! Trust can be a fault if not given appropriately. Mine will be hard earned from now on!

I have been spending a lot of time thinking about what has been the hardest thing for me to accept in relation to the A. For now I have decided it is the fact that someone I trusted so completely could be such a disappointment in that regard after such a long period of marriage. And I belive that is how I think of her now. She disappointed herself, the kids, her family and me all in one fell swoop. Not in the fact that she wanted to change her life , but in the way she chose to handle it. She took the easy way out for herself and built a soft landing for herself in that she had someone to help her make the change and support her in doing it. I do believe now that this is an exit A for her. He is not the end for her just a means.

Sorry to vent tonight, I am just getting all of the garbage in my head out there and maybe I can quit dwelling on it so much. I hope all is well for you and that you can get back to the beach soon.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/05/06 02:18 AM

I am sorry I missed the chance to chat the other night. I would have enjoyed your wisdom.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/05/06 05:14 AM
Hey Dukhuntr,

I tried to go to bed early tonight. I am afraid I couldn't settle down. The dog is with daddy and the room seemed quiet. I missed his snoring and little sleepy woof woofs.

Before I knew it I was weepy and feeling sad. So I decided to get up, poke around in the fridge (opting in the end on cereal and milk) and see if anyone was around to chat.

It is rainy tonight. There is thick rolling fog. All the street lights have halos. It suits my mood.

Dunkhuntr, in reading your last post I find I disagree. I don't believe your wife 'took the easy way out and built a soft landing for herself'. I think Harley has seen this scenario played out enough times to offer some very valid observations. He believes that affairs are relationships based on deceit and lying. Relationship based on deceit and lying in the end never make anyone happy. I don't think that in the long run her current situation will prove to be easy for her either.

It is hard to deal with the hurt, betrayal and feeling of abandonment. They are just feelings though - they will pass.

Much more important are the decisions you make. You can choose not to judge her. You can choose not to judge yourself. You can choose to remember the good times fondly and be thankful for them. You can choose to find things to look forward to.

I find when I am at my worst. One of the best things, I can do is take the dog for a long walk. That way at least one of us is happy. Plus being outside and moving seem to make the turmoil easier to deal with. Surely in your area, there are places where simply being there - makes you feel better.

The problem with hurting so bad. Is that our thoughts quite naturally focus on our hurt and on ourselves. Perhaps the best way to circumvent the circle thinking is to start thinking about someone else. Focus on someone else's concerns just to give your brain a rest. It will make it easier to cope, sleep and smile.

I know none of this fair. LIFE IS NOT FAIR!. You can however make it interesting. A quick look around and you will see many many people who are dealing with much harsher problems. No feeling sorry for yourself! It doesn't help!

Lets add up just how bad it really is:

You are healthy.

Employed in a job that while busy is one you enjoy.

You have two loving children who care very much about you.

You have a marvelously talented dog who adores you.

You live in a nice house with friendly neighbours.

Both your parents love and support you.

You have many friends who love and support you.

You have many talents, cooking among them that recommend your company to the fairer sex!

You know you can pay your bills. You know that you can on a whim go out and have fun for an evening. Alot of people can't.

All in all, even though you are grief stricken and coping with a very big loss there are still probably hundreds of millions of people on this planet who would switch places with you in a heart beat if they could.

It doesn't seem so bad when you really look at it from 30 paces back or perhaps more aptly put several thousand miles away!

I hope you feel better soon. What happened to the blonde cutie? Why not give her a call?


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/05/06 06:53 AM
Hey there Paradise,

I've been out with my fantasy football league at our year end banquet or I would have gotten back to you sooner. We ended up watching the USC-Texas game and having a really good time. Want to hear another coinsidence? One of our league members is the EX's landlord! Reno is a really small town!

You are right as usual. I have much to be thankful for and should not be feeling sorry for myself. I do miss her so much though. Just seeing her the other night tore me up again and that was just a hello and how are you. I wrote her a letter and I have not sent it yet asking her to attempt to tell me how this happened and what her thoughts were in making the decisions she has made. I lost it in the restaurant or somewhere in between work and there. Now I am not sure I want to send it. What purpose would it serve other than to frustrate me even more? What do you think? Would knowing Midnights thoughts and emotions help you recover faster? Do you think either of them could express their thoughts in a way we would understand? I am not going to send it yet I am going to re-read it a few times and try to make it as clear and unemotional as I can first.

As for the blonde she is way too focused on other priorities to make me one. She told me after the last "date" she would not be able to see me until after the holidays and I called her yesterday and no response. I don't believe she is that interested. I think I still give off the wounded soul vibe and she can sense it. I know I still feel awkward and unsettled when I do go out with someone else. Even just female friends make me feel this way. I think I need more time to let the baggage lighten up some more. For now it will be me, the dog and the ducks!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/05/06 07:42 AM

Hey Dukhuntr,

I keep trying to get to sleep and for some reason tonight...I just cannot settle down. Oh well...

I think writing letters to express concerns, vent emotions is a really great strategy. In this case, however, I would not send it to her - period. I think your best hope for a reconciliation is to stick with some amalgam of the 180 or Plan B approach.

Asking her why tells her that you are still hurting... You have a much better chance of success sticking to the proven strategies...

It is hard seeing them. I go a country mile to avoid it but when I do I am unfailing polite and considerate with Mr. Midnight. Just good practice I think...

I wouldn't be discouraged with your lady friend. She may be just giving you some space to heal...


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/05/06 06:35 PM
Thanks Paradise,

By the way you forgot one big thing I have going for me! I have you and Holiday and Eibrab to talk to! I think you have been the biggest influence on my life these past few months and I can't thank you enough. Wisdom and patience with fools like me all in one package. Midnight is an idiot!

I hope today is going better for you and get some sleep girl! I know what those moody restless nights do to your body and soul.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/05/06 11:30 PM

I am awash in grimy misery and smelly disappointment. My heart is as black and dingy as thrice worn socks.

Today, for a brief, precious, wildly exhilerating moment, I was doing laundry. It was an estatic moving experience.

I have been laundry deprived since the day after I returned from Prague. My attached dryer/washing machine appeared to leak. I promptly put it out for recycling, did a quick consumer review - then bought a new spiffy set of front loading machines at a major department store on October 30.

They were to be delivered November 8. I stayed home with low sudsing detergent at the ready. They arrived with no dryer and a damaged washer. November 18 they arrived with a dryer and a damaged washer. November 29 they arrived with both machines intact. However,we could not install them because the washers were worn inside the taps. The reason for the leak! I apparently didn't need to buy new laundry equipment at all.

The taps were repaired two days later and the machines were installed. The washer filled with water, drained water but did not agitate. I and the dog spent many hours cross legged in front of it trying to understand the problem, instructions laid out before us. He is of little help in such situations but he does like to lick my face when I am at floor level.

December 24 they were to arrive and take the defective machine back and replace it with a new washer. They didn't show. Merry Christmas - not! When I called they told me my dryer was back ordered to Jan 12th!. I didn't need a new dryer! I did not ask for a new dryer! The new one works fine.

Jan 4th a new year! They delivered the new washer and took away the defective one. Moving both washer and dryer back into a narrow laundry closet. I was not at home,

Coming home and seeing the new machines sitting there pristine, white, at the ready to render my clothes clean, made my heart sing with joy.

I quickly gathered a small load of jeans (2 pairs) and eagerly doled out detergent into its neat little compartment. I reached to press the buttons -nothing happened. No lights, no whirring noise just soul wrenching silence. They had not plugged either machine in!

I could not budge the two stacked units to get behind them to plug them in although I tried from all angles.

For two days I have been on the phone begging, pleading to get someone to come and move the units so they both can be plugged in. I was assured someone would be here yesterday afternoon. No one came.

Mr. Midnight dropped off the dog this morning. He tried to move them and could not get them out either. He did however manage to climb on top of the dryer, tip both machines forward and reach down to plug them in. Practically doing a hand stand, while wondering aloud, if I wasn't going to have to go get help to rescue him.

I can only see his stocking feet while he is doing this. I haven't seen his bare toes in almost six months. They are unruly, knobby, freckly and scatttered very unlike my neat straight little ones, but I find I miss them.

This afternoon the washing machine was working with the blissful muted sounds of expensive engineering. I was smiling broadly cozy at the thought of tide fresh sheets.

Then in a spllt second - a grinding ominous roar and piercing heartbreak! The ill fated washer hit the spin cycle like a two engine cessna accerlerating for take off with a full load of pressed steel, shaking so violently - drywall starts to fly. Drowning out my phone conversation from 40 feet away until I quickly powered it down. The dog hid. I stood there gobsmacked. This just cannot be!

It is now 66 days into my sad saga of laundry woe - I am starting to suspect that dark forces are at work. I must be in a cosmic no clean clothes zone ....
The dog and I dined on a burger in the park. Chilly eating outside, unfortunately unlike Europe, doggie patrons are quite unwelcome.

I went through Mr. Midnight's phone bill tonight. I don't have all her numbers any more, but he is still clearly enthralled.

It gives me a creepy feeling really. I literally think she could saw my arm off in front of him and he would still pant at her feet.

The only plus side is that his behaviour is so out there bizarre - it is almost a stereotype - after only a few minutes of conversation - you can tell he is crazy/addicted/out of control really. He is wound up like a top...speaks very fast and only of himself quite boastfully .. constantly incredibly disorganized. His new nickname at work is 'Loopy'. He has been rendered senseless in a fashion but it is not his natural state.

I think my husband is sick. Truly sick.. Whenever he has been sick before once close to dying...I have been able to find a remedy... to nurse him back to health.

With this I can find no remedy. This is almost like dealing with a bush fire... you have to let it burn itself out and keep yourself diligently hosed down or else you end up tinder too!

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/06/06 07:14 AM
Oh Paradise!

Okay you have crossed over into new territories in writing now. Comedy you can do. ROFLMAO funny! Wet doggie kisses always make for an enjoyable experience, it's like they know you are completely flustered.

I went out tonight in an experiment and it was sucessful. I went to the Thursday night wine tasting as normal, struck up a conversation with a woman, asked her to have dinner with me and ended up taking two women. Just friends having dinner and I enjoyed it. No uncomfortable feelings just good wine and good company. I can be normal! I felt uneducated but comfortable. The one I met tonight was originally from Munich and is in Nano Technology. The other gal was a friend of a friend and joined us at the last minute because she heard we were going to Sushi. She owns her own computer consulting business and is mega sharp compared to simple old me. Two beautiful women having dinner with fat,old and ugly me! No one would believe it if I told them.

I am surprised you did not push Midnight in while in an unprotected position. Brainwwashing perhaps? Nah, nothing there to wash! An injection of sense is his only hope.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/06/06 07:27 AM

Hey Dukhuntr,

I am happy to hear you had a great evening. The world is full of interesting people. You have to just open yourself to it...

The dog and I watched the Wedding Crashers - very funny movie. I saw it at the theatre but I joined my friends a little late and missed the beginning. It is still really funny the second time around....

I am starting to yawn... so off to bed. I hope you and the pup have a good night's sleep...


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/07/06 01:00 AM
Hi Paradise!

Just a quick hello and I am off to the duck marsh. It's been three weeks and I am anxious to get back out there. The dog has been restless also so it will be fun.

Have a nice weekend and I will try to post Sunday night when I get home.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/09/06 12:52 AM
Paradise, Eibrab, Holiday.

I hope all of you are well and happy on this beautiful Sunday evening! Duck hunting was terrible and all the dog and I could manage was one goose. A first for the dog too! Normally she will not retrieve a goose. She used to stand on them and bark. This goose landed in the water for a change and she grabbed it by the neck and brought it in. She did spit it out once she hit dry ground but she got it to me and thats all that counts!

If anybody's out there tonight chime in I will be checking back regularly! I need some third party wisdom from people more intelligent than myself! My IC is telling me to do something completely opposite of what I have told you guys I want to do and I'm not sure why.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/10/06 05:06 AM
Hi All,

Back from 3 days in a winter wonderland. It was great. Slowly settling in, unpacking, and believe it or not trying to decide on what to have for dinner at midnight our time! I think I will opt for pasta, I like it with lots of sauce. The dog just likes the sauce.

I bought a great DVD this weekend which I had heard about from friends; "What the Bleep Do We Know" It is a movie that interviews a variety of scientists and discovers that science at the boundaries of our understanding is really alittle weird. I watched it twice.

There is a website which list many of the books by scientists who were interviewed for the film. The link is below.

Plus I am attaching a link for one book about how the energy of our emotions affects water molecules. Which is really wild and worth a look? It adds a whole new dimension to the power of negative thinking and conversely the power of positive thinking.

I hope everyone is well. Sweet Dreams...


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/12/06 03:39 AM
Hey Paradise,

Wherethebleep you been hiding? You must be getting tired of the endless mindnumbing ramblings I have been throwing out there huh? I hope you are well and doing at least as well as I am. I have been feeling pretty good lately. Too busy to ruminate and just enjoying each day as it comes for a change.

How are you doing? I'm guessing you have been curled up with your new books and the dog and just relaxing. Even close? Has the northern freezer weather let up at all? We have had better weather here than in December. The duck hunting went in the tank and we are all guessing they headed back up north, not south. Where have Eibrab and Holiday disappeared to? I miss hearing from them. Have a nice evening and I will talk to you soon. I have to go calm the dog. My son's girlfriend is tormenting her by asking her if she wants to go hunting. She goes psycho when she hears those words and it takes an hour to calm her down. She is scratching at the door and head butting it as I write this. I may have to sedate her if I don't stop Niki from teasing her!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/12/06 04:40 AM

Coming home from work, purely by chance, I ran into my pert, cute as button, 19 year old niece (on my husband's side). She saw me from across the street and ran for a block to catch up. I had no plans (other than doing laundry by hand in the sink!). She had no plans, so we decided to lyme.

We picked up the dog, dropped off my briefcase and then hit a sushi bar for dinner. I watched her eat - remembering the baby, the toddler, the little girl and now the gorgous young woman - all equally charming and captivating. With a worldly, thoughtful air, her conversation ranged from the merits of thong underwear to how she would deal with my wayward husband. I lisened intently, smiling at her very good sense. Life is a circle.

After lingering over dinner - while the dog waited ever patient on the other side of a glass window, we opted to do a walk about - that in turn led to some serious clothes shopping for her. We did her birthday presents early, very early. She twirled around, struck run way poses in a wild variety of outfits - while chattering nonstop. It is relaxing really - one only has to nod and murmur once in a while.

Four hours disappeared like four minutes. Waving goodby as she jumped on a bus, I let the dog pull me to the park and his favourite bench. I sat there happy; thinking of all the days and evenings over the last summer where I had sat in exactly the same spot ... so very unhappy breathing was hard. Time does heal.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/16/06 01:55 AM
Hi Paradise,

Just finishing my day of cleaning, laundry, and groceries. Day to day stuff that just seems to occupy your mind and time more than you give it credit for. How are you? I've been checking back to hear from you and I hope you are well. Have you been treating the dog to some peace and quiet sans the costumes?

Work and my friends have been keeping me busy and entertained. Seems like everyone I know is in the let's fix dukhuntr up with a date mode. I've met two really nice women through my friends and even took one out last night to dinner and a basketball game. We had a great time and she's a very interesting person. I just can't seem to get too excited about this dating scene though. I don't think I am capable of sustaining anything serious yet and I think she felt it too. I felt fine being with her and being flirtatious and all, but I kept looking for reasons to keep it simple and light. Fear of rejection or lack of trust? Could be either or both I think. I know most of her family and they are really good people, but I still kept my guard up the whole night and I'm not sure why.

To give you an example, we stopped by my house after the game to check on the dog and to make sure my son was not having another impromptu party again. While we were here I went to let the dog in and she stopped me because she is allergic to dogs. I think that may be why her eyes looked watery all night. Too much time in proximity to someone who spends most of his free time with a 70lb black Lab. The night seemed to take a major downturn from there. We went to quiet tavern and had a nice long conversation about one another and a nightcap but it seemed to fizzle from the house on. Could just be me but it sure didn't feel natural after that. Could also be that my ego and psyche are slow to heal and mend.

I do worry about not hearing from you too. Are you doing okay? How are things moving along up in canuk land? Any good stories come out of the Midnight files lately? Take a few minutes when you can and give me a reassuring note on your well being. I do miss hearing from you. You have been a big source of inspiration and reassurance for me for a long time now and I miss our little chats. I'm still a work in process and a really messed up one at that so don't give up on me yet!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/16/06 11:07 PM
Hi Dukhuntr,

We are well here. BBBBRRRRR It is going down to -20 C tomorrow and very cold right now.

I have been taking three day weekends at the cottage for the last several weekends and sans lap top. I haven't been able to post. This coming weekend will be my last weekend up there for the season. I will miss it very much. I really like the place and have been entertaining non-stop.

My Mom is doing well too. I stopped by there on my way back tonight to take her to lunch. She is looking better lately.

Dog is by far and away the happiest. He loves the cottage. It means having wind blown walks on a different but very appealing beach and long quiet hikes on forest trails. After his time outside, he lays down content in the midst of several people preparing large meat oriented dinners. Woof Woof....

Life goes on. I am doing all my normal stuff - back to my day to day routine.

I missed going to a 50th wedding anniversary party on Sunday. Mr. Midnight was there with the OW and her other boyfriend. I heard via the grape vine that it was interesting watching the three of them. I am not sure what is going on but it sounds messy and awkward to me.

He really is acting like an addict. Apparently you can get addicted to any neuro peptide... ones produced by anger, fear, love, and perhaps the excitement certain people bring you.

I watched What the Bleep Do We Know for a third time last night. Mind blowing to think that the material world as we know it is best compared to a hollow deck. Matter is largely empty space with only tiny bits of structure that disappear and reappear and can even appear in two places at once. Wild....

You sound good. I am glad you are getting out. I would hazard a guess that the dating scene will take some getting use to. It does get better gradually doesn't it.

I am off to my Dharma class.... I hope everyone has a great night...


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/17/06 06:32 AM
Hello Paradise!

I was getting a little worried about you and it was for no reason. You sound great! Midnight is involved in a sandwich relationship now? He is an idiot! Sounds like a buck in full rut to me. Thats just my hunter showing, but he shows all the same characteristics. Nose to the ground in hot pursuit of the doe in season. Deer in this condition will ignore normal dangers and end up tied to some redneck's truck like mine. You couldn't be so lucky as to have the other boyfriend end up being a redneck though.

Yes this dating stuff is stressful to say the least! I am not big on fashion, but it took three tries to get dressed Saturday night. For a man who usually throws on a pair of jeans and a button down shirt of any color this was a gut wrentching experience. A slave to fashion? I did enjoy the evening so that was good. We'll see how it goes from here. I do hope it gets easier and more comfortable with each new experience.

Okay, what in the world is Dharma? Reruns of the Dharma and Greg TV series in a classroom setting? A class taught by the Dali Llama's dyslexic brother? What? First it's What the bleep and now Dharma. You seem to be going for the cosmic experiences now. It takes a week to learn to define what you are doing before you can practice doing it. Whatever happened to plain old aerobics?

I am truely glad you are well and that the dog had a good time at the cottage scent marking his new territory. HAve a great week and I will let you know if I get a followup on the date. It doesn't look too promising since she says she is allergic to dogs and that girl is still my best friend. Smelly breath and gas but still always happy to see me and she always gets excited when I talk to her.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/17/06 10:42 PM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Dharma loosely translates as teachings in this instance it applies to buddism and meditation practice. I like this particular group - only four of us. We read a select number of passages in a variety of texts and discuss them. All the ideas presented are intriguing. I find many of the concepts are worth thinking about at length.

Mr. Midnight sounds lost and unhappy of late. I spend some time every day - wishing him well. It calms me and makes me feel better. The more I read about the male mid life crisis, the more I believe he is a text book example. Sometimes they don't really come out of it. I miss the man I married very much at times.

I find grief just grabs me out of the blue every once in awhile. Often at awkward times or places I literally flood with tears and that clenched feeling of intense grief. In rare moments, I even find I am crying without being aware I am crying.

Loss is always hard to deal with. It puts you face to face with the impermanent nature of our lives, relationships, our world as a whole.

There are other moments where I feel as though parts of me are stretching out, breathing deeper - relieved and content. It is a confusing time.

On a happier note, I am giddy with excitement. They are coming this evening to install a kit which will allow my washer to work properly. It has now been 79 days since I paid for the machines. I have yet to see them work properly.

Perhaps as a boost to your romantic confidence, you should invite your daughter to take you shopping for a new dating wardrobe - say a couple of classic items that will stand you in good stead. It is always helpful to have a feminine perspective - a fun outing that just might make these first tentative evenings alittle easier.

Mr. Midnight still calls me to ask what he should wear to any variety of functions. I find it funny. I am mildly sarcastic in my suggestions but he is so self absorbed these days he doesn't get it. "Well does she like you in blue?" I hate being droll when no one laughs but me!

I hope you and pup have a great night... Smelly breathe? Her teeth need brushing. Petsmart has chicken flavoured enzyme toothpaste. It is yummy apparently. Even if you just rub it on her teeth with your finger it will be better than naught. It stops the decay and helps to make their mouths smell better. She will think it is a treat! So will you in the morning after all those sloppery wake up kisses...





Oh &^*&%, they arrived with the wrong kit. I still cannot use the washer. The delivery men I believe were taken aback at the level of my frustration, nor would they believe I have been waiting 79 days! I asked them to simply remove both machines I will buy them elsewhere. They refused to do so without head office direction. Poop! Double Poop!

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/18/06 02:23 AM
Hello Dharma Queen,

I knew women had large wardrobes , but 79 days without washing must be a record! I could do that in college but it would get ugly pretty quick now. I bet the neighbors will appreciate it too. No wonder the dog wants to walk so much. Does he tend to stay on the upwind side of you on your walks?

Yes my wardrobe needs a tune-up of sorts. I have slacks and dress shirts for work but I tend to go more casual everywhere else. Finding nice casual clothes takes more effort than I usually expend on shopping. Do you think Cabela's would have some nice stuff? I shop that catalog regularly, usually for camo gear. I got the dog a nice camo floatation vest there. That would look good wouldn't it, show up for a date in a nice camo shirt and briar proof jeans with hunting boots too! I would skip the camo baseball cap for her! Sounds like a redneck joke doesn't it? All that is missing is a can of snuff and a bag of pork rinds.

I try not to put anything I want to keep attached to my hand anywhere near this dog's mouth. Sneaking her a snack can cause blood loss so I'm not sure I want to try and brush those rather large canine's. I will try it once and refer the physician to you for treatment advise.

My date from Saturday night called me today! A minor miracle in my opinion. She wanted to know if I would go to the Safari Club's convention and exhibition with her. She asked me to go see dead animals, guns, knives and hunting and fishing guides all in one place. She didn't know if I would want to go or not. She has a lot to learn about the "dukhuntr". At $200 american per pass I said to get four and we would go twice. She works at the casino resort hosting the convention and gets them for free. I like this woman more and more each minute!

Well off to enjoy my home cooked meal of deer salami, dry jack cheese and a handful of raw almonds. It is lazy but still within reason on my post holiday "eating plan". Have a peaceful and relaxing evening. I started reading a Ludlum book last night and finished half of it by 1:30am. Going to finish it tonight I hope and early too. I can't remember the last time I felt relaxed enought to read something other than an MB book or something similar. Is that a light I see at the end of this tunnel?
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/18/06 02:40 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Actually, between the dry cleaners and hand laundry I have been staying pretty much on top of the clothes I just keep going out and buying new sheets though. Although of late my Mom has been doing laundry for me. She irons the sheets. There is nothing truly nicer than sleeping in a bed made up with ironed linen.

I am cleaning tonight - floors and carpets. Although curling up with a suspense novel sounds like more fun.

Enjoy.... Isn't it nice to be normal again!

Snuff? Please tell me you don't use snuff?

Holiday? Eirab? Familycomesfirst? Everyone O.K.?


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/18/06 07:09 AM

You are too much! I make fun of your predicament with the washer and dryer and you take me seriously? I was just ribbing you a little. I hope you know that.

I think I am becoming normal again. I am starting to feel normal once more. I know the thoughts and dwelling only occur in short and ugly bursts anymore. My ability to relax and have fun are definitely back. I think it took my work and the pressures there to snap me back into reality again.
As for the snuff I have to confess to starting up again after quitting 5 years ago. Alcohol and depression mixed with friends who still dip added up to a readdiction. I will quit again soon I promise, I have made the same promise already to the kids.

What do you think about the gal asking me if I wanted to go to the Safari Club convention? She's in for an eye opener huh! How are you coming along towards feeling normal? It is definitely not the same normal as before but I hope it will be as relaxed and peaceful. There is a different rhythm to life now. Less forced and fewer influences from outside my home. Fewer relatives for sure. We'll have to wait and see how we both adapt to the new rhythm to see if we can dance to the beat or stumble along on the sidelines. I think you will be gliding along as light as a feather and as graceful as ever. Me, I will have to shed my hunting boots and learn to dance a little better.

Happy cleaning!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/18/06 07:28 AM
This post is from another site - the link is below:

It was very appropo for my situation and perhaps the situation other readers find themselves in...

"It isn’t enough!"

He says: “We have the house, two cars, the summer place, and all of this but I’m not happy and I haven’t been for the past two years. I need my space. I feel trapped. I want to get away. My job sucks and it has for a while; I feel like I’m at a dead end and I feel crowded in with our marriage…” Hang on women you are in for one ****** of a ride!
This man is primed for a mid-course correction and it is going to take some time.
We receive letters daily from wives of these men that have visited and have not joined the Forum, seeking some kind of help so that they can help their husbands. Nearly all of these letters end with the question: ”what can I do? If I feel that the person may be open to some dialogue I will ask if they meant “what can I do for him?” or if they meant “what can I do for me?”. The correct question is the latter but I often suspect they have meant the former.

So, what can you do for him?
The quick answer to that question is “absolutely nothing”.
Wives tend to want to “fix it”; but this cannot be fixed by a wife of a man in mid-course correction or by anyone else for that matter. He must face this alone.

What would happen if I just frankly spoke the truth?
If I was in your living room right now and had your earnest attention and was free to speak my heart into your heart, what would I say?
If you can bear my honest answer then read on.
If you don’t feel that you are ready then hit your “back button” and visit another thread.
Does this seem reasonable to you?
Okay, I assume that anyone reading from this point on is “with me” on this. Here is my heart-to-heart:
When your husband outlines to you what I wrote in my opening paragraph or variations of the same – you are now in your own crisis at midlife. I don’t believe so much that only a man enters a midlife crisis but rather that a couple enter a midlife crisis. Many of the women who have dared to examine themselves through the MLC Quiz on our website will find that suddenly they appear to score high themselves in the results. Many, many wives report that “I didn’t ask for this, I didn’t do anything to deserve this, and now I’m hurting and in all of this pain”. Dear One, he has said the same thing but he never vocalized it to you. His “sudden” slide into midlife crisis has triggered your own of a different sort. Hear me out …

What we know as male midlife crisis is really a mid-course correction for men. Daniel Levinson describes three essential tasks for men at midlife that begin with his Reappraisal of his life to date along with his choices with an eye to the future. Mixed into this reappraisal is the testing of these choices and the establishing of new ones that will survive the second half of life. The questions that he might ask are nearly the same as a young man following puberty:

1. Where will I live?
• How has my choice of location affected my life and should it change?
• Is this home a good choice for our future or has it been the thing that binds me in this career? Oddly enough many men renovate, build, or purchase a new home prior to the above speech.

2. What about my job; my career?
• Is this what I want to be doing 15 years from now?
• Am I happy in my work?
• I feel trapped in this hamster wheel; what if I had the freedom to change jobs?
• What would I do if I could make new job choices just for me right now?

3. What about my marriage?
• Will I stay married?
• What if I had a different partner?
• What factors about our marriage affect the way I feel right now?
• Is she my soul mate? The only one for me?
• Will I be happy the rest of my life in this marriage?
• Will I regret my marriage choice when I’m 65 years old?

Do you see what I’m getting at? A midlife crisis is a time of midcourse correction where he will test these former decisions in the light of how he feels now and in view of his future. Tell me, how many of these same questions have you been forced to address in recent days for yourself?

Let’s talk about hormones.
The sullen reality for a man in midlife is the decline of serum testosterone in his body that has encountered a sharper drop around age 40 – 50 and has triggered the mood feelings that he has never encountered before along with its corresponding male depression. I have always said that what we call midlife crisis is really a euphemism for midlife male depression and more so the antidotes we employ to assuage it. Thus if we could write this into an equation it could appear something like this:
----- > 40ish ---- > andropause ---- > depression ---- > midlife transition ----- >

What of your own hormones? You too have needed to deal with the hormone changes at midlife.

Can we agree to some measure then that you too are in a crisis at midlife?

My frank advise:
• Address the same top three life decisions that he is facing for you – Where will I live? What about my job? (Financial future). What of my marriage; will I remain married?

• Begin immediately to plan your life as though he were not in your future.

• Detach. He wants his space and will find one way or another to get it. Don’t resist it at the expense of your own well being. Begin now to reinvent yourself in view of your own independence.

• If he commits adultery and is engaged in the life of another woman contact an attorney and initiate divorce proceedings without delay. Secure your marital property, retirement funds, savings, and finances by court order. Do not wait until these have all dried away with his midlife foray. Lavish spending is an earmark of men in midlife crisis.

• Become self sufficient. Train now for job reentry if you have not been employed outside of the home. Find work to supplement your income. Prepare your future as though he will never again be in it.

• Become involved and not only a reader of the FortySixty Forum. One needs only to follow the postings of those that have been posting here most frequently to acknowledge the difference in their lives. The support in both the forums and private messaging and mentoring is second to none in the world; believe me, I have looked. Your silence creates an emotional trap of its own; you need to voice your feelings and your growth – do it here, do it now, do not delay.

Does this mean that you give up hope for him and your marriage? No!
It means that you have capitalized on the most adverse trial of your life.

My research indicates that the average duration of a midlife crisis is presently standing at between four and five years - at the outsides as little as two weeks and as long as ten years. By doing the above you preserve and better not only your self but preserve the potential physical structure of the marriage. We do not need to recite case histories of waste and mismanagement of the finances of men in midlife crisis; there is volumes already written. When he reaches up from the bottom of life one of you will be well positioned to avoid making this the restart point of rebuilding your marriage. I’m not asking you to take this responsibility on but rather suggesting it as a pragmatic approach to holding on to hope.

Thank you for inviting me into your living room today that we might be honest and talk. And isn’t this a lot better than just crudely saying as others might “He’s gone, its over, get over it and get on with your life”.
So tell me how you feel right now about this.



It’s about Putting Yourself at Risk
It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly . . . who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who have never known neither victory nor defeat.
— Teddy Roosevelt
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/18/06 07:42 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Sorry, my neverending laundry woes have scrubbed any humor I find in the situation.

Re the date, I believe she is showing her good taste and discernment. I know you both will enjoy the Safari Club do. Let your sense of fun out! Perhaps I should revisit the wording of that.

I am happy that life is starting to trend normal again for you. Time does work wonders doesn't it.

It is ridiculously late here. One last walk for dog and then I am off to dream.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/19/06 03:57 AM
Hi All,

I found a couple interesting articles tonight that I thought you might find thought provoking.




Today is my birthday. It has been kind of a week long celebration starting last weekend and ending next weekend. I am blessed with very kind wonderful friends. I say prayers of thanks for this daily. I had some great emails, several singing phone calls and assorted in public serenades. I blush when someone sings to me. I think I like it almost as well as dancing!

After dining with friends, I am now home happily pulling apart a storage cupboard. There is alot of spiritual relief to be had by giving away stuff you don't need. It also allows for more space to buy more things that you don't need.

I am making piles of sports equipment for just about every sport imaginable. Some outdated stuff I will parcel up, other items, like my canoe paddle I have to sit and fondle for a while. I love canoeing.

Cat Stevens is on the cd player. It reminds me of many teen age nights spent in a girlfriend's room where we lisened to this album again and again while debating the merits of hairspray, push up bras and giggling over any number of gangly youths. She is in Africa now. I am going to send her a long email tonight to tell her how much I miss her.

It is my first birthday on my own. I had a business call with Mr. Midnight this morning after about 20 minutes, just as he was about to hang up he said " Oh by the way, Happy Birthday!" I didn't think he would remember.

Birthdays I always find are interesting days. They are a time when you sit back on your heels and say wow I am a year older and what exactly do I want to do with this next year of my life.... I think also they are a time to appreciate what you have experienced, to indulge in happy memories. I have so many!

Time is really very precious. We grossly misuse it and fail to appreciate its fleeting nature. I pulled out a wedding gift tonight and put it aside for my wayward half. His colour scheme is brown this is a lovely Birk's ceramic vase - cream with bits of brown still in its elegant blue box. The card reads " May you always be as happy as you are today." Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder if he will stop and read it with any sense of irony.

I hope everyone is well out there tonight. I know there are many who are hurting very badly. Even amidst all that searing pain please know it will pass....
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/19/06 06:17 AM

May all your wishes come true and all of your thoughts be happy. I hope you had a wonderful day and I hope you have a peaceful sleep tonight.

Pleasant dreams!
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/19/06 07:43 AM
Oh my HAPPY BIRTHDAY paradise!!!

No, I haven't fallen off the planet. Just have had so much work to do lately as well as trying to do the Body for Life fitness workouts.

Also my girlfriend of 17 years had a heart attack last week and I need to go for a visit to Laughlin this Friday. She is 58 years old and this is her second in 2 years .

Next week, hopefully, if my bestest friend Terry in CA feels up to it, I am planning a trip to visit with him. He has his third chemo on the 20th, please keep him in your prayers.
Bought a new car, and am now painting the salesman's townhome (he has sold us two cars in the past 2 years and we have become friends). Tonight his general manager wants me to paint his home, yikes...what have I got myself into.

I will try to take some time and read all your postings. Looks like you have all been so busy.

Hello DH...I will check on you also.

You are in my prayers...Peace,


Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam) is an old favorite...Teaser and the Firecat (IF I LAUGH) was one of my favorite albums in high school...still have them boxed in the closet, with no stereo that will play them. Guess I need to upgrade them to CD.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/20/06 03:24 AM
Hi Holiday,

Thank you for the Birthday wish. I am still praying for Terry and John. I keep a list of people I try to send positive blessings too. In fact I do this walking in the street with strangers I see. Oddly the more positive thoughts you try to emote, the more it feels like you have to give. Both men, I know are facing very dark challenges. I am happy you will get to spend some time with him next week. It is a good sign that he is up for company.

I am sorry about your girlfriend, when people we love get sick it hurts. I think I will add her to my list.

Cat Stevens, Oh my those dark broody eyes of his... I still really like his music. It brings back very carefree memories.

House painting. You are a woman of many talents, Holiday. I like that. I like people with diverse talents. It means they try things and they keep trying.

How is Hubby's progress with the books. Some parts of it must be fun - learning has rich rewards. It is exercise for the brain.

I went to see the Producers tonight with a couple of friends. We sat around afterwards over a quick coffee. It felt like a perfectly normal evening to me. Normal is very malable reference point these days.

Six guests are coming to the cottage this weekend, plus all our regular cottage mates. It will be busy, fun and crowded.

Last night, I made a huge mess in my foyer pulling apart a closet. Putting things back is the next thing on my agenda. I think I will put on one of your favourite Cat Stevens albums and get busy. "I lisen to the wind, to the wind of my soul. Where I'll end up well I think God only knows ..

Wishing you and yours well and happy...


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/20/06 04:36 AM

Hi Dukhuntr,

Thank you for the birthday wish. I am in a very good mood tonight. I was reading one of your last posts. What exactly is deer salami? Venison? Is there a brand name for this delicacy? I think I will try it.

I am postponing my to do list items. I have paperwork to get done tonight and some tidying up and organizing to do...

Instead, I took the dog for a walk and stood in the park chatting with a very nice couple, feeding bickies to their dog and learning all about the southern parts of Englsnd.

I best get at it... Hope you are out and about having fun tonight!


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/21/06 03:18 AM

No brand name, it is made of venison from deer we have processed ourselves and taken to the local butcher shop. They combine the venison with suet, pork and other secret stuff to make a tasty treat. Much spicier than italian salami and probabbly a little unhealthier too! If you would like some I would send you a stick. Make that a quarter of a 3lb stick. A little goes a long ways.

I was out last night and I am going out again tonight. A friend plays in a band called the Saddle Tramps and is doing a benefit show tonight for another ailing friend. A group of us are going and it should be entertaining to say the least. I need another night of fun, work bites right now and I have to work Sunday to get caught up. Not too much fun though I have to be somewhat cognizant tomorrow for the Safari show with my new friend.

I am struggling with myself having fun with someone like her. Lets call her Safari girl. I'm not sure if I want to be out with someone else yet but at the same time I like her and she seems to be really interested in me. I think it's just fear of rejection and nerves talking but it does make me more reserved than normal around her. What do you think? Is it too soon to be testing the dating scene if these thoughts are still popping up?

What are you thinking these days? I know the sites you have put up here give conflicting thoughts to me so I think you are still searching out new and diffferent ways of looking at your situation. I still say your original thoughts of just being yourself and enjoying every day on its own merits is the best answer. Keeping positive and staying busy is the best medicine. Okay off to the show. Have a wonderful weekend and I will check in later .
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/23/06 03:53 AM

A VERY happy belated Birthday wish to you.

And Dukhunter... I have only skimmed over the posts quickly, but I'm grinning from ear to ear for you.

I've just returned from a a wonderful long break down in Mexico...and yes, I'm a farm girl, so I can share many a funny "snuff" story when I get back in the swing here..

A tanned and smiling,

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/24/06 01:34 AM
Hi Eibrab!

I've been wondering where you have been keeping yourself. Glad to hear you were having fun in the sun! Send a breath of warm air paradise's way, it's been a little chhillyy up there.

Can't chat too much, I'm off to another basketball game with Safari Girl! Even if this doesn't lead anywhere else, I do have fun with this woman. A sense of humor and as independent as all get out. I could be just fine with friends with her no problem.

You sound really good. Have a great evening!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/24/06 03:22 AM
Hola Eibrab,

Mexico... sounds like fun. Shopping for silver, clay pots, sunning on the beach .... drinking those powerful fruity concoctions with little umbrellas... yummmy. I am glad you and yours had a great time.

I hope all is well. I was thinking of Ugh, sorry, Silver today. Give him a hug for me, he must be a very special horse.

I am back from the cottage, and facing loads of work I must get done. I got back just in time to vote. I stood looking at the ballot and ended up voting the same way my Mom did. She is an avid political critic - very up to date on all matters legislative.

We had dinner together tonight. She can be alot of fun. She likes to tease people. Much the way my Dad did. I think their personalities merged at some point. She says she feels him near her alot of the time ....

Blue had a fun weekend. We cooked beer can chicken. Two very large birds, he smells faintly like chicken. It always amuses my guests when I brush his teeth with the electric toothbrush before bed time. He sits calmly - occasionally turning his head to make things easier, not minding the noisey brring sound it makes.

It was a great weekend, alas, I came home with the remains of yet another birthday cake. I am glad it comes only once a year.

I cleaned the place thoroughly before I locked up. Mr. Midnight is going up there this week.

I don't think I know what I want anymore. It is a very confusing situation. I know I still love the man I married. He just doesn't seem to be on the scene anymore. I heard someone else describe her MLC wayward spouse as an alien [censored]. It made me laugh. I am so glad I am not the only one going through this. It really helps to hear the reaction of other people faced with similar challenges.

I am as pleased as you are - at how much happier Dukhuntr sounds. Nothing like an interested female to perk a man up!

Blessing to you and yours,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/24/06 03:34 AM
Hey Dukhuntr,

You go Safari Girl! I am so happy you are having fun. Life is so short. It spins by. Being happy is the only sensible choice in the matter.

Have a great night...


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/24/06 07:36 AM

Hi All,

Pasting doggie quotes provided on another site:

The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue.

Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.
-Ann Landers

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.
-Ben Williams

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.
-Josh Billings

The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.
-Andy Rooney

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.
-M. Acklam

Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate.
-Sigmund Freud

I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult.
-Rita Rudner

A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down.
-Robert Benchley

Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog.
-Franklin P. Jones

If I have any beliefs about immortality, it is that certain dogs I have known will go to heaven, and very, very few persons.
-James Thurber

If your dog is fat, you aren't getting enough exercise.

My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to $3.00 a can. That's almost $21.00 in dog money.
-Joe Weinstein

Ever consider what our dogs must think of us? I mean, here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul -- chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we're the greatest hunters on earth!
-Anne Tyler

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man.
-Mark Twain

You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, 'Wow, you're right! I never would've thought of that!'
-Dave Barry

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.
-Roger Caras

If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them.
-Phil Pastoret

My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/25/06 01:23 AM
Hi All,

This is a long very interesting except from Frank Pittman's book. It was posted by New Outlook over at Fortysixty. Her posts are always very insightful.

It is long but a very worthwhile read. .

Beyond Betrayal: Life After Infidelity -, by Frank Pitman III



All affairs are not alike. The thousands of affairs I've seen seem to fall into four broad categories. Most first affairs are cases of accidental infidelity, unintended and uncharacteristic acts of carelessness that really did "just happen." Someone will get drunk, will get caught up in the moment, will just be having a bad day. It can happen to anyone, though some people are more accident prone than others, and some situations are accident zones.

Many a young man has started his career as a philanderer quite accidentally when he is traveling out of town on a new job with a philandering boss who chooses one of a pair of women and expects the young fellow to entertain the other. The most startling dynamic behind accidental infidelity is misplaced politeness, the feeling that it would be rude to turn down a needy friend's sexual advances. In the debonair gallantry of the moment, the brazen discourtesy to the marriage partner is overlooked altogether.

Both men and women can slip up and have accidental affairs, though the most accident-prone are those who drink, those who travel, those who don't get asked much, those who don't feel very tightly married, those whose running buddies screw around, and those who are afraid to run from a challenge. Most are men.

After an accidental infidelity, there is clearly the sense that one's life and marriage have changed. The choices are:

1. To decide that infidelity was a stupid thing to do, to confess it or not to do so, but to resolve to take better precautions in the future;

2. To decide you wouldn't have done such a thing unless your husband or wife had let you down, put the blame on your mate, and go home and pick your marriage to death;

3. To notice that lightning did not strike you dead, decide this would be a safe and inexpensive hobby to take up, and do it some more;

4. To decide that you would not have done such a thing if you were married to the right person, determine that this was "meant to be," and declare yourself in love with the stranger in the bed.

Romantic Infidelity

Surely the craziest and most destructive form of infidelity is the temporary insanity of failing in love. You do this, not when you meet somebody wonderful (wonderful people don't screw around with married people) but when you are going through a crisis in your own life, can't continuing living your life, and aren't quite ready for suicide yet. An affair with someone grossly inappropriate - someone decades younger or older, someone dependent or dominating, someone with problems even bigger than your own - is so crazily stimulating that it's like a drug that can lift you out of your depression and enable you to feel things again. Of course, between moments of ecstasy, you are more depressed, increasingly alone and alienated in your life, and increasingly hooked on the affair partner. Ideal romance partners are damsels or "dumsels" in distress, people without a life but with a lot of problems, people with bad reality testing and little concern with understanding reality better.

Romantic affairs lead to a great many divorces, suicides, homicides, heart attacks, and strokes, but not to very many successful remarriages. No matter how many sacrifices you make to keep the love alive, no matter how many sacrifices your family and children make for this crazy relationship, it will gradually burn itself out when there is nothing more to sacrifice to it. Then you must face not only the wreckage of several lives, but the original depression from which the affair was an insane flight into escape.

People are most likely to get into these romantic affairs at the turning points of life: when their parents die or their children grow up; when they suffer health crises or are under pressure to give up an addiction; when they achieve an unexpected level of job success or job failure; or when their first child is born - any situation in which they must face a lot of reality and grow up. The better the marriage, the saner and more sensible the spouse, the more alienated the romantic is likely to feel. Romantic affairs happen in good marriages even more often than in bad ones.

Both genders seem equally capable of falling into the temporary insanity of romantic affairs, though women are more likely to reframe anything they do as having been done for love. Women in love are far more aware of what they are doing and what the dangers might be. Men in love can be extraordinarily incautious and willing to give up everything. Men in love lose their heads - at least for a while.



All marriages are imperfect, and probably a disappointment in one way or another, which is a piece of reality, not a license to mess around with the neighbors. There are some marriages that fail to provide a modicum of warmth, sex, sanity, companionship, money. There are awful marriages people can't get all the way into and can't get all the way out of, divorces people won't call off and can't go through, marriages that won't die and won't recover. Often people in such marriages make a marital arrangement by calling in marital aides to keep them company while they avoid living their life. Such practical affairs help them keep the marriage steady but distant. They thus encapsulate the marital deficiency, so the infidel can neither establish a life without the problems nor solve them. Affairs can wreck a good marriage, but can help stabilize a bad one.

People who get into marital arrangements are not necessarily the innocent victims of defective relationships. Some set out to keep their marriages defective and distant. I have seen men who have kept the same mistress through several marriages, arranging their marriages to serve some practical purpose while keeping their romance safely encapsulated elsewhere. The men considered it a victory over marriage; the exploited wives were outraged.

I encountered one woman who had long been involved with a married man. She got tired of waiting for him to get a divorce and married someone else. She didn't tell her husband about her affair, and she didn't tell her affairee about her marriage. She somehow thought they would never find out about one another. After a few exhausting and confusing weeks, the men met and confronted her. She cheerfully told them she loved them both and the arrangement seemed the sensible way to have her cake and eat it too. She couldn't understand why both the men felt cheated and deprived by her efforts to sacrifice their lives to satisfy her skittishness about total commitment.

Some of these arrangements can get quite complicated. One woman supported her house-husband and their kids by living as the mistress of an older married man, who spent his afternoons and weekend days with her and his evenings at home with his own children and his sexually boring wife. People averse to conflict might prefer such arrangements to therapy, or any other effort to actually solve the problems of the marriage.

Unhappily married people of either gender can establish marital arrangements to help them through the night. But men are more likely to focus on the practicality of the arrangement and diminish awareness of any threat to the stability of the marriage, while women are more likely to romanticize the arrangement and convince themselves it is leading toward an eventual union with the romantic partner. Networks of couples may spend their lives half-way through someone's divorce, usually with a guilt-ridden man reluctant to completely leave a marriage he has betrayed and even deserted, and a woman, no matter how hard she protests to the contrary, eternally hopeful for a wedding in the future.


Philandering is a predominantly male activity. Philanderers take up infidelity as a hobby. Philanderers are likely to have a rigid and concrete concept of gender; they worship masculinity, and while they may be greatly attracted to women, they are mostly interested in having the woman affirm their masculinity. They don't really like women, and they certainly don't want an equal, intimate relationship with a member of the gender they insist is inferior, but far too powerful. They see women as dangerous, since women have the ability to assess a man's worth, to measure him and find him wanting, to determine whether he is man enough.

These men may or may not like sex, but they use it compulsively to affirm their masculinity and overcome both their homophobia and their fear of women. They can be cruel, abusive, and even violent to women who try to get control of them and stop the philandering they consider crucial to their masculinity. Their life is centered around displays of masculinity, however they define it, trying to impress women with their physical strength, competitive victories, seductive skills, mastery of all situations, power, wealth, and, if necessary, violence. Some of them are quite charming and have no trouble finding women eager to be abused by them.

Gay men can philander too, and the dynamics are the same for gay philanderers as for straight ones: the obvious avoidance of female sexual control, but also the preoccupation with masculinity and the use of rampant sexuality for both reassurance and the measurement of manhood. When men have paid such an enormous social and interpersonal price for their preferred sexuality, they are likely to wrap an enormous amount of their identity around their sexuality and express that sexuality extensively.

Philanderers may be the sons of philanderers, or they may have learned their ideas about marriage and gender from their ethnic group or inadvertently from their religion. Somewhere they have gotten the idea that their masculinity is their most valuable attribute and it requires them to protect themselves from coming under female control. These guys may consider themselves quite principled and honorable, and they may follow the rules to the letter in their dealings with other men. But in their world women have no rights.

To men they may seem normal, but women experience them as narcissistic or even sociopathic. They think they are normal, that they are doing what every other real man would do if he weren't such a wimp. The notions of marital fidelity, of gender equality, of honesty and intimacy between husbands and wives seem quite foreign from what they learned growing up. The gender equality of monogamy may not feel compatible to men steeped in patriarchal beliefs in men being gods and women being ribs. Monogamous sexuality is difficult for men who worship Madonnas for their sexlessness and berate Eves for their seductiveness.

Philanderers' sexuality is fueled by anger and fear, and while they may be considered "sex addicts" they are really gender compulsives," desperately doing whatever they think wifl make them look and feel most masculine. They put notches on their belts in hopes it will make their penises grow bigger. If they can get a woman to die for them, like opera composer Giacomo Puccini did in real life and in most of his operas, they feel like a real man.



There are female philanderers too, and they too are usually the daughters or ex-wives of philanderers. They are angry at men, because they believe all men screw around as their father or ex-husband did. A female philanderer is not likely to stay married for very long, since that would require her to make peace with a man, and as a woman to carry more than her share of the burden of marriage. Marriage grounds people in reality rather than transporting them into fantasy, so marriage is too loving, too demanding, too realistic, and not romantic enough for them.

I hear stories of female philanderers, such as Maria Riva's description of her mother, Marlene Dietrich. The appear to have insatiable sexual appetites but, on closer examination, they don't like sex much, they do like power over men, and underneath the philandering anger, they are plaintively seeking love.

Straying wives are rarely philanderers, but single women who mess around with married men are quite likely to be. Female philanderer's prefer to raid other people's marriages, breaking up relationships, doing as much damage as possible, and then dancing off reaffirmed. Like male philanderers, female philanderers put their victims through all of this just to give themselves a sense of gender power.

Spider Woman

There are women who, by nature romantics, don't quite want to escape their own life and die for love. Instead they'd rather have some guy wreck his life for them. These women have been so recently betrayed by unfaithful men that the wound is still raw and they are out for revenge. A woman who angrily pursues married men is a "spider woman" - she requires human sacrifice to restore her sense of power.

When she is sucking the blood from other people's marriages, she feels some relief from the pain of having her own marriage betrayed. She simply requires that a man love her enough to sacrifice his life for her. She may be particularly attracted to happy marriages, dearly envious of the woman whose husband is faithful and loving to her. Sometimes it isn't clear whether she wants to replace the happy wife or just make her miserable.

The women who are least squeamish and most likely to wreak havoc on other people's marriages are victims of some sort of abuse, so angry that they don't feel bound by the usual rules or obligations, so desperate that they cling to any source of security, and so miserable that they don't bother to think a bit of the end of it.

Josephine Hart's novel Damage, and the recent Louis Malle film version of it, describe such a woman. She seduces her fiancee's depressed father, and after the fiancee discovers the affair and kills himself, she waltzes off from the wreckage of all the lives. She explains that her father disappeared long ago, her mother had been married four or five times, and her brother committed suicide when she left his bed and began to date other boys. She described herself as damaged, and says: "Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive."

Bette was a spider woman. She came to see me only once, with her married affair partner Alvin, a man I had been seeing with his wife Agnes. But I kept up with her through the many people whose lives she touched. Bette's father had run off and left her and her mother when she was just a child, and her stepfather had exposed himself to her. Most recently Bette's manic husband Burt had run off with a stripper, Claudia, and had briefly married her before he crashed and went into a psychiatric hospital.

While Burt was with Claudia, the enraged Bette promptly latched on to Alvin, a laid-back philanderer who had been married to Agnes for decades and had been screwing around casually most of that time. Bette was determined that Alvin was going to divorce Agnes and marry her, desert his children, and raise her now-fatherless kids. The normally cheerful Alvin, who had done a good job for a lifetime of pleasing every woman he met and avoiding getting trapped by any of them, couldn't seem to escape Bette, but he certainly had no desire to leave Agnes. He grew increasingly depressed and suicidal. He felt better after he told the long-suffering Agnes, but he stiu couldn't move in any direction. Over the next couple of Bette and Alvin too turns threatening suicide, while Agnes tended her garden, raised her children, ran her business, and waited for the increasingly disoriented and pathetic Alvin to come to his senses.

Agnes finally became sufficiently alarmed about her husband's deterioration that she decided the only way she could save his life was to divorce him. She did, and Alvin promptly dumped Bette. He could not forgive her for what she had made him do to dear, sweet Agnes. He lost no time in taking up with Darlene, with whom he had been flirting for some time, but who wouldn't go out with a married man. Agnes felt relief, and the comfort of a good settlement, but Bette was once again abandoned and desperate.

She called Alvin hourly, alternately threatening suicide, reciting erotic poetry, and offering to fix him dinner. She phoned bomb threats to Darlene's office. Bette called me to tell me what a sociopathic jerk Alvin was to betray her with another woman after all she had done in helping him through his divorce. She wrote sisterly notes to Agnes, offering the comfort of friendship to help one another through the awful experience of being betrayed by this terrible man. At no point did Bette consider that she had done anything wrong. She was now, as she had been all her life, a victim of men, who not only use and abuse women, but won't lay down their lives to rescue them on cue.

Emotionally Retarded

Men in Love

About the only people more dangerous than philandering men going through life with an open fly and romantic damsels going through life in perennial distress, are emotionally retarded men in love. When such men go through a difficult transition in life, they hunker down and ignore all emotions. Their brain chemistry gets depressed, but they don't know how to feel it as depression. Their loved ones try to kee from bothering them, try to keep things calm and serene - and isolate them further

An emotionally retarded man may go for a time without feeling pleasure, pain, or anything else, untd a strange woman jerks him back into awareness of something intense enough for him to feel it - perhaps sexual fireworks, or the boyish heroics of rescuing hff, or perhaps just fascination with her constantly changing moods and never-ending emotional crises.

With her, he can pull out of his depression briefly, but he sinks back even deeper into it when he is not with her. He is getting addicted to her, but he doesn't know that. He only feels the absence of joy and love and life with his serenely cautious wife and kids, and the awareness of life with this new woman. It doesn't work for him to leave home to be with her, as she too would grow stale and irritating if she were around full time.

What he needs is not a crazier woman to sacrifice his life for, but treatment for his depression. However, since the best home remedies for depression are sex, exercise, joy, and triumph, the dangerous damsel may be providing one or more of them in a big enough dose to make him feel a lot better. He may feel pretty good until he gets the bill, and sees how much of his life and the lives of his loved ones this treatment is costing. Marriages that start this way, stepping over the bodies of loved ones as the giddy couple walks down the aisle, are not likely to last long.

Howard had been faithful to Harriett for 16 years. He had been happy with her. She made him feel loved, which no one else had ever tried to do. Howard devoted himself to doing the right thing. He always did what he was supposed to do and he never complained. In fact he said very little at all.

Howard worked at Harriett's father's store, a stylish and expensive men's clothiers. He had worked there in high school and returned after college. He'd never had another job. He had felt like a son to his father-in-law. But when the old man retired, he bypassed the stalwart, loyal Howard and made his own wastrel son manager.

Howard also took care of his own elderly parents who lived next door. His father died, and left a nice little estate to his mother, who then gave much of it to his younger brother, who had gotten into trouble with gambling and extravagance.

Howard felt betrayed, and sank into a depression. He talked of quitting his job and moving away. Harriett pointed out the impracticality of that for the kids. She reminded him of all the good qualities of his mother and her father.

Howard didn't bring it up again. Instead, he began to talk to Maxine, one of the tailors at the store, a tired middle-aged woman who shared Howard's disillusionment with the world. One day, Maxine called frightened because she smelled gas in her trailer and her third ex-husband had threatened to hurt her. She needed for Howard to come out and see if he could smell anything dangerous. He did, and somehow ended up in bed with Maxine. He felt in love. He knew it was crazy but he couldn't get along without her. He bailed her out of the

frequent disasters in her life. They began to plot their getaway, which consumed his attention for months.

Harriett noticed the change in Howard, but thought he was just mourning his father's death. They continued to get along well, sex was as good as ever, and they enjoyed the same things they had always enjoyed. It was a shock to her when he told her he was moving out, that he didn't love her anymore, and that it had nothing whatever to do with Maxine, who would be leaving with him.

Harriett went into a rage and hit him. The children went berserk. The younger daughter cried inconsolably, the older one became bulimic, the son quit school and refused to leave his room. I saw the family a few times, but Howard would not turn back. He left with Maxine, and would not return my phone calls. The kids were carrying on so on the telephone, Howard stopped calling them for a few months, not wanting to upset them. Meanwhile he and Maxine, who had left her kids behind as well, borrowed some money from his mother and moved to the coast where they bought into a marina - the only thing they had in common was the pleasure of fishing.

A year later, Harriet and the kids were still in therapy but they were getting along pretty well without him. Harriett was running the clothing store. Howard decided he missed his children and invited them to go fishing with him and Maxine. It surprised him when they still refused to speak to him. He called me and complained to me that his depression was a great deal worse. The marina was doing badly. He and Maxine weren't getting along very well. He missed his children and cried a lot, and she told him his preoccupation with his children was a betrayal of her. He blamed Harriett for fussing at him when she found out about Maxine. He believed she turned the children against him. He couldn't understand why anyone would be mad with him; he couldn't help who he loves and who he doesn't love.

Men and Women

Who Cheat

Howard's failure to understand the complex emotional consequences of his affair is typically male, just as Bette's insistence that her affair partner live up to her romantic fantasies is typically female. Any gender-based generalization is both irritating and inaccurate, but some behaviors are typical. Men tend to attach too little significance to affairs, ignoring their horrifying power to disorient and disrupt lives, while women tend to attach too much significance, assuming that the emotions are so powerful they must be "real" and therefore concrete, permanent, and stable enough to risk a life for.

A man, especially a philandering man, may feel comfortable having sex with a woman if it is clear that he is not in love with her. Even when a man understands that a rule has been broken and he expects consequences of some sort, he routinely underestimates the extent and range and duration of the reactions to his betrayal. Men may agree that the sex is wrong, but may believe that the lying is a noble effort to protect the family. A man may reason that outside sex is wrong because there is a rule against it, without understanding that his lying establishes an adversarial relationship with his mate and is the greater offense. Men are often surprised at the intensity of their betrayed mate's anger, and then even more surprised when she is willing to take him back. Men rarely appreciate the devastating long-range impact of their infidelities, or even their divorces, on their children.

Routinely, a man will tell me that he assured himself that he loved his wife before he hopped into a strange bed, that the women there with him means nothing, that it is just a meaningless roll in the hay. A woman is more likely to tell me that at the sound of the zipper she quickly ascertained that she was not as much in love with her husband as she should have been, and the man there in bed with her was the true love of her life.

A woman seems likely to be less concerned with the letter of the law than with the emotional coherence of her life. It may be okay to screw a man if she "loves" him, whatever the status of his or her marriage, and it is certainly appropriate to lie to a man who believes he has a claim on you, but whom you don't love.

Women may be more concerned with the impact of their affairs on their children than they are with the effect on their mate, whom they have already devalued and discounted in anticipation of the affair. Of course, a woman is likely to feel the children would be in support of her affair, and thus may involve them in relaying her messages, keeping her secrets, and telling her lies. This can be mind-blowingly seductive and confusing to the kids. Sharing the secret of one parent's affair, and hiding it from the other parent, has essentially the same emotional impact as incest.

Some conventional wisdom about gender differences in infidelity is true.

More men than women do have affairs, but it seemed to me that before the AIDS epidemic, the rate for men was dropping (philandering has not been considered cute since the Kennedy's went out of power) and the rate for women was rising (women who assumed that all men were screwing around saw their own screwing around as a blow for equal rights.) In recent years, promiscuity seems suicidal so only the suicidal - that is, the romantics - are on the streets after dark.

Men are able to approach sex more casually than women, a factor not only of the patriarchal double standard but also of the difference between having genitals on the outside and having them on the inside. Getting laid for all the wrong reasons is a lot less dangerous than falling in love with all the wrong people.

Men who get caught screwing around are more likely to be honest about the sex than women. Men will confess the full sexual details, even if they are vague about the emotions. Women on the other hand will confess to total consuming love with some man, while insisting no sex ever took place. I would believe that if I'd ever seen a man describe the affair as so consumingly intense from the waist up and so chaste from the waist down. I assume these women are lying to me about what they know they did or did not do, while I assume that the men really are honest about the genital ups and downs - and honestly confused about the emotional ones.

Women are more likely to discuss their love affairs with their women friends. Philandering men may turn their sex lives into a spectator sport but romantic men tend to keep their love life private from their men friends, and often just withdraw from their friends during the romance.

On the other hand, women are not more romantic than men. Men in love are every bit as foolish and a lot more naive than women in love. They go crazier and risk more. They are far more likely to sacrifice or abandon their children to prove their love to some recent affairee. They are more likely to isolate themselves from everyone except their affair partner, and turn their thinking and feeling over to her, applying her romantic ways of thinking (or not thinking) to the dilemmas of his increasingly chaotic life.

Men are just as forgiving as women of their mates' affairs. They might claim ahead of time that they would never tolerate it, but when push comes to shove, cuckolded men are every bit as likely as cuckolded women to fight like tigers to hold on to a marriage that has been betrayed. Cuckolded men may react violently at first, though cuckolded women do so as well, and I've seen more cases of women who shot and wounded or killed errant husbands. (The shootings occur not when the affair is stopped and confessed, but when it is continued and denied.)

Betrayed men, like betrayed women, hunker down and do whatever they have to do to hold their marriage together. A few men and women go into a rage and refuse to turn back, and then spend a lifetime nursing the narcissistic injury, but that unusual occurrence is no more common for men than for women. Marriage can survive either a husband's infidelity or a wife's, if it is stopped, brought into the open, and dealt with.

I have cleaned up from more affairs than a squad of motel chambermaids. Infidelity is a very messy hobby. It is not an effective way to find a new mate or a new life.

It is not a safe treatment for depression, boredom, imperfect marriage, or inadequate gender splendor. And it certainly does not impress the rest of us. It does not work for women any better than it does for men. It does excite the senses and the imaginations of those who merely hear the tales of lives and deaths for love, who melt at the sound of liebestods or country songs of love gone wrong.

I think I've gotten more from infidelity as an observer than all the participants I've seen. Infidelity is a spectator sport like shark feeding or bull fighting - that is, great for those innocent bystanders who are careful not to get their feet, or whatever, wet. For the greatest enjoyment of infidelity, I recommend you observe from a safe physical and emotional distance and avoid any suicidal impulse to become a participant.

Myths of


The people who are running from bed to bed creating disasters for themselves and everyone else don't seem to know what they are doing. They just don't get it. But why should they? There is a mythology about infidelity that shows up in the popular press and even in the mental health literature that is guaranteed to mislead people and make dangerous situations even worse. Some of these myths are:

1. Everybody is unfaithful, it is normal, expectable behavior. Mozart, in his comic opera Cosi Fan Tutti, insisted that women all do it, but a far more common belief is that men all do it: "Higgamous, hoggamous, woman's monogamous; hoggamous, higgamous, man is polygamous." In Nora Ephron's movie, Heartburn, Meryl Streep's husband has left her for another woman. She turns to her father for solace, but he dismisses her complaint as the way of all male flesh: "If you want monogamy, marry a swan."

We don't know how many people are unfaithful; if people will lie to their own husband or wife, they surely aren't going to be honest with poll takers. We can guess that one-half of married men and one-third of married women have dropped their drawers away from home at least once. That's a lot of infidelity.

Still, most people are faithful most of the time. Without the expectation of fidelity, intimacy becomes awkward and marriage adversarial. People who expect their partner to betray them are likely to beat them to the draw, and to make both of them miserable in the meantime.

Most species of birds and animals in which the male serves some useful function other than sperm donation are inherently monogamous. Humans, like other nest budders, are monogamous by nature, but imperfectly so. We can be trained out of it, though even in polygamous and promiscuous cultures people show their true colors when they fall blindly and crazily in love. And we have an escape clause: nature mercifully permits us to survive our mates and mate again. But if we slip up and take a new mate while the old mate is still alive, it is likely to destroy the pair bonding with our previous mate and create great instinctual disorientation - which is part of the tragedy of infidelity.

2. Affairs are good for you; an affair may even revive a dull marriage. Back at the height of the sexual revolution, the Playboy philosophy and its Cosmopolitan counterpart urged infidelity as a way to keep men manly, women womanly, and marriage vital. Lately, in such books as Annette Lawson's Adultery and Dalma Heyn's The Erotic Silence of the American Wife, women have been encouraged to act out their sexual fantasies as a blow for equal rights.

It is true that if an affair is blatant enough and if all ****** breaks loose, the crisis of infidelity can shake up the most petrified marriage. Of course, any crisis can serve the same detonation function, and burning the house down might be a safer, cheaper, and more readily forgivable attention-getter.

However utopian the theories, the reality is that infidelity, whether it is furtive or blatant, will blow ****** out of a marriage. In 30 odd years of practice, I have encountered only a handful of established first marriages that ended in divorce without someone being unfaithful, often with the infidelity kept secret throughout the divorce process and even for years afterwards. Infidelity is the sine qua non of divorce.

3. People have affairs because they aren't in love with their marriage partner. People tell me this, and they even remember it this way. But on closer examination it routinely turns out that the marriage was fine before the affair happened, and the decision that they were not in love with their marriage partner was an effort to explain and justify the affair.

Being in love does not protect people from lust. Screwing around on your loved one is not a very loving thing to do, and it may be downright hostile. Every marriage is a thick stew of emotions ranging from lust to disgust, desperate love to homicidal rage. It would be idiotic to reduce such a wonderfully rich emotional diet to a question ("love me?" or "love me not?") so simplistic that it is best asked of the petals of daisies. Nonetheless, people do ask themselves such questions, and they answer them,

Falling out of love is no reason to betray your mate. If people are experiencing a deficiency in their ability to love their partner, it is not clear how something so hateful as betraying him or her would restore it.

4. People have affairs because they are oversexed. Affairs are about secrets. The infidelity is not necessarily in the sex, but in the dishonesty.

Swingers have sex openly, without dishonesty and therefore withut betrayal (though with a lot of scary bugs.) More cautious infidels might have chaste but furtive lunches and secret telephone calls with ex-spouses or former affair partners - nothing to sate the sexual tension, but just enough to prevent a marital reconciliation or intimacy in the marriage.

Affairs generally involve sex, at least enough sex to create a secret that seals the conspiratorial alliance of the affair, and makes the relationship tense, dangerous, and thus exciting. Most affairs consist of a little bad sex and hours on the telephone. I once saw a case in which the couple had attempted sex once 30 years before and had limited the intimacy in their respective marriages while they maintained their sad, secret love with quiet lunches, pondering the crucial question of whether or not he had gotten it all the way in on that immortal autumn evening in 1958.

In general, monogamous couples have a lot more sex than the people who are screwing around.

5. Affairs are ultimately the fault of the cuckold. Patriarchal custom assumes that when a man screws around it must be because of his wife's aesthetic, sexual, or emotional deficiencies. She failed him in some way. And feminist theory has assured us that if a wife screws around it must be because men are such ******. Many people believe that screwing around is a normal response to an imperfect marriage and is, by definition, the marriage partner's fault. Friends and relatives, bartenders, therapists, and hairdressers, often reveal their own gender prejudices and distrust of marriage, monogamy, intimacy, and honesty, when they encourage the infidel to put the blame on the cuckold rather than on him-or herself.

One trick for avoiding personal blame and responsibility is to blame the marriage itself (too early, too late, too soon after some event) or some unchangeable characteristic of the partner (too old, too tall, too ethnic, too smart, too experienced, too inexperienced.) This is both a cop-out and a dead end.

One marriage partner can make the other miserable, but can't make the other unfaithful. (The cuckold is usually not even there when the affair is taking place). Civilization and marriage require that people behave appropriately however they feel, and that they take full responsibility for their actions. "My wife drove me to it with her nagging"; "I can't help what I do because ot what my father did to me"; "She came on to me and her skirt was very short"; "I must be a sex addict"; et cetera. Baloney! If people really can't control their sexual behavior, they should not be permitted to run around loose.

There is no point in holding the cuckold responsible for the infidel's sexual behavior unless the cuckold has total control over the sexual equipment that has run off the road. Only the driver is responsible.

6. It is best to pretend not to know. There are people who avoid unpleasantness and would rather watch the house burn down than bother anyone by yelling "Fire!" Silence fuels the affair, which can thrive only in secrecy. Adulterous marriages begin their repair only when the secret is out in the open, and the infidel does not need to hide any longer. Of course, it also helps to end the affair.

A corollary is the belief that infidels must deny their affairs interminably and do all that is possible to drive cuckolds to such disorientation that they will doubt their own sanity rather than doubt their partner's fidelity. In actuality, the continued lying and denial is usually the most unforgivable aspect of the infidelity.

One man was in the habit of jogging each evening, but his wife noticed that is runnin clothes had stopped sinking. Suspicious, she followed him - to his secretary's apartment. She burst in and confronted her husband who was standing naked in the secretary's closet. She demanded: "What are you doing here?" He responded: "You do not see me here. You have gone crazy and are imagining this. She almost believed him, and remains to this day angrier about that than about the affair itself Once an affair is known or even suspected, there is no safety in denial, but the is hope in admission.

I recently treated a woman whose physician husband divorced her 20 years ago after a few years of marriage, telling her that she had an odor that was making him sick, and he had developed an allergy to her. She felt so bad about herself she never remarried.

I suspected there was more to the story, and sent her back to ask him whether he had been unfaithful to her. He confessed that he had been, but had tried to shield her from hurt by convincing her that he had been faithful and true but that she was repulsive. She feels much worse about him now, but much better about herself. She now feels free to date.

7. After an affair, divorce is inevitable. Essentially all first-time divorces occur in the wake of an affair. With therapy though, most adulterous marriages can be saved, and may even be stronger and more intimate than they were before the crisis. I have rarely seen a cuckold go all the way through with a divorce after a first affair that is now over. Of course, each subsequent affair lowers the odds drastically.

It doesn't happen the way it does in the movies. The indignant cuckold does scream and yell and carry on and threaten all manner of awful things - which should Dot be surprising since his or her life has just been torn asunder. But he or she quickly calms down and begins the effort to salvage the marriage, to pull the errant infidel from the arms of the dreaded affairee.

When a divorce occurs, it is because the infidel can not escape the affair in time or cannot face going back into a marriage in which he or she is now known and understood and can no longer pose as the chaste virgin or white knight spotless and beyond criticism. A recent New Yorker cartoon showed a forlorn man at a bar compaining: "My wife understands me."

Appropriate guilt is always helpful, though it must come from inside rather than from a raging, nasty spouse; anger is a lousy seduction technique for anyone except terminal weirdos. Guilt is good for you. Shame, however, makes people run away, and hide.

The prognosis after an affair is not grim, and those who have strayed have not lost all their value. The sadder but wiser infidel may be both more careful and more grateful in

Frank S. Pittman III, MD, is a psychiatrist and family therapist in private practice in Atlanta. He works with individuals, couples, families and groups. For 30 years he was on the faculty of the Department of Psychiatry, Emory University School of Medicine (1968-98). He also served as Director of Psychiatric Services at Grady Memorial Hospital. He is Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology at Georgia State University. A prolific writer and noted teacher of family therapy around the world, he is best known for his research in family crisis and the use of family therapy as an alternative to psychiatric hospitalization.

Dr. Pittman has served on the boards of a number of professional journals and for seventeen years has been a regular contributor and movie reviewer for the Family Therapy Networker. His work has also been honored by the American Psychiatric Association, the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT), and the Georgia AMFT. He is a Fellow and an Approved Supervisor of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.

Dr. Pittman’s many publications include four books: Turning Points: Treating Families in Transition and Crisis (W.W. Norton); Private Lies: Infidelity and the Betrayal of Intimacy (W.W. Norton); Man Enough: Fathers, Sons and the Search for Masculinity (Penguin-Putnam); and Grow Up! How Taking Responsibility Can Make You a Happy Adult (St. Martin’s).

Dr. Pittman is often quoted in Time, Newsweek, the New York Times, and most of the major newspapers and magazines in the U.S. and Canada. He has recently been featured in Men’s Health and Atlanta Magazine. He has appeared many times on national news shows such as CNN, Today, Good Morning America, NBC Nightly News, ABC News, and 60 Minutes, as well as the BBC, the CBC, Moscow Morning News and many other shows in Europe, South America, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. His talk show appearances include Larry King, Oprah, Phil Donahue and NPR.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/25/06 01:35 AM

Hi All,

New Outlook also posted a list of books which she got from another site. I thought I would post it here too for ease of reference....

“10 Stupid Things Couples Do to Mess UP their Relationships” Dr. Laura Schlessinger, 2001
“365 Questions for Couples” by Beck, Beck & Beck,
“All About Passion" by Stephanie Laurens. (What does "desire" mean?" or "What makes a man more manly?" or "Why is is so hard to function as a HDW?" etc. Plus, there are a couple very good sex tips and numerous hot scenes.JJ)
“Asserting Yourself: A Practical Guide for Positive Change" by Gordon & Sharon Bower. 1991)
“Between Love & Hate”
“Boundaries in Marriage" by Cloud and Townsend. Set and maintain personal boundaries and respect those of their spouse * Establish values that form a godly structure and architecture for their marriage * Protect their marriage from different kinds of "intruders" * Work with a spouse who understands and values boundaries--or work with one who doesn't
"Buyers, Renters, and Freeloaders". Buyers only want to be in a marriage where it is mutually satisfying and are willing to give up a marriage when the other person isn't interested. Renters are angry and try to convince another person that they are right. Freeloaders are unwilling to put any effort into caring for the other
“Change Your Life and Everyone In It”
DB “Divorce Busting” By Michele Weiner-Davis
DR “Divorce Remedy” By Michele Weiner-Davis 2001
“The Elementary Particles” by Houllebecq
“Feeliing Good” and “The Feeling Good Handbook” by David Burns, MD
“Fire Your Shrink” By Michele Weiner-Davis 1995
“The Five Love Languages” Gary Chapman. Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch
“The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz: Be impeccable with your word (speak with integrity; say only what you mean); Don’t take anything personally (nothing others do is because of you); Don’t make assumptions (find the courage to ask questions and express what you really want); Always do your best (and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret).
“Getting Through to the Man You Love” By Michele Weiner-Davis 1998
“Good Girls Guide to Bad Girl Sex" By Barbara Keesling
“His Needs Her Needs”
“How one of you can bring the two of you together” Susan Page

“How to Achieve Happiness: Overcome Anxiety and Depression.”
“How to Get What You Want and Want What You Have” By Ph. D. John Grey, 1999
“How to satisfy a man ; And Have Him Beg for More)
”How to satisfy a woman”
“In Search of Solutions”
“In The Meantime”
"Irregular People” by Joyce Landorf
“Keep Love Alive” KLA tapes
“Lies Women Believe” (if you're a hammer, does everything look like a nail?)
“Light Her Fire” by Dr. Ellen Kreidman
“Light His Fire” by Dr. Ellen Kreidman
“Love and Respect” by Emerson Eggerichs
“Love is Never Enough” by Aaron Beck
“Love must be Tough” Dr. James Dobson
“Loving Solutions” Gary Chapman
“Mama Gena's Owner's and Operator's Guide to Men” By Regena Thomashauer
“Mars and Venus on a Date”
“Mars and Venus Starting Over”
”Marriage Breakthrough” Tapes
“Nice Girls Do” By DR.Irene Kassorla, 1980
“Not just Friends” by Shirley Glass
“Passionate Marriage” by David Schnarch (PM)
“The Power of Two”
“The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands” Dr. Laura Schlessinger, 2004
“Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay" by Mira Kirshenbaum
"Torn Asunder" Recovering From Extramarital Affairs by Dave Carder & Duncan Jaenicke

“Rekindling Desire" by Barry and Emily McCarthy
“Relationship Rescue” by Philip McGraw ("Dr Phil
“Resurrecting Sex” by Ph. D. David Schnarch 2002
The Sex Starved Marriage” By Michele Weiner-Davis 2003 (SSM)
“Should I Stay or Go”
“Smart Women Finish Rich” Money management
“The Sexless Marriage”
“Surviving An Affair" by William Harley
“Rekindling Desire" by the McCarthys
“Take Back Your Marriage”
“Undefended Love" by Jett Psaris and Marlena Lyons=When we have peace inside, NOTHING they do can take it away.
“The Verbally Abusive Relationship” by Patricia Evans.
""Uncoupling" by Diane Vaughan
“Voluntary Simplicity”
“What Could He Be Thinking” by Michael Gurian
“What Every Man Wants Every Woman to Know “
“What Happy People Know”
"When Good Men Behave Badly." by David B. Wexler
"Why Does He Do That?" Its by Lundy Bancroft. Its about angry and controlling men. I found it very insightful and eye opening.
"The Work" by Byron Katie

“A Woman's Guide to Changing Her Man/Getting Through to the Man You Love”

“Women Who Love Sex” by Gina An Inquiry into the Expanding Spirit of Women's Erotic Experience" Amazon link Ogden, (
Workshop called Divorce Care
“Wounded Marriages Can be Healed; HOPE For the Separated” by Gary Chapman
“The Boy Who Wouldn't Stop Washing” by Rappaport book about OCD
“Smart Couples Finish Rich” or “The Automatic Millionaire” money management
“Coping With Erectile Dysfunction: How to Regain Confidence and Enjoy Great Sex" by Michael E., Ph.D. Metz, Barry W., Ph.D. McCarthy
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/26/06 03:12 AM

Well another quiet day - beach, work, an outing to an early movie (New World - quite good) a quick dinner at a pub with a girlfriend and now back home with dog. He has just had a walk, mowed through a bowl of ham soup over kibble and is licking his paws....

Single life has its own rythm. I am so used to allowing someone else's schedule to take precedence, it still seems strange to be using my time as I please.

I have projects - many projects. I keep adding to the list. I am thinking of painting my office red, in fact, raspberry truffle by Benjamin Moore. It would be a big change from the soft sea green it is. I enjoy making these little decisions. I have yet to tile anything ...

Every once and awhile I have a nasty spat of angry thoughts. I am working on letting all that go. It is going to take me longer than six months to completely succeed I suspect. In each little improvement I find relief.

I did a search last night on a woman called Betty Broderick. She was mentioned on another post. Boy there is a poster girl for how anger destroys lives. I felt so sorry for her kids....

It is a disheartening story ... Love can get to the point where it is unrecognizable...

I feel strongly that whlst it may be impossible to single handedly preserve a marriage, it is very possible to single handedly accurately preserve your memories of a marriage - unbiased. Life is change ... change is life - the currency you keep is memory... You can make yourself truly poor by not cherishing what you remember....

I make an effort to remember things that make me smile. For example, my husband made the most amazing faces shaving. I use to stand next to him in the morning and mimic them one by one... It was one of my favourite things to do and I continued to do it for many years.... I can picture our very young faces in the mirror and our not so young faces in the mirror..

Moments like that are worth remembering - they give you balance.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/26/06 07:07 AM
Hello Paradise,

How's things up in the frosty north? A red office? Sounds good, but boy will it be tough to cover in a few years. You dont see many rooms painted that color unless you frequent the bordello's here in Nevada. What a surprise that I might know that huh! Friends told me about it,honest!!!

Safari girl has me pegged already. I'm the wounded soul and she is miss single and independent. She went thru an infidelity 7 years ago with a SO. Found him in her bed one night with a cocktail waitress from the tavern down the street. Yes I probed a little too deeply at dinner the other night and it was a little awkward. She is very straight forward and honest and I like that. I did feel bad because I could tell just thinking back like that upset her greatly. I sent her flowers the next day to try and make up for being nosy and upsetting her. I sensed something was holding her back and I just got more than I bargained for in the answer. Not that it changed anything, just that now I know why she wants to go slow too.

Eibrab sure sounded good didn't she? I'm glad she got away to a sunny, tropical resort and had some fun. I have one last day of hunting left this season on Saturday and then it officially becomes golf season. Not anywhere near as much fun or as entertaining for the dog but it does wonders for putting my focus on something other than work or the EX. I had the weirdest dream last night, nightmare really. I dreamt that the EX was suddenly sitting beside me in my bed and talking to me. I don't remember what she was saying but all I could think was why would my son let her in? I woke up and he and his girlfried were in the living room horsing around and I had to get up and clear my head. It just seemed so real. Your mind can and does play some weird games doesn't it?

Sleep well and I hope all is well for the dog too!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/26/06 11:04 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Very frosty is right... my outside thermometer is reading 15 F ...Brrr.

It is only 5.30 a.m. here. I am sitting here - drinking cold Starbucks coffee and wearing new shoes. I bought them yesterday - they are seriously cute - fancy cut embossed stone pattern - spiffy! Shoe therapy... cheap and effective!

I am planning my day. I want to do a road trip this weekend and I have lots to do - to be organized to go away.

You'll be happy to hear that I have a working washing machine.. it is rubdubing in the background. It still needs a service call but it is functioning with very small loads. Clean sheets, clean towels, clean socks... life is bliss...

It is really too bad that they don't allow dogs on the golf course. They would really enjoy it. I find I have a bias against anywhere or anything that excludes dogs. I spend my money largely at stores where dog is welcome. I dine at restaurants on the patio or where there is a way to keep him close and in eye contact.

I had lunch last week at a very chichi store with its own restaurant. Dog was tied out in the foyer but he could see me. One of Canada's high society walked in, to the sound of my dog yowling because we were getting ready to go - and he wanted to make sure he didn't get left behind. It made the whole room smile. They make us more humane I think.

I cross country ski with my dog frequently - but I have to bushwack because most of the nordic centres don't allow dogs. In the Yukon they do. Skorring is big up there. Skiing with three or more dogs tied to your waist pulling you along. You really move!

Last time I was up that way, my brother and I mushed - each with our own dog sled. We went out with a very experienced musher. It was a fantastic day and I would do it again in a heartbeat. The dogs actually poop while they are running - at times you are dodging flying @#$@#... I was told I was a natural musher - now there is an alternate career path that would be a change of pace!

I have only dreamt once of my Mr. Midnight. Funny, very often he seems to occupy my waking thoughts but no dreams. My mother dreams of my Dad. I haven't yet. Again he is in my waking thoughts every day.

You should keep a pad and pencil by the bed. Perhaps next time you will be able to note what she was saying to you.

I wonder if your wife is having a Mid Life Crisis. Women have them too. I may have one yet! I have been reading alot about them as of late.

I should go... Fresh coffee is ready and you know who is whining to go to the beach! If we move it we will catch the dawn.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/27/06 05:00 AM

A full busy day, just in from a walk with the dog to the skating ring. We took a tennis ball in the hope it would be deserted and we could play slip slide.. No such luck there was still a handful of skaters out.

One young man in particular was mesmerizing to watch - all fluid grace and power, twirling, jumping and gliding in the half shadows cast by the street lamps.

I like this particular walk. I use to do it nightly with hubby. I can still see him running around the rink chasing the dog sliding falling more than dog does.

I am enjoying single life but it is lonely too. We are off to bed to curl up with a very good book I just started - The Mature Mind by Gene Cohen. His main premise is that aging is actually good for your brain. That years of life experience actually make the neuron structures more complex, allowing for more agile creative thought. There is also the suggestion that as you get older you become more positive. Interesting...

Dog wants to play. He is biting my toes and pulling my socks off. Time for me to shut down the computer and pull out his toys....
Posted By: beachgirl68 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/27/06 02:44 PM

I just registered today, but have been following your posts for months now. I wanted to let each of you know how inspiring you have been to me. I truly admire your strength and unwavering hope. What wonderful people you each seem.

Following your posts has been a treasure for me. Thank you!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/27/06 07:16 PM

Hi beachgirl68,

You are right there are some very nice people hanging about this little cyber corner. I am glad you decided to join us.


I am sure you are not here by choice. I am sorry for whatever happened that brings you here. You are right, this is an excellent site and hope abounds.

I am just getting ready to do a road trip. With a six hour drive ahead of me, I must be brief.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/30/06 12:14 PM

It is 5.30 a.m. I had a very restless night. Sometimes, our (now my) king size bed seems like a football field and I feel lost in it.

The weekend was lovely, a long drive there and a long drive back but the in between part was great fun. I visited with very old very dear friends. Staying with them always feel like I have come home in a way. We went to a home renovation show yesterday. They are building an addition. I fell in love with a fancy glass sink. It speaks volumes about your changing state when you start to covet plumbing.

When they ask how I am doing - I say rapidly adapting. It sound positive. I like to be positive. It would be even better if it were true.

It is over six months and I still have moments where I don't believe any of this is real. I have other moments where I realize there were definite signs of a sea change happening that I must have been deliberately blind too.

For my husband 50th birthday, I threw a big roof top party, cooked for a week, got up at 6.00 am. to decorate the room. It was huge success. My friend that I visited this weekend knew the night of his birthday party just by looking at them. Sometimes you just don't want to see.

My OW thinks I have lost and that she has triumphed. I can tell by the way she looks at me. There is victory in her smiles. Pittman would describe her as a female philanderer. It makes me blink. There is no triumph whatsoever in hurting someone else. If you think there is - you are truly deluded.

When I ponder it I guess we are changing each and every moment. Our past is full of emerging and evolving versions of ourselves. I can remember very clearly all my husband's earlier selves. I loved each and every one of them.

His new self, I can't love. He is changing into the kind of vain, ego at large, 35 year old wannabe pushing 60, I avoid at parties. They are legion, fancy car, trophy wife, all the toys and incapable of coming up with one sentence that is truly worth lisening to.

It breaks my heart to watch it happen. Yet I can do absolutely nothing it seems to stop it.

Instead, I will think more of what I can do something about. I can buy that sink and have a great looking bathroom. I can tackle what I have been avoiding - a mountain of paper work - necessary to wind down my involvement in the company. Perhaps the sink first....
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/31/06 06:47 AM
Hey Paradise,

I don't think I've ever heard you so down. What can the lowly dukhuntr do to pep you up a little? Tell you embarassing stories about my reentry into the dating world? Nah, you've heard most of those. Haven't heard any good jokes lately. How about I just listen to what's bugging you and offer a friendly ear? You have such a sharp and perceptive mind Midnight's mid-life blowout or whatever it is has to be driving you stark raving nuts.

Real and caring people like yourself and Holiday and Eibrab don't have these issues. You try to resolve them. Sometimes you can and sometimes, such as in my case, you don't have the ability to control or change someone else's behaviors. Accepting this was the hardest thing for me. I always thought if I did this or if I did that the EX would react in a certain way. It just doesn't happen like we would like it to all the time. I'm almost convinced now that shame plays a big part in all of this for the WS. They react and make decisions on things we can't feel or that we don't think much about because we have done nothing "wrong".

I know it has seemed like forever since the EX and I had a conversation where I was sure of where she was coming from and I'm sure if you asked her she would say the same. We are operating from totally different perspectives that are light years apart. That's the "alien" we see as BS's. That is why I just wish you could go dark with Midnight and get totally away from him for a good long while. It has done wonders for me to go dark. Any chance of that happening for you any time soon? I can actually say that I have thought more of Safari girl recently than EX. If you would have said that to me a month ago I would have told you it would never happen. When I can go a whole afternoon now without once thinking of the D or of the EX I would say it's a minor miracle. It all started for me by going dark. Healing can't really begin until you have some peace of mind, at that won't happen seeing Midnight on a regular basis even professionally. I know because I was trying to see the EX as often as possible for quite a while and hurting the whole time. Please think about doing yourself a favor and giving your mind and spirit a break by going completely dark with Midnight even if for just a month or as long as you can without risking you interests in the business. Hire a lawyer to watch over the ambulance chasing skirt and her balding little gnome Midnight while you heal up and recover the bright and caring spirit we all know is inside you.

Have a peaceful and resting sleep tonight, we are all praying for the best for you.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/31/06 06:56 AM
Hello Beachgirl,

I'd like to say I'm glad you joined us but it's hard to be glad anyone is here on this board. We do try to give each other the courage and will to get thru whatever has happened and I for one treasure the advise and comfort people have offered me here. Don't be shy, tell us about youself and let us get to know you too! There will always be a caring and friendly ear to bend here.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/31/06 07:21 PM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Thanks for the encouragement.

Rereading that post, it does sound alittle down doesn't it. I really would love to be able to go dark. I just can't until I have tidied up my involvement in the company. It would not be prudent for many reasons.

While I talk on the phone with him - as necessary. I see him face to face very rarely. I can organize around it. Days where I have no contact are always much happier.

It is a whopper of an adjustment.

I am glad your thoughts have turned happy. It makes it so much easier doesn't it. Focusing on what you can't change is like nursing a grudge - that festers and pains only you - until you let go.

On a very happy note. A service man has just removed the shipping bolts from my washer. It spins like a dream now. Front loading machines are full of concrete to help them balance, it took both of us a good 15 minutes to pull it out far enough to access the back. Now I can do laundry at will..... Wow what a treat...

I hope you are enjoying your day ...


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/01/06 01:33 AM

I am still a little worried about you. Are you really okay? I know you have clean clothes at last and that is a blessing for you and those around you too! You're last post while encouraging still doesn't inspire me to believe you are in a very happy place right now. If that is true get what is bugging you out there and lets talk about it. You have never been one to keep things inside and let them fester before so don't start now.

There is no one out there that owes more to you than me and if I can help you in any way you know I am there for you. You have sheparded me thru a nightmare and out the other side with your wit and common sense. Hopefully I can return some of that in a way that will help you too. I am no where near as intelligent or as eloquent in my words but I do care and I am capable of listening as well as anyone. If you would rather do this off the board we can exchange e-mails thru the moderator.

If I am just overreacting let me know that too. Sometimes I am a little dense when it come to reading a woman's emotions. I will be checking back all evening to see whats up with you so get to typing.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/01/06 04:53 AM
Hey Dukhuntr,

There is naught to worry about. I am fine. For the most part, I genuinely feel I am coping well. During the day it is always easier, the phone is ringing - life is busy. At night it is harder. I go out more now than I did when I was a teenager -or I entertain in - four nights a week at least.

Tonight, we went to see Memoirs of Geisha - a definite chick flick with breath taking scenery. Then we told stories over a late Thai dinner. One of my friends is German, she is a gifted raconteur and mimic. She made us howl with laughter.

When visiting her sister in Germany this summer, they went to a spa in Bad Oeynhausen. European custom dictates you go nude into the saunas and pools. Her north americanized sensibilities balked at the prospect of spending a day with her sister and brother-in-law naked... too much information!

There was an impasse.

Her sister refused to allow her to wear a swimsuit, (everyone would stare at her if she wore it) so she finally opted for a towel instead. The towel worked well. Except in one pool, where she dove in only to find it was icey cold. She was stuck... she shivered, teeth chattered and turned blue until there was an opportunity to get out - modestly.

I sat looking at her tonight with appreciation for the person she is. She was wearing a grey pearl and murano glass necklace I made for her this winter. It glinted in the candlelight. She is a widow, a keen observer of people and she enjoys every day. I believe she still misses her husband - yet never looks at his death as a loss rather his life with her as a gift.. a glass half full thinker...

It has been a fun day. At the beach this afternoon, there was a wet suit clad kite surfer. He was having a blast, taking 30 feet leaps in the air and going like stink across big waves. I love watching them fly across the water. It looks like so much fun. There is something I can add to my list of things to learn to do.

I hope you had a good night. I believe you underestimate yourself Dukhuntr, no one reading your posts would think you lack eloquence. I thank you for your caring thoughts.

I should sign off. I have paper work I need to get done for tomorrow. Plus dog is sitting by his basket of toys whinning which is my signal to get down on my hands and knees and play with him...


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/01/06 06:41 AM
Hi Paradise,

Okay I see where you are. Getting back into a life built around your friends is good. I know mine are very important to me more so than ever. I don't think I will ever let them get so far removed from my life again. When you have a long term and seemingly stable marriage friends are what you squeeze in when you can. That will not be the case for me from now on. Friends are there for as long as you return the friendship. Nothing more is expected and when you need them they offer so much more than you could ever expect.

I will stop worrying and just keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you too will soon find that frame of mind that will allow you to feel happy and light again. You have been staying pretty close to home lately, isn't it time to hit the road again and "let go of the wheel"? You sounded so full of life and excited when you went on your trip to Europe. Maybe the Tropics this time? Sure would beat the heck out of the frozen tundra wouldn't it? Sand, surf and fu-fu drinks with little umbrellas. I have a picture of what I think you look like in my head and you have one of those drinks in your hand on a lounge chair under a palm tree with a cabanna boy close at hand. Really big sunglasses a skimpy bikini and a big smile on your radiant face. I think you need to book the trip just so I can see how close my mental picture of you is to reality. E-mail me a photo from the resort with the caption "Eat your heart out- Paradise".

Pleasant dreams!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/02/06 01:43 AM

Well I just spent an hour with Mr. Midnight, on paperwork and sorting out some of his stuff so he can move it out. Always an experience I must say. I haven't seen him since my Dad's funeral really - except in passing maybe once or twice.

He wanted me to give him three teacups. I did. I have many beautiful teacups. What does a 54 year old man want with teacups?

He offered me the chalet this weekend - his plans have changed. "Oh by the way, there will be a female friend of mine staying there Friday night. She doesn't get along with her step mom - so she stays elswhere until her Dad is home. She is a Level 3 instructor and Level 2 coach" - a better skier than I am! Right!

He has signed up for a cooking course. He wanted bakeware! The man has never baked anything in his entire existence. He says he finds his own cooking very uninventive! It is boring apparently. I agree. He only knows how to over boil potatoes and char burn pork chops!

I find it really uncomfortable being in the same room. He doesn't seem to, he was happy, giddy, very friendly and upbeat. I stood there and wondered if I should be trying a Plan A approach and ended up only being polite and helpful -such a strange situation - so surreal really.

I asked for my key back. He wanted to keep it. I agreed on the basis there is so much company paperwork here - that logically he should have access to but only for a couple of months longer.

He is taking a marble coffee and end tables. Even though he mentioned they were not "our" taste. I wondered who the "our" was?

I found him staring at me alot tonight. He wanted to say something. I am not sure what.

It is my week for men behaving badly it seems. A casual friend's husband made a pass at me. It is enough to make me think very ill of the so called stronger sex. Where are their brains - exactly? Oopps I think I can guess....

Creepy, creepy, creepy, creepy, creepy....

Time I think for a very long dog walk. Dog just had a chili/kibble dinner - his favourite. He has chili face. It was a very mild chili - but I will sleep with the window open!

He doesn't understand what is happening between Mr. Midnight and I, although perhaps he does. He sat right next to me the whole time his Dad was here. He kept looking at me with a question on his face. I looked back thinking I wish I knew the answer.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/02/06 06:11 AM
Hold on there Paradise!

Don't go and put the bad judgement, poor decision making, and improper behavior all on the male side of the equation. I have living breathing proof of the same behaviors from the female side you know! And where would she be thinking from? It's definitely not between her ears!

The dog sat beside you because he could smell skank. The bottom feeding attorney scent must be adhering to Midnight. Males can smell that from quite a distance you know. Some are attracted to it, others repulsed. Shows me your dog is as refined as you are. What is his name by the way? All of this time we have talked about him and not once do I remember hearing his name.

Since you have had contact with the alien tonight do something special for yourself tomorrow. Something that will take your mind elsewhere and keep it there. The days after an encounter are always the toughest for me. The encounter itself is never too bad, it actually feels pleasant sometimes. It's the aftershocks that do the damage.

Safari Girl has asked me to join her at another Hunting convention at the Casino she works for. This one is the FNAS convention. Not sure what FNAS stands for other than I know they support wild sheep. I think she feels this type of entertainment is a more relaxed way of getting to know me. She has really put the brakes on with us. She said she felt like I wanted to go too fast! I haven't even laid a hand on her - honest! All I did was to invite her to go with me whenever I had something fun to do. Maybe twice a week the past couple of weeks. Basketball games and an evening dinner with friends to be exact. She passed on both. Would that scare her? Women are strange and wonderful creatures. I just would not ever want to live in their head for more than a few seconds. Too much going on in there for us simple men.

Have a wonderful day tomorrow.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/02/06 06:31 AM

I have been for a very long walk. It is mild here tonight. Dog and I had coffee out... talked to several people in the park and have come home the better for the fresh air.

I have had an epiphany of sorts. I know my husband still loves me.

Yes he is still very much an alien [censored] in a state of high confusion and on the run from being a grown up, but the love I have always known, relied on, flourished in - is still there.

I felt it tonight - 100%.

He kept standing too close, leaning against me while I worked at the computer, his eyes never left me once.

Curiously enough, I think he is jealous. He thinks I am seeing someone. I am out alot. When he calls there is always background noise. He doesn't ask. I don't say anything.

When I asked politely and matter of factly for my key - his body language was expicit - I could have just as easily punched him and gotten the same physical response.

I find I am relieved. I love my husband. I always have.

Now, all I have to do is be patient, cool headed and positive. All things I am exceptionally good at. I am going to really relax and enjoy the next few months. I will redecorate to my taste, throw out everything I don't like and calmly wait for him to realize it too.

On the plus side, I might just get back a husband who can cook - whoa!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/02/06 06:54 AM
Hey Dukhuntr,

Sorry about the male bashing. It has just been that kind of week. The appealing thing about men, is that when you do understand them - there are rich rewards to be had.

The dog's name is Blue. He has one blue eye and one brown eye and is mighty handsome.

I am in a good mood. I am glad you have a woolly fun outing planned. Did I herd you right - wild sheep? Surely, anything to do wild sheep will be a hoof!

As for a picture of me in a skimpy bikini - no such luck! This is a cyber world. I could closely resemble Winston Churchill and it would be very inappropriate and unkind to excite your anticipation.

I may though - just opt for a few "Fu Fu" drinks. My brother plans to haul me down to Cuba for a week. He has a two month cycling trip planned for the island. It is one of my favourite places, rich in history, wonderful people, great rum and smoking jazz!

Whew, I have got to go to bed - long tiring day!


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/03/06 05:36 AM
Ohhhh Paradise,

Winston Churchill??????

That was an evil way to kill a perfectly good fantasy I had going. Here I had you all glammed up and lookin good and you go and ruin the whole image with one sentence!! Not a nice thing to do to a friend. And why not a bikini? From all you have said I bet you would look great in one. Nothing more beautiful than an elegant 50+ woman that can pull off wearing a bikini still. I would bet a large sum of money you could pull it off, and I have never laid eyes on you.

I will expect no less than two cuban cigars in return for ruining my image of you. Cohiba's if possible in the glass tubes please. And I hope you choke (non-fatally) on a drink unbrella while in Cuba to boot!

Wild sheep are the Bighorn variety that are native to many areas in different species. Not the kind that make sweaters Paradise. These live in the highest and most remote mountains and are quite elusive to hunt. Thus the attraction and the high cost of hunting them. Not a game for the physically challenged or the average income Joe. Wish me luck tomorrow, Safari Girl sounded excited to see me. I hope she missed me and feels a little different about spending time with me. She did also invite me to watch the Super Bowl with her and her friends on Sunday. A good sign? Tell me what you think.

Sleep well!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/03/06 07:04 AM
Hey Dukhuntr,

Sounds like you have a great weekend planned, I am glad, half the pleasure of life is looking forward to things.

I have had a productive night. I have been plowing through paper work with good speed - to the sound of "Careless Love" by Madeline Peyroux - a simply great CD.

When I finished, Blue and I curled up together to watch "In her Shoes" a new rental release - I had wanted to see in the theatre. I enjoyed it. Shoes! How could I not enjoy it! It was an excellent family film. One scene made me tear up... because it reminded me so much of my Dad.

Cameron Diaz is luminescent. She gives a great performance.

It had a wonderful quote from e.e. cummings:

"here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) "

Such beautiful words, I going to have to buy an anthology of his work. I have not heard a more elegant expression of the interconnectedness of the human experience.

Last time I was in Cuba, I did buy cigars - Double Coronas by Hoyo de Monterrrey. They are still sitting untouched in a humidor. No one I know really smokes cigars. I run with a very healthy crowd. My Dad smoked cigars. Although my Mom made him stop probably 30 years ago. I love the smell of cigar smoke.

You like everything that is bad for you. I am sure Safari girl will have you into tofu, kale, lean cuisine suet free salami - and a smoke free snuff free regime before you can say Pork Rinds! Truer yet I bet you will like it .... I think when a woman invites a man to meet her friends - it is always a good sign....


P and B
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/05/06 06:16 PM
Happy Super Sunday Paradise!

It does seem that I have developed some rather bad habits and tastes doesn't it. Before my marital woes I was a very boring individual in that respect. My only vice was the cigars that I enjoyed while either hunting or while walking the golf course. Now I have several more in addition to cigars. Your post got me to thinking about that and it probably is a mini rebellion for me to start all of the bad behaviors. I had given up the snuff 5yrs ago and I bet I didn't average a drink a week before the EX's A.

So far the weekend hasn't gone as well as I hoped for. Safari Girl met me Friday at the convention and had lunch with me. 45 Mins into the trade show she said her goodbye and went back to work. Kind of a let down for someone who took half a day off to meet her. She is being very reserved with me and has a major wall up. She semi made up for it yesterday by calling me to come meet her and a couple of her friends while they had lunch. They had stopped at my hangout to eat and thought of me so they called. The local tavern I frequent is called "The Stagger Inn". Aptly named to boot. Good bar food and a tradition for some of us locals. While I was there I asked her friends if it was me or just something that happened to her . They confirmed it was her and her independence created by being hurt by previous SO's. That sure relieved me, I was thinking it was me. Surviving an A sure does create some stubborn self doubt and general lack of confidence. We'll see how she treats me today when I join her and her friends at the Super Bowl party at her friends house. It's her oldest and best friend so that does make me feel like she is interested and wants her friend to evaluate the new guy. Best behavior for DH today!

What are you up to this weekend? Are you a football fan at all? MY guess would be that you and Blue are planning an outing in the outdoors and there will be very little football in your day.

One final bit of trivia from Reno for you today. I just finished reading the paper this morning and something caught my eye you would enjoy. In the back of the front page this morning in the court actions, the EX's OM was listed in the DUI convictions. Did some jail time and got a hefty fine to boot. Couldn't happen to a better person! I think that made my day! EX's brother went to court last week and got a 5 day contempt of court sentence for showing up to his DUI trial drunk and blowing a 1.7 in court. All of this just makes staying away from her and her family so much easier.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/06/06 04:12 PM
Hello Paradise and Dukhunter...

As always.. I am keeping up with the reading. I often have quite a few conversations in "my head" to share with both of you.. getting them down in cyber-print is another story.

I do think that many pots of coffee could be consumed if we were all ever given the chance to "hash" it out in person.

I came home from a sunny vacation, and had to head out West to attend some recertification seminars for some of the licensing I hold in judging horseshows. It was a "who's-who" of my world, and I should have been awestruck. With the past couple of years that I have had personally, I still try to maintain the climb up the professional ladder, though, at times, my "gusto" is lost..

Know what I learned first and foremost?

I missed my family.. Of course, my children.. but their father as well...A whole lot.

It was a nice feeling to know he felt the same, though he'd never admit it.

I hope yesterday is never my best day. The future has got to be "it" for all of us, don't you think ?

Paradise... your post about loving your husband and his feelings for you.. May I share in it?

I believe that all of us here realize how complacent we can become in marriage, and that we truly tend to lose, not only ourselves in it, but our spouses as well. Other things take priority.. It did for me. I know it has for all of us, and we are now aware of it..

Hindsight is such a horrid thing, isn't it?

But, in reading your post, I had a tear in my eye and a warmness in my heart. What a wonderful individual you are to even simply "look" for that love in this man - and, you know, I have been where you are.

I understand.

The moment in this mess of mine that I realized how much I truly love this man of mine was a turning point as much as the moment I realized how much he cared for me.

That doesn't come along very often in this lifetime, I am sure.

Stay strong. Don't clue Blue into everything as of yet. Maybe, just maybe..time is on your side.

That is my prayer for you.

Now Dukhunter... a bit of advice for you - though you might not deem me worthy of it, as I am no expert on

When I sell a horse.. to maintain my reputation, that is very important to me.. I disclose all it's "vices" up front. More often than not, I don't want a horse with any vices in the barn..

You gave up snuff 5 years ago... (admirable, I've gotten into trucks on the farm with coffee cups full of the remnants from the workers here - oh, the nausea <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> ).. and you say you have developed a few more?

Kick them <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />.. and only keep Paradise's words as your "crutch"... There's no need not to show this Safari Girl how dependable and controlled you are.. I think the SuperBowl party is a great step for a seemingly "gunshy" woman.

You're doing well...

I'm proud of you.

I hope I can make you the same of me.


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/06/06 04:15 PM
Oh and Dukhunter...

On the "Reno" news..

I have had similar observations regarding the FOW and her H in my life.

I try to be such a good person... but boy, does some reading put a skip in my step.


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/07/06 07:11 AM

I am proud of you already! For someone just to have endured what you have and to have the enthusiasm you do is nothing short of amazing. You sound so good it makes me feel good.
I will be where you are soon!

I just came home from cooking Safari Girl dinner at her house. We had a long talk about the two of us and I am walking on air right now. She let me know where I stand with her and it's way better than even I could imagine. She thinks I am pretty special because I have been willing to go so slow and still be as attentive and friendly to her. I think making her dinner and letting her sit back and watch helped even more. All she could do is shake her head and laugh when I did the dishes and cleaned up her kitchen after dinner. Or maybe it was the foot massage while watching the movie I'm not sure. All I know is suddenly she is saying all the things I thought I'd never hear from her.

It's not like anything physical has happened yet but she sure let me know she wants to keep doing things with me and wants to see where this might go. After being single and happy for seven years this is big for her. She is very sucessful in her career and has a boatload of close friends that watch out for her. I think I passed the Super Bowl inspection with them yesterday.

As for the bad habits, I do need to start dropping some of them. Snuff is first on the list. I did not dip around her tonight but I have on other occasions. Usually only when she smokes. She has a couple a day and that's it so I try to only do the same. The drinking part seems to have gone away all by itself. I never drank that much before and since becoming more independent and confortable being single I only drink when I go out with the boys again.

As for the reading I have never wished the EX ill will. I will always love her in some way or another. I spent too many years with her not to. We grew up together and watched our kids grow up too. As for the OM it did warm my heart to see that karma can be a bitc*. Maybe the what goes around is finally coming around? Two other people who read that called me today to make sure I saw it. Their first question was whether or not the EX and the OM were still together. I think my telling them I had no idea was a let down. There may even be a pool going with my friends as to how long she stays with him. At this point I don't want to know what is going on, all I care about is how things between her and the kids are.

It is nice to hear from you and even nicer to hear how good you sound! Don't be such a stranger. Stop by and drop us a post more often. And if you happen to hear from Holiday we would all like to hear how she is doing.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/07/06 10:14 AM

I hope you didn't take offense on my "vices" advice. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

I truly only meant that you should have a whole new healthy you for this wonderful new life you are trying to experience. We ALL have

May I ask you a question for a man's point of view? You have shed some light and have been right on target regarding my H before. I could use some insight.

We are doing well. We are not perfect. Most of the faults probably occur within my own head. I think sometimes the memories of the pain hurt far more and far longer than the actual pain, don't you?

My H is very involved in the small town little league. FYI, the majority of the work that he does for them, I actually do behind the scenes. I look for no credit there, this is "his" thing.

Some of the other people involved in this were related to the A he had with this local MOW. "Party" friends, if you will. I suppose there is a possibilty that I will be uncomfortable with these people for the rest of my life. I, too, thought these people were my friends and cared for my family as well.

I have never approached, nor harrassed nor questioned any of them for their role in anything.

For the longest time, H did his best to keep me away from any of the "outward" dealings with these people. I was seeing this start to change.

When I see ANY of them, I simply smile and say hi. I am never rude, I promise you, but I have no further words for them. How can I?

Last night, I overheard H asking a local woman to take over a duty for this organization. He never asked me. This would involve becoming more closely associated with these people in a working fashion... which I sort of have been.

I feel and felt badly that he did not ask me...and I did not handle it well. The end result of this was, his anger at me for "snubbing" these people and my "inability" to be nice to any of them.

Mind you, we are talking about probably TWO couples out of the whole mess. The rest of the small town probably think I am a saint or simply stupid.

I have a dear friend who thinks he doesn't want me around these folks for a reason... No, I do not think there is contact with the OW...

Think like a man here.. is it me? Do you think he might be ashamed of me in some way in all of this?

You know Dukhunter, I just can't bring myself to have a conversation with these people. Respect is lost, but I am never rude.

Must I kiss backsides to gain their favor, simply to please my H?

Hmmm.. think with me if you will.

And, BTW.. I am envious of your new "start" and the specialness that comes with it. I'll bet you're walking a bit faster these days..


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/07/06 04:00 PM
Morning Eibrab!

No offense taken. All you did was to point out what I know I need to do too. Everyone has something they need to address and deal with. Having friends encourage you to do those things helps.

Paradise and I had a conversation a while back about what you have just asked me in regard to your husband. I have a theory and mind you it's just what I feel, that WS's have a different perspective that influences how they do things and react to different situations. I think shame plays a bigger part in their actions than we can appreciate. And I am not talking about him being ashamed of you. He is ashamed of what he has done to you and to his family. My first thought in regard to what you described is that he wants to shield you from these people as much as possible. The less you interact with them the less you are liable to hear any more of the details to what all went on. The more you hear the more shame he will feel and he has enough of that to deal with already.

No matter how much you have talked to him about what you wanted to know there is always something more out there that could come up and cause more grief for the both of you. He knows this and I think you do too. I don't think you should worry about it because it's in the past for you two now and you should be looking more at the present and to the future. Besides from what you have said about these people you are 100% right in being cordial and thats it with them. I seriously doubt anyone who knows you at all thinks you are stupid. A saint yes, stupid never.

I do think if it bothers you that he snubbed you you need to talk to him about it in a positive way and let him know you would have done whatever he needed. Let him tell you what his thoughts were. I did the Little League thing for many years and so did my EX. It was hard enough to do when we had a strong and solid relationship. I can't imagine doing all those same things while recovering from what the two of you have been thru. He may be just trying to keep some time for the two of you open during the season, I would.

You have an opportunity in your hands right now to make your marriage stronger and better than ever. Patience, an open mind, along with a willingness to have honest and caring conversations will make this work. I know how much you have been hurt by all of this but you have the chance to do what the rest of us only dreamt about so far. Don't let your old hurts stand in the way of the of making things better for you and your family.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/07/06 04:25 PM

Can you tell I was sitting on my hands just waiting for your words of wisdom ? I feel like I've just "pounced" on you..

I feel badly about the way I handled this. I feel worse about the way HE handled it. He got very mean with me...and it turned to insulting me and seemingly protecting others. That's simply not fair.

I do understand what you say about "keeping" me from these people. Possibly the FOW would have had to be dealt with in this position as well. But, to insult me in regards to my demeanor stings. I even had an idiotic moment where I posed to him, that possibly he might even like to offer the position to FOW as she seems to be less embarrassing to him.

You may admonish me now. I deserve it. Sometimes, being so good all the time really sets the tone for a stupid outburst at a moments notice.

Truth be told... I really don't want the position. Honestly. It would have been nice to graciously turn him down. I enjoy being behind his "scene" making him look good.

Lord knows he needs it in this community... though I will be honest, there has been a time or two (last night being one) where he has told me that I am the only one causing embarassment. He isn't.


We are doing well. Sadly such a trivial things brings back so much old pain, and your last paragraph brought tears to my eyes. I truly don't wish to "misbehave" - and I mean that in a mature fashion, not like a squashed child..

Thank you for caring..Your insight is a gift to so many here.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/07/06 06:41 PM
Hey Eibrab,

Don't feel too bad about all of this. Learn from it, so the next time something like this comes up you can meet it head on and in control. I can't say I blame you or your H. The wounds are still open and will be for a long time. It doesn't take much to inflame them again. Each time it should be less and less traumatic though if you see it for what it is, re-establishing trust and respect.

His shame fans his temper because he doesn't want to look at it that closely any more. Your perceptions of being snubbed are in large part caused by you feeling a lack of respect. All of these were created by the A and won't go away on their own. Time and patience are your friends now.

And yes I agree with you he is being pompous saying you are causing the embarassment. Just don't tell him that! A man's ego is very fragile, believe me I know, he needs to be confident in himself to be any good to anyone. I know it can be hard to do for you since you did nothing wrong yourself, but giving him the luxury of of building some ego when it's not deserved may help you in the long run. Same thing goes for horses doesn't it? They may be even smarter than most of us men. They get fed, groomed and sent out for stud by simply doing what they are told on a regular basis. We men could learn from a good horse sometimes!

And by all means you need to build on your ego too. You have been the rock that kept things together. You have every right to feel a sense of pride in yourself and what you have done. Showing your feelings and wanting to be respected is okay. Now be the smart one and do it in a way that builds on the relationship, as opposed to creating conflict and moving back a step or two.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/08/06 12:15 AM

How in the world did someone such as yourself end up where I "am" ?

You seem to have so much more control. If I could only be so strong..

This really frazzled me. I have become a rock - very solid. But to have him say to me that I am unkind or even rude really got to me.

Might be a trigger I suppose... In hindsight, during the A, everytime I did something he didn't like, he'd say to me... well, OW would never do that or say that to me.

Maybe I was waiting for the comparison again.

I feel so "judged" by all of this...almost as if it defines me. My goal should be to show others just what I am made up of, don't you think?

I truly thank you.

Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/08/06 01:13 AM
I have tried to read to get up to date.
It looks like you are all getting along well. could Mr Midnight not still be in love with you? He is so lost. are staying so very strong!
E...sorry your H doesn't always remember how much pain you have endured through your marriage. I think one day he will come around.
My H just finished his mid term. Very stressful 2 weeks studying. He is holding in there.
We celebrated 24 years of marriage on the 30th. Had a nice dinner.
I am planning a trip to visit my sick friend Terry. He is now awaiting his 3rd agressive chemo treatment. He's hanging in there.
I haven't been to MB in a long while. The little group I was posting with decided to end our time with MB so as to move forward in our recovery. We still email, but not as often as we used to post...there's an emptiness in my heart, but I understand that sometimes "rehashing" and "bashing" are negative energies.
I will check on you all here and if there is anything you need, just ask.
You can also email me at [email][/email]

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/08/06 01:18 AM

If you only knew how little "control" I had during the A you would not be paying any attention to me. I can talk to you because I have seen what out of control does and the results of it. I have learned so much about myself and how others interpret my actions thru all of this stuff I feel I have become a different person. Paradise, Holiday and you have all contributed to this different sense for me.

Paradise has beaten a sense of calm into my head that I like. Anger, confusion and hurt only get worse if you can't learn to let things go. Yes your H knows better than anyone how to push your buttons. He has years of on the job training in this. He knows he's doing it but he is hurting too. Why not have everyone join in? Your mission is to diffuse the conflict and get things moving in a different direction when it starts. I know you shouldn't have to be the one doing the concessions. Read the MB books again and they will all say that the BS's does all of the heavy giving early in recovery. For you it is still early. Things will get better if you keep up your faith. You can do this!
Be like Holiday and give the rest of us something to be proud of you for. It will also give the rest of us something to aspire to ourselves. A loving and healthly relationship with the person who means most to us in our lives.

As for showing others what you are made of you have done that already! The only people you should concern yourself with are your children and your H. Everyone else is secondary and really immaterial anyway. As long as you know you are doing the best you can for your family and yourself you should be content and let everything else come as it may. Immerse yourself in family and the horses and live for yourself. You are a good person and I can see it just in your posts. Just be yourself and take this one obstacle at a time. Believe in yourself, you can do this!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/08/06 05:50 AM

It is great to see everyone chatting and in good spirits.

I am back from an extended weekend away. I did go to the cottage after all. I was the last to clean up and clear out - but with road closures and such, I ended up turning back and staying up two more days. Pure indulgence, solidary walks, reading by the fire, eating left overs, snowshoeing in 2 foot high snow, in a wonderful white winter paradise! Blue and I are rested and relaxed.

It was an interesting weekend. Mr. Midnight's new skiing buddy and her girlfriend were there when I got there, plus my regular cottage mates. A bit awkward, but I made friends, cooked her a lovely dinner and smiled as she told me "what a good man my husband was." I bit my tongue and said very little. It is surreal to think someone you just met probably knows alot more about what your husband is doing than you do. At one point, I had to choke back ... a casual reference to him being an emotionally retarded alien [censored] ...

As you get older - your developmental intelligence is said to increase which includes: dualistic thought - the ability to hold radically opposing perspectives in your mind at the same time and see the truth in both. I thought about this alot over the weekend. My husband is a good man. She is right. He is also an emotionally retarded alien [censored]. I am right. People can be many things at the same time.

She went downstairs to call him after Saturday night's dinner dishes were cleared. They had a long talk. I wondered where he was and who he was with. I washed dishes with one of my chalet mates who asked me what it felt like to be in my situation. I said:

"It is just like being in a dust storm. You have to close your eyes and mouth, stand perfectly still and wait for things to settle. So many strong emotions buffet you like a high wind, it is impossible to see things clearly and everything you know - all that is familiar in your life is lost in whirling clouds of grit that stings and leaves every part of you raw and hurting."

I realize now that for large chunks of our marriage. I neglected him. I loved him faithfully, I took good care of things domestically. I have paid the bulk of our expenses from the get go. I gave him everything but my undivided attention.

I am programmed for work. It excites me like skiing thrills him. I have lived decades where working 70 hours a week often with lots of out of town travel was the norm. When I was home I was often so tired - a turnip would be more fun.

I believe to live life with grace, you need to have faith in your self, those you love, those you don't love, faith that life with all its challenges is exactly as it should be...

I am going to ponder that thought.. Blue is sitting here with crossed legs and a pained expression on his face... He needs to go see a man about a dog!
Posted By: LovingAnyway Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/08/06 06:49 AM

I just wanted you to know how much your thread means to me. Your journal posts especially.

Thank you with all my heart.

Posted By: familycomesfirst Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/08/06 02:35 PM
Hey PB - I envy you! Sounds like you had a glorious weekend away!

I love your dust storm analogy, you do know how to put things so eloquently.

I second lovings post, I really enjoy reading your journal entries.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/08/06 03:59 PM
"It is just like being in a dust storm. You have to close your eyes and mouth, stand perfectly still and wait for things to settle. So many strong emotions buffet you like a high wind, it is impossible to see things clearly and everything you know - all that is familiar in your life is lost in whirling clouds of grit that stings and leaves every part of you raw and hurting."


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/08/06 10:35 PM
I second the Wow..

Only I find myself trying to blow hard to try and see through and not being patient enough to let the dust settle..

Paradise... you have been a gift to so many here. Maybe the pain you've gone and are still going through is how God is using you to help others.

I know you've helped me.


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/08/06 11:25 PM
Only you Paradise!

How you can write things as beautiful and inspiring after doing the OW's dirty dishes is beyond me. I could do it but it would be after coating her plate in arsenic. Maybe you could train Blue to lift his leg on her on demand. Or better yet show her a new ski trail that ends at the nearest cliff!

How do you do it? A weekend with the skank in the same cottage? Even the Dali Llama would be proud of you. And I don't buy the fact that you neglected him in the slightest. If he's not saying anything to you , you are doing what needs to be done in the most efficient and timely manner you can. If he needed more it was up to him to say so and get your attention. He sure didn't complain about your work productivity did he? Well if he had a complaint in the marriage department he was perfectly capable of making this known to you. Alien [censored] yes, neglected no. He made a choice based on his feelings of entitlement and a lack of respect for you. Nothing you did or didn't do would have changed this.

I usually can see where you are coming from, and agree with your thinking when it comes to figuring out our WS's. On this one I have to disagree totally. Midnight made a choice to leave the confines of your marriage. For whatever reason he did this it was a choice on his part, not a disease and not an out of body experience. Clearly a good person can make these decisions because from all you have said he is a good person same as my EX. The how and why of these decisions we will never know. We will never know because we weren't there to see, hear, and feel all that they went thru to get to that point. Guessing and theorizing is all we can do. All that did for me in the last 11 months is make me miserable. I have given up on trying to figure it out and am not going back.

I'm not saying you have to give up your faith in Midnight, all I am saying is not to put this back on yourself. You didn't do anything so wrong as to entitle him to go outside the bounds of your marriage. An A is never the way for a rational and respectful spouse to handle marital issues. To accept that you weren't the perfect spouse is normal, to accept that you should have given him your undivided attention given the situation with work and your Dad is going overboard. Give yourself more credit than that, you deserve it.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/09/06 02:13 AM
I'm not saying you have to give up your faith in Midnight, all I am saying is not to put this back on yourself. You didn't do anything so wrong as to entitle him to go outside the bounds of your marriage. An A is never the way for a rational and respectful spouse to handle marital issues. To accept that you weren't the perfect spouse is normal, to accept that you should have given him your undivided attention given the situation with work and your Dad is going overboard. Give yourself more credit than that, you deserve it.

pb...I didn't have much time this morning, but this is what I wanted to tell you exactly as dh has said it.
I was and still am giving my H my "undivided" attention. That is definitely no guarentee on how "he" is going to behave in our marriage. It is my choice to be this type of wife. In no way do you need to start thinking "his" A and going outside your marriage is your fault.

Unless of course (and I totally doubt it) he sat you down, prior to the A and told you bit by bit, how his "needs" weren't being met, you then were given the opportunity to seek marital help and your marriage still didn't fulfill his "needs"

No girl, this is all on him and his poor choices. I don't think you were given a say in any of this.

And like dh says, dont' give up your faith in Mr M, just don't start making yourself miserable thinking "only if".

I love ya and your posts,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/09/06 09:01 AM
Hi Holiday, Dukhuntr, familycomesfirst,Lovinganyways,Eibrab,

Wow alot of traffic today. Thank you very much for your compliments. I do like journaling. Sometimes I find myself saying things I have written and writing things I have said. It is improving my conversation.

It also helps settle my brain. Kind of like ironing - your thoughts - getting all the wrinkles out - it makes for smoother mental processing.

I don't think I am responsible for Midnight's affair. I do think the Harleys' are right in that there are risk factors that go hand in hand with needs not being met. I contributed to our marriage being vulnerable.

To create optimal solutions that provide the maximum benefit for all involved in whatever dilemma being confronted - the key is always to see the situation clearly through each participant's eyes and wholly understand the priority of their needs. It is the same challenge whether you are trying to structure a financial deal, work out a legal, political, or organizational conflict or in a much more personal arena - save a marriage.

I need to understand my husband and I don't anymore. Relationships can become ridiculously complex. Yet the underlying dynamics are simple. You love. You don't hate. You don't hurt. Infidelity hurts. You are putting the one you love in harm's way - emotionally and physically. It is heart breaking and life threatening.

There is a great quote on another site from the Dalai Lama -my hero which reads:

"Our greatest duty and our main duty is to help others. And please, if you can’t help them would you please not hurt them!"

It is so basic isn't it.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/10/06 08:44 AM

I have had a long busy day and I can't settle down. I tore my bedroom apart tonight. Vacumed every inch of it, including the mattress, taking everything out of the closets, dressers the like. Wiping out entire colonies of highly developed intricate dust bunnies and fingering long jagged rips in my mattress cover. Blue does like to dig.

I sat cross legged for a good 20 minutes in my closet admiring my shoes. Sitting there looking at them in their neat rows, I wondered if there was special therapy for my vice.

I picture a waiting room full of well clad women, sneaking glances at each other's feet. Sniffly and emotional as they confess to being obsessed with kitten heels, hand tooled cowboy boots and glittery strappy stiletto evening sandals. The January and July sale periods would require extra meetings, maybe even a buddy system.

When I walk through a store and inhale the intoxicating leathery aroma of shoes crafted by Jimmy Choo, Manolo Blahnik, Chanel, Guicci, - it sends shivers of exquisite excitement coursing through me head to toe. I don't even need to own them - most times just trying them on is enough.

Some years back I had to wear birkenstocks exclusively to remedy a foot problem, going through their catalogue brought tears to my eyes and made my lower lip tremble.

It seems I also have a clothing addiction. I started buying clothes rather late in life. During my university years, I wore only jeans and tee shirts. I owned one dress. I wore it to my sister-in-law's wedding. I remember standing on the country club lawn with my Husband. lisening to him say "You should have at least bought a new dress." Honestly the idea never occurred to me... It would now.

When I started consulting I worked with a brillant brit who had impeccable taste. He would rap my desk and say "Best bib and tucker tomorrow..." I would look back at him and frown...not a clue.

My early fashion sense was guided by his mouth.

If I got it right he would smile a big relaxed smile. If I got it wrong, as when one day I biked to work, forgot my pumps and clumped into a meeting in sneakers - his lips would compress into a thin straight line.

One memorable day, I tried wearing new thigh high stockings with elastic tops: as I stood giving a client presentation - they slowly drifted south to form puddles of folds around my ankles. His lips disappeared entirely.

Nowadays, I would quip about a wardrobe malfunction and smoothly yank them off without interrupting the flow of my talk. I was young then - it was a red faced disaster.

When I draw my hand across a row of my suits I remember things. I can pick up a jacket and remember when and where I bought it. How much I paid. When I have worn it. Who I was with. They are a visual record of how I have spent my time. I have trouble giving them away because I fear I will loose the mental triggers to prompt those memories... I still have my going away outfit.

Certain items, I have worn till they are ratty and shredded. My husband could always tell when I had a really rough day. I would immediately pull on a frayed ragged 20 year old Marci Lipman sweat shirt that hangs together by will power alone. Old clothes comfort the soul.

I packed up more of Midnight's things tonight. Holding back a few treasures: a 40 year old belt made of shock cord and shackles which use to hold up the worst looking pair of track pants imaginable; a watch I gave him for his 25 birthday. A 1979 National Team tee shirt - transparent from wear, softer than duck down that still smells of him.

When we hold on to things we should let go of - there is always a reason. I have a friend who buys too much food. She has three freezers filled to the brim for a family of three. Worse yet, she will slyly try to store pork chop buying sprees in the basement fridges of friends.

I have the urge to purge these days. I pull cupboards apart again and again - getting rid of things in progressive stages of letting go. There is a great book on decluttering by Karen Kingston - Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui.

The dog was very bored by all this domestic rigor. The only time he perked up was when I cleaned out my husband's sock drawer. He views socks as a kind of portable wealth. He regularly raids the luggage of our weekend guests to add to his portfolio. He is sock rich and I have many many strays.

Gloves have a similar appeal, Mine seldom match because he will actually jump up and stick his nose in my coat pocket to steal them. Sometimes I don't notice the theft and they are abandoned in our travels - to lie lonely on the ground -hapless victims of canine avarice.....
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/10/06 04:00 PM
Morning Paradise,

Cleaning is a good way to settle the mind and relax isn't it? When I get antsy and unsettled it seems to be therapy for me also. Shoes just don't hold the same appeal to men. I wonder what it is about women and shoes. All the women I know seem to have the same facination. I never appreciated this until I packed up the EX's stuff for her and it took two large boxes and two lawn and leaf bags to contain all of them.

I have a question for you today. My DD had a really bad day yesterday and I talked to her several times on the phone and tried to get her to come see me after work. She made several excuses not to come over or to see me. Then I see her at the basketball game last night with EX and the OM. She just couldn't bring herself to be honest with me and tell me she had plans with her mother and OM. It made me upset that she felt it was better to mislead me than just be straight forward and tell me she had plans with her mother. Do you think I should address this with her or just let it go? What bugs me is this is her mother's way of doing things. Never direct and truthful. Do they really believe this is less hurtful to me than telling the truth?

I feel the same as you in that I don't understand the EX or my daughter's thinking in this regard. Understanding someone else's thinking is nice but how do you ever really figure them out especially if they can't seem to express their thoughts to you?
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/10/06 04:59 PM

May I chime in ?

At times, I would have acted as your daughter did. In my opinion, she just didn't want to "deal" with telling you. Not out of disrespect, but maybe out of cowardice - a statement said respectfully.

I suppose it would be hard for a straight forward person to understand... it was just easier for her to skip around the truth - probably without the intent to lie, but to avoid hurting your feelings or any conflict.

It's not bad quality at some times, but certainly telling the truth allows for no further discussion or "getting caught" as she did.

I'd find solace in the fact that she needed someone yesterday and turned to you.. she knows she was caught. If you don't react at this point, maybe she'll be completely honest with you next time.

Fingers crossed.


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/10/06 05:06 PM

I have three dogs. Two big bulldogs and an elderly Welsh Corgi. The corgi is a special individual, very set in his ways and wise beyond most people.

The bulldogs, however...

One of the barns at the farm is an old bank barn. There is a hill running up to the top where one can drive right up to the upper level. This is the sight of everything missing from our lives and that of any unsuspecting visitor who might have brought something of value to a curious dog.

I have found shoes, socks, horsebrushes, a mirror (yes - unbroken) various farm tools, many neighborhood balls from every type of sport, and even once a small wool-like dog bed with a lovely plaid pattern to it.

Never had a claim to the dog bed... nor any reports of one missing around town. As rural as we are, I suspect there might have been a mission and some accomplices involved in this acquisition.

I ask them on occasion about their morals and values.

They make the corgi answer. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/10/06 11:22 PM

Hi Eibrab,

Your dogs sound like mischief afoot. They must love life in the country; having their own safety deposit space by the barn, lots of animals around, things to sniff, chase, bark at. Most of the bulldogs I know are sort of slow, give messy friendly kisses and like to sit down alot. They seem to smile all the time.

There is a great book called "How to Speak Dog, the Art of Dog-Human Communication" by Stanley Coren. You would like it alot. It might translate the finer points of corgi's excuses.

I am going to curl up tonight with Blue and watch a movie. I hope you and yours have a great weekend. Give Silver a hug.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/11/06 02:31 AM
Excerpt from Jed Diamond - This was posted on the fortysixty forum - it is worth reading...

Why Mid-Life Men Leave Perfectly Good Marriages
by Jed Diamond

“He says he loves me, but he’s not in love with me. He talks about leaving our marriage, but won’t tell me why. I’m devastated. Our children are hurt and confused. I love this man. What do I do? Help!” This is an excerpt of a letter, typical of many I am receiving every day, from a woman who is mystified about the behavior of her mid-life husband. Though, I hear most often from heterosexual couples, similar dynamics are present with gay and lesbian couples I’ve worked with. What’s going on here?

Certainly one possibility is that these aren’t good marriages at all. Many relationships deteriorate through time, yet one or both partners are oblivious to the unhappiness and pain that their spouse is experiencing. There are marriages that should have ended long ago, but the couple stays together because they are afraid to leave. However, there are other marriages that are really quite healthy, though all relationships of any length have their ups and downs, yet one spouse feels driven to leave.

There are, of course, many mid-life women who leave perfectly good marriages, but here I want to talk about the guys. Why do so many men leave their partners after 15, 20, or 30 years of marriage? The couple has often weathered many of the stresses of raising children, developing financial security, and seems to be ready to enjoy their later years. Yet, just when things seem to be going well, he becomes increasingly restless and wants to move out. His reasons are often vague and confusing. “I just need to find myself,” or “There’s nothing wrong with you. I just I feel like I’m missing something in our marriage", or “You’re making my life miserable. I can’t stand it anymore.”

It’s usually the woman who contacts me first. She’s emotionally distraught, hurt, angry, and afraid. “I don’t know what’s happened to my husband. He’s changed. We’ve had our good times and bad, but he’s always told me how much he loves me and how glad he is to be with me. All of a sudden it seems like I’m his worst enemy. I just don’t understand.”

When I talk to the guys, I find that they share similar experiences. Somewhere in midlife, often following some kind of loss—a parent dying, children moving out of the home, an illness, a sports injury, a bout of erectile dysfunction—he begins to become increasingly irritable. Rarely does he recognize the connection between the loss he’s experienced and his feelings of dis-ease. At first he is not aware that he is becoming unhappy. When he begins to recognize that something isn’t right, he looks for the cause.

Weeks, months, or even years can go by. All of a sudden things “click” for him. “It’s her.” Like a new born duckling who imprints on the first object he sees, these guys often associate their wives or partners with their unhappiness. Though they are rarely conscious of it, the undercurrent of their thought process goes like this. “God, I’m really feeling unhappy here. This is terrible. I have to find out what’s causing it. Martha just made one of those remarks that I hate. She’s always saying things to irritate me. Now, I see. It’s Martha, Martha, Martha!

He then begins to see her less as a source of joy in his life and more as a problem to be confronted or, more often, avoided. He becomes increasingly unhappy. He alternates between withdrawal and demands for more attention, love, and sex. He wants to be held, nurtured, and told that he is the best, but he can’t get past his perception that she is the source of his unhappiness. Even when she is loving and nurturing, he interprets it as a jab or attack.

She picks up on, usually unconsciously at first, his changed attitude. She becomes more irritable, defensive, and frustrated. Her negative attitude and behavior becomes additional validation that his perceptions were correct. “She really doesn’t like me,” he thinks to himself. “She doesn’t respect me. Nothing I ever do is enough for her. What’s the use?”

Over a period of months and sometimes years, these negative attitudes and “self-talk” cause the couple to become more and more estranged. At its most extreme, he becomes convinced that she is bad. “What kind of horrible woman treats her man with so little respect and care?” he thinks to himself in despair. She becomes convinced that he is mad. “He must be losing his mind. He’s acting totally irrationally.”

Enter, the other woman. Well, actually she’s been there all the time. She may be his trusted secretary who listens to his frustrations at work. It could be a co-worker with whom he shares dreams for the future. It may be his best friend’s wife who looks so nice and who gives him that certain look that says she thinks he’s someone special. It may just be the “feminine” in the world–All those anonymous, but lovely women that we see walking down the streets every day, or who gaze out at us from our television and computer screens. In the past she may have been someone he just noticed. Now he notices with ever more attention. “If only I had her,” he muses. “If she were in my corner, everything would be OK.” His fantasies may be sexual, but the need is for much more than sex.

If the wife comes to be seen as the problem, the other woman comes to be seen as the solution. Somehow she must have the key to his future happiness.

Since there are no secrets in the world of intimate relationships, the wife will “know” that there is another woman in the picture. She’ll know it even before she becomes aware of it. It will begin as an undercurrent of fear and anxiety. It the awareness finally bubbles to the surface, she may keep her concerns inside for awhile. When she finally voices them, he will most often tell her she is being ridiculous. “You’re imagining things,” he says. Or, “We’re just friends.” Or, “All men look at pretty women.” He may, in fact, believe what he says. She may accept his words and believe that her fears are ungrounded. He’s rarely aware of what’s going on until it’s too late. She rarely sees the underlying dynamic until he’s past the point of no return.

It may be months or years before he actually walks out the door, but in truth, he has left long ago. The couple may come to counseling and he may say he wants to work things out. He often is trying to “keep his marriage from falling apart.” However, too often his internal mind-set has solidified: “My wife can’t give me what I need. She’ll never change. There is some female out there who has the key to my happiness. I’m going to find her.”

Does this sound familiar to you? Have you been in the husbands shoes? How about the wife’s or the other woman’s? What did you do? How did it work out?

It’s one of the great tragedies I see in the world today. So many couples break up, just at the point when they could begin to heal old wounds and have the best relationship of their lives. What’s worse, neither really understands what’s going on. Like addicts hooked on heroin, they are pulled along a path that promises delight, but ends in destruction. Is there a way out? Tune in to my next post for some additional answers.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/11/06 02:40 AM

Another excerpt posted on the forty sixty forum by New Outlook - from an magazine advice column...

By Cary Tennis

Feb. 2, 2006 | Note: This letter arrived Dec. 2, 2005, the same day as the referenced column. I did not know what to do with it for some time. I had no answer for it.

So I put it aside.

Finally I got an idea. -- C.T.

Dear Cary,

Your advice to Lost in L.A. was excruciatingly correct. I hope he listens to you. If he doesn't, he can count on a horrible, slow-motion shipwreck that never stops groaning and cracking and coming apart in new and agonizingly surprising ways.

When I look back, what I see is myself in some sort of trance, making insane and rapturous decisions, rationalizing in tongues and somehow pretending to myself that what I was doing made perfect sense and that my own giddy "escape" would somehow provide a happy ending for everyone. Or that there was some cosmic safety net that would gather everyone up and protect my children, my good husband and myself from anything remotely resembling dire trauma and ruin.


There is no cosmic safety net that blocks inevitable consequence.

Consequence is immune to even the most desperate remorse. It's as cold and inexorable as a moving glacier. Fantasies of undoing are not efficacious. Frantic efforts to somehow mend the thing, to fix the pain one has caused, finally seem both selfish and masochistic.

Consequence is a cold, hard thing and if you can bear it for yourself, good; try bearing it in your children's faces. For the rest of your life. So, Cary, what advice do you have for this fellow in L.A. some six years later, if he ignores your good advice, comes to you and says, "I'll never again feel whole and untroubled. No one who placed their trust in me and whom I love feels whole and untroubled. I did not protect my spouse or my children from imbecilic folly and it was my fault. I'm unable to simply disappear from the face of the earth; my kids still walk it. My ex-spouse still walks it, and lives seem to be irrevocably spoiled. I failed to protect them from myself, and the affair and the divorce has indeed become the pivotal trauma of all of our lives. It's not a single event that recedes into the past -- the fallout just doesn't quit, for any of us. I'm tottering on the edge of a smarmy self-loathing that's even more self-absorbed and ignominious than the stupid, blissed-out hedonism that got me here. I want to be clearly and straightforwardly remorseful, confess my error (I have, of course), endure my own situation with some sort of grace and compassion, and just do no more harm to anyone else ever again. Just, you know, buck up. Especially for the kids. But I feel terminally broken, myself.

I was married for 30 years! Cary, what IS a ruined life? If you wake one morning, and then every morning, for YEARS, and all you can see is ruin, remorse and the requirement to get up and put a good face on it, and pick your way as carefully as possible through the rubble, which you do, though you can't see any way to redeem anything, and your beloved children are floating somewhat helplessly away toward some other horizon, and you are genuinely helpless yourself to prevent loss after loss, all in the wake of your own stupid decision: What do you do then? The Zen Master, when asked the meaning of life, laughs and says, "Mistake after mistake."

OK. Self-laceration is a pointless self-indulgence. Regretful ruminations are a sloppy waste of time. "I deserve this" does not translate into "they deserve this." OK. So help me out, here. Where's the foothold? I can't find my way into inspiring heroic myths. Once upon a time I was the Wise Mother and honored and cherished in my family without much fuss about it. So much for that one. What the ****** can I grow into now? Sisyphus? Magdalena? I figure I don't really have the right to sink lethargically into Sodden Heap of Remorse, despite sucking undertows. And I'm done with trying to glamorize the thing -- it is to vomit.

Just Plain Lost

Dear Just Plain Lost,

I suggest that you undertake a program of service to people in jails and prisons. I suggest you seek out those who share with you some fatal flaw of action and who, like you, are enduring harsh consequences.

You did not go to jail for what you did, but you are suffering as though you had been sentenced by a jury. Indeed, though it might be too easily said, you are a kind of prisoner. By bringing comfort to prisoners you may, after a time, learn to bring some comfort to yourself. Perhaps you will learn to forgive yourself, too, for what you have done.

If this sounds like rather an extreme measure, consider the extremity of what you have written -- your biting, wrathful self-condemnation, your lacerating, saw-toothed rancor. Consider the extremity and long duration of your affliction. Rarely have I read a letter whose fury lashed me so -- and I am not even the intended target. You are! So I shudder to think what condition your tender skin is in.

Being punished so, and apparently continuing to punish yourself, you need to turn outward, away from your self, who is also your victim. What power on earth could help you do that? Earthly pleasure, being your sin, is now poison to you. It cannot possibly take you out of yourself but only deeper into your self-hatred. So I'm guessing that only service, humble, austere, difficult service, can awaken you to the joys of life once again.

I see you at San Quentin, or maybe down at Chuckawalla Valley State Prison, or Calipatria, or Lancaster, down there in Southern California. (Why do I picture you in Southern California? I do not know, frankly; I do not know where you are!)

How might you arrange this program of service, and what might you have to offer? I understand from our private correspondence that you have certain skills that may be of value to those who are residents of the penal system. These skills and the benefits they offer I would suggest you present to officials of the penal system, or, if to an agency that coordinates such visits. You need not explain what personal benefit you plan to gain. That is your business.

But precisely the kind of karma-reversing issue I had in mind revolves around this question: What if, in your life, at that crucial moment when you made whatever fateful decision it was that cast you into this cauldron, what if there had been someone there to persuade you to hold on, to help you clarify your thoughts, so you could deny yourself whatever delicious but disastrous pleasure lured you out of happy home, and thus avoid the prodigious torment you so strangely, with dark eloquence, describe? What if some such person had been present at the right moment? Might your life not have turned out a little differently?

What good is that? You certainly can't intercede now to prevent what has happened. But you can warn loudly of fire and flood, as perhaps you wish someone had warned you. You can warn not to jump head first into that shallow, rock-bottomed stream. You can teach about the virtues and usefulness of sharing with others whatever disastrous and ill-conceived actions we might contemplate. You can teach about the dangers of acting in isolation without revealing our plans.

We all need, now and then, warnings of catastrophe from someone. Perhaps henceforth you can be that person full of warning, replete with grave caution for others to borrow
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/11/06 03:20 AM

Part 2 of Jed Diamond's article...

What Are Mid-Men Looking For When They Leave Their Partners?

In my previous posts I began to explore what mid-life men really want and why men (and many women) leave a partnership just when it seems that they could begin to enjoy the fruits of their labors. In order to understand what men are really searching for, you have to understand the impact of the thinking that began in the 1970s that was reflected in the phrase, “A woman needs a man, like a fish needs a bicycle.”

Many, including Time Magazine, credit Gloria Steinem with coining the phrase about what a woman needs. It certainly was consistent with the thinking of many Feminist women in the U.S. who were awakening from lives of dependency and recognizing the fact that they were powerful women. In the euphoric emergence of this wonderful feminine spirit some women concluded that men were superfluous and unnecessary. I’ll come back to this point in a minute, because it is crucial in helping us understand the dilemma faced by many men of this era.

First though, we need to give credit where credit is due. On my recent trip to Australia I learned that this famous phrase was coined by Irina Dunn, a distinguished Australian educator, journalist and politician, back in 1970 when she was a student at the University of Sydney. “My inspiration arose from being involved in the renascent women’s movement at the time,” says Dunn, “and from being a bit if a smart-[censored]. I scribbled the phrase on the backs of two toilet doors, would you believe, one at Sydney University where I was a student, and the other at Soren’s Wine Bar at Woolloomooloo, a seedy suburb in south Sydney.”

The 1970s was a difficult time for us. Like many men I grew up without the presence of a strong, loving, involved Dad. My father became depressed and tried to commit suicide shortly before my 6th birthday. He was hospitalized and I didn’t see him again until I graduated college. My mother raised me. She was a very independent, dominant woman who seemed to get along fine without a man in her life.

Although she was never overtly hostile towards men, she saw most men as vulnerable, weak and untrustworthy (a holdover from her broken marriage and a father who had died when she was young). I’m sure the belief that men are unnecessary, fit the experience of many women of my generation as well as many men.

Poet and writer, Robert Bly recognized the damage that these beliefs were having on young men of the times. In his now famous New Age Magazine interview with Keith Thompson in May, 1982 he talked with sadness and concern about was going on with young men in the world. “I see the phenomenon of what I would call the ‘soft male’ all over the country today. Sometimes when I look out at my audiences, perhaps half the young males are what I’d call soft. . . . Many of these men are unhappy. There’s not much energy in them. They are life-preserving but not exactly life-giving. And why is it you often see these men with strong women who positively radiate energy?”

I think that phrase captures the way I was back then, as were many of my contemporaries. We were, indeed, lacking in dynamic energy. We were life-preserving but not exactly life-giving. I believe we had lost confidence in our ability to be generative, to give something to our families and communities that was valuable and unique. The Viet Nam War had disabled many of us, whether we fought or protested. The death of the Kennedy’s and Martin Luther King caused us to wonder whether taking risks for the betterment of the world was worthwhile.

But most of all, I think we wondered whether men were really necessary at all. More and more women entered the workforce and men wondered whether we were needed as bread-winners. Women learned self-defense and we wondered whether we were needed as protectors. Women bought vibrators and learned to pleasure themselves and we wondered whether we were needed for sex. Women used birth-control and decided if they wanted to have children. When they did have them, they often decided to raise the children without the involvement of a man. We wondered whether we were needed as fathers.

Now it’s 2006 and these “soft” men, the superfluous-feeling men of the 1970s and 80s have reached mid-life. We often feel trapped in a family where we increasingly feel that we are not needed. The kids, if we had them, are moving out on their own. The grandchildren ask to speak to grandma when they call. “Grandpa” is a word that seems foreign to them. Our partner seems content to get whatever sexual pleasure she needs from somewhere other than our starving loins. Perhaps she can take in what she needs from the air, like a fern. She’s got her own job which may be more secure than ours and often her own bank account and assets.

Some men don’t leave. They stay and die slowly of boredom or keep themselves drugged on marijuana, booze, and T.V. sports, with a little internet sex thrown in occasionally to prove they can still get it up. Other men confront their feelings of uselessness, hopelessness, and helplessness and begin to make constructive changes in their personal lives and in their relationships. They want more and are willing to work for it.

Then there are the guys who leave. What are they looking for? Well, for starters I think they’re looking for a reason to go on living. They want to find out if there is a place for them in the world of the 21st century. Are we dinosaurs just waiting to fall over and become extinct, or do we have some important purpose here that we have yet to discover. Are we as useless and ludicrous as a fish on a bicycle? Or is there a greatness in men that we have yet to uncover. It’s an exciting time to be alive today. But it is also terrifying. We truly are living in a new world, with new rules, and new dangers.

I believe the number one reason that mid-life men are leaving is to find out whether they have a reason to live. What do you think? How do you feel? Is there something mid-life men have to offer the world?
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/11/06 03:28 AM

The New Seasoned Woman
By Gail Sheehy
Published: January 8, 2006

In her books about adult development, including her landmark “Passages,” Contributing Editor Gail Sheehy has inspired women and men to think about the possibilities inherent at every stage of life. In her latest book, “Sex and the Seasoned Woman,” published this month by Random House, Sheehy reports on the emergence of a new phenomenon in female growth. Traveling across the country, Sheehy spoke with women from their 40s to their 90s. What she found may change how we think about ourselves–and the women in our lives. Here is an adaptation from the book.

A Seasoned woman is spicy. She has been marinated in life experience. Like a complex wine, she can be alternately sweet, tart, sparkling, mellow. She can be maternal and playful. Assured, alluring and resourceful. She is less likely than a younger woman to have an agenda–no biological clock ticktocking beside her lover’s bed, no campaign to lead him to the altar, no rescue fantasies. The seasoned woman knows who she is. She could be any one of us, as long as she is committed to living fully and passionately in the second half of life.

“Sex” and “older women” used to be considered an oxymoron, rarely mentioned in the same breath. It was assumed that a woman’s sexual pilot light was extinguished by menopause, and she was content to slip into the desexualized role of on-call grandma and caretaker for whatever members of the family got old and sick first or whined the loudest. Do people really think we all trade the delights of touching and being touched for some hobby utilizing yarn?

What makes a woman seasoned? Time. This year, the oldest Boomer-generation women turn 60; the youngest are 41. This is a new universe of passionate, liberated women–married and single–who are unwilling to settle for the stereotypical roles of middle age and are now realizing they don’t have to. They are open to sex, love, dating, new dreams, exploring spirituality and revitalizing their marriages as never before. They are rediscovering who they are, or who they set out to be before they became wrapped up in the roles of their First Adulthood, when their primary focus was on nurturing children, husbands or careers–or all three. Now millions of them are bursting out into a whole new territory: a Second Adulthood. This is a huge cultural shift, making possible what I call the Pursuit of the Passionate Life.

Carole Smith is not young, not thin, not rich and not gorgeous, but she is one of most sensual and satisfied women I met in the course of my research. “Dating over 50 is great,” she enthuses in one of the many group interviews I’ve held with women 50 or over. “I’m looking for fun and companionship and romance.”

Before she can finish, another woman interrupts: “You don’t go as far as sex?”

“Oh, I have a lot of sex,” Carole says, her voluptuous chest rippling with hearty laughter.

It isn’t the first guess one would make about Carole. She is a 50-year-old manager of a doctor’s office who has been divorced for more than 20 years. Her naturally full body is probably 50 pounds over the national standard. She describes herself as “a big, bubbly, fun-loving Jersey girl.”

When asked how sex has changed for her from 40 to 50, she tosses her hair and grins. “Better,” she says. “I don’t have to worry about getting pregnant. And I haven’t had the same trouble separating the ‘mother me’ from the ‘sexual me’ since I launched my child. If you’re a sensual person, by the time you’re 50, you’ve become much better at it. And it can be just about you and him.”

Carole had a lot of lost time to make up for, having married at the age of 19. Before she was 23, this good Catholic mom was separated and left alone with a 2-year-old boy. The struggle of mothering while working full-time drained her energies. Her desire for men and sex fell dormant.

At 42, she decided to start dating, but how? She bought a new computer and asked her son how to access the Internet. “The first man I met online was pivotal in my life,” she says, but when he asked her for a picture, she backed off. He pressed to meet her in person. She confessed that she was afraid to meet and that she was, well, oversized.

“Hey,” he responded, “I’m a big guy. My ex-wife was big. I like big.” He was a police officer like her first husband, and Carole says she will love that man forever. Unfortunately, she admits, she zeroed in on him as her next husband. Weighted with Carole’s repressed desires of two decades, the relationship collapsed. “Even though it didn’t work out, he got me out of the house,” she says. “The universe sent me exactly what I needed–not a husband, not a soulmate, but knowledge.”

Carole’s big guy is what I like to call the Pilot Light Lover–a transitional figure who appears in many of the stories of seasoned women I have interviewed. The Pilot Light Lover reignites a midlife woman’s capacity for love and sex. He seldom lasts. But he gave Carole the confidence to try online dating, which she found to be a candy jar full of interesting men who became lovers or friends.

She has, by now, developed a truly seasoned woman’s philosophy of life: “I may never get that perfect soulmate, but you know what?” she says, raising her glass of sparkling water and rolling her eyes. “I’m going to have a heck of a time trying.”

Sexual revitalization is only one of three paths to a more passionate life. In my interviews, women routinely describe the “aha! moment” that came sometime in their 40s or 50s, when they realized, “I don’t have a new dream.” This is more than a search for a new hobby. It is truly a new concept of your self in the world–one that will generate exhilaration and commitment to the future.

I bumped into an embodiment of this principle, literally, when I heard a neighbor walking down our street in New York one evening, singing “On the Street Where You Live.” She wasn’t just humming, she was swinging her arms and warbling. Madeline is an attractive journalist and photographer in her late 50s. She appeared to have had quite a glamorous existence, living much of the time abroad with a successful husband.

What I didn’t know was that Madeline had been depressed and in limbo since she extracted herself from a marriage where both sex and emotional intimacy had drastically deteriorated. Valiant attempts to find a spark within the singles scene had only deepened her loneliness. For her, the path out of darkness would not be through sex or romance.

“I’m taking voice lessons,” she told me, as excited as a child. “I keep singing this song over and over! It’s like not being able to eat enough chocolate. I always got great pleasure from singing, whether it was singing my son to sleep or singing in the car.”

But when she sang, her husband and son would admonish her to be quiet so they could listen to “real singers” on the radio. Madeline was always afraid to try out for a chorus, and it was only now, at 58, that she was giving in to her core passion for expressing joy through music. She will never achieve her girlhood dream of singing backup for Stevie Wonder, of course, but that’s not the point. Singing reawakened her hunger for intimacy, physical touch, someone to dance with, and she is dating again.

“It gives me a passionate thrill,” Madeline says about her new dream. “I can only liken it to that feeling of when you’ve just met somebody. I feel like I’ve got a crush on singing.”

A third path to the passionate life is through spiritual exploration. “You don’t have to be divorced to evolve,” Sandy McCall, a silver-haired psychotherapist tells a group of seasoned Texas women who have gathered for an interview with me. Sandy describes herself as “a small-town woman with red-state values, a marriage of almost 40 years, two grandkids and a sex life that is still extremely satisfying, though probably not as often.” The other women nod in recognition.

“I think all women in their 40s or 50s come to a choice,” she continues, “but mine was not a sexual revolution. It came from a desire of the spirit to be set free.” She pauses, then blurts a strong religious metaphor: “Mine was a death and resurrection.”

Sandy started off like millions of women who came of age in the ’60s. Nobody then asked a woman what she wanted to do. It was assumed she would want what her husband wanted. In Sandy’s case, Ron wanted her to support his dream of becoming a doctor. After teaching to put him through med school and raising their four children, Sandy arrived at midlife longing for a new identity.

Going back to school and gaining a psychotherapy degree did not change the pattern now well-etched into her marriage: “I was the dissatisfied one,” Sandy tells our group. “I thought it was my turn. I wanted to be heard.”

She began to explore her suspended religious faith, attending the conservative Christian church in town. Once she began defining her values and her core self outside the realm of her marriage, Sandy’s self-confidence began to build. Ron could not relate to what she called her “faith walk.” Their arguments became bitter, repetitive, exhausting.

Love is never free of the struggle over balance of power. As a couple enters midlife, resentments may surface. One partner may declare an ultimatum: Either things change, or this relationship will be over. The McCalls agreed on a trial separation. Each would pursue separate counseling. At some point, they’d get back together and see if they “meshed.”

Five months later, Sandy and Ron were resigned to divorce. Then she ruptured a disc in her back, and her husband stopped by to bring her dinner. People were telling him the same thing, he said to her: “She needs to know how tough it’s going to be without you.” Sandy’s response came from her core: “Then they must not understand our relationship,” she said, “because I know what it’s like to be without you. I don’t have a clue what it’s like to be with you.”

From that moment on, the disruption in the old balance began to be different, interesting, yeasty. Sandy suggested that they go out on a date and get to know each other again. When they did, they talked about the things newly dating couples talk about–movies, books, what they like, who they are and “would you care for another glass of wine?” When he walked her to the door, he reached for the knob. She laid her hand gently on his. “No. I don’t do that on the first date,” she said.

After two months of dating, they took a weekend trip to Santa Fe. For the first time, he agreed to go to the opera with her; and, for the first time, she relented on going for a balloon ride with him.

Ron could see that the woman he’d once known as his wife was, in reality, becoming reborn. They began to discuss how, as part of their “new contract,” they might rebuild the marriage on a faith foundation that was bigger than the two of them. Finding a basis for a faith they could share has been important in allowing this seasoned couple to move on to a true and lasting love.

Sandy was in her mid-40s when she set off on her midlife passage. She is 59 now and looking forward to more serenity in her 60s.

Once you commit to pursuing the passionate life, any one of these three paths may start you on the journey. A sexual resurgence may be the stimulus for a burst of new hopes and a personal renaissance that is also spiritual. Or the decision to follow a new dream, and the wit and work it takes to build it, can generate the gradual transformation from a two-dimensional young woman into a flourishing seasoned woman. And the seasoned spiritual woman, animated as she is by a purpose beyond the maintenance of self, is a naturally seductive creature. Sex, passion and soul go together.


What a Seasoned Woman Offers

– “what-the-******, life-is-short” joie de vivre

– Emotional stability

– Financial independence

– The ability to talk about anything

– No ticking biological clock or toddlers underfoot

– Knowledge of what she wants sexually and the appreciation of a good lover


What a Seasoned Woman Wants

– Romance, fun, flirting, finesse

– Good conversation

– Mutual sexual pleasure with emotional connection

– Not to be tied down

– Men who are not threatened by her accomplishments

– She wants to go dancing!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/12/06 01:24 AM

I have been reading many of Jed Diamond's articles they can be found at his site below:

To my ear, I hear an underlying whine that is probably unique to the baby boomer generation.

I can't recall my Dad expressing any frustration over the burden of providing for his family, any alienation from the ones he loved.

I remember taking him to see Private Ryan once. I watched his face during the battle scene - it was dispassionate, he remarked how realistic it was. When it came to the end, the row on row of graves, he started to weep and we had to leave.

He lost so many of his friends, so many young men who never got to live out their lives, have children, watch them grow, read the paper after dinner, tease their wives ... he knew all his life how lucky he was.

That is a gift. A gift that came a terrible cost but a gift none the less.

When I think of the priviledged, easy, pampered life my husband has led - free from loss. I know he has no understanding of how lucky he is.

He thinks happiness comes from without. It doesn't it comes from within and ironically most often by giving not getting.

He thinks he has not gotten enough out of life. It is an almost obscene delusion given the abundance of love, affection, opportunity, freedom and prosperity - he has had.

Yikes.. enough... I am perilously close to a rant...
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/12/06 07:01 PM

It is brillant sunny afternoon, clear blue skies and cold. Blue and I are just back from a walk in the park. I am excited in about 40 mins my brother is arriving....

He is staying for a week and then flying down to Cuba for a two month cycling trip. I will probably join him for a week of it in late February.

The fridge is stocked with all manner of the high fat treats he sneakily eats when away from the watchful eye of my sister-in-law. She is a fabulous cook but very strict with regards to healthy choices.

His only meat at home is fish - that she catches herself. She has a belly boat. You don a wet suit, pull over what looks like a tire that sits at your waist and you kick your way out into the lake with your flippers to cast while bobbing in the waves. She is very cool.

Blue is waiting by the door. He knows his uncle is coming. He waits ready to pounce, jump in the air, and bark out happy greetings...
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/13/06 07:06 AM

You kill me! It's called a float tube and you wear neophrene waders. The difference being the waders only come up to your armpits vs a wetsuit that goes to your neck. I'll bet she is a flyfisherperson like me. I have two such tubes. One works better in rougher water the other is more comfortable to fish from. It is a good workout to flip around all day in a lake and catch fish too. You should try this sometime it's very relaxing and peaceful to bob around even if you are not catching fish. And yes you can take a nap in one of these very easily!

How was your weekend? Mine was very quiet and relaxing. Went out with Safari Girl Friday night and just talked and had a few drinks and a late bite for dinner. I think I am just an experiment for her. Just to see if she likes having a "companion" again. I just don't feel a sense of any real attraction on her part. She got real defensive and standoffish when I told her I really enjoyed spending time with her and was starting to think about her more and more. She referred back to when I told her I wanted to go slow and just have fun. Women confuse me. It's not like we have anything physical going whatsoever. A few kisses and hugs and that's it. So what spooked her? Is it wrong of me to want to feel some affection and hear some encouraging sentiment back after two months of dinners and dates?

I like Safari as a person and I respect her for her career and what she been through, but how long do I go on giving not getting much back from her?

You have been reading and soaking up everything you can lay your hands on haven't you. When do you find all of this time to read? The excerpts you have posted here are really insightful but they seem to create conflicting thoughts for me. As the simple idiot I am the last thing I need right now is conflicting thoughts running thru my head and creating stress. I know you are determined to try and understand Midnight but is this really possible? I think I have accepted that I will never understand why my EX has made the decisions and choices she has in the last two years. This frees my mind up to think about other pursuits and just to relax for a change.

Do I want her back as she is now? In a word, "NO". Too many feelings of entitlement on her part and not enough respect for the rest of our family and friends. Plus there is still the issue of trust. She is still not entirely truthful with anyone about anything. She and the OM have still not told the rest of their co-workers about their relationship. In an office of 12 where they socialize as a group every Friday afternoon over wine in the office and regularly on weekends outside of the office, I find this hard to believe. But I still talk to some of her co-workers who have known from D-Day and they are shocked to hear it's still going on from what they see at work. Shows that EX and OM really don't feel all that good about what they are doing doesn't it.

Well off to bed, I have our auditors coming in tomorrow to start their annual fun fest. I feel like a waiter when they come in. Get me this and get me that all day. It's the only part of my job I absolutely detest. They are really nice people but I think of them as morticians and medical examiners examining the dead. Nothing productive or beneficial is being paid for. Only a comfort level for the bankers.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/14/06 05:04 AM


A, very busy day. I took my brother to a spinning class at lunch. We biked side by side at one point, I was siinging along with full gusto to Tina Turner's " rolling down the river..." peddling as fast as I could to keep up with my brother's furious bursts of speed. While he smiled shaking his head.

He went camera shopping in the afternoon. While I worked. Later, we took Mom out for dinner to an swishy Italian place. She looked great - beige beaded boots, funky turquise top - great hair do and as always - perfect nails. She was in good form. She loves seeing my brother.

I looked at my little family over a round of tartufo, thinking how much my Dad would have loved to have been there. I really missed him tonight.

I have been thinking of Eibrab bulldogs all day. I can picture them very clearly with that hand mirror. I wonder what a bull dog thinks when he looks in the mirror. "Geez, I certainly don't look like Mom, I must take after Dad." Or conversely, "Aren't we the cat's meow, no wonder we get away with so much..."
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/14/06 05:22 AM
Hey Dukhuntr,

You are right of course. Understanding people when they make out there choices is a very hard thing to do. Perhaps it is better not to attempt it.

I am glad you are getting over the divorce and moving on to explore a new life. I would give Safari girl lots of lead. A couple of months is not a long time when courting a woman.

I think Eibrab was spot on the money with respect to your daughter's internal dilemma. It is a terrible thing to love two people who no longer are on good terms. Time will heal all.

Belly boat must be the Canadian term, she is angles for artic char in a far north icey lake. I get a fantastic smoked salmon sent down every Christmas.... Yum!

I hope you enjoy your week.

"How many auditors does it take to find a $1.00 mistake in an expense report?
Three. One to find the mistake and two to discuss the significance of it."


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/14/06 01:23 PM
I must take after Dad

Thank you, Paradise, for acknowledging that. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />.. there were two bulldogs here in Ohio who helped fend off three attackers to allow their already physically beaten owner (he had to make it to the house to let them out) to flee to safety. It was all over the news yesterday. Our male, Sarge (Sargeant Handsome in reality) perked up with great interest each time the story came if to say that he'd have done it the same way.

His sister, Maisie (both neutured and spayed responsibily, I would assume in-breeding in an already "suspectly handsome" dog would be even more of a crime) and I both knew much better.

She'd have had to handle it. It's us women here who clean up the riff-raff. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

I have spent time reading the materials you have shared here and mulling them over. At this point, I could be an "auditor" and discuss the great significance of each one.

I think it's amazing how some people understand human nature.

You are one of them.

My best to your brother..


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/15/06 02:28 AM

I can't say I was looking forward to Valentine's Day. However despite my misgivings, it has been a good day. I did another spinning class with my brother at lunch.

Afterwards, we had a quick bite, quietly munching down salads while reading the paper. One of the co-creators of Curious George was murdered in Orlando - a home invasion. It made me very sad. My Dad used to read me Curious Gearge books at bedtime.

My brother went on to see some of his old university buddies for the afternoon and evening. I went back to work and then took Blue to the beach. It was snow free and every shade of brown and beige imaginable.

I stood and chatted with a scottish friend whose 14 year dog has just been diagnosed with cancer. He lost his wife three years ago and the thought of losing his dog is making him very sad. I am adding Flo to my list of people/dogs I pray for. She seemed unaware of any problem and nosed my pockets hopefully looking for treats.

I also ran into my friend John's wife, also recently diagnosed with cancer. He had a stroke after his first chemotherapy session. She looks haggard and pale. Illness takes a horrible toll on everyone.

Later on I met up with my scrabble buddy to do a movie and dinner. It was her birthday last week. She was sick - so we celebrated this week.

We saw the Pink Panther - very funny. There is a hysterical dance scene in it - worth the price of admission alone.

Afterwards, she was hungry. So we went to dinner at local Thai place I freqent often. The food is good - the decor austere. The waiters all have little blackberries they enter their orders in.

The room was chock full of couples. I wore red tonight, red sweater, red boots. I melded into the decor as the room was very red. Bowls of red roses submerged in water, red balloons, red hearts scattered across white table cloths.

We went with the special three course dinner. Our passion fruit rum cocktails arrived with a rasberry liquor heart drawn on top. Each successive course was presented with a heart of some description. There was only one other table in the entire two storey place that was not a couple.

Last year, Mr. Midnight and I went out to a Morrocan restaurant. We sat cross legged ate lamb and rice and watched belly dancers. It was fun and quite lively. I really missed him tonight. I wondered what he was doing. Knowing I am better off ignorant.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/15/06 02:31 AM
Prayers for Flo..

And many, many others..

Happy Valentine's Day.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/15/06 02:41 AM
Hi Paradise and Eibrab,

Well it's my first V-Day at home alone in 29 years. Weird part is I'm looking forward to spending the time alone and with nothing to do. Actually I have to prepare for a membership meeting for our hunting club on Thursday night since I volunteered to be the new Treasurer. NEVER VOLUNTEER should be something I could remember. I have done this type of work for various non-profits for years as a volunteer and I should know better by now! Lots of work and very little appreciation.

Safari Girl couldn't get together today because of an intense desire to workout. I think it's a sign that she's really not that interested and time for me to back off entirely. I'm going to go quiet with her and let her decide if we go any further.

Happy Valentine's Day to both of you! You both are sweethearts in my book and deserve the best from all those around you today!
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/20/06 03:28 AM
<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Just because...

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/20/06 10:04 PM

Hi All,

I hope everyone is well.

I have been out of town for a few days. We had severe storms which delayed my return. Plus I've had lots to do. No time to contemplate life or shoes for that matter.

I am off to one of my night classes... I will check in later tonight.


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/21/06 04:14 AM
Hello Eibrab and Paradise, and you too Holiday!

I think we are all doing pretty darn well since this is the first time since I can remember we haven't been on the board at least daily. I know I am doing great! I hope all of you are too.

Safari Girl and I had a heart to heart Saturday and she has told me just what I suspected. Not romantically interested but still wants to go and do stuff together. I'm okay with this, as a matter of fact it makes things easier. Less pressure to conform to her ideals and expectations. I certainly won't be picking up all the checks when we go out any more. We'll see how long it lasts after that. I suspect not long! If I want to go out with friends we share and share alike when it comes to the bills. Not Safari Girl, in two months she hasn't even offered yet.

I took an old girl friend to a basketball game last week and she makes nothing compared to Safari and she grabbed a check I was trying to pay. I never noticed this until that night. Strange what you ignore when you are semi-enthralled isn't it.

How's you brother liking the frozen north Paradise? Bet he hasn't been riding his bike much huh? You need to start training for Cuba soon don't you? Maybe you need to do a training trip to Las Vegas to ride in a better climate and to visit Holiday. I am headed down there in March to go with my friends from LV to spring training for the Giants in Phoenix for a few days. I can't wait to see them, this will be a blast. 10-12 of us that all played baseball together in High School or College are all going together to eat, drink and be idiots again while watching our favorite team gear up for the season. Come on down and we can all get together one night and completely ruin the mental image we have of each other, plus burn some brain cells too!

How are the horses doing Eibrab? Given your talent for judging I bet you have been to both Reno and Las Vegas for a show or event at some time or another. I have a friend who's husband runs Ranch Harrah's horse business here in Reno. They do several events a year plus we have the snaffle bit futurity and other horse shows here too.

Have a great week everyone!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/21/06 05:16 AM

It has been a really busy week. Between hosting my brother, talking to the wee hours every night, going to and fro with family and friends and trying to stay up to date on work, I have not had a moment.

My brother is now in Cuba, cycling and I will join him a little later - probably the first week in March. I am looking forward to it. Going somewhere, particularly somewhere warm is always exciting.

We have been in the grip of harsh cold weather, heavy snow and high winds - very dangerous driving.

One night last week, I was on an eight lane highway around midnight, with only the dog in the car, in the worst wind storm with white out conditions I have ever been in. You could see nothing but blowing snow and yet you knew traffic was all around. Scary.

There was a multi car pile up on the other side of the meridian, with perhaps ten emergency vehicles and their flashing lights. It shed enough light for me find an exit and get off.

We found a near by hotel to hole up for the night. I was happy to be safe and sound, sitting in a holiday inn express with not even a tooth brush. The next morning I watched the weather channel report that tractor trailers were blown of highways and even a train was blown off its tracks.

Blue likes staying in hotels. It is fresh sniffing. He looks up at me as if to say, "Excellent choice I didn't like the smell of that storm either...".

We have just finished a play session though he doesn't seem to think it is over yet and he is sitting by his toy basket making the most pathetic, whiney, " heart is breaking mommy" sounds.

He learnt to whine from another dog quite late in life. He is now an expert. I can't lisen to the tormented sounds of doggy suffering very long and I always capitulate. He smiles at me when I get up to do his bidding.

Last Saturday night, I gave a dinner party for very old friends. One of whom has recently taken up guitar. My heart sunk when I watched him bring it in. He is very serious about his music.

I sigh, knowing it is going to take every fibre of my self control not to burst into giggles... His singing resembles at best a cat with his tail caught in a wringer and his strumming is only slightly better.

He manages to clear my living room completely. Every one decides to go for a walk suddenly. I sit with his wife and smile encouragingly - willing the dog to start barking and put an end to the caterwauling. The dog seems to find it intriguing and sits quiet.

I take frequent sips of wine. It is impossible to laugh and swallow at the same time. Eventually I know I am not going to hold on any longer - and make my self busy in the kitchen.

During the clean up in the kitchen - someone referred to Mr. Midnight as the man I used to be married to. I blinked.


We are just back from a lunch time walk. Blue prances when he walks... a confident jaunty dance like trot that says so eloquently - "All is right in the universe..."

It is sunny and cold. There are a few big flakes of snow floating haphazardly in the air.

The weather just changed. Now there is thick snow flying yet it is still sunny, sort of like a sun snow shower...

I sometimes think about the desert where Dukhuntr and Holiday live. Such a different climate, hot, dry, sunny. I think I would the miss all the green we get when winter does clear. I like having four seasons. There is more footwear required. One wears coats alot. I like coats. There is constant change one day to the next.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/22/06 01:15 AM
Hey Paradise,

We do have four seasons here in Reno, just not the deep freeze you get up in Canada. Las Vegans will say they have a winter but its relative. I dont think they have seen snow in years and if the dogs water bowl freezes outside everyone goes out to see the ice. Today in Reno started out at a balmy 17 degrees on the way to work and hit 38 this afternoon. Holiday would be looking for the National Guard to help if that happened in Lost Wages.

I'm glad you had the time and common sense to get off the road that night. No schedule or comfort of home is worth risking life and limb for.

I would have blinked if I were you too! It comes as a real surprise when friends show how little they really think of and are aware of other peoples situation in life. I used to be guilty of the same thing. We get so caught up in our own little world we fail to realize what those around us are going thru. My EX clued me into this way before I recognized it in our friends. She is very fond of telling me that my exposing to our friends didn't mean anything because they don't care about our personal lives in the slightest. I have found this to be true for the most part. Only my true and closest friends seem to be able to comprehend what has happened and keep up with the changes in my life.

Have a pleasent evening!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/23/06 03:33 AM
Hey Dukhuntr,

Thanks for the moral support. Today it was very balmy here too. We are having very weird weather, warm, deep freeze, warm...

I was served with court papers today. The accident I was in last fall, resulted in the other driver being charged. I have to testify at a trial this summer. At first I thought I was getting served divorce papers and my heart started to gallop.

Dog is with Daddy and it is very quiet here tonight.

I am pondering life - sitting at my desk - surrounded by things I should do.

I read an excellent quote over the weekend...

To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly. Henri Bergson.

That really sums up life. For all its ups and downs, it is what every one is trying to do - to the best of their abilities. We are creating ourselves endlessly - moment to moment - thought to thought.

It is why our thoughts are so important - they are what makes us who we are for that few seconds of time. We can be funny, generous, kind, courageous, loving - so many wonderful things ... just by trying .. just by thinking.

I can even be sleepy. Which is what I really am right now. I hope you and yours have a great night.


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/23/06 07:00 AM
Evening Paradise,

Change is our existence these days. I feel I change my thoughts and perceptions on a weekly basis. I go from anxiously waiting for the new and brighter future to occur to re-hashing the events of the past year, to just trying to get thru another week at work. This week has been a week of reminiscing about "the old days". Happier times spent in what I considered a strong and happy marriage.

I think that the one year anniversary of D-day coming up in a couple of weeks has put me back a little on edge. I have spent a lot of time thinking about all the things that have changed for me and for my kids. Probably not the best way to keep the progress going on my own personal recovery. I feel the worst now about all the little adjustments my kids have to endure and will have to cope with from now on. That will be difficult to adjust to for all of us. I wish it didn't have to happen but it's there and we need to learn to make the adjustments. I still have a recurring fantasy that comes back on a regular basis in which EX figures it all out and comes running home. The only good part about it now is that I know it is a fantasy and will never really happen.

I had an exchange of e-mails with her today regarding our last joint tax return. She still managed to slide in a jab about not exposing her indescretions or the OM's. For someone who says she doesn't care about what people think or say about her she sure puts a bunch of effort into telling me not to tell anyone anything. I think it embarrassed her when OM got his DUI and she heard I told one of our friends about it. I just can't for the life of me figure out how those two have kept there little A going thru all of this. They still haven't felt good enough about their relationship to share it with their co-workers even. Maybe that keeps the excitement in the A for them. They still think they are fooling the people around them.

I'll bet the court server scared you! Have you and Midnight ever discussed an end to this "seperation", or "estrangement" or whatever he considers it? I know you have the patience of Jobe but this can't go on forever can it? Somewhere or somehow somthing or someone has to draw a line in the sand, don't they? I know people have lived out the remainder of their lives in seperation but is that something you would be willing to do? I know you still love Midnight and believe in him, but "what if". It does not sound like you talk enough to get a feeling for his thinking these days. I guess you don't have to do anything soon but maybe it wouldn't hurt to start thinking about putting an end to the status qou.

Everytime I start to get all moopy and re-enraged about the A now I pull one of your thoughts out of the back of my head to quiet the demons. You really have been a teriffic influence on me and on my recovery. I hope that I have done some small measure of the same for you and that you will let me continue to bounce things off of you now and then.

Give Blue a good belly rub for me and sleep well tonight.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/24/06 02:58 AM

It was a busy and interesting day. I hosted a business function tonight. Many people all dressed up, juggling glasses of wine, plates of appetizers, saying hello.

I always find I relive my life at these events. I run into people I worked with sometimes 20 odd years ago in a variety of connected previous roles.

Only two people in the room knew I had separated from my husband that definitely made it more relaxing for me. My husband arrived very late in the evening. I rode back with him because he was also dropping off the dog. It was like a thousand other nights we chit chatted about who and what. Except now he drives away to go back to his very swish bachelor pad.

I don't know what will happen with my marriage - nothing is really clear. There are times when I think I have a handle on the direction it is going and other times when I don't.


I ran into the OW this morning - the same big smile and cheery hello. I resolutely walk by, silent, neutral and frankly no longer interested.

Sometimes, I think we are just bags of chemicals. Occassionally there are unforeseen fissions/reactions that no one can predict but leave a lasting mark.

Mr. Midnight phoned. He has just had an accident, a dump truck drifted into his lane. There is some slight damage to one side of the car. He was talking on the phone while driving and didn't notice the truck starting to wander. He is very lucky to be unharmed. He sounds very grumpy and annoyed.

It is just plain dangerous to talk and drive. I remember one of the few times in our marriage when I really lost it. He was eating with a plate in his lap using both hands for knife and fork and driving with his knee. He couldn't understand why I took the meal away from him.

In trouble, I was the first person he called.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/25/06 04:58 AM

Just a few jokes that were posted over on fortysixty... hopefully to make you laugh...

A Woman's Prayer

Dear Lord, I pray for Wisdom, to understand a man , to love and to
forgive him, and for Patience, for his moods. Because, Lord, if I pray for
Strength, I'll just beat him to death.


Once upon a time there was a female brain cell which, by mistake, happened
to end up in a man's head. She looked around nervously because it was all empty and quiet.
"Hello?" she cried, but no answer. "Is there anyone here?" she cried a little louder, but
still no answer. Now the female brain cell started to feel alone and scared
and yelled at the top of her voice,

Then she heard a faint voice from far, far away..............

"We're down here .....


Pharmacology News

In pharmacology, most drugs have two names - a trade name and a generic name. For example, the generic name of Tylenol is acetaminophen. Aleve is known as naproxen, and Advil is ibuprofen.

The Rx drug industry has been looking for a more descriptive generic name for Viagra than sildenafil citrate (how much fun is THAT?). After consideration by a team of government experts, it recently announced the generic name of mycoxafloppin. Also considered, but rejected, were mycoxafailin, mydixadrupin, mydixarizin, mydixadud, dixafix, and of course, ibepokin.

In other news, its manufacturer recently indicated that Viagra will soon be available in liquid form and be marketed by Pepsi Cola as a power beverage suitable for use as a mixer. Pepsi's ad campaign claims it will now be possible for a man to literally pour himself a stiff one. Obviously we can no longer call this a soft drink. This additive gives new meaning to the names of cocktails, highballs and just a good old fashioned stiff drink. Pepsi will market the new concoction by the name of Mount & Do.

It should also be noted that over the past few years, more money has been spent on breast implants and Viagra than on Alzheimer's research. It is believed that as the population ages, there will be a large number of people wandering around with huge breasts and erections, who can't remember what to do with them.



A farmer has about 500 hens, but no rooster, and he wants chicks. So, he goes down the road to the next farmer and asks if he has a rooster that he would sell.

The other farmer says, "Yep, I've got this great rooster, named Ralph. He'll service every chicken you got, no problem."

Well, Ralph the rooster costs $3,000, a lot of money, but the farmer decides he'd be worth it. So, he buys Ralph

The farmer takes Ralph home and sets him down in the barnyard, but first he gave the rooster a pep talk. "I want you to pace yourself now. You've got a lot of chickens to service here, and you cost me a lot of money."

Consequently, I'll need you to do a good job. So, take your time and have some fun," the farmer said, with a chuckle.

Ralph seems to understand, so the farmer points toward the hen house and Ralph takes off like a shot.

WHAM! Ralph nails every hen in the hen house - three or four times, and the farmer is really shocked.

After that, the farmer hears a commotion in the duck pen and, sure enough, Ralph is in there.

Later, the farmer sees Ralph after a flock of geese down by the lake. Once again - WHAM! He gets all the geese. By sunset he sees Ralph out in the fields chasing quail and pheasants.

The farmer is distraught and worried that his expensive rooster won't even last 24 hours. Sure enough, the farmer goes to bed and wakes up the next morning to find Ralph on his back out in the middle of the yard, mouth open, tongue hanging out and both feet sticking straight up in the air. Buzzards are circling overhead.

The farmer, saddened by the loss of such a colourful and expensive animal, shakes his head and says, "Oh, Ralph, I told you to pace yourself. I tried to get you to slow down, now look what you've done to yourself."

Ralph opens one eye, nods toward the buzzards circling in the sky and says, "Shhhh! They're getting closer."

This might be an old one...

Married businessman meets a beautiful girl and agrees to spend the
night with her for $500. He spends the night with her but, before he
leaves, he tells her that he does not have any cash with him, but he will
have his secretary write a check and mail it to her, calling the payment,

On the way to the office, he regrets what he had done, realizing that the
whole event was not worth the price. So he has his secretary send a check
for $250.00 and enclosed the following typed note:

Dear Madam:
Enclosed you will find a check in the amount of $250.00 for rent of your
apartment. I am not sending the amount agreed upon because, when I rented
the apartment, I was under the impression that:

1. It has never been occupied.
2. There was plenty of heat.
3. It was small enough to make me feel cozy and at home. However, I found
out that it had been previously occupied, that there wasn't any heat, and
that it was entirely too large.

Upon receipt of the note, the girl immediately returned the check for $250.00 with the following note:

Dear Sir:
First of all, I cannot understand how you expect a beautiful apartment to
remain unoccupied indefinitely. As for the heat, there is plenty of it,
if you know how to turn it on. Regarding the space, the apartment is
indeed of regular size but, if you don't have enough furniture to fill
it, please don't blame the landlady.

Send the rent in full, or we will be forced to contact your present landlady.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/26/06 03:39 PM

Well I made a list of 10 things to get done this weekend and have accomplished only two. Instead, aside from catching a film with a friend, I have spent almost the entire weekend curled up reading and going for long walks with the dog.

He likes this kind of weekend. To his mind it was perfect with a minor exception of me giving him a castille soap bath last night... He grumbles and grumbles but he is puppy perky afterwards.

I reread a couple of books which were really helpful earlier: Surviving an Affair by the Harleys and When the One You Love Wants to Leave - by Donald Harvey.

I think the best point the Harleys make - is that if you don't do a good job of meeting each other's needs - you will be faced with the same amount of work after going through the painful rituals of divorce and multiple marriages - in having to learn to meet some new person's needs.

Now I am immersed in "Mind of Clear Light" by the Dalai Lama - an excellent read. I bought it yesteday. I was sorely tempted to also buy two other books - one on why slow has merit and the other which argued that too much choice actually dimishes the quality of life. Intriguing arguments..for another day.

One of the key concepts of buddhism is impermanence. Everything has an ending. I find relief in the thought. It means that is is unlikely I will go on indefinitely in pain. Harvey makes the same point. When you are low -you think that things will stay grim indefinitely - it isn't a realistic viewpoint.

Someone called me from California this morning around 7.00 a.m. - looking for a marina. When I hung up - I had visions of blue water, palm trees and sailboats, while staring out at a snow and ice bound streetscape. We are back in a deep freeze. Everyone is bundled up and scurrys to get out of the cold as fast as possible.

I thought about going out for a diner breakfast this morning. I like eating breakfast out. I sit in a nearby diner reading the paper, while Blue looks at me through the window sending me telepathic messages to save him at least half of the back bacon. Instead it was coffee and toast at home.

I going try a new yoga class this morning and then meeting a friend for lunch and we are going to a beading class. Not exactly a wildly exciting agenda...
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/26/06 04:46 PM
Hi Paradise!

Glad to hear you are well and enjoying being home. I have not read 'Surviving an Affair" yet. Is it helpful and worth the read? I'm doing pretty good right now but the one year mark that is coming up has my mind spinning a bit lately.

That and I had to come out of the darkness to do our taxes for last year. I wound up having the first rational conversation with her since D-Day. No emotion on my part but I asked a bunch of the questions I wanted to hear her answer. She did a pretty good job of keeping her emotions in check too. She finally quit returning my e-mails after 2-3 exchanges and I think some of the old EX came out and she just couldn't talk anymore. Usually I go into a deep funk after talking to her but I felt energized this time. I discovered a few things about our relationship that I never knew. She has been hiding a bunch of her family's issues and problems from me for years. She even told me that the credit card problem I thought was hers was actually her brother. Seems he hit everyone in the family on their credit cards and by forging checks. Same stuff he went to prison for. I had always blamed her for a lack of restraint on this and she was just protecting her brother. Still not a good thing but it does give me a little more faith in her character. And it does explain how she could become so resentful of our life together. Being held accountable feeling resentment from me for something you did not do would empty your love bank.

I feel now that maybe we really are better off apart right now. She said she is coming to realize how deception and lies have changed her and she feels better about herself now in that she says she is being completely honest and open every day. Maybe someday the person I have known for 29 years will come back to being herself again. There is still and underlying currrent of anger and entitlement in her words so I know she is not there yet but I feel there is hope for her now. She did manage to throw in a few pointed remarks about exposure again so I know that has been more effective than I knew before.

Have you ever really exposed Midnight's A to anyone outside your family? I know some of your acqiaintances just think you are divorced, so why not expose to a chosen group of his friends? At least you won't have to "blink" at misperceptions as often in the future.

Well off to shoot in a charity sporting clays shoot. Nothing closer to hunting than this and I have been missing the excitement of being outdoors and hearing the sound of gunfire.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/28/06 04:42 AM
Hey Dukhuntr,

I hope your weekend was fun. I enjoyed mine - without the sound of gunfire!

Going through the first year anniversary of all the heartache will be tough. I am sending you wishes of strength and most importantly balance.

Surviving an Affair is an excellent read! Very insightful perspective.. it helps you see the situation from the WS's viewpoint too.

You are right I am starting to gear up for Cuba. I have been giving myself audio spanish lessons. These will be very helpful if I have to buy melons - unsupervised. I also have been thinking about what to take for my week long jaunt.

My brother and I have been having a smallest bag contest for a long long time. When he arrived in to see me in transit to his two month cycling trip - he had his bike box with just his bike in it and a very small gym bag size duffel. He nonchalantly laid it at my feet. I was crest fallen.

When he was asleep I peaked inside. It was half full of spare bike gear that you cannot buy down there -worse yet!

Happily he has just sent a long list of things he would like me to buy and bring down. I am grinning ear to ear. For myself, I may just go down with a large bag of stuff to give away (consumer goods are scarce there), a toothbrush, 1 guidebook and some quick dry underwear! I can probably fit it all in my purse! Yippee!

I have been reading the posts on the fortysixty forum. Very interesting group virtually all women like me who have lost their man to a MLC/OW/Whatever! The reactions range from not being able to get out of bed to ROTFLMAO humor!

Mr. Midnight is leaving for a 10 day skiing trip to Colorado, he leaves the day before I get back. So I can look forward to almost three weeks of being completely dark.

There are times I really miss him and other times I am quite content on my own.

One of the books I read last weekend described losing your spouse by them being pulled out of the marriage by another person, being pushed out by their needs not being met or being put out because of abusive behaviour. It is always harder when you are the one being left. Yet it can be for the best too.

From the sounds of your recent posts, I think you will find that you will develop a very full vibrant new life. Two years down the road, it won't as traumatic and you won't be alone!

Sleep well and give the lab a big hug!


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/28/06 05:39 AM
Hello there Paradise!

I don't know about celebrating D-day but I think even this year I know I will be fine no matter what happens next. This time last year I wasn't so sure. I don't think I will ever be able to think positively about that day. I know how much I valued my marriage and my wife, and my best friend. I think I will always wonder what all went on to get us to this point in time and I wonder too if she thinks about it. Wouldn't it be an incredible and enlightening experience to live inside the WS's mind for just a short while and learn what really went on and feel the emotions they felt. From our perspectives we just can't get get a handle on their thinking or their emotional state of mind. EX even said that to me last week. that I will never understand. I think she is 100% right about that.

I think after really listening to her last week the fact that I have all of the interests I do like golf, hunting, fishing, softball, etc, and that she didn't participate in any of them was a big factor. She said it again last week, I had all of my stuff and she felt the kids didn't need her any more and that she wanted something for herself. She was never outdoor oriented and her hip prevented active participation in most sports, so now she is still into spectator sports only watching a younger model in action. From what she said this is all I could gather. She felt she needed to change her lifestyle and get away from the same old cycle we were in. Not what you or I would choose I'm sure but it is her choice and and her life. I'm okay with this I think, now. It's really hard to accept the manner in which she chose to get to this new life but I hope she can find some happiness this way.

My dog's name is Jaime Lee. after my favorite actress. Plus we needed a name that fell in line with Jessica and Josh my kids names. All J's. Once we had named the kids we figured why change the pattern? Jaime is a bit sloppier and certainly smellier but just as loving and loyal as the other two. She's in warming my bed as I write this. I will have to lift the comforter to move her over enough to get in in a while. She hates to be disturbed after getting all comfy in my bed. She usually pouts when disturbed and goes down to the floor groaning loudly the whole time. Then with a heavy sigh and a bump to the side of the bed shes lights out again.

Two weeks in Cuba with what you can pack in a handbag? If there is a woman alive who can pull this off it is you Paradise! Anyone else and I would say not a prayer! Is Blue going to doggie jail while you are gone or will Midnight be charge of walking him? Don't forget to stock up on doggie bath supplies for when you come home. I'm sure he will smell of skanky-poo when you pick him up. Nothing that a good de-lousing wont cure.

Have a great evening yourself.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/28/06 01:13 PM

skanky-poo ?

LOL, I have always believed you to be a man of great verbage.

Been a bit preoccupied in my own thoughts and dealings here, but never miss a day to read. I have been booked to do some shows from Seattle to Maine and Florida to parts of Canada and I never, ever get the call to the fun places like where you are.

It's as if after my name on each list, there are remarks telling folks not to hire me in decent weather, english-speaking, "fun" kind of towns..LOL

When it happens.. I'm buying the coffee.

I think Paradise is always so right on the mark with you. A full vibrant life is around the corner.

If you can just get those darn taxes done first.


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/28/06 01:35 PM

Not one day goes by for me, where I do not think of you and your grace. I truly think that I could pass you by in a large crowd of people and you'd stop me dead in my tracks with familiarity just from reading your words.

That, my "cyber" friend, is a huge talent.

I have mulled over Mr. Midnight's accident... and the call to you. You already know what I immediately thought about you being the first he reached out to. I hope that means I may be a fraction as wise as you . <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

I feel sorry for Mr. Midnight. Not for his actions, but for what may be inside of his head at this point. I think we've all found ourselves in situations when we start to really think of how in the world we got to this point. That, in itself, is such a horrid thing to dwell on, but also such a healthy start to trying to figure out what life is truly all about.

He's in my prayers.

Cuba? I love it when we venture down to Mexico, as it gives me a chance to show off my talents learned from the children of some of the farm workers here.. I can talk about bikes, dolls, baseball, soccer, new shows.. you name it.

But, I doubt that I could buy a melon on my own.

I have spent the past few weeks trying to absorb myself in a search for a replacement male tortoise. It has helped in overcoming my grief from the passing of my male - even through many vet bills and hours spent in a bedside ritual.

I came close to losing a fingertip with a well-manicured, vietamese painted nail while trying to give the poor guy an injection. You give a large tortoise a shot in the part of the front leg closest to the shoulder. And you have to push hard..

It is not easy.

When, my poor "Elvis" disagreed and pulled his leg back into his shell, he took my finger as well. It took a 6'2", 250 man and a hysterically laughing nine year old boy to pry my finger back out.

All the while, I kept sniffling... don't hurt him.. I don't need that finger anyway.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

We buried Elvis in a snowstorm.

I drove 4 hours to meet a very kind woman in the middle from VA who had a lovely male who needed a mate. What an amazing creature this one is. Very friendly. My female just loves the company. She has a new spark in her eyes and a slight bounce to her stride.

Of course, I did discover upon bringing this new one home in yet another blinding snowstorm, that he is, indeed, a she.

My daughter (almost 14) does tell me that it is becoming increasingly popular for same sex couples to adopt. That may be my only way of my ever hearing the slow pitter, patter of little tortoise feet.

This weekend, my H and I are major contributers to the hopeful success of a little league fund-raiser, where all the town people should be.. I am nervous and I am scared.

Yes, time does heal....but alot of these people knew more than I about "my" life, and chose to look the other way or even worse.

I have forgiven, but forgetting is hard.

I am hoping the right pair of dress slacks will make me look all the better as they talk about me from behind my back.

Thanks for always being "here" when I log on..

God Bless you,

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/28/06 03:52 PM
Morning Eibrab!

It's good to hear from you. It must be hard to type with a damaged "tortoise finger". I think I would have been right there with the 9yr old in hysterics. I'm laughing now! The video of this would have been worth a great sum of money I'm sure.

Don't take any jobs out here in Reno for a while, we are flooding again. Seems we are in a really strange weather cycle these days. Drought part of the year followed by good snow followed by a tropical rain producing floods. Second time since New Years day. Nothing major but we're not out of the woods yet. And if you do come there is no way I'd let you buy the coffee, it would be my pleasure.

The taxes are done so things will be quiet from here on out. Now it's time to quit the bad habits I've picked up and to get back to the gym and start working on me. Today is my son's 22nd birtday. We have had two parties for him already and EX is doing her thing for him tonight. I'm glad to see all the attention for him because he's been thru a lot in the last year and deserves to be spoiled a little now. I stumbled across the pictures from his birthday last year a week ago with everyone all together for what would be the last time. In-laws, grandparents, everyone all at the house and EX on her crutches recovering from her hip replacement. Hard to imagine she was already back to seeing OM at the time but after everything else that has happened it fits.

Have a great day!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/28/06 07:34 PM
Hi Eibrab,

It is great to hear from you, although sad news. Losing a pet is like losing a family member. I am sure Elvis is still loving you from afar.

Elvis sounds like he had character. I use to know a bloodhound named Elvis. His Mom would strap him in the sidecar to her Harley and put a pair of little googles on him. His lips would ripple back - and flap in the wind. They made a striking pair.

He had peculiar habits. I don't know how to put this delicately. He liked to suck cat's heads. He lived with three cats. They were quite used to being pinned against a wall and having their entire head engulfed by his large sloppery mouth for extended periods. Apparently they were tasty.

She never took him to anyone else's home out of fear that he might corner some poor unsuspecting geriatric feline and cause its sudden demise.

Same sex turtle marriages? Hmmm. I had lunch with friends last week, one has a neighbour whose husband has decided to become a woman. The wife stopped by for tea to let her know that she may be seeing him wearing a dress shortly. He has decided to progress in stages first the attire then the surgery. Apparently their children and their children's friends are cool with his decision. That I am not sure I believe. If I remember being eight I would not have wanted my friends to think my Dad wanted to be a woman.

The complexity it spells for their relationship boggles my mind. Can someone want to be a woman yet stay married to his wife and never experience what it is like to be with a man? I have added the entire family to my list.

So many incredible challenges are faced everyday by everyday people - except each and every one of us is really quite miraculous.

I would make those dress pants - leather and wear sky high heels to boot... head high, chin up - and a big smile. Any woman that can: hold her family together under extreme duress; tend lovingly to a fingertip nipping sick turtle; be sensitive to the need for self esteem of a favourite horse; and love her husband regardless of his mistakes; deserves to be proud. I know I am proud of you.

Did you say you were coming to Canada? Ontario or Quebec maybe?


Posted By: beachgirl68 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/28/06 08:39 PM mentioned a fortysixty forum in a previous post. Can you please tell me where to find it?

Sorry for the threadjack.

Thank you,
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/01/06 12:22 AM
Hi beachgirl68;

Here is the url for the fortysixty forum. I think you will enjoy reading the comments posted there - many will make you laugh.



Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/01/06 06:29 AM

A busy night, I took my Mom grocery shopping and we had dinner together. We ordered sundaes - mine was chocolate hers was butterscotch.

I don't normally eat desert. I know I have not had a sundae in years. I had to help her into her coat when we went to leave. Life is a circle. I suspect that the last time we ate sundaes together I was so young she was the one helping me into my coat and making sure I had my mitts.

She has changed her mind. Now she thinks I should not divorce Mr. Midnight. She thinks he is crazy. His Mom sent me an email from Florida - yesterday. She thinks he is crazy too.

I think I would like to be crazy. Being the sane one is no fun at all really.

Earlier in the day I dropped off some of Mr. Midnight's things to his new pad. He didn't invite me in. He did describe further bits of decorating he has done.

The alien seems to really like everything just so. He has bought a new set of red pots. It floors me. He never cooks. He has pots hanging from a shiny chrome ceiling rack which are pure accessories to his colour scheme.

The man I was married to was a complete slop. Colour scheme and accessories were not in his vocabulary.

I use to find half eaten fruit in the couch, bowels of cereal with congealed moldy milk under the driver seat of his car. I could go on but I think I will stop there. Any discussion of a colour scheme would have elicited a grunt or at best two grunts in a semblance of approval to whatever I said I wanted to do.

People change on you when you are not looking.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/02/06 04:59 AM
Evening all,

I had my first IC appointment in two months tonight and he never ceases to amaze me. Why is it that someone you only know from a dozen or so one hour meetings can seem to see right thru you so easily? It also make me feel somewhat less than intelligent to have him point out the painfully obvious to me over and over and it still makes me feel better when I leave. He sounds like he has been talking to Paradise and Eibrab about me for months. He even uses you guys reference to how good things will be for me in another year or so. Scary!

Mom's have a pretty good feel for things Paradise. If Mom is holding out hope for Midnight it's a pretty good sign you should too. The only problem with that theory is mine says to forget the EX and find someone better. She is pretty adamant in her thinking too. I have been resisting her influence for a long time but maybe Mom's are the best judge of spouses sometimes. Hearing it from your parent carries a lot of weight and if it's what you want to hear it really perks you up. If it's not you try to pass it off like all the other things they told you and didn't listen to as teenagers and younger adults and paid for later.

Color schemes? Pots to match? I think your MLC theory is coming into focus rather sharply. All you have to do now is be able to survive the ordeal! Why don't you pretend to have one of your own? Get a lick and stick tatoo or two, buy some tasteless tacky and hooker like clothes and stage a spectacle for him one night. At least you could get a good belly laugh out of his response. While you are at it you could have Blue all done up in a mohawk or something and dye it some strange color too. You enjoy torturing him anyway!

Have a pleasant evening!
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/02/06 01:05 PM
Oh Duhunter...

"Skanky" clothes for Paradise ! You may have hit on something... She has behaved so incredibly well. And, a bit of "stirring up" would not be misbehaving, would it?

I've attempted to find the leather pants Paradise is recommending for my dreaded event this weekend, but have had no luck. My nerves are silently shot, and I need to stay away from any more caffiene.

Yesterday, I had two of those dreaded CodeRed Mountain Dews, and a candy bar. I think I'm finally losing my composure..

And my

Your Counselor is a wise man.. he must have been reading Paradise's posts here..

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/02/06 03:58 PM

I'm with Paradise, in that I am proud of you for holding your marriage and family together thru this personal storm your husband had. You should be the confident and composed one in the crowd. You didn't do anything other than stand up for youself, your marriage and your family. Can the OW say that? Can the people who looked the other way feel very good about themselves? Walk in like you own the place and look them all straight in the eyes and know you were the strong one who stood up for what was right.

I think Paradise does need to "shake things up" a bit! Right now Midnight's doing his "thing" with a measure of comfort in the back of his mind that Paradise is still there same as always and waiting for him to run his course. What if she threw a monkey wrench into his comfort level? Start doing some things that are definitely not "Paradise like"? Sure couldn't hurt and it may hasten his return to normalicy. I think she needs to start being a little more pro-active if this is truely what she wants. Not in a direct contact way with Midnight, but more in a way that signals changes in her to him too. Paradise, think about the things Midnight found most comforting in you during your marriage and give some outward sign that you have made a change there and see what happens. Give him something to unsettle him and something else to ponder other than "color schemes and ornamental pots".

Don't talk about waistlines, mine is all the way back to old lengths and I hate it. Just not a lot of energy right now to make an effort to reduce it. I think the AD's have reduced my ambition and drive to nothing. Still afraid to stop taking them yet. Too many thoughts still running as it is.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/02/06 06:10 PM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Just a quick line I am flying to Cuba tomorrow and have scads to do. I am glad the counselling session went well. I think half the battle when you are low is remembering all the people who care for you and want you to be well and happy.

Wastline hmmm.... what about trying acupuncture. I have been having a session once a week since this mess started rather than anti-depressants. I don't like pills. My family doctor recommended it to me when we discussed my current sorry state and I contempleted asking for meds. It works.

They use it for all manner ailments including weight loss. The needles don't hurt. It is a quiet time during the week. Fortyfive minutes where you just lie still. I have been impressed with the results. I suspect I would have felt much worse without it.

Skanky clothes no I don't think so. I have been trying to financially untangle our affairs. Change over credit cards and what not. His last visa bill has thousands of dollars spent on floral arrangements, fine dining and week end trips to Utah, Arizona, North Carolina - I didn't even know he had gone anywhere.

Standard for the MLC drill.

I think I will stay the course. Stay calm. Be positive. Work on me, establish new priorities - tidy up our finances - just generally get on with life.

I am working on the premise that my marriage is over and I am reorganizing on that basis. If it isn't well - all it will mean is that I am very up to date on my paperwork, my place is redecorated and I'm in better shape. All good things...

Two girlfriends and I had a sleep over at one of their houses last night. We ordered in Japanese, drank very good wine and talked instead of watching movies as planned. I am so thank full I have such great friends, including my cyber friends. It makes a huge difference.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/02/06 06:22 PM
Hi Eibrab,

Well if no leather available, go with what makes you feel the best. Treat yourself to some salon pampering and maybe new perfume?

The truly lovely thing about behaving well, is that you behaved well. There is no aftermath of regret or embarassement to deal with.

It is the easier course in the long run.

Who was it that said," The reward of patience is more patience." (A man of the church who was stabbed at the alter due to a mispoken off hand comment of a king. Sorry, I can't think of his name.)

The patience you have shown with your husband, means you have a larger store of it - now. It will be easier for you to deal with the "others". They need your patience and your generousity of spirit. Their discomfort has a basis.

Good Luck. I will hoist a rum punch on the weekend with good thoughts for you and yours.


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/03/06 02:55 AM

I hope your trip is safe and wonderful, and that you do pack what you need to have a good time, regardless of the shame which will come from your brother.

I'm going to make you proud at this silly event.... at least I want you and Dukhunter to believe that..

And, truly... DukHunter is on to something with his idea.. It doesn't have to be clothing... but something out of the ordinary may do wonders for the Mr. Midnight realm... or it make spark a new direction for you.

Men thrive on competition, don't they DukHunter? And Paradise seems too wonderful and patient to have brought about that thought with her fogged-out husband.

Fogged-out.. I don't believe I've ever used that term before.

Just consider it on your adventure, Paradise... and know that we are all praying for your safe and happy return.

We'll miss you.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/03/06 05:34 AM

I am packed, between my brother's very lengthy list and lots of stuff to give away - I have check in baggage! Yowser! I cannot remember the last time I have had check in luggage! Yikes!

I am drinking a rum and coke as a prelude to a much needed vacation.

My mind wandered tonight when I was packing. I had trouble making decisions. Red slacks or pink slacks? Do I need a denim dress? Should I bring my snokeling gear?

I have had a neck ache for two days now. I think it started the moment I took a close look at Midnight's lastest visa bill.

I was expecting to see OW spending at some point but it still leaves you alittle breathless. I was particularly startled by the big flower bills. Wow. I can count on one hand the number of times he has sent me flowers.

The most memorable occasion was on one our first dates. He denuded his Mom's front garden of purple pansies, then proceeded to bike 25 k to see me - holding them tightly in one hand. They arrived alittle sweaty and very crushed. I oh and awed like they were rare orchids at first bloom, and put them in a moorcraft vase with care.

Dear God ... what ever happened to that sweet young man that stood shyly on my doorstep - holding out stolen flowers - shining with joy at the very sight of me.....

He is lost... gone... only real in my memory. It is a great memory.

If I had to choose now. I would still prefer the pansies... the hard times... the fun of not needing much... or expecting much...of the moment being enough...


I can't sleep. I am excited. I love going places.

I love Cuba. It is a wonderful island. The last time we were there we had dinner with friends of my brother's who worked at the Canadian embassy. They were full of stories.

The US has an unofficial representative in Havana. She had a black poodle she called - Fidel. She decided to join the Havana Dog Society and was warmly welcomed until they found out her dog's name and then she was politely shown the door.

Poor Castro, as dictators go I do believe his heart is in the right place, just sad the long term effect of such major errors in choosing his friends.

The island is like a time capsule from the 1950s. It is intriguing. We always rent cars and drive on highways that are completely free from traffic with the exception of a few military vehicles. People stand by the road for hours trying to hitch rides from village to village. We keep the car full at all times.

I remember picking up a farmer and his wife coming back from their tobacco field. He sat back put his arm around her and said... Honey we are going home in style....
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/03/06 07:02 AM

Have a safe and happy vacation to the island. I hope you enjoy every minute and every breath while you are there. I also hope you bring back the cigars you owe me from last month! Remember COHIBA"S. In the glass tubes please. Good ones will have the look and feel of eel skin. Oily and moist. And for god's sake get drunk at least once, it will do you some good!

I say that because I did it again tonight. I sat across the events center at a basketball game watching my EX and the OM snuggling up to one another with my DD right next to them. Sickening! After the game they had a net cutting ceremony because we clinched the WAC title tonight. During the ceremony the OM spotted me and tried to stare me down. I motioned him over and he just stood there dumbfounded. When I headed his way he took off. What an [censored]! Of course EX did not get to see this she had disappeared. Those two deserve each other! I just wish DD would stay out of the mess. So of course I drank myself silly tonight. Not bright.

Eibrab is right, men do rise to competition like a moth to flame. Even when it serves no useful purpose, like tonight. I know challenging him would do nothing but put myself in trouble, but if he's going to throw down the gauntlet I'm going all in. I hate that boy! That is all he is, a boy playing games with other people's lives. He has no long term plans with her, he's just playing a game and she's buying it. I hope karma finds his address again soon!

Well I'm going to take several asprin and go to bed. Work will be a bummer tomorrow!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/04/06 09:48 PM
Buenes Tardes!

I am sitting in one of Holguin´s three cyber cafes that are open to the public. Holguin has 250,000 people. Each cafe has about three computers. One hour cost about one third of the average monthly salary here. There is always a computer available.

It is about 85 degrees, 40 percent humidity. Very sunny.
We are staying in a hotel which is luxurious by my brother´s standards. Built in the 80s by the Bulgarians! Soviet Block chic. You don´t use the elevators if you can possibly help only when you are bringing in your luggage.

We are having fun. Lots of converstation... Coming back from the airport... my brother helped some fellow canadians switching from French to Spanish to English mid sentence. Handy having all those languages...

Last night we promenaded in Plaza Centrale... the cuban thing to do. The entire family dresses in their very best on Friday and Saturday and goes for a walk perhaps an ice cream ..... There is a lot of laughter here. They are very cheerful people. Extremely well educated. A higher literacy rate than the U.S. University is free.

No material goods though. Shoes come in and the store is swamped with people lining up. We just passed a street vendor who was selling children´s books perhaps 40 people were lined up to buy them. More customers than books. They have a great library system here though.

We eat at little palidars - private homes with at most 4 tables. Food in Cuba is limited... bland ...and unvaried. However, the cuisine is improving each year I come.

Eibrab, I hope your do went well.... and you enjoyed it after all. It has to get easier with each time you face people down... Eventually it will not be so taxing.

I hope you are all well.... Off to lisen to very good Cuban music and drink very good cuban rum...



P.S. Miss the dog terribly ...doing my best to not miss Midnight...
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/05/06 01:07 PM

It warms my heart to no end that you would even think of my evening while you are so far away and healing yourself.

God sure is using you here on MB.

I did well. I did great! I smiled all evening.. had a hint of maybe one rude comment, which is neither here nor there and H (who was the master of ceremonies) was a star.

More importantly... he was a star who was very much "there" with me, even as "in-demand" as he was.

I think you are right... each time does get easier.

And wearing the right thing, makes it feel better, too. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Thank you so much for caring and be careful in your journey..


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/05/06 01:09 PM

I made it.

It was "my" basketball game. I don't know how you do your's so frequently..

You inspire me. Thank you for helping.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/09/06 10:03 PM


I have only a few minutes left on this machine. It has been a great trip. Lots to tell... however, short of computer time to tell it in.

It takes unbelievably long here for the computers to process commands.

We have been travelling in the small dusty towns.. staying in family homes... meeting many wonderful people. I have been taking spanish classes daily.

Today.. I gave away two pairs of shoes I was very attached to. After a very fun session in a very dusty antiquated beuty salon. Women the world over like to have their hair done and wear beautiful shoes. Gifts of that magnitude here are equal to more than a month's salary and engender much shrieking - jumping up and down... and general joy.

I have had a great time... and really enjoyed my brother's company.

I am so glad Eibrab.. that your do went well. Grace under pressure is a valuable asset in life. One people remember for a long time.

Hasta Pronto..

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/10/06 03:34 AM
And we sure miss you...

And your shoes. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: maril Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/10/06 06:33 AM
I found this site just two days ago and this post just tonight. As a result it is almost 2 am and I am still awake. Please forgive my broken English - I am from Russia. I don't want to spend to much time to correct what I am writing. Paradise, from I what I've read it sounds like your husband could really be sick. Have you ever thought he has a manic episode? We have a friend in Germany whose marriage is destroyed by that desease. I think my husband has a mid-life crisis as well (by the way he is physiatrist). I just try to decide if I can deal with that. I am not a fighter. I really feel that it is much easier for me just to walk away and start it all over again. It is too late for my story now. I just want to say I really enjoy your writing. You should write a novell. Danielle Steel is not much better :-)

I also want to share a joke:
-Why women do not have brains?
-Because they don't have a p-s to care it.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/10/06 01:07 PM


Paradise is a gem, and she will cherish your thoughts here when she returns.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/11/06 02:40 AM

I am sitting wrapped in cosy terrycloth, after a luxurious long soak to bathe away cuban dust. There was a joyous reunion with Blue, happy barks, estatic excited wiggles and huge smiles. I found I couldn't wait to get my key in the door.

A friend of mine was dog sitting and we had a nice chat and a cup of tea. I was glad to see her. It is so much nicer to have someone home when you come back from a trip.

Cuba was interesting. The last thing I said to my brother before I walked up to the immigration counter was: "Coming home with a wider perspective is much better than coming home with just a tan."

We saw Cuba as the Cubans live it. It is charming, innocent, harsh, very cultured, very poor ... a myriad of contrasts. The people are extremely well educated...yet there is no material wealth to speak of...

Forty years of being cut adrift from the US has made the island an amazing paradox. Castro has done many good things except perhaps one of the most important - respecting the rights of the individual.

Their personal liberty is nonexistent. You can be shot for stealing without judicial process. Particularly if it is government property for example the lot that stole a government boat to flee. Typically, trying to escape will earn you at the very least a beating -often a jail sentence. The average Cuban would vote with his/her feet - if they could. A crew of a Cuban Coast Guard boat did make it to Miami successfully! The boat was returned by the US.

Transportation is a huge problem. The main highways on the island are practically deserted. People can spend days on the road hitchhiking from city to city. Catching rides on a straggling number of horse carts, rusting Soviet scap heaps, trucks and military vehicles.

The infrastructure everywhere is decaying. Everything gets cannibalized to make something else. The salaries are low. A doctor earns $20 per month. A chamber maid in one of the big beach resorts will make a multiple of that in tips. Unless a family has access to someone who can earn hard currency by intereacting with tourists. Life is hard.

Food is rationed. Yet no one starves. In fact the life expectancy is higher than the US and Canada. There is a well staffed medical system which is free. Drugs are cheap. Yet much of the equipment is totally antiquated. Sometimes even basic supplies aren't there. No needles. No beds.

Banks don't lend money. Real estate can't be sold only bequethed to a family member. Alot of marriages ocurr simply to facilitate a property transaction. The divorce rate is high. Drinking is a big problem - often it is home made rum - which poses a real health risk.

Policing is hap hazard. Major crimes are ignored and minor infractions can be punished harshly .. depending on who knows what. Crimes against tourists are punished very severely. It is a very safe place to travel.

Even if you have money many consumer goods just aren't there. For example, all new cars are owned by the government. A cuban with 20,000 convertible pesos could not buy a new car. There are many vintage 1950s cars owned by individuals, that are in amazing shape. The rest of the vehicles are poorly crafted russian ladas.

One vehicle we hired for a short trip to convey friends around, we ended up pushing repeatedly trying to jump start the engine. It was a shuddering, choking, rusted out hulk of steel that ran only because it's owner spent most of his time repairing it. They make parts from scratch.

Yet people are very friendly and cheerful. They like to laugh. They love a joke. My brother loves to tease... Happy combo..."Where did all the toilet seats go..."

It is a romantic country. The cubans both male and female are flirty. They have street parties and dance the salsa under the moon - hips swaying to the latin beat. When Cuba beat Panama in the World Amateur Baseball Championship - we walked by a spontanteous street party that soon grew to many blocks. Baseball is Cuba's religion as far as I can tell.

In one small town, we walked by a Community Hall where a lone care taker was watching Monster in Law with J Lo - dubbed in Spanish on a relatively new TV. We live in such a small world. I had watched it just a few weeks earlier in English.

At night often in the town halls, people gather to sing, bringing their own music to entertain their friends and neighbors.

One night, three very pretty teenage girls did a dance number in skimpy skirts. Every seat was taken, many by attentive young boys. It was sweet. I watched from the back of the room. The girls swaying arm movements cast shadows on the ceiling above them. For a moment the shadows looked liked a many armed Hindu goddess. The allure of the female form in motion is a timeless story the world over.

With Castro's death, eventually the US will lift the four decade embargo and the island will change dramatically. My brother is convinced it is the embargo that has kept him power.

As George Carlin once said. "Who would have thought Communism would fail because there is no money in it!"

I love the island. I love the people. I love the music. I love the clear sunny weather, starry carribean nights and the sense of family that is everywhere.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/11/06 03:43 AM
Welcome home...

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/12/06 05:16 AM
Hi Maril,

I am so sorry you are here. Heartache is never easy. Sharing it lessens the pain. Choosing to start over is a last resort - perhaps equally hard. Many many couples here work their way through enormous problems and come out the better for it.

Having lived on my own now for 7 months, I can't say the solidary life has much appeal for me. I like being part of a couple - there is a wholeness to it - that is lacking when you are single and unattached.

Personally, I am still hopeful - that Midnight will give way to Dawn and that he will shake himself out of what ever has him spellbound. I found I missed him alot on this trip. We have travelled to Cuba together twice - renting cars and driving about fully loaded with constantly changing Cubans trying to get from one place to another. He always really enjoyed the island.

I do believe he is sick. I am not sure it is manic depression more like just trouble adjusting to Mid Life.

There are many very knowledgeable veterans on the General Questions 2 forum too, who are wise and very helpful.

Thank you very much for your kind compliments. I do find writing soothes my soul.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/12/06 05:29 AM

I have been home roughly 24 hours busily catching up. I find I have little vestiges of my travels still in place. There is a little latin sway in how I walk, I sometimes reply in Spanish, the Starbucks cashier this morning was perplexed.

I have strong cravings for el jugo de fruta bomba - papaya juice made in the blender. You mix alitle water, sugar and chunks of papaya. Excellente!! I am alittle sunburnt. I have many mosquito bites. The mosquitos are tiny in Cuba, apparently I appeal to them.

Just too tired to concentrate right now, I think I will climb into my freshly laundered linen, sleep and dream of palm trees....
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/13/06 07:03 AM
Hello Girls!

Did you miss me this week? I took the week off to take a breather and try and sort myself out. I am getting real antsy and unsettled with the one year anniversary of D-day coming up next weekend. I need your advice and sage words of wisdom. I have booked myself for something everynight this week and most of next so I don't sit around and stew but I'm really afraid I will backpedal into a place I thought I had left for good.

Friday I am going to a waterfowl fundraising dinner with my parents and a group of friends that have been going to this dinner for 10 years as couples with the EX and I. I went last year the week after D-day and it was awful. All I could think about was who was missing. My oldest and best friend is going with me this year and I don't want to be a drag on everyone again. Saturday is D-day and a lady friend of mine is having her 50th birthday party. I volunteered to bring the beer as her present and do the bartending for the evening. Sunday I leave for Las Vegas to meet up with a group of old friends to go to spring training in Phoenix for three days to watch our Giants tune up for a good season.

I feel like I am running from my emotions and I'm not sure cramming so much into those days will help or hurt. What do you think? Is this a rational way to deal with this or is it just trying to deny what I feel? It sure didn't help to have to watch EX and OM hugging and jumping up and down on each other last Saturday night when our UNR basketball team won the WAC tournament here in Reno. I almost lost it when OM hugged my DD who was with them. I know I shouldn't have looked but it's like trying not to look at a traffic accident when you go by. Your morbid sense of curiousity takes over and there you are staring at something ugly.

If you have the time and the patience I would love to hear thoughts from all of you,Paradise, Eibrab, Holiday and everyone else that lurks here. Help me out here because I am dreading losing the ground I have gained recently and I don't want to go back to where I was. I can feel those old emotions already building and the thoughts are coming in waves again. I just don't want to go all the way back to a year ago or anything even close to that.

Paradise, I'm glad you had such a nice trip! I didn't see anything about my cigars though. What's up with that?

Okay, start the posting and lets keep Ol' duk sane this week okay!
Posted By: believer Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/13/06 07:42 PM
Dukhuntr -

Why hold yourself in bondage to the past? It sounds like you have a fun and EXCITING weekend planned. Don't others so much power in your life. Give yourself permission to go and have a great time.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/14/06 04:03 AM
Just a check in...duk emailed me today that he is coming thru Vegas in two weeks...hopefully we can meet.
D day was very stressful day...ours was on our 29th anniversayr of getting together. Still don't know why H chose that day the year before for his ONS.
H had another big exam today and came home hoping he failed so he can go back to his life (tired of school) of a firefighter.
He doesn't feel too confident in his studies as a paramedic, which brings down his self esteem, which in turn makes me worry.
Keep us in your prayers.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/14/06 05:07 AM
Hi Holiday!

So nice to hear from you. Yow! A 29th anniversary D-day. The big plus is that there will be a 30th, 31st, 32nd .... anniversary for him to make it up to you on.

How is your friend Terry doing? I remember him in my prayers. Cancer is a grim foe.

I had lunch with a friend on Sunday who lost her husband last year to liver cancer. He was 46. One moment he was fine the next they told him he had only six months to live. She spent month after month visiting him in cancer wards - in one hospital after another in Israel, sleeping on chairs, the floor - seeing only the very sick. She said it was exhausting.

He has come to her in her dreams - five times. He is holding a baby. She lost a baby in childbirth. He is radiant, white and smiling. Each times she dreams this - she wakes up and then goes deeply and peacefully back to sleep.

Her 23 year old daughter stayed in Canada. When she came home - she had painted, cleaned and filled the apartment with flowers to welcome her Mom home.

I held her hand for a while thinking every life being lived is fraught with challenges, losses, joys, regrets, hopes and fears comingled. Yet somehow everyone gets through it day to day.

Are you still in home improvement mode? Tiling, painting, I bet you can plaster and do moldings like a pro!

Blue is whining with determined vigor right now. I have been out all night at Dharma class. He wants to play ... now Mommy!

Keep Dukhuntr away from the gaming tables .. and the liquor!


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/15/06 03:21 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Sorry for the delay in responding to your last post. I have been mulling it over. Triggers like anniversaries, that bring up sad hurtful memories - Yikes, what painful havoc they can wreck on your emotions.

Staying busy is the right the thing to do. It keeps your mind distracted. Dealing with loss, betrayal and hurt, is made much more difficult by how unruly our thinking can be. It is hard to discipline your mind - you end up telling yourself the same story over and over again. Till you are deeply distressed sometimes beyond distressed - it does no one any good.

Time and faith - are the answers. I wake up thinking my life is exactly as it should be right now. The buddhists think that those who betray and hurt us the most -are our greatest teachers because from that challenge we can learn patience and compassion. I am trying very hard to think of my husband with compassion. To understand what it is that is driving his behaviour. It helps.

Focusing on just getting through my days, getting done what I need to get done, making plans ahead of time so I am not sitting by myself much - also helps.

Before leaving for Cuba, I opened a bill that shows he is spending like a train on someone else - it just made me sigh. Last summer, looking at that kind of evidence would have made me cry for hours. This spring I simply got a sore neck for a couple of days. Eventually you detach. A big asset in life is accepting that you can be wrong. I believe Mr. Midnight will not be happy with his choices in the long run but I could be wrong too.

Instead of focusing on what you have lost - the intimacy of a many year relationship. Focus on what you have gained. The freedom to recreate a completely new life. Lately, I find I am excited about the fact that I have clean slate.

Enjoy Las Vegas! I will send you good thoughts.

Blue is huffing, starting snort, jumping up on my lap and licking my face. Time to don my fleece lined jeans and brave the cold...



P.S. Sorry No cigar! I thought about it while I was there. However, there are huge penalties for sending Cuban goods into the U.S. Lately, Americans who have travel to Cuba through Canada have been hit with $10,000 fines.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/15/06 04:07 AM

A busy day. I am prograstinating, I have a journal article to write. It is technical and dull. Tonight is the deadline and I am doing everything but. The editor has called my cell twice. I haven't picked up.

Blue and I just had a quick walk to a park we go to daily. My husband and I often would walk this trail. Tonight, there was a full moon covered in haze, cold wind, and a few big snowflakes scurrying hither and wither. Someone has hung a wind chime somewhere in the trees - soft tinkling sounds were carried in the wind.

The dog wants to play and he won't no for an answer I will be back...


Well we just had a rousing play session which culminated in a long energetic dig in the bed. Blue had a haircut today. He is full of beans.

We are sharing a flax cookie. They must be very healthy - 60% ground up flax seed. Blue loves them. I buy them at a health food store - when I do my Mom's grocery shopping. She is doing as well as can be expected. We had dinner together on Sunday. She misses my Dad terribly and has none of the busy work type stuff to distract her.

I just read Holiday's and Dukhuntr's last posts, and started to laugh so hard, the dog jumped up to look around and share the fun.

Life goes on... doesn't it.. with or without us. Now I really need to get down to writing that article or my name will be neither Paradise nor Winston but mud!

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/15/06 04:15 AM
Hi Paradise,

It weird, the closer I get to this weekend the better I am feeling. Keeping busy is helping but just realizing I made it a year and am still here and semi-sane is lightening my mood up. Last year at this time I had pretty much shut myself down and figured it was for good. Now I know better, too much left to see and do.

I was so looking forward to that Cohiba! No cigar is worth 10,000 though. I won't tell my daughter this she brought me some from Mexico. If she heard that she'd faint.

I'm hoping to meet Holiday when I'm in Las Vegas. There's a part of me that wants to meet her in person, but there's another part of me that wants to keep the mental image I have of her now. I have this image of the hot biker mama that pops into my head every time I think of Holiday. It's like you giving me Winston Churchill in a bikini as an image of you. Not a nice thing by the way! I still have that thought occasionally when I think of you. It's like a curse you put on me now. I like the image I have of Holiday and I'm not so sure I want to lose that. It's comforting to think of her in my own way because the image I have matches the comforting thoughts and concern she has shown me here. Same as you Winston, I mean Paradise.

I do feel compassion for my EX these days. I think she is starting to figure out she won't be able to live to her old lifestyle very long on her settlement and her wages alone. She actually e-mailed me the other day and wanted to have the house appraised nine months after the divorce and get more from me because the property values here are still skyrocketing and she wanted her share in that. A very polite but firm referral to my attorney ended this line of thought so far. I really think she did the settlement anticipating a return and now she doesn't want that. Or she thinks I will never let her come back. Pretty intuitive on her part. It would take a miracle for that to happen now.

Well give Blue and extra cookie for me tonight and have a good sleep. I will check in later this week.
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/15/06 04:28 AM
My Mom used to always say to me when a boy would break up with me when I was younger..."why would you want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you?"...I could never find the answer.

Thanks for the "biker momma" image, but I would love to be even a smidgen of Winston in a bikini. I acutally look like "Carmela Soprano"...I have even given autographs and make people crowd when we go down to the strip in Vegas. Had a man shaking in the elevator just a few weeks ago thinking he was in a presence of a movie star (cracks me up).

D day is a tough one, but you know, you'll make it, I know you'll make it.

Love to you both,

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/15/06 06:29 AM
Hello Holiday!

Carmela Soprano is "HOT". So my image of you is different already. I had you pegged as a brunette with long straight hair. Curly blonde is even better!

If we are going to get together we need to find a way to connect when I get there so e-mail me later this week and we can kinda formulate a plan. The only kinks will be my buddies and our return trip from Phoenix. They are not that dependable on keeping a schedule or for making firm plans in advance. That's why I don't fly out until early Thursday morning. I couldn't count on them getting me to the airport at any given time Wednesday. With 12 of us going I'm fairly sure bail money will be required sometime during the trip for someone. I just hope it's not me! Never been in jail or arrested or even detained yet, I'm hoping to keep it that way. Can't say the same for the rest of the crew.

I will make it, I have an amazing bunch of old friends and a few new friends that are pretty special too! I am looking forward to next week already so no chickening out on me now, okay? Just a casual drink or two and maybe a meal and some time together to put a face to the words and thoughts I have been reading for so long.

Talk to you soon.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/15/06 10:50 PM

I keep reading here and wanting so badly to support you and say the right things... but I don't have to.

You are just fine...and such a wonderful, Vegas bound man...

I'm really proud of your last posts.. They spark a bit of "attitude"...

I have bail money in my saddlebags, ready to ride when you make your one call...

God Bless you, my friend..

Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/16/06 03:58 AM
Duk...remember...Carmela is married to Tony! and I don't want to upseta Tony.

Yes, I too sense a "spark" of attitude. Sounds like the Phx-Vegas trip is just what the doctor ordered. Hopefully (and hubby willing) we will be able to meet up, if only for a hello in the airport.

Wish we could all get together! I think I need a Canadian trip!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/16/06 05:11 AM

Just in from walking the dog, it is cold and windy here. Blue trotted briskly, well in the lead, tail high, wearing a natty black turtleneck. He decides where he wants to go, checking back over his shoulder to make sure I am keeping up.

During my spinning class today, I counted 6 tattoos in a variety of locations. Apparently tattoos have morphed into the professional gal crowd. While I toiled my way up the hills, I wondered if I was too old to get a tattoo, perhaps one that reads "I Love Blue" in a heart or the Japanese symbol for happy to wear over my heart. Oh well perhaps not....

Working out helps me sleep, I still wake up at night, missing the sound of my husband snoring. His snoring has the uncanny ability to keep me awake - even when absent. Funny the things you miss.

I saw the "The Fastest Indian" tonight. Anthony Hopkins gave a great performance and it is a wonderful story. Over coffee, my friend and I chatted about dreams. How important they are. We tried to remember the ones we had as children. She wanted to be a tennis pro - win every game and wear tiny skirts. I can see her teenage self jumping over the net.

It is quiet here - only the sound of my typing away, connecting with my far flung friends via amazing technology. It would make for an interesting weekend to meet everyone face to face. I will be the one with the furrowed brow - smoking the stogie!

Big yawn... time to light a candle .. put on some jazz and go soak my stiff limbs...
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/16/06 06:58 AM
How goes it Ladies?

Well the big weekend is almost here and none too soon. I am excited for the first time in a long while. Nothing but fun for five days!

Holiday, in no way do I want you to do anything to upset "T". As a matter of fact I want to meet him too. If we can do something bring him and I'll buy him a drink too. After all of his tests and studying he probably needs one. Do not do anything that would upset him or cause any problems.

Eibrab, I can just picture you riding to the rescue with the bail money. Let's just hope it's not really necessary. Phoenix is a rather long ride to help out an idiot friend from MB!

Paradise, I will bring you the cigars to smoke if and when we do decide to get together, and some good cognac to sip with it. It would be a really entertaining evening to sit around and tell war stories together wouldn't it? Some food, a couple bottles of wine and then the cigars and good friends. Someday we have to think about just such an evening. Until then we can still just talk and let our imaginations paint the pictures we enjoy so much when reading each others posts. Especially your posts Paradise. Your trips are enjoyed by all of us by just hearing you describe the sights and sounds you have experienced. Plus we all wish we could be doing these things with you, not just reading about them.

Have a great evening everyone!

Had to edit my opening, upon further thought calling you girls is probably not only offensive to you but also a bit chauvinistic on my part. - SORRY!
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/17/06 06:28 AM
Pb...tatoos??? Hmmm, I must tell you, I had one done after my 41st birthday. It's the Japanese symbol for energy. Don't know why I did it and forget that it is even there (approx on my tailbone) sometimes. Funny how you mentioned spin and seeing tatoos everywhere, even with the "professional" crowd. I am in my 3rd week of "spin" and I guess I have seen quite a few too.

Pretty painful ordeal a tatoo. I watch Miami Ink now and then and have seen alot of beautiful artwork. Keep me posted if you go for it. I think they can be healing. My H had a portrait of his Mother done two days after she passed away from living with cancer for 3 years. It's a picture of her when she was a young woman. Only hard part for me sometimes is rolling over and kissing his arm only to be faced with my MIL, ha!

Have a great night,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/17/06 07:50 AM
Hi Holiday,

I was thinking of you today and your friend Terry. I am reading a fantastic book called "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot. It is about quantum physics and how it relates to unexplained phenomena. It has a riveting chapter (4. I Sing the body Holographic) on the power of our minds to both create and heal disease. It would be well worth his time to read it. Is he working with a visualization coach?

I lost my night to it. I find often when I really get into a book. I simply just read. It has great quotes.

" Take a moment and consider this. Look at your hand. Now look at the light streaming from the lamp beside you and at the dog resting at your feet. You are not merely made of the same things. You are the same thing. One thing. Unbroken. One enormous something that has extended its uncountable arms and appendages into all the aparent objects, atoms, restless oceans, and twinkling stars in the cosmos." P48

I walked by the OW tonight. She gave me a big smile. I calmly look right through her. Very neutral. Oddly at some level, she and I are one.

Wowser! Having to face my deceased mother in law in bed at night would quell my romantic urges and lead to concentration issues and giggling fits.

My mother in law is very cute. When we got married, she bought my husband three sets of new pyamas and told him he should wear them! I love her dearly. I will miss his family very much as time goes by. They are agog and it is awkward. At Christmas, one sister-in-law gave me a very heavy skillet, the other a book called "Fifty Relatives Worse than Yours", both gifts made me laugh.

Blue is very frisky these days. A haircut always gives him lots of energy, carrying all that fur around is tiring and hot. He was running around the park tonight like a puppy, full speed, screeching turns, front legs splayed as he bounded about. He is eight and doggy middle aged. I chase him. We look a silly pair.

Spinning is addictive. I have been trying to do back to back classes three times a week at lunch. It makes me sleep like a rock at night.

Life is filling in....

Wishing you happy and well.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/18/06 05:45 PM

It is a bright sunny but cold Saturday morning. I have a long list of things to get done today. I am prograstinating once again.

Last night, I went to a mini film festival with a couple I have known for decades. We watched very short, fresh films about climbing, living a life of service in the Himalayas, paragliding across the Grand Canyon!

Then we met another friend for martinis at a swishy bar and talked the night away. It was very late when I got home. Blue scolded me with his eyes.

We slept late. I awoke with his front legs around my neck and his head on my pillow. A short haircut makes him cuddly.

Mr. Midnight has been skiing in Colorado for 10 days. He returns home today. No contact for 16 days - our longest dark period yet.

I find I have to fight to keep my perspective. At times I want to just give up - forget - move on. Often I try to focus on his face, as it use to much a part of me as my fingers that are typing this.

Plan B is challenging!

I am glad for the travel I have been doing. It makes your brain wider. When you see the horrific challenges others face, your own problems shrink in comparison.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/19/06 12:19 AM

I'm wondering...

If you ran into OW the other day, and Mr. M has been gone so long.. obviously he did not include OW on his trip?

That must make you smile a bit.... even if only a smile of "wondering".

We really care about you here. Very, very much.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/19/06 04:13 PM

Another bright sunny day. We have been for a long walk. Sunday mornings are always alittle slower. I looked longingly at the diner then decided it would be too cold for Blue to wait outside with short hair.

A dear friend and her eight year old grandson came over last night for a swim. We rented a movie - Harry Potter "Goblet of Fire", ate pizza and drank coke. Her grandson watched the movie completely absorbed while tucking into six, count them, six slices of pizza. I had no idea where he put it all.

When they left and I read until the wee hours. Some nights I just don't really like the idea of going to sleep.

I read Eibrab last post before I went to bed last night. It made me smile. Funny how you can connect in this medium, with someone you have never met.

I wonder what her life is like sometimes. If our separateness is only an illusion of our senses then, I suspect that on some very deep unconscious level I may already know.

I have gone back to my regular reading program, lots of science books, history, bigraphies, mysteries and sometimes soppy romance.


A busy and productive day, my housework, laundry are all done.

We went to the beach twice. The snow and ice have melted and the chip wagon has returned. Its owner is tanned and relaxed after a great winter in Greece. It is my first herald of Spring!

I did my Mom's grocery shopping and then took her out to kick around the stores.

She bought sterling jewelery and a spring top - pink. I tried on shoes but did not buy them! We had dinner and talked. She looked a little ragged - tonight. She is missing my Dad. She says she sees him regularly in her dreams, particularly when she is sad.

I came home, crawled into my pjs to read in bed and promptly fell asleep. I just woke up. It is the middle of the night, very still and silent. No movement. No cars. No noise. The world is asleep.

During my last go round at the beach, I ran into a friend I have not seen for quite awhile. She designs Casinos and is just back from Las Vegas. It made me think of Dukhuntr and Holiday. She complained that the city is so pernicious and calculating, there is no where to sit except in a restaurant or in front of a slot machine.

I think of Las Vegas as an engineering wonder of the world. There should be places to sit. Cities are for people.

My mother in law sent me an email from Florida - very cheery, as though nothing has changed - when almost everything has changed. I wonder what she really thinks ... She is at the very least determinedly hopeful.

I had another email from an out of town friend wanting me to come visit. She is just back from spending four days in Manhattan. I love Manhattan! It is intense, interesting, and sometimes plain magical.

I went there on business one year, stayed at the Plaza, dined at the Palm and lisened to Woody Allen play his clarinet at Michael's. One sunny afternoon walking down Fifth Avenue, I noticed a beautiful older woman coming out of store. She had an indentation in her forehead, which very much looked like a bullet hole. It was such a jarring contrast with the rest of her, the image stayed with me.

Even though I have travelled often, I find it hard to keep in my mind - just how big the world is. How many people, how many places there are. Somehow it always seems to shrink to what is happening in my day. When my day is only a tiny microcosm. It is the big picture that keeps the little picture in focus...

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/21/06 08:19 AM

It is late. I can't sleep. The dog and I are sharing some toast. He likes the crunchy bits. Life as a newbie single feels out of step when you have been married 25 years. I find I keep waking up lisening for noises that aren't there anymore.

I went to Dharma class tonight. We did some excellent visualization exercises tonight. I learn when I go this class. It tames your mind and opens your heart. It helps me deal day to day with my changing life.

I don't mind waking up in the middle of the night anymore. It is peaceful, quiet in a way no other part of the day is quiet.

I gave one of my class mates a ride tonight. He has been battling cancer. He is in remission. He quit his job as an engineer to study cartoon drawing - not animation - comic book sketching. He loves it. I smile at him, thinking with wonder of how fragile every moment of life is.

What a tremendous gift it is in a way, when you truly know it.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/22/06 03:22 AM

I think, at this point, that I cherish the noises that are here in the night. It's been a long hard road to get here.

Lately, my H has begun snoring.. It started back during the trip to Mexico. I gave some thought to blaming the food, blaming the pool volleyball or just blaming it on a "bit" more age.

But, I don't really care... truly.

It's an inconsistent snore... not always there, but never quite gone. Last night, we had quite a cold snap. H and I used to be a very "your side" of the bed couple... I now feel a bit lost if he doesn't have a leg or arm in my slumber territory. In the cold of last night... the snore was quite an echo, but as I lay there knowing that if I elbow him awake enough to roll over, that I'd lose the bodyheat and most of the covers, I chose to find a peace to go along with the snore.

It wasn't easy.. but I also wasn't shivering.

Many times lately, if he gets too loud, I'll come back to this site to do some more reading... and I realize how hard it is to be with someone you love, but also how hard it is to be without them.

I had some low moments today.. nothing of any huge scale, but enough to stop and think of how much it truly takes to make the pain go away.

I pray for your pain to lessen each day. I see continually that it has...and then, I wonder if the pain of change and growing within oneself might hurt even worse.

God is on our side. And there are big things for both of us.

Both of us, a very lucky toast-eating dog and hopefully a Vegas-lucky Dukhunter if he ever chooses to come back home..


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/22/06 03:28 AM

If you are up again this evening.. I thought you might find great comedic pleasure in knowing that in the past week, my H and I have taken up archery.

Oh, but we are quite a pair. I am neglecting my duties and sneaking out to the back barn at every chance I can get. I am determined to "do" this.

H continues to watch Gunsmoke reruns in the cold weather and still outshoots me every night.

I have the bow. I have the sore arms. I have the determination.

I wish I had the eyesight.

I'll keep you posted. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/22/06 07:32 AM
Hi Eibrab,

Sort of a gentle, up and down soft snoozing kind of snore, or is it a train wreck snore, that leaves you shuddering, gritting your teeth and punching the pillow?

Every moment of life is precious, particulary the moments that you share with others.

I really miss the snoring. Yet when I lived with it daily I used to grumble to myself about it regularly. I miss the sound of his heart beat, the smell of his aftershave on the pillow, sleeping back to back and waking up to kisses on my eyelids. Such a nice way to wake up!

While only a snore, what it really means is that you have a living, breathing, albeit loudly, man who is sleeping next to you because you are the one he wants to share his life with.

Despite all the horrid painful memories, the nagging insecurities, every night you can lie awake and lisen to that sound and know what it means in your heart before you elbow him to turn over.

Archery cool! Tones your upper body. Sharpens you mind through focus. Allows you with practise to whup your husband and with a little hair flip smile and stroll in to make dinner. Or better yet loser cooks!


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/23/06 03:04 AM

I must be brief, the dog has given marching orders. It apparently is walk time!

We have had a quiet night. I cleaned my carpets. Always very rewarding to watch all that mucky water pour down the drain! We had a light supper while curled up reading. Blue likes dining in this manner. A little taste of cheese, a bit of ham, all very yummy.

I am reading a research paper on reincarnation, near death experiences. Very wild. I find it hard to reconcile such out there concepts with the number of footnotes displayed. Somehow footnotes always spell veracity to me. They are a comfort - you can go learn more.

I have been missing Dad this week. It is his 90th birthday tomorrow. We were planning a party. I am sad.

I miss his dry humor, his patience, his unfailing kindness to people and animals, his lively curiousity and quirky sense of mischief! I profoundly miss the sense of safety I always had when he was around.

Midnight has been incommunicato - since he has returned from skiing. I suspect he is busy and I can guess with what. The quiet is actually easier. The less contact the more productive I am. Seeing or talking to him seems to take it out of me, then I get less done.

A part of me is still really angry, but I am working hard to let go, accept and respect his choices. I do day dream sometimes - about that skillet!

I cleaned out files today and came across a picture of Midnight at his 50th birthday party. It was a great party. I worked for weeks on it. It was the night my life changed forever. You know even with that gasping hurt that I remember so well, I still enjoyed it. Very few times in life do you have everyone you love in the same room. Secretly I viewed it as my 50th birthday party too. Although mine was still 2 years away.

A friend of mine is a stewardess, the day before the party, she took her last flight before retiring. She went to Amsterdam and brought me back probably 150 tulips, vivid yellows and reds. They looked beautiful. Tulips fresh from Amsterdam's flower market. How cool was that!

I hope Dukhuntr is enjoying Las Vegas. Travel is always good - travel with friends the best.

I am looking forward to a sleep over Saturday night - four girlfriends. Sleep overs are fun no matter what your age. I think they are the ideal form of entertaining. That is why I like to entertain at the cottage. There is more time to connect, food preparation is communal, expectations of domestic hygiene are lower and there is more of a family or tribe feel to the time together. Plus you get those rare insights into your friends, flannel pjs - many vitamins - late night cookie raids - or the true shocker - curlers and gossip magazines!

Blue likes having overnight guests too. They bring him socks!


We are back from our walk. I cheated and pulled jeans and tshirt over my pjs. There something liberating about being out in public and secretly knowing you're wearing your pyjamas. It is clear and mild here. There was a hint of snow in air today but it has warmed up.

As I walked I thought about Blue. He is a surprising dog. This afternoon I sat for moment in my favourite book store. It has down filled couches and a fireplace. It is not a chain. It has wonderful books.

One of the sales clerks came up behind me with her arms raised over her head talking loudly to a collegue some thirty feet away. Blue thought she meant me harm. He leap into action, barking fiercely getting between us. She practically had a heart attack.

He has been frequenting the store for many years. This is the first time he has actually said anything. Eventually she regained her composure and laughed. We quickly decamped. I was secretly proud and publicly apologetic. Even wearing a pouffy black turtleneck - he really sounded like he meant business! "Not one step further or else your shins are mine! grrrr"
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/23/06 05:49 PM
Hello Paradise, Holiday and Eibrab,

I am home from spring training and did not create an arrest record or anything else bad for myself other than spending too much to play golf. And then playing poorly and losing a bunch of bets. We had a great time and saw some good baseball games. We saw games in Tuscon, Scottsdale and in Mesa. We played two rounds of golf and drank way too much and ate way too much and enjoyed ourselves to no end. Only six of us ended up going as opposed to the original twelve. Never fails that work or family will change the plans for half of a group.

The only bad part of our trip was one of our friends brought two customers to entertain while we were there. One was a great guy and added to our trip, the other guy was the stereotype loudmouth drunk you see in movies. We spent a good portion of the trip finding new and inventive ways to avoid being around him. I just felt bad for our friend who had to entertain the guy. What a nightmare!

Back to work today and not liking it. I am going in late because I wanted to check the progress on my Sewer line replacement here at the house. Spending a bunch of money to replace the 60yr old sewer before the city puts in a new main and re-does the street.I am going to have to redo all the plants and shrubs because they have pretty much torn all the old stuff out.

Holiday- I am sorry we did not connect while I was there. I came in on Sunday for a couple of hours and I flew home from Phoenix last night and did not return to Las Vegas as planned. I did not want to spend another five hours driving back to Las Vegas with the loudmouth that was already drunk on double Jack Daniels and cokes from the golf course and was looking forward to starting in on a case of Bud for the trip back. I will be coming down again soon and we can try again then.

Eibrab, Archery??? Are you going to start hunting too? Only the most skillful and determined hunters use bows to hunt. I have shot several different bows over the years and even though I enjoy shooting them I am just too impatient and , well lazy, to hunt with one. Have fun with it even if you dont plan to hunt.

Paradise, I'll bet the clerk was a little more scared of Blue than even you think. I'm sure she wasn't expecting to even run into a dog let alone provoke one into defending Mom! I'm sure she had to retire to the ladies room to change her undregarments too! That is too funny! Did she have the "deer in the headlights " look in her eyes too?

Well off to Mom and Dads to shower and then on to work. No water here now, they seem to have hit the water line and are now in the process of fixing that too!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/24/06 05:40 AM

A busy day ending with a late meeting. I was first to arrive and waited quietly for the others, wearing my best little black suit and a string of pearls sitting alone in a posh private room.

Eventually, I got up, walked by a mirror and stopped to look at myself. Rested and relaxed, primped up - swish in my very best duds - heartache seems to be agreeing with me.

Nothing outward in my appearance would suggest that I am coping with a broken heart. Or that I wake up at last once a night not really believing the turn my life has taken - surely a dream?

Finally home, I made turkey soup for Blue. He started to whine. I walked into the kitchen wondering why. I had left out the vacumm this morning. He didn't want to eat dinner with his back to a dreaded enemy. I knew in an instance what the problem was. We are finely in tune as two friends should be...

Six police men glad in yellow jackets on bicycles rode by me while I was walking the dog tonight. When they stopped at a light. I asked "When you arrest people on your bike what do you do with them?" They laughed at me. Then raced ahead, one went up a ramp in the side walk and took some air, the following five did the same - a picture straight from the school yard.

I also ran into my neighbour who is battling cancer - John. He was in a track suit, using a walker, his wife holding his arm. It was a big deal for him to be outside. They went 400 feet and turned around.

At one time we worked in the same building. He was a partner in a law firm, with a corner office and great suits - always a smile and a joke.

I gave him my copy of the Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot. It has some out there ideas but the section on using visualization techniques to help healing is well researched. They are going to Florida next week for a month. Money makes things comfortable but it changes naught.

Faith however can move mountains.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/24/06 05:42 AM

Hi Dukhuntr,

Welcome home! I'm glad you made it back safe and sound, if perhaps a tad hung over...


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/25/06 02:08 PM


It is a rainy foggy morning here. We are packed and ready to take off - going to a neighboring town for a day and night together with 4 girlfriends. Should be a hoot.

Wishing everyone well and at peace.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/27/06 05:27 PM

We had a great weekend. The girls all piled into a friend's old victorian and we were cooked for and waited on hand and foot by her very dear charming husband - a former collegue of mine for many years.

We drank wine, shopped the antique market and boutiques, ate wonderful pasta and talked to the wee hours.

Blue reigned supreme, soaking up female adoration - as his due.

There was a tiny hitch when a neighbourhood cat named Winston with a penchant for attacking dogs saw Blue. Winston likes to ride on dog's backs, claws imbedded, and revel in wounded yowls and yips. The two of them went mano a mano, the cat circled around Blue with an age old - lets fight swagger.

Blue only looks like a shaggy friendly pouffer. Underneath his skin pulses eons of sheep herding fierce guardian blood - that will stand up to wolf much less a 10 pound feline with a nasty disposition and an over blown ego.

As the black cat approached with arched back and yellow eyes alive with malice, Blue stood his ground, head cocked, with a look on his face that said it all " Surely, you must be joking!"

Winston backed down. Blue trotted back up to the porch and gave me a look that translated " ... nice house, great yard but Mom; the neighbors!"

I came home yesterday with only 30 minutes to shower, change and then on to another's friend's 50th birthday party. She was reflective, saying; " This one really gave pause and made me think - How could all that time pass so quickly!"

Their fridge has a bungee cord around it because their three hounds know how to open it. Their cat food cupboard is likewise secure. They came home one day to find 24 licked clean, tins of cat food littering the kitchen floor. The dogs had figured out how to work the pull tabs!

Her husband made a wonderful Indian feast. I had seconds. We played a trivia quizz on her life. It was fun. She was embarrassed. I suspected there would be lively comments directed at her hubby after the guests departed. I made her a polished amethyst necklace with big green pearls - it looked smashing against her blond hair and fair skin.

This couple makes documentaries. Some have won awards. He is french and they just bought a farm near his family home in a tiny hamlet in the Loire valley to please his Grandmother. They can't really afford it and it has been a challenge. I will spend time there this year at some point, pay rent and help them clean it up. It has no bathing facilities and rust colour water dribbles from the taps. Charmingly rustic, my brother will consider it palatial.

Another friend painted her a picture of her french farmhouse from a photo. It was a wonderful painting. Another gal, made her perhaps the most beautiful cake I have ever seen, with a watercolour of her yard and dogs painted on the frosting - with all the detail of a Renoir. No one could bring themselves to cut it.

In a way it was a strange weekend. I kept running across a sameness - a connectedness. Out shopping on Saturday, I walked into a boutique - that carried a little known perfume - I had bought in Sonoma county - produced at a farm by two men who named it after their grandmother. They made it themselves in the back of the farmhouse in vats, and there it sat in little rows on a shelf - thousands of miles away - just a year later.

I walked into the party last night wearing a coat, that another woman was wearing in a different colour. We discovered we were both addicted to the same designer. In their upper hallway, hung a portrait of one of their dogs now deceased done by the same artist - that drew Blue some four years ago.

I helped myself to salad from a handcrafted bowl by a local potter, identical to one I had served myself pasta from the night before in a different town.

The more I think about buddhism, and quantum mechanics, the more I believe we are just different appendages of one thing - irrevocably connected. No one superior and all very much the same.

I spoke with Midnight on business this morning. He was chipper and friendly. When I hung up - I realized the pangs I normally felt after contact with him - weren't there.

Walking the dog, picking up a paper and coffee at Starbucks on a brillant sunny morning today - the headline read: "Glad to Be Alive", referring to the Canadians rescued in Bagdad.

So true, no matter what your circumstance in life, when you deeply reflect and see with your heart, it is the only fitting response to this incredible, precious, moment by moment precarious, thing we call life.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/28/06 05:18 AM
Evening Paradise,

Sounds like you had a really great weekend! You sound so full of life and happiness it makes me feel good too. I had a good weekend too. Didn't do much other than housework and laundry and I enjoyed every minute of the peace and quiet. I did get to play golf on Sunday. Our first really nice day in a long time. About 65 degrees, no wind and a near cloudless sky. Just the type of day you long for after months of the other weather.

I e-mailed the EX today and will regret it for a long time. We have only agreed totally on one thing this past year and that was to keep our issues out of our relationship with the kids. Today I asked her to help me with my DD. I haven't seen or heard much from her in a month. When I call her and ask what's up all I get is "nothing" , "just doing my own thing", etc. It's been eating at me for weeks and I asked EX to see if she could find out what was going on and to encourage DD to spend some time with me. I have done this for her with DS so I figured no big deal. WRONG! She basically told me I was on my own here and that I was creating the situation myself. Weird , how do you create something when you don't see the DD enough to even ask how things are with her?

I lost my cool and told her to forget it and to go back to doing what she does best, lying and adultery. Not smart, I know but it was the last bit of trust between us, a promise to help each other with the kids. She chose to break this final bond between us and I just don't respect her or even like her much anymore. No sense of integrity, no honesty, and no honor for anything in life. I just don't see how someone could lose all of these values so quickly and so completely.

Well, I have gotten my rant out and taken it out on you once again and I'm sorry. I just can't seem to keep this stuff bottled up and inside me. I have to vent somewhere and I hope you don't mind that I do it with you. I just hope that someday EX will realize what this is doing to our relationship with our kids. If we could have kept that one last promise I think things would be much better for both kids in the long run. I don't think this will cause them that much hurt or grief, I just think we could both be better parents if we worked together.

Well I have begun to ween myself off of the crutches I have been leaning on the past year. I am off the AD's after slowly reducing the doses. Next up will be the snuff. That will be a booger for sure. I gained 40lbs the last time and I can't afford to do that again. So its off the snuff and back to the gym at the same time so I don't gain any weight in the process this time. Once off the snuff the diet can begin again and I can shed the 40lbs I had lost at this time last year all over again. Call me yo-yo duk I guess! Not bright but at least I am optimistic and have a plan for a change.

Have a great evening!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/29/06 02:50 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

I am sorry for your pain. The only answer I have is to tell you what helps me stay sane. I try my best to:

Be kind.
Be polite.
Be helpful.
Be patient.
Be generous.
Be loving with my family and friends.
Not judge anyone - including myself.

If I stick to those rules I know all will be well if only because I will be fulfilling my own potential. When I stray from that game plan - it causes me pain, limits my growth, undermines my connection with those I care about.

We all tell ourselves stories about the world and those we share it with. Often they don't do us any good. Keep your mind silent for awhile.

People meditate because it creates peace - a calm mind.

Times of intense emotion create such mental confusion for all the parties involved. Sometimes, it is just better to be still.

Your daughter loves you very much. She understands how hard it is for you. It is hard for her too.

Remember your wife is dealing with major guilt - a dramatic conflict in her behaviour versus her self image. The natural response is to rationalize it away by projection of all manner of confused criticism on the BS. Best to ignore it and understand where it is coming from. Forgive her, don't hold on to anger or resentment - it is the best gift you can give to yourself and to her.

Eventually with time... her perspective will return.

Live in the moment. Golf, date, enjoy your friends, improve your home: move on with life without recreating history, without distorting your memories and appreciation for a wonderful period of shared living and experience.



P.S. Lose the snuff!!!!!!!!!! Serious Yuckies!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/29/06 06:04 AM

This was such a good post by Ark over in GQ II that I thought I would repost it here. It captures what I was trying to get across beautifully...


Some of the most painful posts to read here the confusion and turmoil of betrayed spouses....

those post D-day days weeks and sadly months in which so many things are left unanswered, unaddressed and emtpy...

be still.....

In our turmoil and chaos and the gnawing need to fix and bring into their hearts more pain and crisis....

be still...

There was once a saying I read somewhere that went something like to really ever understand someone else we must crawl inside of them and feel the gentle beat of their heart....

easier probably for a BS to move a mountain than to grasp and work from that realm....

but be still...
each moment of stillness you can buy grab or gobble is a moment in which you are free from the pain and free from the fear..

fear of doing the wrong thing
fear of saying the wrong thing...

the goal is not marriage rebuilding at any cost...
the goal is guiding yourself to a place of matter the outcome....

the anatomy of a WS is that they changed and molded their own thought processes so that they could engage in a affair....

they did this....
they did this....over time and in a way in which they can barely see the reality of this...but they did do it...

be still

it takes time.....

too many posts are from BS with unrealistic EXPECTATIONS which will harm you...

it is unrealistic to think that the thought processes needed to engage in such vile actions....vanishes over night

working through affair issues takes time...gobs and gobs of it...
and if you find yourself standing in a place of demanding change and specified responses, introspection, apologies, and instant change...

be still

for you are causing more grief that you need to burdon....

they did this...and they must undo this...

will they?
the truth is we don't know..
but to ever be a whole person again they darn well better...otherwise they carry their chaos on and on..and in the end no BS needs to burdon that.....

WS, though hard to see when they have used you as a weapon are very very damaged inside.....

they can not face that damage...and since that damage is YOU the BS...they often can not face you..

so they continue to waffle and wallow in the path that brought them to this place...

the way of rationalizing and justifying downright no two ways about it dispicable behavior acts....

force them to the face and process at once..
they will withdrawal
they will deny
they will retaliate

or even worse they will self destruct themselves....

be still....

don't force responses and actions and still and know that their non-responses , non actions and non answers ARE their answers....and you can hold them accountable to that

be still
and then make your moves....

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/29/06 07:03 AM
Thank you Paradise!

Your posts always bring me back to a sense of calmness and are always thoughtful and caring. ARK's post has a real meaningful message for me. Now all I need to do is to learn to keep my own personal balance and remain still. I have a ways to go on this for sure.

The good news is that I took both kids to dinner tonight and they sensed my worry and let me know all was fine with us. DD even went shopping with me and I bought a new pair of shoes and a new watch with her help. DD got the old man to buy a pair of shoes that looked way more comtemporary than I would have ever bought on my own. I feel relieved and relaxed again tonight. Maybe you gals are on to something with the shoe thing. I spent way more than normal and cant wait to go out and show off the new goods! The watch is one I have had my eye on for a long time. Something I could never justify spending the money on but I decided to do something strictly selfish and indulge myself. I will probably regret it later but it feels good right now.

The old watch was one EX bought me and I think a bit Freuidian(?) on her part. Its a model called the arkitect. Same as the OM's occupation. I loved throwing it in the junk drawer for use while doing yard work or hunting where it will get all beat up and abused.

Thank you again for your thoughtfulness and caring. I am sorry I vent to you all the time. I hope I am able to return this in kind somtime in a way that helps as much as you do every time I have needed it.

Have a peaceful and relaxing evening.

Posted By: Una Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/29/06 10:29 PM

I'm a journalist researching an article on infidelity - looking for a few people to share their stories COMPLETE ANONYMITY of course. If any of you want to share, give advice or just mention what happened in their relationships please contact me at

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/30/06 05:17 AM

I saw "Failure to Launch" with a friend tonight, light romantic fluff that was easy on the eye.

She went home to her hubby of 33 years to make him his grilled cheese sandwichs. Their usual supper on Wednesdays.

I went home to the dog. It was lonely and quiet. So we ended up going for a long walk.

I find when I am lonely. I naturally gravitate to bookstores. There is companionship in the written word. You can touch someone's mind and heart through what they write. Ideas line up neatly on the shelves.

The thought of Dukhuntr buying shoes with his daughter made me smile tonight. Shopping as therapy! Cheap! Effective! Fun!

The dog attracts lots of attention - he is a people magnet. It means I am always stopping to chat. Sometimes just superficial chatter and other times deep probing conversations that touch on all manner of topics.

Tonight a women stopped me to admire Blue.

Her father in law had died. She liked him immensely. Today was his funeral. Her husband has left her to go back to his first wife. She could not face seeing the two of them together - so she stayed home even though she wanted to be there.

She has a child with her husband that is 10 years old. He left his first wife - 7 years ago to marry her. Now he has left her to go back to his first wife. She was bereft and about to drink herself numb. It is a tangled mess.

I stood quietly lisening to her pain. Knowing there was naught to do but breathe. After she finished her story, she merely nodded, admired my boots and wandered back into a bar. I watched her walk away, thinking she would find no answers there.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/30/06 06:24 AM
Hey Paradise,

Just a qick note before getting some much needed sleep. I should have tried the shopping therapy sooner! I still feel revved up and happy from last night. I'm not sure if it was just the shopping or the time I spent with my daughter. I suspect more the latter.

Sleep has been hard to come by lately. Weird dreams that wake me up and some insomnia too. Nothing related to marital problems or the kids in specific, but a general restlessness. Last night I slept soundly but it felt like I only slept a couple of hours when it was eight. Tired all day at work too! Been really productive at work lately thank god. Don't have time to spend dwelling there any more.

You haven't said much lately about what your plans are for limiting your contact with Midnight. Are you moving forward with getting out of the Business? A legal seperation? I think you may need to do something here in regard to protecting your interests from a MLC in the spending area.

Where has Eibrab disappeared to these days? I hope all is well with her.

Pleasant dreams.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/31/06 04:16 AM

I had a productive day. Tonight, Blue and I went for a long walk and ended up sharing a hamburger on a bench. It has been fabulous weather. I wore sandals.

We came home and organized to be ready for another road trip this weekend. We are going to the cottage to entertain friends and then give it a final clean before our landlady moves back in for the spring. Blue wags his tail and smiles at me, when I tell him our plans. He loves the cottage!

I took a big step today and wrote my husband's new address in my address book. It gave me a weird feeling. I have been keeping it on a scrap of paper.

In a way, it is a kind of acceptance. When I had a drink with a friend this week, I jokingly described him as slipping the leash and scampering around the neighborhood.

It is considerably more than that. He has created a new life, a new persona with a new home, furnished with new furniture, a french audiophile sound system, and complete with a new wardrobe. The only thing he hasn't bought yet is a new car. I can't wait for that bill!

He has made new "younger" friends. He spends very little time with any of our old friends these days. Plus of course, he has a new woman! Although it could be plural!

We are polite - co-operative. We have a rough agreement on who gets what. I have made no major legal moves - other than to organize. I am still waiting. I have not given up yet.

The first real date we ever had. He waited outside a pub in -20F weather for 3 hours. I had forgot about it completely and when I did remember and stopped by not expecting that he would be there. There he stood, practically frozen solid.

We went inside and I asked him "Why at least didn't you wait indoors." He just shook his head and said, " I wwwwas wwwwwworried I'ddd mmmmmiss yyyooouuu."

I can't quite give up yet. I am worried he will wake up, remember that I am waiting for him, show up to find me gone and I will miss him.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/31/06 06:35 AM
I've been reading <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> ..

I tried to respond to Duk's shoe shopping therapy, but my computer said no. I really hate arguing with this thing.. It usually wins.

Yesterday my "baby" turned 10. It's a hard realization for me. I always wanted more.. maybe that is why the current year of my life has been so hard. Another child, but not mine..

Today, I conquered a beast in my home that has plaqued my son for most of his now 10 years... A bedroom with small flowery-like wall-paper.

The battle was long... I am bruised and battered, but my dear sweet little guy is now surrounded by a 10 year old selected greenish pattern and a bass fishing border.

It's a good night here. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Tomorrow may be even better... A crate arriving from Vegas should bring a new male partner for my lonely female tortoises... I'm told that he is friendly and rather handsome. He'd better be.. I certainly don't wish to add to the ugly portion of the world's tortoise population.

I tell the ladies just how beautiful they are everyday. I truly think they believe it.

The archery continues.. I have found that I even dream about it... H seems quite proud of me. I find him checking out websites for a better short-draw bow for me...

I told him.. I don't need the top of the line equipment. I just need to aim better.. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

I thank God every night for this thread and the words and people in it... New shoes, bookstores, a dog who steals socks.. each post brings me closer to the good that is in people.

I'd like to help you wait, Paradise - as long as you wish.

I'd like to help DukHunter find the life he deserves and the courage to put down the can of snuff... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Thanks for being here..

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/31/06 08:17 PM
Hi Eibrab,

Such a lovely post! Having your family together and under one well decorated roof is a huge blessing.

I hope your romeo is up to the task. The female heart if a fragile thing even in turtles.

I went with a friend to a demonstration pole dancing class today. Very wild! It does look like it is great for upper body toning. We giggled through the whole thing. They had one section on Walk Like a Woman With Intention! Intention to what... I have been practising rolling my hips as I pack.

Just loading the car for a quick getaway... off to do Mom's shopping .... then we are on the open road!

Wishing you happy and at peace.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 03/31/06 08:52 PM

You never cease to amaze me! Pole dancing?????? As in a pole on a stage? As in a strip club pole dancing???? If so I am booking a flight to come video tape the next lesson because I just can't picture you doing this and I need visual proof that it is happening! Not that it is bad, it's just so out of character for the sophisticated and proper all business Paradise I have come to know and love.

If you won't let me come and do the video, get a video capable phone and have a friend get 60 seconds of this and e-mail the event to me for posterity's sake alone. I love it!!!! I will forward a copy to Midnight and he can turn to a steaming pile of goo just thinking about it. Eibrab can bring Mr. Turtle and the girls and get a jump start in her turtle farm.

That makes my day! I don't think anyone will be able to wipe the smile off my face for a long time today. Have a great trip and I will talk to you next week!

P.S.- this is for both of you - I am down to a couple of dips a day on the snuff and well on my way to quitting already. Thanks for the support.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/03/06 06:50 AM

It is done fully clad, mostly to the sound of giggling. In our group there was a real mixture of ages and it was fun. I am happy it made you smile.

However, I really like to spin. It is simple. The music is usually great and it helps clear your mind. I use to swim alot - for me it has the same kind of flow.

Great news on the snuff! We all have addictions, it just works so much better if you get addicted to things which are good for you. Or at the very least don't cause harm.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/03/06 08:04 AM

It is very late. I just got in and with many trips have fully unloaded the car.

I cleaned out our cottage tonight and left it pretty much in pristine shape. I always find this a sad task. Blue and I go for one last long walk down to the beach and along the quiet streets as a parting ritual.

Technically, I had already moved out midway in the season. Though as no one was using it this weekend, I thought I would do one last weekend of entertaining.

It was lovely sunny spring weather. I had up a nice mix of people, including four dogs of various sizes. It went by in a blink.

In the process, of packing up Midnight's gear, I found a note scrawled in lipstick on a napkin from his new skiing buddy. The gal I spent the weekend with earlier in the season. It was of a very personal nature .....

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/03/06 10:54 PM

I came home tonight to a wonderful flower arrangement, a dozen pink roses, 3 white hydrangeas, baby breath and ferns. It was from a young couple, who are neighbours, I entertained them over the weekend.

They have had a very trying year. Their first baby was born without knowing how to suck. She was hospitalized for months. Only now is she home with a feeding tube. I wanted them to have a weekend where they were waited on hand and foot and were able to recover from all the stress.

They really enjoyed themselves, they brought the baby, two dogs. They slept into 11.00 a.m Sunday morning, except for waking early for a feeding. It was the most sleep they have had in months.

She is a lovely looking girl. Perhaps one of the most beautiful women I know - inside and out.

I made her a pink murano glass necklace that looked great on her. We watched movies, went for walks on the beach. The two of them ate more of my cranberry pancakes and lemon cake - than I thought humanly possible.

He likes science, so my other friends suffered through watching "What the Bleep Do We Know" - a second time. He has read many of the books by the featured scientists. We had lively conversation.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/05/06 12:36 AM

An up and down day, my computer picked up a bug yesterday, it took me almost five hours this morning to rid myself of the nasty pest. In the process I upended a grande starbucks coffee on my newly shampooed rug.

Blue brought me socks. Sensing I was grumpy, he robbed the laundry hamper and jumped up on my lap with a pair of workout socks in his mouth as though to say " Mom, come on, it can't be that bad, here have a sock ..."

The day improved.

We went for a nice walk tonight up to one of my favourite book stores. I took a look at the " The Happiness Hypothesis" - an excellent book.

Jonathan Haidt, points out the 3 main advantages of severe stress. 1) In rising to the occassion, we discover traits and abilities we never knew we had. It alters our self image and often improves self esteem. There is even a term for it post traumatic growth. 2) Our other relationships tend deepen as others reach out to us. This is so true. I am closer to my friends now than I have ever been. 3) Our priorities shift to a more fundamental paradigm. True again. After reflection, work is really not as important as I use to think it was. I find people now to be far more worthy of my devotion and energy.

At dharma class yesterday, there was discussion on the illusion of reality. How each of us have a very subjective understanding of the world all wrapped up in what ever story we tell ourselves. There is no "out there" objective truth really. Everything is subjective. Nor is there justification to say that my view is better or more correct than someone else's. I often wonder how Midnight views our situation, what is his story on it. I believe it could be equally valid.

I am looking forward to a quiet night of housework. Putting things in order I find calming when so much of my life is in flux and frankly a bit of a mess.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/05/06 11:25 AM

I don't think I slept last night. I have been sitting at my desk watching the dawn rise through a big window. It is spectacular free entertainment.

Blue is disgruntled. When I don't sleep. He doesn't sleep. He likes to sleep.

It snowed last night. There is a sprinkling of white everywhere. The streets are waking up. People are starting to trundle off to work.

Earlier I was reading some of the stories posted here and GQ 11. It is disheartening. So much sadness that is so unnecessary.

Funny how we all find a reason to justify whatever it is we do. Just after Midnight told me he was in love with someone else. He complained to a friend that I had only called him three times during the week following his departure. Making it sound like I was neglecting him?

I really think he envisioned moving next door with the three of us staying friends. Cozy.

They get in this blissed out crazy state. Where nothing they say or do makes any sense at all.

Accepting that is hard. I want my world to make sense.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/06/06 07:06 AM

Just got off the phone with Midnight, we talked for two hours. I received his visa bill and cell phone bill today. Yikes. Plus he has just joined a very very pricey club where the OW is a member. Thousands and thousands more ...

For all the world, it is like I am talking to a child. One who does not accept responsibility for their actions. In fact one who does not even acknowledge those actions. I swear, if he could blame all the spending on the dog - he would!

It is not just that he outright lies to me - it is that he is very clearly lying to himself. Some part of him knows the truth but it is very deeply buried under layers of fantasy, ego and sheer delusion.

I am going to sit down with a divorce attorney this week and hire someone to help me wind down my involvement in the company and take over when I leave.

He told me tonight that I should be dating and getting on with my life. I believe him.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/06/06 12:26 PM
He told me tonight that I should be dating and getting on with my life. I believe him.

Oh Paradise... when you do. Things will change. I know they will. Either you will find someone deserving of you, or Mr. Midnight will be harshly jolted from the fantasy life that he has surrounded himself in.

This goes back to DukHunter and I wanting you to "shake" things up. For you, as well.

A few posts ago, I went to bed mulling over your reflections of missing Mr. M while you tripped over his belongings. Something hit me during the night, and I've not been out of bed since to offer a hug to you.

Oh my... but whatever is going around had better keep moving to some other location. H has fed my horses, the kids have spoken to the tortoises, and the dogs keep climbing the stairs to make sure that I am still breathing.

This morning... I feel as if I may truly make

Please know, that even in moments (days!) of inability to type.. you are in my prayers... God is working on people in your life.

It just may be "you". <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />


PS I'll be sure to share my male tortoise findings of last week. You'll sleep better tonight knowing that not only one, but two found their way here...*grin*
Posted By: hoopsie Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/06/06 02:46 PM
You don't "know" me, but I stumbled on your thread awhile ago while going through my own sordid saga (WH leaving me for old high-school girlfriend).

I simply must tell you that your posts have been an inspiration for me. Your calmness, wisdom, and humor have given me a model for how to respond to the biggest trauma of my life.

You appear to be a gem, and your husband appears to be a fool. I aplogize for intruding on your thread, but I have decided that going forward in my life I will no longer be shy about offering compliments to people I admire. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/06/06 02:51 PM

I am truly sorry it has come to this point for you. I was hoping that with all of your positive thinking that sooner or later Midnight's fog would lift and your shining light would show thru like a beacon. It doesn't seem to be happening for you and I wish it were different.

Who knows , maybe heading this direction and taking these steps will make him sit up and think with a different appendage for a short time and some rationality will appear. I know it doesn't make things any easier to do but I think this is the right thing for you at this point in your life. We will be here to listen and lend an ear any time you need it.

Things for me continue to spiral downward. EX and I can no longer even speak about the kids with any civility. After asking for help last week and being turned down we exchanged some heated e-mails and now she is threatening court action because she is afraid of me and "does not know what I am capable of". If she takes this step here in Nevada I will lose many privledges I am very fond of including my rights to possess a firearm. No hearing , no trial no nothing. This would stay in place 6-8 weeks until a hearing in family court could take place and I could refute her accusations. Doesn't seem fair does it. Life is not fair so we just have to deal with the bulls*** and be ourselves and let the rest of them swirl around us.

Keep doing exactly what you have been and don't let this change a thing about you. You are a pretty special person and should never let anyone or anything change that.

Peaceful thoughts and happy times are ahead for you no matter what comes of all of this.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/06/06 04:02 PM

What a nice post to read... and so very, very true.

So sorry you are "here" as well... but glad to know that you can appreciate and share in Paradise's ways of thinking.

She is truly a blessing to so many.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/06/06 04:10 PM

Can I comment ?

Stay calm..and no more emails. Just stay away.

I have a dear friend who is a family law attorney practicing in two states. Though, he never betrays with names, we do discuss cases, as he knows my interest. What your fears rest in here would be difficult to prove, learned through a similar situation last summer with one of his cases, unless you out and out lost yourself and verbally threatened...especially since you have been seen so much publicly (bball) without incidence with the "offending" (used lightly here) parties.

If you did get animated in an email, then may I ask is a bow considered a firearm ?

A VERY big hug for you,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/06/06 09:39 PM

It is a gorgeous sunny day here. I have not been productive today - just going through the motions - vertically occupying space.

A long time ago, I asked Midnight what he thought love was. He didn't reply. In fact, he huffed at me for asking a silly question.

It is not a silly question.

Love is not just a feeling. It is a decision to live in a manner which values someone else's happiness as important or more important than your own and to act accordingly, clear in that purpose and with the utmost honesty.

I love Midnight. I always have. It means I want him to be happy. If he was not happy with me - then everything else falls away.

I asked him last night - if he was unhappy before we were embroiled with the OW. The answer was no. We both agree that for 23 years we had a very happy marriage.

I asked him if he thought he will be happy going forward with his choice to explore life as a bachelor. That he didn't know, he doubts he will ever find the same connection.

My husband of 23 years was cheap (I'll be frank), unassuming as to his appearance, loving, considerate, faithful, honest, helpful, kind and quite modest.

Now he is seems the opposite in every regard, a little human land mine set to self destruct. It worries me.

Mentally, I still find myself looking for the access latch that will allow me to defuse him. In the war, my Dad lived daily with bombs for many years - setting them, defusing them. There is always a safe way to go about it. It requires a calm methodical approach - or in this case my marriage blows up. Worse yet, my husband's appealing character may be diminished - by a confused tangle of guilt, disappointment, recklessness and projected blame.

Today I started by simply telling him, I never wanted him to be unhappy. It is not what I want now. It is a sly tactic using the MB principal of 100% agreement. No one ever disagrees with you wanting them to be happy!

I have to let go of all the hurt, the recriminations, the anger, the sense of unfairness and just remember that this is still a man whom I love and want to be happy with me or without me - regardless
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/07/06 03:27 AM

Sending steamed emails is not going to help your cause. Nor in the long run does it make you feel any better, and it clearly makes her paranoid. No one benefits.

I know how angry you feel - trust me! Let it go. Just let it go. Remember and be thankful for the good times and move on to now. You're living in the past. You are addicted to your past and in the process ignoring your present and making more difficult your future.

Let it go.... Your children are too old to be manipulated by your Ex. They are still young enough where they will learn by your example.

As Eibrab says - Just stay away.... Buy shoes. Go hunting. Play golf. Take the dog for a walk. Let it go...


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/07/06 03:40 AM

I am so sorry you are not well. Hopefully on the mend now? Thank you for thinking of me despite being under the weather.

Sending you healthy thoughts,


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/07/06 05:17 AM


I am so sorry you are here. However, it is a good place to be given your circumstance. Sharing your experience with those who are enduring the same trauma - helps ease the pain. You are not alone, others care and most importantly understand what you are going through..

Wishing you well and happy...

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/07/06 06:59 AM
Paradise and Eibrab,

It's starting to sound like a choir around me these days. Like when some tune gets stuck in your head and its all you hear. My parents, my IC(who I went to again for the first time in a month), my attorney, and several of my friends all said exactly what you guys did. STAY AWAY FROM HER!!!!

I'm dense, but you think I would have learned by now. I loved her with all my heart and letting go is proving a difficult challenge. My head screams to cut every tie to her and never contact her again but I just can't seem to do it with any conviction. Dough for brains is my only excuse. IC said things about her I can't even believe in an attempt to get me to put some space between me and her. If it were up to him we would be back to public floggings I think. My friends are not even that nice. I'm just not that way about her, I still want to see her live well and be happy. I just wish she could do it where I didn't have to witness it.

Paradise, I think our respective WS's are running parallel courses now and they really have left us in their wake to sink or swim on our own. From reading your posts all of these months you are light years ahead of me of terms of being ready and capable of sailing off on your own. Happiness will find you wherever you go from here and life will be full of new places and people who make your life brighter. Just let it happen for you!!!!!!

While you are letting this happen just remember to share your perceptions and thoughts with those of us who have some catching up to do in this regard. Send some of that beacon light you have been shining on Midnight our way and help us to be as strong, self sufficient, and caring as you have been from day one.

Eibrab all you need to do is get well and be the same as always. Thoughtful, compassionate and sharing. I may need to learn to shoot a bow better too. I will be asking for your help in that area if the EX follows thru on her threats, we'll just have to wait and see how things go.

Have a good night all.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/07/06 07:18 AM
Paradise and Eibrab,

As I wrote the earlier post I kept thinking back on my e-mail to her that caused the problems. I am going to to reproduce it so you can tell me if it sounded threatening in any way. After asking her to help me re-connect with DD she responded by saying she would not help. She said I was becoming more and more like my father and doing all the things he did that I never liked. She said I was being selfish and all I cared about was myself and that was all I ever cared about. she finished by calling me a selfish bast***.

My response was as follows:

Dear EX,

Selfish is sleeping with two men one after the other and only telling the one not supporting you.

Selfish is doing this for eight months and never feeling guilty enough to either stop or to leave our home on your own.

Selfish is letting the kids and I nurse you thru your surgery and rehab for eight weeks and then repaying us by sneaking off to F*** OM.

Name calling is not very becoming on you and it is the first time since D-Day you have resorted to this. I have too much respect for you and our years together to go there with you. Go back to doing what you have proven you do best, lying and adultery.


Well, I know I didn't need to say all of this again but it sure felt good when I sent it. Be honest and throw any 2x4 you think necessary, I deserve it.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/07/06 10:19 AM

I had a bad day yesterday, too. Saw the OW at a distance, almost needed binoculars to do so.. and the old feelings came back.

Maybe I was just exhausted from being ill. I don't like the feeling that comes over me at those times. Dare I admit that it's almost a loathing or hatred. I never thought myself capable of that. I have never approached or bothered this woman.

Sometimes I wish I would have. Just once. Maybe these feelings wouldn't linger... I think this is you, too. It lingers because you just want to throw some dirty "punches".. Not physically, but dish it out as well.

Boy, do I understand...but where do we go from here that makes us any better of a person than they are if we act that way?

Paradise and her words of wisdom... how easy it would be to turn off this computer and think her to be fictional. How can anyone handle themselves with such grace and honor at such times? Even the dog has barked and growled at bookstore "triggers", for pete's sake..

Yet here remains a person hurt such as we have been, and not allowing herself to be held captive to the extent of the outside world that we are. I said once before, that possibly God is using her to heal many.

So no more communication. Let her initiate any, and just be short and sweet in response. It'll make you laugh hanging up the phone or signing off the email to know that she will be left wondering what is up. Enjoy that.

And the target shooting will suffer for my past few days and loss of strength. I did, however, order a new Mathews Switchback XT with black limbs.... they couldn't get it in pink.. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Your email was a dig.. but not a threat... I'd think you were fine, though the absence of a law degree on my wall shouldn't give you total faith here..

I hope today is good.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/07/06 10:33 AM
I have to let go of all the hurt, the recriminations, the anger, the sense of unfairness and just remember that this is still a man whom I love and want to be happy with me or without me - regardless

Today, I will live by those words. No visions of another woman will enter my mind in any negative fashion except to critique an outfit or her outlandish clothing sense.

While I was not feeling well, a new Mexican couple moved into the barn apartment with their infant. It's a precious thing. I have stayed at a distance yesterday for health's sake. The mother does not speak any English at all.

Today, I am going after the coziest looking sleeper that I saw a week or so ago in the nicest shade of yellow. We're going to help this new one adjust to life up North. In the past, the children of workers would follow me around most of the day. We taught each other so much. I heard the new baby's cries from down in the barn last night.. and I wonder what the lessons here are.

Today I will thank God that new babies are such a blessing to so many, in many different ways.

Thank you for the mantra, Paradise.

Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/07/06 03:34 PM
Paradise --

After reading Hoopsie's post, I am compelled to write also. I, too, have been reading your posts all along. Many times I have wanted to post to you, but frankly, did not want to change the flow of the conversation with my ramblings.

Paradise, I hope that you know what an inspiration you are to many, many people. Hoopsie and I are just a very small fraction of those who are inspired by you.

Your postings bring me such a feeling of calm. As I am sure they do to many of the readers here.

Please by comforted by the fact that your writings have reached the hearts and souls of many wounded people. I simply can not compliment you enough to say what an impact you have had on my life and I am certain, many others.

I can only speak for myself, and I have wanted for so long to let you know what joy and inspiration you are.

P.S. Hi Dukhuntr - I think you are terrific too !!!

Sincerely, Carnation
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/08/06 05:38 AM

It is late.

I went out for Thai food with three girlfriends tonight. Later we went to a concert, latin jazz. It was fabulous.

The place was packed - standing room only. People danced where they stood.

The warm up group was african. One of the band members lost his entire family and many of his friends in the Rwandan genocide. It happened 12 years ago tonight. He looked out at the audience and quietly talked about it. How the world watched and stood by while millions were slaughtered with machetes.

He played a long sad solo on sax - then changed the beat and asked people to stand, dance and remember life was precious and meant to be celebrated. What more fitting response to senseless barbery? Every person in that hall danced like they meant it.

Earlier in the day, my hairdresser who is Iranian told me she is flying home this weekend. She had to buy a special kerchief to wear or she wouldn't be able to get off the plane. It has to cover her foreheard.

An 18 year old girl recently died in her homeland. She was wearing her kerchief too far off her face. When told to adjust it she just shrugged at the police officer and walked away ignoring him. He shot her dead.

I wonder at human cruelty.

Blue is complaining loudly, I have been out tonight. Returned to take him only for a short walk and now he wants attention.

He is sitting by my side - whining so loudly it is an out and out wail "YOU MIGHT HAVE HAD A GREAT TIME TONIGHT BUT I SAT HERE BY MYSELF - BORED - NOW I WANT TO PLAY BED BUG! (I roll him up in the duvet and tickle his stomach. He jumps and prances around blind under the covers - barking - to culminate in a furious dig.)


I will be back....

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/08/06 11:49 PM
Hi Carnation2,

I am sorry you are here. Sharing your thoughts and experiences I think can help heal the wound.

I find the journaling clears my mind - settles my emotions. I can track my progress and it soothes the pain.

Wishing you happy and well...

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/09/06 12:13 AM

You should try writing down your angry thoughts about the OW.

I sometimes start a post by writing an angry sentence. Then I look at it. Know that it is wrong. Erase it. The process seems to take it away.

I do the same thing at the beach in a way. I stand and watch the waves and try to let them wash the anger out of me. I always feel better for it.

I read a quote funnily enough by Winston Churchill today:
" We make a living by getting things, we make a life by giving them".

I am mad at Midnight because I gave him so much and in turn he has hurt me deeply.

The rub of course is that it is not really giving if you have expectations. Winston's right, by giving I created a great life that I enjoyed and shared for a long time.

It was in no way a waste. It was not unfair. It was my choice and a smart one at that.

Write down your angry thoughts. Then crumble them up and throw them away - maybe even watch them burn. It will lighten your heart.


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/09/06 01:15 AM

Thank you.

It is a such a good feeling to find those who understand... not only our difficulties, but who we are. I am grateful.

I found something on General Questions II here entitled "For when you have a bad day" by ForeverHers... I hope you have a moment to go there.

I know this must have been written with you in mind.

Please play with the dog tonight. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/09/06 03:29 AM


That was such a lovely post by ForeverHers, I pasted it here....

Thank you...



Reged: 05/01/02
Posts: 4729
Timely story for days when things seem bleak
#541219 - 09/06/02 07:25 AM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

A daily inspirational message I thought some of you might enjoy as much as I did. And thanks to those who have been "through it" and are still around helping others.

Love Island

Once upon a time there was an island where all the feelings
lived; happiness, sadness, knowledge, and all the others,
including love.

One day it was announced to all of the feelings that the island
was going to sink to the bottom of the ocean.
So all the feelings prepared their boats to leave.

Love was the only one that stayed. She wanted to preserve
the island paradise until the last possible moment.

When the island was almost totally under, Love decided it was
time to leave. She began looking for someone to ask for help.
Just then Richness was passing by in a grand boat. Love asked,
"Richness, Can I come with you on your boat?"
Richness answered, " I'm sorry, but there is a lot of silver and
gold on my boat and there would be no room for you anywhere."

Then Love decided to ask Vanity for help who was passing in a
beautiful vessel. Love cried out, "Vanity, help me please."
"I can't help you", Vanity said, "You are all wet and will
damage my beautiful boat."

Next, Love saw Sadness passing by. Love said, "Sadness, please
let me go with you." Sadness answered, "Love, I'm sorry, but, I
just need to be alone now."

Then, Love saw Happiness. Love cried out, " Happiness, please
take me with you." But Happiness was so overjoyed that he
didn't hear Love calling to him.

Love began to cry. Then, she heard a voice say, "Come Love,
I will take you with me." It was an elder.

Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that she forgot to ask the
elder his name.

When they arrived on land the elder went on his way.
Love realized how much she owed the elder.

Love then found Knowledge and asked,
"Who was it that helped me?"

"It was Time", Knowledge answered.

"But why did Time help me when no one else would?", Love asked.

Knowledge smiled and with deep wisdom and sincerity, answered,
"Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is."

Author Unknown

Have a GREAT day. You owe it to yourself!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/09/06 04:21 AM

Life just flowed this weekend. I made no plans and I couldn't have planned it better. The phone just kept ringing. Timing and logistics worked perfectly.

Jane Austen once said "Friendship is life's finest cure for disappointment in love." As I stood beside a very dear friend, watching a fashion show today, I smiled in agreement.

My friends are a great blessing.

There were children in the show - four tots around five years old. One was a cute little asian girl with big eyes and waist length hair. Her Granddad, (I suspect) sat front row centre and would clap and grin ear to ear - whenver they announced that children's wear was next.

He was blind.

His grand daughter fell carrying a big plastic ice cream cone. She hit her chin. It must have hurt. Emotions ran across her face, the urge to cry, momentary panic. Her eyes flew to her grand dad, he was sitting perfectly still - a smiling beacon of love and pride.

She quickly got up and walking like a little queen, caught up to the other tots. Coming back down the runway, just as she was about to exit the stage with her back to the audience - she put the troublesome ice cream cone on her head and did the cutest little wiggle walk I have ever seen.

I was so sorry her grand dad missed it. Then maybe he didn't.

Love lets us see. Who we are. What we are. It shows our heart what our minds hide from it. That we are all pretty much the same, different appendages of one thing - irrefutably connected.

There is a wonderful blurb in the beginning of "Love Actually" that talks about love being all around. That when the twin towers were attacked - there were no calls of revenge or hate. They were all of love. When you have minutes to live you think only of those you love with love.

Yet when we think we have the rest of our lives... we waste it with anger, jealousy, hate, .... boy what a waste of time.

Midnight always thought one of my most appealing traits was that I could never hold onto anger. I would find it too tiring and would have to let it go.

He would get me mad and then vacate, happy in the knowledge that when he came back two hours later I would have forgotten about it and be happily engrossed in something else.

The anger is what I find the hardest to deal with. I have never been this angry for so long in my life. It is tiring. It makes my mind heavy.

Blue is whining again, pawing me ... saying "Let's play the slipper game tonight." (Take two sloppered up slippers. Toss them simultaneously. He grabs one, I grab the other. He lets go of the one he has and goes for the one I have. I drop mine and grab the one being neglected...) It is a circular kind of game - much like life!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/10/06 01:09 AM

We had a peaceful day. I took Blue to the beach. We went to see Mom, took her clothes shopping. This is usually fun. Mom and I wear the same size shoe and fit the same size clothing. We like the same things. Often deciding to switch purchases at the cash. "No you take the pink. I'll take the coral." Blue is a patient shopper. He sits quietly offering no opinions.

I bought crop jeans by Simon Chang - they have embroidery down one side - a peacock, flowers, birds -very spiffy. Mom bought Ralph Lauren cotton tops and fancy underwear (bright pink).

Then we went to lunch. Sipping on a milkshake, I lisen. She talks. She is 81 and trying to look 71. I am 51 and trying to look 41. We laugh. It is all relative.

She is still saving money for when she gets really old!

She has no intention of going in a nursing home. She plans on dying in her own bed. She says Dad is with her alot. She feels him near.

I have been really missing him. It has been five months.

My scottish friend was at the beach with his fourteen year old dog Flo - she is a Briard. A very old breed that came to France with the monguls in the 11th century.

Flo has cancer - tumors. His wife died not too long ago. Now he is faced with having to put down his dog. He can't do it. She has trouble getting up once she lies down. He lifts her hind end up tenderly.

Eventually she won't be able to walk.

She always smiles at me knowing I carry fab treats - chunks of freeze dried beef liver - puppy crack! I give her a couple. She inhales them and grins. Blue frowns, and start barking/complaining so vigoruously - I have to move on. "Boy Mom why do you have to give away my treats!"

It is quiet here. Blue has had dinner - beef soup over kibble. I have had dinner - a bowl of fresh rasperries with whipped cream. The day is winding down.

I have been trying hard to live in the moment. When you do, there are always lessons to be had. Walking on the beach this morning, I was thinking I could learn alot from that five year old tot yesterday. How to take a fall. Look to love for support, then find a way to make the whole thing funny. She was a very smart little girl.

Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/10/06 09:32 AM

There is a wonderful blurb in the beginning of "Love Actually" that talks about love being all around. That when the twin towers were attacked - there were no calls of revenge or hate. They were all of love. When you have minutes to live you think only of those you love with love.


Wow, Paradise.... Only you could put such a good spin on this. I have not ever heard this mentioned in this way. Thank you so very much for sharing this...

Once again you have brought calm to a storm... it is really no surprise that your phone rings off the hook !!

Dear God, Thank you so much for sending your angel, Paradise, to MB to show us the way...

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/11/06 03:08 AM
Evening Ladies,

Sorry it's been a while since I checked in, I had a big weekend. Golf,two fundraising dinners for different species of wildlife and a trip to the duck club to clean my boat, the garage and all manner of offseason to-do's. I'm beat!!!!

Paradise, your last couple of posts are the first time I can remember you ever saying you were angry with Midnight. I hope you are realizing this yourself and are making the effort NOT TO GO THERE!!! It has taken you months to talk me out of this realm and believe me it does not help in any way and will become obsessive if you let it. I really disliked her, hated the OM and was loathing myself by the time you and the IC started to break me out of my self pity and anger fest. Don't give up all the wonderful optimism and positive thinking you have been living on the past year. All of us who read your posts see the wisdom and plain old common sense of your thinking. Especially when compared to our scattered and downright muddled thoughts. Get back into the Dharma and Greg class, see the Wally Llama or whatever you need to do to stop doing this to yourself. Midnight is the confused and self damaging individual not you.

We need the Paradise we have listened to and admired for so long to continue to be our vision of what we as BS's should be. Strong, self confident and independent, patient, understanding, and most of all forgiving. You can't really say you have forgiven if you are angry can you? Believe in you own post when you said "all of the anger, jealousy and hate is a huge waste of time".

Carnation, it's hard to ever tell someone we're glad to have you here with us but you seem fit in with our little group just fine. I for one enjoy your posts and thoughts. Especially your appreciation for Paradise, she is something quite special to all of us. Join in and bounce whatever you want off of us. Nothing is sacred or out of bounds here.

Eibrab, I hope you are completely well by now. Seems like every year the newest form of flu bug is harder to shake than the last. Feeling sick only makes dealing with emotions that much harder and drops your patience level to next to nothing. I will be sending healthy thoughts your way and sending a breath of cold air with it to fog your binocular vision. Maybe you will miss the OW next time and save yourself the grief.

Life is taking some funny turns these days for me. I ran into the Huntress I was dating on Friday night at the Bighorn Sheep dinner. All she could do was apologize over and over for not calling me. She said she didn't want to involve me in all the drama she has had in her life recently. Her mother passed away, she found out she was allergic to a medicine she was on and all manner of garbage in her life. She said all was good now and wanted to see me again and planted a big kiss on me out of nowhere. After regaining what was left of my composure, I sputtered out whenever and she ran off. Today the lady who owns the house cleaning company I have started using called and set me up on a blind date with her friend for tomorrow night. I'm petrified!!! I barely know this woman let alone anything about her friend.

What is starting to sink in for me is that if someone who barely knows me feels good enough about me to set her friend up with me, I can't be as hopeless as I see myself. Plus someone I had writtten off as not interested really just didn't want me to get dragged down by her issues. Not a big thing, just something to make me feel a little better about myself. That is always a good thing!

Have a great evening all!

P.S.- No visit from the local sheriff yet so maybe EX was was only firing a warning shot across my bow this time! Not going to do anyting ever again to give her a reason to look to the courts for a way to hurt me.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/11/06 04:32 AM

I think my good humor is returning.

My Mom called me today to complain that her new underwear didn't look right under the tops she bought. She wants me to take her out next weekend so she can buy "you know some of those special inserts that improve your cleavage!" I was at lunch with someone and after I had hung up, I was overwhelmed with helpless giggling.

I couldn't stop laughing and I couldn't explain why I was laughing. I can't tell a business associate that my Mom wants me to take her shopping for falsies. I just looked at him and eventually choked out - "family joke".

You can think of me sometime next weekend, trailing after my 81 year old Mom while she searches for breast enhancing padding!

This has been a recurrent theme in her life. In her late teens she won a beauty contest in our town, but lost the title after it was discovered she had stuffed her bra with Kleenex. She never forgave the girl who snitched on her.

It is a little known family scandal. If she ever knew I was writing this type of personal information down on an internet site, she would box my ears with her walker!

Life can be so funny sometimes.

On the way back from the beach this morning I stopped to get gas. I had pulled up to the pump and I was just about to get out, when a big Mac Truck pulled right up to my front bumper. I looked up at the driver, then back and realized if I backed up it would allow him to pull into the first set of pumps. I could use the second set.

Obligingly I backed up and he moved forward. He kept moving forward so I kept backing up. When I stopped and jumped out I had moved back too far and the hose wouldn't reach. He was still not close enough to the center diesal pump that he needed.

I looked at him. I looked around there was no where else for me to back into. So I jumped back into he car and started to inch forward again.

He didn't budge.

I beamed good will and humor at him, with a melting smile made just a little bit sign with my hands, followed by a scooting motion.

He covered his face. His truck mate started to laugh. Eventually he peeked at me through two fingers and put it into reverse backing up several feet.

From a distance I bet it would have looked like my shiny little car was pushing his huge truck.

With no wasted motion, I gased up, paid at the pump, and vroomed off with a wave.

Your attitude affects everyone around you. If I hadn't cajoled him into seeing the humor in our situation - he would have lost the opportunity for a smile. In fact it could have led to rude words.

Smiles are so much better than rude words.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/11/06 05:28 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Meeting your huntress at a big horn sheep do; it sounds so you! Throw in the big sloppy kiss and you are on safari boy!

She is a hard to catch prize, wiley, oft misunderstood and formidable when cornered.

The kind of animal you have to understand intimately before you can get close enough to bag them and ever be able to mount them ....err on your wall of course.

It is a skillful exercise in observation, tactics and patience! You have many resources, a life time of hunting expertise, razor sharp instincts - she is as good as yours.

Sweet dreams...

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/11/06 06:55 AM
Wow Paradise!

Was it the Dharma and Greg line or the Wally Llama that set off your sense of humor tonight? Whatever it was it worked! I'm glad to see both the humor and the slight hint of sarcasm. You spirits are returning in bundles.

Bagging and mounting are way down the list for me in my priorities for now. I would much prefer to to feel safe in trusting someone outside my circle of friends and family first. Bagging and mounting will have to wait a while. Doesn't mean I won't be refining my skills as a "hunter". Just means I will be practicing catch and release for a good while longer. Observation and listening will be my weapons of choice in this hunt. Skills I seem to have let atropy for too long and not practiced enough as of late. That and learning when to keep my big mouth shut at the appropriate times.

I hope you can sense how much we all think of you and how much we wish only the best for you. Take care of yourself and your mother, you deserve to be happy, it will come to you if and when you let it happen.
Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/11/06 01:03 PM
Dukhuntr ~~ Thanks for the warm welcome. I will only post if I feel I have something to contribute. I could never add more than I get here ~~~ never.

Once again, I walk away from JFO a wiser person.... *your attitude affects everyone around you* -- PB, I am a couple of years older than you, but have so far to go to reach you, I do feel that I am getting closer.....

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/12/06 02:49 AM

I am prograstinating. I have many things I should be doing; my Dad's taxes, my taxes, sorting out my kitchen cupboards overfull of condiments - the leftovers of my winter entertainng - huge scads of company paper work.

I feel like doing none of it.

I have spent the last four hours trailing around with my designer friend looking at hardwood flooring, kitchen cabinet resurfacing, light fixtures and granite countertops.

We have poured over her new floor plan for my space -looked at paint chips, window treatments. There are myriad of decisions and expenditures that I feel too befuddled to deal with right now.

I have more work to do - in untangling my finances from Midnight's before I want to undertake any big ticket spending.

However, you go no where without a plan. We now have a plan - a new look that over some months or perhaps even a year or two - will eventually materialize.

She is a strict task master. I have a schedule of things to get done. She has a file on my home, full of articles, clippings, pictures, notes from conversations.

I feel like a pet project. I am a pet project. She can't single handedly heal my heart but she can and will make sure, should I choose to be miserable, it will be in a very stylish setting!

Friends are wonderful.

I have been pondering the power of planning. My friend walked me through exactly how great my home could look if I was willing to go to the effort, expense and inconvience necessary to get there. She is an expert, who with very little apparent effort pulled together a look I would never have achieved on my own.

I like knowing the potential of things. You realize you have a choice. You can live like this or you can after some months of chaos live like that.

I have been seriously thinking about hiring a life coach. They are a combination of cheering section, strategist, psychologist and friend - who help you come up with a plan to discover the potential in your life - to realize your choices.

Every life has enormous potential - mine included.

I need to make some decisions. What am I am going to do with the next five years of my life? Where will I live? What will I work at? What will be my key goals? How long will I wait for Midnight?

Sometimes when I read some of the posts in the forty sixty forum - I get cranky. There are many many nice women, who abandoned by their MLC hubbies aren't really living their lives. Lonely and sad, they are not really trying.

Trying is so important - it means you plan, you discover potential, you delineate choices, you appreciate the precious nature of this living, breathing, moment.

Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/12/06 10:24 AM
Paradise, do you post at the forty six ? Sounds like those gals could well use some of your calmness and wisdom.

I have read some of those posts too, and agree with you on the tone over there.

Perhaps they need another outlook on their lives. We are very fortunate here on MB for all the excellent advice we get. Sets the tone and gives a plan, direction ~~ hope.

Sounds like they need some of the same over on forty six. If you are up to it ~~~ they would benefit greatly from you posting...

I personally think that redoing your place would be a great way to *own it*. Make it new -- like the new you. Just a sugestion, dear.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/12/06 03:21 PM
Hi Carnation,

Thank you for your thoughts. I post only here. It has become a habit - a way to sort out my thoughts, settle my mind.

I do visit the forty sixty site because there is a great deal of insight there too. Yet sometimes reading about all that sadness is hard. I would like to be able erase it. To do one of those bewitched nose wiggles and know that it has poofed and everyone is themselves again.

Not possible.

There is section in What the Bleep Do We Know - about a study done in Washington DC. They had 4000 experienced meditators - meditate on bringing peace to the city for one entire summer. They predicted based on 47 other studies that there would be a 25% reduction in crime.

The police chief went on TV saying that it would take two feet of snow in July to make that dramatic a reduction in crime. By the end of it, the police chief co-authored the report. Crime did reduce by 25%. There is enormous power in our thoughts.

While I seldom post on other threads, I do read them and practice tonglen daily. The concept is that you can draw someone's suffering into yourself, cleanse it and send it back as peace. It is a kind of prayer. I am a beginner, yet if that few experienced meditators can make such a huge difference is a city wracked with violent crime.

Trying can't hurt....


Posted By: sadandconfused67 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/12/06 08:24 PM
PB - All I want to say is you are an incredible woman!
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/13/06 04:07 AM
Evening Paradise,

Well the blind date turned out to be the best date I have had since high school. An educated, articulate, and caring woman who was a joy to share a meal and some good wine with. We talked for several hours and made plans to do several other "dates". Golf, a hike in the Sierras, wine tasting and she is a gourmet cook to boot. She learned about my fondness for spicy, hot food and is making a chili dinner for us.

I feel a little hesitant to let this develop so fast though. Almost afraid of letting things get serious when no mention of this was made. Paranoid? Skeptical? What do you think? Why when I have been looking for someone like this would I become gunshy all of a sudden? Did I mention she is very attractive to boot? Almost makes me wonder what she sees in me. She could be with any man she chooses, she even told me her usual suitors are either decades younger or older than her 49yrs.

She called me an hour after our date and thanked me for a wonderful time and wanted to do something else right away and I balked. I have a dinner set up with DD depending on her schedule and put my new friend off indefinitely to make sure DD's dinner came first. I felt relieved in doing it and now I think I'm an idiot. She was witty, open and easy to be with and now I am running scared? I am a basket case!

It may be that it's the first time someone other than the EX has held my hand for hours and given me a hug and kiss that shook me to my shoes. In the back of my head I keep hearing a little voice saying don't get excited and for god's sake don't start thinking past today. Is it normal for a man to have these thoughts? It's almost like I refuse to believe my luck could be this good, there has to be something wrong and I am looking for that instead of enjoying the attention of someone who is interested in me for a change. What would the Wally Llama say in this instance?
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/13/06 04:24 AM

Hi Dukhuntr,

Wally Lama would say: Open your heart; accept her for what she is a lovely and interesting woman and enjoy all the moments you can manage to get together.

Life is short. This is what you need. To live in the now and recognize that it is a very big world out there, full of interesting people. Who if you give them half a chance will come to like you very much...

Call her! Send flowers with a thank you note! Tell her you had a great time too.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/13/06 04:41 AM
Hi Sadandconfused67,

Thank you very much for the compliment.

I profoundly believe though, that we are all incredible. We are all special. Equally so.

I may have a gift of expression, yet I am no more special than the lady you will stand behind in line to get coffee tomorrow.

There is a samemess that is easy to overlook. We focus on superficial differences that to our eyes seem formidable.

They aren't. Everything and everyone connects in some way. The more I look at it, the more I see life as a whole.

I am sorry you are here, it must mean there is heartache in your life.

Wishing you well and happy...

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/13/06 04:56 AM
Thanks B,

Why would someone so grounded and wise think of hiring a "life coach"? You could have a career in this area yourself.

How are you doing these days? I see a mixture of things in your posts now like your thoughts are ever changing as you go. I've been there so I can see it in you too. I think you are accepting Midnight's comments and shifting your own thinking at the same time. I'm still rooting for you to persevere and overcome myself. Midnight is doing this to himself and sooner or later I think he will see it too. You don't have to wave the white flag on your marriage if you aren't ready. I think you should protect yourself financially because he could become even more self destructive as he becomes more aware of what he has done. But I don't see the need to throw in the towel just yet.

You have set an example for many many BS's to follow that is above reproach and if anyone ever deserved to recover their M from an A it is you. Sainthood is the only level you have not quite reached in your efforts.

Be happy and pet Blue for me tonight. I will be meditating in your honor from now on. Maybe I am on Midnights frequency and can reach him better than you. I know I have some strange thoughts these days.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/13/06 05:58 AM

Blue and I had a quiet night. He slept. I made scratch tomato soup, did laundry, first checking his toy hamper for all my stray socks and read parts of "The Dance of 17 Lives" by Mick Brown. The night passed quickly.

We were caught in a heavy rain storm earlier - came home soaked to the skin -which meant Blue had to have a bath. There is a ritual to this. He groans and complains through the entire procedure.

However when it is over. He is a reborn puppy. We wrestle for the towel. He runs around like a mad harridan, trying to get into the bedroom so he can furiously dig in the bed. I cleverly shut the door. I have slept many a night in damp dog sheets. No more!

I cleaned a bit. Moused around. Made lists of things I should do, frankly was content - to have a quiet night.

I don't know what is up with Midnight these days. I hear he is seeing two other women. One I have met. One I have not met. The one I don't know is the gal he took to Vail for 10 days. I can tell her food preferences by my visa bill. The OW appears to be no longer really on the scene. I do not know all the particulars.

He has a short attention span these days.
Posted By: ForgiveandLove Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/13/06 01:26 PM
Paradise Blue,Dukhuntr,Holiday, All,

I don't know if you remember me, I used to be Soooohurt and my FWH was Stop the Drama. Just want to thank you guys and how you helped me in the beginning. We now, are well on the road to recovery.

If you remember, my dad had Parkinson's Disease - he's doing ok and my husband was the one who refused to leave his job, after an affair with his secretary.

Well, it's been a long 10 months and after a lot of arguing, MC, crying, making up - we are well on our way to recovery. My husband finally left his job because the secretary filed charges against him (she just wanted to make more trouble), the company just swept it under the rug. The end result - he was told nicely to leave and now he has the job he always hoped for. He is so excited about his new job. His leaving the old job was like a weight had been lifted off both of our shoulders. Just wish he would have done this sooner.

I was determined to make our marriage work, for a long time, it was only me working at it - but it paid off. A lot of people on this site hit my husband with 2 x 4's and told me to leave him - but I hung in there - and I am glad I did.

I'm sure everyone loves to hear that things are going well with couples on this site, so thanks again for all your input when I needed it the most.

Happy Holidays to all.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/14/06 03:27 AM
Hi Forgiveandlove,

Thank you for the update.

I am really happy that as a couple you have been able to work through the "drama". Having your life return to normal must be a welcome relief.

Keep working on it. It will only get easier!


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/14/06 03:50 AM

It is mild here, with a haze covered full moon. The dog and I are just in from a long walk. The streets were quiet and slightly shiny with moisture.

Walking by a beautiful lit fountain, on whim I tossed in some coins, wishing everyone I loved happiness and peace, then changed it at the last minute to include the whole planet. If one is going to wish - it might as well be a big wish.

Earlier, I watched Take the Lead with a girlfriend. We both liked it. How could you not like Antonio Banderas dancing...

Blue and I worked on a new game tonight - indoor soccer. I run the length of my living and dining room - foot jockeying a very large pilates ball trying to get him to engage it.

He prefers to chew on my pant legs trying to hold me back with every ounce of his 43 pound frame. This makes my soccer footing more challenging.

Apparentlly though it has real potential because he is whining at me to come back and play ...

I will be back.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/14/06 04:08 AM

Your post was well timed and very much appreciated! All of us would love to have the chance you made good on so keep after it, every effort is worth it. Good luck to you and I hope your happiness is contageous. Spend a few minutes meditating and send some positive vibes towards paradise, she could use them these days.


I took your advise and met the blind date again for lunch today. She is just a really nice person and so easy going it makes me feel good to just be around her. I'm not going to hang any expectations on her I am just going to spend as much time with her as she will allow and see what happens. I will be using you as my sounding board if you are okay with that. I can't think of anyone else with better instincts and insights about people than you.

Have a peaceful rest tonight.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/14/06 12:59 PM
Hi Dukhuntr,

It is foggy and still early.

Holidays are more difficult. I am fully booked for the weekend, yet know there will be moments of longing.

My sister in law usually does Easter dinner, she always sets her table the same way and cooks much the same menu. I will miss the chatter and banter and the view from her deck.

Someone I don't even know, will likely be smiling and sitting attentive in my chair, trying to make a good impression.

I will be a name that no one mentions. It feels wrong.

On the plus side, it is only a long weekend, three days instead of two. I have to create new traditions. Good Friday I think I will rollerblade!

I took my equipment out last night and washed it down. I have not bladed in quite a while. I will go slow. Blue will trot behind. The lovely thing about blading is that there is a flow to it. It is relaxing.

I like the sound of how you talk about this new gal - relaxed, easy. All good...all in due time....

Happy Easter!


Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/14/06 01:09 PM
Oh Dukhuntr ~~ look at the growth in you !! Please enjoy the moment.... and her. How fortunate she is to have found you..

This thread reminds me of a little story ~~

There was once a very wise, wealthy man. This man seemed to have it all. His attitude drew people to him. He was truly loved by all and had it all.

On his deathbed he was asked *what is the secret for all the success* ? How could one man have it all !!

He told the inquirer ~~ My father once told me as a little boy

to picture every person you ever come across with this stamped on their forehead ~~

Please Pay Attention To Me

Those here so remind me of this thinking...

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/15/06 03:24 AM
Hi Carnation2,

Adopting that wise man's approach makes life more meaningful - doesn't it. A great story to remember, thank you very much.

It is quiet here tonight. Midnight stopped by to pick up Blue. The place feels empty without him - in almost a palpable way.

My plans for tonight were cancelled. I have been reading and lazing about. I feel guilty, there is lots I could catch up on. Though loafing has its charm too.

I hope you are enjoying the holidays.

Wishing you well and happy

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/15/06 05:00 AM

I, too, will not be attending any in-law gatherings this holiday. I haven't for many years.

It does feel wrong.

I was supposed to be across the country judging, but took mercy on a fellow judge and did some date swaping. It was a hard thought process for me... Seattle in April or Daytona in November ?

I took the sun. .. fingers crossed.

I get alot done on the holidays. It is a time for me, where no business is at my door, and I am able to get so much more done. I have grown to like not being included.

You're right, it does feel wrong.

I wonder.. does the dog even really know Mr. Midnight any more? Of course, animals don't forget... but the feelings of home and familiarity count for so much in an animal's security. I think it must pain you to see your pup leave. Indoor soccer is no fun solo.

The new male tortoise will allow me to scratch his chin. Tortoises do have chins, you know... if you care to gingerly look for them. He perks up real tall when I come around as if I am someone very important to him. I wonder if it is my charm or the romaine lettuce that affords his affection for me. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

I got an Easter card from Silver and his new owner. He is now called Cavalier, as his new mother finds him so regal.

I just giggle because I know long as he is fed and happy, I'll keep my silence.

Happy Easter.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/15/06 05:01 AM

Words aren't enough here. I'm very happy for your recent days.

Happy Easter..

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/16/06 02:36 AM
Hi Eibrab,

No male tortoise could possibly resist your charm. If they had email I am sure one morning you would awake to a long line up of hip swaying, shell shined, glint in their eyes - little romeos - chins out ... ready for love!

I spent the day and evening lisening to two very venerable buddhist masters. Meditating, lisening, meditating... all that focus and attentiveness has left my poor little brain pickled. In fact I am bordering on silly.

Tomorrow I am taking Mom to an Easter do. I will be spared taking her shopping for falsies. We won't have time. I must have earned merit today - my karma is looking up!

Blue is still with Daddy and you are right, I find it very lonely.

On the plus side, it will make Midnight's love life more complicated tonight. He goes into a barking frenzy when someone tries to hug me. I can well imagine the noise level if there was more than hugging going on. They will need ear plugs!

A fellow in one of dharma classes asked me out for coffee. I didn't say anything. I just blinked at him He said "Righto - next week then!" and strode away. I stood there sort of stunned - caught unawares. I wasn't sure what to say " Sorry I may be married I just not quite sure these days?" Oh well it is only coffee.

He is a british born brain surgeon. I find this very funny... It actually makes me giggle. I will look up brain surgeon jokes before next week's class and mercilessly tease him.

Having coffee with someone else, is not going to make me stop loving Midnight. Though if I am lucky, it may lead to a friendship, a tiny boost in self esteem (a tad low these days) and dare I say I will learn more about brains!

Silver was masculine, brave, unashamedly virile. It had lone ranger cachet. Cavalier is just pooffy - sorry to say it. I will bet a carrot he doesn't like it....Oh well... it is better than ugh!

Happy Easter to you and your family - the whole canine, equine and reptilian tribe!

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/16/06 02:59 AM

A British born brain surgeon.

Something tells me this might be a good match for coffee and wit. I might wait a while before I shared the story of Mom's falsies....or dare I say he might look at you with a strange wondering in the next class... and he probably won't be looking you in the eye.

A side thought for you.... your recent comment about Mr. Midnight not seemingly seeing the "main" OW as frequently.

I'm guessing he's a lonely man...not for the lack of company, but for the type of company he misses.

And, remember..the British have a wicked dry humor. No giggling when you egg him on.

Happy Easter.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/17/06 01:49 AM

It has been a glorious day here. Bright sunshine, I spent the day with Mom. She was in lively form.

We went to a really nice easter do. My friend had worked for days sprucing up her home and garden. She had it filled with people. Lovely. Mom enjoyed it immensely.

It is quiet here. Still no dog. Midnight won't be bringing him by till Tuesday morning. I am going into puppy withdrawal.

He just called to confirm the details. He must be at his sister's - there was party chatter in the background. I could recognize all the voices except one. Ouch!

It has been nine months. I no longer cry much. There are moments when it is still very hard - like right now.

Now when I feel bleak, I try to draw pictures in my mind of a new life. A renovated home, new work, new hobbies - new is the recurring theme. I count my blessings and focus on being thankful for everything I have experienced.

Making happy memories is an art - it encompasses living well - being mindful of the present moment - caring for and respecting others. It takes hard work, restraint, discipline, training - just like any other human endeavor.

Being happy is a mindset - a mental outlook. I have alot to be happy about. In fact, most people do... they only have to look for it.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/17/06 02:22 AM
Evening Paradise,

I'm so glad to hear you had a happy easter even minus Blue. I am even happier you are going to coffee with a member of the opposite sex! For the life of me I can't see you having any troubles with self asteem but I know how low mine got so I understand completely. Savor every moment, every glance and every compliment he offers, you deserve all of that and more.

A Brain Surgeon huh? Figures you would attract the best and brightest out of a crowd. That in itself should bolster your ego alone. Just try as you have told me over and over to remember the A was all about Midnight and his issues not you. I still struggle with this and it is silly and self defeating to allow yourself to accept a bigger part in this A than is warranted.

People like you and I live life by our word and deeds. We could never have done what our respective spouses have done and been able to look ourselves in the mirror let alone revel in it. As things evolve for you in the future you can look back and take comfort from the fact that no matter what happens you did everything in your power to honor the committment and promise you made on you wedding day. You controlled all you had the ability to control and from there it's not your responsibility or burden to carry anymore.

Control the places your thoughts take you and dream about the possibilities in you future, surgical or otherwise! You are a terriffic person with a world of things to offer, I think now is the time you need to really "let go of the steering wheel" for real and see where life sends you.

Sweet dreams!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/17/06 02:24 AM
Hi Eibrab,

Apparently, it did not go as he expected. He did not fill me in on all the details except to say "She was not the person I thought she was". They still call each other frequently, though, I think things have cooled down alot.

It is hard being in love with fantasy and married to reality. He said he didn't sleep for two years because he wanted her so badly. Knowing he would hurt me deeply. Knowing I didn't deserve it.

I'm not sure I buy it, I was right there lisening to him snore!

Lonely is not his problem. He seems to have plenty of company that is to his liking!

They say when the gods want to punish you they give you what you want. Sadly, he is getting what he wants.


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/17/06 02:41 AM

I understand how you are thinking.

I am on the outside picking each bit of information as it ripens and not living with the tree itself. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> In the signature at the end of my posts I stated that H and I were seperated briefly. Brief is a matter of opinion...and I should say that there were others who wished to take my place and tried. We are more alike than you may think.

Mr. Midnight may be surrounded..but sometimes the most lonely of people are the ones in the center of the crowd, too. I'm saying a special prayer for your wayward thinking, dog keeping, spouse tonight.

He needs it.

I truly care about you, my cyber-friend.


PS.. I have two things for you to remember... British have a wicked, dry humor..and you got the call after the accident. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/17/06 02:43 AM
Great post Dukhuntr !!!

Easter blessings to all here....

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/17/06 02:50 AM
Hi Eibrab the Tortise Queen!

Thank you for the kind words and thought. I took the blind date to a game feed last night and we had a great time. Some of my friends go to Mexico every year and shoot more Pheasants and other birds than they can eat on their own. So to make sure nothing goes to waste they rent a local restaurant for an evening every year and throw a party for their friends.

I took "J" and even though she was nervous and unsure, she still wanted to go with me. Turns out she knew as many people as I did and we really enjoyed the whole evening.

After dinner we came back home and spent much of the rest of the evening getting to know one another. Another plus -she likes cigars and we shared one with some wine while we talked. She has had her problems in relationships and is just as hesitant as I am to jump into anything serious. I need to spend some time with her and get to know her better before I ask details, but it seems she has been married twice already and had another long term relationship go bad too. She says she is just a poor judge of men but my radar is operating at full strength and sensitivity already. For now she is fun, friendly and really nice to just talk to and is a huge boost to my self esteem in that she is very, very pretty. Why she would want to be around a short, fat boring bean counter like me is baffling, but I am not going to question it, I am going to relish in it.

Sounds like you and Paradise are benefitting from some better weather while I have watched it snow all day here in Reno. I don't think we will be having spring here this year. It will go from snow to summer by the time the storms quit coming our way.

P.S. Being around her has helped immensely in getting off the snuff. I am deathly afraid of her reaction to that habit and have decided she will never see that from me. Especially after what you guys say about it!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/17/06 03:00 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

How was your Easter?

It is easy to get mad at them. To think they are unworthy, but being a human being can be so complex.

Whereas we may just be simple!

I try to picture my outlook five years, ten years or twenty years from now - all the pain will be forgotten, and I will remember only the happy times. Accepting change as part of life - maybe even the good part!

Going for coffee - is not really a date. He may just want someone to talk to about the readings we do. I am not reading alot into to it - other than to find it kind of funny!

I have yet to give up on Midnight. I know in my heart I still love my husband.

One day at a time...they are very very long days when there is no puppy to play with...


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/17/06 03:39 AM

You don't have to give up on Midnight, but I still say "let go" and see where you end up. Even if Midnight's chemical imbalace or whatever you want to call it ends next week, the boost to your self confidence and self esteem will allow you to handle all the emotions with more confidence. Allowing someone else to show their interest in you and to feel the sense of self worth that comes with it is a powerful healing tonic. I know from just what limited experiences I have had that it really does bring you back to a more normal outlook on life. Especially since I have not taken the plunge into anything physical yet either.

Let Mr Surgeon take you to coffee and be your charming, witty, and beautiful self. Flirt, be coy, do whatever you used to do to attract Midnight. Nothing may ever come from it other than making a new friend. I have never heard anyone say they had too many friends. Allow him to woo you and if you feel you are leading him on in any way explain where you are in your M and tell him you need to keep it as a friendship only until the M is resolved one way or another. If he is like me he will appreciate your candor and if he is interested he will simply become a very good friend while you work out your M.

It's your choice now to go on with life as you want to live it. If that means no male companionship outside of family, so be it. I don't sense that about you though. I think you enjoy having a significant other in your life. If that is the case why not get back into "practice" on the meeting and attracting side of a relationship. It is a whole new ballgame out there now believe me. Mores and lifestyles have changed dramatically since we last started a new relationship.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/17/06 04:27 AM

Hi Dukhuntr,

Thank you for that lovely post and vote of confidence.

We all need to feel loved, wanted, appreciated for who we are. To a certain extent, everyone does have "Pay attention to me" stamped on their forhead. Remembering that is probably the best thought one can take to dealing with others.

I will take your advise.

I will make him laugh. I will look my Churchillian best and I too will refrain from using snuff!

Sweet dreams...

Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/17/06 10:12 AM
Paradise ~~

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/17/06 11:38 PM
Ohh please!!!!!

I have never laid eyes on you and I would bet my house on the fact that you are stylish, extraordinarily beautiful, and a downright knockout in the looks department. The "Winston Churchill" reference gave that away a lonnng time ago. You will probably have to dress down so as not to scare him away! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/pfft.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/18/06 01:39 AM

I am laughing along with you...

You must have the same image of PB in your mind that I have.. and it isn't Winston Churchill.

I'm sure we must agree that stunning wouldn't even suffice, if her outside even comes close to what God gave her on the inside...

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/18/06 03:58 AM
Hi Dukhuntr, Eibrab

Actually I find the image of Winston Churchill in a bikini -very appealing - he had the depth of character to pull it off. I see him calmly smoking a cigar - making minor adjustments to the straps - staring down anyone - daring to smirk.

I use to think the acid test of physical beauty was how much free stuff you got. For example, my dog is extraordinarily handsome, he gets free stuff all the time.

When I was younger, it seemed a daily occurrence. As you age, you appreciate such generous gestures.

Last summer, I spent part of every day at the beach. Once or twice a week, I would share an order of fries with the seagulls. It was not until almost the end of the summer that I realized my little greek friend who ran the chip wagon was always giving me a medium sized order for the price of a small.

I smiled for a good hour afterwards.... A wonderful compliment perfectly timed to when it was needed most.

Attractiveness encompasses alot more than physical beauty, it is attitude, energy, awareness of how you hold your body in space - the ability to connect, understand - appreciate. It is part grace, part humor - part confidence.

Now I think the true test of beauty is being able to see it. It is in the eye of the beholder. When you look for it - you find it - in everyone - in every shape - every face - it is there.

Wishing you both happy and well

Your stylish friend!

PB A.K.A. Winnie
Posted By: hirtz Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/18/06 08:25 AM
To all the regulars in this thread,

Seems as though all of you have endured a lot of pain, and sorry to hear that. I really hate to announce this, but I'm one of those that cause that pain. Ive been married for 12 yrs now. Six years ago I committed an affair (1 night stand and 2 day affair) all within a months time. Then 3 yrs ago, I kissed another woman. I've kept it all suppressed within my head. My wife point blank asked me if I 'd every cheated while we were wathing a movie, I hesitated and litteraly started sweating. Long story short, I've eventually brought every thing out, but did not do it all at once, she had to drag it out of me. As I thought I was trying to lessen the blow of pain, I was truly causing more undue suffering. AAAAARRRRRGGGG!!!!! I truly love this woman and want to keep her with all my heart, but at this time it is so tough because my credibility is shot with her. I'm glad to see each of you are progressing in your own way too. Stay strong, not all guys are like me and others.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/18/06 11:21 PM
Hi Hirtz,

I am not sorry you are here. You are in precisely the right place to get the help you need to address the marriages issues that infidelity causes.

There are many expert people both WSs and BSs who post regularly and have successfully grappled with the difficult challenge of healing a marriage ripped asunder.

Good Luck

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/19/06 04:29 AM

Midnight called me this morning to tell me we needed to hire some one to do media releases! Crazy delusional talk. Our company is a long long long way from needing a media person!

I had an appointment with my family doctor this morning and told her I was concerned about radical changes in his behaviour over the course of the last two to three years. She has been our family doctor for over 20 years.

When I described them to her, she suggested that he may have developed some kind of bi-polar disorder born of depression and sleep deprivation

I have spent the evening reading about it. Rapid speech, hyper activity but scattered focus, increased sexual urges, grandiose thinking, flawed judgement, excessive spending countered by deep despondency and hopelessness. ( He told me the other day he thought he was a millstone around my neck. )

I know I will have a very difficult time persuading him to see a doctor. I am going to try.

I may be wrong. Maybe he is not sick and merely an emotionally retarded alien. However if he is sick. It has the potential to be a much more serious scenario.
Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/19/06 02:24 PM
Paradise -- If I may be so bold as to give my opinion, I believe your WH is smack dab in the middle of the classic

Mid Life Crisis

I could be wrong ~~ what do you think ?

Sending my very best, carnation
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/19/06 04:34 PM
Hi Carnation2,

Yes that would be Midnight. Pronounced MLCs really are a form of bipolar disorder. Long periods of manic activity, followed by despondency. They can be really dangerous. Suicidal thoughts, psychotic episodes all can emerge if left untreated or if life situations worsen the pressure. Life pressures usually do get worse because the disorder is characterized by flawed judgement and often inappropriate social behaviour.

I had a long talk with Midnight this morning about it. He now has a doctor appointment set up with our family doctor. Although he doesn't agree with me. I was surprised at how he quietly lisened to my concerns.

He has promised to focus on sleeping more. Sleep deprivation can make a big impact on how severe the condition becomes. Hopefully, at some point he may agree to some IC.

What can you do - pray, wait, and damage control!

Just had a great walk with the dog. So nice to have the puppy home!

Hope you are having a good day.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/19/06 11:05 PM
Hello Winnie C. !!!!!

What you can make sure you do is to not get hopeful and build yourself up for a letdown! You have been doing so well with your efforts to plan for the worst and cut yourself off from the ties to Midnight, don't step back into the picture now! Continue on just as you have and let time and other more qualified people help Midnight. Feign indifference if you can. Don't throw him a crumb even, it will feed him for months!

I'm not trying to be cold hearterd or uncaring, I just don't think you need to be disappointed and hurt any more than you already have. It just seems you keep looking for a reason for Midnight's behavior and there may be one, or there may be many, many reason's. You will never know for sure, none of us will.

Go back to planning for your future and start your learning about Brain Surgery over coffee! Just remember not to intimidate the poor sod with your looks right off the bat. Let him settle into it slowly, it will keep him from drooling and stammering around you like we men seem to do when confronted unexpectedly by a beautiful woman. Hopefully an MD will be only temoporarily dazed and confused by your outward appearance and be rational enough to see the beauty inside that we get to see all the time.

The French Fry guy never had a chance! You are obviously more of an Ice Cream/Gelato type gal.

Have a nice evening!! Wish me well I am meeting the "blind date" again for drinks and a light dinner. Still holding my breath because she has just too much to offer in both the personality and looks department to be with a knucklehead like me. Sooner or later she will sober up I think!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/20/06 01:53 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

You may be right and I'm just clutching at straws.

To be on the safe side, I expressed concern to his sister, just a wonderful woman. She has promised to call him every day and keep an eye on his mood. It made me feel better.

I am not really in a position where I can offer much help that he would be receptive to.

Nor can I cope with alot of contact, I find it painful.

I dined out with friends tonight. We talked for a couple of hours over wine and lamb. Very pleasant. Blue dined on veal sausage and is lying at my feet licking his chops!

Life goes on.... I hope you are having a great time.

Often, we are as good as we think we are. You have many admirers here who are rooting for you!

Sending you debonair confident thoughts!


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/20/06 03:23 AM

It has been a good day. It is always a good day when I get my hair done.

My hair dresser is on holiday in Iran. Her replacement is a very big very burly bald middle age guy who dresses solely in black and if you added a leather vest would neatly fit the stereotypic image of bad guy biker to a T.

I was taken back at first and cast a quick glance at the salon owner. It turns out he is an excellent stylist, who washes and blow dries his 71 year old Mom's hair three times a week. She has a fused shoulder and cannot do it herself.

He has surprisingly gentle hands.

I am always struck by how easy it is to misread people by their appearance. Blue is much better at reading people than I am.

Opps he is offering me a glove and a play bow invitation to having a game of "I have the glove and you don't"

I'll be back....

I pay attention to what Blue thinks these days. He has taken a dislike to a new neighbour of mine. I am more careful to lock my door.

I have always been lucky in my neighbours. For the three years my dad lived with us and his progressing dementia, our front door remained unlocked - all day.

He would wander out to get coffee once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Always to the same near by self serve coffee shop, where they would pour it for him, and help him to his seat as he was alittle unsteady on his feet.

Returning was much more difficult for him than going out - he could never remember the complete path back to our front door. He would get to the lobby and either sit and wait for someone to help him or fish in his wallet for my written instructions. He usually needed the help. People were always happy to oblige. He beamed good will at the world and it beamed it right back at him.

My neighbours and our concierge would bring him home faithfully. They would walk into my home helping him to his arm chair then quietly exit.

Nothing was ever taken.

A story like that would never get into the newspapers. One where a 83 year old Florida women with dementia who wandered from her home then was raped and shot to death - does.

I believe we are all part of something that is overwhelmingly good - it just that the bad is what captures everyone's attention. It is the contrast. It is what stands out - so your eye is immediately drawn to it.

Sometimes it can even obscure the much larger background of loving kindness which is the true fabric of life. It is why Moms and Dads work so hard to provide and take care of their families. Why children care for their elderly parents. Why friends are friends to friends!

The buddhists think that we all have access to a sort of big puddle of loving kindness that via meditation we can send our minds to for refuge, that will heal hearts and cleanse us of discursive thoughts.

I like the idea. By spending as little as 10 minutes a day following your breath or focusing on one thought you can shed some of the negative residue that builds from modern life.

Meditating gets easier with practise. I find it like a mental stretch - you come back calmer - with better focus and perspective - a karmic shower! MRI scans on the brains of trained meditators show remarkable increased activity in the brain areas associated with happiness. Some are off the scale when compared to normal subjects.

It really does work.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/21/06 03:52 AM

Slowly I am beginning to feel normal. The weeks fly by. It is just chunks of time really, work, beach time with the dog, catching up on paperwork, working out, spending time with friends, cleaning, organizing, reading, sleeping - a stream of movement, thoughts - a life.

Yet I still miss my old life. Something I wrote to Dukhuntr has been running through my mind today. "You are addicted to your past." It is really hard to let go when you shared such a long time together.

Yet it has to happen. To me it is a day by day gradual shifting - I feel like an hourglass that was flipped and now adaption like sand is slowing filling the void left by Midnight.

Time is always the answer....
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/21/06 04:58 AM
Hello Paradise,

I like the analogy, it fits the feeling and the emotional state of turnng the corner on a new life. It is hard, but you know what, new relationships and shared experiences will fill the hourglass faster than anything else. Not just romantic relationships, everything- new people, new places, and most of all rediscovery of the joy in simple things done with old friends.

You have weathered the hardest part, the withdrawal from the comfort of the old relationship with Midnight. Yes we both would rather it be different, but it's not our choice yet. And I say yet because I believe we both will face that decision sooner or later with our wayward souls. Now is the time for you to live like you mean it. Carry youself upright, confident and self assured just as your new role model and lookalike(HA!) Winston always did. You have so much going for you, it would be criminal not to share that wisdom, friendship, and good nature as much as possible.

Besides it sounds to me like Blue has figured this out already and is scouting out the field for you. Follow his lead and let him guide you to some new friends and a happier life.

Have a nice evening and dream of the future tonight!
Posted By: apl Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/21/06 05:29 AM
I'm sorry if I'm intruding, you all seem to know each other well. I was initially intrigued by the title of overcoming the pain. I am invariably caught between pain too overwhelming to contemplate or rage too seething to diffuse.

I am grateful for all of you sharing your stories of survival to the moment and having the strength to overcome what surely must be the most difficult of circumstances. Even the day to day discussion is elevating my outlook on the future for me and my WH.

I hope and pray I will arrive someday somewhere close to where you all seem to be. Thank you for sharing.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/22/06 01:03 AM

I am sorry you are here. Luckily you are in excellent company amidst a little group of souls who well understand just how hard it is to deal with the hurt and harder still to deal with the anger.

I am working on Midnight's paperwork, tax stuff and the like.. it is not putting me in a very happy mood as I can well imagine what he is doing as I write this.

Alas, it has to get done. Blue has just had beef stew over kibble, his teeth brushed and a shower. He is in fine fiddle running around scattering my piles of paper that were neatly stacked around my desk.

Saying come on Mom "Let's play." Hopefully I will be back in better humor.

Wishing you well and happy...

Posted By: apl Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/22/06 04:35 AM
PB- thanks so much for the encouragement, it is direly needed at the moment.

Is it normal to want to rip his b***s off at the same time he is romping around the house with the kids like nothing ever happened? He doesn't want to talk about it anymore, wants to move onto "more positive things- don't dwell on the negative". Piece of cake right?

I think I want a dog, at least they're loyal. I'm so angry with him that he has placed me in a situation where I can only see blackness. I have lost my positive light, my laugh, my lightness in life. I can't stand the negative person I am, yet continue to torment myself with negative thoughts.

You all talk about 1yr, 2yrs, 5yrs after how is it possible to breathe for as long as that with this pain? I just want to feel safe again. I am so sad.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/22/06 04:46 AM

It is really windy here tonight. My office windows are rattling. I have been really productive. It feels good.

To disengage my finances from Midnight's involves weeks of work, I find now I am in the mood to get it done.

I plan to go to France in late September with my brother, I want to sit down on that plane and know - my separation agreement is signed, my involvement in the company has been completely wound down, my home is fluffed and my next career move finalized. All things that take time, thought and steady effort.

Sorting through paper today, I found birthday cards from Midnight, he usually signed them "I will always love you". He will always love me. Just not enough to make it faithfully through a life time.

Adapting to change has pluses and minuses. Sometimes it is lonely. Blue is great company but he doesn't talk much. He does however appear to like everything I like. An ideal trait in a male companion.

For example, we both like:

hotdogs; long walks in all kinds of weather; swimming; sunrises and sunsets on the beach; running; hiking; canoeing; dogs; spending time with friends and family; road trips, playing a wide variety doggie games and dining out (he never brings his wallet)!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/22/06 05:40 AM

The anger is much harder to get rid of than anything else I think. Writing a journal helps - I find when I write down angry thoughts - I see them for what they are - out of perspective confusion.

Easy to say - let it go - hard to do. I spent alot of time watching waves willing it to be washed away. It seems to come back regularly.

Being angry is natural. Staying angry, nuturing the anger all the while knowing it diminishes you, lays waste to your enjoyment in living - is your choice. Very much your choice - you cannot lay it at his door. Once that thought is really in your head - and you truly know you are the one responsible for how you feel. Letting go becomes easier.

Also no marriage is perfect, you cannot take a spouse's infidelity personally. It is not about you. It is about him.

I found when I really stopped taking Midnight's desire to romp - personally - I was less angry.

He has issues that have resulted in big amounts of messy change in my life.

Life by definition is messy...

Wishing you well and happy

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/23/06 03:49 AM

I made no plans for this weekend - thinking I would need it to work on paper work. It has been lonely. I am usually out right now - with people.

I wrote five paragraphs I just deleted. Journal entries are theraputic for me - my goodness they must be boring to read for others!

Blue is having a big dig on the marble in my foyer. Once I put hardwood down this will not be encouraged. He looks really cute when he is digging. Balanced on his hind legs splayed wide, front paws just a blur and his head and ears bobbling side to side. Happy energy.

He has had a good day. A early morning walk out for coffee, a leisurely visit in our favourite bookstore. Home to work and clean, (fresh sheets tonight!) - then a long walk in steady rain to the beach and back. Sadly a shower, and happily dinner - frenched pork loin over kibble. I had mine with braised vegetables and home made bread. Then a nap in bed back to back with Mom - while she read.

I am careful not to mention the "bath" word when we are in the elevator on our way up to the suite. Off lead by that time, he has on occasion decided not to get out. Looking gleefully at me as the doors close and my voice rises with panic. "I'll show you who is having a bath!"

Now he is curled under the desk. There is a chocolate cake in the oven. That might mean company and he is clearly keeping an ear out. It doesn't actually. I've just had the urge to bake.

I have made myself do things I enjoy today. I have been feeling whiney. At the beach this afternoon, I told a friend I have not seen for a year - my sad tale. He put his arm around me. Just the physical gesture of comforting, almost made me cry. Yikes!

Baking is better than whining. There is the familar routine of all the little steps, measuring, mixing - then the smells - and you get to eat it!
Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/23/06 04:58 AM
Apl ~~ So sorry you are here dear, but you have certainly done yourself a big favor by finding this place. Please read all of Paradise's posts.

They will calm you and put you in a better place.

Sending my very best to you,

Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/23/06 05:16 AM
Anger ~~ my thoughts on this... I have come to believe that for me, anger is a true waste of energy.

The best example of what I am talking about is perhaps you know an old lady (just using this as an example, but I have come across this often) who is holding a life-long grudge against someone. I mean - she hates this person. This anger has made her bitter. For whatever thing this other person did to her YEARS ago, she has harbored intense anger for this person. Basically now this woman's life is shrouded in anger and hate.

Well, most often - the person she hates so much -- has not a clue the lady even hates her !! She is going about her life just la de da fine.. not a care about this woman at all. This woman has no anger.. has long ago forgotten about the tiff or whatever..

Does this make any sense ? Not to minimize hurt. Oh I feel hurt, sad, pain, lonely, etc.. but I just feel that anger is worthless to me.

I don't believe in anger... and I certainly do not believe in getting even... God can do a much better job of evening it all out than I can... ya know ??

Sorry, just my thoughts on anger... hope it helped a little.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/23/06 11:48 PM

You are spot on. It is a waste of time, energy, mood. Even when grossly provoked - you are the one who ends up smaller and nastier.

There are few negative consequences for the object of your anger. Most of the time either they don't care or they are not aware of it really. They have moved on.

Wishing you well, happy and not angry!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/24/06 12:38 AM

I am home on a very rainy night, lisening to Cesaria Evora. She has a wonderful voice. She was an abused battered wife who ended up on the streets in Portugal. Someone who knew her as a young girl asked her if she could still sing. Now she is a world music sensation! Life is magical sometimes.

I took my Mom out today. We shopped for her figure enhancing padding and didn't really find what she was looking for. Then we enjoyed a nice leisurely lunch, did alittle grocery shopping and I drove her home.

She likes to get out. She dresses up for it. It is her big outing of the week. She can never believe how fast the afternoon passes. " My goodness is it really that time!"

The dog and I made it to the beach twice today - in intense rain and fog. He got in a fight. It was my fault. I had left his seat belt loop on his harness. A very big reprobate sheppard couldn't resist grabing it and hauling him around this way and that way before I could finally get to him.

The sheppard lives to be a bad dog. There is a devil dog glint in his eye. He bullys, steals toys, runs away when being called and humps anything breathing.

His brother lives to be a good dog and spends every day all day constantly berating him for his behaviour. "Dad! Look at what he is doing now." He runs interference.. nipping at his hind quarters when he misbehaves. "Stop that right now. You know you shouldn't be doing that." They are constantly rolling around growling, barking - trying to sort out who is boss. It is captivating - good and bad at play.

Blue scolded me several times shortly after saying "Really Mom! Dressing me up so some big bumpfus can drag me around like a pull toy! How embarassing!!!!!!!!!!!!"

We have a quiet night planned ... tax time is so much fun!

Driving home I had toyed with the idea of going to a drive-in with Blue. He enjoys them - there is usually a little doggie play session on the grass before the movies start.

I took Midnight to his first drive in. We borrowed his father's caddy. I eyed the big bench seat with a wicked smile.

Midnight thank you very much just wanted to watch the movie. He thought the admission price expensive and didn't want to waste it! He fidgeted the whole night trying to get the sound just right!

I can still remember sitting there looking at his profile reflected in the flickering light - thinking him perhaps not the sharpest tool in the drawer. Then I by accident dropped my wallet in one of the trash cans on a popcorn run. He upended, sorted and neatly put back some five cans before we found it - WITHOUT COMPLAINING! So very sweet...
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/24/06 06:41 AM
Hey Paradise,

What a smelly and almost evil way to test Midnight. I'm glad it worked for you, having to do that yourself could have been embarassing to say the least! I think my "blind date" is doing the same kind of thing to me right now. Either that or she is just kinda absent minded.

She asked me last week to have lunch with her today at Lake Tahoe. She had a place in mind and was going to surprise me and buy me a lunch to remember. Then later in the week she asked for a rain check because she is the GM for a new spa here in town and needed to work all weekend on getting it ready to open tomorrow. I just talked to her and she said she took the whole day off to visit family, clean and do laundry. No mention of the rain check. She told me she liked persistence in a man and one that went after what he wanted during one of our first dates. Is this her way of testing me? To see if I will be persistent and chase after her?

Or do you think it's just an easy way to say "just not interested"? I do like her but I'm not going to chase after her like a lost puppy. I'm past believing you can make someone want to be with you at this point. With everyone's help and especially your's, I like being in control of my life and what I do. I would love to share the rest of my life with someone special, but I want to feel confident that person wants to be with me also. Having to pursue a relationship just doesn't feel right in that sense. Either it's there or it's not. I'm beginning to see that it may take a long time to find the right woman for dukhuntr.

In the mean time I have been spoiling my Lab Jaime badly. She sits next to me during meals and "talks" to Dad whenever tidbits are not doled out fast enough. Lab's have a huge vocabulary if you take the time to listen. I have "feed me", "lets play", "i gotta go" and "someone's here" down pat. There are others that seem to have different meanings all the time but I just need to listen closer I think. There's a meaning in her fake sneezes too, I think, and I am paying close attention to find out what those mean. Right now I think it means "I smell where you have been and I don't like it". Usually after a night out or after being around another dog. All I know is it means an awful lot to me when I come home every day and somebody gets really excited to see me! Even if her first action every time is to nose open the cubbard where the dog cookies reside. Her next move is always to cozy up close and demand all of my attention for a few minutes.

Have a great week!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/24/06 12:18 PM

I just awoke from a nightmare. It was horrible.

I dreamt that it was next winter and I was up at the chalet getting ready to clean and stock it up for the season.

(Midnight and I have agreed that he will find a new place next year).

My OW1 walked out of our master bedroom. She had moved into it with some other guy.

I was beside myself. I asked her to leave. She protested saying Midnight had rented it to her for the season. Their stuff was already unpacked. She had a key.

I asked her why she would even want to be there. "She said but I always really liked you. You made me feel good about things." Yikes!

I persisted in telling her she had to go. Eventually she did huff out of the place... sad embarrassed other man in tow.

Using my cell I dialed Midnight's number - ready to blast him - unfortunately I was crying so hard I couldn't talk - I could only hiccup - I had to hang up before he answered.

I so seldom remember my dreams. They have to be intensely intolerable before my unconscious shunts me awake. I woke up with tears in my eyes.

Bathed in warm morning sunlight, sitting at my desk with a nice cup of coffee, home made bread toasted with stem ginger marmalade and my work for the day spread out around me - it seems almost funny now.

We are off to the beach... to dream no more!
Posted By: apl Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/24/06 05:00 PM
Wow, you guys really know how to put it in perspective! Thank you so much for sharing, you have no idea how much lighter you have made my load.

I will try to write rather than rant and see if that is successful at dispacing the anger. The hurt and the sadness, I'm afriad, may be more difficult to deal with. I draw so much encouragement from reading your stories and realizing that other people have persevered in similar situations to mine.

Thank again and please continue to pass on any thoughts you feel may be helpful.

I will try to remain open and optomistic.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/25/06 03:18 AM

All it takes is time! Grant youself permission to have good days and bad days, there will be plenty of both in your future. Sometime soon, near the end of a normal day, you will realize that you haven't thought about the A or it's aftermath all day. It takes a long while for this to happen but it will. When it does try to embrace the feeling and not feel guilty about it. The first time it happened to me I felt guilt, like I no longer cared about what had happened to my M or my family. That is what I call BS(not betrayed spouse) mentality and nothing could be farther from the truth.

What is happening is you have started to accept that you cannot control your WS. Accepting that you can't control those closest to you allows you to dump the anger and hurt that causes all the sadness. All you can control is yourself. Control your own thoughts and emotions as best you can. Paradise is usually the master of this and is what I consider a role model for all of us to emulate. Not even Paradise is capable of doing this all the time so do the best you can and every day will get a little better.

All you have to do to see this in real life is start at the beginning of this thread and follow our progress over the past months. You too will be more confident and happier if you give yourself the time and patience to try.

Have a wonderful evening!
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/25/06 03:41 AM

Dreams can be bizzare can't they! I had a similar one a few months ago that scared me a little because I woke up enraged and angry.

My son and his friends were at the house that night having a few beers and goofing off. I was exhausted from work and went to bed early and spent quite a while trying to sleep thru their horseplay and the noise they were making. Somewhere in there I fell into a deep sleep and in the dream I was still in bed that night and annoyed by the noise when in walks the EX and she shakes me awake. All I could think was why the He!! would the kids let her in! I don't even remember her saying anything in the dream, all I could think of was to find out who let her in. I woke up and found myself already sitting upright in bed fists clenched and jaw set for battle. Shook me up so bad I ended up going out and having a few beers myself. The kids could see it on my face too, they kept giving me another beer every time I got close to finishing the last.

I haven't had anything even close to similar since thank goodness. I think it just goes to show how deep the cut of an A is to your psyche. In your case I see it as your psyche showing itself in full force. I remember when you told me about waiting on the OW at the cabin. Don't be hard on yourself over this, can you imagine what the OW's thoughts are everytime she thinks about what she has put you through. I'm sure even she has to feel the pangs of some huge guilt over how cordial and polite you were.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/25/06 04:24 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

You sound good tonight. Relaxed even chilled - you have come a long way.

I wouldn't fuss about the free lunch then the no free lunch thing. Women often are preoccupied. She probably just forgot.

I think the trick is to not be a wounded soul - but someone who is genuinely fun to be around, who makes her laugh, feel good about herself and life in general. When you can do that for the women you date - second guessing your success - will be redundant.

It was a run around busy day. Work, beach twice, quick grocery shopping, dharma class and a vet appointment for Blue.

He has an infection on his paw. He is one smart know it all dog. I was sneaky and I parked well out of view of the vet's building. He still wouldn't get out of the car. I had to dig him out of the back seat and carry him in.

Now I am home, I have made turkey soup for Blue. Given him an enormous pill and I am about to give his paw an epsom bath.

Sweet dreams...tonight I am going to make sure I have a good dream - shoe shopping in Paris or kite boarding in Aruba! No OW!!!!!in my bedroom please!

Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/25/06 05:18 PM
Good morning all.

Please let me take the liberty to ask you all that if you get a chance to go over to Emotional Needs section, I have posted a question that I would so like you to read it, if you have the time, and help me with my problem.

Your wisdom and outlooks mean so much to me and if you are able to post a quick reply to my question ~~ it would so be appreciated.

I am sorry if I am out of bounds here. But this issue is really troubling me and I need all the advice that I can get. Please do not feel obligated in any way to do this ~~ I will understand.

Thanks so much, carnation
Posted By: holiday Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/25/06 10:50 PM
Hi Everyone,

Had an email from my MB friend Godhelpme2 and asked if I still wrote with all of you...Gave me thought to check on you as you are still in my prayers.

My H and I are still doing well. He has almost completed his paramedic classes and will be riding along with another paramedic who will critic him for a time. I am still working hard on my little business.

My girlfriend called me last Saturday, we talked for almost 3 hours about her marriage and about an incident that had occurred where she no longer trusts her H. I have known her for almost 7 years and this is the very first time she has ever opened up to me. She wonders how I became so wise in the "relationship...not just friends" area. I had never talked to her about my H and myself's past history...yet. Sooooo, I suggested this website.

She and her H have been married for 15 years and live basically like two single, married people. Her H lives during the week in one house approx 1.5 hours away and comes home on weekends. I told him today that perhaps they need to make some "life choices". He is a very hard working man and will do anything to make her happy, even at his own expense. He doesn't like conflict, whereby he doesn't question her decisions etc.

I wonder if he does this so he can feel "entitled" to do as he pleases on the days he is not with her.
Please say a little prayer.

I miss you very much. PB you still write so eliquently...


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/26/06 02:49 AM
Hi Holiday!

It's good to hear from you even if its because of somone else's problems. You sound good. I am doing quite well (I think). Funny you checked in, my friends from Las Vegas will be up here on Thursday for a volleyball tourney. I am housing half a high school girls team in my home. It should prove interesting to say the least! Forget sleep this weekend.

Your friend doesn't know how lucky she is to have you to help her thru this. All you have to do now is get her hooked up with Paradise for the spiritual and intellectual side and she's set. Couldn't be in better hands!

I miss bouncing things off of you and just reading your posts in general. Good people like you are hard to find and a pleasure to know, even if only thru a computer.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/26/06 03:11 AM

Hi Holiday,

It is so nice to hear from you and know that you are busy, well and still helping people understand love.

I still pray for your friend Terry. I hope he is stronger.

I think your husband will really enjoy the new career. It must be an amazing feeling to know you have helped save someone's life.

Still spinning? I opted not for the tattoo - no unnecessary pain for me.

I miss you too. I think of you often - a busy mom, wife, C.E.O. and true friend to many...


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/27/06 12:46 AM

Walking back from a beach outing with Blue this evening, I ran into Midnight. He was organizing the move of a motorcycle I have been storing for him.

He is looking very thin and much older. We see each other very rarely. He drops things off. I pick them and turn around and drop them back to him. Never face to face.

We are working cordially towards a separation of our assets. We are very polite and considerate. He didn't really look me in the eye.

His message is consistent. Move on with your life. Don't wait. If I do weaken and ask to come home. Don't say yes I will just hurt you more. He said that to me, during the one long talk we have had in the last nine months. "I will only hurt you more."

I think he may be happier. He has the freedom to do things he has wanted to do. To be a playboy! He will be the old guy wearing young stylish clothes in the convertible with the young blonde buxom beauty - thinking he has made it.

It makes me so sad for him and sad for me.

Blue was very happy to see him. We spoke only briefly, when I turned to go, Blue trotted away with me without a backward glance. He knows - this man isn't Daddy anymore.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/27/06 03:06 AM

I wish I had more to offer tonight than a cyber "Hug".

But please know it is one of those all-encompassing, yet very gentle ones that lets you know the world is ok....and that purple pansies will come again in your lifetime.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/27/06 03:42 AM

I don't even know what to say other than I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for a while. After that I expect you to bounce back better than ever. Peaceful rest and a happy hound are the best medicine.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/27/06 05:13 AM
Hey Dukhuntr & Eibrab,

So sweet. Your thoughts are very kind and they cheered me up. Blue had turkey soup to cheer him up. The after effects are wafting insiduously through the air.

We had a quiet night. We cleaned. Housework is very good therapy not quite the same charge as buying shoes but it is definitely right up there in the make you feel better category.

I have a very clean kitchen.

After reading Eibrab's post, I have an urge that I will give into tomorrow - to buy some purple pansies! They are a cute cheerful little flower! I will do a planter of them. When I water them I will think of happy memories.

At the beach to day I walked with my casino designer friend, she is working on a project from ^&%%* - where no one gets along - every decision is fraught with tension and rivalry. Sounds miserable.

Marriages break up because people don't get along. Getting along really is all about saying, thinking and doing the right thing that corresponds best to the situation and the people in the situation.

For me right now that is staying clear of loopy lou a.k.a. Midnight.

Sweet dreams...

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/28/06 03:24 AM

Blue and I went for roughly a six mile walk tonight, enjoying beautiful weather in the high 50s. Blue likes long walks. We strolled along - him stopping to sniff and leave pee mail here and there.

Dinner was steamed dim sum, bok choy and carrots - very very easy but healthy. I was thinking of baking and instead decided to curl up with a book and promptly fell asleep.

I woke up with Blue curled up in my arms - doggy dreaming. My hand was under his chin and I could feel his jaw muscles give dreamland barks.

I am adapting to single life. I am sad less and less. The stress, hurt and anger are no longer constant. They come sometimes yet after making me miserable - they always go away.

I was thinking tonight that Midnight's philandering has stolen almost three years of my life that just slipped away in hurtful preoccupation. What a waste.

I want those three years back. I want to spend that time productively, enjoyably, peacefully. Not as a trembling basket case heartbroken over the antics of a middle aged lothario!

One of my analytical strengths was always recognizing that one can be wrong. This change, liberation, freedom to do whatever... might really be what Midnight needs to grow. He may be right.

I have no doubt that I have grown from it.

Marriages work best if both parties make their relationship a priority. A long time ago we both let other demands take precedence. With me it was work, caring for my parents and entertaining our friends. With him it was competing in sports, keeping his athletic edge and conditioning. For a long long time it was never each other.

We both took our marriage as a given, that's done, let's move on.....

Here I am moving on...
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/28/06 05:35 AM
Praise the lord and pass the bullets, Paradise has risen from the ashes!

Do you have any idea of how long I and I am assuming others have waited to hear those words from you? A miracle from the frozen North! Now I really expect to see some happiness and good cheer coming down from up there in Canada. You have set yourself free and can move towards something instead of waiting around to see what happens. Don't do anything drastic, ie. tatoo's, strange piercings, etc. But go out and change the lifestyle , even if just a little bit. Coffee and brain surgery sound good for a start!

Learn from Blue and dream bigger too! Have a great evening.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/28/06 03:34 PM

In "What the Bleep Do We Know" there is a section where one of the interviewed experts talks about how he mentally prepares, visualizes and shapes his day as he wants it to unfold. He says the more he does that - the more amazing little co-incidences reaffirm his belief that his thoughts affect the material world.

I was out early this morning, coming back I stopped for coffee and while I was digging for change I remembered I had wanted to buy some purple pansies.

No need.

Walking home, I was stopped in my tracks. There were 41 planters - 3 feet by 2 feet full of purple pansies surrounding our building - just arrived. I walked around counting them, blinking - with more emotion than my rational brain cares to admit. Usually - the landscaping is varied. I have never seen them do only one flower before.

Getting off the elevator, I had a nice chat with my neighbour - about polar bears. Her son was wrapped in a polar bear fleece. I commented that they are one of my favourite animals and told her a story about a polar bear in Yellowknife - who starving had been lured into a woman's kitchen by the scent of freshly baked blueberry muffins. He stood at her kitchen counter on his hind legs, scoffing down blueberry muffins as fast as possible. She backed against the sink and called to her husband. He grabbed his gun and shot the bear dead. They are very dangerous. You don't want one in your kitchen.

It makes me sad every time I think of it because I can see him standing there so clearly. While the husband had no choice, it still seems criminal to kill another sentient being when they are innnocently enjoying baked goods.

My neighbour told me that on the radio this morning there was a story of hunter crossing back into the US with a grizzly pelt. The border authorities couldn't identify it. They called in the experts and it turns out that it may be a rare, one of kind cross between a polar bear and a grizzly.

The hunter was stunned and sad. He had a license. He wasn't close enough to see how different it was from a grizzly. I am sure he will feel abiding regret.

The indians would think of that as an omen. I wonder of what....

I told her I increasingly didn't read the front sections of the paper anymore. I find it can make me cry knowing how badly we behave. The business section I read cover to cover... that is bloody enough!

Now though when I do hear of something sad, I stop and make myself do a tonglen practise for both the victim and perpetrator trying to draw away suffering... Today I will meditate both on the bear and the hunter...

Posted By: Pepperband Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/28/06 07:38 PM

you're a writer

Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/28/06 10:57 PM
A few thoughts ~~

As Dukhuntr so wisely said ~~ Take Blue's lead. He senses what is happening with Midnight. I would say that you are very lucky to have Blue, but luck has nothing to do with it. Give him a big hug for me please.

"Here I am moving on ..." Hon, you have never stood still one minute of your life. You have moved onto places we all only wish we could go to....

Also as Duk suggested ~~ go have coffee !!!!

Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/29/06 05:06 AM

"Here I am moving on ..." Hon, you have never stood still one minute of your life. You have moved onto places we all only wish we could go to....

Paradise ~ I do not want this taken the wrong way. What I meant by the above is places spiritually, your wisdom, outlook.... etc.... not physical, tangible places... Places in your mind that we (me) can only hope to go to...
Just want to make myself clear here. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/29/06 03:04 PM
There were 41 planters - 3 feet by 2 feet full of purple pansies surrounding our building - just arrived.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> Eibrab
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/29/06 04:38 PM
Hi Pep,

Thank you, I really enjoy and learn alot from your posts. They are always an inspiration.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/29/06 04:51 PM

Hey Carnation,

Thanks for your comments. I am thinking I may opt for a beer instead of coffee. The dutch courage could be handy!

Wishing you well and happy...

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/29/06 05:33 PM

It is brillant sunny warm day here. Every morning as I wake up - still lying in bed. I have a little chat with myself that boils down to one sentence. GET OVER IT!

I also make a wish for the day. Usually something simple, although I find it bewildering how powerful wishes can be - Eibrab's purple pansies for example.

Today is a typical saturday. We have gone for a walk, bought coffee, perused the book store, stood in the park chatting with doggy friends and are now home. I miss the diner breakfasts and leisurely reading the paper with Midnight making funny comments about the news.

Beef soup is on the stove bubbling away for Blue. I have Sally Lunn bread baking in the oven. There were so many left overs from entertaining at the cottage - I haven't been buying bread lately - just trying to use up copious amounts of baking supplies.

I am going for a bike ride this afternoon - after working for a few hours on paperwork. July 31 is the end of our fiscal year. I want to be done and dusted by then. It will require building consensus on certain issues - that always takes more time than you anticipate.

Last night I was out with a girlfriend and her daughter. I have known her daughter since she was a little girl. We use to do puzzles together. Now she is a lovely young wife in her 20s. She gave me my current favourite recipe for scatch salad dressing. Maple syrup, balsamic vinegar and olive oil on a 3,2,1 ratio. tossed with california greens,dried cranberries, walnuts and sliced avocado - Yummy!

She is an artist and a going concern. Wearing a bejeweled cowboy hat, red skirt, purple top, high top pink sneakers she in no way resembles the shy little girl I still remember so well. We watched Kinky Boots. A great movie by the same team that did the Calendar Girls. They both gave me big hugs before hopping in their car. I was sad to see them go.

In the park this morning I saw a group of six older women in their 60s and 70s. They must belong to the Red Hat Society - a women's network of clubs that ascribes to wearing purple and red, living life large and laughing alot. They are in tune with my young friend. I smiled at them. Admiring the truly complicated red millinery confections of flowers, feathers and veils they were sporting.

In the bookstore I skimmed a very funny book "Final Departure by Barry Albin-Dyer the same author that wrote "Don't Drop the Casket". He is a third generation funeral director and full of funny and touching stories of passings. He described one young husband of 32 who lost his young wife of 29 to a heart defect. People respond oddly when consumed with grief. He couldn't bear to part with her. He had her mummified, placed in a clear glass box that he uses as a coffee table. There is a picture of it in the book.

He is there on the couch with a friend- a couple of cans of beer are sitting on top of the box. There is no question in my mind that his wife would prefer NOT to be on display - hardly looking her best nor littered with beer cans! Men!!!!! Yikes!!!!!!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/29/06 05:38 PM

Hi Dukhuntr,

I hope you are enjoying your guests and having a fun weekend.

Wishing you well and happy...

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/30/06 03:21 AM
Hi Paradise,

I am having a nice weekend so far. Maybe even too much fun last night. Left work early to go watch my friends twin daughters play in their volleyball tournament. Imagine 300 teams of 10 girls between the age of 12 and 18, plus all of their parents and siblings in one building at the same time. Controlled chaos! Something like 100 courts set up and in use at all times.

After their first match I left and met one of my oldest and best friends and his wife for happy hour and then dinner. At dinner the blind date called and wanted to get together. She was out with the gal who set us up and they came and met us and to make a long story short it was a whirlwind night that didn't end until I drove the girls home about 2:00am. No way were they driving! My friend from Las Vegas even ended up finding us and we had quite the little group all wanting to do different things. We ended up doing everything somewhere during the evening. Didn't make for a pleasant wakeup this morning for golf. A few hours sleep and a small hangover didn't do anything to improve my golf game either.

Tonight I am in hiding. The friends from LV are with the EX and my daughter watching today's games. I am very happy to be at home relaxing and looking forward to a good night's sleep.

It is difficult at first to have to tell yourself you have to give up and get over it isn't it? Believe me when I say it though, peace does come soon after accepting this. I won't tell you happiness follows immediately, at least for me it hasn't, but a sense of calm creeps in and makes life easier and more comfortable. You have a bright and happy future in front of you, head into it with the excitement and optimism it deserves.

Thanks for the wishes, I have been sending good thoughts up your way all week. It must be working, you sound a lot better! Pleasant dreams.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/01/06 02:28 AM

A long busy day, two beach walks, a day long outing with Mom and a girlfriend. We small town hopped, - poking around antique stores, farmer markets, walking in parks - stopping for dinner by a canal. It was a lovely sunny spring day.

On the way home, we stopped at a major book store chain. Mom wanted to buy a new St James Bible, her old one was falling apart from use. We had to order it. They didn't have a large print version in stock. "Really dear, it is the one of the key books our culture is based on. How could they not have one in stock."

I smiled.

My Mom reads her bible daily. It gives her strength and peace.

I brought my camera today. I wanted to take a picture of Mom against trees in blossom - preferably magnolia. I went down to the car without it and ran back for it. Me forgeting something - always delights Blue. He runs to his basket and comes out the door with a toy. Like "Jeez, Mom, you're right I forgot my slipper too! "

I got down to the car and then ran back up a second time because I had not packed music for the day - Chet Baker - K.D Lang were my hurried choices. Blue wrapped his paws around my leg, locked his teeth in a towel I had rolled up under my arm and we went back down to the car doing a tango of sorts - with his back paws swinging in the air.

I take more pictures of Mom because at 81, I know that at some point - I will lose her.

Dispossession is part of life. It is a journey not a destination. Experiencing loss so intensely this past year - makes me more determined to treat as special the memories I make each day.

More pictures are a very good start....
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/01/06 02:36 AM

Hi Dukhuntr,

Sounds like an action packed fun weekend - was had by all. I find group dynamics interesting - how choices are made - preferences expressed - flow created... Before you know it there is a tangible group groove going on ....

Wishing you well and happy...

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/02/06 04:42 AM

I try very hard to live in the moment. However, Blue outshines me in this - in a very big way.

Yesterday after dropping off a friend, I told him we were on our way the beach. Traffic was bad it took us 35 minutes to get there. Thirty five minutes is too long for my dog to stand the anticipation of something so extraordinarily wonderful as a visit to the beach.

Out of the car two minutes - he tossed his cookies. Then happy as lark he ran off to play with the other dogs. It is like a little off leash doggie heaven.

I have never seen a serious fight break out among the dogs. They are all walking, running, sniffing with the same goofy look .. "I'm at the beach..I'm at the beach... Boy this is great....Boy is this ever great.."

Certain places have the right kind of energy; that can heal, restore your spirit and relax your mind. I have yet to go to the beach and not feel better for it.

Blue agrees. He can even spell it. B E A C H.... will solicit a tail wag and a big big smile.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/03/06 01:02 AM
Hello Paradise,

Jaime can spell too, H U N T I N G! Normally she is mild mannered and sedate. Say or spell this word and look out. My son and his friends like to torment her by asking her if she wants to go hunting. Takes between 20 and 45 minutes to convince her we are not going then. Torture to the poor dog! Kinda like dressing your dog up and letting everyone dote over him and make him feel silly and embarrassed, huh?

Spending the evening doing my 2nd and 3rd jobs tonight. Bookeeping for the Golf club and the Duck club. It's finally nice here and where am I? Sitting at a desk writing checks and reconciling accounts. What a moron! I will be checking in all night if you want to talk. I hope you are relaxing and your nerves are more settled.

Talk to you soon.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/03/06 01:49 AM
Certain places have the right kind of energy; that can heal, restore your spirit and relax your mind. I have yet to go to the beach and not feel better for it.

This thread is my beach. I thank God that journalists and waterfowl hunters exist.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/03/06 02:33 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

We are just back from a six mile walk/jog...and decidedly low ebb. Blue is happy to jog to the beach, however, coming home he prefers to crawl along at a snails pace - taking every opportunity to dawdle.

I have laundry going (clean sheets!) and the dishwasher going ... but I lack the energy to tackle any of the work projects I should be toiling at.

Blue has had a bath, turkey soup for dinner, swallowed a ginormous bill (antiobiotics) and had his teeth brushed. He is snoring at my feet - a busy agenda kind of day.

He had the start of a dust up with Mugsy at the beach today. Over a stick ... " Mugsy's Dad was there in flash and Mugsy was led away - whilst being loudly berated...head hanging low.. Blue sat self satisfied for a good five minutes chewing the stick. To the victor go the spoils.

For Midnight's 50th birthday I bought him several cards. The one from Blue showed an old red buick full of dogs, looking out the window, sitting at the wheel, all with the same wolfish grin. The caption read "Still cruising for sticks". It makes me smile now.

I am sipping cocoa (Rademaker - Dutch). I read just recently that plain old cocoa powder is more healthful than green tea. Much tastier!

I went to Dharma class last night but my british friend did not come. I am hoping it has not got anything to do with the stunned look of surprise I gave him when he asked me out to coffee. Note to self, when Harrison Ford look alike brain surgeons invite you out for coffee - DO NOT LOOK STUNNED OR WORSE YET EMBARASSED!

Oh well next time. May be my luck will hold and a Sean Connery look alike will come along!

I had a girlfriend in high school, who I still miss daily - she lives far away now. Her luck with men was beyond bad.

She once had a crush on a lad that was on the same athletic team I was on. I invited her to go to an out of town meet. After the competition we went out for dinner, a few drinks and driving home I made sure they were sitting in the back seat together alone.

It was moonlit night quite romantic. In the rear view mirror, I saw him turn to kiss her - that first fragile moment of contact about to happen. I held my breath. Then she blinked put her head down and threw up in his lap. She had drank a wee bit too much.

On another outing, I had to bail her out of jail. She was caught making out with a chap in his car. She was of legal age but it turns out a police officer did not like the idea of them being parked in a park and hauled them down to the station after she had hastily dressed standing by the car. I sat in the waiting room with the chap's wife - not sure where to look. His being married was news to us both.

She was a magnet for arisings - buddhist for happenings.

She worked for the foreign affairs branch of the Canadian government. Once posted in Africa, her office was shot up by machine gun toting rebels. There was a body guard for every staff member. Hers was taking up all the room under her desk. Leaving her to fend for her self amid the flying glass, bullets and plaster.


She is doing well. Her stories could amuse you for many hours. A life well lived should have great stories...

Wishing you well, happy and may all your columns balance!

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/03/06 03:41 AM

Quit reading so much and start writing. I miss hearing from you! You write at least as well as I do and most times it's more interesting to boot. Nobody writes as well as Paradise so don't let that slow you down. Tell us what's happening at the horse farm, how the archery is going and if your dream of watching turtles mate has come true yet.

I have been keeping a low profile for the most part(not counting weekends with friends from out of town). That being the case I have plenty of time to converse here and not a lot of people to converse with. It got so bad I went out last night and bought a bunch of flowers and filled the EX's flower pots for the first time in two years. I have to be getting stagnant to resort to gardening for entertainment! It scares me to think that I know what kind of flowers are out there. Not the kind of thing a macho kind of dukhuntr wants on his resume. What is even scarier is I went out this morning and admired my handiwork on the way to work.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/03/06 04:07 AM

I knew there was a wild side to the younger Paradise! Boys, cars, drinking, what else haven't you told us? On second thought maybe I don't want to hear the answer to that! Winston Churchill almost knocked me out of my chair so let's keep the past in the past for you.

Blue is walking tall tonight! That should rebuild all the self esteem he lost over the holidays for sure. Memories of tu-tu's and whatever other demeaning outfits you put him in are all forgotten. Now he's the biggest baddest dog on the beach. Plus he's with the best looking Mom to boot!

I gave up on the Golf Club balancing. I took over for an old golf buddy that was having problems with arthritis and his stomach. We let the stuff slide for a couple of months waiting for him to get better. He passed away last week suddenly and shockingly. Seems he had an undetected cancer too. He was a hunter, fisherman and truely fine golfer in addition to being what I considered a real gentleman and friend. We had a memorial for him Saturday at the golf course and 150 people showed up when we expected 30. Somewhere in the interim deposits were made and no record kept of what they represented. I don't think anyone will worry about this problem.

Dates like your friend had are as much fun or more than the "normal" ones you hear about. How long will you remember "just another date"? Not long believe me! Her dates have lived all these years and are still funny and memorable. I think that is part of the attraction to dating again, building new memories and living a full life. Good and bad.

I am glad to hear you are headed back in this direction. A date with you would build a memory for any man I"m sure. In the process you can regain some of the excitement and anticipation that is missing for you now. I can't wait to hear your dating stories when the time comes for you.

P.S.- If Harrison shows up again I expect you to do the inviting! Practice makes perfect remember! All you can do for now is practice, but do it in style just as you do everything else in life! Plus it may give you the motivation to shed a Midnight nightmare. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/04/06 02:38 AM
Hi Dukhuntr

I saw "Friends with Money" tonight. It was disappointing, not very funny and borderline irritating. It had been advertised as a witty comedy of manners... NOT. It was my suggestion and my friends were kind enough not to complain.

We went to the early show, even after lingering over Starbucks coffee I was still home early enough to take Blue for a two hour walk. Tonight is one of those rare spring evenings where the air feels like velvet. The trees are either in blossom or budding and bright hued tulips are everywhere. Great walking weather.

I have a pinapple cake in the oven.

I am nurse maiding a friend tomorrow who has just had surgery. It is my slot on a very detailed schedule organized so that during her first week of recuperation she will have company during the day, when her husband is at work and her children at school.

We will sit in her back yard and have coffee and pinapple cake and I will run around and do her chores. Blue will stretch out on the lawn, enjoy the sunshine and do no chores.

Admiring the different flower beds in my travels tonight, I thought of you planting flowers and then enjoying your handiwork. Gardening is slowly seductive. It hooks you gradually... till late at night you are poring over bulb catalogues and dreaming of lillies.

I have an out of town friend who has a wonderful garden, it has been on TV and in magazines. It consumes most of her waking moments. "It started innocently enough - just a few packets of seeds from the supermarket. Yet when everything starts to grow and bloom it makes me feel remarkable, so very clever to be part of the magic in life."

When I was growing up we had a huge lilac bush in the back yard. I could crawl into the base of it, be completely hidden from view and in May - awash in the scent of lilac. Whenever I smell lilac that memory comes back - my secret scented private hideway. For many that is what their garden becomes - a refuge.

Wishing you well and happy,

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/04/06 06:36 AM
Evening Paradise,

I too went out with friends tonight. We went to a funraising dinner for the local Community College Athletic Department. We had a nice evening and I bought myself some really nice tickets to see my Giants play in June. Th speaker tonight was a local guy who played for the Astro's during his career in baseball and is now a scout for them. We heard some great stories and had a bunch of fun. You would have been proud too, I drank diet soda most of the night!

Bad movies are always depressing, especially when you plan an evening with friends around one and it was your choice. Don't feel bad we all have done it. Remember "Heaven's Gate", that was my call once. What a dull movie, we left after the first 30 minutes.

I think you told me once that smell is the most powerful sense for bringing back memories and I am a firm believer in this. Popcorn instantly takes me back to my teens when I umpired Little League baseball games all summer to make enough money to goof off with my friends on a regular basis. I hated that smell for years! Spend 4-5 nights a week for four months crouched behind home plate, 10 feet from the popper and you would hate that smell too. Or even more enduring the smell of Tequila after getting really drunk for the first time and really sick on it too. YUCK! Still cant stand that stuff straight.

Enjoy your day tomorrow, your friend is very lucky to have people like you in her life. As for me I am tackling the back yard starting tomorrow. Enjoying the front and how nice it looks has inspired me. I have a whole summer's worth of work to do there if I can keep the inspiration going.

Sleep well!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/05/06 03:35 AM

I had planned to spend the afternoon with my friend and ended up spending most of my evening there as well. It was fun. Her fridge is packed with brought offerings. We ate miso soup, sticky rice wrapped in roasted seaweed and barbeque pork, watched a chick flick "Mrs Henderson Presents" - (very funny) and talked for hours.

We have been friends for 26 years.

I have watched her two boys grow up to be lively teenagers. In fact one of them has volunteered to take me to his climbing gym to see if I'd like it. He is 14 years old, 6 feet tall and strong. I have no doubt that it will be a lesson in humility for me.

When we first met, he was a bald, red faced, drunken eyed - bundled packet - no bigger than a large eggplant. He was the guest of honour at a very spiffy baby shower I co-hosted for him.

We were so happy he arrived safely - with Mom well too. It was a complicated difficult birth. At dinner tonight, he joked, laughed and showed impeccable manners that made her proud. Amazing how fourteen years can change a person!

They live on a very wide street framed with big trees - many are in blossom. On the way there, a thunder storm was forming and the wind picked up - for a few moments I was driving in a blizzard of pink blossom petals. It was spectacular. I have never seen so many blossoms in the air at once before.

Driving home, I worried and fretted, my dear dear friend may have early onset Alzheimer’s. It runs in her family. Sometimes her eyes get a flat look to them that scares me.

It is a bleak horrible wrenching thought.

I try hard to live in the moment and just be truly thankful for today. Sometimes it is very hard and I wish very much I was more like Blue - rooted in the now. Knowing worry is for naught.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/06/06 05:55 AM
Going through the emails this morning, personal and work, I read one sent to Midnight from a mutual friend I guess by accident. I read all the emails and forward any work related or personal mail to his new email address. It was a breezy newsy letter which ended with “and how are things between you and Amy going?” Not a great start to my day.

Amy is OW 3.

Midnight was madly in love with OW1. She was an addiction he thought about all the time. When he left me to be with her, it was like she was the oxygen he needed to breathe.

They seemed to last no time at all. In 10 months since he has been gone, he has gotten over her and moved on through a second and is now on a third. Where does he get the energy? It must be exhausting just keeping their names straight.

I had a stern talk with myself. “It is no longer your business.” I forwarded the email and went on with my day.

We have been having wonderful weather. Mom and I went out for dinner tonight. She was in good form, flirting with the waiter - talking non stop. We ate fajitas. She told me she would like to be young again. “Being old is not much fun – 45 is a good age. I liked being 45”. I laughed. I liked being 30.

On a ski trip once with Midnight – he complained everyone else on the trip was too old, too boring. I blinked at him and said – “Hon a good number of them are younger than you are.”

I will bet doughnuts Amy is not out of her 30s.

The thing is every age is a good age. It means you are alive, breathing - able to enjoy this very precious moment.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/06/06 06:52 AM
Hi Paradise,

I wish you could forward without reading the garbage you have to deal with. I would be a wreck! I still don't know how you cope and remain so calm. I would have added some satire before forwarding and paid dearly for it later.

I helped my 22yr old son put on a birthday party tonight for his "friend" Niki who just turned 19. We had a BBQ for 20 to 25 of their friends who range in age from 19 to 24. Hamburgers and steaks, salads, chips and copious amounts of alcohol. I am torn over this. My son is of age and can do as he pleases but many of his friends , especially the girls are underage. They didn't overindulge here but they left to go to a club and dance and drink some more.

I'm not real comfortable allowing this to go on but I am also afraid of running my son out of the house. His other option is to live with his uncle. He's the one with 4 prior felony convictions and a serious drug problem that my son and the rest of the family refuse to acknowledge. I heard recently the uncle was even dealing the stuff too! No way do I want my son anywhere near this environment. So what does the idiot duk do instead? He drinks with the kids and then cleans up after them. I told you I wasn't too bright!

MY WS is into a younger man too and it really irkes me somtimes too. She at least has stayed with the same one now for almost two years. Does it really matter? Both our WS's have made a choice to seek a life without us. We didn't have a choice or an opportunity to address their unhappiness. Can we do anything? NO!!!!! All we can do is to live the fullest and most productive lives we can and take care of ourselves now. I get it finally I think. Something or someone flipped their switch and they are gone for us. Maybe sometime years down the road they will take stock of their lives and come to the conclusion we weren't so bad after all. By then you and I will be long gone and probably with other SO's that are as grounded and ethical and have the same perception of integrity as we do. Could we or would we do what they have done? In a word - NO, not ever, not even with a gun to our head. Does that make us better than them, no, just different.

I am so much better now at thinking my way through the BS that an A creates it is amazing. Most of this is thanks to you and your calming and intelectual influence. Use that intelect to avoid the e-mail traps and any other Midnight inspired bunk that comes your way. B you have so much going for you it makes me jealous! All you have to do is believe in yourself. Go out and make me and Holiday and Eibrab proud! Dump the Midnight baggage and spread your wings and fly off into your future. It's a much higher and happier future that you can imagine!

After reading this I know I drank way too much Crown Royal tonight! Three advil and off to bed for the half looped duk tonight!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/06/06 10:31 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

It is 5.30 a.m.; the sky is slowly turning from black to indigo blue. It is pouring rain. Blue and I will go to the beach soon- me garbed in raingear - he in wet dog fur. When his fur gets truly soaked he looks a bit like a large drowned rat.

I have never actually seen a large drowned rat. It is a guess.

I have been trying to read Amit Goswani's "The Self Aware Universe". It has many diagrams, experiential findings - hard slogging – I am having to reread sections with determined focus and wishing there was a "For Dummies version - no diagrams, experiential findings - just the conclusion simply put in large print.

I have made tea and home made coconut bread drizzled with pecan caramello dolcetti. It is perhaps the best taste in the world.

Marriages, lives, countries, worlds - everything is impermanent. We are on a rental program. Many things happen in life that may seem beyond our control. Yet, I believe we are profoundly responsible for our lives in their every detail.

Even, when a marriage is over, the memories aren't. I was working late last night and for some reason all of my photos (I have hundreds) started up as a slide show. Our set up allows a panning motion over each picture as it is displayed.

I sat for a good hour enjoying camping pictures, skiing pictures, home, family, friends and dog pictures. More dog pictures than anything else he is mightily photogenic.

If I allow myself to stay angry – it gels to bitterness – then I won’t even enjoy what I have - many happy memories. That would be a sad waste of all the hard work that went into making them. Better to garden!

Hoping you awake with a smile and without a hangover

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/06/06 05:49 PM
Morning Paradise,

The smile yes, feeling good a definite NO!!! Tired, a little hung over, and grumpy. I don't drink much anymore and I feel terrible the next day when I do. I am headed out to my friends house to help BBQ for a graduation party. Perfect, standing in the sun next to a hot BBQ all day. I ought to feel even better tonight.

The anger is the baggage I think you need to drop. You don't ever have to like what he did, but you said it yourself, don't let it make you bitter. You have way too much going for you to be bitter over someone else's poor decision making. Enjoy the memories because they are what made us the individuals we are. Take away the A and think of it as a mutual decision to split and imagine how much more positive those memories would look. I am doing my best to put her A in perspective now as her way of splitting without a face to face conflict with me. She hated conflict of any sort or nature. She would not face it with her brothers, her parents, our kids and especially not me. I know it rationalizing on my part, but if its a way for me to put it behind me and live happier and more confident, who is it going to hurt?

Well I better get moving, 6 legs of lamb are waiting to be charred by a master BBQ dukhuntr. Have fun in the rain with Blue at the beach.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/07/06 11:34 PM

Hey Dukhuntr,

It is a beautiful day here. Cool but very sunny. I am trying to work up the energy to go for a nice bike ride. I have been lazy all day - a tad low ebb.

The dog is with Daddy and it makes for a quiet home. I find one of the most challenging aspects of adapting to single life - is productively filling the extra time.

I am not use to having any extra time. It seems strange to sit down with a calender and know I have to make plans or I will be sitting home by myself.

Tonight I have made no plans - hence the bike ride. Yesterday was lovely, I spent the day with a friend, eating out, walking about - alittle shopping. Blue enjoyed it immensely - he was out with two of his favourite women for the entire day. I came home tired and ready for a long soak and then off to bed.

I find I have to exercise a fair bit or I don't sleep as well. I wake up and look around my bedroom sure something is wrong. Nothing is ever wrong. It is just me getting use to change.

I hope your party went well. Blue loves lamb. We eat it with mint sauce on the side! He has his plain.


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/08/06 02:44 AM

I'm dying to know... charred or just right ?

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/08/06 03:05 AM

I've so much to share here. Every day I read and I think of the words and happenings that I'd love so much to bring here.

But then I think... your posts always make me think... and the urge to type seems to lessen. It's as if by thinking, I can do more good.

I'm thinking tonight... about you and Mr. Midnight, homemade coconut bread, charred leg of lamb and a silly charming chef...myself... I think about myself.

I had a new gelding come in the barn. A big, bold, black hunter type. He is not simply big, he is enormous. He has developed a habit. Though he is a joy to ride, he will not allow you to dismount. He bolts to the right, or straight backwards. He is far too tall for a person of my size to get off of gracefully, if he means to make it difficult.

He's going to be quite a chore.

I sat with him a bit today. Just he and I, some grass and a small band of barn swallows swarming around. His barn name is Luke, though he is known by the registered name of Quickly Captivating.

Today, we enjoyed each other with no tension of how "it" would end. Of whether I could get off or he could brace himself to face what was coming. I assured him that today was a day of reprieve.

It's a wonder that anyone of us ever climbs onto anything, knowing full well that we may have to dismount. I never think of dismounting until the time comes. Maybe dismounting is the thing we need to think hardest on... because we can't climb back up again, unless we start at the bottom or the very core again, right ?

You are in my prayers.

I am watching the late news for any breaking stories of a lamb roast gone awry in the desert..

Tomorrow, I climb again. It's got to be a whole lot more fun to go up. Please don't tell Luke.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/08/06 05:49 AM
Hi Eibrab,

“Quickly Captivating” is a wonderful name, QC for short. He has you captive on several levels. Big, bold males will do that!

Maybe he just doesn’t want the ride to end. He knows when you get off – he is back in his stall by himself and bored. Or perhaps the gap in your respective sizes makes him confident that being so much bigger –he can get his way. He could even think it funny, his own little inside joke. “She can boss me around – but she doesn’t get off lightly!”

Almost all animals have a sense of humor. I remember once being at a farm fair. Looking up at big draft horse, I was wearing a straw hat. I swear he was laughing at me. Mirth shining in his eyes – he snorted. “Ha! She has straw on her head. What a good joke!” He tried to nibble at it, startling me into jumping back. Good humor radiated from him – for a moment I knew what he was thinking.

Joy in the ride and discomfort, pain and fear in the dismount – a lesson in life.

When I was younger I was on a gymnastic team. I loved dismounts. I loved the sensation of my body flying in the air, twisting to be poised and balanced for contact with the earth.

When you are dismounting from a marriage – it is not the earth you come into contact with – it is your self. You go from being part of a couple to just you.

The trick is to be comfortable again with being just you. All the negative feelings that arise – relate to wanting more… a longer ride.

I am reading a book which posits that all matter is formed by consciousness. The universe is self aware. It is a concept which brings into accord the many paradoxes of quantum physics. I believe everyone’s thoughts are powerful. They form our collective reality.

Thinking is the most powerful thing we do.

Thank you for thinking of me…. I will smile when I think of you in your barn with your big black hunter – chatting about just how long rides should be. Tell him there is always tomorrow!

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/08/06 06:35 AM
Hello Paradise and Eibrab!

The lamb was wonderful! I didn't have to do much either. The family is serbian and although they have been here for several generations they still celebate the same. Yesterday was St George' celebration for them in addition to the graduation party. All the relatives were there. I had plenty of help on the BBQ and no end of suggestions! All of this while they enjoyed the drink of choice from the "old country"- Slivovitz. Yugoslav Plum Brandy. All 90 proof of it. Tastes like jet fuel to me. We had Lamb, Sausage in Sour Kraut, Ribs in Sour Kraut, Sarma's(Sausage & rice rolled in cabbage leaves and steamed in a bed if Sour Kraut), and all manner of stuff to feed our faces with. Needless to say you didn't want to be downwind of Sour Kraut duk today!

It made me feel really good yesterday to be invited to the party. There were only two of us invited that were not a part of this family. We were both treated just like we were and made to feel welcome by everyone, even the ones we had just met.

Today even my golf game came back. I haven't played well in a long time and thought I had let my skills deteriorate this last year and today I was right back to where I left off. Golf is definitely a game in which physical skills only get you so far, the rest resides between the ears.

Eibrab, I am glad to see you telling us what is happening for you. It focuses your thinking even if for just a short while each time you write. It helps me clarify my thoughts I know. You better have your thoughts clear and in the present around the hunter. I don't think he knows what he is up against yet either! Given enough time I'm sure you could have him giving pony rides at birtday parties if you wanted to. Have you been peeping on the turtle's lately to see if romance is in the air yet?

Paradise, I like the way you are thinking these days! The dismount description fit you like a glove. I think you made your dismount in the last month and are still a little groggy from the landing! You are definitely on your way to whatever lies ahead. Wanting the longer ride is something both of us wanted and I really hoped your's would continue. If anyone ever deserved to to have that chance it was you, I just don't think your steed was up to the challenge. I'm all for hoping OW #3 turns him into a gelding myself!

Pleasant dreams all!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/09/06 04:44 AM

I had a dharma class tonight and then took the dog for a long walk. It is beautiful night out, half moon, gentle breeze with the hint of summer in the air.

Blue and I walked by a pub tonight where Midnight and I had one of our first dates. The décor has changed but the table lay out is much the same. I stood for a moment looking in at the table I remember us sitting at. It was empty.

The dog and I were reflected in the window pane. There I stood a middle age gal in a jean jacket, and wistful smile, next to a dog with a question in his eyes. He doesn’t see what I am looking at.

I can see our young selves sitting there in very animated conversation some 25 or possibly even 26 years ago. My husband has great energy. I remember when I first met him looking down at his feet to see if he had springs. It is what I like best about him.

I enjoy the dharma class very much. There are always one or two really good thoughts to think about. Arriving home, I am calm, mind relaxed, more in tune and my hair smells of incense.

Blue knows the drill when I am going out. Lately, I am absent minded, I pick up his leash and find it in my pocket when I am miles away from home. I wonder what he thinks when he watches me do this.

Is she going to walk another dog?
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/09/06 04:51 AM

Hey Dukhuntr,

Great lamb, fun parties, up to scratch golf - you sound like a man finding himself.

Continuing to wish you well and happy... it seems to be working...

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/10/06 02:53 AM
Is she going to walk another dog?

That thought strikes fear in all of God's creatures, doesn't it?

My prayers tonight will include one that Blue will always know that you will come home to him... and the smell of another dog will not be a sign of betrayal, but kindness.

Please share some thoughts from the class, PB. I have thinking to do and space to fill in my thoughts.

Wishing you a peaceful evening...

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/10/06 04:51 AM

I had planned to go to a Buddhist function tonight and instead spent the evening at the beach because it was sunny perfect weather. Blue approved of the change in plans. We walked there and back, enjoying the beautiful greens of spring. There was no wind, the water calm – a sculling crew was out practicing – their coach yelled at them – so they dug down and pulled harder.

I plan my days by the weather.

It must be a middle age thing, my Dad did this too. If I do have the television on - it is on the weather channel. It fascinates me. Snow in Whitehorse, rain in Vancouver - clear sunny skies in Las Vegas! How marvelous –everywhere is different.

We ran into Julie a beagle mix, who has lost part of her ear somewhere. Her owner adopted her and doesn’t know how it happened. I am sure Julie remembers – if only she could talk. She would tell the story of a vicious Doberman or an inattentive owner with a too quick car door slam, making us wince when she spoke grippingly of how much it hurt. Though mostly I think she would ask for biscuits!

Her owner is a gay gentleman who I usually see with a much younger man. Lately, he has been alone. He looks pale and sad. I have yet to ask after his partner. I suspect they have split. The eternal cycle of love found then lost.

There is an enormous amount of information and wisdom on this site. I read and learn. Hoping at some point – knowing how to better manage love will be an advantage I need.

Walking back, I watched a young couple have a very big blow out fight. They had stopped their car and got out to scream at each other standing face to face only a few inches apart – arms waving, using many short rude words. Their sentences were so choked with anger that I could not get the gist of what the problem was - only that each was telling the other to ##%# $#$.

When Midnight and I were younger and more prone to disagreements I suggested we just growl at each other. It worked really well. It expressed the emotion you were feeling without hurtful words that would be long remembered. If we really got into it with gusto – it always led to laughter.

Sometimes, life bites you with just how short, fleeting and precious each day is. A perfect beautiful day was wasted on those two. I prayed they won’t do that often.

I got an email today from one of Midnight’s friends asking me out for coffee. My eyebrows are still stuck up near my hair line. It was a beautifully written invitation – funny, whimsical, complimentary. He is in public relations. I sent back a breezy missive that very gently said no. I would think that most friends would know that trying to date your buddy’s estranged wife is not on - apparently not.

Hi Eibrab,

We have great talks at this little group I go to. I am the novice. The other three have many years of study.

There is a quote from Albert Einstein in “The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying” which reads

”A human being is part of a whole, called by us the “Universe”, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.

This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

Now that is a good thought!

Albert Einstein was capable of such great thoughts yet he was brutally unkind to his first wife - abandoning her without money to care for their sons - one with mental illness - while he pursued a teen age cousin he was infatuated with. His first wife co-authored one of his early works. He took her name off the paper before it was published. He would allow her to speak only when spoken to. She died early and a pauper after raising the children.

He lived well and enjoyed his fame. I wonder if later in life he ever regretted how he had treated her. Let's hope so.

Thought and intention are just as important as what we do and say. We are mainly what we think.

Wishing you good thoughts!

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/10/06 07:07 AM
Hello Paradise,

Thanks for the thoughts! They are working. I hope my nightly best wishes for you start paying off soon too. I think I am almost back to a confident and stable frame of mind. Never been "normal" so I don't know what that would be like, if I ever got there.

Been having a major row with my son lately. He's been doing what many 22yr old males do, slacking off and letting Dad take care of everything. With my new found confidence I let him know it was step up and help out or it's out on his own. Everytime I have tried to get this across to him in the last year all he had to do was threaten to move in with Mom and I would cave in totally. I called his bluff last night and he did spend the night with Mom. Couldn't have been what he expected though, he was back making apologies and promises this afternoon. I haven't asked why he didn't just stay with Mom and I don't even care at this point. I'm just happy he's back and that I took my stand. Your quiet confidence and demeanor rubs off even thru a keyboard Paradise!

The back yard is half done already! I have already figured out what flowers are going where and the weeds are gone along with a bunch of old ground cover and strange bamboo like growths. It was a jungle out there! Can't even begin to tell my friends about this compulsion yet. It even makes me feel squeamish thinking about me getting excited over a flower garden. "Closet Gardener"? I may have to go shoot something just to feel "manly" again.

Watch out for Midnight's friends. The real sicko's come out when they smell blood in the water! Where's the Brain Surgeon? Find the guy and go have some coffee would you! Laugh, flirt and have some fun(harmless that is)!

Dream a happy dream tonight!
Posted By: maril Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/10/06 08:33 AM
morning, paradise

I keep reading your journal and still enjoy it very much. Tonight my daughter woke me up at 3 am and I am still awake. Trying to re-live every day from last October of my life and my H life. Trying to imagine what was he thinking of when he was living double life. Trying to imagine myself in his shoes and comprehend what happened. Terribly want to wake him too but as usual I can't bother anyone with my 'own' troubles. Wanted to work a little but my password is locked and - what a surprise! - I can't call support - picturing someone who is on call waking up for me. After reading your last post I started calming down. I always do. You have this influence. I guess not on me only. May be now I'll be able to go back to sleep.

PS: I am wondering too - where is the Brain Surgeon? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Also I am thinking - where do male Brain Surgeons keep their brains? Where it suppose to be or as usual? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/11/06 05:23 AM
Hi Maril,

I have been thinking about you today. Wondering what life must be like in Russia. So much has changed.

Funny how in the middle of the night thousands of miles away, you can read my thoughts - we live in such a connected world.

It must be hard to cope with being both a mom and recovering from infidelity. Somehow men seem to sleep through alot. I'd wake him up!

Sleeping well does helps. When ever I am really down, I just go to bed and know it will all look better in the morning and it always does.

Wishing you a deep dreamless sleep that leaves you feeling renewed, strong and at peace when you awake.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/11/06 05:40 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Your post reminded me of a novel someone was telling me about. It was about a woman who loved her husband.

She loved him when he left her for a young leggy blonde. She loved him when he divorced her and married the young leggy blonde. She was shrewd. She moved out of the city into the country. Their two teenage sons had to live with Dad and wifey # 2 to continue their schooling.

Nothing apparently can quell passion like two teenagers in the house. He divorced his second wife and went back to his first wife, who still loved him. Having your son live with your ex and her beau might have a similar effect!

Sometimes life gets overly complicated. The basics are that you respect and be considerate of others. As a parent you can do no better for your kids than making sure they have the basics! Tough job though!

Great progress on the back yard, I will think of you sitting out there with a drink in your hand - looking at hard evidence of just how remarkable and clever you really are!

It is windy tonight with a three quarter moon swathed in clouds. We stayed in and watched movies and ate junk food for dinner. Something I rarely do... it was a lay about indulging kind of night.

I chatted with an out of town girlfriend, making her laugh when I told her I was going to do my utmost to split with Midnight cleanly - no residue negative karma or lingering psychic entanglement to be carried into my next life! Thank You!

Wishing you well and happy...



Posted By: maril Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/11/06 03:29 PM
sorry I mislead you. I am from Russia but we live in US now. I think I would not be so surprised if my H cheated on me there. It looks like everyone does. And the roomers are that there too many young good looking energetic girls for each relatively successful man who would do ANYTHING to get there. So many guys we know have girlfriends twice their age <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> I've seen so much infidelity when I lived there - I did not want to be married at all. But then I did and - OOps - I ended up here. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/12/06 04:21 AM

Pouring rain and heavy fog here, I went to see Akeela and the Bee tonight with a girlfriend. It is a lovely film - well acted, very family oriented and entertaining.

We caught the early show then scooted up to her son's home so she could babysit her grand kids while they went out to celebrate their wedding anniversary.

I haven't baby sat with a chum for a long while. We raided their bar. Her daughter in law's family owns a micro brewery. I gave a low whistle at the impressive array of beer on hand. We played on the computer with the kids - I read them a bed time story - The Pokey Little Puppy and after they had settled down, we ordered in Italian.

Over wine and veal we talked for several hours. She is witty, pragmatic, wise and hopeful. She thinks I should just enjoy myself and see what happens. Me too.

Home again, I have walked the dog in the rain, given him a shower, a turkey soup dinner and ginormous bill (He is still on antibiotics). Before bed, he will brush his teeth and maybe play a wee bit of indoor soccer.

Just another day.... yet every day has moments. Her son's house borders on a park, walking back - there was that clean rain smell mingled with the scent of lilac from a bush in bloom.

Lovely thing about having a dog is the joyous reunions. "Boy you were gone a long time... but I still love you Mom... now let's go for a walk."

I have a basket for hats and gloves that I usually keep up high I must have left it within his reach in my haste to get going tonight.

There are hats and gloves everywhere...he is running hamper scamper tossing them in the air one after another... it is puppy heaven.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/13/06 02:01 AM

While working today, I found a cheque Midnight has written to Amy - a large cheque.

One of the hardest things about being in my situation is that I seem so far behind him in the adjustment process.

He has completely moved on. I am still struggling.

Looking at this large cheque is accelerating my process. I will have to ask about it - and account for it. Midnight could have written it to himself, cashed it and given her the cash in large bills.

He wanted me to see it.

I am starting to see mean behaviour. It worries me. He is not a mean person.

He told our chalet mates I wanted to rent solo next year - not true of course -very inconsiderate to them and downright nasty to me. I am lucky they called me to check. They are what help make it so great.

My immediate response to everything troubling these days is to take a long walk. Blue and I were out for two hours. It always helps. I calm down.

What bothers me most about this is that other than OW1 I have never lost a friend to conflict - although I am not sure I can aptly describe her as a friend.

My husband was my best friend. It makes me want to stop in my tracks back up several years and say hey, we should pay attention here or we will be sorry.

I am sorry.


I cannot sleep. It is too late to go for another walk. So I have been typing angry sentences and then erasing them.

It calms me.

I find being angry difficult. It is like I am not built for it. My body doesn't want to hold onto it. In no time in my life have I ever been so consistently mad. It just keeps coming back. I send it away with daily effort at perpective, meditation, exercise ...and it just comes back.

Speaking of anger, Blue would like to go to bed. He is humpfring - making sharp exhalations of air to let me know he is annoyed. I am keeping him up.

I know from experience it will all look better in the morning.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/14/06 12:29 AM
Hello Paradise,

I had hoped you would never go thru this. We, the normal emotionally challenged and weak minded people in MB, are either still in this same place or slowly coming out of it. You have never allowed yourself to do this, why start now? Nothing has changed except for your thinking. If you could keep positive and not worry about Minight all of this time what has really changed for you other than finally coming to the realization he is probably not coming back?

I seem to remember someone telling me over and over how useless and self damaging anger was. As I recall it was also a huge waste of energy that could be put to better uses. It takes a long time but an echo can travel to Nevada and back to Canada can't it! There will be many more "little messages" Midnight will send you in his own way. None of them will be pleasant. He has to do these things to prove to himself and to the bevy of OW he is running thru that you are no longer a part of his life.

I know how much this hurts for you, the acceptance that the the marriage you had committed to and believed in all these years is really now just a sham from Midnight's perspective. You will never think of your marriage in this way even if it were over tomorrow your thinking would not change for some time to come. But like I have said before, you and I and many others out there don't think like my EX and Midnight. In their minds our marriages were done before they ever went physical in their A's. Nothing we can control and not an issue for us to address in ourselves.

I still say and always will, YOU AND I SHOULD NOT BE SORRY FOR THEIR POOR DECISIONS. Forget marital vows and religion, we both deserved a whole lot more respect and consideration from our spouses simply based on the fact we spent over twenty good years with them. I think Midnight is a lot like my EX in that they both are huge conflict avoiders. I think they both knew they wanted out long before they had their A's. They were simply afraid to confront the issue.

Don't let yourself fall back into the trap of anger and the "what if" cycle of torment. You and Holiday and Eibrab talked me out of that and you should know better! Now I am going to start on the MB bandwagon with you. You have been in a year long plan A with Midnight now and have ignored every suggestion to go into a real plan B by telling us about the business and how it would not be practical. Well if you ever hope to change what you are seeing you better get yourself into a real plan B fast. Hire someone to extricate you from the business, Let them see the checks to the Wanda's, or Bubbles or whatever the flavor of the week is. Remove yourself from his life and allow him to see what it will be without you in any way shape or form. Do it now! Have a purpose just as before when you were so positive and unangry. Only now it is to disapppear from his radar and create a void for him to feel. It also takes away his ability to send you nasty grams like the big check to OW#3. You sure those were not just "professional fees" by the way?

Start you mission of darkness today! No contact of any sort or nature is your goal.

Sleep is your friend and I am wishing you a sound and restful sleep tonight.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/14/06 01:49 AM
Hey Dukhuntr,

Thanks for your words of encouragement. I am married to a "Banana Head". I simply have to remember it. There is nothing he will do that isn't easily predictable.

Blue and I have been out the whole day. He has been to the puppy spa, now sleekly trimed, fragrantly floral, he is snoring at my feet. He finds the sheer tension of being shampooed, trimmed and fluffed, exhausting.

I have Harvey with Jimmy Stewart playing on the TV. It is my favourite movie. Jimmy gives an introduction in which he describes the six months he played the character on stage. Saturday afternoons the audience would be full of children - without fail by the second act, some kid would not be able to stand it anymore, stand up and shout "So where's the rabbit?"

There is another line of dialogue I really like. "Everyday is a beautiful day." This is profoundly true. I believe if we stay true to good intention - every thing works out for the best.

Walking on the beach last week, I found a bronze little lion incense burner that was washed up on the shore full of sand and grimy. It has cleaned up nicely. I bought some incense today. When I meditate at home I will burn it. I like the smell. Found objects are special, it is as though they were meant to be yours.

I also watched Fanny McPhee. I like kid flicks. I like Colin Firth - a winning combo!

Every life has challenges. You are overcoming yours. I will overcome mine. The trick is to keep the right mind set to enjoy the process...


Posted By: hoopsie Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/14/06 02:50 AM
Every life has challenges. You are overcoming yours. I will overcome mine. The trick is to keep the right mind set to enjoy the process...

I saw a wonderful article in Real Simple or O or one of those other beauty-shop magazines where they interviewed half a dozen 100-year-olds about their life, their experiences, their wisdom. They've gone through husbands, buried children, survived the Depression and wars, etc.

All their advice basically boiled down the things that a lot of us strive for: 1) don't sweat the small stuff; 2) you can't control what happens to you, but you can control how to respond; 3) anger is a waste of time; 4) don't take it all so seriously.

Similarly, I remember a Gail Sheehy book ("Passages," I think) where she talks about research into centenarians and their longevity. Apparently, a common thread with them is not health habits or wealth or race -- it is that many have a tremendous sense of humor about themselves. They have viewed life as a wonderful roller-coaster to be laughed at and relished. Your husband walk out? Savor the experience, get into it, laugh at yourself, and laugh at him. We're all gonna die in the end -- you, me, midnight, my H, his OW who hates me -- so don't take it all so seriously.

Easier said than done, LOL.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/14/06 03:33 PM
Hi Hoopsie,

What a lovely post! Thank you.

We are ALL on a rental program, the terms of our leases are always subject to change, yet as long as we are "renting" we can still have fun and enjoy the ride. I think as people age, they see their parents die, their friends pass - they know this to be profoundly true. What you know to be true - you live by.

It is windy and cold here today. I am off to the beach, then on to Mom's bearing gifts to take her out for a nice outing. To have fun!

Happy Mother's Day!

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/15/06 03:29 PM

I was up north for the weekend judging a show. It was long, very chilly and had some horses that I would have sworn were some of the best I've seen.

The poor animals were shivering, too.

I was a bit scared to leave.. not sure why. Alot of old feelings came rushing back...but I made it through.

You mentioned a Jimmy Stewart movie. When I was very young, my father had a large black stallion that he had carted back from California. He was the quietest, most gentle creature on this planet and I remember my first rides being astride this gentle soul. His name was Doctor Earl. He can be seen as Jimmey Stewart's mount in the movie entitled "The Cheyenne Social Club".. or wait, he might be Henry Fonda's in that one. Either way, he is the black four-legged star of that movie. Dad rescued him from the usual fate of horses that had become too old to be of service in that industry. He had a permanent lameness issue which prevented him from being too fast or overly animated. He was perfect for the stars who couldn't ride or had fear.
I have many pictures of myself as tiny child with Doc. Maybe I will show them to the ornery QT here and see if he understands that this whole process of getting along "can" happen.

The check was mean, Paradise... Or very stupid. Either word fits right now. May I add more a bit later when I can be kind?

God Bless you, my friend.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/16/06 04:56 AM
Hey Eibrab,

A gentle Hollywood star for a playmate, what a great memory. I will rent the movie and click on slow motion when he is on the screen - so I can admire his grace and presence. Knowing at that point in time, he had yet to meet the little girl who would still love him long after he had passed.

Putting a picture up of Doctor Earl, might be a great idea for QC - a role model of sorts. We all need them.

"Animals in Translation" by Temple Grandin has a wealth of information on animal psychology. Why they behave the way they do - often out of fear or too much isolation. They are much like people - they have problems adjusting to their challenges just like we do. It is a wonderful book.

Buddhists think animals re-incarnate too! I leave Dharma teachings on for Blue when I go out. "Listen carefully. Develop a compassionate heart. You could come back as a human and have your own dog and take him/her for lots of walks!" His compassion to other dogs needs work. Frankly, he is a toy thief.

I didn't work today. I took the day off and visited with my recovering friend. We lounged on her leather sofas and talked.

She was full of news.

Her neighbors - the couple with the two boys - where the Dad wants to be a woman are in the throes of his change over. He is wearing dresses, taking hormones, speaking in a very high voice.

I saw him leave for work. I am sorry for saying this but he is going to be one ugly woman. His wife stood in the doorway watching him go, looking pale and worn out. She has cut her hair really short. It doesn't suit her.

He must have just an overwhelming compulsion to drive him to change. Particularly a change that will be so difficult and fraught with hurt and social stigma.

People do unusual things.

Another couple we know, who have been married for a very long time have mystery vacations. Once a year the wife takes the husband blind folded to a secret holiday destination. Last year, they went to a nudist resort in the Caribbean. Yikes, I might want to leave the blind fold on! Even thinking about it - creates pictures I don't want in my head!

I saw my OW1 from a distance last week. It looks like she has put on a lot of weight - maybe 20 pounds or more. She has a different body shape. She must be unhappy. There is a Buddhist saying "That all the misery in the world comes from wanting happiness for your self and all the joy in the world comes from wanting happiness for others." It is true.

I am glad you are safely ensconced with your family, dogs, horses and turtles where you belong. Travel has appeal but coming home is what makes it wonderful.

Wishing you happiness...



I have created a spread sheet entitled "Midnight Madness" and accounted for the costs to date of Midnight's MLC. I didn't include all the trips because he would have done some normally. It is a growing number.

Eventually, this will all sort out - one way or another. I will be happy. Midnight will be happy hopefully and it will seem a dream. I find good portions of my life seem dream like now. They are past, present only in memory.

My Mom wants me to drive her to all the places she has lived. She is making a list. We will do road trips. Look at old houses. She will walk around them and remember dreams....


Just in from a walk with Blue in light sun showers. I look up from my desk and wow there is huge rainbow stretching out over my view. How cool is that! I ran and got my camera.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/17/06 10:33 PM

No rainbows today - heavy rain, thunder and lightening. I have had a grim, miserable day on all fronts.

I have been sitting quiet trying to tame my mind. There are no miserable days... only thoughts which label them that way.

My brother and I had a long talk today. He has been checking on my progress - detangling myself from Midnight financially. I am working steadily on it. It is just routine paperwork that somehow ends up being very emotionally draining.

I had to talk to Midnight several times to day - about the check and other issues. I find it difficult talking to him. I say very little. Only what is absolutely necessary. I am sure I sound polite, quiet and resigned.

I would love to go for a long walk. Unfortunately, Blue will not budge an inch from the front door when there is thunder or lightening about.

He and I were almost struck by lightening some years back. It was a spectacular storm, water gushed six feet in the air from the storm sewers. Lightening hit the ground perhaps 40 feet ahead of us. All my hair lifted in the static charge. Blue was some 16 feet ahead of me at full extension on his lead, prancing in the wind - exhilarated. He used to love a good storm. He must have felt the sheer force of it even more.

Now he looks at me like I am crazy for considering going out in such dangerous weather.

There is a wonderful scene in Sense and Sensibility where they are out walking trying to chase some blue sky. There is none to be found here today - only grey skies.

I think I will make tea. Tea always makes everything seem better.

If I still feel whiney after that.. I am going to wash all my floors on my hands and knees. I find washing floors really helpful in sending away all those whiney thoughts. Housework as therapy is underrated.

Somehow, it reminds me of my Nana. She would sit and read in the garden. Nearby she would keep a basin of cold water and face cloth. When we ran to her to ask her things and bother her - she would wash our faces, smiling sweetly. Soon we left her alone. Maybe I can train my pesky whiney thoughts the same way.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/18/06 04:22 AM


This news story was posted at fortysixty, by BAM. Very funny...

BALASORE (ORISSA): A man in Orissa has been living on a tree for the last 50 years after quarreling with his wife.

Gayadhar Parida, 83, a resident of Kuligaon village in this district, around 239 km from the state capital Bhubaneswar, left home after he had a quarrel with his wife around 50 years ago.

"We quarrelled over a tiny issue and that is why he left me and promised not to live with me and return home till his death. I have tried a lot and forced him to come back, but he has refused all the time." his wife said.

Since that day, Parida has been living in a makeshift shed on a tree, located half-a-kilometre from his house. The makeshift house, where he has been living is five feet above the ground. While many would consider this dangerous, Gayadhar feels quite safe.

However, Parida claims that this experience has led to his spiritual growth. "I had come to stay in the garden after disturbances with my wife surfaced. But after some days, I felt spiritualism had developed within my body."

According to Parida, he has often spent days and nights on the tree without any food, coming down only to take water from a pond in the garden.

"Earlier, I was staying on a mango tree nearly 15 feet above the ground, but when the tree collapsed in storm I came down and had to prepare a makeshift shed." He also added that many poisonous snakes often pass near him without causing any harm.

While Parida accepts food offered to him by family members, no amount of coaxing has convinced him to leave his "tree house" and live in a conventional home with his family.

Villagers claim that he has neither attended the wedding ceremony of his son, nor his grand daughter's.

He is also said to have braved all hardships and continued to stay in the garden despite the massive cyclone of 1999, which left thousands dead and devastated large parts of the state.

"I have gone to the garden several times to woo him back home, but he vehemently refused to return. Hurt and dejected, I had to come back home. I cried a lot but in vain," said 55-year-old Babula, Parida's only son.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/18/06 09:15 AM

I can't sleep. It is pitch black out. The streets are quiet. The dog is sleeping. Although if I open the fridge door I am sure he will bound out of bed.

I keep trying to view this as a challenge, not to be taken too seriously. You know going into marriage, either you will end up divorced, a widow or the deceased wife. I am glad I am not a widow nor the deceased wife!

I always assumed I would out live him. That I would live in a very tidy little apartment on my own, keeping busy. It was my comforting thought when I was stuck cleaning up after him. "When you're 84 and living in a pin neat place by your self. You will miss the mess”

I do miss the mess. I am not 84.

I find I groan a lot these days. It is a low soft growly groan in the bottom of my throat. I no longer cry, but when out walking or lying in the tub soaking in hot water, or sometimes just sitting, I will groan. Sort of like, yikes, I'm 51, I have been married so long - I don't know how not to be married. This is hard.

On the plus side, I have not been living in a tree for 50 years.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/19/06 01:50 AM

Just in from a long beach walk with Blue, we ran into my film making buddy, she and I had a wonderful long talk together. She has been divorced twice. She married individuals with addictions similar in profile to her Dad. She went for counseling on why she kept getting involved with men who hurt her. With a lot of hard work, she lost the preference and has lived for many years with a wonderful, articulate man - who is a great cook and whom she cherishes.

She thinks it will take me 7 years to get over it. With each 7 year period of your life, all the cells in your body replace themselves. Sharing an existence with someone imprints on you at a cellular level. She says that it took that long for her to get over her second husband; the smell of him, knowing what his skin felt like.

Cells do have memories, I remember reading about a middle age woman who received a teen age boy's heart. He loved chicken fingers. She developed constant cravings for chicken fingers and found out later why. It was his heart's wish.

It is a discouraging concept. Made worst by the fact that I know I still love my husband. I have so few adult memories that he is not part of.

She also thinks men are wimps about death. Women are the care givers, the life givers, it is more our providence. Some men lose it when faced with their own mortality. She has seen many MLCs. They are messy and expensive by definition. I grumbled that he seemed so over me. While I was having trouble letting go. She says she doubts it very much. If he was over me there would be no rubbing my nose in it over and over again.

While she was sharing her wonderful insight, one of her three hounds ate a live mouse.

The mouse legs kicking while dangling from the dog's jaws made my stomach shift. The dog thought it was yummy, she chomped it down and then ran up to put her paws on my chest and give me big wet dead mouse smooch. No thanks!

My friend looked grim " For sure she will be sick and I am going to have to clean up dog puke with dead mouse bits in it!" I smiled at her, glad Blue was such a fastidious eater.

Driving home I had a flat tire. I am a 51 year old woman who has never changed a tire. I looked at it with interest, got out my cell phone and very nice young man came in a tow truck to change it for me. I watched carefully.

Waiting for him I sat in the car and thought about my friend’s words. Her counseling taught her that we make our own lives. I believe this. We think things into existence, or allow them to happen to us.

There is a great quote someone emailed yesterday:

"The most splendid future will always depend upon the necessity of releasing the past."

This is true of whatever course you take, working things out together or moving on alone.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/19/06 03:23 AM
Evening Paradise!

Sorry I haven't checked in in a while. Been busy out in the back yard. I think my previous estimate of the projects duration was optimistic to say the least. I could work out there full time for several months to get it where I see it going. I may have to pick my battles this year and get the rest next summer.

Golf has become fun again! Last summer I just did not have the energy or the concentration to play very well and if I can't play up to my own standards it's just not much fun anymore. I'd rather not play than to depress myself about something else. I think most of the change now is because I can hold a thought long enough to get around the course reasonably well. Even if things go poorly I usually manage to regroup and get back on track. That would never have happened this time last year.

I hope your friends estimate of seven years is on the pessimistic side! The blind date has fizzled out on me too. She saw the same thing the Safari girl saw. Too much left over from the EX! I think it's time for duk to go back to just taking care of duk and son for a good long while. Golf, fishing, and trip to S.F. to watch the Giants are all coming up in June. We leave for the Deschutes to go for the week long fishing trip the first week in June. Yes, I have acquired several crab trap buoys to attach to my bag so we can find it if it hits the river again! The guides will appreciate the humor I'm sure! We are also having some shirts made that say "Redside Blues Swim and Salvage Team" just to wear to the river when we meet the guides. We may pay for it later - they do all the cooking! Redside is a reference to the fish in the Deschutes. Redside Rainbow Trout. The "Blues" refers to two things, the first is a song one of our guys came up with after a few too many one night on the river. Stupid, but funny after enough cocktails. The other is a poem a guy in our group wrote a few years ago using the same title and it is a dandy. It describes our anticipation and excitement as the week approaches each year as well as it can be in the written word. We all have it framed and hanging somewhere in our homes.

I hope you took notes on changing the tire! Before I let my daughter ever drive I made her change a tire just for that reason. You need to be able to find the spare, the lug wrench and the jack just in case Murphy's law comes into play once in your life. You can do it too! I'm not saying you need to do it next time, just be a little more prepared "in case". I hope you tipped the poor guy at least!

Have a great weekend and I will check in again soon.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/19/06 05:27 PM
Hey Dukhuntr,

Thanks for your update.

Trips with friends are always wonderful and anticipation is often the best part. How does the poem go?

Speaking of looking forward to time away. I am all packed for a road trip. It is a long weekend here. Blue is wearing a Canada Flag bandana and we are off to celebrate Queen Victoria day! There will be fireworks, hot dogs I am sure somewhere. Blue likes hot dogs. Things to look forward to. I will tell him all about it on the drive up.

I am invited to two cottages and then I will stop in and take Mom to dinner on the way home.

Last week, when we were driving, Mom started to read all the signs we passed. My Dad did that at the very beginning of his decline. Sitting in her driveway after she had gone in, I put my head on the steering wheel for a while - feeling sad. Getting old is not for wussies.

However it is much happier than the alternative!

Wishing you well, happy and a green thumb!

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/22/06 03:46 AM

I hope we find you safely at home soon.

I am thinking fondly of you.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/23/06 03:57 AM

We are just back from a three day road trip. Blue likes visiting friends. It usually means good dinners!

The scenery was spectacular.

We spent last night in a little wood cottage on a lake sans a working furnace, water and power, watching King Kong on a small battery operated DVD player by candlelight. I kept falling asleep and my girlfriend's kids would wake me up, "Quick look there are slugs with teeth!"

During the night, I stoked the fire, hopping back under the covers as quickly as possible. It was cold. From my nest of sleeping bags, I could see the lake shrouded in mist under a moonlit star studded sky. Stunningly beautiful.

We had snow one morning. It thinly coated very green trees and disappeared in hours, the last breath of winter.

Washing in icy water, I thought of the many May 24 weekends Midnight and I would make bets on who would jump in first. I always won easily. He would seldom pay up!

Somehow I didn't miss him as much this trip. I am getting use to being on my own.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/24/06 04:42 AM
Hi Eibrab,

I have been thinking of you and QC. Wondering if you two have connected, come to understand each other and learned that difficult lesson of mutual respect.

Being ornery somehow is linked to how QC sees the world.

Temple Grandin is autistic - she thinks in pictures much like she believes animals do. When they think fear, they may see whatever it is they are frightened of in their head - a waking nightmare.

We would learn so much if for a moment we could see the world through the eyes of animals. I wonder what Blue really thinks of me?

For the unlucky now throughly digested mouse of last week, it must have been utterly terrifying. First the furiously digging paws that laid waste to its home, then the jaws of death.

I imagine him/her sharply tapping me on the shoulder, saying " you think you have had it rough lately. No one is going to chomp your head off !"

Wishing you well and happy...

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/25/06 12:05 AM
Hi Paradise,

I'm glad to hear you had a nice trip. You sound good. As for what Blue thinks of you I will not go there. I'm sure he thought better of you before he became your version of a Barbie Doll. I'm sure he believes he is in charge of your household and that he is king of the roost now that he ran off the other male that was a fly in the ointment. From the sound of it he may not be that far off base in his beliefs!

Flowers are beginning to piss me off! One plant grows and prospers and his roommate next door bought at the same time looks like a two day old salad in a dumpster. Same exposure same bedding same everything. I had no idea this would consume and entertain me so much. I actually missed a golf game to plant a new section. I am a certifiable whack job now!

Being alone does grow on you doesn't it? I still ruminate occasionally about what she is doing and her well being but I really think I have shut the door on her forever finally. It makes me feel guilty and disloyal sometimes but thinking about re-entering her life and her family's sounds excruciatingly painful now. I am enjoying my new lifestyle and even if it's alone it's still peaceful and relaxed. I hope you too will soon feel this in your life. Contentment, confidence and happiness are all headed your way. Be patient and let it happen.

Have a drink for me tonight and sleep well!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/25/06 02:10 AM

Hey Dukhuntr,

Gardening slowly but surely becomes enthralling. Somehow like magic you can make wonderful things appear. It is thrilling in an everyday way.

You sound more and more content. It makes me happy. So nice to leave behind all those stressful anguished heart ripped out feelings. Peaceful is good.

We walked back from the beach tonight. We hopped a bus there on the spur of the moment, to find I had only big bills. The driver gave us a free ride! Dinner was a small fries, washed down by a gratis root beer! Free stuff! Always makes me smile !

For me the beach makes every day better and works a similar healing transformation as perhaps your garden does for you. Today was stressful, a decision made last August has come back to haunt us. Someone told me that making complex decisions when you are in the midst of turmoil is not a good idea. He was right. It will take me a while to work it all out. Somehow sitting at the beach looking at the water I always know – everything will work out.

I am having cocoa. It is my drink of choice at night these days. I make it with boiling water, pure Dutch cocoa powder and a squirt of Nestlé’s chocolate syrup. It has become a ritual. Just like walking around and putting everything away before I go to bed.

I have been thinking of mandalas today. They are intricate, grain by grain works of sand art that Buddhists spend sometimes weeks creating, and then destroy in moments to remind themselves of the impermanent nature of our existence and all the things we attach ourselves to. It is to discipline their perspective on what is important in life in their eyes which is to be compassionate. I have been working on my compassion. It is helping me with the anger. It dissolves it and I feel better.

Blue is the undisputed king of the roost these days. He had a haute cuisine dinner, steak sliced thickly, arranged in a teepee over kibble dribbled with soup. When he really likes his dinner he jumps in the bed and prances around under the duvet, and digs! Apparently tonight’s menu was up to scratch!

Wishing that all your flowers bloom!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/26/06 03:06 AM


Midnight and I went to the beach today, we walked and talked about the company mostly for quite awhile, joking about two funny and not so funny muck ups.

Then stopped in for lunch, at a nearby pub, the first meal we have shared in 11 months. I was amazed at how comfortable it was. Blue was ecstatic. He grinned ear to ear - the entire time: looking at Mommy; looking at Daddy; looking at Mommy; looking at Daddy.

Midnight has not been well. He has a rash on his abdomen, plus something wrong with his stomach. It is sore and tender. He is going to the doctor tomorrow. He must be worried about it. He hates doctors.

He had Steven Johnson Syndrome some years back and was dangerously ill. I nursed him at home through it when he should have been in a sterile burn unit. It took us 5 hospital visits, five different specialists and 11 days to get the correct diagnoses. Rashes can escalate to the point of being life threatening with this allergic condition.

He has consistent trouble sleeping well. He wakes up many times during the night. Me too! I wonder if we wake up at the same time. We use to do that a lot, impossible to know.

He is looking a lot older and very concerned about it. He has been working hard.

When I asked him if he was happier. He said he thought so. He didn't ask me if I was happier.

His focus is still on having the perfect bachelor pad. He has found a perfect couch for one of his rooms! It is on sale and a pittance apparently; he didn’t buy it because he was worried I wouldn’t view it positively! He is right.

He has had advice from an attorney on the proper protocol for the separation of assets. There is a game plan. The end goal is not to be married to me and keep as much stuff as possible I suspect.

Although, today he looked like a wind up toy, that is winding down. For the first time in a long time his speed of talking was normal, not racing.

He seemed lost, lonely and tired. Not the giddy, loopy, foggy, “it’s my party and I’ll screw around if I want to, screw around if I want to ….” alien, I have been dealing with!
Posted By: maril Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/26/06 02:23 PM
these are very worrying signs. Watch out for the depression.

Good Luck!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/27/06 04:05 AM

Dinner was tuna on crackers washed down by 2 rum and cokes slowly enjoyed while curled up watching films.

I tried renting a movie where I normally go, only to be told by the sales clerk, that my husband was in just a moment ago with a “colleague”. She doesn’t know we split. He rented the one remaining copy of what I wanted to see – Kingdom of Heaven.

Blue and I went elsewhere opting instead for Rumor Has It and Transamerica. I didn’t’ want to watch the same movie he was watching with someone else, home alone.

Proximity sucks.

I have been invited to a barbeque Saturday night. By oversight, OW1 was also invited. Her name was on the email list close to mine. I begged off saying I had a prior engagement, as did she. She shouldn’t really be eating barbequed foods these days! (How catty! I find I journal differently after two rum and cokes!)

The hostess emailed me confidentially to tell me she wasn’t coming. Would I please come? I still said no – opting for zero chance of being in the same room with her.

Midnight has shingles. I was smiling when I typed that sentence. Very un-buddhist!
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/27/06 06:45 AM
Evening Paradise,

You finally took me up on the suggestion to have a drink huh? I may regret ever saying that. Smiling at Midnight's misfortune is very un-paradise like yes, but it is human and totally acceptable in my opinion. I'm hoping he gets a horrific case of jock itch to go with it!

I know I'm preaching again but do think about going completely dark on Midnight. It works wonders, I know from experience.

I made a bad mistake tonight myself. I took my daughter and her SO out to celebrate tonight. He just got a teaching job after finishing his student teaching last week. A friend of mine runs a charter school here and told me she was hiring some new teachers. I mentioned him and was told they only hire experienced teachers. After some begging and pleading on my part he got an interview and lo and behold he was hired. I made some big points with my daughter for a change. My "mistake" was going by the EX's apartment after dinner on the way home. Normally not a problem because it's tucked in off the street. Tonight though the OM's truck was out front hitched up to a ski boat. EX never liked boats and seeing this only made my mid start flipping over nothing. I hope they both get rained on or even better snowed on. Good chance of both here tomorrow.

If you don't see this stuff or hear about it it sure doesn't hurt like running headlong into it. Going dark has it's definite advantages.

SLeep well and think of sandy beaches and tropical drinks!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/28/06 12:56 AM

Hi Dukhuntr,

I am really glad your son snagged a job he is happy with. It is important to like what you do. We spend so much time at it.

You are right. The Harleys are right. Pepperband is right. A perfect Plan B is critical. It keeps you safe from disillusionment. Persistent alien contact – wears out love. No more drive bys for you!

It is gorgeous summer evening here. I should be out. I am made up and dressed to go out.

I could be at a large party or out at a jazz performance with several friends or visiting another friend, eating take out, gardening – even doing a sleep over in her lovely house. Hubby is away. I would get an update on her news.

Hearing about the little day to day happenings in everyone’s life is absorbing. People tell me the most extraordinary things. One day, I counted the number of strangers I talked to in my travels during a day. To count as a conversation there had to be several sentences not just a hello. I lost track after 43.

Yet I feel glued to my chair ready to opt for another quiet night - curling up with a copy of Thinking in Pictures by Temple Grandin or crawling into bed early.

My whole week was about dealing with factors beyond my control. I still feel like a dish rag from it.

After 9/11, I remember sitting in a reception waiting area, waiting for a tense client meeting, knowing my whole month’s agenda had dramatically changed on a dime because of a cave dwelling fanatic I will never meet.

We are so connected.

Someone can sneeze in Hong Kong besides someone else who gets on a plane to Canada who dies in days, ends many other lives, creates a medical crisis (SARS) and costs the province billions.

Several weeks ago, a government clerk, probably in New Delhi, wrote a poorly worded tax information circular that set off a wave of panic selling dropping their stock exchange by a cumulative 25% over several days. Amazing! They have posted guards on the canals and bridges. He impacted my week. I wonder what he is thinking right now. I am sure not happy thoughts.

Wishing you both well and a happy holiday!


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/28/06 01:59 AM
We are so connected.

Oh, but we are, aren't we?

No truer words have ever been typed.

I like to think of the positive connections...especially at trying times. I hope that I am the one who smiles and greets a stranger with respect, when they thought today wasn't worth living and no one cared.

I like to be the one who plucks that baby mallard duck from his tiny leg being stuck in a drain (true) as his mother yelled at me.. I hope she was yelling nice things.

I like to be the one to quietly place another few dollars on the cash register for the child who didn't quite have enough.

Nice connections that make me feel better about my hard days...

Yesterday it was a year to the date of a very hard day for my family. We are so new in this healing. I haven't handled myself well.

I was judging a horseshow on 9/11, Paradise. The whole lot of us had no idea what was going on for a few hours. We were all so self-absorbed in our competitions. It took me almost ten hours to make it to a television to see the footage. I sometimes wonder if I was the slowest one in the world to see all the pain with my eyes.

I am proud that even a tragedy can bring a connection.. one that goes from bad to good in realizing unity amongst strangers.

I think the connection that this discussion thread brings has impact around the world.

Paradise, I hope this holiday finds you standing a bit taller knowing so.


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/28/06 02:06 AM
Paradise and Dukhunter..

For your entertainment.. I would like to note that a certain very tall black gelding is now rather rideable and enjoying his submission... and to the delight of the seven already here.. a new adult female tortoise who needed a home has joined the herd.

She goes by the name of Mildred and came with half of a cantelope. Her initial offering made her quite popular with the hometown crowd.

Big Smiles and fond rememberences this holiday..


PS Dukhunter..."drivebys" are so very human.. I have thought of doing so many a time...and at some point tossing protections bought at a drugstore out the side window for strategic placement on the front lawn. Human, we are all so human...
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/29/06 06:17 AM
Hi Eibrab,

Sadly the moments we all stop, think the same thing, feel our oneness, our humanity are invariably due to someone’s inhumanity rendering shock and horror.

You are so right. The only answer is kindness. I think deep down we all know it

Helping baby ducks! Sparing change! Smiling! Easing the tension in a big horse or in a husband who has made a mistake! Making sure your kids have their Dad even though it is a painful road!

Each and every time we think a good thought it changes the world to some degree. If only to the extent it changes us.

Wishing you peace and many good thoughts..…



Gorgeous steamy hot weather, everyone was out. Blue and I were at the beach early to watch the mist burn off the water. I drank Starbucks coffee, while Taj Mahal crooned in my ear “Is the Goddess in the House Tonight!”

We played hide and seek. I hide. Blue seeks. He always finds me. Although some times I give him a clue, like “Over here, Blue!” Before he changes course, sharply banking like a 747, to zoom in full speed. A joyous barky reunion ensues – “I found you Mom! You know I always find you!”

A shocking crime has ignited our little beach community. There are signs posted. Heads are shaking. Chins are waging.

The concrete foundation for a commemorative bench to mark the passing of a lovely woman was vandalized. The culprit has been harshly criticized, in large print. His response flippantly cites Joni Mitchell lyrics in larger print. Both are pegged to a fence surrounding the concrete slab – which now woefully bears the words “Dogs Rule” etched deep into the concrete.

I tore myself away from the gossip and wide eyed milling throng – to get on with chores. While standing at the cash to pay for my Mom’s groceries, a subtitle on the cover of O Magazine caught my eye. “A Lonely Woman’s Guide to Getting Back in the Game!” I sighed and put it the cart.

We do more girly things together – now Dad is gone - trips to the salon, poodling around kind of shopping. Today she bought a swanky embroidered jean jacket. I bought a candle embedded with seashells that reminded me of the beach.

On the way home, I stopped in at my girl friend’s, with a pizza in hand. To sit by her pool, drink wine and watch her children cavort with their friends. Her nine year old son told of a cupcake war that was waged at a backyard birthday party he was at today.

I smiled feeling sympathy for the poor mother who foolishly invited 22 young boys to vandalize her home and heedless destroy dozens of painstakingly decorated Martha Stewart little masterpieces, by smearing them in each other’s faces and shoving them down each other’s shirts. There was icing behind his ear and fun in his voice.

Blue supervised everything and everyone the entire day. He swam at the beach. He swam at the pool. He ate a grilled burger cooked just for him. No sauce. No bun. He is now collapsed at my feet – a tired but happy dog.

Dogs Rule!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/30/06 04:48 AM

I treated 3 friends to a play tonight. We had great seats. Sitting directly next to me was a six foot plus, well built man dressed up pretty much like Cher. Taken aback for a millisecond, I smiled and immediately started to chat.

I have never actually talked to a transvestite before. He was a professional ballet dancer until he was 28, a close friend of one of the male dancers in the show. He had a great tiger print leather bag, fabulous turquoise jewelry and I suspect at least two sets of false eyelashes on. His face was heavily made up to almost stage makeup.

His ensemble was fetching. Although his choice of perfume, sorely lacked subtlety. He used his program like a fan, short quick feminine swishes of the wrist.

I sensed a lot of pain underneath that heavily powdered, painted exterior. In a way I found him very brave. It must be challenging when your true self makes others stare at you.

At the end of the day we are all who we are. Travelers each trying to find their way.

Getting up to go, I thanked him for chatting with me, patted his arm, and whispered in his ear “You’re not dull."
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/31/06 06:00 AM

It is late and I can't sleep. I am sitting at my desk looking out at a pitch black vista. I like the quietness of late at night. Everyone is tucked in bed, dreaming their dreams.

I was out tonight with a friend. We saw Over the Hedge. I not sure I will ever out grow my fondness for cartoons. She likes them too.

We ate dinner later at a steakhouse, talking, joking with the waiter. He is from a little town in Nova Scotia and told us what it was like growing up there. His wife is expecting their first baby next week. We debated the merit of little girl names as they have yet to decide on one, Emma, Lauren, Tara, Samantha. I suggested Paradise. He liked it!

Journaling is comforting. This weekend I plan to read this thread from the beginning. It will help me remember and show me how much I have healed.

Getting ready tonight, putting on my jewelry, I looked at our wedding bands.

Midnight's simple gold band is wearable but severely bent out of shape! It caught a lip on a ladder and he dangled from it some 25 feet in the air. He was not sure whether it caused him to slip or saved him from falling. I like to think it saved him from falling.

My band is a hand made interlinking puzzle of a white gold band and a yellow gold band. If you know how to twist them, they fit together and you cannot take them apart. They both sat lightly in my hand – almost a metaphor of our marriage.

I lost my original wedding band. It matched Midnight's. It was big and slipped off my finger.

He bought me the new one for Christmas one year when we were saving for a house and supposedly not buying each other presents - just stockings. I had admired it in a store window and found it wrapped up prettily at the bottom of my stocking. I remember squealing when I opened the little box.

It helps to remember the happy squeals, the laughing moments… it keeps the balance.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/31/06 06:50 AM

This was an entry posted by Brumby over on Fortysixty. I found it interesting. He describes what it is like from the MLCer's point of view.


By Brumby

I posted something like this on another site previously.

I think my situation is a "little" different. I am 47, married 22 yrs and lived together 24.
Kids are almost 21 and 18. My MLC has been a a gradual thing over many years. I have
always had a deep sense of my mortality that has only gotten worse over time. Most
people would regard my marriage as successful. I get on well with my wife. We talk a lot and
laugh a lot. Our kids are fantastic. I love them deeply and tell them so. We are
financially secure but after the kids leave (1 daughter left) we know we are in for
a period of readjustment. My wife had a very brief affair more than 8 years ago which
did hurt me but i understood then and now that it was because i had pushed her away. She
is a v. affectionate person who has built her world around me and when that world went
cold i could not blame her.

Since then we have been great. I totally admire this woman.
She is absolutely the best person i have ever known yet still i yearn for something even
more. What i have been searching for is i suppose the kind of thing that many people-
especially *women* want implicitly- total abandonment to another person almost to the
edge of reason. A love that is absolutely beyond control. Where there is no choice. For me
this is the whole reason for existence. And to this point in my life, i sense that i have lived
a kind of happy compromise that has worked in the conventional sense, but which
i fear comes nowhere near the intensity and rapture that is possible.

Yes i would be shattered if anything ever happened
to my wife or kids, but without this experience at least once in my life i feel that
i have only been going through the motions. As if my life is unauthentic and lived
by habit and conformity.And no, despite how well i get on with my wife i do not think
i will ever have this feeling for her- although i think in many ways that this is still the
feeling that she has for me. And i could no more hurt this woman than i could shoot my
own mother.

I am on the threshold of an OW scenario too. This girl is 25 and impressionable. I feel
so pathetic. If there is no fool like an old fool, then that's me. I don't understand how
i can even have these thoughts. It's so ridiculous, yet they exist. And almost to the
edge of my control. I am so classic MLC now that everyone notices and says so. I wake up
at 3.00am thinking about this girl. The world dissolves when she walks into my office.
I toss in bed for hrs and then go for a run at 5.00am. 3 miles in the
dark- anything to get it out of my head. I hit the gymn, go swimming. All of this
intensity is new to me and people notice. My wife asks me if i have a girlfriend and i
say no, but my heart says different.

Physically i am good. I'm fit and strong.
competitive again, wearing jeans and t-shirts i haven't worn in 15 years. Sex with
my wife is OK. It's relaxed and comfortable and she enjoys it a great deal even though
in erectile terms i have problems now.

I have a long family history with anxiety and probably mild depression. But i'm not
interested in medication. A couple of years ago i had a kind of OW situation too where
i was besotted with a married woman. I confessed my feelings to her but she handled
it well since she was in a stable marriage and not interested in me anyway. Luckily
no damage was done and i accepted it well. Of course these current feelings could just
be more of the same.

My anxieties came to a head about a year ago when i was having
physical symptoms like burning feet. A quack Dr. started investigations for peripheral
neuropathy- which is something that only a sadist could wish on anyone and that
precipated a week long "crash". I have always been able to work despite these things
so i suppose on an absolute scale they are relatively minor. Somehow each day i've
done what's needed to be done no matter how empty i am. I treated myself for this
anxiety with relax tapes and breathing exercises that quickly fixed the hyperventilation
that was causing the physical symptoms.

My wife and kids clearly know something is wrong. This all coincides now with the
impending departure in 6 months of my daughter. This will hit me very hard. when my
son left it i remember sitting on the couch and wondering "what now?". On the surface
they understand that i need change after the kids have gone. I have lived in this
town for 12 years and i desperately want to go overseas to work or do something different.
My wife is less keen but has agreed that i should go overseas for 6 months next year
to kind of scout for job possibilities. So i'm gonna be a kind of 48 year old backpacker
through asia. I suppose i'm just treating the symptoms with this plan.

I know in 20 years or so i will be dead, disabled, sick or half the man i am now. I
know that i want to know this kind of love at least once before i die and i cannot tell
my wife that i have never loved her in this way- even though i suspect this is
precisely how she has loved me. I cannot cause this kind of pain to her. I would
prefer her to believe that i did indeed love her like this but that it has changed.
I could never harm her to the extent that she believed she has wasted her life with me.
I know this feeling and it is beyond me to inflict it on someone else, let alone the
woman whom i have shared 24 years of my life with through thick and thin.

I think some of my anxieties have also been accelerated by some close calls- an aircraft
crash and near drowning in the last 5 years. Whatever else it does, my frenetic
exercise has helped my anxiety and depression. I DO face most days optimistically
and expecially so since i negotiated this period to myself- something we can afford
to do and also something i feel utterly compelled to do.

But until that happens the situation with possible OW is killing me. I am not trying
to demonstrate my virility. I am not interested in mere sex. Absolutely the opposite.
It wouldn't even bother me if there were no sex.
I can't even begin to explain the effect this girl has on me. It's a dream. That
combination of beauty, youth and relative innocence. There are times when i would
trash my life in an instant just to say what i feel. But i'm just an old grey haired

One part of me says it would simply destroy my life and that of everyone i have
ever cared about. Another part says, without this, your life is destroyed anyway.

If you have lived your life on rails as i have- shouldered every responsibility (and
believe me not many men would do ALL the night feeds for their babies, cook
and shop for 15 years and hold down a job etc etc)- then you begin to wonder what
freefall is like. What would it be like to abandon yourself to something so intense
that you have no control of it? What would it be like to be immersed so closely
that YOU, this person and the world disappears for a microsecond of bliss?

How would it feel if the dozens of parameters, cares, concerns, factors and other
people's needs just left you for a while? What would it be like to tear up the timetable
and schedule of your life, put it in the bottom drawer and walk out on the highway to
hitch a ride and see what happens?

The carpet of tax returns, paperwork, plans and receipts are guaranteed to follow you
to the hospice and ultimately the grave. What are you looking for? Permanence? Everything
you are and ever will be will one day be taken from you. But you think i should have a "to do"
list that takes me right up to the door of the crematorium? For what?

Haven't i done enough? Children and hospitals. Jobs that suck. Bosses that suck bigger.
Dreams parked permanently. Yes we all worked hard. I can blame no-one. Everyone did
their share. But i can't take this deal to the grave. I love the family we created. And
the last thing i want is to cause them pain.

But each day i deal with the pain of watching another day that could have been filled
with hope or a new adventure just disappear in a smear of sameness and daily

To my wife i say: your friends and phone calls, lunches and chats. The dozens of people
who stop you in the street to reminisce the last 40 years. This is you. It fills you up and
makes you glad. The little social intricacies that make up your day. The gossip mill and mesh
of people you know simply ARE YOU! All of this provides meaning to your life. Even the
trips to hospital to see the dead and dying are part of this context which you accept
without even an eyeblink. Where is the horizon in this world? For God's sake where is the
passion and excitement, the simple oxygen that tells you that despite your fate, right now
you are ALIVE. The sun rises and it IS beautiful. It's not just another camera snapshot.
Why the ^&&* can't you taste the salt of the sea?

But I cannot stay on this treadmill to nowhere. Do you want me as that neutered cat- fat,
happy and harmless on the sofa? Doing nothing all day. A world made up of 4 walls and
some phone calls. TV and a retirement diet of game shows. A BS vacation with others
further up in God's waiting room? Yeah i'm really looking forward to it.

How did i forget that something gave me breath and an entire earth to walk upon? How
did i forget that a to do list can include climbing the pyramids- without an oxygen bottle?
How did i forget that in planning and saving for the future i was mortgaging today?

Truly i regret nothing. I did what i thought was best at the time- knowing what i knew and
i would not change it for anything.

But that was then and this is now. The only now i have left. You want me to line up with the
rest of them at the firing squad. We can converse with others as we all move patiently
up the queue.

No. Not me. Not ever. I know you love me and in my own way i have definitely loved
you. Sometimes in words but always in actions. And maybe our ways were different.
I am sorry if there has been an imbalance in the ways and depth of how we have loved.
I hope i never have to tell you that. I hope you believe forever that for all that time
my love for you was endless. I don't believe it was. Perhaps i compromised too much
and i truly pray that you never come to see your life with me as a compromise
even if it is perhaps the truth. And always telling the truth is BS no matter what they
say. In the last few minutes of your life I'm going to tell you your son has died?
Yeah right. Some things are beyond bearing and knowing you, i know which ones would
be. You deserve to believe that for a time i loved you beyond the limits of human reason.

I deserve to believe that such a thing is possible, even if i have never experienced it.

Where we go from here is beyond knowing.
Posted By: hoopsie Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/31/06 02:45 PM
That was an interesting look into the mind of a MLCer. It makes me wonder how much of MLC is culturally determined by our affluent, leisurely, youth-oriented society -- in other words, does a 48-year-old peasant somewhere in a developing country get hit with the feeling that life is passing him by, or is he too busy with the struggle for survival to dream about "passion" and dumping his wife while he goes for a three-mile run?

If the writer lived in a culture where age and wisdom and experience was celebrated and venerated by his community, would he still be so frightened of aging? Would he see "youth and innocence" as something desirable, or would he find it horrifying to go back to a state of callow youthfulness? If meaning were found in the passing on of his wisdom and the fulfillment of his responsibilities, not in the running away from them? If he sees his future as a doddering shuffleboard player ignored by everyone, no wonder he anxiously dreads it.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/01/06 02:11 PM
Hi Hoopsie,

Your comments are appreciated. I wonder too, how much is related to just being spoiled by having more than we need. When I read Brumby’s post, I suspect it would capture how Midnight feels pretty well.

It leaves me sad and frustrated.

He tells people "She is just a terrific person, but we grew apart..." He is right. We did grow apart. He just noticed before I did.

I spent the morning in court over the traffic accident I was in last fall. The taxi driver was visiting his sick mother in Calgary, his wife sat in his stead in the courtroom, garbed in traditional dress. They asked for an adjournment for family reasons.

I felt sorry for her.

It must have caused hardship for their family. Not withstanding that, ignoring a police officer, totaling another person's car, injuring them and their dog, merited at least an " Are you O.K?, not the stream of verbal abuse he hurled at the officer."

I have never been to criminal court before. It was interesting. I was frisked. Standing there in my little Ann Taylor suit being searched for firearms! A funny picture!

Got go back to work...

Wishing you well and happy...

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/02/06 02:51 AM

I read the copied post with great interest. He seems so human. It makes me very sad.

Yesterday I saw the MOW with the child at a school function. The child is now a year old, no younger siblings were supposed to be present.

I don't think that my son was aware.

The complete lack of any respect that this woman has shown for me and my children baffles and hurts me to the core. I would never, ever be so cruel.

I'm dealing.

Two days ago I found a small, mostly featherless bird at the door of my truck. Not a soul around either human or avian. I suspect it was a gift from a grinning bulldog.

I've called it Help, as I feel that is what he was screetching at me. He lives in a bucket and eats soaked horse pellets, bread and milk and the occasional bite of a breakfast muffin.

He's a loud, noisey, demanding guest. He's quite funny. However, in the middle of the night last night..I truly wish the dogs had carried him up into the bank barn with their other treasures.

Bulldogs are not very smart... or maybe they are.

God Bless you,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/02/06 04:19 PM
Hi Eibrab,

Your OW has been hurt deeply too. People in pain are confused. They do horrible things trying to spread around their grief and anguish in a vain attempt to lighten their own load - that only in the end increases it. We are connected. You cannot hurt someone else without hurting yourself.

She must feel used and abandoned. You won the prize. It cannot be easy for her to look at your husband’s child every day and know that he is with you.

You know in your heart, the best way to deal with it is to work on feeling compassion for her. It will diffuse your anger, heal your hurt and render you protected from any harm she is trying to cause by allowing you to see her as she truly is – a confused human in pain. We could nick name her Chip – referring to both her state of being and what is riding on her shoulder.

Your clever bulldog saw you were upset and decuded to cheer you up with a present that would distract and amuse you. He sounds like a card!

Everything on this planet that lives and breathes seems to have a personality. I will be waiting to hear all about Help's.

Wishing you strength, patience and humor. All of which you already have in abundance!

I will wish her wisdom and the ability to adapt to her situation without trying to cause more pain.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/03/06 04:40 AM


Last night I was at a swanky business dinner, I sat with the guest speaker, a sharp quick witted man. Being able to spend time with people who make you think is a gift. Working on my own more of late, I realize how much I miss that kind of interaction. He flies to Dubai and Moscow every month. I was about to envy him when I remembered from my years of business travel that he probably gets to see absolutely nothing but the inside of airport terminals, his hotel rooms and a variety of offices.

Tonight I joined two girlfriends for Indian food. Blue waited on the patio while we drank lassies and ate lamb. He loves lamb preferring his without curried spices.

They went on to a show. Blue and I kicked around, shopped a little. We came home with a new Cesaria Evora CD.

As I move though the crowds, I like to watch people, noticing how they pull themselves together, how they move through space, wearing their thoughts on their faces, how they look and talk to each other. It is like floating in consciousness in a way.

In a book store tonight, I had a lively chat about Bordeaux wines with a gentleman who stopped to pet Blue. He brought over his two daughters and wife to meet Blue and I. His daughters were dressed in tutus. They were adorable. Oh for the days, when you can get up and say I feel like wearing my tutu!

It poured rain on the way home. We did a quick two step all the way back to land in a puddle of dripping clothes, packages and dripping dog in the foyer. I still miss coming home to someone. It is always so quiet when you open the door. No sounds of life.

Midnight no longer occupies my waking thoughts these days. My mind seems to have moved on. My heart is lingering.

I keep reading Brumby’s post over and over again. Sorry to say this, he doesn’t sound like someone you would want to be married to.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/04/06 09:51 AM

It is just breaking dawn here, there are soft gray shadows appearing in an indigo sky. Blue is snoring at my feet.

I can’t sleep. So I decided to work instead. Now I can’t work. Focusing is hard. I am not sure whether it is my marriage breaking up. Or whether this is the menopausal brain pudding phenomena, I have heard my friends talk about.

I sorely hope it goes away what ever it is. I like to focus.

Yesterday, we visited Mom, took her out for lunch and successfully acquired appropriately padded undergarments! It was hilarious! On the way home, Blue and I walked in a wonderful formal garden that had many dwarf lilac bushes in full bloom. The scent was sublime, a garden after a heavy rain full of lilac, I wish they could put it in a bottle.

The sky is a soft gray blue now. The birds have woken up. I find adapting to single life very lonely at times. Journaling helps. Somehow, voicing one’s thoughts creates company in a way, the semblance of a conversation.

I’ve been thinking of Eibrab’s Help, wondering what he is saying when he squawks so loudly, probably snitching on the Bulldog, telling a tale of abduction, a family lost, terror at being carried by a carnivore with big teeth and oh by the way can I have another bite of that delicious muffin! Perhaps the two of them will bond and clearly show the world that differences are as important as similarities.

Dukhuntr’s garden must be slowly taking form. I hope there are lilacs, irises and pansies galore! All heartache is hard. I pray that his will ebb away like a tide. However, if we were never heart sick, it would be unlikely that we ever loved; pain is the price of admission to the love matinee!
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/05/06 01:08 AM

"Chip"... I both like it and hate it.

I'm not one for hating anything, but I must admit that your advice and wish for compassion on my part is a very hard pill to swallow. I've done nothing here...not one word of anger has been directed towards this woman.

I want so much to direct something her way. Her behavior all along warrants it.

It hurts.

My Help is thriving. I had a weekend very busy at a show, where my wonderful son took charge of a small avian creature with a bottomless pit for a stomach. He is almost fully covered with feathers and has nothing useful to say to either bulldog or the elderly corgi who checks in on him.

My son had him in the tortoise pen made of concrete block, where he could hop a bit and not be bothered. He is in for the night. He is a noisey, obnoxious creature whom I really am growing quite fond of.

Funny, isn't it?

I hear him calling even now.

Many Blessings,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/05/06 03:05 AM
Hi Eibrab,

I know well the anger, hurt, humiliation, sense of violation/betrayal and at some level fear that someone can cause you - who seems to be actively trying to destroy what you hold most dear.

Those feelings are so human, so unavoidable in certain situations. They make you suffer. They are excruciating.

Compassion releases you. It protects you. It allows you the freedom to go on with your life unaffected, happy, fully present. It is the surest path to minimizing the effect she has on your life, on your family and on your future.

It is a very hard pill to swallow. Yet it will make YOU feel so much better. It does not matter how badly she behaves, how manipulative, how deceitful, how vicious, how cruel. That is her burden. You can lighten yours. Just let her go, wish her well. She has her own path to find. By hating her you keep her close to your heart and allow her to hurt you more.

The things we think about create our every day reality. If you stop thinking about her - she will cease to exist in your life. Letting go of the negative emotions that connect you to her can best be done through compassion and a determined effort to free your mind of her - period.

Wishing you compassion and the release it will bring you with all my heart...


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/07/06 03:27 AM

A busy few days, Midnight was on a road trip south of the border somewhere with Amy - incommunicado on no notice which made my life frustrating because I needed his imput on several matters.

At a cocktail reception last night I talked to two women who have been MLCed! Apparently making off with all the wrinkle cream has been done before! They were both able to laugh about it. One designs her ex-husband's new girlfriend's jewelry! Business is business apparently. The point is they were living, breathing, fun having, walking about, examples that show me - it will get much better.

I went on to my Buddhist class. We do visualization exercises. In sports the same principal is used to improve performance. It applies to all human experience or endeavor.

Doing it daily allows you to define in pictures the; who, where, what, how of your life or someone else's life - kind of wishing good things for someone with pictures in your mind.

Thoughts affect our lives and the lives of the people we think about - each thought is a little reality making mechanism. Think positive - life is abundant and joyous. Think negative - misfortune abounds.

Tonight I had dinner with my film making buddy. She is a lively conversationalist, an articulate, well educated, creative, insightful, wise spirit. We laugh alot.

She prompts me to say things without thinking. I hardly ever do that. I always think first. However, those moments of truth where something just blurts out from your most inner self can change your life.

She always leaves me with lots to think about. Again, being with people who make you think is a gift.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/09/06 04:02 AM
Evening Paradise!

Home from the Deschutes dry and all worn out this year! Slow fishing for most of the group, I somehow managed to catch at least as many as usual if not more. Larger fish this year too. Did nothing to endear me to the other seven friends/fishermen. It did mean that the drinks flowed even more than usual. A great trip in every way though. We fished both the Deschutes and the Metolius in central Oregon. Good weather and no glitches this year.

This flower bed stuff is for the birds, all I did all the way home is worry that the kids forgot to water. Must have been a premonition, half wilted and dry upon arrival. You would think that between a 24yr old and a 22yr old they could cope wouldn't you? I have a wide variety of flowers and all are okay now. I know I have snapdragons, marigolds,poppies, petunias, and some I didn't even bother to identify, no pansies or irises that I know of. I just liked the way they looked. We'll get technical when we get a little better at keeping them healthier.

I'm glad to see you talking to Eibrab about compassion and letting go of the negatives. It's so true and and good self therapy too!

Eibrab, I know from experience how hard this living around the OW stuff is. Just imagine how hard it is with my EX still with the OM. Even harder when some well intentioned friend lets you know what they saw recently! I politely tell them never to tell me this stuff anymore, it still hurts a litte for sure. I'm doing the same as you, immerse ourselves in work or play or whatever we can to think a little less each day about the past. In my case it's finally working, I think from the sound of it it works for you too. We all still have a bad day or week, so build on the good days and weeks now.

Have a great day tomorrow all!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/09/06 05:56 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

I am glad you are home safe. Somehow, being part of nature brings you back to who and what you really are - a part of nature. Time with friends, simply spent days, surrounded by God's beauty in still moments of wonder, a great deal even without the fish!

Gardening seems to be getting in your blood. Worry and preoccupation forewarn of nights of passion fueling dreams of water features, waterfalls, rock gardens!. No more nightmares of the ex that leave you clenched with rage - just visions of lily pads and fat gold fish swirling around, lazing in the sun looking up at you with bold eyes saying "Yo Dad, where is dinner?"

Letting go of the past and living in the present mindful of each moment is so much easier to say than do. I try very hard and often fail. Late at night, I switch from trying to sleep, to puttering, to just accepting that every room feels lonely because I feel lonely.

I picked up a gratitude rock today on the beach. I was watching a film called the Secret (hoaky but many vaild thoughts), there was an example shown of how being grateful is important to understanding the potential in your life. So now I carry around a lovely black granite pebble in my pocket or bag. Whenever, I touch it I remember to say a prayer of thanks. We can make ourselves so unhappy if we don’t focus on how much we have to be happy about. Gardens, nongarden watering children, a dog named Jamie and friends who fish without complaining when you reel in the big ones!

Sending you happy thoughts..

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/10/06 05:23 AM

Just in from a dinner party, at a friend of a friend's home, on a summer night with velvet breezes. There is a big pizza pie moon hanging close to the horizon like a child’s toy.

She lives in a part of town I don't know well. Blue and I enjoyed a pre-dinner walk, following in the wake of his bouncing trot, ramrod straight tail, I wondered what he was thinking. There are moments when I can guess and moments of mystery.

She made very yummy ribs, we talked, drank wine, laughed and I am embarrassed to say, I fell asleep! I have had a very tiring, stressful two weeks, the food, the wine, and the very comfy sofa knocked me out. My two girlfriends threw a throw over me and just continued to chat. Sleeping surrounded by the sounds of soft conversation - is comforting. It reminded me of when I was young and would fall asleep to the sound of my parents chatting.

I slept for perhaps an hour, Blue crawled on top of me and commenced a face wash as though to say, “Mom, you’re being rude, wake up and be sociable.” We did coffee, desert, more conversation, photo albums, toyed with the idea of scrabble but decided it was too late. The night passed quickly. The hostess is older than I am by 18 years; she has been married for 48 years. She thinks marriage gets harder as time passes because you gradually change as time cumulates the changes cumulate too.

A simple thing, spending time with friends. Without question, invariably the best part of my day.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/13/06 04:36 AM

Blue and I are just in from a walk by the yacht basin, a big huge yellow moon hung precariously low in the sky, the air smelled of summer.

My single life is starting to agree me. I have been out enjoying myself with nary a hurt thought in the mix.

It was a great weekend.

Yesterday after brunch with friends, we went to a psychic fair charity event, kind of silly, but fun. My tarot card reader was a professor of communication at a local college in real life, he was charming. I am to meet a sensual, exotic passionate male within either 10 weeks or 10 months. Getting the timing right apparently is tough.

It made me laugh. I will diarize that one!

Life goes on... As Nana would say it is always what you make it.

I stopped in to see Mom today. She is looking very frail, but sporting her new summer duds, with undergarments that render a fetching profile, pleased with the overall effect and smiling her same old smile...

In yoga and Buddhism, smiling is a practice. You make yourself smile whether or not you feel like it and in turn it lifts your mood/spirit.

My view of the world has been changing. Now to me it seems a much stranger, more magical place than I ever imagined. There is always something to smile about.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/14/06 02:23 AM
Evening Paradise,

Not having the best of weeks here. The man that they are looking for in connection with the shooting of a Judge here in Reno has been a friend of mine since Little League. They also just came out and said they found his soon to be EX dead in his garage. I feel terrible just thinking about it. I remember those kinds of thoughts from a year ago and it makes me feel guilty now just remembering my thoughts.

Thinking about inflicting such pain and suffering and actually doing it are light years apart but it really hits home when you know someone who has gone over the edge. I hope he finds peace soon before he hurts anyone else. Darren was a gifted athlete and very bright individual. I would never have believed he could lose it in the way he apparently has. My hunch is that he is down at our duck club pondering his own fate. I know he will not allow himself to be tried and convicted. I just pray he doesn't hurt anyone else from here on out.

This is bothering me so much I have made an appointment to start therapy again. I thought I was coping well lately, but I didn't sleep much last night and I can't get my mind off of what has happened so back I go. I did have a nice conversation with DD about all of this and I managed to thank her again for being there for me when I needed her and keeping me from doing something stupid like this myself. Her response was to remind me that Darren's kids are now orphans just like DD and DS would have been if I had become so overwraught. She is angry at Darren for this reason alone. The children deserve to have their parents, both of them.

Sleep well we could be in a much worse place as this proves so clearly! Give Blue an extra treat for me tonight.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/14/06 02:40 AM

Mom was off to get a pedicure this morning and took a tumble. She was rushed by ambulance to the hospital. They called Midnight first, he gave them my cell number. I've spent the day and evening in the emergency ward. Blue lazed in the shade in the car with frequent walks and many drinks of water.

She is home now. Bruises every where but nothing was broken. I offered to bring her home with me. She declined. She didn't want to be under foot. I set up a respite room at a near by retirement home. She considered it but in the end just wanted a grilled cheese sandwich and her own bed. I will check on her tomorrow.

She is a very independent strong woman trapped in frail little body. She had a cute doctor. She teased him. Her flirty humor was fully intact. I could learn a thing or two from my mother. She still has what can only be described as feminine wiles!

I thought Midnight would call to see how she was. The hospital told him about the fall and that she conscious but nothing else. It is what friends do. He hasn't called. He doesn't care about her or me and it hurts. I had a lump in my throat and teary eyes the entire drive home.

Part of my heart has this vague hope that he will snap out of it. The sweet attentive man I married will come home, make a huge bowl of popcorn, turn on the Star Trek reruns and start teasing the dog.

He won't be.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/14/06 02:43 AM

I'm speechless. May we thank God, your family and Paradise here for the strength that seperates you from Darren.

I have struggles of my own. We all do. We all understand desperation. Many prayers...many.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/14/06 03:05 AM
Yowser Dukhuntr,

What a horrible mess.

I will light candles and do a ton glen practice for him, his family and those he has harmed tonight before I go to sleep.

It makes you realize how lucky you are to have such a quick thinking daughter. There are moments when anyone can lose it completely; you don't realize it until life happens to take you there.

Any benefit to letting the police know you suspect where he might be? They may be able to get there before he does himself harm.

Scary isn't it. How in a moment, lives are shattered, a persona transformed from smart well liked father to mad man.

Sending you sympathy...

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/15/06 12:03 AM
Evening Guys,

Well if the newspaper has their facts straight I have really lost touch with who my friend Darren is. According to our paper today he was using "aggressive legal manuvers" ie. bankruptcy to freeze out his the soon to be EX in addition to regularly participating in swingers conventions with the woman of the day. Not the person I remember and not someone to spend too much time worrying about. I haven't seen much of him in the last couple of years with all of my stuff going on so this comes as a bit of a shock.

Thanks for the support and for thinking and praying for him and those he has hurt. I hope he has calmed down and can see a way to find peace for himself. If the stories are correct I fear for anyone who confronts him. Hopefully he finds a hole and climbs in until rationality reappears in his life.

Have a pleasant night and think positive thoughts for a peaceful ending to this nightmare.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/15/06 02:59 AM

I am so very sorry that I neglected to ask about your Mother. I must have missed that post.

I also missed your sadness in the revelation of it all. I am so sorry my dear friend. If I could offer you a positive thought... it is that I have found that most dogs adore popcorn, too.

My Help is doing well. He flies and returns to an open cage. He is an extreme nuisance and we love him.

I have been thinking very often of your advice regarding the "Chip" in my life. I'd like to vent... I'd like to try. Sometimes I fear the lack of composure..

I go to bed tonight with prayers for a speedy recovery for your Mother as well as being most thankful that all emergency room doctors must be handsome. It would be no fun to be physically miserable and have to look at scenery that was strictly common. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Many Blessings,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/15/06 03:49 AM
Hi Eibrab,

An open cage could be just other words for home. I can picture him fluttering here and there while being loud and bossy. A kind of male thing to do!

Mom is well. She is a trooper who never complains. I have scolded her for not wearing flat shoes. Heels are not shoes for octogenarians. She begs to differ!

I think I am mourning my marriage in layers of suspended disbelief. As each peels away a deeper layer of acceptance emerges. It leaves me feeling raw, vulnerable, alone and bewildered. Surely it cannot be the same man! How could someone change that much?

I think you want the Chip out of your life, which means you have to stop thinking about her, so much easier said than done.

Compassion works like brain relaxer. For example, say you are gripping a glass shard so tightly it is cutting your hand. Your fingers have locked up and you cannot move them. It hurts. Compassion lets everything go with a blessing. Your fingers relax you drop the glass. It stops hurting.

When dealing with the OW you need to drop the glass. OWs invariably get hurt too. It is the nature of situation. Let go of the anger, hurt, pain, hate, prejudice; all the things that act like jagged little edges in your mind. Give yourself the peace of mind you deserve. Only you can do it.

Blue and I will be rooting for you.


PS He loves popcorn. If there was a doggie popcorn catching league, he would make first draft!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/15/06 04:07 AM

Hey Dukhuntr,

You sound much better tonight. Over the fear, of what might have happened, triggered by your poor friend's tragic horror. I said another prayer for him tonight, so sick, so lost.

By contrast, your life must seem blessed. Your children, your home, your job, your dog - all there for you to enjoy, not tossed away in a hailstorm of emotion.

How is the garden coming? I like the idea of you puttering, planting, carefully watering tender young plants. Gardening is calming. It gives back.

Sleep well. Take a break from the newspapers. They are umhappy reading at the best of times.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/16/06 02:33 AM

I was out with a friend to see the DaVinci Code tonight. It was entertaining. I found the book quite readable. I brought it to Cuba with me. My brother borrowed it. He is a book snob. I teased him about enjoying it. He couldn't put it down!

We walked for a bit afterwards nursing coffees. She chatted about her life. I am good listener, my role by choice. I wonder where we would all be if there were no friends to pour our hearts out to. They are the gate way to reason, love, acceptance, understanding.

The Buddhists think we are fundamentally one. So you can't be alone really - metaphysically speaking. When I turn my key in the door, and my voice echoes greetings to only the dog. It sure feels alone.

I am going to bed early tonight. After a hot bath, I will curl up with a new book. How Dogs Think, by Stanley Coren. Blue will stretch out beside me back to back, and drool slightly on my pillow. I will read interesting tid bits to him and he will say very little.

He is sitting here, whining/yowling loudly, his chest heaving and his face distraught with untold sorrow. He wants to play. Only a rousing game of who has the slipper will do!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/17/06 02:31 PM

Blue and I are packed for an impromptu road trip. I returned a call early this morning and was invited up to a friend's cottage. Not a second passed before I said yes. We are having a fine sunny summer weekend. I have great music packed. It should be a fun trip.

Wishing everyone well and happy...

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/19/06 03:43 AM
Evening Paradise,

It's good to hear you taking advantage of every opportunity to enjoy your friends. I should have known you of all people would have a tremendous support system of friends to count on. Take advantage of every offer like this, good times with good friends are a treasure and should always be enjoyed if possible.

I just returned from a Father's Day weekend with my kids and my parents, camping in the Sierra's. We had a feast last night and then spent the evening talking and enjoying a moonless star filled sky around a warming campfire. Safari Girl was there too. Her sister and her sister's fiance camp in the same place and they came over and joined us at the campfire. Today I took my daughter out fishing and we caught several large trout. Her boyfriend was catching all the fish and Jessica would not let us quit until she had caught at least as many and preferably the biggest too! She did it in the last few minutes. 4lbs of trout and a really big smile! The best present she could have given me today!

I hope your trip was as enjoyable as mine and that you made a lasting memory for youself that was as positive as mine. I will be doing it again Friday when we leave to watch three nights of Giant's baseball in San Francisco. Old friends, Giant's baseball, rooms on Union Square, and so many bars! I just hope I do have memories after the trip and not just a bad hangover!

Have a great week! You too Eibrab! Get to writing some more, I am still wondering how the turtle stud farm is working out.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/19/06 05:16 AM
Eh Dukhuntr,

It sounds like you had a fabulous weekend! Fishing, camping, eating, drinking, chatting- with family and friends in fine weather - the kind of memories that are life's most precious currency. Particularly to be treasured now because they give you a glimpse of your life going forward that is not cast in the shadow of loss.

Safari Girl seems to share all your interests and she goes to all the places you go to. Hmmmmm! If it is co-incidence – it is a telling co-incidence!

San Francisco will be wonderful too. I particularly liked Telegraph Hill with its spectacular view and peaceful feel. It is a great walking town if you have the legs for the hills!

Blue and I enjoyed our cottage visit this week end immensely. The weather was superb. We went for boat rides, sat on the dock, swam, eat great grilled steak, talked, and sipped very smooth rum and lovely red wine.

The only tiny, tiny, tiny drawback was I was visiting the couple where the husband is learning guitar. He is the same chap that cleared out my chalet living room in less than four minutes last winter. I bit the entire inside of my cheek - in an effort not to start giggling at his cat tail caught in a door caterwauling. It was more difficult this time around because my discipline and self control dramatically diminish after two rum and cokes.

I think his wife must truly love him. She sits with a happy smile, tapping her toe to his screechy wailing with no hint that she is finding it painful. To not find his playing and worst yet his singing excruciating - would require being stone deaf. She is not deaf.

She did retire early and I hastily agreed that all the fresh air was making me sleepy too. We left him, looking crestfallen and disappointed that he no longer had a willing audience.

Friends are a treasure – even when they are off key!


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/19/06 05:30 PM
Hey Paradise,

My only thought after reading that was that a good friend would buy him a harmonica too!!!!

Glad to hear you had a good time even if your auditory senses were assaulted. It is weird how Safari Girl fits in so well isn't it? I just wish she were as interested as I was. She seemed much more at ease with me this weekend and I even gave her a ride up and back to the Lake because her sister does not come thru town on the way. So maybe there is a glimmer of interest there. I may have been the problem before. I was pushing for more than she was willing to give in terms of time and intimacy. Maybe a three month break did some good for both of us. We fished together too and she seemed to have a good time so we'll just have to wait and see I guess.

I dated a gal recently and I now have a sense for how it feels to have someone cling a little more tightly than you are ready for. My son calls her "the stalker" already and leaves the house when she shows up unannounced only to call me to come do something with him to get me away from her. Mind you I have only gone out with her twice on "dates". Not a pleasant experience for sure. A nice gal but she is going thru a rough time in her life and sees me as a safe haven and solution to her issues. I am trying to back out as nicely as possible but it is proving very difficult to break away in this manner.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/20/06 03:30 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Funny, Saturday night sitting in their screened in porch, I had that very thought. I wonder if a harmonica would lessen the torture! In the end I decided I could not willingly be party to offering even the most modest musical encouragement to someone who should simply "...step back from the guitar."

Trusting your heart to someone who has just had a very long term marriage end badly - is a risky proposition. I do not blame Safari Girl for wanting to move slowly. Still there does seem to be interest on her part. Otherwise you would not keep running into her. I would be confident and friendly but give her lots of space.

It is a lovely summer night here. Blue and I are just in from our before bed stroll. The streets are alive with people enjoying the balmy weather.

Mondays are dharma nights. I always come away in a more relaxed frame of mind.

It is amazing how we manage to fill our thoughts with worry. We worry when we do have things. We worry when they are taken away. We worry. Walking tonight, I decided not to worry anymore. It just keeps your brain so busy it stops focusing on the big important questions.

Like what game do Blue and I play before bed... indoor soccer anyone?

Wishing you well and happy...

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/20/06 06:14 AM
Hi Paradise,

You are both wise and funny! "Step back" had me in hysterics! Maybe you and some of your more musically inclined friends should do an "intervention" in the name of musical appreciation for the neighbors. Burn his guitar for music lovers everywhere. Hang his pictures in music shops around town with a warning attached not to enable his misguided efforts ever again. No sense only doing something half hearted is there?

You are 100% spot on about worry. Worry never solved anything. All it does is cloud judgement and create doubt and insecurity.

My biggest worry now is how to kill the little bugs that seem resistent to commercial sprays for flowers. Some nasty little bugs are getting to my flower barrels and ruining my handiwork! I have tried everything to the point I worry the cure is doing the damage. A mystery is afoot for sure. One plant is fine and her next door neighbor looks like leftover chop-suey. Green still, but half eaten and semi-digested. Other than that I have been amazed by the results so far. Even plants left over from several years ago and untended for two years are blooming. I had to have DD come over and identify what it was she planted before she moved out.

Simple things provide so much pleasure and occupy a deranged mind for countless hours of thoughtless bliss. I would have never believed it before that I could enjoy this so much. I even wonder now what my neighbors and my daughter think when I cut a small bouquet from the yard and deliver them to be enjoyed by others. I'd be willing to bet they think I have completely lost it!!! Not typical Duk behavior.

Speaking of what the neighbors are thinking, I can only imagine yours are wondering every night as you and Blue end the day. WHAT IS THE CRAZY WOMAN NEXT DOOR DOING NOW????? They are probably worried about poor Blue's safety and well being. But what do they know, right! Have a great day tomorrow and "no worries mate" will be the thought for the day.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/21/06 03:03 AM

Hey Dukhuntr,

Just in from a nice night out. I had dinner with my film making buddy tonight. We are doing Tuesday night dinner together. Tonight we had seaweed salad with lotus sprouts! It was yummy!

She has been caring for a life long girl friend (Mimi) who has cancer and will probably die before the end of the summer. Mimi is 54 and has been a doctor for 25 years. Eight of her women friends basically organize her life and structure her care by way of a complicated schedule of tasks and responsibilities.

Women friends are awesome!

I will do a ton glen practice for her before I go to bed. It will be very tough on her friends when she goes. They love her dearly.

Blue and I picked up some movies on the way home. Two dog flicks - Eight Below and Quill. Blue likes a good dog story. He sat quiet all through dinner and deserved the treat.

One of my friends with a magnificent often photographed and televised garden: says there is nothing else in the world that makes her feel more accomplished or smart. Even though she thinks the plants do all the work really and she just gets the credit for it. It still leaves her breathless, that she has a hand in something that is so miraculous.

There would be gardening clubs in your town no doubt full of countless nice accomplished women. They may even be able to debug your garden.

Romance and aphids! It could work!

Wishing you well and happy!

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/21/06 05:42 AM
Hey Paradise,

Just in from the Reno Rodeo. My friends bought the Presidents box tonight on family night and invited me. 12 of us sat directly above the chutes and it was magnificent to see!

The power of the animals is beyond belief and free booze and food all night goes a long way too!!!!! Did I mention the Jack Daniels girls? What a night of absolute fun. My son took us over and brought us home thank goodness. No way any of us was driving.

Don't mention the word aphids, I hate those pests!!!! Barely able to see them anymore and they cause so much damage for such little critters. Well it's off to bed for Duk. I still have to work tomorrow and right now I am doubting if I can make it. Way too much to drink and too excited to go right to bed. I hope my spelling is okay I am not going to edit tonight in any way shape or form.

I thought of Eibrab with evry ride during the saddle bronc contest and the bareback competition. Rough looking stock but so athletic! Just drunk enough to think I could do that just once! I bounce well if lubricated well enough!!!!!!

PLeasant dreams!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/22/06 03:35 AM
Hey Dukhunter,

Chute seats at the rodeo, flitting to San Francisco for the weekend, camping under the Sierra sky, your life has been on the upswing lately! It sounds like you had a great time even without the Jack Daniels girls!

Having fun is good for the soul, it lifts you up, makes you better company, healthier. When you are having fun, you know you are doing something right.

I am really happy to hear fun in your posts.

I had fun tonight too. I am on social whirl these days. I don't have a free evening till this time next week. Today I booked off early and spent some time lazing around a pool with two of my oldest friends, we made minty summer cocktails, snacked, talked, laughed a lot and swam for about an hour. Later over dinner at a very, very fine bistro we laughed more. Blue peered in the window at us, wondering what was so funny.

We have long hard winters up here. When the weather is this nice, it is like magic is happening, velvety warm breezes laden with the scent of flowers - awesome. I look down at my sandals and painted toes and can’t remember wearing thick boots and struggling through heavy snow.

Wishing you fun... and the good sense to stay off those rodeo broncos!

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/22/06 06:49 AM
Hi Paradise,

Sounds like you are having fun your own self. Amazing thing, the human spirit isn't it. It can weather just about any storm if given the time and space to do so.

I feel free, happy and comfortable most days now. A far cry from a year ago this time. That is not to say I still don't think about her or what went on. As a matter of fact I spent a good portion of today thinking about the A and it's aftermath. Post binge depression I guess. It passes fairly quickly now thank god! Too many things to see and do yet for this dukhuntr. And new and old friends to talk to and play with. I feel fortunate now that I did rush thru the D. Holding off would have only served to prolong the agony I think.

Enjoy the weather and the good company you are keeping. Have a mimosa for me while you are at it. I will be sure to hoist some sort of libation in your honor at Lefty O'Douls in the city while I am there. Give Blue a hug for me tonight.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/24/06 06:41 AM

Hey Dukhuntr,

Thanks for your encouragement. It does get better as the months roll by doesn't it. Perspective returns. A new normal emerges.

Right now I suspect you are on your way to San Francisco!
I will be looking for a happy update on your trip!



Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/26/06 09:24 AM

It is perhaps an hour from dawn, and I can't sleep. Every once and awhile, somehow sleep just doesn't happen.

Midnight has Blue this weekend. I miss the dog terribly, getting comfortable without my furry, snorting, snoring, four paws in the air, pal was impossible tonight.

The weekend was upbeat, a nice lively dinner party, a quick trip out of town for a sleep over at a friend’s, a fabulous garden tour plus a lovely leisurely outdoor backyard lunch. It was great. I met several new couples I really liked. My friends are all couples. I know few singles. I am the odd plate these days.

At lunch we told jokes, my favorite was:

"What did the Dalai Lama say to the hot dog vendor?

Make me one with everything!"

One of my friends said to me. “It is funny. Some people you will meet and then careen off like a pinball never to see or hear from again. While others meld into your existence till they are at your very core interwoven into your memories, character, family, hopes, dreams, heart aches. Over decades friendship mellows into kinship when you are extraordinarily lucky. “

I am extraordinarily lucky.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/26/06 10:24 AM

These were posted over on forty sity... by q mom 2 and new outlook. Very funny...

A guy was sitting quietly reading his paper when his wife walked up
behind him and whacked him on the head with a magazine.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"That was for the piece of paper in your pants pocket with the name
Mary Lou written on it," she replied.

"Two weeks ago when I went to the races, Mary Lou was the name of one
of the horses I bet on," he explained.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry," she said. "I should have known there was a good

Three days later he was watching a ballgame on TV when she walked up
and hit him in the head again, this time with the iron skillet, which
knocked him out cold. When he came to, he asked, "What the ****** was
that for?"

She replied, "Your horse called."

Nationally Syndicated Columnist

1. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

2. If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be "meetings."

3. There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."

4. You should not confuse your career with your life.

5. Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.

6. Never lick a steak knife.

7. The most destructive force in the universe is gossip.

8. You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time.

9. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she's pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.

10. There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age eleven.

11. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we ALL believe that we are above average drivers.

12. A person, who is nice to you, but rude to a waiter, is not a nice person (This is very important. Pay attention. It never fails.)

13. Your friends love you anyway.

14. Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic.

15. Thought for the day: Men are like fine wine. They start out as grapes, and it's up to the women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/26/06 03:07 PM
Good Morning Paradise!

A great weekend by all accounts. Two great baseball games and one mediocre one. The trip went perfectly. Good to great weather and some great friends to enjoy it with. I even made a new friend during the trip. Hillary from Virginia was at our hotel for a business conference by herself and we semi-adopted her for the weekend. Bar hopping, meals and everything but the baseball. She didn't have time to go to the games. Gave us some excuse about having to do a presentation and had to WORK!

Glad to hear your weekend went well to. You seem to be emerging as a regular social butterfly. Couldn't happen to a better person. Keep after it you deserve to be happy and vibrant. I will elaborate more tonight, work today is a struggle.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/28/06 06:46 PM
Hey PB,

I have been struggling with my moods lately and spending a lot of time thinking about my EX. I'm not sure exactly why but I think I have finally come to the point in my own life where I don't want her back. I never thought I could say this but I think it is what is making me so irritable.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I have lived the last 15 month's thinking I would somehow and in someway have an opportunity to show her how much she meant to me and that I really did want her back. Now I am sure I do not, at least not the person she has become. I know it would take more than she has ever shown herself capable of to confront the issues we have to face to start over. Given her family and their own issues I just don't see this ever happening.

I think all of my issues lately are due to grieving over something I didn't ever get a chance to address with her. Not being able to communicate between the two of us started way back when she chose to hide the fact that her brother had comitted the credit card fraud on us, in addition to everyone else close to him, including his 90yr old Grandmother. Once she started down this path of deception no matter how well intended it spiraled out of control. You really can't have deep and meaningful conversations if you are afraid of letting something slip that will let a secret out of the bag.

So why does this make me feel so bad? Am I a failure for giving up completely? Do I owe her more than this? Do I owe my kids a better effort to put our family back together? At this point I feel I owe myself some peace of mind and a fresh start on a life on my own. I think this is making me feel guilty in some way and I don't care for the feeeling at all.

You have listened to me for almost a year now, what do you see in my thinking(or lack thereof)?
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/28/06 07:25 PM
PB and Duk...

I want so much to chat about Duk's rodeo, and all of the goings-on with Paradise. I never miss a day.

BTW, Duk... I have over 470 Andy Pettitte cards.. plus one Roy Oswalt.

I have discovered recently some new lies and renewed contact between my H and the MOW. I have been less than able to type..

May I ask for strength and prayer ? Prayer in any and all religion. He has suggested that I move on. He simply told me that "I" am the unhappy one.

It's hard. I've tried very hard.

God Bless you all.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/28/06 11:10 PM
Duk and Eibrab,

Yowser! Two huge posts to think on.

Sorry, Duk, I have been caught up with work stuff and am now on my way to a function.

Eibrab, I will be praying for your strength ever constant within you to give you faith, starting now...

Please remember the same portion of our brains lights up with both sexual attraction/infatuation as does with crack cocaine. No small wonder - it makes people do and say CRAZY. Remember that he is no different than an addict feeding a chemical habit. Keep your cool.

You have tried too hard and too long to lose your family now.

Do not take him seriously!

Selling up and moving should be taken seriously. We didn't and it was a mistake!

Dry your eyes sweetie.... you have some serious cool chick stuff to do. Take those bulldogs for a long bow legged waddle and remember how wonderful you are. Your dogs know it. Your children know it. Your horses know it. Your turtles know it. Help knows it! There is no question in my mind that somewhere, in your hubby's addled brain, he knows it too. What ever he says right now does not relate to you! It relates to only his trying to cope with an irrational destructive addiction.

I will be back a bit later.

Posted By: had1 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/29/06 12:23 AM
Well i do not feel alone sorry we all have to find this crap out i have been together for nine yrs and my spouse went las vegas to find this bum then she lie to me when i found a small note then i found a email letter and boom i lost it i email that letter to all her family and a friend and paster and im being blame because because of my anger in our relationship.
the worest part is our kids thier acting out and they miss daddy alot. i miss them and my spouse because i love her so much and she would not help me out with my problems.
now we are apart and its sucks. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/29/06 04:36 AM

I feel even worse now! Here I am complaining about feeling guilty and you have all of this going on. I will do a little wishful and positive thinking for you too. Vent here and let us help you if you get the time. I will be here until Saturday morning and then gone fishing until Tuesday night. I will be checking in regularly so if you want to converse fire away.

I seriously hope you are not a Yankee fan! Pettite and Oswalt are great players when in the proper uniforms-- anything except pinstripes!!! I PERSONALLY DETEST THE YANKEES! My Giants did okay for the weekend but lost a series to the A's at home. Missed catching a Bonds homerun by 10ft, could have contended for it but it was Saturday hangover day in the centerfield bleachers. Nobody was moving fast enough to give chase. None of us are that fond of Bonds anyway. My friend Mark was really bad Friday night. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom around 3:00am(an hour after we came in) and when he reached down to flush he realized he was in the hallway, not the bathroom. After several minutes of frantic knocking I finally heard him and let him in. He will be hearing about that one for a long time!

Being the Nevada rednecks we are, it was a learning experience for us in the Bay area this weekend. Sunday was the Gay Pride Parade. Us good'ole boys are not accustomed to alternate relationships being so prominately and outrageously displayed. I thought Mark was going to have a seizure in the bar on Saturday night when the most spectacularly dressed queen I have ever seen came in and sat down next to us. I thought it was hilarious. I don't have any hangups or fears myself, but Mark's facial expressions were worth the trip all by themselves!

I will be using PB's positive thought process for you all week!! Think positive yourself!!!!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/29/06 08:15 AM

Hi Had1,

I am so sorry you are here. It is a miserable thing to go through. You are definitely in the right place for help and advice. Many posters on this site have successfully overcome infidelity.

There is much more traffic on the General Question II forum, posting your circumstance there will allow you to solicit help from a broader spectrum of experience.

I would read everything on this site as a starter. The Harley books are a good beginning point.

Anger is the toughest part of dealing with this challenge. You will be in my prayers.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/29/06 08:32 AM

Hi Duk,

Detaching is how humans survive loss. I would not feel guilty about it. I would keep clear of your wife as much as humanly possible. A strong Plan B will enhance the possibility of you keeping a more positive perspective on her and the relationship you shared. Positive is just so much easier than negative. Negative is brutally difficult, it warps you in painful ways that make life less.

You friend's hallway escapade brought to mind a favorite story of mine that I think epitomizes gracious hospitality.

A friend of ours, was in the Buffalo area for a sailing regatta. He was staying with a nice couple in their lovely home from the Buffalo yacht club. He had met the husband but had gone to sleep before the wife came home late from a business trip.

She awoke in the middle of the night to find him nude, standing near the foot of her bed, peeing on the shoes in her closet! She quietly awoke her husband and they guided my friend back to bed. Never mentioning it again! "Darling who is that naked man peeing on my shoes?"

I am so glad you enjoyed San Francisco. I really liked it too. We spent a wonderful day in Sonoma County touring vineyards. I have a denim apron to prove it. It was like a little piece of heaven on earth!

Sweet Dreams..

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/29/06 09:20 AM
Dear Eibrab,

I have had a busy night, throughout the mingling, sipping wine and general business and market chatter - you have been in my thoughts and prayers.

The truth that I can offer you that I am most confident in: is that relationships that are based on deceit are never happy or healthy. Nor do they tend to last. Honesty is the basis for understanding. Without it there is only confusion and delusion.

The deceit, lies, destructive MOW contact, defensive criticism of you - just shows how confused he is. He is a CHIP! He wants more than he can have and runs the danger of losing everything.

Frankly - men in this state are pernicious, irksome and rather loathsome and entirely not worth listening too. So don’t listen.

If he refuses to commit to his family and marriage, then I think you need to cobble out a Plan B of sorts given your circumstances. Do not leave the family home. Seek legal counsel right away. Know your options. Do not make it easy. I made it very easy for Midnight to go because I could not bear the thought of being with someone who didn’t want to be with me. A silly attitude – when in fact men in this state are too crazy to know what they want. It is really like dealing with some one with mental illness you have to protect them from themselves! They are in self destruct mode.

I will be praying, and visualizing you as a strong, patient, wise, funny, understanding, accomplished beautiful superb rider astride an untrusty steed whose happy marriage is just around the bend in the road.

I would suggest you visualize him as a recalcitrant, unkind, knock kneed, sag backed, slow witted, donkey eared, goony horse… that has shown potential!

Often it is the rider not the horse that wins the race!

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/29/06 12:23 PM

I am sorry for your pain, as well. Please read over the discussions on all of the topics. You would be amazed at how many people go throught this, and reading other's stories truly helps.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/29/06 12:28 PM
Paradise and Dukhunter...

For the past month or so, he has been getting phone calls that he would not answer. My son defied him to answer on one such occasion, and he was ignored.

This hurts the children even more.

I have never been opposed to legal workings, where all contact was in the open. I don't understand the "sneaking".

Of course, it has been twisted back on me.

I truly feel that MOW has gotten bored and is using drama again...such as "her H never wanted to be a father to this child.." to start a guilt trip.

I must say..that with all I have to do here, that I have simply been zapped of any energy. I am so tired of lies and deceit. I spoke before of my ill feelings for this MOW. I am so tired of being consumed with negativity within myself.

Truth be told.. it is all within myself.

Not real sure what to do. H, here, is the sort of man that Duk originally pegged. The all powerful. I wonder why this situation has never embarrassed him ...

Thank you for listening..

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/29/06 01:02 PM

Just to ease your mind... Pettitte, Oswalt AND Clemens are currently Astros.

Though we must admit Jeter isn't so bad.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/29/06 06:44 PM

He is embarrassed I'm sure. That is what makes him irritable and edgy. He thinks he can be all things to everyone still. We men are like that, in control in our own minds at all times until something or someone can shake us to that core. Mine got shook hard and in a hurry. From the sound of it his really hasn't felt the shake yet.

You have done this drill before and you can do it again. All I would bet he is doing is responding to a "guilt trip" as you described it. He feels obligated by the OC. I would think less of him if he didn't. I know this is tough but I think you need to sit down with him and talk about how he can shoulder his responsibility to the OC and still keep your faith in him intact. There has to be a common ground for both of you somewhere in the middle. A place where he can be in contact with MOW and the OC and as long as he keeps you in the loop on what he is doing you are okay with it too. Right now he's taking the easy way out and hiding his contact. Not a very trust building way to go about this for sure.

I try to put myself in his shoes and because I don't know him it is a lot easier for me to imagine what he is dealing with. He has reacted much like I probably would have. The only difference now is I have been on your side of the fence and know how importantit is to talk this stuff out beforhand and how important trust building is for a BS in this situation. Talk to the man! Explain how it makes you feel to be kept in the dark.

All of the players you seem to be enthralled with would look better in a Giants uniform! God knows we need the pitching!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/29/06 07:46 PM


I am sorry, I took your earlier post as meaning that H had renewed his attentions to the MOW and was asking you to leave.

If he is trying to repel her attempts to renew contact it is a completely different picture. I wouldn't be as harsh. Sorry for the critical comments. I agree with Duk, the OC would make anyone feel guilty and his feeling responsible should not be discouraged. He is responsible.

Yet surely by now, he should realize that contact with her without your knowledge is destructive. I think the Harley's have this nailed. No contact whatsoever. If there are OC issues then alas I think you should be handling them - not him. As painful as that might be, it will be better than allowing a deluded MOW back into your lives.

Still sending you strong thoughts...

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/29/06 09:02 PM

Don't you ever sleep????? You were up all night weren't you. Thanks for the reply. I have not seen or heard from the EX since the threatening e-mail at the end of March. I don't want to see her and I think I finally got that across to her. I just want to stop thinking about her and what happened entirely. I know it's not possible but it's driving me nuts lately. Whenever I am not actively involved in something or with other people my mind goes right back to that.

I have been keeping myself so busy with going and doing things I haven't thought about it much until I get home and try to relax and here it comes again. I'm wearing myself ragged running away from the thinking. In other words I'm a weak minded idiot with OCD for sure!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/30/06 03:49 PM
Hey Dukhuntr,

I find some nights, I wake up in the middle of night, sure something is wrong. I get up and walk around for a bit, and it takes some time for me to settle down.

Normally, I love to sleep.

Letting go, is very difficult when you have been together so long. I know how hard it is.

I am glad you have steered clear of both your wife and her new beau. It is what you really need to do. Like anything the pain and sense of loss and all the circle thinking will pass. At some point, you will look back with fondness on the years you were married and look forward with happy anticipation of being married for many more years to some one new and wonderful.

Enjoy the fishing!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/01/06 06:57 AM

Hi Eibrab,

Sitting here, just before bed, thinking of you and how difficult your situation is. I can well imagine how tiring the whole thing must be.

Negative feelings are natural in your circumstance, hate, anger, distrust, jealousy: the entire gamut easily springs from betrayal.

Letting go sometimes happens - simply because you are really tired of how something makes you feel. Naught to do with forgiveness and everything to do with the logistics of performing your everyday tasks.

Somewhere, sometime, your clever little brain is going to let it all go - so that it can focus on the important tasks - like developing an incredibly detailed understanding of the merits and drawbacks of all those baseball players.

Wishing you and yours happy...

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/01/06 12:55 PM

I understand... what you write is my wish.

It is so hard with this type of MOW. She seems to have a sense of entitlement that I cannot overcome.

Thank you so much for caring,

Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/01/06 03:11 PM
((( Eibrab )))

I don't have the words or the wisdom to help you.

PB and Duk do... please feel comfort in their friendship.

Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/02/06 02:20 PM

I believe in prayer. I believe I am "here" for a reason.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/02/06 07:32 PM

I am waking up happy these days. Time does heal all wounds.

It is a hot sunny Canada Day weekend. I have always spent this holiday up north surrounded by family, cooking for 12 to 16 and laughing a lot.

I find I am just as happy being in the city. Blue and I woke up early. We went out for coffee, read the New York Times – very civilized and peaceful.

The remainder of the day was devoted to repainting a bathroom. I have been going through my home gradually making changing, trying for a fresh different look.

Tonight I am booked to go to a drive in with a girl friend and the dogs. I sit with Blue in the backseat. She sits with Spunky in the front seat. Double dog dating… you gotta love it!

Eibrab, I pray for you daily. Sometimes it is only a picture of the future I create in my head of your entire family intact, happily connected, everyone being respectful and honest with each other. Everything starts with a thought….
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/02/06 07:37 PM

This was posted by Scout over at forty sixty. It is a worthwhile read ....

Hope for Couples in Crisis

by James C. Dobson, Ph.D.

Nothing is more inspirational than the uniting of two unique and divergent personalities in a marital commitment that will last for a lifetime, with God’s help.

Who can comprehend this mysterious bonding that enables a man and woman to withstand the many storms of life and remain best friends to the end of their lives together? This phenomenon is so remarkable that the Apostle Paul, under divine inspiration, chose it to symbolize the unfathomable bond of love between Jesus Christ and His bride, the church. We could spend a month or two just thinking about the implications of that wonderful analogy.

Unfortunately, a depressing number of today’s marriages end on a less inspirational note. Indeed, Western nations are witnessing a continuing epidemic of dysfunctional relationships. A recent study done by sociologists at Rutgers University concluded that the institution of marriage itself appears to be dying.1 I shudder to contemplate what life will be like (and how children will suffer) if the researchers prove to be right!

The agony inflicted by divorce cannot be overstated. It was this tragic situation that led me to write Love Must Be Tough, which continues to be one of my most popular books. It addresses not only marriages in distress, but concepts that will strengthen less troubled relationships. Let me focus my comments this month on the most important among them.

The standard approach to marriage counseling is to teach husbands and wives how to revitalize unhealthy relationships and help them work through their conflicts. Unfortunately, such advice assumes that both parties are equally motivated to work on their problems. That is rarely the case. Typically, when a marriage is unraveling, there is one partner who is less concerned about the prospect of divorce, while the other is terrified by it. At its worse, as in cases of infidelity, the drifting member often has little desire to engage in counseling, except perhaps as a pretense to lessen guilt or criticism. He or she may have decided already that the relationship is over. It has been my observation that the way the committed partner responds at that vital juncture will determine whether the marriage will survive or succumb. I’ll explain why in a moment.

Only those who have been rejected by a beloved spouse can fully comprehend the tidal wave of pain that crashes into one’s life when a relationship ends. Nothing else matters. There are no consoling thoughts. The future is without interest or hope. Emotions swing wildly from despair to acceptance and back again. Nothing in human experience can compare with the agony of knowing that the person to whom you pledged eternal devotion has betrayed your trust and is now involved in sexual intimacies with a “stranger”… a competitor ... a more beautiful or handsome playmate. Death itself would be easier to tolerate than being tossed aside like an old shoe.

If one word must be selected to describe the entire experience, it would be something equivalent to panic. Just as a drowning person exhausts himself or herself in a desperate attempt to grasp anything that floats, a rejected partner typically tries to grab and hold the one who is leaving. This panic then leads to appeasement, which destroys what is left of the marriage.

Let’s look for a moment at the other half of the relationship — focusing on the individual who wants out of the marriage. What secrets lie deep within the mind of the woman who has an affair with her boss, or the man who chases the office flirt? Surprising to some, the desire for sex is not the primary motivator in such situations. Something much more basic is operating below the surface.

Long before any decision is made to “fool around” or walk out on a partner, a fundamental change has begun to occur in the relationship. Many books on this subject lay the blame on the failure to communicate, but I disagree. The inability to talk to one another is a symptom of a deeper problem, but it is not the cause itself. The critical element is the way a husband or wife begins to devalue the other and their lives together. It is a subtle thing at first, often occurring without either partner being aware of the slippage. But as time passes, one individual begins to feel trapped in a relationship with someone he or she no longer respects.

Now we begin to see why groveling, crying and pleading by a panic-stricken partner tend to drive the claustrophobic partner even farther away. The more he or she struggles to gain a measure of freedom (or even secure a little breathing room), the more desperately the rejected spouse attempts to hang on.

Perhaps it is now apparent where the present line of reasoning is leading us. If there is hope for dying marriages, and I certainly believe there is, then it is likely to be found in the reconstruction of respect between warring husbands and wives. That requires the vulnerable spouse to open the cage door and let the trapped partner out! All the techniques of containment must end immediately, including manipulative grief, anger, guilt and appeasement. Begging, pleading, crying, hand-wringing and playing the role of the doormat are equally destructive. There may be a time and place for strong feelings to be expressed, and there may be an occasion for quiet tolerance. But these responses must not be used as persuasive devices to hold the drifting partner against his or her will.

To the reader who is desperately in need of this advice, please pay close attention at this point: I’m sure you would not have dreamed of using these coercive methods to convince your husband or wife to marry you during your dating days. You had to lure, attract, charm and encourage him or her. This subtle game of courtship had to take place one delicate step at a time. Obviously, it would not have been successful if you had wept violently and hung on the neck of your lover saying, “I think I’ll die if you don’t marry me! My entire life amounts to nothing without you. Please! Oh, please, don’t turn me down,” etc.

Coercing and manipulating a potential marriage partner is like high-pressure tactics by a used car salesman. What do you think he would accomplish by telling a potential customer through his tears, “Oh, please, buy this car! I need the money so badly and I’ve only had two sales so far this week. If you turn me down, I think I’ll go straight out and kill myself!”

This is a ridiculous analogy, of course, but there is applicability to it. When one has fallen in love with an eligible partner, he attempts to “sell himself” to the other. But like the salesman, he must not deprive the buyer of free choice in the matter. Instead, he must convince the customer that the purchase is in his own interest. If a person would not buy an automobile to ease the pain of a salesman, how much more unlikely is he to devote his entire being to someone he doesn’t love, simply for benevolent reasons? None of us is that unselfish. Ideally, we are permitted by God to select only one person in the course of a lifetime, and few are willing to squander that one shot on someone we merely pity! In fact, it is very difficult to love another person romantically and pity him or her at the same time.

If begging and pleading are ineffective methods of attracting a member of the opposite sex during the dating days, why do victims of bad marriages use the same groveling techniques to hold a drifting spouse? They only increase the depth of disrespect by the one who is escaping. Instead, they should convey their own version of the following message when the time is right: “John [or Diane], I’ve been through some very tough moments since you decided to leave, as you know. My love for you is so profound that I just couldn’t face the possibility of life without you. To a person like me, who expected to marry only once and to remain committed for life, it is a severe shock to see our relationship begin to unravel. Nevertheless, I have done some intense soul-searching, and I now realize that I have been attempting to hold you against your will. That simply can’t be done. As I reflect on our courtship and early years together, I’m reminded that you married me of your own free choice. I did not blackmail you or twist your arm or offer you a bribe. It was a decision you made without pressure from me. Now you say you want out of the marriage, and obviously, I have to let you go. I’m aware that I can no more force you to stay today than I could have made you marry me in 1989 [or whenever]. You are free to go. If you never call me again, then I will accept your decision. I admit that this entire experience has been painful, but I’m going to make it. The Lord has been with me thus far and He’ll go with me in the future. You and I had some wonderful times together, John. You were my first real love and I’ll never forget the memories that we shared. I will pray for you and trust that God will guide you in the years ahead.”

Slowly, unbelievably, the trapped spouse witnesses the cage door vibrate just a bit, and then start to rise. He can’t believe it. This person to whom he has felt bound hand and foot for years has now set him free! It isn’t necessary to fight off her advances — her grasping hands — any more.

“But there must be a catch,” he thinks. “It’s too good to be true. Talk is cheap. This is just another trick to win me back. In a week or two she’ll be crying on the phone again, begging me to come home. She’s really weak, you know, and she’ll crack under pressure.”

It is my strongest recommendation that you, the rejected person, prove your partner wrong in this expectation. Let him marvel at your self-control in coming weeks. Only the passage of time will convince him that you are serious — that he is actually free. He may even test you during this period by expressions of great hostility or insult, or by flirtation with others. But one thing is certain: He will be watching for signs of weakness or strength. The vestiges of respect hang in the balance.

If the more vulnerable spouse passes the initial test and convinces the partner that his freedom is secure, some interesting changes begin to occur in their relationship. Please understand that every situation is unique and I am merely describing typical reactions, but these developments are extremely common in families I have seen. Most of the exceptions represent variations on the same theme. Three distinct consequences can be anticipated when a previously “grabby” lover begins to let go of the cool spouse:

The trapped partner no longer feels it necessary to fight off the other, and their relationship improves. It is not that the love affair is rekindled, necessarily, but the strain between the two partners is often eased.
As the cool spouse begins to feel free again, the question he has been asking himself changes. After wondering for weeks or months, “How can I get out of this mess?” he now asks, “Do I really want to go?” Just knowing that he can have his way often makes him less anxious to achieve it. Sometimes it turns him around 180 degrees and brings him back home!

The third change occurs not in the mind of the cool spouse but in the mind of the vulnerable one. Incredibly, he or she feels better — somehow more in control of the situation. There is no greater agony than journeying through a vale of tears, waiting in vain for the phone to ring or for a miracle to occur. Instead, the person has begun to respect himself or herself and to receive small evidences of respect in return. Even though it is difficult to let go once and for all, there are ample rewards for doing so. One of those advantages involves the feeling that he or she has a plan — a program — a definite course of action to follow. That is infinitely more comfortable than experiencing the utter despair of powerlessness that the victim felt before. And little by little, the healing process begins.

This recommendation is consistent with the Apostle Paul’s writings in 1 Corinthians 7:15, “But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances. God has called us to live in peace.” Paul is not authorizing the rejected spouse to initiate a divorce in these instances. He is, rather, instructing a man or woman to release the marital partner when he or she is determined to depart. The advice I have offered today is an expression of that scripture.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/04/06 06:42 AM


This is the only time I have ever kept a journal. Reading back over the posts, it offers pictures of a journey or process. The short of it is that "everything passes".

The utter agony that tears you apart doesn't last. Eventually equilibrium returns. You focus again on the moment, on your daily life. You accept change. Sometimes it offers no alternative.

One of my girlfriends swung around to look at me today and exclaimed "You have your laugh back."

Many people in this forum are experiencing the worst pain of their lives. If I can offer anything, it is that regardless of outcome.... Eventually you will get your laugh back...
Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/05/06 02:14 AM
If I can offer anything, it is that regardless of outcome.... Eventually you will get your laugh back...

Oh, our dear PB -- Do you have any idea at all how very much you have offered here over the months !!!

Your wise, calming words have touched so many...

Bless you, carnation
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/06/06 06:00 AM
Hey Paradise,

I'MMM BACK!!!! The weary and rather smelly fisherman has arrived home safe and sound. None too early either. The kids just don't seem to place the value on the flowers I do. Wilted and dry to say the least.

Caught a ton of small fish and nothing big. We have 8 pounds of Yellow Perch filets on ice for a fish fry this weekend. All we are waiting on is my Dad. He turns 75 Friday and that comes first. He is still up at his camp in the Sierras waiting for a break in the heat to come down.

I'm glad to hear your laughter has returned. Now all you need to do is heed the post from the other MLC site and steel yourself for a different future. Start yourself a map and get a plan going. Plans can and do change but getting started and choosing a starting point will only lead to more and more laughter. This ought to help: We caught so many fish Sunday afternoon our 5 gallon bucket was overflowing with flopping slimy fish. Naturally I was seated right next to the bucket. By the time my friends had finished throwing all of these fish all around the bucket and my seat I was covered in slime and really foul smelling water. 2 hours of fileting the catch did nothing to improve this either. By 11:00 pm when we finished I was the least popular camper on whole lake. Offers were made to start a ritual fire to burn the now rank clothing until I said only if they stood and watched a naked duk do the fish dance as they burned. That ended all fire talk quickly!!!

I had a great time and never had more than a drink or two any day of the trip. Never went to dwell land either. I felt good the whole trip and enjoyed every minute. Recovery for me is finally taking hold I think. It was EX's birthday yesterday and I didn't even remember until we neared town on the way home and remembered I didn't take any house keys with me. I got worried the kids would be with the EX and I would be left sitting on the porch. Luckily for me the EX chose to spend the weekend with the OM somewhere and the kids were both home. I feel sorry for her today, a special day without your kids just doesn't sound that special anymore.

Happy dreams and thoughts of laughter all night!
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/06/06 06:15 AM

MOW's entitlement is born of lies, deceit and infidelity. You have a richness of life and family to carry you that cannot be denied by anyone. Believe in yourself and what you have endured and accomplished thru all of this. You have nothing to be ashamed of or to feel sorry about. Can she say the same? Can she truly look in the mirror each morning and hold her head high, or does she have to practice at it?

You are the real woman in this picture and you need to remember that. She is reaching for straws and trying to grasp any hold on a semblance of a life she can. Desperation breeds more desperation. Keeping your home and family safe and secure will look much more appealing as time puts more and more pressure on the OW. I know from experience how unappealing a clingy and angry spouse can look. Don't let her get you to this point. I thought of you often all weekend and I hope in some way Paradise and my positive thinking will help you in some small way. Keep your head up, we're there for you when you need to talk.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/06/06 10:05 AM

Tonight, I installed a new door knob and managed to lock myself in the bathroom before I had it completely in. Blue stood outside watching me trying to wiggle the mechanism in a lengthy effort at getting out - a quizzical look on his face.

Undeterred with my Dad's 20 year old drill, I drilled my very first holes. I have never operated a power tool before. It was thrilling - even heady! I find myself lusting after one of those little leather tool belts!

The source of this unbridled confidence is just around the corner and comes in the guise of an old fashioned hardware store, dusty, stocking some 35,000 items or so the sign says - in no apparent order. Happily, it is operated by two dear old men who if required will draw me pictures and never laugh at my completely clueless questions. They are unbelievably sweet, patient and helpful.

Doing something you have never done before is so much easier - when there is expert back up! I may replace a kitchen faucet next! It is so much more interesting than working with numbers.

Speaking of numbers, Midnight may be on OW4, I noticed a cheque of his made out to a Jeanette, aptly noted only as expenses! Yikes!

Dawn is just coming up. We are off to the beach. ...

Dukhuntr, I am so glad you are having serious - stinky fun! Eibrab, I will be saying prayers for you as I walk along the water. Chin up girl..
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/06/06 03:46 PM
PB and Duk...

Funny how love and admiration travels through words. I dearly love both of you.

Your words, Duk..hit home. Simple advice that is so well heeded. I would think it may be a goal of MOW to see me crumble and become a person that H doesn't wish to be around, whether she would be with him or not.

I should tell you that we, too, have spent the past days fishing. We actually had the bass boat up on Lake Erie on the 4th to watch the fireworks. It seemed there were 100 of boats there. H is so proud of his "Skeeter", where I look at those cushy, well-pillowed cabin type cruisers with jealousy.

I love the water..I am politely jealous of Paradise's abilty to cruise the shore at any whim. That must be good for the soul.

I am SO thankful for the thoughts here. I have found myself consummed with anger and keeping it very well-hidden. I am a very silent woman now, where as I used to be a talker.

I have nothing to say.

If you will bare with me, I will lay it all out here for your wisdom... I truly think it is a problem within myself moreso than within others.

However, one of my dearest friends is my blacksmith..who yesterday says to me as he is bent over in very unbecoming fashion under an anxious mare.."your life is so entangled in problems caused by other's.".

I suppose that I cannot solve it all.... but I do wish I could start by getting my blacksmith buddy to wear a good belt.

God Bless both of you..

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/07/06 04:00 AM

Go ahead and get everything out there. We will listen and offer what feeble advice we can but most of all you will get attentive listeners and sympathetic ears. Once you get it out of your head and out in the open it seems to free you up to think about other things. At least it does for me. I am still seeing my IC for this very reason. I don't like to burden my friends anymore, they have grown weary of my drivel. Only my fishing buddy Mark never seems to tire of my BS. Of course he is also the only one who has gone thru an A also. His first wife really thought he would allow her to sow some oats while they were married and had a 5yr old daughter. She seemed quite surprised when he divorced her.

She went so far as to try and sabotage his second marriage a few years later. Late night phone calls, imaginary problems with the daughter when he and the new wife were ready to leave town on trips, etc. He had trouble with his daughter for years because of his EX. Only in the last few years as she has matured(she's 24 now)and become self sufficient has she come around to her father. Our daughters were born two weeks apart and grew up going to swimming lessons together, camping together, and going all thru school together. Mark is a teriffic person with a huge heart if you look past some rough edges. I have hunted, fished, played baseball and softball and gone thru school with him since he moved here in high school. Your true friends show up when the going gets the worst. Look past the plumbers crack with the ferrier. Or should I say look away?

Get busy with the keyboard and and vent to us, we would like nothing better than to help someone who has been there with sage advice and kind words for us when we needed them most. Friends do that for friends, and I do consider you a friend now. On the plus side you don't have to worry about how my pants sit on my [censored] either. No visual stigmas to interupt the thought process over the internet.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/07/06 04:23 AM
Evening Paradise,

There is something wrong with the picture you and I are creating here. I am becoming the gardener who is so inept with tools and handiwork my son asks that I "just step away from the drill please". You are becoming a female "Tim Taylor" or maybe his sidkick Al, who knew what he was doing. Definitely not the norm , the two of us, that's for sure.

OW#4, that is actually frightening when you stop and think about it. What do these women think is going to become of dating a married man? Why would you even go there? Especially if he is the balding, gnome of a man you sometimes describe him as. I'm sure you exaggerated somewhat given the circumstances, but even still, how many bimbo's are there out there that will date a married man?

I may be stepping over an imaginary boundary here but why on earth would you still be even thinking of reuniting with this man as things stand? It's not the same man you used to know so well and have come to love and respect over all those years. Respect yourself and get far far away from his antics and try and retain some good will towards the man while it still exists. Maybe someday years down the road the old Midnight will reappear and you can become friends again. In the mean time put some distance between the two of you for your own sanity. Darkness has its advantages. Three months now of no contact of any sort or nature and I can finally even feel sorry for my EX. That is a first for me, and it's all due to going dark.

Doesn't Springsteen have an album or song titled "Darkness on the edge of Town"? That is how you need to live for a good long while. I'm sure you have this in your musical library somewhere. Pull it out and live the title for a few months. Blue is the only man you need right now. He will lift your spirits better than any human male ever could.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/07/06 05:08 AM
Journal July 7th

Friends are life's treasure. They understand, care, listen, guide, laugh and cry with you. Fashion hang ups or should I say hang downs notwithstanding

After time they become part of us, sharing our memories, sharing them selves. I like to think I have quite a lot of my friends within me, captured in how I look at things, the kind of person I am, a turn of speech or expression.

As I write this, I am excited because one of my dearest friends is on a plane to Rome, later she and her family will travel to Venice then Paris, vicarious travel, thrilling and inexpensive.

I have looked up all the towns they are going to. When I see the pictures, the odd informed comment will pop out with a smile. I just left a message saying I am thinking of her and will be looking forward to welcoming her home.

Friend’s come in all shapes – not all are human. At my hairdresser's today I picked up a dated magazine that had a story about a life saving beagle. The beagle was trained to predict when its master a diabetic was about to go into a coma by smelling the sugar levels in his breath. During one such coma, he bit the digit nine on his owner’s cell phone then barked for help when 911 picked up. The phone was programmed to ring 911 when 9 depressed. He must have been trained to do this. Technically, he could easily order pizza – heavy on the pepperoni please!

In the picture, his life saying medal draped around his neck, carried in his owner’s arms, I swear he has one eyebrow raised debonairly as though to say "I'm too cool!"

They are friends. Just like us.

Eibrab, I have been perusing my book shelves for a book by Thich Nhat Hanh - Peace is Every Step. He makes some excellent points to consider. If you believe that you can be happy, free from the stress and baggage of YOUR HUSBAND’s actions, you will. It is that simple.


The unhappy alternative is to let the OW win on a far greater scale and do a tap dance of sorts on your character, knowing you let her in.


I just read your last post and giggled... You write very well and have such frank, honest wise comments. It is always a pleasure friend.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/07/06 09:45 PM
Paradise & Eibrab,

I need some advice from a female perspective. I just got back from a funeral for an old family friend. At the services I sat with the people I work with and noticed half way thru that my DD, EX, and EXMIL were all there together. At the end of the services I went over to say hello to my Daughter and she tried to pretend she didn't see me. I actually had to tap her arm to get her attention.

I was polite and just said hello and asked her how she was. We chatted about my Dad's 75th birthday today and what we were going to do when he finally shows up. My question is though, thru all of this she seems still ill at ease with me. Especially when her mother and grandmother are anywhere near. Is this natural? Do I even try to make this better with her or just give her the time and space to deal with this on her own? I love her dearly and miss seeing her and it hurts to know she spends so much time with her mother and grandmother while I rarely see her and only talk to her on the phone a few times a week. What if anything do you think I should do? Is there things I should definitely not do? I'm lost here.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/08/06 02:32 AM

This past week...on top of everything..I stumbled on a handwritten letter from my daughter (13) to her father for Father's Day.

In it, she praised the actions of her father over the past two years, saying how well he handled himself and how well he "puts up" with me. She thanked him for always being "there" in reference to school events and track meets.

In her track season this year, she had 5 meets. She and her father fought so badly at the first over his "instruction" that he never attended another one - at both of their agreement. I was at all of them.

It hurts, doesn't it?

I have done nothing. I don't know what to do as well. She knows I read it...and maybe that was wrong to do..but I truly thought it was a happy sentiment and it was not hidden.

I think that children feel favor to the one who's praise and attention they crave because they know how hard it is to receive it. If you XW has been so absorbed in her own self, it may be that your daughter seeks out her time and favor for fear of losing it.

She probably knows that you are always going to be there. In my world, H has become fearful of losing our children's favor. He will never reprimand, nor "parent" at all anymore. My daughter will be 14 this month and her actions have become disturbing in regards to growing up too fast. I am the bad guy as I refuse to allow her life to subject to the pressures of life and I keep a close eye on her...Her father will look right past it all.

So, she favors him..and she is favoring him falsely, as we both know his behvaior is not worthy of praise.

I suppose, as a woman and a mother..that I would advise you to say and do nothing...I know how hard that is. But, honestly, what could either of us do to make our point where it wouldn't drive them further away at this crucial stage?

I care. I truly, truly do. You and I do not deserve any of this.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/08/06 02:39 AM

You helped two people today, amongst many.

I went to the local library looking for the Peace Is Every Step book that you suggested. They did not have it available.

So, I called the local bookstore and was greeted by a wonderful gentleman named Richard who was even able to rattle off the author's name with great accuracy. He put aside a copy until I was able to go after it tonight. He suggested that I might enjoy several books by the same author.

We had a long day of baling hay and I was quite lovely when I went to retrieve my book. *grin*

I asked the cashier if Richard was there and she called a Manager over to speak to me thinking that I might have a complaint.

How does one complain with a huge smile on their face?

I told the manager that at times..a stranger can make a difference...and Richard's demeanor on the phone that morning in helping me with my purchase was one of those times.

Richard was going to get the employee "prize" for the week!

God Bless this book-selling man, wherever he is.. and God Bless you my friend for caring.

I shall go read..

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/08/06 03:52 AM

That is the second time I have heard that theory about the children favoring the weaker parent. My IC said the same thing. His theory is that they are afraid the weaker parent will decide to abandon them also. Hence the inequitable time and favor shown to the WS. I didn't want to believe it until now. I figured it was more a gender thing. Daughters favoring mothers, etc. Given how your daughter is acting he has gained a lot more credibility in my eyes.

I guess all we can do is be the person we have always been and try not to become impatient or hurt by a natural child to parent connection. You would tend to concentrate your efforts and attention on a difficult horse wouldn't you? Why shouldn't a child keep a closer bond to a less stable parent? Now all we have to do is to learn to accept this and deal with it ourselves. Not as easy as it sounds when already hurting huh? I guess it's the price we pay for being stable and dependable. Nothing is fair in this life is it? Hang in there someday somehow our kids will look back and know what all happened and see the truth and know what is right.

So you and I help each other keep our patience and cool with our kids. Not a difficult thing normally , but these are not normal times.

Sleep well!
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/08/06 03:15 PM

Actually, when it comes right down to it.. being put away for a week and ignored does wonders for a difficult horse. Not allowing them the time and space to play, nor attending to any attention factor other than basic needs of food and shelter sometimes do me the most good, when I bring them out and start all over.

I just now realized that.

Somedays, Duk.. I just don't know how to keep moving forward. I am a smiling person by wouldn't see it in me. Paradise's book is tending to believe that if you smile becomes real.

Since I matched up in theories with your IC...he or she must be a very wise person, eh? LOL... can you tell me any more that might help me through things?

I care.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/08/06 05:33 PM
Hey Duk,

Oh man oh man oh man... this is such a tough situation - hurt on top of hurt. I have never been a parent, but I had a fabulous Dad and I know precisely what he would do in your shoes.

He would say the only way to rise above it all is through exemplary behaviour, i.e., putting a hold on judging others, appreciating what you have now, acting in the best interest of your family even though it requires steely control of your emotions and ignoring perhaps the fact that your wife is being manipulative. It matters naught.

Making sure you offer complete support to the relationships your children have with your wife is the most effective way to ensure they will not be torn by conflicting loyalties and inadvertedly believe they have to choose one over the other. It means being a parent before being a man.

Despite your wife's behaviour she is their Mom. Your children need to have a loving relationships with both their parents.

Tell your daughter that you love her very much.

Let her know that you miss her, that she is important to you, that to you she is one of the two biggest most profound successes in your life.

Invite her and her brother out once a week: to dinner out or a home made meal, a movie, shopping whatever. During these outings at no time is the ex to be a topic of conversation. Instead, be interested in what is going on in her life. Eventually it will sort itself out, most likely sooner if you can rise to the challenge of not allowing your feelings to rule. I know how hard this is. Yet Dad would tell you - it is the only way through the mess.

She may not be able to make every occasion but the invitations are important. If you gently persist over time the normal loving comfortable feelings will return. Don't give up even if at first she rejects you. Simply call her next week with the same offer. Understand that it is an awful situation for her too. One of the major sources of her security - her sense of family is tattered. You need to mend the tatters by being guided by what is best for the family as a whole.

There is no better test of character than what shines through during adversity. I see you shine more and more. Resolving your pain. Growing! Have faith she will too! She needs you to be strong, positive, understanding, undemanding and steady in your love for her regardless of her confusion. She needs her Dad.

I am sorry, this is happening. Yet it too will pass...

Sending you strong, patient thoughts...


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/08/06 06:32 PM
Oh Eibrab,

I am so sorry... Children can be so thoughtless. Thirteen is such a difficult age for a girl, one fraught with pressures and insecurities. I vividly remember getting a growth spurt on only one side of my body and nervously praying “Dear Lord, please let me have two like everyone else!” Carefully researching in the library all manner of sexual data because I was shocked and abhorred by what I heard about it in the school yard! Being cruelly hurt by a fickle in clique and feeling the pain of being a tall gangly all elbows and knees daisy compared to my Mom who was always and is an impeccably beautiful English rose. It was a trying time!

I suspect your daughter was writing what perhaps she thought your husband wanted to hear. Though mostly, about the reality she craves for - for him to be there for her in a totally supportive loving manner, when in reality, he is not always. It makes the letter sad.

I agree, children reach for what they don't have, ignoring what they do. She has your love. You are the rock. She is reaching for what she is worried she doesn't have.

Your husband's actions didn't just hurt you - they hurt your children too - they put at risk the entire family, raising the prospect of abandonment, a very scary thing for a thirteen year old. I wouldn't take her misguided efforts to ingratiate herself with a parent she is worried she might lose personally. It is no reflection on you.

I hope you enjoy Peace is Every Step. I remember it as being helpful.

Last night, I did something I never do. I went out to dine alone and then on to see Johnny Dep’s - Dead Man’s Chest. I never do dinner out alone – (seaweed salad and pork dumplings on a patio) and I don’t think I have ever gone to see a movie alone. It is entertaining fluff by the way.

Yet after talking to Midnight for just a few moments yesterday, I couldn’t sit in. He had stopped by to pick up the dog, slicked up clearly on his way to see someone. As we stood in my partially repainted foyer, I handed him a container of chicken soup for the dog’s dinner. He looked at it and asked “Is that for me?” I said “No that would be for the dog?” with only the barest smile.

After he left I was just so mad! On his way to see some one else and still expecting me to pack him home made goodies! The unmitigated nerve of the man! GRRRRR

I think I will to reread Peace is Every Step too this weekend!

Sending you strength…

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/09/06 04:30 AM

I just finished a long and informative post only to lose it for some unknown reason. I am going to summarize it here in a much shorter version.

My IC has been a godsend. A friend recommended him and he's been great for me. There is no secret in what he does, he just repeats the same truths over and over until a dense duk gets it. Here's the short and sweet of what he bangs away at me about..

1) Duk you didn't do anything wrong here. You may have spent too much time in your basement on your own tying flies, etc. but nothing that entitled her to have an A.

2) Her dysfunctional family contributed to this in ways neither of us will ever fully understand. ie, DUI brother in jail for a year now, ex-felon brother just out of prison and back to dealing now, and father the serial cheater who still beliveves no one else knows.

3) Never say anything bad about EW or her family to the kids. Never have and never will. I have told them how disappointed I was but it stopped there. EW and IL's have told kids I spew venom all over town and kids buy it but he says it will come back to haunt the EW and IL's.

4) Kids will yell at me , challenge me and do things to me they never would to EW because they know I will be there for them no matter what. They will never challenge or yell at EW out of fear of abandonment and or rejection.

5) Look at the friends you have duk that have come forward to help and support you. Look also at the quality of these friends. You are a good person and these people belive in you and your integrity. Never do anything to change their beliefs or your childrens.

You are a good person too Eibrab. I can tell just from reading your posts the last few months. You are just as shocked that your WS could do these things as the rest of us. It is because we cannot envision a situation where we would do the same. It doesn't make us better it just means our values are different. Most of all my IC has challenged me to learn to care for myself again and you should too. Rebuilding our egos is the first step in being a whole person again. Caring about yourself is the key to this recovery.

P.S.- During IC the one thing that he pointed out to me that hurt a little was the fact that I process and fire information back at him quicker that he is used to. He says I am his biggest challenge as a patient during a session because he has to move faster and go thru more than any other patient. He thinks the EW's feelings of me being judgemental and overbearing stem from this same thing. That she couldn't process what I was saying as fast as I firing it out there. He thinks she would get frustrated and confused and shut me off in her head. I can remeber conversations of heated and emotional topics where I saw this happen and did not recognize it for what it was. That was my bad and I never saw it in myself.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/09/06 04:50 AM

Thanks for the advice and I hear every word of it. Most of what you said is verbatum from my IC. No bad mouthing, etc. I have never said a bad thing about the EW to the kids. As a matter of fact I have never said anything bad about her period. I have expressed my deepest regrets about how she chose to leave and how disappointed I was in her but that is it. Even to friends I have always said I still love her and wish she had chosen to stay and work on our marriage. I haven't said that in a long time and I don't think I ever will again.

I know it is true that I just have to endure the torture of not seeing my daughter, but it is just so darn difficult and emotionally painful to be ignored. I call or e-mail her every other day at least and extend invites to dinner or movies every week. About once a month is all I get. I know from my son she sees her mother almost daily. That hurts a lot. I will remain patient and positive because I am not willing to push her away totally. She still calls me when she needs money for school or advice about accounting or insurance. At least from this I know she still respects my knowledge and the advice I offer.

I think I was hoping someone had a magic wand that would heal all of these family wounds instantly. I know it's not going to happen in a hurry, I just want to speed it up so I have a little more time with my daughter. Basically a man being greedy and impatient as usual.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/09/06 06:18 AM

Wow talk about a strange evening. I went out with a girlfriend to see a local theatre production, a small neighborhood effort, geared to an eclectic crowd wearing interesting fashion. I was enchanted by one young gal that had used a paint brush as a hair pick. They handed out condoms when you purchased your ticket with an admonishment to practice safe sex. Momentarily taken aback I promptly made my friend laugh by accepting it with “Well one can always be an optimist!”.

A young gal sat down alone in front of us. She had stunning cascading blonde curls. If I think something complimentary I usually try to say it.

We all need compliments.

I leaned over to tell her she was having a great hair day and that it looked fabulous from behind. She turned around and said. “I have to look great. I am here to see the woman who wrote this play about relationships and costars in the two person production, because last week she stole my husband”.

Yowser! We invited her to sit with us so she would not be there so obviously alone. More grim details followed. The blonde playwright had stalked her husband, repeatedly calling him at home, a pattern of behavior she had a reputation for.

During the play, this OW stage actress/playwright asked for the house lights to come on and made a glib joke saying “I thought I would just apologize if there is anyone in the audience whose husband I have slept with or am sleeping with now. It was their fault by the way.” It was very unfunny. Women can be so unbelievably cruel. It made my stomach turn. Our young friend put her head down and started to cry. She got up shortly after that and exited the theatre – banging the door shut.

We watched the rest of the show with little enjoyment.

As we stood outside for a moment deciding on where to go for dinner, the BS came up to us again. While we chatted, her WS of 5 years walked by, said hello and then sauntered over to be with the much older, harder looking but audacious OW. While his wife stood there with tears shining in her eyes, her hands clutching the program containing a thank you from the OW to her WS for bringing the “joy of love back into her life” – using his wife’s pet name for him. Yikes!

I walked home some five miles under an almost full moon on a beautiful warm summer night, thinking about all the sad stories of love betrayed.

Dukhuntr mentioned a magic wand. Wouldn’t that be lovely, something you wave and all the hurt would be forgotten.

Hanh thinks that understanding is the magic wand. “You cannot resist loving another person when you really understand him or her”. I believe him. It is so easy to presume in life. Often we are wrong.

When I consulted I would do a tri-column analysis, headed by three questions. What do I need to know? What do I think I know? What do I really know? It was always humbling. Invariably, it would starkly point out to me that I do indeed really know very little. We think we understand others but seldom really do. If understanding is the basis of love it is no wonder it so often runs aground.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/10/06 01:20 AM
Oh Paradise...

This poor, POOR woman. My heart aches.

May I ask for your insight? If you located your Peace IS Every Step book, there is a list for living well in the back.

I am confused on how he says not to be angry.. I can retype it here if you need me to.

I cannot comprehend this. I cannot even understand it. I am lost. Can you help?

I'm feeling very lost these days.. I have GOT to snap out of this. I find myself not even being nice and cordial. That is so wrong.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/10/06 01:23 AM

Your posts make me strong. I am at a loss of words as to why. I think we are very much the same person, though I feel you are much braver than I.

Btw.. I have the first "fly" my dear son ever tied on my purse. Everytime it jabs me I feel loved.

Do you think that when you possibly didn't seem appreciate of your XW (in her words) that you really did? Do we women think too much ?

I think too much.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/10/06 01:52 AM
Hey Eibrab,

I am taking a break from painting my foyer stucco ceiling. Listening to Rod Stewart,"As Time Goes By", sensibly glad in underwear and swim goggles, drinking a glass of nice blush wine. There is something dangerous about the newly handy, wine glass in one hand, mechanical paint sprayer loaded with oil based paint in the other!

Is the passage you are referring to is on page 128 of the 1992 edition?

"Do not maintain anger or hatred. Learn to penetrate and transform them while they are still seeds in your consciousness. As soon as anger or hatred arises, turn your attention to your breathing in order to see and understand the nature of your anger or hatred and the nature of the persons who have caused the anger or hatred."

I think he means that you observe both your emotion and your breath, conscious of both, aware that both are transitory.

Through observing our anger, accepting that right now it is part of us... using our breath to regain calm...he feels you can come to understand why you are angry. Once you understand why you are angry ... you can let it go. Often we tell ourselves not to be angry, I think he is suggesting if you are angry don't try to deny it, rather accept it but observe it mindfully.

On page 63 he says that anger is rooted in our lack of our understanding of ourselves and of the causes, deep seated as well as immediate that brought it about. He thinks the environmental triggers to anger are secondary. Anger is within our selves rooted in desire, pride, agitation or suspicion.

He makes an excellent point in that we don't get mad at earthquakes or natural disasters, but damage done by others, we don't have much patience for. We need to see that the person who precipitated our anger also has reasons, deep seated and immediate for what they have done. Not justification necessarily just reasons sort of a natural cause ....

There is also a reference on page 61 to a walking meditation when angry. Much easier walking when angry than trying to sit still! I think he has devoted an entire book to anger. I am not sure though. Richard would know!

Hope this helps....


Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/10/06 02:54 AM
((( Eibrab )))

Although through my life I have had tons of *things* to be angry about - but I rarely feel the emotion of anger.

I think that when I am angry at someone it only hurts ME, they could care less. It is like hating, the hater feels the hate and the one that they hate rarely even knows that the other is in so much pain.

Now don't get me wrong here. I feel pain, hurt sorrow - stuff like that. But anger really makes no sense to me.
I guess I couple it with hatred. I myself do not want to wish that on me, to feel that way. I do not want to give the person who I should be hating that much power and control over me and what I am feeling.

Does this make sense to you at all ?

I also am of the belief that if I keep smiling on the outside enough, I will start smiling on the inside.

Dear, I am in no way trying to make light of the pain that you are in. Not my intend whatsoever. I just am trying to show you what works for me and what I believe in.

Hope this helps a teeny tiny bit.

Dear God - Please give our angel Eibrarb some peace and ease up her load Dear God.

Bless you, carnation
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/10/06 03:31 AM
Hey Carnation,

What a lovely post and so true. I second your sentiment.

Sometimes the load is just too heavy when you bear it alone. However friendship can dissolve it .. wash it away... into a puddle you can jump in and make quite the splash!


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/10/06 03:58 AM

I will never be able to claim to be either as strong or as courageous as you have already shown yourself to be. I cut and ran when we were still married and the EW and OM started showing up all over town where friends and family would see them and call me. I just could not take this, I was weak. Pride, self respect, or weakness, any way you cut it there was very little courage involved.Paradise is strong and courageous, you are strong and courageous, the duk was weak and full of self pity.

As for appreciating the EW, I loved and appreciated her more than she will ever comprehend. I used to ridicule friends because of the things their wives did and bragged about how good I had it. I guess I should have told her the same more often. We had our differences about debt and the use of credit cards and never reconciled these. When the discussions came up my personality and business background came out and dominated her to the point she felt intimidated and judged. Not what I meant to do but it's what I do day in and day out at work. Get your solutions and input out there for all to consider. She felt it was my way of saying this is how it is going to be I guess.

As for your situation I still see you as the same type of woman I always have. Like the character from "Lonesome Dove". The lady rancher out there on her own with her kids doing what she has to do to survive and prosper in a man's world. Keep doing these things and don't let someone else ruin your good disposition. Believe in yourself and let time heal the wounds. Your kids and other loved ones need you to be the same person you have always been. If you were to change, what would be left of their former lives? They need you to be the Eibrab of old.

My IC gave me a quote from a colleague he had copied and ready to hand out regularly. It talks about the illusion of control of others. The gist if it was that we cannot control anyone but ourselves. Anything else is only illusion. Accepting this is hard given the time and emotions we have poured into our WS's. But in reality we can do nothing to control them. Control yourself and take care of your children, that is the task at hand for you. Do not let the OW ruin your good disposition.

Have a pleasant evening and I will be sending out those positive thoughts for you all week.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/11/06 01:28 PM

I envy you.. to not feel anger must be a special quality. I can't tell you that what I feel is true anger. It's really an unknown feeling to me.

I am a smiler by nature. I smile at everyone...road workers, check-out clerks - everyone. It helps for the really does.

I can't explain why I feel that I've hit this low. I suppose that it is a realization that this will never change. I will always fear this MOW coming back in some way because she has the "right" to.

And I will always fear H protecting her over in saying "what's the big deal?".. The big deal to me is that NC was issued by MOW and MOWH. She doesn't even follow her own rules.

I'm trying.. I really am.

Thank you so much for caring..

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/11/06 01:31 PM
Paradise and DukHunter...

The best way that I an describe myself right now is sort of a clogged filter.. Ever change a filter in something..anything...because nothing could get in or come out?

That's me. I know that sounds silly..but that's me. I can't bring anything in and I can't communicate anything out.

I am silent.. I just stay silent. I'm not liking it much.

Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/11/06 03:45 PM
((( Eibrarb )))

You are scared honey, and I do not blame you one bit for that. Can you talk with your FWH and get some comfort from him regarding this ? If not.. you will have to pull it up from yourself and face it head on.

I am so very sorry this is happening to you. Please continue to write here.

Duk and PB have the wisdom to see you through this.

Bless you, bless you - bless you

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/12/06 02:21 AM
Hey Eibrab,

Blue and I had dinner in the park tonight, I enjoyed a $5 scoop of lemon gelato "mindfully" and he had liver bits. I was thinking of you.

When we endure pain and loss - parts of us I think go numb and parts of us can't believe it happened.

Acceptance comes in layers over time.

I lost a brother in his early 30s, I remember it hit me like a ton of bricks 2 years later. I was standing in a cashier line up holding a shirt I had absently mindedly picked out for him as a Christmas gift. It was his colour. When I suddenly remembered he was dead and I could no longer buy him gifts. I started sobbing uncontrollably, on the verge of hysteria because finally every layer of me knew - he was gone.

Loss is like that - it hard to get your mind around it.

One of the great things about Hanh's book is that his breathing technique brings at least part of your mind into the present - focused on your breath - on now. It splits your attention and because your attention is divided, in a way it lessens your ability to feed the anger or hurt.

Every thing we are upset about usually happened in the past.

Remember it is past. It is over. We constantly let our concerns over the past and our worries for the future rob of us of the only thing we really have - the now - this moment.

Your husband made a mistake. The MOW made a mistake. We all make mistakes. Sadly, yes, it is impossible to know for sure that it won't happen again. Or to know for certain that they have both learned from the pain though I am confident that in some measure it would be very hard not too.

It is possible to know for sure that you will NEVER EVER get to ENJOY THIS MOMENT again. It will never come back...

I would not worry about feeling clogged. Your heart and mind are dealing with a lot! Simply be.... breathe.... smile... Know there are many who care... Gelato anyone?

Sending you delicious thoughts….

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/14/06 05:51 AM

It is a beautiful summer night here, the kind where the air feels flower petal soft.

Tonight, I enjoyed a leisurely dinner with six friends/former colleagues, we laughed, talked and changed our seating so much it confused the wait staff, then went on to see “The Devil Wears Prada”.

The story line is weak but Meryl Streep absolutely nails her character. With understated acerbic charm, garbed in wonderful clothes and shoes, she was riveting.

I find it easier when I go out a lot even though there are many things I need to get done, going out helps. Blue is use to our heavy social calendar. He knows the routine, so many hours sitting by Mom’s desk then it is on to see someone. He knows my friends by name and will wag his tail when I tell him our plans.

Midnight has been gone one year as of yesterday, I find I am still surprised, wide eyed, wondering, out of kilter…

I first met Midnight in 1973. We became instant friends. It feels so very odd not to think of him as a friend anymore, rather, sadly, as someone I should stay away from.

At the outset, I thought I would wait for a year before coming to any conclusions. I find now I may post pone longer still because I simply don’t know what I want. There is little to suggest that he does either.

I will focus on the scale of decision making I can handle right now. Do I go with Restoration Hardware’s Butter a soft yellow shade of paint for the kitchen or the richer Saffron? A trivial choice easy to remedy if you get it wrong unlike divorce.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/15/06 04:55 AM

So many sad heart rendering situations show up in this forum. I find myself reluctant to post comments. I am not confident I have the answers. I sincerely wish I did and instead say silent prayers to one who does.

The questions I have pretty much down pat. Why? Why? Why do people throw away their lives? Entangling themselves in sordid affairs with neighbours or friends, shredding their family life, hurting those who love them.

I can make no sense of it.

I guess that is the point. There is no sense in it.
Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/16/06 04:08 AM
((( PB )))

Please try not to dwell on the one year thing. It is only another day.... sigh....

You do know how much stronger you are now and how much you have learned, grown - right ? You have looked inward and outward through all this and found alot.. alot

I agree with you... when you don't know what to do - don't do anything. It'll come to you.

And re divorce.... it is only a piece of paper, a decision by a court... nothing really in the whole scheme of things.

I have given this a lot of thought.. and I too do not know why.... does Midnight ???

Oh, and I would go with the richer color.... like they say ~ live out loud

Sincerely, carnation
Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/16/06 04:17 AM

Every thing we are upset about usually happened in the past.

Remember it is past. It is over.


Thanks for posting this. It is so true and I am going to write it on the board in my kitchen today !!

You are such a jewel

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/16/06 06:14 PM
Hey Carnation,

Thank you for your kind thoughts and good ideas. I will opt for saffron because I love the term "live loud"...

It is a scorcher here today, I had planned to take Mom out for the day instead we postponed for cooler weather. Blue and I are just in from a quick walk to a local market.

We sat and had breakfast out, sharing a table with a lovely family group on a shopping outing - three generations of women. The grandmother a cutie in her 80s attracted the attention of another fine looking octogenarian; he asked if he could make her smile. She said yes and he did by paying her a lovely compliment then politely bid her good day. Her grand daughters griped about how annoying it was to have to deal with all the men who wanted to hit on Nana!

Very cute.

We are tackling the kitchen ceiling today. The term we, is stretching it. Blue does little but yawn and sleep under the table. There is a slender streak of yellow in his tail these days - purely accidental not deliberate. While though I threaten to tie a paint brush to it - he is confident I won't.

At my favourite book store this morning, I browsed through a book of Indian wise men sayings. "There is nothing in the universe that is not connected to everything else" So true. I am happy we share that connection.

Blue is sitting here with a big smile on his face as though he agrees.. or is the fact that I just took a large t-bone steak out of the freezer!

Enjoy your day!


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/16/06 06:40 PM

I was browsing through Michele Weiner Davis' divorcebusters website, last night and I came across a book that looked like it might have merit premised on the idea that understanding why we are miserable doesn't make us happier. While adopting concrete behaviours that lessen the misery does.

I took a quick look at the first chapter. "How to Change Your Life and Everyone in It", basically suggests that we all already have a pretty good idea of what we need to do to be happy. Focusing on the why of things, can be a painful wasted process. Michele Weiner-Davis suggests she sees fantastic results if you just focus on the how - now. Forget the why, the blame, the history.

Accepting that as true, I have been trying to build a picture of what my home will look like. Discerning what I need versus want. How best to apply my skills?

Frankly a lot of it is just letting go... being open... relaxed... trusting that what ever you "really" need, pretty much you already have or is yours for the asking.

Wishing you, your family, your horses, your dogs, your turtles and Help a gentle peaceful day!

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/18/06 12:27 AM

Your words are such a gift to me... always here when I need them. I know your post is correct. I am trying so hard to let go and work on the now.

It just seems that MOW pops up in my now all the time.

May I share with you..that I judged a local horseshow over the weekend with a woman who was a casual friend and also in the outskirts of the "click" (sparsely populated) of MOW.

This woman opened up and let bombs fly... It does seem that alot of the scandalous rumor surrounding all of this was that I had an A with MOWH...that I am violent to H ( I am 5'2", he is 6'4")...and so on..You must know the drill.


It was also brought to my attention that the little league football team that my H is a coach for has a new player drafted to it this year among many others... MOW's son.

What do I do with this information?

My son (10) knows everything..he knows what his father did and that he has a brother he cannot meet. MOW is the kind of mother who sits on the sidelines of every practice talking on her phone... the child will be with her, I am sure.

Is this fair to my poor son?

I have not discussed my knowledge with H yet. I am pondering this.

I do apologize for the nature of some of my posts..they do disrupt the flow of wonderful healing energy that you provide here. I am so grateful for you patience.

On a HUGELY important note... there is a litter of small wild bunnies hopping about my outdoor tortoise pen. It has a concrete block wall and doesn't seem to be user friendly to rabbits. They are barely hopping on their own and will come suspiciously close to Phyllis (the largest female) and myself when we sit together and ponder life.

It is a precious, precious sight.


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/18/06 06:23 AM
Hello Paradise, Eibrab and Carnation,

Just home from a family reunion in the sprawling metropolis of Goldendale, WA. I went with Mom and Dad and my Dad's cousin Cherrie who is 89yrs young. I met all manner of relatives and learned a lot about families and relationships. My great great grandmother was married four times by age 42. She had children with three different husbands. A story about the end of her marriage to my great great grandfather was printed in the local newspaper in the mid 1800's in Goldendale. She had 11 children, with the three different fathers, and managed to eak out a living thru all of this and we now have relatives all over Washington State.

Gladly I found that infidelity never played a part in any of it but every other reason did. Abandonment, drunkeness, and "Ill Temper" sure did. Families can and do survive thru all of this as the reunion proved. Even living in a two room shack in the middle of nowhere. Standing tall and being self sufficient is what I came away with this weekend. If a 5'1" woman with 11 children can keep her family going on her own 100yrs ago I can do the same in the comfort of the luxuries we have now.

Eibrab I can hear you seeing the little things that will get you through whatever comes your way already. You have the inner strength to survive as well as prosper. Believe in yourself. Leave a living trail for your kids to follow and look back on with pride.

Paradise, I am thinking contented and peaceful thoughts for you tonight. Big dates still rock me both before and after they arrive. In reality, aren't they only as significant as we make them? Do we put way more emphasis on them than our WS's? Do they even mark the day? I doubt it! Just another day to them and it should be the same for us. Losing days/weeks that we can never have back in a fog of what if's is not what we need to be doing to ourselves anymore. Dharma probably teaches you the same I'm sure. Be happy and enjoy your life, your friends are benefitting from you and you need to take something away from the socializing also. Contentment in what you still have and look forward to tomorrow.

Carnation has the ideas down pat. We need to heed the words better. Keep after them Carnation! We both will and maybe soon some of the good left in their lives will shine thru and brighten them up!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/18/06 07:23 AM
Dear Eibrab,

I always, ALWAYS like to hear from you.

As you and Phyllis ponder life, focus on what you want your life to be like. See it. Imagine how it will make everyone feel. It is yours for the thinking, for the believing.

Her future would likely have a great deal of cantaloupe in it. Yours will I imagine have beautiful horses, beautiful children and sigh a slightly bossy husband – who loves only you. To me it sounds like what you have right now.

Most MOWs have issues. That sadly is how they end up MOWs. She is troubled and unhappy. Projection is a symptom of someone whose ego/persona is under attack from within. It is easier to project your actions onto someone else, than face the truth. Sometimes people get so adept at it –they lose track of the truth.

The way to minimize something in your life is to devote no attention to it. Spend your energy on things you want – not the things you don’t want. Our thoughts tend to attract whatever we think about into our lives - both the good and bad.

If you are going to think about her, try to imagine what her life must really be like. What her marriage must really be like. It should drain the anger and hurt away… leaving you feeling compassion for how hard it is to live with mistakes ….

Sending you a big hug.


P.S. FOR NO CONTACT TO BE NO CONTACT – THERE MUST BE NO CONTACT. If you cannot live where you live, without socializing with her or her children, then don’t live there. Move.

He cannot coach her child.

Any contact between your husband and the MOW whatsoever is counterproductive. It undermines his own marriage and hers.

Given the situation, it would not help her. It certainly does not help you. Nor in the long run, does it ease his feelings of guilt.

She should be turning to her own husband for what ever emotional support she needs.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/19/06 05:30 AM

What a lovely post. I liked the positive focus, the looking forward to things with confidence, with an appreciation for your roots.

I am sitting here looking out at an amazing moon, a red crescent that is so low in the horizon it looks like it might fall and so close it seems I could lean out my window and touch it.

I have had a low ebb day. It is hot here. Neither Blue nor I are used to heat. He spent the afternoon at the puppy spa getting a trim. NOT his favourite thing to do, he is laid out paws in the air, snoring softly at my feet - looking handsome. In a moment I will take him out for a quick walk. He will spring up, stretch out his fore legs, bunching his hind end in the air and wag his tail as if to say "My that is a good idea!"

Life can be so full of good ideas. You just have to be open to thinking them....

Sending you happy thoughts....

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/19/06 09:52 PM
Hey Paradise,

I am sitting at my desk at work thinking about your post and had to stop and get some of my thoughts down before they get lost in the shuffle of work. I am glad you see the positive side of my thinking these days. I hope these thoughts continue for me because it's the first time in a long time I do feel positive about my life in general.

I still feel pangs of guilt occasionally about being positive, given what has been lost in the last year and a half. I am hoping I am in the final stages of grieving over the loss of a 28yr relationship and the best friend I ever had. I never thought I would feel whole again but in most ways I do now. My anger has completely subsided and it has been replaced by apathy and in some ways a sense of worry for her future. I will always love her although I will never, never allow her to be in a position to hurt me again. I think this will be something I live with the rest of my life. A love for a woman I will never allow close to me again. I have closed off a section of my heart that I have to ignore and keep silent forever.

The point of all of this is that I hope to give you a sense that time really does heal the wounds and things can and do get better. You at least have been allowed by Midnight to retain some respect for him, in that he has been straight forward and honest for the most part. Few deceptions and no out and out lies that I have heard of. I was not allowed this luxury and I think my recovery suffered because of this. To this day I cannot and will not rely on her integrity related to anything. That is the one thing I hope my kids learn from all of this. There are very few things in life that cannot be taken from you. Your honesty and personal integrity are two things you have to give up on your own. She gave both away and someday she may come to realize how precious these qualities were.

You and Eibrab and Holiday have been godsends for me and I hope I have helped you in some small way also. I know I would have been in a much darker place for a much longer period without the patient and sage advice all of you have given me. I know this sounds like a goodbye when it's not. It's just something I felt I needed to get off my chest and out there to see and read myself, something like your journals.

Thinking cooler thoughts for you and Blue!
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/20/06 03:24 AM

I hope you are well and that the homefront has quieted for you. I worry when you stop posting that the things that you cannot control have robbed you of your reasoning and patience. Let the rest of the people involved in this "situation" spin off out of control, don't let yourself go in this regard. Somewhere in this time of worry and stress there needs to be an "eye of the storm". A place of reasoning and calm that your kids and your H can go to relax and take comfort that some things never change. Be that place they seek. Both for yourself and for them.

I know what it is that I am asking you to do. I could not do it myself, I was never confident nor strong enough. You have done this since H's A began. Why change? I know it is difficult and emotionally draining to be the rational one in the mix. Who else is there? As I have told you before come here to vent to us and let us help you thru all of this garbage. I have benefitted from your advice and I always look forward to hearing from you. Let Paradise and I help you as you have helped us whenever you need it.

Get busy and start the posting again. Talk this stuff out, it helped me and I'm hoping it will do the same for you.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/21/06 01:46 AM

Thank you my friend. Very, VERY much.

Sometimes I feel as if my family sees me more as the tornado and not the "eye of the storm"... I think that I find that I worry enough for all of us, that they feel that I am the only one still "dwelling.".

I do not vocalize my worry. I promise. I keep it to myself. I have not acted on the little league football info. as of yet. I still have a few days and I have found that I have through all of this become a thinker. I think alot before I act.

Sometimes I am not sure if this is best.

Paradise suggested a move...probably not likely here due to the magnitude of our operation. I remember once that MOWH told me that MOW asked him if they could move...this was before everything came out. Do we think she may be capable of shame ?

I find power here in this thread. I find strength. I will post more and not just linger here reading advice that is truly appreciated.

I'm not getting much satisfaction from discussions with Phyllis... she's very selfish in her topics.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/21/06 03:14 AM
Hey Eibrab,

Oh poor Phyllis, while she listens intently, I suspect she is a bit of tortoise in pondering what to say, finding the conversation so fast paced, that in a blink she is standing alone, stunned - ten steps behind – so to speak.

I am glad you have done naught about the little league football. I think it is your FWH's mess and he should come up with the solution himself offering it to you for discussion. It can't involve allowing his wife and child to be in the same place at the same time as the FMOW.

The less you talk about it - the less you will think about it and frankly thinking about it - just makes you miserable. Let’s go back to my earlier suggestion of thinking about the things you want in your life not the things you don't want. Thoughts are very powerful, they invite things into your life. Every action - every reality exists first in thought.

It is lovely night here. Blue and I just had a stroll. There is a kind of a warm misty fog in the air, shrouding things, creating glowing halos around the lights.

I was at a dharma session tonight, a visiting lama came to speak. I was sitting in one of the front rows in a sparsely populated room and kept falling asleep. My eyelids just kept getting heavier and heavier. It has been a busy week.

He launched in a lively talk in booming tones about the necessity of concentration and an active mind versus the dead like mind of SLEEP! I started to blush. Those who snooze lose – or stay unenlightened!


Wishing you contented, glad to be alive, thoughts!


PS. Remember, you have many who wish you happiness. It is yours - for the smiling….
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/21/06 03:45 AM
Hey Dukhunter,

I always enjoy your humor and honesty.

Hearing you being positive and optimistic about all that you have to look forward to is a tonic. There is naught to be guilty about. Life is meant to be enjoyed.

The anger is gone. How wonderful! What a relief for YOU!

Negative emotions do fade surprisingly quickly. Quicker still if they are crowded out by the excitement of living your life now fully - completely.

Wishing you boldly confident imaginative dreams! All that you need to reinvent your life.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/22/06 04:18 AM

Blue and I are winding down for the night. The heat of the day has subsided and there is cool night breeze coming through the window.

I am content on my own these days. It is peaceful. My life has developed an easy pace.

Looking back over the course of the last year, I am surprised at how little time it takes really to go from utter agony to a relaxed cheerful acceptance of change.

I was walking around a hardware store tonight humming away to myself, chatting softly to Blue. He picked out new kitchen cabinet hardware. He likes to pick out things. I usually give him a choice, holding up an option in each hand, he looks at each carefully then noses one; beef or chicken dog food, red bandana or blue bandana, brass soft finish or chrome soft finish!

Like many males he has bossy streak!

I find myself wishing Midnight happy and content at least once a day. Hoping he will find what he is looking for and that when he does it will be worth the search.

Mostly I am diligent about being positive, in every gesture, in every thought. It is a miraculous cure for all ills - the ones we create for ourselves and those that are visited upon us by others.

It means I smile a lot and happily in turn get smiled at a lot. There is a circle effect, that heals, restores, refreshes, brings you back to center within the space of a moment.

Like little rays of sunshine that piece thunderclouds - smiles ease every kind of pain.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/22/06 07:33 AM

Now that is a post! Contentment is settling in, in the formerly frozen north! My head is screaming at me to push for some closure to go along with this feeling for you but my heart tells me you will take care of that when you are ready for it.

Enjoy your peace and contentment. You deserve it as much as any person I have ever had the pleasure to converse with. Poor Blue, he has yet to learn nothing good can come from expressing an opinion from a male perspective in regard to a womans kitchen! He will learn the hard way.

Pleasant Dreams!
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/23/06 01:24 AM
I thought this worth sharing... tonight I am going to bed saying "I love you." to myself. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Eibrab


By Joe Vitale

Two years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients--without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate's chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person's illness. As he improved himself, the patient improved.

When I first heard this story, I thought it was an urban legend. How could anyone heal anyone else by healing himself? How could even the best self-improvement master cure the criminally insane? It didn't make any sense. It wasn't logical, so I dismissed the story.

However, I heard it again a year later. I heard that the therapist had used a Hawaiian healing process called ho''oponopono. I had never heard of it, yet I couldn't let it leave my mind. If the story was at all true, I had to know more. I had always understood "total responsibility" to mean that I am responsible for what I think and do. Beyond that, it's out of my hands. I think that most people think of total responsibility that way. We're responsible for what we do, not what anyone else does--but that's wrong.

The Hawaiian therapist who healed those mentally ill people would teach me an advanced new perspective about total responsibility. His name is Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. We probably spent an hour talking on our first phone call. I asked him to tell me the complete story of his work as a therapist. He explained that he worked at Hawaii State Hospital for four years. That ward where they kept the criminally insane was dangerous. Psychologists quit on a monthly basis. The staff called in sick a lot or simply quit. People would walk through that ward with their backs against the wall, afraid of being attacked by patients. It was not a pleasant place to live, work, or visit.

Dr. Len told me that he never saw patients. He agreed to have an office and to review their files. While he looked at those files, he would work on himself. As he worked on himself, patients began to heal. After a few months, patients that had to be shackled were being allowed to walk freely, he told me. "Others who had to be heavily medicated were getting off their medications. And those who had no chance of ever being released were being freed." I was in awe. "Not only that," he went on, "but the staff began to enjoy coming to work." Absenteeism and turnover disappeared. We ended up with more staff than we needed because patients were being released, and all the staff was showing up to work. Today, that ward is closed.

This is where I had to ask the million dollar question: "What were you doing within yourself that caused those people to change?"

'"I was simply healing the part of me that created them," he said. I didn't understand. Dr. Len explained that total responsibility for your life means that everything in your life--simply because it is in your life--is your responsibility. In a literal sense the entire world is your creation.

Whew. This is tough to swallow. Being responsible for what I say or do is one thing. Being responsible for what everyone in my life says or does is quite another. Yet, the truth is this: if you take complete responsibility for your life, then everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or in any way experience is your responsibility because it is in your life. This means that terrorist activity, the president, the economy or anything you experience and don't like--is up for you to heal. They don't exist, in a manner of speaking, except as projections from inside you. The problem isn't with them, it's with you, and to change them, you have to change you.

I know this is tough to grasp, let alone accept or actually live. Blame is far easier than total responsibility, but as I spoke with Dr. Len, I began to realize that healing for him and in ho 'oponopono means loving yourself. If you want to improve your life, you have to heal your life. If you want to cure anyone, even a mentally ill criminal you do it by healing you.

I asked Dr. Len how he went about healing himself. What was he doing, exactly, when he looked at those patients' files?

"I just kept saying, 'I'm sorry' and 'I love you' over and over again," he explained. "That's it?" "That's it."

Turns out that loving yourself is the greatest way to improve yourself, and as you improve yourself, you improve your world.

Let me give you a quick example of how this works: one day, someone sent me an email that upset me. In the past I would have handled it by working on my emotional hot buttons or by trying to reason with the person who sent the nasty message.

This time, I decided to try Dr. Len's method. I kept silently saying, "I'm sorry' and 'I love you," I didn't say it to anyone in particular. I was simply evoking the spirit of love to heal within me what was creating the outer circumstance.

Within an hour I got an e-mail from the same person. He apologized for his previous message. Keep in mind that I didn't take any outward action to get that apology. I didn't even write him back. Yet, by saying "I love you," I somehow healed within me what was creating him.

I later attended a ho''oponopono workshop run by Dr. Len. He's now 70 years old, considered a grandfatherly shaman, and is somewhat reclusive.

He praised my book, The Attractor Factor. He told me that as I improve myself, my book's vibration will raise, and everyone will feel it when they read it. In short, as I improve, my readers will improve.

"What about the books that are already sold and out there?" I asked.

"They aren't out there," he explained, once again blowing my mind with his mystic wisdom. "They are still in you." In short, there is no out there. It would take a whole book to explain this advanced technique with the depth it deserves.

Suffice It to say that whenever you want to improve anything in your life, there's only one place to look: inside you.

When you look, do it with love.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/23/06 02:47 AM

That is such a wonderful post! I've printed it out and attached it to my fridge door.

It encapsulates the Buddhist concept of the "nature of mind" in nutshell. It is true.

What we see and experience through our senses are projections from within us - delusions so to speak because actually our very selves are an illusion.

The Buddhist believe it takes many years of meditation and visualization practice to "realize" the true nature of mind or "Buddha nature". We can however "feel" our Buddha nature in split second of compassion.

We do create our lives. We are responsible.

Thank you, I loved it.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/23/06 03:43 AM
We do create our lives. We are responsible.

Kind of harsh..but I suppose true, eh?

I'm glad you liked it...this line of thinking has fascinated me. My faith is very important to me, but I also think that faith in myself has got to be of significant importance.

I sure am trying Paradise.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/23/06 03:59 AM
Hey Guys!

Call me the simple idiot from Nevada and all but isn't all of that a long and detailed description of controlling the one person you can- yourself. I love the way the thoughts are presented but at the core it melts down to the same principal doesn't it?

Eibrab, you should care for and yes, love yourself. Your family does and I know you have friends who do also. Phyllis does too! You nurture and care for all of those around you. Heck you have nurtured me here in this forum. Do what makes you happy and what you want to do in life. Don't do anything simply to please someone else or to fulfill someone else's ideals or moral code. Take the time right now to decide what it is you want and what you need to do to keep your yourself from becoming a different person. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Eibrab I have come to know and like so much. Don't change yourself to adapt to the current situation. Change your role in the situation instead.

Phyillis is a poor example of how to deal with perceived threats, she retreats to her shell and only comes out when she feels safe again. You can't do that to your family and friends.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/24/06 03:37 AM

Hey Dukhuntr,

Blue and I are just winding down for the night. We were out earlier at a lovely family barbeque tonight. Blue has a strong partiality to barbeques.

We are heading out early tomorrow for a road trip - going for a two day visit to a friend's cottage, back in the city mid week to play a couple of days of catch up and then off sailing for three days in the thousand islands.

I hope you enjoyed your weekend!

Sending you happy thoughts....

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/24/06 05:50 AM
Het PB,

Nothing better for beating a heat spell than a good BBQ. Friends, food, and cold drinks all make for a good time. Have a great trip and don't forget to 'Let go of the wheel".

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/24/06 11:32 AM

Last week I went to see the head of the little league football to see what could be done about who is on who's team.

Nothing happened at the visit as I asked for nothing at that time. I also told no one.

It seems that someone wrote an anonymous letter to the coaches slamming how they are chosen and their "morals"....specifically singling out my H among other's.

The head football guy called ME to ask if I wrote it AFTER he called H.

H won't even speak to me. He even spent last night in my sons' room. He says that I went behind his back, that I am sneaky and that he knows that I wrote this letter.

Which we did not get a copy of supposedly.

Can things get worse?

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/24/06 11:33 AM

Oh how I wish I could join you.

Be safe <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/24/06 09:46 PM

You are letting things you can not control get to you again. Simply tell him you had no part it the letter and let him sort out the truth. Here's where the community can actually help you. Sounds like someone else feels what is going on is over the edge morally also.

Don't let yourself get sucked into his issues. And these are his issues not yours. He wants to bring you into this to lessen his own feelings of exposure. Don't let it happen!

Be confident and strong, time and stuff like this will help you if you let it.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/24/06 10:07 PM

What can I say to a man that would make sense to him that I'm not buying into this?

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/24/06 11:16 PM

All you have to say is "I did not write the letter". If you have always been honest with him, and he knows it, it should start him to thinking. From there he will have to acknowledge that other people are seeing what is going on and not liking it. Sooner or later if he's half the nan you have described to me he will have to feel the true weight of what your community thinks. Kinda like peer pressure only in a good sense.

The same principal as MB exposure comes into play here. Hopefully he responds positively. My EX didn't and to this day she is still mad about exposure. Other than that stay out of the situation. Let whoever wrote the letter fight this battle. The most you would want to do is to endorse the sentiment. Don't LB by telling him you wished you would have thought of it first. Remember you want to be the "calm" here.

I wish things were different for you and that you could go with Paradise. A nice long trip while all of this gets resolved would keep you out of all the garbage that is bound to fly.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/26/06 03:23 AM

Day four of not one word..and he's still sleeping in my son's room. What do you make of that?

Be honest. I can handle honest.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/26/06 05:58 AM

You got me Eibrab? He has to know you did not do this in his heart. His pride is hurting for sure because he wants to be respected, especially around his peers in coaching. He will lash out at anyone or anything that takes that away from him.

All I can say is to try and be as rational and stoic around him as you can and if he confronts you again on this subject make sure you remain calm and simply repeat the fact that you had nothing to do with the letter. In my opinion he is trying to use his kids right now in an effort to make you look bad. Don't react just be your usual self and if anything be more polite and sweet than usual. I know you can do this, its your normal disposition. All of this is going to take time to work everything out. Don't rush in and try to fix anything. All it will do is add gas to the fire.

Be patient, I don't pray much but I have been lately for you. You didn't do anything to deserve this and I wish it would all die the unnatural death it deserves. Hang in there I'm rooting for you.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/26/06 11:02 AM
Thank you, Dukhunter....

Last night was the equipment pass-outs for the whole team. MOW was there with her son and the child.

My son noticed. His father said nothing to him regarding it. Isn't that cowardly?

Why do you suppose that I am the only one who thinks H coaching MOW's son is wrong? Not even her H stopped it.

Maybe I am the one who is wrong here?

Thank you for your time and prayers. This hurts.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/26/06 07:41 PM

Don't you ever say something so defeatist and self depreciating ever again. In no way are you wrong about any of this. The aliens have landed and are running amok.

Basically they are rationalizing to beat the band. It's like what a friend who is in AA told me once. If you have an Elephant in your living room you have two choices. The first is to throw a table cloth over him and put flowers on his back and pretend he belongs there. The other option is to handle the situation and get that damn Elephant the heck out of your home. Sounds like your hubby, the OW, and her husband have already found the table cloth and the flowers will be there soon.

I've never seen you do this to yourself before. I am really worried about you now. I am thinking you may have to put up some boundaries that you will enforce with your H. Otherwise you are going to drive yourself crazy. Sit back and read all that Paradise has watched and let slide and decide how much you can handle. Do it for yourself. Don't sit idle and let it fester if it's past what you can handle. Everyone's level of tolerance is different, find yours and define it for H now!

Please keep posting you have me very concerned for your well being right now. I want to hear from you regularly so I don't freak out. Please also consider an IC to help you thru this. Mine is a godsend. When I feel I no longer need him I am going to fire him as an IC and become a close friend instead.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/27/06 03:42 AM

I truly hate to muddy PB's thread with all of this. It makes me sad.

He blew tonight.

He asked me son (10) if he'd like to get to know his brother...without discussing it with me. My son told me.

I kind of flipped, but held it together and confronted him a sane way. It went well, until my daughter entered the room and came to my defense.

He went nuts. It was scarey. By the time he stormed out, he had the whole thing twisted into how horrible I am...a manipulative, underhanded, liar and he is the only one that I can't baffle.

Screamed at the kids and told them he doesn't love me or want me there..I am only with him to "keep the peace."

This is very new to me. I'm very sad..but also a bit strong. He is SO wrong here.

He will never see it.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/27/06 05:31 AM

I have been looking at the screen for a good ten minutes not sure what to say.

Socializing on a family basis given the circumstance is disrespectful, counterproductive and just beyond the pale awkward for absolutely everyone. You might as well slice open all the emotional wounds with a wire cutter.

That someone else in your community would raise the issue, doesn't surprise me. Even these days, a married man fathering a child to another man's wife in a small town is a mess. Surely he has to expect that it would draw criticism.

I have trouble imagining that the MOW’s husband wants his son to be coached by a man who had an affair with his wife and is the biological father of one of his other children. It is disrespectful. Even the MOW’s son can’t be too keen on the idea. Would you want to be coached by your Mom’s former illicit lover?

The whole situation is a mess.

Eibrab, your husband can’t seriously believe, that you would write that kind of letter. He is choosing to become irrationally angry with you because he can’t really face this mess. If you get steamed up and blame everyone else then part of your brain can ignore reality. The hitch is that another part of your brain can’t.

I have been sitting here trying to imagine what I would feel like being in his shoes. I don’t envy him at all. He has failed himself and pretty much everyone else in his life. The fact that the OC has health issues makes it even worse.

He will feel some measure of guilt forever. There is no simple way to make things right.

In practical terms, other than financial support there is no constructive remedy that he can offer to mend the wrong that he co-contributed to in terms of the OC and the MOW’s marriage and family life.

There are many constructive practical things that he can do to mend the wrong he did to you and his own family.

Moving would be at the top of my list. There has to be true no contact in place for forgiveness to begin.

Everyone in this situation needs to heal and it is impossible without forgiveness. Forgiveness is the only answer here - that will render a positive outcome -no matter what eventually unfolds.

He has not forgiven himself. He clearly still is hurting. You have not fully forgiven him. You are still hurting too. Both of you are in pain. We withdraw from pain. He is withdrawing from the reality of the situation by trying to pretend it can be ignored. That everything is normal. This isn’t the kind of situation that you can ignore. It is a long, long way from normal.

If you could truly forgive him, it would help him forgive himself. There would be hope and the mess wouldn’t be so overwhelming that he just wants to close his eyes to it. True no contact is the key.

I think you both need help with this.

Why not book into one of the marriage weekend seminars with the Harleys. There is one on August 25 and 26th in San Francisco. Arrange to have a family member step in and take care of the kids. You could go a few days earlier and enjoy the city together. No one has to know why you decided to take a trip. It can be a spur of the moment getaway!

Sending you a still quiet space – to just breathe – just be and remember how wonderful every moment of life can be – if we let it. ….



I just read your last post, it made my stomach churn. I hate the picture it paints in my mind. Everyone mad. Everyone hurt. For what?

Be strong. You are strong.

Remember that hurtful words are only words. Your husband has loved you most of his life. You have loved him most of your life. All this mess is new..and temporary if you can work through it.

Oddly it is the people we love the most that we often hurt the most. He would not act like that to anyone else. He is not so intensely connected to anyone else.

All families have issues because everyone on the planet has issues. It is just we know those people in our families best and as a consequence we are closest to their issues. The perfect family is an illusion, there aren't any.

Your best course of action is to calmly go about the business at hand. Be unfailing polite: uncritical; calm; practical; smoothly considerate. Do whatever you need to chill for yourself.

He does not merit being taken seriously right now. If we took seriously every man who acts like an [censored]. Our planet would be much worse off.

Book the weekend in San Francisco, go alone or with your daughter if need be. She can hang out while you attend the two day seminar. You need a break, it will help to be in a room with other people with similar problems who are working on them. You will get excellent guidance when you need it most.

When we change ourselves we change our relationships. You are facing a situation which would cave even the most self confident of us. You need to build up your personal reserve of determination, confidence, self appreciation and self love to deal with this mess.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/27/06 05:41 AM

I am so sorry to hear all of this. I don't know if there is anything I could say to make it any better. Please for your own sake seek some professional help in all of this. An hour with a professional will help more than all of my feeble efforts combined for an eternity.

Keep your head up you are doing all the right things and you know it in your heart. Your children need a stable parent and their home to be in during all of this. Let him be the one to run out of your home. Stick to your guns and be the anchor you always have been for the kids. Hearing that your daughter came to your defense warmed my heart and I'm sure it did the same to yours. She knows what is happening. Your son will be confused and scared, comfort him, he needs you. Most of all do whatever you feel necessary to protect yourslf and to care for yourself in all of this. I haven't been to church in two years and tomorrow I am going to change that for you. You could use some devine intervention right now.

Be kind to yourself you deserve it!

Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/27/06 06:20 AM
Duk - Your post actually made me cry out loud.

((( Eibrab ))) Bless you, bless you, bless you... God help our Angel Eibrab in her hour of need. Guide her through this to the other side -- and fast !! Bring her peace Dear God.

Eibrab, please be comforted by the very fact that you have such wise friends here, who are generous with their wisdom.

As PB mentioned a while back, about 9/11, that it brought out love in people on that black day - so too does this board. From all the unmeasureable pain and suffering due to the affairs here - comes love and friendship. Such love and friendship that you would not have known if not for coming to these boards. Eibrab ~~

We love you !!!

Carnation (sorry, I am in and out alot of late... out again.. sending my best)
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/27/06 05:53 PM

Hey Eibrab,

I am sitting at my desk, thinking about you... worrying about you. Please tell us, you are having a better day than yesterday and that the big Kalook has cooled down and is more mindful..

I am sending him focused thoughts on manners, polite consideration and mature respect for those he loves...

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/27/06 11:08 PM
Paradise, Dukhunter and Carnation..

It is a better day a bit... though the problems are about.

It is better because I made it better. I sent him an email telling him that when he was through with his tantrum, that I'm very willing to talk... until then, he should bite my backside real hard.

I almost told him to kiss it..but that would have inferred some gentle sentiment, eh?

I like the name Kalook, btw.. it fits him...and he is starting to sheepishly come around as if he has done nothing.. but he's done something - what I must figure out.

You are all so important to me... the prayers and good thoughts have got to help me move a mountain right now.. or at least a big Kalook.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/27/06 11:13 PM

I wonder if we speak gently here about Dukhunter's post of prayer if he might sneak in and read it.

It brought me to tears, too.

The gentle, positive nature of the owner of this thread is something we may never see again in another human being.. very special.

The duck hunting, tobacco chewing, praying man is right up on that pedestal of "good" people, too..

I'm glad that you and I fit in here. It must say something for us.

Thank you for your thoughts, my friend.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/28/06 04:25 PM


I am again sitting at my desk surrounded by paperwork, thinking about how your day is going. I hope everything gradually improves.

The Harley's do telephone coaching too. It might be the easy way to start a dialogue that would lead to true communication and understanding.

Lately, when I contemplate Midnight's thoughtlessness I ask myself if we are the creators of our lives, why did I create him to behave like that. Instead I try to focus on the traits I have always really liked in his nature, hoping that when we interact those traits will come to the fore.

No one is the sum of their actions in one day or one night or one year, remember all the wonderful things your big kalook has done over the many years you have shared together, it will give you balance.

I am heading out on a three day possibly four day sailing trip, you and yours will be in my prayers....

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/28/06 10:12 PM
Okay you two, I appreciate the sentiment but now you are making me feel bad about something that was supposed to help you not make you cry. I have spoken my peace for you Eibrab with the heavenly powers and we'll just have to wait and see if I hold any sway up above. You do sound better!

No relationship comes with any guarantees or warranties that is for sure. You would hope that long term relationships such as the ones we have all been in would carry a little more respect from our spouses. Obviously that is not always the case. It does not mean though that we have to lower ourselves to their level and disrespect something we cherished.

Eibrab, after much thought and a few prayers for you all I can say is be yourself. You have the wisdom, courage and integrity to do what you need to do, whatever you decide that is. Be patient, respectful and calm in everything you do. Do not allow yourself to go "dukhuntr" and lose your self control and in my case all sense of rationality. It takes far too long to recover you balance in life if you do .
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/31/06 12:44 AM
Eibrab, Oh Eibrab!!!

Where are you? Don't scare me like this. At least chime in to say you are okay, please! We care about you and just want to hear you are hangnig in there.


Hopefully some peace will enter your life soon.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/01/06 02:56 AM
Okay "Your killing me smalls". Where are you Eibrab and more importantly how are you? Throw me a bone and post something that lets me quit worrying about you!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/01/06 10:12 PM
Hey Dukhuntr, Eibrab, and Carnation,

I'm back, tanned, relaxed and smiling. I share Dukhuntr's worry. Eibrab, please let us know how you are doing.

The trip was fun. Four days went by like four hours, we moored off beautiful islands, ate simple meals, read by flash light, swam, walked the dogs on rocky beaches and talked.

I have great photos of my girlfriend up the mast in a bosum’s chair. A 35k squall came through with torrential rain – over in 45 minutes, it left us all thoroughly soaked and grinning. Calm waters gain appeal by contrast!

The last day, we tooled around Kingston looking for electrical parts, listening to my girlfriend's sixteen year old daughter's taste in music - the All American Rejects –“Moving Along”. Two generations nodding to the same beat.

Last night, curled up to sleep on the deck due to the heat, I watched the stars jump about the sky with the bobbing of the boat – feeling at peace.

These days I smile a lot. Last year at this time, I was one of the walking wounded. Now I am pleasantly hopeful, with an abiding faith that with time, we will all find our way.

Wishing each of you well and happy ...

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/02/06 12:14 AM

So glad to hear you had a great trip. Where was Blue? With Midnight? Poor dog, will he need to be de-skanked again? Sounds like you had a lot of fun and some excitement to boot.

Our girl Eibrab has me very worried and concerned. Nothing since you left. Do you have any other way of reaching her? I hope all is well and they went somewhere together to work things out. She is such a kind and considerate spirit, I hate to see her get beat down like this. Call out the darma llama, or whatever he is called, she could use all the inspired help she can get.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/02/06 12:25 AM
Hey Dukhuntr,

It is worrisome isn't it. She may be just regrouping. When you are in the midst of turmoil - sometimes words are difficult to come by...

Blue enjoyed the trip immensely, clad in his life jacket and a huge grin! He leaped in the zodiac for his walks in the untamed wilds - like a pro-cruiser pup.

Curling up with me, at night exhausted, snoring and still smiling. The last night of the trip - I slept on deck and he stood sentinel - I think the whole night. He was grumpy on the ride home! A quick visit to his favourite beach changed that.

I have been trying to catch up. I haven't been home much in the last week.

I hope you and yours are well. Have faith, Eibrab will chime in when she is ready....

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/02/06 04:04 PM
Dukhunter and Paradise..

I am so very sorry for worrying you. PB is right, I have no words. Maybe that is a sort of regrouping?

Last Saturday was the annual picnic for all the little league baseball teams. My H is one of those in charge. It was also my daughter's 14th birthday.

When the kids and I arrived an hour and a half early..there was already an army in place working. One of which was MOW. The child was there as well toddling around.

It was a difficult day. No one, including my selfish H, warned me. MOW has never attended these types of events before. Her oldest son does play on one baseball team.

MOW was dressed very provacatively. She ran the show. She bossed everyone around and tried to do all the jobs. I never saw H directly speak to her or acknowledge her or the child. It was very sad. I did see her on occasion retrieve things from the back of my H's truck where most supplies were. She shied away from nothing.

It was painful for my children and I. We did well. We held our heads high. At one point, I saw H walking between two tables and MOW following fast behind. H was completely unaware. The law of logic would have held that MOW had the right of way, but I stepped abruptly in front of her accidently stepping on her foot.

I apologized.

I never said one word the rest of the day about anything to H. Not one word. I promise.

I did break down the next day for s short time in my tears. I had so badly wanted some sort of positive recognition from H for my behavior and grace at the picnic. I received none.

I was embarrassed, but somehow serene.

I don't how I feel right now. I don't know what is up. Gut instinct tells me that there is nothing going on between the two...but the sudden resurgence of this woman scares me and shakes me to the core.

She is the kind of bold woman who does not put up with losing. BTW, her H was not in attendence.

What do you suppose those who knew thought of me?...why do you suppose that even matters to me?

I need help. I know this. I feel as if I am the strongest person on Earth, yet I feel as if I could be ill at the very thought of this whole situation.

I owed you all words here. I apologize for hiding. I am becoming someone that I am not.

Thank you for caring..

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/03/06 05:24 AM


I have been pondering your last post while I worked away at my desk today, went out with friends tonight and finally while walking the dog in the rain.

There are examples on this board where people overcome the OC challenge. Either on a no contact basis or with continued contact with the OC, some have even adopted the OC to raise as their own. There are inspiring successes achieved by ordinary people with extraordinary compassion, humor, love, practical wisdom, true communication and whole hearted commitment to their marriage.

I wish someone who has successfully handled this kind of challenge would pipe up.

Both you and your husband need help with this. Did he ever write her a no contact letter? OW(s) in my mind are symptoms of a problem not the root cause. It is like focusing on an invasive vine that appears to be strangling a tree – when in fact the tree is indifferent to the vine but is simply not getting enough water.

If his plan is to ignore the situation and pretend that everything is fine and normal. Then he is ignoring the fact that he is causing you pain by putting you in situations that hurt your feelings. That would be disrespectful of anyone's feelings.

Allowing your wife and a skimpily attired, still interested former lover to be together in a social setting is insensitive on all counts. Your son and husband need to drop out of this league. There are many other sports they can enjoy.

Allow yourself to feel your emotions. Observe them, they are a guidance system of sorts. Shutting down, becoming silent, withdrawing into yourself because it is too painful not to – is not the best option here.

I would opt for some telephone coaching with the Harleys, they have seen this type of situation played out before, experienced first hand what works best to resolve the conflict between your husband and you.. You would benefit even it you are doing it alone at first.

Each and every one of us - has to decide what will make us happy. Often we find it out by the contrast of the things that make us unhappy.

Life is not meant to be endured. It is meant to be enjoyed. A wonderful abundant creative experience that is best savored and shared – not wasted in a blur of anxiety and pain.

You two need to come to an understanding of what circumstance, boundaries and commitments will best support healing …..

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/03/06 12:47 PM
PB, Dukhunter & Carnation...

H is absolutely opposed to any outside help with any of this. He says that I am the only one with a problem. Everyone else seems to be able to get over it.

Do you truly believe that? When I saw this OC, I felt nothing. No compassion, no ties. It makes me sad.

I do not think that even the threat of losing me would prevent the football season from happening. It would only punish my son and make me look selfish, I suppose.

On a day to day basis, he is back to treating me as he has for the past year and a half. Can anyone offer me insight into male thinking?

I have almost reached a point of drawing a map to MOW's house and sending H on his way, though I am quite certain it is not her that he wants.

This town is too small.

Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/03/06 01:49 PM
(((( Eibrab ))))

Oh honey, I am clear across the country at my son's and finally figured how to log on here. I had to reach out to you.

First, I do not remember, are you on meds ? I know I could not have even survived without my xanax / ativan. Both work very well short term...

A very wise one on here asked me this, so I am going to ask you too.... not trying to be harsh, but -- desperate times sometimes call for desperate measures.... here goes

What would you do if you were

not afraid !!

That jumped out at me at the time and hit me right in the heart. Just something (more) to think about... You do have someone in RL to discuss all this with, right ?? If I was home, you could talk to me 24/7.

Raising my hands to God and begging him to give you some peace. And, I do believe it is ALL about you now..

yours, carnation
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/03/06 04:10 PM
Dear Eibrab,

I am torn in a way. Sometimes, taking your attention away from what you don’t want in your life is best. Ignoring things that means your thoughts don’t dwell on them giving the circumstances or people involved more strength or influence over your feelings. Often those feeling are negative and your whole life becomes negative as a result.

I walked by my OW1 this morning and I too felt very little. I simply ignore her, I am so good at this now, I can do it fully relaxed. Her dogs use to run to me barking for my attention and treats. Now we all ignore each other even when just a few feet apart. I very seldom think of her. I am ashamed that I also feel very little compassion for her either.

Often expensive therapies don’t work because they just make you think about the problem more and it gets bigger with all the attention you give it.

Notwithstanding that, there are clearly communication issues in your marriage and your husband’s actions are not considerate of your feelings. I don’t think it is selfish to want to avoid someone who has caused you and continues to give you pain by her inappropriate comments and behavior.

At some point in the future when the wounds are not so fresh being in the same social setting may be comfortable. It clearly is not the case now though.

I think you are right. Your husband has no real interest in this woman. She is not the issue. Resolving your differences and healing your marriage so that it resembles the happy union it I am sure once was – is.

It sounds to me like your husband is backing away from the mess he has made and is backing away from you because of it. In one of our few talks, Midnight told me he just couldn’t live with such a big awkward mess. It overwhelmed him.

You need to recognize that you are the one that will make it or break it. If he has truly withdrawn from you – then using the divorcebuster model might help more. They also offer telephone counseling. The focus should be on a practical stratagem of action, not on dissecting hurt or allocating blame!

Agree with him, that you have a problem. Let him know that you are going to seek help for it. If he doesn’t want to participate – it is his choice.

Carnation is right, anti-depressants are a viable option if you are having trouble functioning. I used acupuncture instead – which seemed to work too. I doubt any rational man would want his wife to go on anti-depressants simply because she can’t take social contact with his OW at football gatherings. Lose the football!!!!!!!!

It is not selfish to not want to be in pain!

What would you do if you were not afraid? It is an excellent excellent question.

It is a long weekend here and I will be going out of town to a friend’s country home. I may be able log on there. I am not sure. I will pray for you daily… wishing you strength, acceptance, peace and most of all - humor!

Rent funny movies… laugh… it is what you need most!!!!!! Like anything in life – this will pass…… You will heal…..

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/03/06 08:59 PM

I'm not sure it's worth much but I will tell you what I think. H is doing his damnest to put this behind him and ignoring all others in the process. He probably is mentally and emotionally tough enough to pull this off himself. What he is forgetting is you. If the two of you are to make a go at this he needs to at least listen to your concerns and to your boundaries. Have you set any? Does he know what is alright by you and what hurts? I know I have said this over and over again but we men are dense. Talk to him and set the boundaries you need. Write them in a letter if it's easier. He may remember them then.

If you are getting the feeling that nothing is going on and it's true, get to talking. He is doing what he feels will set the world right again for you, your son and his family. He does not sense you still have a bunch of healing to do in the trust area. Thus having MOW around does not phase him. He is past that in his head and expects you to be there too. Again, not fair to you but remember he's a man. We think and feel differently than a woman and can look past something very disturbing and hurtful to to the opposite sex. I sincerely hope you are right about nothing going on there still. If you can get him to talk and to live by some boundaries you stake out this can work for the both of you. I just hope he is able to listen to you and to understand why you still have your "hot buttons". Trust building does not occur overnight.

Before you send him the map to MOW please show him the boundary stakes you expect him to live by. I know it should be simple for him to see but with all he is having to deal with unless you are clear and loud in your requests he will blow right past them and not even realize it. No one ever said recovery was easy. I may be past wanting it myself but there was a time I would have given all I had for the opportunity you have right now. Find a place and the time to decide what it is you really want. There is no rush to make this decision either. You need only to think about PB to see this in real life. In the mean time set your boundaries!

As always-Hoping the best for you and your family.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/03/06 11:10 PM

May I ask..and I can handle the truth...does this scream that he is still involved with MOW to you?

This is a taboo subject in our home. We do not speak of it.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/04/06 12:48 AM

In no way does this scream that to me. The situation alone would make any BS hyper vigilant on snooping. I'm sure if something was up you would know already. That is part of the problem, you can't relax and let your guard down as things are.

Being in a constant state of tension and doubt works on your nerves and your good nature. Setting the boundaries will allow you some room to relax and to build on your trust with H.

It's okay to snoop and I hope you have been. H should definitely understand this. You have to catch him doing the right things a few times too. Eibrab to be honest you sound like you have just hit the end of your rope. You sound tired and ready to give up. Am I even close here? As I have said before everyones tolerance level is different. Get some professional help for yourself and find out of you have reached yours.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/04/06 03:37 PM

I have spent a few days pondering your post...and your question. I have to wonder.. is this fear?

I suppose it is. The fear of losing the man I've spent my life with..The fear of starting over... The fear of a split family... The fear of having to parent a child that is the result of an act of complete disrespect towards my family?

Gosh, I don't know.

If I wasn't afraid. I'd still be here. I hesitate to ever portray myself as one of those woman who proclaims " He doesn't mean to hurt me... he loves me." I am fully aware of how I am treated at times. I am fully aware of the actions of my H, though I do not understand them.

Still... I know that I'd be here. I truly love this man, though my logical mind would tell me that I deserve differently.

Since the birth of this child that resulted from my H's A with a local married woman, we have found a peace. No, we do not communicate about this problem at the insistance of H, but still, there is a peace that lingers. It is only recently, that it seems that MOW has gotten bored again and wishes to cause trouble.

H will deny this.

The recent phone calls, the football team, the picnic..and just yesterday, I received in MY own business only P.O. Box an emergency room hospital bill addressed to H regarding the OC. I may not have shared this with all of you in the past, but it was MOWH's demand that NC be in place and that my H be required to provide health insurance for the child. This was an intelligent ploy for MOWH, as he was not certain of the longevity of his M and this would provide an avenue for him not to pay child support on this child (willful recognition on the part of my H by providing health care) even though MOWH is on the birth certificate.

So, for me to be sent a bill in my business P.O. Box after over a year seems odd. I called the hospital to inquire as to why I was sent this and was informed that this was the address given at the time of registration of the patient.

Herein lies my anguish. I feel that MOW is back trying to cause problems. My H will not listen to me when I address this and calls me paranoid..telling me that I have "problems.".

I am truly a very sane, intelligent person. I like who I am. I feel as if I cannot choose whom I love, and I trust that God must have a plan.

What I desperately need help with is dealing with a proud, selfish man whom Dukhunter seems to be able to grasp in words, and what I believe to be a soul-less woman who seemingly can't handle herself in any amount of respectful fashion.

I wonder why my world appears this way.... isn't it sad?

Thank you, my friend. Your prayers mean the world to me.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/04/06 03:45 PM
Paradise and Dukhunter...

Again, I apologize for muddying this thread with my own selfish concerns. This has always been my "beach". I come to read here everyday to feel a peace.

This whole subject is not peaceful to me.

I have considered anti-depressants. My father was an alcoholic. During one family counseling session when I was very young, the counseler looked at my mother and warned her that I would be a problem. I have addictive tendencies.

I have always resented that implication. Therefore, I never drink.. have never been drunk nor have I ever taken one puff from a cigarette. I am afraid of an addiction. I'd like to prove that schooled authority wrong.

I have sought conseling one time during all of this and was met with an opinion that I "seem to have my thoughts in order.".. I receive far more help from reading as I do.

I like to helps.

I do feel as if I am reaching the end of my rope in having been disrespected. How does one combat words from my H such as " why do you worry? You're the one here with me.".


I wonder what this challenge in life means for me..or it's purpose. I wonder if I am meeting it.

Thank you for caring.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/04/06 04:32 PM

You can "muddy" this thread all you want, we care about you and want to be there to support you and offer our help any time. An outside perspective allows us to be detached and offer unbiased opinion. And remember it is only our opinions. We are not professionals and I really do wish you would choose to try one. There is no magic bullet they offer, simply an experienced ear and a calming influence on those who sorely need it.

As for meeting the challenges of your life you have not only met them you have for the most part conquered them. The only challenge remaining is to find an inner peace for yourself. Your H is there with you not with the OW. This is his choice. You did not control him in making this decision, he made it on his own. You will never control him or what he will do. You know you love him and want him in your life, show him this part of you. Control how you are around him and make this second chance happen for the two of you.

You have nothing to fear if this does not work. You have already shown your H, the community and all around you how strong and confident you can be. Believe in yourself, no matter what, you will survive and live your life for what it is, a gift to be enjoyed every second of every day.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/10/06 04:47 AM
Hi Eibrab, Dukhuntr and Carnation:

Sorry, I was waylaid on my way back to town on Sunday by a tempting spur of the moment offer of a couple days stay at a friend's back woods cottage near Algonquin Park. It was bliss.

We barbequed steaks, kayaked on a quiet deserted lake, listened to her twelve year old son's endless supply of jokes and talked for hours about everything by candle light.

When I got her call I was in transit on my way home from spending the weekend with friends who have just retired and are tackling the renovation of a century house, built before confederation. It is very cool. There were seven of us, who stayed for the weekend, visiting the local sites. Growing old with friends who you have known since you were young, makes it easier some how.

Now, I am now back making very long lists of things I need to get done. I have been much less focused on work since Midnight and I broke up. I often do things on the spur of the moment. Spending time with friends is hands down my priority these days. I sincerely wonder why it took me so long to get my priorities straight.

Throughout my travels I have been praying for you Eibrab. I have been thinking about how hard life's lessons can be.

What does pain teach us? What did I learn from Midnight’s mid life blow up?

Perhaps, that going through life expecting other people to make us happy is a mistake. Expecting that happiness comes from getting someone else to meet our needs, behave as we want, think as we want – simply doesn’t’ work.

Quite often even if they did everything we thought we wanted – it still wouldn’t make us happy until we get to a point in life where we really “get it”.

Happiness comes from within.

Sitting in a kayak this morning, looking out across a still lake, watching the loons, the pine studded rocky shores, I focused just on breathing .. just on being. With every breath we can choose to be happy. It is our birthright because we are alive. We are part of an amazing manifestation of positive energy.

Life is incredible! If we look for it, we are awash in beauty, surrounded by peace, and embraced by love.

Kids are closer to this reality. The two year old you see dancing around in a bank line up having a whale of a time – is acting on the profound.

Forget the MOW. Ignore your Husband’s self centered nonsense. Instead focus on you. Wake up each morning happy that you can choose to a certain extent, what you would like to do that day.

Try doing something completely different every once in a while. Hop in the car, drive to a near by town, explore, shop, whatever… Have fun!

All of these issues are going to be with you both for a very long time. Introduce a re-born enthusiasm for your daily life and see where it goes.

Out of every change in life – there are positives. This situation has been profoundly hurtful for you. Perhaps the positive is that you now realize how strong you are. How graciously composed you can be in the face of extreme insult. That your love for your husband can survive even his most craven weakness. That you can wisely ignore those whose confusion leads them to try to cause you pain.

Those are just marvelous things to know! Be proud of your self! I know I am proud of you!


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/10/06 04:57 PM

Hi All,

I noticed this thread that Daisy37 started in General Questions. I loved it so much I am copying it here...

Daisy 37,

I caught this Bill Moyers Faith and Reason episode last week and found it to be very enlightening. Others here may find it of interest too, forgiveness and personal recovery after an A are discussed in this interview along with some other very interesting concepts.
Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/13/06 04:36 AM
((( Eibrab )))

Just wondering how you are doing dear.

Please do not stop posting. We care.

P.S. PB you sure sound good lately.

Please give Blue a big hug for me. We all wish we had that special gift of love that comes from such a companion.

Carnation - just sitting here in Texas ~~ praying for rain !!!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/13/06 05:48 AM

Hi Carnation ,

So nice to hear you are well. The weather has turned cool here, before I can blink we will be in long pants and jackets weather. Our shorts and sandals season is fleeting...

Blue says thanks for the hug... he knows how special he is...

You can tell by his prancing walk... head up... tail in their air ... "Yep I am the boss!"

Wishing you rain and happy times..

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/13/06 06:02 AM
Hey Eibrab,

I hope you are well. I was in a book store today and picked up a book on dealing with the grief of loss. There are all kinds of losses. One of the main points it made was that we each heal at our own rate. Accepting the feelings you have right now is important. They are valid. They are yours to come to understand.

I have been stressing the positive but you may not be ready to be cheery and positive. We each process grief at our unique pace.

There are moments where I am not there either. Moments where I feel violated by having to be in close proximity to OW1 or painfully wonder what Midnight says about our marriage to who ever these days... It gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach having such thoughts.

All I can really tell you for sure, is that you have a great deal of strength and patience. With the dedication that you have to your family, your husband and your marriage.. only good can come of it...

It might just take awhile.

Hoping you at least for a moment and maybe only in the shower: smile, dance.. and sing today!

Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/15/06 06:10 PM
((( Eibrab )))

Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and praying for you.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/21/06 08:15 PM
Where ohh where has our wonderful paradise gone? Has she sailed off to some magical place with blue in tow? Or has she tired of hearing from those of us who yearn to be as spiritual, centered and grounded as she is always?

I miss you and your thoughts, I still look for them every day. I miss Eibrab too and hope that all is well for her and that a sense of peace has arrived in her life.

As for me I have finally met someone that could be special if I can muster up the patience to let things move at her speed and not mine. I love being with her and we have fun every minute we are together. She is witty, perceptive and her sense of humor is as warped as mine!

Wishing you all well and happy!

Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/24/06 03:24 PM
Where ohh where has our wonderful paradise gone? Has she sailed off to some magical place with blue in tow? Or has she tired of hearing from those of us who yearn to be as spiritual, centered and grounded as she is always?

I miss you and your thoughts, I still look for them every day. I miss Eibrab too and hope that all is well for her and that a sense of peace has arrived in her life.

I second all of the above.

Duk - you give many here hope and vision that there is life after a divorce caused by an A. (PB too of course). I read with great glee about you meeting someone new. Hopefully she is aware of what she has found too !!

Sending along my very best thoughts and prayers for y'all.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/31/06 02:55 PM
Paradise and Eibrab,

Okay it's official now you have me very worried about the two of you. If I have said or done something send me a 2x4, don't just disappear. I would love to hear from both of you that you are okay and all is well. If you have grown weary of posting here that is fine too, just let me know what is up so I don't have to worry any more.

Wishing the both of you peace and happiness!

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/31/06 03:16 PM

Thanks for the kind words. I don't feel like I offer much other than a friendly ear and encouragement. Yes I have met someone, but she has been thru two seperate episodes of infidelity in her life and is not letting me get very close at all.

She is a wonderful person and very much someone I could fall for but after months of dating I have done little to crumble the wall she has errected in her life. I haven't given up yet, she's too nice to do that but I am steeling myself for a disappointment in the long run. As we have discussed here often, everyone recovers at their own pace, she is obviously still in this process.

Let's keep after our two missing friends to get back to us. I am very concerned about the both of them.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/02/06 05:22 AM

Sorry Dukhuntr,Eibrab, Carnation2

I just kind fell off the earth for a while there. My plans to travel to France this September changed as my brother changed his plans. So I ended up galavanting about the province for a couple of weeks...

I hope everyone has been well. Blue and I have had a lot of fun over the last two three weeks. I still remember you and Eirab in my prayers daily... hoping all is well... all will heal.

Wishing you happy and well

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/06/06 05:31 AM


I haven't done a journal entry in a quite awhile now. Sometimes it seems you run out worthwhile things to say.

I find I don't think of Midnight very often these days.

My mother called him last week because she could not get me.. his latest girlfriend answered his cell phone. Mom exclaimed over the phone to me later... " really dear she sounds about 10."

After 14 months of separation, I no longer think of him as my husband anymore. I simply no longer think of him - period. I am gradually sorting things out.. not as fast as I probably could get it done.. but steadily.

There is great solace here on these pages... listening to everyone's thought's, experiences, wisdom. Somehow sharing it does make it so much easier. Knowing that at some point in their lives everyone faces intense heart ache or loss.

Perhaps the price of love is the pain of loss....Happily, like every thing it really does pass.

I share Dukhuntr’s worry about Eibrab, we have not heard from her in a long time. I hope her situation has improved. Sometimes you just get out of the habit of posting, other times it is just hard to find things to say. However, there is always ready support here should she need it…
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/06/06 03:16 PM
Hi Paradise!

You have no idea how worrisome it is when someone you have come to care about here for so long simply disappears! You scared the heck out of me. I know it was unwarranted, but it still made me nervous and unsettled while you were on your "walkabout".

Same goes for Eibrab. With all the turmoil going on in her life it would be nice to hear from her occasionally just to know all is well, or at least that she is okay.

Sounds to me like you are finally entering the acceptance phase of all that has happened. You have been a model of patience and hope for many people for a very long time. I think given the length of time you have been seperated it is natural to enter this phase. The odd part is I think it is also the time when you become the most attractive again to the WS. It is not going to surprise me one bit if he starts sniffing around again soon. If he has the slightest bit of sense left in him he would. You are a gift of life and positive thought for all you come in contact with.

Have a great week, I have a really hectic schedule this week and can only pop in and out until this weekend.

Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/15/06 05:56 PM
I am thinking that not hearing from Paradise or Duk is good news. You are both obviously moving on. No one deserves it more and is more well equipped to go onward. My very warmest regards are with you two. Although I do miss your writings.

Now Eibrab missing concerns me. Please dear, let us know that you are alright. My prayers and thoughts are with you still. You had alot on your plate and I am sending you hugs. ((( Eibrab )))

Sincerely, Car
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/18/06 01:14 AM

Hey Carnation2,

Thank you for your kind words. I must admit it does feel good to be moving on. I share your worry about Eibrab.. I think of her often, wishing her and her family, horses, rabbits, turtles and birds - well and happy.

Sincerely.. Paradise
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/18/06 03:03 PM
Paradise, Dukhunter and Carnation…

I am SO very sorry for leaving you all hanging. I have checked in and meant to post and simply ran out of words. Your thoughts and prayers mean the world to me and it was very rude of me not to share my thoughts as well. It isn’t healthy to revert to being in a hole. I simply kept saying that I would post tomorrow...Carnation's sentiments moved me to tears more than a few days.

Life isn’t all that bad…but I must explain that I feel some portions of my life are a movie that I am watching. I keep busy so as to try to keep changing the channels of my life when I stop and think too much.

Football has happened. MOWH’s never helped me get the teams switched as he said his “hands were tied”, H refused to step has trudged on. It makes me ill, but it’s making me stronger. MOWH also has never attended one game. I've done this whole ordeal solo coming from the side of betrayal.

MOW has completely taken charge along with the head coach’s wife (HCW) in all the aspects of the team dealings, though I dare say that absolutely no communication takes place to the visable eye between my H and MOW. The OC is running around unsupervised at all times. He comes up to me on many occasions at these games and try my best to be dignified in ignoring him, though I know this is simply a child.

I was not allowed feelings for this child from the beginning, I cannot muster them at this point. Right or wrong. I don’t know what else to do. My children do not speak of this. I can't fathom how my H seems to accept this, never acknowledging this child or her.

I have only attended one practice, where MOW saw me and left. Her support system of the head coach’s wife was not there and I am so very grateful that everytime I attend a game and at this practice a sympathetic crowd forms around me. I do love people.

I prepare dinner, have it waiting, wash uniforms and never, ever say one word about this situation in regards to football especially. I have not uttered one word about any of it until I was signed up without my consent to work the concession stand that the HCW and MOW are in charge of and I refused.

I first refused to H, who told me that I would embarrass him for not supporting the team ( he should realize how lucky he is that I didn't tear this whole team apart, eh?), I then politely refused to HCW’s and assured her that I would replace myself so she need not worry. She was aghast. I did not care.

These people came down very hard on another woman (Sara) who’s son is on the older division of the same team for telling me about the team roster in the first place and referred to this woman (Sara) as a “big mouth.”.. It was the thought of MOW and HCW that I did not need to know who was on the team, and they verbally harassed poor Sara.

With that sample of disrespect, I chose to fill my time slot in the concession stand with my dear friend Sara.. who is all too happy to watch them squirm. We giggle at our feat here… H has not said another word about any of it.

This is hard. It is horrible.. it is simply unreal. H is treating me as if I am a Queen and I cannot understand why. He even bought me a dozen new arrows, Dukhunter, for my bow with fieldheads and a few broadheads… he suggested we might hunt together. I suggested that, while I was grateful, I would only need one arrow . <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Self-esteem has got to count for part of this battle, don't you think ?

I suppose H may be so attentive because his biggest mistake is running along the sidelines wearing inappropriate clothing and advertising what God has given her and this whole situation is simply too unreal for words.. and I sit trying to be dignified and gracious. It had better not be because he is guilty of more..LOL

I am so sure there is more that I missing… I feel a post or two in the near future. Right now I want to celebrate the friends I have here in silence..for caring, for moving on (SO happy for you PB) and for being the very best thing for this tortoise Mom.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Thank you, my friends...

Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/19/06 03:04 AM
Praise the Lord !!!

So very nice to see you Eibrab.

I have tried to post this a million times today and have had problems. Hoping this one goes through.

Getting more love and attention from your H must ease the pain a little. Even if what he is doing right now is not what you need/want - it is probably the best that he can do. I hope that you can fill the hole in your heart - but frankly, I am not sure that is possible...

You are to be admired for enduring this with class and grace. Not sure I would be able to do the same in your shoes. You are the best !!!!

Sincerely, Carnation
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/19/06 10:53 AM

It surely is quite a relief to hear from you again! I'm glad to hear you are well. I wish the football situation was different but it really is a short season and will be over soon.

Go hunting, enjoy being outdoors and all that goes along with it. Sitting in a blind brings a peace you can find few other places in life. No phones, no TV, nothing but the world as it naturally exists with you in it. And people like you do make the world a better place. There is only one person who can make you happy- yourself. Find the people and the places that do this for you.

Wishing you nothing but happiness and peace!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/19/06 06:17 PM
Hey Eibrab,

I have been sending you big hugs all day. I wonder if you feel them.

Your aim is so true. I doubt you will ever need a single arrow.

I profoundly admire you not giving up on your family. It shows such fine strength of character and just titanium emotional endurance.

I watched a great film over the weekend. Little Miss Sunshine, I think was the title. There was a line in it about Proust and how he believed we learn and grow so much more through suffering than anything else in life. It is what lends us our greatness like metal or ceramics being made stronger by fire.

I hope you come to know just how great you truly are…. I suspect your husband and children at some level already do.

Wishing you free of football!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/20/06 02:18 AM
(((( Eibrab ))))

I have been thinking over my post to you and what I wrote troubles me. Please forgive me Eibrab, for assuming that you have a hole in your heart. If my saying that brought you any more pain -- I so apologize. Of course, I have no real way to know such a thing and for me to assume it was wrong.

You see, Eibrab - I was talking of me. I am the one with a hole in my heart. It has been there for so long that I am accustom to it and doubt that it will ever go away.

Once again, if my saying that in my former post to you, brought you any more pain -- please forgive me, dear. Not my intentions at all.. Many blessings

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 09/20/06 01:25 PM
Free of football !!!

Oh what a wonderful thought... another month and a half and that will be me. What's next, we have to wonder?

Dear, dear Carnation... you and those here will never, ever offend me. I am so appreciative of thoughts, opinions and feelings..and I completely understand what you said. I sometimes wonder if it is truly a hole or simply a cloud overhead ?

It's a strange feeling. I try so hard to understand any of this. Of course, I've worked hard within my family to come to terms and learn form this..but the unknown is what keeps this cloud or "hole" with me... don't you agree?

Why? Why did two such selfish people hurt so many? Why is this MOW now forcing herself down the throat of my family once again in seeming innocence? Why is everyone ok with this other than me?

You have those thoughts in your life too?

Infidelty is a hole. It doesn't matter how much we run from it, it's there. I woke up this morning and the first thought in my mind is "how dare MOW's mother have said hello to me at the last football game after accusing me of harrassing her when I sent her a note saying that I am praying for her family as I am mine during the A" ?

Why am I now worthy of the respect of a hello? Why am I now forced to allow this woman to be wherever she wishes and and have this child run free and approach me on many occasions only to have others stare at my reaction and her giggle as she scoops him up?

Do I deserve this? Do my children deserve this? It is a hole.. but it is filled with people like you, PB and Dukhunter. People I may never, ever face, but who have made a huge difference in my life.

Please don't ever be afraid to type what you see and feel in regards to me. I can laugh and cry right along with you all.


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/03/06 07:01 PM
Hey Eibrab,

I have been thinking of you today... it is one of those remarkably beautiful fall days here ...the air alight with glowing sunshine.

Blue and I just made a quick trip to Starbucks and the park of course. Seasons changing always makes me reflect on how fast time passes us by.

I so know your pain. You are in the crux of it. Surrounded by triggers that can piece your heart. If you let them... remember it is you who make that choice.

You can instead really look at your heart and see it for how fine it truly is.. full of patience.. strength. Awash with understanding.. even for those who make and continue to make poorly guided choices.

You are the beacon... my dear... you are guiding your family to safe harbour..

Big hugs.. Paradise
Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/07/06 11:06 PM
You can instead really look at your heart and see it for how fine it truly is.. full of patience.. strength. Awash with understanding..


Paradise - oh how we so need you here.

A while back I posted about a hole in my heart. and it seems to be just hanging there in the wind... hole and all

Then you come along with kind words for Eibrab - but I hope you are aware of how many, many other wounded hearts out here that you help along the way...

I am going to hold onto what you posted above to Eibrab and try to mend my heart...

Sending warm autumn wishes for you and Blue.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/14/06 12:53 PM
PB, Duk and Carnation...

I have found that, while silence affords me much time to think, it also leaves me too much time to dwell.

Harvest is in full swing now. 4 to 5 combines running all over, breakdowns, yield worries, you name it.

And, I've got more..

A week ago, at the local high school football game which H takes the kids to every home game, I got a frantic call from my daughter that she just saw her father in the company of the MOW (whom PB calls Chip, LOL).. I prematurely panicked, though I shamefully feel not one bit of remorse, and in turn called H and told him if he respected this family at all, he would remove himself from present company, and then I called MOWH.

Leave it to me, eh?

MOWH thanked me..and we both agreed, whether this was an innocent gathering (there were a few other folks from the little league football team in the group talking) or not, that these two have NO right to disrespct either of us by being seen within miles of each other in public.

I made my peace with H. I know that he immediately moved, but that was caught in conversation with another in the group as he walked by and was not (I do trust this, actually) thinking he was in MOW's company.Funny, how this woman is suddenly appearing at the high school games now, too.

Since last week...I have received one horrid voicemail (which I have saved) and 9 nasty text messages to my cell.. all of which I have saved and none of which I have responded to.

One text even explains what a disgusting person I am for not working the concession stand at one of my son's games. I did, however, replace myself with a responsible adult. I will share with you for chuckles, that this concession stand run by the Head coach's Wife (HCW) and MOW is usually set up very nicely under a cute portable tent with banners.. On my scheduled morninng, there was no tent, no banner and a junky little table.. LOL, they truly got me with that one, eh?

I did contact the authorites who said that I have enough to file an incident report and they will pay her a visit for telephone harrassment.

I have not done so, yet.I have shared some, but not all, with my H and we have not discussed this. I feel this is a matter between MOW and I. I am waiting to see how I should handle this. Harvest is such a hard time for us all, and for once, H is really giving me the red-carpet treatment. Every breakdown this fall has not been fault, can you imagine? Maybe he knows what is going on..maybe MOW is after him, too, and he is simply grateful that I am handling my own.

I have not contacted this woman in any form for over 2 1/2 years.

Today our game is a bit later this afternoon.. we have only 2 left. Keep your fingers crossed for me..I will not stoop to this level.

I hope <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> .

I pray for each of you every day and hope this finds you well.

Many, MANY, Blessings...

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/14/06 12:55 PM
Carnation, my dear friend...

Sometimes we have to sew up that hole ourselves. I think the affected area may just even be twice as strong then..

I care.

Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/19/06 12:32 PM
Oh Eibrab, thank you so much for the kind words.... it teared me up as only true words can....

Yikes, you certainly have been through alot lately... But - I believe the best part of it all is that your H is standing by you and loving you. With his support and love - the two of you, as a team can get through anything !! yucky FOW included...

And, you my dear, have already shown to everyone how tremendously strong you are !!!

Here's to a great harvest for all....

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/24/06 08:50 PM
Hi Eibrab,

By now, football will be over, the harvest will be mostly done and I expect you will breathing a sigh of relief.

Ironically, after going through all this turmoil.. you may end up with a better marriage in a way. One with depth, true understanding and enhanced mutual regard. I wish you could know how proud I am of you. You have behaved so well, so graciously through this.

Carnation2 glad to know you are well, still offering wisdom and friendship to those in need...

Blue and I are well, we have been busy.. it seems time flies. My friend with the chip wagon has already packed and left for Greece. I have dug out my fleece lined jeans as we are having cold days.. and I am looking forward to the winter.

I will try to take the time to journal more. It does sort out your thoughts.. though mostly I find I am happy these days..I've accepted the change. It is all OK.

Big hugs to you both...and especially to that Dukhuntr guy!

Posted By: barrycudaaa Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/25/06 10:15 AM
Hey Blue, the answer to your question is time and lots of it. God bless your heart, you deserve so much more for your investments than a selfish adolescent for a husband. Anyone who is willing to throw away all that you worked together to build, you are better off living without! You're on the right path however, give yourself plenty of time,space,freedom and acceptance to pick up the pieces of your life and move forward. Build a new life just for YOU! Never forget and therefore never be vulnerable again. "Guard your Heart, for out of it are the issues of LIFE. I see it's been about a year since you posted, how are things now?
Posted By: barrycudaaa Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/25/06 10:32 AM
p.s. Blue, keep in mind the fact that all this has nothing to do with your self worth. We all have a "fallen" nature which makes us(men,women,even you) incapable of the kind of love we all desire. There is only one who is worthy of your love and only one who is capable of true love. Give your heart to him. Peace beyond understanding.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 10/25/06 03:12 PM
Hi B!

It is good to see you checking in once in a while. I sense a calmness in you that I think is a wonderful thing. I hope you and Blue are well and adapting well to the new life.

I have been in "dukhuntr heaven" lately. The duck season started again and it has been a godsend. Jaime is maturing into a truely gifted retriever. Dad let her get a little out of shape and she has paid the price with a lot of soreness but she won't stay in if I am going out.

I miss our talks and reading your journals on a regular basis, but I know we both have grown and moved on in our lives and don't need to same amouts of support and encouragement. I do wish we could talk occasionally though. I think of you as a friend and would love to continue that if you are up for it. I have a new e-mail address **edit** so use it sometime and lets catch up with each other every now and then.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/07/06 02:39 AM
Hi L!

It is good to hear you sounding so well. I am remiss.. I am letting life just sweep me along and falling well behind in keeping up with my friends.

What could be better for a dukhuntr than duck season! I will try to do the occassional journal post. I must admit I like reading through them.. they are the story of a passage of sorts.

Life has been busy here. My days just seem so full. During the worst of getting over my marriage break up. I got behind and I have been playing catch up in a big way.

Be well .. all of you ... big hugs ..

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/17/06 05:29 AM
Hey Guys!

I need some advice from my friends here at MB. I am an idiot when it comes to trying to read signals from a woman. Too simple I guess! I have been seeing Safari Girl again for the last several months. Everything has been great! We have been travelling together, going to weddings together, basically being a complete couple. Now all of a sudden she says she can't do this anymore because she doesn't feel it's right because she doesn't feel she can make a real committment to me yet.

WHAT THE HE)))???? Where is she coming from??? She still wants to do all the same stuff only now its a kiss on the cheek and goodbye at the end of the evening. We still go to concerts, movies and out to dinners, etc. all the time. All on my nickel. I enjoy being with her but it is bothering me that we have moved so far backward in terms of our relationship.

My friends all think she is done with me but she is still in love with my credit card. I like this woman very much and find this hard to believe. What is your feeling?
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/19/06 03:43 PM

Do you like this woman or the company?

I suppose that would affect my answer.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/20/06 03:43 AM
Hi Eibrab!!!

Not sure what I like more. She's a very bright and intelligent person and we have fun together. At the same time she's no where near as affectionate as I am.

I guess its the fact that she sends so many mixed signals and then gets nervy when I ask what she really wants that gets me the most. ie, lets go out of town to my friends party and you buy everything and yet we're just friends still? Here's you birthday present of concert tickets and by the way you get to take me to dinner before the concert.

Thanks for answering Eibrab, I miss hearing from you! How are things going now that football is over? I hope you are well and content finally.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/23/06 01:03 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

I would just have a quiet chat and let her know you think she is sending you mixed signals. If she does just want to be friends.. so be it..

Always hard to sort out what is fair on who pays what. It seems she has definite ideas on that and perhaps you just have to weigh how much you value her company relative to the expense.

At least.. she gets you out of the house..and presumbably makes you feel good when she is around.

Hey Eibrab.. good to hear from you. I hope life has settled down since football is over. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Blue and I are well. I find it lonely at moments.. at other times I am at peace.

Big hugs...

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/25/06 02:46 PM

I have attempted to answer you a few times here and have been met with a freeze-up in my cyber communciations.. I think this might have reached you sooner if I had used a pigeon.

If there is one person in this world, I'd never, ever want to disagree's Paradise. I know you feel exactly as I do..respect and admiration aren't even big enough words.

Geez.. I wish I could put her words in my mouth on every occasion LOL !

However, this time..I have to grimace a bit..didn't you corner this woman once before on this very thought and come right out and ask? Didn't she sort of "run" ?

My first impression is probably not real positive. Women are sucks. However, how important is it to you right now to know ? Is it worth spending the holiday season alone if she bolts again?

I am certainly not advocating that you continue to be "used"... oh my no. Possibly a more subtle way of maintaining a friendship here would be to simply say at the next function or outing "what's my half?" with a smile on your face?

If she bolts...then you've got an answer that is far easier on the heart at this time of year than "just friends for me as long as you are paying"..

Paradises's words here hold true:

"Always hard to sort out what is fair on who pays what. It seems she has definite ideas on that and perhaps you just have to weigh how much you value her company relative to the expense.

At least.. she gets you out of the house..and presumbably makes you feel good when she is around."

I just feel that if you come right out and ask her, knowing her history of shying loose out on the option of having her company by your own choice.

Does that make any sense?

You get an answer and you don't scare her... She may be a wonderful gal with a commitment phobia or she may be otherwise. I just wouldn't want the hammer to completely fall on a dear friend who seems to have found some happiness peeking through.

Bless you my friend..

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/25/06 02:52 PM
PB, Duk and Carnation..

I am holding my own is about all I can say <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> .

I made it through football with minimal harrassment. Towards the end I received a bunch of texts messages and a few voicemails that I staunchly refused to answer but kept in file. All from MOW..all disgusting and all after almost 2 1/2 years of no cummincation between she and I.

I held my head high.

They tried to push a travelling basketball team through on me too.. with the same company. I caught it..I handled it the way I wanted to.. caught some flack and didn't care.

There comes a point, doesn't there?

At this point.. I have willfully chosen to spend a few nights on the couch, though maintaining a pleasant attitude due to a few harsh, undeserved comments from the adult male-peanut gallery.

He's walking around with a smile on his face as though nothing is wrong...why *giggle* do men DO that?

What do they want at a time like this?

Bless you all..

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/29/06 12:54 AM
PB and Eibrab,

Thanks for your input. I am just frustrated and unsure about both myself and Safari Girl. Not too sure yet that I am ready for a real relationship given that this is bugging me so much.

I think I enjoyed more hearing from the two of you. You both make me smile just hearing from you.

Men smile and get angry to cover their real feelings as a defense mechanism Eibrab. We do it because we know it pushes hot buttons for the opposite sex. Why be the only one feeling bad when everyone can join in???? Ego showing it's ugly face again. I hope all he wants is peace and quiet and a happy home life. I know you do and you deserve it!

Give Blue a extra doggie treat for me PB and have a wonderful holiday season the both of you!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/04/06 05:56 AM
December 3rd, 2006

Just a quick journal entry.. I have had a very fun busy four days. Thursday night I took my Mom out to a community theatre production with some other friends. During intermission as we sipped lemonade she confided that a very old beau had looked her up. She looked at me with a wicked grin, an elbow nudge.. whispering “I may have a boyfriend before you do!”

We both started laughing so hard people turned to stare at us. A beautiful silver hair lady and her grown up daughter having hysterics!

Then on to a great weekend away in the country.. doing Christmas type stuff with dear old friends in their wonderful old Victorian country home.. with its fabulous garden and nasty neighborhood cat.

We played cards, cut down a tree.. went on a tour of beautifully decorated homes in a variety of Christmas themes.. listened to a carol concert.. walked a beautiful beach..(Blue barking loudly the entire time) enjoying each other as only old friends do. Sometimes long friendship gives you a clear eyed appreciation.. for the meaningful differences you make in each other's day to day life.

Driving home ..I had a moment where I really knew how lucky I was…

Dukhuntr, So glad you are doing well… I know Eibrab right now is having the toughest time of the four of us. Carnation2 I hope you're doing well. You are all in my prayers.. hugs

Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/06/06 04:27 AM
Oh Paradise - the way you have with words and such.... I always - always - feel such a wave of comfort and calm when reading your postings...

Since the name of this thread is about the pain of affairs - so many, many people searching to ease their pain will open this thread and enter into almost another world.. A world foreign to many but where love, peace and friendship preside.

Paradise, you started out this journey devastated, having been dealt such a heart-wretching blow .... but you have come out on the other side stronger, wiser and resolved...

You show us all that there is a way through the pain and fog. That there is hope... That we can all raise our heads and feel good about ourselves...

I feel very fortunate that for the brief time that I am reading your writings - I have enteterd into your world.. I always come away from there calmer and feeling much better about myself.. and for that - I thank you !

Happy Holidays to all reading this.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/22/06 09:32 AM
Journal Dec 22

My neighbor John died of cancer and other complications last week. He was 62. I had met him at daybreak walking by the lake, the night my Dad died. He had just got his diagnosis the day before. That was only 14 months ago. I remember giving him my Dad’s ball cap that read “Never Surrender”.

At the visitation, I dawdled arriving late, hoping not to have to be in the same room as my former husband, his latest OW? and OW1. They didn’t go. Looking around the room, at all the well coifed and nicely dressed people, I thought life is so fragile… so impermanent.. it can be taken in a moment.

Next week I will take his wife to lunch… over very large martinis ..hold her hand.. sit quiet.. if she needs to cry. How do you say good bye to someone you were married to for 40 years. It will be hard.

Pain and loss comes in waves somehow. I was out for dinner this week with another friend. Last summer we were laughing. she was on her way to Europe, her son had just been married. She was telling stories and jokes about past trips.. (how her modesty kept her trapped in freezing water at a German spa). Last month she had radical surgery for cancer and is now commencing heavy chemo. She is not 60 yet. Her only son’s first child born this fall with Down’s syndrome has just been diagnosed with leukemia.

It leaves me weak.

For the last few months I have spent a fair bit of time each day – running. I use to run 7 to 8 miles a day when I was younger. Now my daily runs are much longer although much slower too. Somehow, at the end of a long run you feel clean inside, like all the mental clutter has been swept clear.

In those moments of clarity, standing soaked in sweat, I am sometimes overcome with thankfulness for just that moment .. that breath.. that precious second of being alive… being able to run.

I think without death.. life would be fuzzy. It sharply puts into focus.. what is important .. what is not important.

Often we are so busy we see things as the same, when they never are. Moment to moment- life changes. I hear less and less from my former husband’s family. My nieces and nephews will get gift certificates for Xmas this year. I am not in the loop enough to know what they need. I won’t be seeing my father-in-law or mother-in-law over the holidays they mailed me a present and card. When I opened it I was struck with the thought they are well into their 80s, it is possible that I will not see one of them alive again. I stood there blinking for a while… missing them.

I have met a man that I like. He is a bit younger, incredibly sexy and very interested. We have yet to go on a date, because I can’t seem to put together two coherent sentences when in the same room with him. All I can do is smile and blush. It is like being 14 again. More than five minutes in his company and I have to bolt.. or run the risk of looking so flushed.. people touch my forehead and ask me if I have a fever. By now he must think I have constant colds!

It leaves me agog sometimes at just how funny, sad, wonderful and sweet, life can be all at the same time.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/22/06 03:55 PM

If for no other reason alone I will remember this Christmas as special because of your last post. The Phoenix has risen and Paradise is alive again!!!! I am so happy for you, just hearing the excitement in your words makes me feel wonderful. Now is definitely the time to really "let go of the steering wheel" and see where life takes you.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful and even more exciting New Year!!!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/24/06 04:57 AM

Wishing you and yours a wonderful christmas and a great 2007. It is always a tricky time of year to get through, so many memories sometimes crowd in. I know you will have a sad moment or two.

My niece and nephew stopped by today to drop off my gifts. I was at my funniest I thought. Yet, my nephew started to get teary eyed. We all just stood and hugged for a while. After they left I cried for a solid hour. I miss them. It is not the same.

I have the car mostly packed for a quick exit in the morning. The dog is with Dad so he won't be complaining about not having the entire back seat. Last year we listened to yowling and christmas carols the entire drive.

My Mom is in wickedly good spirits. She has taken to dressing like me. It reminds me of being six again. Except I get to make the choices.. this year we are wearing red leather!

Hoping there are some really good treats under the tree for Jamie and that Santa remembers just what a good guy you really are!!!!!



PS. Eibrab, Canation, Holiday.. my love and best wishes for a great holiday season and may 2007 be wonderful for you and yours!
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/24/06 11:08 PM

Merry Christmas, my dear friend!

I have been in the best of moods for a few days now because of your post a few days ago. It surely lifted me from the slump life has guided me into once more.

We all know the good days are great and the bad days are truly very low. Today is a good day, so I won't bother to damped the mood with an update, but will wait until we are all past the holiday and can share the good fortune and peaceful times I hope it brings..

Merry Christmas to Duk, Carnation and Holiday, too. I have sent a mental Christmas card to each of you.

...full of those confetti decorations that fall to the floor when you open it . ... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Oh, it REALLY red leather this year?

A very impressed,


PS Merry Christmas Coast !... ( <== a friend who is as touched by this thread silently as those of us here living it)
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/26/06 11:09 PM
December 26


Whew… back home from a short stay up north. I wanted a really quiet Christmas. Last year, I decorated to the nines, filled the chalet with people, tried to make it all look normal. It really wasn’t. This year, just, Mom and I spent Xmas eve by the fire drinking champagne. We watched a White Christmas and It’s a Wonderful Life.

She was in wickedly good spirits…humming ...singing to her self..and has taken to wearing bold red lipstick. I am beginning to think that she may be how do I put this delicately “active”? She’s over 80 and very discreet, I think she might be worried I won’t approve.. It kind of makes me giggle actually! I say absolutely nothing. MUM's the word! Life can be full of sweet surprises when you least expect them, when you perhaps have given up hope for one.

After she went to bed, Xmas eve, I sat by the fire pondering the flames.. missing the dog, my dad. Funny how even when you lose someone, sometimes they are still a voice in your head. I hear him sometimes when I am trying to make a decision, a choice. He is still there in my phrases of speech, my thoughts, how I act.

Well after midnight, I headed down to the beach, sat on a picnic bench and watched the moon on the water.. thinking of all the family moments this time of year brings.. wishing the world well, all my friends in particular. I am blessed with wonderful friends.

We had a small Xmas dinner too, just seven of us. Crown pork, not turkey with cranberry apricot dressing, very stylish looking. Much wine was drunk, increasingly bad jokes were told, everyone had a good time.

There is no snow here, I hiked the trails I normally snow shoe in sneakers. Just as I was closing the trunk, all packed up to head home, big fat flakes of snow started to drift down lazily. I was sad I was not staying to watch it cover the piles of leaves with a winter blanket.

We dined out at a friend’s lovely beach house, in our travels. She is a designer and it is chock a block with detail and colour. Over her dining room window over looking the water she has in bold print. "We Cannot Direct the Wind but We Can Adjust Our Sails"

I am going to say that to myself at least once a day.
I like the sound of it.

So glad to hear you are in good spirits Eibrab! It put a big smile on my face!

Bigs hugs all.. Happy New Year!
Posted By: carnation2 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/01/07 04:31 AM
Happy New Year to my friends on this thread !

It brings much emotional joy to me to be remembered by such grand people...

Once again, I leave this thread so much the better.... thank you

Posted By: dukhuntr Happy Birthday Paradise! - 01/15/07 09:35 PM
I know it's a couple of days early but I had the time and didn't want to foget to wish you a very happy birthday! I miss our online talks and you wisdom.

I am doing okay. Trying to be my own counselor for a change. Sometimes I feel it's working, other times I wish I could reach out and talk to you or Eibrab or Holiday even if for just a few minutes. Safari Girl has taken me on a year long ride to nowhwere I'm afraid. She has been so hurt by other men in the past she just can't let anyone else in. Believe me I have tried! She is an extraordinary person but lives behind a huge wall of self preservation. All taker and very little give in her.

So it's back to me and Jaime out in the marsh for the last three weeks of the season. I almost hate taking her out now because it is so cold. It took twenty minutes to unthaw her coat last weekend after our hunt. Came into the cabin, laid down on my bed and melted a puddle right in the middle of where I sleep.

Give Blue a birthday present for me on Thursday too! Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR B, happy birthday to you!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: Happy Birthday Paradise! - 01/16/07 09:59 PM
Hi There Dukhuntre

Thank you very kindly for the birthday wishes. Yep it is Thursday… planning to take the day off.. do lunch with a friend and then a spa afternoon and dinner with two of my oldest friends.

The place I am taking them to a water spa. Different types of steam baths.. tea pools ..salt water pools .. cold plunge pools.. very European ..very cool. I was there for the first time over the holidays. My girlfriend assured me that no one wore swim suits. We arrived only to find that - in fact everyone did .. except us..

There is something comic.. about having no clothes on when everyone else does. Not only was I one of the two nude gals.. in a group of 40 odd ladies .. I was the one with the giggles.

I am sorry you are disappointed with Safari Girl.. but often I think it is our expectations that lead us astray. Sometimes better not to have any. Accept the moment.. enjoy it for what it is .. fun is always there to be had.. life is meant to be happy. It is such a fleeting experience, a precious opportunity to be aware.

Adjusting after such a long time married is hard. I find it lonely at times too. Often at night, when it is just the dog and I. Much easier, if I stay busy. I still do my Buddhist class once a week. I am running serious milage … every day… somewhere between 5 to 12 miles. Clearing out some paper, I found my old university fitness levels and decided to try to get back there before I die.. even if it is only for a short time. Plus I keep finding projects to do around my home. I am contemplating learning an instrument. Since my marriage broke up .. I have been listening to music .. almost all the time.

I still check the forum regularly.. although I know I have not been posting much. It is just that life is sort of regular now… sort of basic mundane everyday stuff.

Thank you again for the happy birthdays.. my friend… big hugs..

Posted By: carnation2 Re: Happy Birthday Paradise! - 01/18/07 04:34 PM
<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

Happy, happy Birthday Paradise !!!

Today is my dgd birthday. She is a lively, big brown-eyed girl. Very similiar to what I imagine you.

Today, I will celebrate too --- what a wonderful day this is.

Sending warmest wishes for a grand birthday PB !!

Posted By: Eibrab Re: Happy Birthday Paradise! - 01/18/07 06:03 PM
Ahh! Something drew me here today!

Happy Birthday Paradise... I'm going to eat cake for you.

Lots of it.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: Happy Birthday Paradise! - 01/22/07 12:40 AM
Hi Eibrab, Carnation2

Thank you very much for the happy birthdays. It was as it happens, a relaxing day full of fun and friends, very happy all round. Part of it I spent curled up on the couch with a box of photos.. just thinking.

Sometimes on occasions like birthdays, you think about your life as a picture sort of, a canvass of your choices, the ones you have made and the ones you have yet to make.

There are times when all seems to be in focus, the picture complete and others when your perspective blurs because change has moved through quickly taking away alot of definition. Now I have blank areas which I know I need to paint in... but for the moment I am happy to leave them blank. Living life well, requires you to articulate what you want that picture to look like. Like everything it all starts with a thought.

Two old friends and I spent the afternoon at an European water spa then on to an oyster house, we talked, ate great food and laughed a lot. Before I met them, I took the time to dig up some old photos of us doing just that some 25 .. 20… 15.. 10.. 5 ..years earlier, smiling at the changes, and the expressions that were pretty much constant throughout.

Aging refines you but there are things within which I think remain constant. Your basic traits, smile, laugh.. they stay the same. My peppy 20 year old friend is now my peppy 54 year old friend. It is a blessing being around people with whom you have shared your journey.

Funny in this journal, the same applies, voices, experiences, heart felt emotions have all been shared here. I am very thank full for it. All the nights when I couldn’t sleep or woke up early - wondering what happened ..feeling lost.. I had a very special place to go. A place where I knew there where others grappling with the same challenges.

Life is about sharing. Thank you all very much for sharing mine…..

Big Hugs..

Posted By: dukhuntr AN Eibrab Sighting!!!!! - 01/24/07 02:20 AM
Hello Eibrab,

I have been wondering about you. How are things on the ranch? Have you taken that new bow out yet and flung any arrows at critters? I miss hearing from you too you know. How about a short update sometime soon?

Posted By: dukhuntr Ever wish? - 01/25/07 11:36 PM

Ever wish your WS would get drunk one night and do a drunk&dial and try to explain all the whats and why's of his A's?

I do and it would go a long way to giving me a feeling of closure with my EX. It been almost two years now and I still haven't felt a sense of closure with her. I wish it would hurry up and happen.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: a sighting ? - 01/27/07 12:32 AM
My dear Dukhunter!

I am on my way out for one of my DS's basketball games, but rest assured I will get you that update ASAP.

Make coffee.. it may be long <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

And you know... would knowing everything bring you closure or just anger ? The further I get into "life" the less I'd like to know about the things that hurt... and the more I'd like to know about what true peace and mindfulness is.

I've spent many hours with that bow this season...and every last bit of game has been completely safe in my company.. LOL

I must tell you, too, about my new venture into raising gamebirds! It's put a spark in my step for sure..

More soon, my friends..


PS *wave* to PB and Carnation !
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: a sighting ? - 01/27/07 12:57 AM
Yes I am a sick individual!!! I would just like to hear even a rationalization of why she would go to these lengths when she could have just walked at any time during the eight months it went on without me knowing a thing.

Keep after the practice with the bow! Sooner or later something will run into an arrow. Just being quiet in the woods is good enough for me most days. Get some chukar growing! Nothing tastier in terms of gamebirds, including ,in my opinion, pheasant.

I will look forward to your update soon!!!!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: Ever wish? - 01/27/07 02:55 AM
Hey There Dukhuntre,

I have been thinking about your question today. I honestly don’t think your wife could really give you the answers or closure you are looking for. Infidelity is not rational. It is not a linear thing that is readily explained. More like a kind of crazy that affects how someone behaves to the extent that in many instances they will sacrifice their marriage, children, careers, money... all for a desired object.. for a compulsion… that they have convinced themselves will make them happy.

This site has shown that is pretty much never the case. You can’t explain crazy. You just have to see it for what it is .. crazy

I will lay you down a bet that the relationship your wife has with OM will not withstand the test of time. Somewhere down the road, it will dissolve too.

Happy comes from within. If you are making choices thinking that it is based on having someone, or something that you can obtain outside yourself. .. then you are doomed to be unhappy. There is no way around it in my mind.

Big hugs my friend, I know it is hard. You can spend a lot of time wondering. It is not time well spent. Let it go…let it go

Big hugs..

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: Ever wish? - 01/29/07 04:05 PM
Thanks PB,

Yes I know hearing her side wouldn't really accomplish anything. I think this thing I had with Safari Girl just set me back a bit again and I need to refocus for a while.

I put too much into the relationship with her and never got much back. Not the way I wanted things to go and certainly not the way I would have liked to see it end with her either.

I'm not even sure the EX is still seeing the OM. I have been totally dark with her for 9 months now and have no idea what is going on there. Don't want to know either. My kids keep me up to date on their uncles but kindly don't tell me anything about their mother. Both uncles are either currently back in prison or just out. Luckily I don't have to deal with that drama anymore!

Thanks for listening! Have a great week and give Blue a hug for me.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: Ever wish? - 01/31/07 07:03 AM

Hey Dukhuntr,

Recovery is like that some forward, some backward steps… but you are still one by one taking them … big smile my friend. If you go back and read some of your heart rendering entries of earlier times you will see how far you have come.

I have my Bodem coffee press on the counter, full of Starbucks coffee, waiting for that update from Eibrab.

Wishing you all well and happy..

Big Hugs



Thought I would do a quick journal entry too. I went wall climbing today, a one hour lesson and then another hour of practice, with a cute little red headed lad probably all of 24. It was an absolute blast. It made my heart sing. I loved it. I bought a membership and will be shopping for climbing shoes tomorrow.

After climbing up a 45 foot wall, I sat up there for a moment and thought of the things that have happened that led me to be in that precise spot at the exact moment, both good and bad and found I had a moment of non-duality. The bad didn’t seem so bad and the good didn’t seem so good.

I was just happy to be there…
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: Ever wish? - 02/01/07 05:03 AM
Hey Dunkhuntr,

This so made me think of you.. hope it makes you smile


Call her Lazarus — and then some.
The ring-neck duck has been shot by a hunter, rescued from two days in a refrigerator by his wife and — in its latest brush with death — resuscitated on a veterinarian's operating table.

The one-pound female duck stopped breathing Saturday during an operation to repair gunshot damage to her wing, said Noni Beck of Goose Creek Wildlife Sanctuary. Veterinarian David Hale performed CPR and managed to get the fractured fowl breathing again after several tense moments.

"I started crying, 'She's alive!'" Beck said.

Perky grabbed national attention last week after a hunter's wife opened her refrigerator door and the supposedly dead duck lifted its head and looked at her. The duck had been in the fridge for two days since it was shot and mistaken for dead on Jan. 15.

Perky, who now has a pin in hers wing, will probably not undergo any more surgery because of a sensitivity to anesthesia, Hale said. The duck is recovering from its latest ordeal.
Posted By: dukhuntr Lucky Duck? - 02/01/07 04:58 PM
Hi PB!

An amazing story isn't it? I read it too and my first reaction was not favorable towards the hunter. As a real hunter I respect the animals I hunt. Part of that respect is to ensure the animal does not suffer unnecessarily. If it were me in the story I would be highly embarrassed and ashamed of myself.

On the bright side that just leaves one more for me to chase after next season! I think part of my uneasyness right now stems from the fact that hunting season withdrawal has begun. Without my weekend forays into the marsh I feel lost as to what to do until it gets warm enough to golf. Instead I am immersed in the hunting clubs annual financial statements and budgets for next year. Not near as much fun as hunting itself.

I am going to start a PB like house cleaning, repainting and revitalizing project to try and get some positive thoughts going again. I normally hate this stuff and put it off whenever possible. I'll let you know how it goes.

Posted By: toni49 Re: Lucky Duck? - 02/03/07 12:37 AM
Hi Duk: I am new to this forum and have enjoyed the readings from yourself, pb, holiday and of course eibrab. My story is similar to "eibrab". I have been with my husband for 21 years (13 of them married) My husband left me in 2005 and my (2) kids (15yr girl, 12yr boy) He has been having an affair which I come to find out has been going on for some time. He went to live with this woman. He just up and left without any explanation and was gone for 15 months. During that time he came home making visits and he continued to pay all household bills. At this time I'm still waiting for him to tell me what's the problem. He also has a gambling problem. And the other women also gambles and enables him to gamble. When he has no money she is right there. Anyway he came home in May 2006 to which I thought was to work on our family/marriage. At that time he was to have to contact with this person to which I believed because he seldom went out like he used to in the past. Any way I just found out Jan. 2007 that he was still seeing her and guess what now all of a sudden she's pregnant. (which I believe she did on purpose to have a permanent hold on him). He sold her he didn't want any more children but as you can see (someone didn't wear protection (him). That was the last straw and that same day I went to court and got the paper work to file for divorce. I also like "eibrab" was willing to do what ever it takes to keep the family and my marriage together. But since I was the only one into being married ( and by the way he never wanted to be married he only asked me so that the kids could be closer to him)by him now having another child while we are married I just couldn't deal with. I still love him very much despite everything that has happen but I now and also my kids will have to deal with knowing he has another child. Please give advice. Need some badly right now.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: Lucky Duck? - 02/04/07 07:38 AM
Hi Toni49,

I am both sorry and glad you find your self here;sorry because it means you are dealing with the hellish pain of betrayal and glad because it puts you in the midst of so many very experienced wise people.

Ultimately, it is you who will have to decide what is best for your family. It helps enormously if you can create a little support group to help you find your way through it.

You will be in my prayers ...

Posted By: toni49 Re: Trying to come to terms. - 02/04/07 02:57 PM
Hi PB: thanks for the encouragement. I initiated the divorce because my husband has been having an affair for several years and I just found out that OW is pregnant. (which I believe she did on purpose) That was the last straw and I felt I could no longer have the title of his wife when he's having a child with someone else. We will continue to live in the marital house because we both can't afford to live on our own. Besides the affair my WH never fought or aurgued with me. He's one for waling away before he deals with arguing. I have a 16yr daughter and 13yr son. My daughter has not really shown any emotion as to whats going on but my son wants nothing to do with the OC. I guess now it's my turn to see what I've been missing so to speak. I still love my husband (soon I'll be calling him EX) but I'm just tired. This year I'll be 50yrs and I don't have time for snooping, checking pockets, sniffing clothes, etc. My kids in about 4-5yrs will be grown and off to college and then it's all about me. Now me and WH will have to live as room mates. Where both taking care of each other financially. I know he's gonna have to have contact with OW because of child (visitation, paying child support, etc) I guess this is his pay back. Oh by the way my WH will be 41yrs this year. So guess OC is starting over for him if he choose's to be in the OC's life. How is "Blue" doing? Also how is Mr. Midnight behaving.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: Trying to come to terms. - 02/05/07 06:36 AM
Hello Toni,

Although it really sucks to have to find a place like this to talk you should feel lucky you found it. There aren't many better people in this world than Paradise, Eibrab and Holiday if she chimes in.

Sounds to me like you have a great handle on yourself already. Clarity of thinking didn't arrive for me until months after D-day and lots of posts from Holiday and Paradise. You have to decide for yourself the direction you want the road ahead to go for yourself. Everyone deals with their WS's infidelity differently. Paradise chose a path of faith, patience, and living each day as a gift to be treasured. She is the role model I aspire to but can't seem to pull off. I have travelled a road of peaks and valleys wavering between a new start and wanting my old life back. Many more bumps and bruises on my road but hopefully it will take me to the contentment and peace I want in my life.

Take the time and space to decide where you want to go from here. Don't rush into any decision, just take care of yourself first and foremost while your mind recovers from and accepts the reality of your spouses decisions. Never accept that you did anything that entitled him to make the decisions he did.

Posted By: dukhuntr Happy News! - 02/05/07 06:50 AM
PB, Eibrab, Carnation, Holiday, and Toni,

Finally something to celebrate in the life of duk! DD's live in BF of three years came to me two nights ago and asked if he could marry DD. I didn't think kids did this anymore and he gained that many more points in my book in doing it. She accepted the same night and now we have a celebration to plan.

Last night I told them to let me know what they wanted to do for a wedding and that I was open to anything they wanted within reason. Their main concern was the EX and I getting along long enought to get through the ceremony and the reception. I made sure they knew it their day and I would make sure it stayed that way. I also told them I would do whatever it took to make it happen with or without anything from the EX. Something really good to look forward to again. I've been imagining this event for 25 years and it will be here sooner that I ever expected. Maybe we were more sucessful in keeping our problems to ourselves than I thought. It hasn't seemed to keep DD from believing in marriage.

Posted By: toni49 Re: Happy News! - 02/05/07 08:53 PM
Hi Duk: Congratulations on your daughters pending marriage. It's good to hear about something good for someone else for a change. Like you said now you have something to look forward to planning with your daughter. Just give her love and support and let her know that not all marraiges end like ours.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: Happy News! - 02/06/07 02:35 AM

I am very happy for your family. Congratulations on gaining a new son. I hope you search for the most dashing suit and wear the grandest smile when the event finally comes.

You deserve this day just as much as your DD.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: Happy News! - 02/06/07 03:23 AM
Oh my dear friends...

Hit the start button on the coffee makers <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> .

I, quite shamefully, got into the habit of keeping to myself here on MB during the travels and busy times of PB and Duk late last year. Bad habits die hard, don't they ? I've meant to update and something will take my focus.

I hope that is not a sign of age and rather just the times.. LOL

I made it through the football season with minor scratches. Toni, I will share with you that the OW in my life is married and the OC will be two years old in May. By some horrid twist of fate the MOW's eldest son was put on the football team that my H coaches for my DS (10). No one seemed to wish to make a scene and change it, but me.

I lost.

But I made it through. Through the course of the season, I have kept a log of 14 nasty texts and two voicemails from the MOW to me..all of which I never, ever returned.

There was basketball season as well right after football and guess what? MOW's son who is a year younger than mine and not athletically inclined (bless his heart) just so happened to be a member without trying out of the traveling basketball team which my son was asked to play on. Since DS already was in a school team... 'ol Eibrab finally took a stand.

No traveling basketball team. I was able to smooth it over rather well with H, who is competitive to a fault. It was handled with a few bumps in the road. I just couldn't do it.

I did wonder why the coaches - one of whom knew full well about her text harrassment of me and history - chose to keep her family on the team and not mine. I did not ask nor demand such, but I found it odd. I was hoping dignity and grace might win out, but I can't say that I am disappointed.

The poor team has not won a game all season and I am glad for my son to have left him on the school team where he is challenged to a higher level.

Things also got a bit heated after finding MOW texting my H from a secret phone late at night right before Christmas. A tense time followed, but I have to trust my instinct here and look deep enough to see the full picture. I do not feel that any contact between MOW and my H is ever initiated by my H, though he does not appear to ever tell her to stop.

It bothers me. It is as if he wants to appear the good guy all the way around....hence his burying his head in the sand after I found out yet another tidbit.

Remember the fund-raiser for the little league baseball that you all helped me through at about this time last year? Guess who I found out is on the committe to help this year?

MOW is everywhere! I wonder if her H is ok with all of her new found activities ? I did attempt to ask him politely in a text message but was answered by MOW herself who again insulted the size of my backside.

LOL, I'm sort of proud of that feature.. she really should pick a more suitable insult category.

I get no defense from H on any of my feelings here. Instead he throws comments my way where he assumes that I am constantly trying to cause trouble. Go figure. He actually stated that he feels that it makes him look good to be seen at these things where she has become involved to further prove nothing is going on. I do not jest..and you may laugh.

Christmas was wonderful. I was showered with gifts hand-picked from H and the kids. Most had to do with camouflage and hunting, which will never be a talent of mine. I seem to smell too much like a girl, make too much noise and find too much joy in looking around at all the splendor outside instead of sitting still as ordered.

I did apply for my Propagator's License for Pheasant and Quail. I am excited as I've always wanted to do something like this. No ducks for me, though, as I fear their ability to play really bad jokes and feign death at will.

I also was given a small white english bulldog pup last Fall from a breeder friend who couldn't be sold due to health concerns that she seems to have outgrown. She is a vile, unmannerly creature who is always underfoot and never does much right. I simply adore her. She has brought a renewed sense of worth and undying devotion to this household. We call her Tuna.

Things seems good here, though I always wait for the shoe to drop. I sit back and watch a great deal. I do not say much but I have learned a wealth about human nature.

Some I do not like at all.

H seems to have taken a renewed interest in me. I wonder if it is guilt, shame or genuine.

I need to be here more often with you all. You are always close at heart.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: Happy News! - 02/06/07 03:27 AM

Welcome to a place of great insight and complete understanding. I am so sorry for the position you have found yourself in. There is a section here at MB under infidelity entitled "pregnancy".. you may wish to seek more advice there.

It has not been an easy road for me, nor is it even close to ending. I had a dear friend say to me once during all of this that no one was exempt from a piece of the pain pie here..even those of us not at fault. I would be honored to offer you any help or a shoulder as you need.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: Happy News! - 02/06/07 03:32 AM

I neglected to state that the temperatures here have been so unbearable that the horse business is at a standstill. They look at me with great disdain if I even suggest work.

The tortoises are all happy in their heated pen off of the arena barn.I do have one in here by the fireplace with me due to a case of the sniffles. Her name is Holly and she possesses one of the worst underbites God could put on a small, shelled lady. She makes due and is highly aggravated at my use of a Kleenex on her already scaley nose.

I will get the tissues with lotion in them next time for sure.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: Happy News! - 02/07/07 09:01 PM
Hi There Eibrab,

It is so good to hear from you and know that you are coping. I have always admired your grace and perseverance. I have read through your postings several times… always smiling.. happy in the thought.. that you’ve made it through. Not to say there won’t be continuing trials but I have to believe that the worst of it is behind you.

Funny, in way everyone always makes it through one way or another. When times are bleak, we lose sight of the fact that some time in the future, one will be sitting in a sunny office, with a star bucks coffee near by and a glad heart.. upon knowing a friend is doing well.

Tuna sounds delightful. I have been pondering the prospect of getting another dog too. What I always said I would do, if something ever happened to Midnight, but for now, Blue and I are content to just be.

The weather has been bitterly cold here too… requiring many layers of clothing on the dog walks. I find life fairly quiet these days. I get out perhaps 4 times a week to visit with friends for lunch, dinner .. or some other happening. I climb twice a week, the remaining days, I always run, I am really enjoying the running.

The evenings at home, I putter… read.. listen to music. I have not been this fit since university and my home has never looked quite so nice.

Change is always hard to face, but it is so much easier if you find the positive in it.
Your family, I suspect will be stronger in many ways because in facing your husband’s mistakes you found the grace to rise to the challenge. It will make a difference in how each of you appreciates the other. Big smile Hon.. Well done !!!!

Huge Hugs.

Paradise and Blue

P.S. Dukhuntr,

What lovely post you wrote to Toni.. nicely done. I am so happy at the thought of you celebrating your daughter upcoming marriage. What a great event to look forward to. I can picture you in my mind's eye.. the proud Dad walking her down the aile.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: Happy News! - 02/08/07 12:32 AM

I was never one to think of a multiple dog household. It was always nice having things "just so". The accidental addition certainly wasn't something I was hoping for, but Tuna surely has been an entertaining sort.

Last night, H and I were settled in to watch American Idol. Tuna proceeds to jump right on other side of the couch and simply sit there.

Tuna is not allowed on the furniture. After a verbal scolding while trying to hold my laughter, she slowly climbed down looked straight up at me and took off running as if she had athletic ability. She ran into a plant stand and completed about a dozen circles before finally laying down in the middle of the floor. I can't be sure what possesses this small canine, but I am concerned that she's going to need special help to get through life.

Have you ever seen a bulldog who thinks it can run?

I am honored that you feel I am coping and even more grateful that you feel the worst is behind me. I get up every morning waiting for the shoe to drop. This MOW seems to be everywhere anymore and she has made it known of her extreme hatred of me.

Me.. I've never approached, called, contacted or kicked her. The latter of which many might have done. She's a mean sort. I cringe at the future. I wonder what others think when they see us at the same function.

I'm so glad you are here.

May I climbing in reference to a mountainside ?

Posted By: toni49 Re: Happy News! - 02/08/07 01:44 AM
Hi Eibrab: Thanks for the kinds words. I'm currently going to a support group that meets weekly and I also started to see a therapist. I have good days and bad days. My court date is 5/10/07. I feel that on that day I'll probably lose it even more. I keep having thoughts that my marriage was a total lie on his part. I always thought that it was one sided (me). And it just hurts to think that for all these years he's been lying/cheating. As I stated that the OW is pregnant which I believe she did no purpose because she could have gotten pregnant years ago if she wanted to. This is just another attempt to have him as a part of her life. I try to keep busy and not think to much about it but it just creeps back on you. It will be 4wks come this week that I found out about everything. I gave him the option to go be with her but he's still here with me. What do you think?
Posted By: Eibrab Re: Happy News! - 02/08/07 03:51 AM

I am so unqualified to make assumptions on your life...but I will share with you one very true thing that I have learned through so much heartache and the reading of so many other's trials and tribulations..

Most times - though not all - people are where they wish to be. Your H is there with you.. if this is a relationship you wish to repair, we are here for you. I know how hard this situation is and will be. No one here would ever make judgements for whichever path you may choose. If you choose to branch out and explore life on your own.. Paradise and DukHunter's posts here will offer a wealth of information.

Paradise offered me the reccomendation of a book a while ago, that I only wish I had found sooner...

"Peace Is Every Step" By Thich Nhat Hanh

It explains a different, peaceful perspective to views things from...I know how much you hurt, my friend. I wish I could take that pain from you and replace it with the duller, numb version that will come.. and it will come.

I have learned to think twice..and then a third time before I act or decide. Things sometimes are not as they seem, and often are exactly what they seem.

Bless you,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: Happy News! - 02/08/07 09:25 PM
Hey Eibrab,

Honey, I know I have never been unhappy when I have followed the route..good manners dictate. Frankly, I strongly believe manners can solve almost all personal woes and in fact most of the world’s woes. In the long run, your gracious restraint will pay off in spades. It already has. You have your husband home and in love with you.

I would suspect a good measure of the anger or spite your OMW feels or may direct towards you .. is most of the time directed towards herself. Unhappy people are often mean. In a way, they cannot help it. She is suffering, her bad temper is just an indicator of it. The overwhelming benefit of behaving well, is that hands down you have nothing to cringe about, always ..always remember that.

Tuna sounds like fun. Nothing better brightens a home than a puppy. As I write this, Blue asleep at my feet, is dreaming ..letting out soft yelps and yowls. It always fascinates me. I wonder what he is seeing. The neighboring poodles, the postman…??

I have been indoor wall climbing. I vowed I would take up climbing again after a several decade lapse and have been enjoying it very much.

I am starting back a little late (52) but I will never do it younger, I go with a very long time girlfriend who is 58, we stand around in our harnesses and talk routes .. chalk up and game fully try to ignore the blasting rap music that some of the other younger climbers generously provide.

It is a blast.

After two hours of climbing, we stop by a local café drink coffee .. eat vegetarian chili and talk life. She may be developing early onset Alzheimer’s, each and every time she ties on.. I find I have to show her the knot over and over again. When she allows me to rappel down I always say a little prayer that she won’t forget which way to move the lever. Laughing…friendship is all about trust. Usually I shout out a cheery reminder before giving her the go ahead to start letting me down .

I still do my Buddhist class once a week and have enrolled in a distance learning program that requires daily practice. Last week we had psychologist come to class asking that we participate in a memory test. Apparently, they are finding that regular meditation improves memory and prevents brain tissue deterioration. Happy News!


You have a tough time ahead. There will be lots of difficulty, hardship and heartache, but it does get better …easier.. you let go and eventually your mind and heart will move on. That is true what ever course you decide on.

You are in my prayers

Big Hugs
Posted By: dukhuntr Faith !!!! - 02/08/07 10:18 PM
Leave it to Paradise to pick a climbing partner with dementia/alzheimer's! Your faith never ceases to amaze and astound me. Myself, if I had a partner with a loaded gun in the marsh and the same condition, I would be watching him and not the birds.

Tell me truthfully now, have you ever wondered how well you would bounce while being spotted by her??? I think if I were you I would tie off to the top and be a little more self reliant in the future. It's tough to meditate in traction. All the noise from the ventilator might become annoying also. Avoiding falls from great heights is the best way in which to prevent brain tissue deterioration!! :0)

Isn't it nice to hear Eibrab marvel about her H? Even though she is showing signs of "rabbit ears" waiting for the other shoe to fall. It makes me smile to hear and feel the lighter tone in her posts nowadays. Now if a critter will just commit hari-kari and run in front of an arrow from her bow things would be even happier for her.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: Faith !!!! - 02/09/07 12:28 AM
Paradise is climbing true mountains! I've already known she's climbed them here through her words.

How fun..I would love to try that someday..and the sweet story of your partner-in-climb, PB, is very special. I can only think of the bright side of this for you..a renewed lesson in tying knots everytime. That cannot ever be a bad thing.

Duk..I'm confused. Did I marvel? I am giggling at that statement...maybe I am better off than I think? Can you tell me why then, he allows himself to even be at the same activities with the woman who was so instrumental in so much pain for my family and as recently as a few weeks ago was sending me nasty text messages to me where he refuses to defend me?

That was asked in love, my friend... I'm as baffled as you are <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> .

And..I truly think I could put that arrow about where I want to.. I'm just waiting for a true trophy.

*big grin*

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: Faith !!!! - 02/09/07 12:49 AM

Well maybe marvel was not the proper word. How about appreciate his renewed interest? And as for being around her, you said it yourself, H chooses where he wants to put his boots down at night. Unless you would rather he hitch up the truck and trailer and haul all of you out if there he has to see her at these functions.

If you lived in a bigger community this would be much easier to cope with I'm sure. Since you live in "Mayberry" it is going to be a daily challenge. You are more than up to it and I pity the poor OW now. She has no idea what she wants or needs in life and will be forever discontent. The more people she can reduce to her level the better in her eyes. DONT LET HER DO IT TO YOU!!!!

As far as I know there is no legal season for bow hunting OW in your state or mine. An OW would not be considered a "trophy" anyway.(I think you would call that "culling the herd".) Be happy and keep posting, I have missed our old talks.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: Faith !!!! - 02/09/07 09:35 AM
Oh Dukhuntr,

You do make me laugh! I read your post earlier today and found myself breaking out in intermittent giggles throughout the evening. Your points are taken. I will be careful. Actually, I am already very careful. Big smile my friend… so funny.

It is the middle of the night here and very quiet, just the sound of me typing and the dog snoring. I have a slew of people staying up at the chalet this weekend the next three days will go by in just a blur. Sometimes, when I know I am going to be really busy. I find myself waking up very early as though part of my mind says well let's get cracking!

I agree it is sooooo good to hear Eibrab, in happy spirits… just brightens up the entire week.

Take care.. Give Jamie a big hug

Posted By: toni49 Re: Having a Bad Day - 02/12/07 07:23 PM
Hi Everyone: Just having a bad day today and wanted to hear from some friendly people. Keep having thoughts about impending divorce. I know that come May 2007 when we go to court that I will fall apart more than what I'm already doing. I try to keep busy and not think about things. I go to my support group counseling once a week and that really helps when I talk to the other group members. Again I really don't want to go through with the divorce but I know that I can't trust my STBXH. He has lied to me for years, cheated on me for years and there's no trust. I hurt because we won't be husband and wife any longer and again it's probably my own feelings about being married. I worry about if I get sick who would make major decisions on my behalf. It wouldn't be him anymore because we would no longer be married. Maybe it's also my own fantasy about marriage and the fact that where going to this step. I always thought that if things didn't work out between us he would be the one asking for the divorce and not me. And maybe because I had to initiate it is why it hurts so much more. I also started marital counseling and I have my 2nd session next week. WH said that he should go and I gave him the information but the fact that several days went by and he didn't follow up on it. Told me that he probably was just saying that. He's a big procrastinator (hope i spelled it right). But I felt if he really was interested he would have done something. He doesn't even mention anything about divorce pending. I'm at work writing this and trying to compose my self. Don't want co-workers to see me crying.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: Having a Bad Day - 02/14/07 02:08 AM
Hi Toni!

Sorry about the bad day. I wish I could tell you that they were going to go away soon but I can't. There will be good days too so relish those and just try to get by on the bad ones.

Your IC shuold start to help you learn to cope better soon, mine did. You might want to ask about an RX for anti-depressants too. I started feeling and coping a lot better after a couple weeks on AD's.

You are on the right track here in figuring out for yourself the direction you need to move. Nothing says you can't change your course later, just do what helps you cope the best for now. Right now your recovery is the important thing. As for work, showing your emotion while painful is just something we all have done no matter how strong we think we are. Use your workplace as a refuge to get away from your personal life. Dive into the work to get your mind on something else for a good part of the day.

We are out here and we will help you even if we aren't here every day.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: Having a Bad Day - 02/14/07 06:19 AM
Hi There Toni49

Sorry you are having a bad day. Over will get better. Eventually, your mind just gets tired of thinking about it.

Before you make a final decision I would read all the articles posted on this site and the Harley books. They are well worth reading. It sounds like you are not completely sure about what you want.

Starting a thread in the busier section on the General Questions board would be a good idea. Laying out your situation there would expose it to a wider audience, there are many very wise people on this site who devote alot of their time to giving imput. They don't always check the Just Found Out Section.. it is a low traffic area.

You are not alone. The pain you are going through will make you cry. There is no shame in crying.

I cried.. howled in fact at times. Didn't actually break anything .. but thought about it. This is an incredibly painful thing to go through. Turn to your friends, let them know you need their help.

Take care of yourself first and foremost. Dukhuntr's suggestion about the anti depressants is a good one.

You are in my prayers.

Posted By: toni49 Re: Having a Bad Day - 02/15/07 02:59 AM
Thanks Duk and PB for the encouraging words. Your right when you say there will be good days and bad days. I went to my support meeting yesterday 2/13/07 which was helpful talking with the other group members. PB as a said before I don't want the divorce but know I have to go through with it because my WH I've tried to trust him time and time again and each time he has lied to me. So how can I be married to him if I can't trust him. It takes to much energy to be suspicious all of the time and asking his whereabouts also. And anyways he hasn't tried to talk me out of the divorce so that also tells me he's find with what ever I want. But it would be nice to see on his part that he cared enough about the marriage that he would want us to try again. Also Happy Valentines Day to all.
Posted By: dukhuntr Old Friends??? - 02/20/07 03:37 AM
Hey guys,

Had a weird lunch with a friend I thought was one of my best and oldest friends on Sunday. He came to town for an hour or two to pick up his Dad's old pickup and drive it home 8 hours away. He called and we had a quick lunch before he left. He and his 2nd wife were very close to my EX and I for many years. He suffered thru an A in his first marriage and we became very close during his recovery. I've known him since Little League and we played baseball and or softball together until he remarried and moved. I don't see him often now because of the distance but we still manage to talk often and get together once or twice a year to go to spring traing or go golfing somewhere.

While at lunch he announced that the EX had been to his home recently for dinner with the OM and OM's mother and proceeded to tell me how "nice" this clown was. He said his wife had asked to do this and he was surprised how nice this guy was. Forget the fact he's 17 years younger than the rest of them and broken up a family very similar to his own. How do you respond to this??? I was speachless. Is it just me or is something very wrong with this picture?
Posted By: Eibrab Re: Old Friends??? - 02/22/07 03:35 AM
Hi Duk..

My heart goes out to you.. quite a shock, huh?

Almost a bit of betrayal all over again... both by the ex assuming it was ok to do this ( and we know we cannot control her ) and by your friend assuming it would be ok with you.

I suppose if you sit and really look at the situation, who did wrong ? The horrible slap of reality is.. no one really did. That hurts, I know.

I want SO much for others to know what has dislike the MOW in my life as much as I do.. but in fact, I cannot control them.

I hope and I know that you held your head high because YOU know the truth. You are the only one who matters to me here and I hope that you know how much I understand AND how much I care.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: Old Friends??? - 02/22/07 03:38 AM
Now I need you all...

Tonight, though I never, ever look.. I did snoop through H's cell. I found a picture of the child with his older brother sitting on Santa's lap.

I am assuming it was sent to him and he was not there.

What do I do? Do I tell MOWH who has demanded NC ? I did send the pic to my phone..

I'm a bit lost...I am tired of being walked all over.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: Old Friends??? - 02/22/07 05:47 AM

Thanks for understanding, some people do get it. You are right in reminding me that in reality nobody did anything wrong. I just am not ready for old friends to accept the OM as my "replacement" with the EX. I knew it would eventually happen, just not with this friend knowing he had suffered thru an A and a divorce just like mine. If he could adapt and accept them as a couple everyone could. A definite shock to me. I think its time to go talk to the good doctor again and get a better handle on my thinking.

I hope you continue to snoop and yes you should be watchful. As for being upset about the picture, I would be too. On the other hand I can see H having a picture of his son as being a good thing too. It tells me he has a conscience and cares for a child he brought into this world. It was not the childs choice to arrive in the manner he did.

You have a delicate line to walk in life and I know it is a challenge every day. My only question for you is this- how would you feel if you knew your H was capable of ignoring his own son? I know this son is not yours but if he could ignore and abandon one couldn't he ignore and abandon all of his children? I know you could never respect or love a man that is capable of either. Give him the space and time to honor his responsibilities to this child as he can. Snoop and be vigilant, but let yourself give the other child a small space in that huge,warm,loving heart of yours too.

As for being walked all over I don't think their is a man in "Mayberry" capable of accomplishing that feat. I'm sure most by now respect you and admire you enough not to try anyway. I know I do.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: Old Friends??? - 02/22/07 12:39 PM

I woke up this morning with you on my mind...

The friend came to see YOU while he was in town. Not the Ex or the OM.

I find comfort in that.

As far as the picture.. I have never been opposed to contact with this child, in fact I have pushed for it. The NC comes from MOW and MOWH..but does that mean she can do as she pleases and my H should be hiding it?

Why won't any players in this include me, do you think?

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: Old Friends??? - 02/22/07 03:58 PM
Morning Eibrab,

Why won't they include you? Probably because you are too much like me in that you wear your heart on your sleve and speak your mind honestly and openly. People with heavy hearts and guilt hate that. We remind them of their misdeeds and flaws.

I have spoken to my friend since we last talked and and I'd swear he knows you and has spoken to you. He called to tell me he does not respect or even like the OM or my EX anymore. He does love his wife and she is my EX's friend who does not condone or accept what she has done she just does not feel she can condem her. He said the same thing you did, if he's going to go play golf, hunt or go to baseball games he's going to call me and not the "clown". It sure made me feel better to hear him explain how he felt.

If I were to suggest anything to you it would be to closely watch everything that goes on between MOW and H and only confront H on the breaks in NC that do not involve the OC in any way. There are going to be grey areas but you have to start rebuilding trust between the two of you somewhere. Why not do it in favor of the OC? Snoop and find the things he is doing and then ask about the OC and see if the info you get matches what you have found. Catching him telling the truth will help you build on your trust. It will hopefully get him in the habit of sharing and talking to you a little more openly about what he's doing for the OC.

I have to admit I don't envy you in this one bit. It would be nerve wracking and emotionally draining to say the least. All I can say is he is a very lucky man to be married to someone with a heart as big as yours and the will to match.


P.S.- Waking up with me on your mind? Must have been one he!! of a nightmare! What a way to start your day! I hope it gets better from there.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: Old Friends??? - 02/22/07 08:29 PM
Hi Dukhuntr,

It is so hard letting go, particularly when it is forced upon you. I still believe the Harleys’ take on these kinds of situations is spot on …”that relationships started or based in deceit are not likely to stand the test of time”.

I would expect the OM to be both charming and likable, on many levels… probably a very nice guy. That does not negate that it was wrong for them to start their relationship with lies. That wrong stays on the table. It does not go away. Rather it blossoms into a new view of justifiable behavior that will register on a very deep level in both the OM’s and your wife’s outlook. Which means it can happen again, only this time … to one of them. Our actions and our thoughts make up who we are.

The best you can hope for, after all the pain and heartache… is that their being together will give them both a lasting happiness. At least then, there is some sense to it. I doubt that will be the case though. I think these kinds of situations just have a large measure of deep wired crazy. That once given into .. people expend a great deal of energy .. justifying.

I am glad your friend clarified his attitude but I would still politely tell him that you are moving on with your life and are not interested hearing subjective opinions on the merits of your ex-wife’s new lover. It serves no purpose and shows only a marked lack of tact.

Big Hug My Friend….


Hi Eibrab,

Yowser, that must have of hurt. I agree with you and Dukhuntr, the wrong lies not in your husband wanting to have a photo of his son, but in his not being open to telling you that it was sent, showing it to you and involving you in the appropriate response.

It seems he still does not understand where he needs to make changes in his behavior, namely in being totally honest… not withholding anything.

The OC does have a valid claim to a portion of his heart. The MOW does not. Anything that supports her thinking a grave mistake. When he accepts communication from her without telling you, then, it sends a message… back to the MOW… and it sends a message to you. Neither message is appropriate to a man wanting to make his marriage a success. Nor is it appropriate if he has any genuine respect for the MOW husband’s feelings.

In his shoes, I would have accepted the photo and after talking to you, texted back a message to the effect of “Thanks MOW and MOWH, both Eibrab and I are pleased to see that _____ is looking so well.”

Darling girl, you are in such a hard place. Thankfully you have the strength and grace to deal with it. Give the big, thick headed lug a whack upside the head!!!!!!

You are in my prayers

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: Old Friends??? - 02/24/07 05:49 AM
Hi PB,

Just relaxing at home on a Friday night and wanted to thank you for once again putting the madness into some sort of perspective. I have seen and heard all about the new outlook the A has created. I just wish I could quit caring.

This A is senseless at the core just because they both have acknowledged "it is not a permanent thing". I think this is one of the many reasons I have had such a hard time dealing with this. No problems before the A to speak of, no signs it was going on until months into it, and no change in our relationship during the A. A dual life on her part with little to no conscience ever. Where did this "new woman" come from and where did the one I knew and loved for 28 years retreat to? What spawned this radical change? Will I ever know why, or better yet do I really want to know why?

Coming up on two years since D-day and still having some rough days every now and then. I yearn to be able to think about her and not feel the sense of loss that has haunted me these two years. I miss my friend and companion still. I used to be able to think of her and remember the way she smelled and felt to my touch. Those memories have faded and died and I miss them too. Most of all I miss her laughter and presence in our home. It has become just a house now. I still wonder how she could abandon Jaime and never even inquire about the dog she adored so much and spent 5yrs raising.

Someday I think the EX will have a moment in her life when her conscience is reborn. I hope for her she has grown enough in character to handle the clarity that comes with this reclaimed conscienceness.

Posted By: carnation3 Re: Old Friends??? - 02/27/07 11:21 AM
((( Eibrab )))

Bless you, dear. You have the strength of ten of us.

Regarding the picture you found, my feeling is that the lies and sneaking is the worst stab to my heart. The actual SF takes a back seat to the secrecy. If that makes sense. And - it only makes sense to those who have lived it.

Thank you Eibrab for teaching me about strength and dignity.

Thank you Duk for showing me that real men do exist.

Thank you Paradise for allowing me to feel the calm and peace once again.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: Old Friends??? - 03/01/07 02:30 AM
Hello Ladies!

I have a scenario for you to think about and give me your opinion on. It goes like this:

A married woman with two preteen kids is still at home being the SAHM she has been for the last 13 years. She is very, very close with her parents and her brothers as well as being the model wife to her husband. She and her husband live a simple and frugal life because they believe it will be better for their kids than both of them working. Not that they miss anything or feel they need anything else in life because all the things they do with their kids seem to fill every moment of every day quite nicely.

One day her parents approach her and ask a big favor. They have overextended themselves and are in serious need of a loan. Since the daughter loves her parents and wants the best for them too she does the only thing she can, she gets a new credit card in her name and runs it to the limit helping her parents. She does this over and over again because it just never seems to be enough to get her parents back on their feet. She can't tell her husband now because the balances are so high she does not know how they can ever repay the amounts owed.

Soon she has to hide the many statements coming in as well as answer every phone call coming in to her home in fear that it will be another credit collector looking for a missed payment or overdraft amount on the cards. Her parents are not making the payments anymore like they told her they would. She begins to pad the grocery bill she shows her husband to cover the money she is sending to make the minimum payments so the calls will stop. Her parents plead poverty and wish they could help but they have spent every dime they have on her brothers. The brothers are either in jail or in rehab to avoid jail.

Soon her husband decides with the new salary a new job has given him he can afford to buy the first new vehicle he has ever purchased in their marriage. Upon applying for the loan he is shot down on his proudest moment when they inform him he has to do the loan in his name only, his wife was too far in debt to qualify for the loan. A huge marital spat insues whereupon the wife claims she doesn't know how she spent all of that money but she did. For the next 10 years the couple never do anything special for themselves or their children because thay have made a committment to pay off this debt. Again upon finally paying off the last card husband celebrates by attempting to buy his second new car in the marriage. Once again no joy in Mudville. Wife has run up another staggering amount (in fact her parents and brother this time). Husband is dispondent and totally discouraged this time and mentions divorce upon which wife says "you should divorce me".

Husband by now is 18 years into a lifetime committment and still has both children at home. He says "it could be worse, she could have a boyfriend". Forward 6 more years and the boyfriend does appear. Wife has had enough, her H brings up the credit cards every time she wants something and reminds her of what she could have if not for overspending in earlier years. Her parents get a large sum of money from a relative and spend it on everything but repayment to her. It seems she has no one to talk to because she certainly can't talk to her H about all of the things she has hidden and kept secret about her family for all these years.

Her parents have alienated most of their lifelong friends by doing the same things to them in an effort to keep their sons out of jail. She tells her H these people have become "bad" people in an effort to keep him from finding out the truth of what is happening to her parents. She does the same thing to others who have been victomized by her brothers thievery. Again to keep her husband in the dark about her family.

About this time a nice young man at work begins to pay attention to her moods and inquires about her worries. She begins to confide in him even though he is only a few years older than her own daughter. Soon she has told him the entire story that not even her husband knows and he continues to listen and offer her his support and encouragement. After a short time their daily lunches together become more and she enjoys the release and freedom this young man offers. She can escape the stress and emotions put on her by her H and her parents when she is with him.

For eight months the fantasy is alive and thriving, then she gets greedy and tries to make a whole weekend away with the young man a reality. It backfires and they are discovered by her H. From here she weighs the alternatives in front of her. First, the pain and anguish of trying to rebuild her life with her husband. Couple that with the demands of her parents for more money and she says "no way". It would be better for me and for my husband if I went down the road this young man offers and end both my parents supply of funding and the pain and guilt I get from my husband.

I have run into several lifelong friends of the EX and her family in the last few days and each of them has chosen to tell me very sad and sordid tales about my former in laws. They are as bad if not worse than their sons in terms of honesty and integrity. They have burned so many bridges with so many old friends they used to have it no longer leaves a doubt in my mind as to why my EX made the choices she did. I think she did my kids and I a favor by putting some distance between us and the rest of her family. I even think she knew this was a good thing after making a "mistake" with the co-worker. For the first time in two years I have given her credit for making the right decision in letting our marriage end. Maybe now I can let go of some of my obsessive thoughts and let myself move on to the rest of my life.

I'm hoping this made some sense and seems reasonable to all of you. You are much wiser than I am and definitely more detached. Please be honest and don't hold back on your opinions, I am actually feeling content and strong in my new single life these days.
Posted By: carnation3 Re: Old Friends??? - 03/01/07 05:57 AM
((( duk )))

I seemed to sense a lack of emotion both in the telling of the story and in the marriage itself.

Am I correct ?

Bless you, carnation
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/01/07 03:55 PM
Hi Carnation,

Yes I think I have finally run the full gammut on my emotions and don't have much left when it comes to the EX. I still struggle with the "why" and my part in the "why" of the A. As for my marriage, it was a part of my life that was full of emotion, love, tenderness, laughter, and caring. I think the way my children turned out shows that it was a nuturing home and one filled with all the right ingredients to endure for a lifetime. Something changed for her and what we had was not enough anymore and that certain thing or things are what creates my anxiety or whatever you want to call it. I didn't see or feel these same things until she and the OM "woke me up". I certainly did not have a relationship with her that allowed her to be open and honest with me or with our children. I think from the detached and unemotional tone in my post you can sense I have finally given up on there ever being any reconciliation between us.

My question to all of you would be to look at her side of this tell me if you see what I do. A person who is tired of struggling to balance her sense of loyalty to her husband, her love for her parents, and her inner demons created by having to hide all of the stuff her family was creating. I don't even understand why she felt she had to hide all of this, I knew her brothers were lost causes ages ago. I had doubts about her father for a long time and she knew this. Her father had never been one to hold the same job for more than a couple years from the time I met my EX. He went thru a long unemployed period right when all of the credit cards appeared.

So she opened up to someone else instead of me and the A was on. Now she chooses to "move on" rather than work on a marriage that has been special for 24 years. Is she trying to be noble in this and protect the kids and I from more of the same. Or is there more out there that has not yet come to light that has convinced her we could never recover? I just can't fathom even after two years why she chose not to expend any effort whatsoever on a marriage that had been a so good for both of us for so long. My only conclusion at this point is that there are other things out there weighing in on her decisions that I will never know about. She just doesn't want to confront all that has gone on and face the challenge of repairing all the damage.

Once again it's just me trying to put some logic to what is not logical. A CPA's mind is not a pretty thing when it comes to emotional issues.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/01/07 10:29 PM

Wow.. I sit here just stumped and thinking. Have us ladies rubbed off on you to such an extent that you, too, are now thinking of every possible scenario, when, in fact.. we have no idea what's really going on?

Quick! Go do something manly !

I know that you'd like to think your XW could have possibly been noble in all of this. I truly think that may be a bit too complimentary of a word.. BUT, I sympathize. We want so much to think the best of those we love. Let's face it, you will always love your XW as a special part of your life.

If it helps to think she may have been a tad bit noble in her thought process here, then what harm is done? She was obviously a good woman for you to have been with her for so long..

I think Carnation pegged this correctly. It was a story told without emotion..and that has got to be healing.

Why does it take so long for this pain to fade?

I ask myself every day.

I am so proud of you, my friend..for looking for the good within the mother of your children for your sake and that of your children.

You are a man among men.

And I adore you.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/01/07 10:42 PM
Thank you Carnation ! You have no idea how much I needed your hugs today.

Today is the 5th day of silence from my H.. a 180 of sorts.

We attended a fund-raiser last weekend that MOW and her H were also at. I held my head high. I made it through. I was proud of myself.

H and MOW served on the same committee running this deal. I tend to think she bullied her way in, however, he stayed and worked.

He swears they do not "speak"..

Since I felt my gesture of such dignity was worth something... and you may giggle with me here as I will understand.. I approached him with my feelings.

Mind you..we do not discuss any of this.. it is NOT permitted... he remained sane for one day..seemed to have forgotten my little chat, and then let lose.

Did you all know that I am the reason for even global warming at this time? He does not love me, nor even like me..and I mess up everything... I even walked out the door and spent the night in my truck.. he never came looking for me or called... he has not said a word.

I am amazingly strong in this and have become insensitive to his insults... alas, day 5 and I have not buckled in tears asking for forgiveness for my part in world hunger, poverty-stricken nations and the Cleveland Indians never winning a game.

How can a man be so mean and then act as if he's done nothing wrong?

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/01/07 11:30 PM
Wow... Lots to think about in these last several posts.. going to go for a long run and ponder. then make some coffee and ponder some more ..Big hugs to all ...
Posted By: carnation3 Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/01/07 11:32 PM
((( Eibrab )))

honey, you know it is not you he is mad at... something or someone is bothering him...

Same sitch in our house... we do not discuss the A at all... I wonder if the shoe was on the other foot and I had been the one to have an A.. would he bring it up then ?? probably...

Have you checked all your normal avenues for NC ??

Bless you - car
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/02/07 07:31 AM

So your the cause of all this warm weather huh??? You must be much more than just the kind, loving, thoughtful woman I gave you credit for. Even you could not help the Indians though. They haven't won since before you were born and won't for a long time to come. Even the village idiot knows that.

Humor is one of the best ways to deal with adversity sometimes and yours is coming back to life. Just please do not use it yet on the H. A confident woman using her wit and humor on a man with some crosses to bear is like lighting a match while soaked in gas. It would be too much for him to handle.

Let him hide for a while longer behind his wall of denial and let him open the door thru the wall on his own. Don't go and blow holes in it before he can take the pressure. I know it would probably be easier and less painful for you to just pack it in and give up, but is that what you really want?

Thank you for politely telling me to go find my mansuit and start acting like one again. I needed it. I have to give up trying to figure this out. She made a choice and she is making it work for her. Time to let the past go and start looking forward for the duk.

PS- Since you seem to be blessed with these special powers now I need help with my fantasy baseball draft. Got any sleeper picks for a big homerun year??????
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/02/07 12:28 PM

Do I act as if his behavior does not bother me ? Act happy? Act sad? What does this man want?

I have simply reached my limit in dealing with this.. He treats me well as long as I do not ask for anything, ask about anything or just simply want to "talk"..

There has got to be more to life than this.. even the kids see it. He told me recently that I set a bad example for my kids, because I let them see how he treats me. I replied. why don't you show them how to treat a partner?

His answer .... because I don't have to.

Now..although my powers are grand..I can really only help you with pitching.

You know that the Yankees brought Andy back, right?

Thank you, my friend.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/02/07 12:31 PM

It is really not possible for me to check the NC thing..and I wonder if I would anyhow.

Maybe I don't want to know ? Maybe I have stopped caring?

I don't have a chain on him..if he wants someone else - well, you know the story.

Your's won't talk, either, eh?

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/02/07 12:32 PM

I wish I was taking a very long walk, too !

Somewhere by a beach with sunshine.

Posted By: carnation3 Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/02/07 01:42 PM
Eibrab - A thousand hugs to you.

Mine not only will not talk about it... he won't even admit it - and, he is my main source of information. He likes to drink his beer, and when after doing so... the truth comes out in little (or huge) things he says when his guard is down.

Not too long ago, I mentioned in an off-handed way something about his *old* girlfriend -- and he snapped back at me -- whoever is filling your head with all this crap, you and that person will probably go to ****** for all of this -- I said back -- well ~ that would be you !!!

You know honey,,, after having lived this for soooo long... I have come to realize (for me) that I would much rather be the BS than the WS... I think the life they have chose is pretty sad and dark for them... hurting others (and yourself) takes its affect on you sooner or later...

Much blessings - car
Posted By: carnation3 Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/02/07 01:49 PM
Duk - the way I see it.. she was just running from her troubles, troubles she herself helped to make. She took -what seemed like at the time - the easy way out.

She has given you lemons - now just add some vodka to that lemonaide that you made !!!

I agree with Eibrab ~ you are a man among men. we love you

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/02/07 06:10 PM
Thanks Carnation!

You would think that you and Eibrab's H's would have at least some compassion somewhere in their lives but you sure don't see it do you? I don't know how either of you do it. Just goes to show how good people honor committments and can be forgiving to the WS's in their lives.

Me, I just could not stand it and lost that early and have regretted giving up so quickly for quite some time. Maybe the last two years have finally proved my first instinct correct, but it sure leaves room to second guess yourself regularly.

I would have to admit that I am much like both of your H's in that I do react quickly and aggressively to someone pointing out and reminding me of my mistakes and transgressions. I have learned over time that I have certain "hot buttons" like anyone has. The problem with an A is that a man has to learn to address what has become his biggest "hot button" and discuss it with his spouse so that they both can heal. When I try to imagine myself being in this position I know I would be doing many of the same things as your H's if not for the IC I have been seeing and the reading and listening I have done here on this board. We men are most times too stubborn and proud to admit we need to learn about emotional issues with our spouses. It's a case of "well if she wants to be with me she has to learn to deal with it on her own". Stupid and selfish I know, but I was there once a long time ago.

Women have so much more compassion and grace than men that you can overcome this just by trying to be the person you have always been with your H's. He needs to see that you can still take him in your arms and look into his eyes with the same look that he saw when you first knew you were meant to be together. Hold these two idiots like you mean it and show them that they don't want to lose the best thing they ever had- YOU!!
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/02/07 11:23 PM
He needs to see that you can still take him in your arms and look into his eyes with the same look that he saw when you first knew you were meant to be together. Hold these two idiots like you mean it and show them that they don't want to lose the best thing they ever had- YOU!!

Hey Duk..

This can seemingly be done while not speaking, correct?

I didn't see a script <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

You are the best...and I don't really want to do this right now.. I'd need a beer, and I don't even drink.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/02/07 11:37 PM
Beer??? Did someone mention beer? I just finished 9 hours of manual labor destroying several hundred boxes of accounting records. I am going directly to my 30th high school reunion planning meeting. It is in a bar and yes I am going to drink several beers. Have a nice weekend everyone.

Eibrab- What I am suggesting is better done in complete silence, your eyes should do all the talking.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/04/07 10:14 PM

I have wanted to type out a long explaination for my feelings for the past two days, but whenever I get on here I realize that I possibly don't have any.

Isn't that sad?

I have fought so long and so hard for my family.. I just don't know how to fight anymore.. it never seems to get better in moments of strife.

H actually told me in front of my son during this last go around, that I should remember that he is "powerful, important and that he could have another woman here tomorrow."..


Yes, when things are good..they are much better than before the A... when things are bad, they are ten-fold worse. My only trigger anymore is the fact that MOW has shown up everywhere.. She has managed to become an officer on the community little league along with my H. They attend the same meetings!

I sit here in bafflement as to how her H handles this.

Now my H will say that they have nothing to do with each other.. that's a line of bs - and I don't mean betrayed spouse.. and that "I am the only one with a problem."

Hence, I have given up... I stop trying to worry or care. I sadly don't like him much anymore and that makes me feel like a failure.

This thread is entitled "how do I make the pain go away?'... I'm not sure we ever can.

I am not all that sad as I type this..I am almost in a phase of wonderment... like I just don't know where my life may take me next.

I just know I can't stand this mean man anymore.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/04/07 10:17 PM
Paradise & Carnation!

And Dukhunter, if you care to giggle with me a bit.

Today I attended the first of three classes to be certified to be a hotstove baseball umpire. I was the only woman there and the gentleman running the deal called me a YOUNG lady...

I just HAD to put that down in print...

Maybe it was the lipstick <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


PS I am quite sure H won't be happy with this, either.. lol
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/04/07 11:38 PM
Hi Eibrab,

Life does take us in funny directions doesn't it? You are becoming an umpire, something I did all thru my teens to earn my fun money and pay for gas. I have embarked on a spring cleaning re-decorating binge. Maybe I have spent too much time talking to you girls! My son thinks I'm gay now. He couldn't believe I put a dust ruffle on a new bed I put in the spare bedroom. He really didn't care too much for the pattern on the comforter either.

I can understand and empathize with you on your H. After all you have been thru and all you have endured to be talked down to and disrespected is disheartening to say the least. Hold your head up and never accept that he could ever replace you. He knows how special you are or he'd have already done just what he said. A woman like you just does not exist on every corner. Believe me, I have looked. And what is out there on every corner are women like your OW. Finding someone with a character and heart like yours, and who likes to hunt, fish is another story.

It's still early in your recovery so let things evolve and keep your patience. Everything I have read about recovery has said it's the BS that does most of the work and takes the brunt of the emotional toll. If I have ever spoken to anyone capable of this it is you and Paradise. Both of you have more strength and courage than anyone I have ever seen.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/04/07 11:53 PM

I have two very close friends who are gay.. I adore them. H is scared of them.

Therefore, I may be able to offer a more objectable opinion on your decorating tastes than that of your son.. My dear friend, Bret, would have used a soft, pastel chiffon or the like for a dust ruffle.

Please assure me that you've used a manly plaid or solid?


PS I really needed your words tonight...
Posted By: carnation3 Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/05/07 12:00 AM
Strriiiiike three !!!!!

Good for you, young lady !!

Yes, everything Duk said I totally agree with. (as I almost always do)

What do you REALLY want to happen ?

The very wise Bob Pure on here often asks this of those in turmoil -

What would you do if you were not afraid

Thousand of hugs, honey.. is it ok to hug the umpire ??
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/05/07 12:16 AM

I have to pass the test first..but I will take the hug.

I suppose what I REALLY want is for THIS man to respect and love, even like me. I don't get that impression very often.

My Mother always says it isn't me.. it's him.

I'm thinking on this, I really am.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/05/07 06:50 AM
Uh , if the pattern is more striped with some light colored flowers on a burgundy background does it mean I need to start worrying????

My son thinks so! I just want to have a house to come home to that looks organized and clean. I really don't feel the need to live like a 20 something kid again. Dirty dishes in the sink bug me to no end and so does dirt and whatnot under foot on the hardwood floor. Labs and hardwood are not a good combo.

Always listen to your mother, they seem to have a sense about this stuff that borders on uncanny. My mother has had my EX pegged from day one. EX had the huevo's to go and "apologize" to my mother while Dad was in the ICU with pneumonia. All Mom said to me was "she's in your past now and don't look back". I wish I could have heeded her words a whole lot sooner.

Be patient and just as caring and loving as you always have been.Above all else make sure you pay special attention to your children. Sometimes in all of this they get forgotten and pushed to the side when they need you the most. Let time heal all of you before you make any big decisions. The right path for you will become more and more clear if you just let things happen on their own.

We all care a great deal for our friend Eibrab! Hang in there, we'll be here when you need us.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/06/07 03:42 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

Sorry it has taken me a while to respond. I have been pondering, why people behave in ways that are destructive to themselves and others. For several days it has been chugging away in the back of my mind.

It boils down I suspect to us all wanting to be happy and we think if we do this or have that or capture this person’s affection … it will make us happy. Yet lasting happiness is an outlook, a state of being that you create yourself. If you get it right, it does not relate to the things or attachments, such as parental approval or the excitement of a new romance that we may crave.

Most people just don’t get it. As a result, they twist and configure their thoughts, emotions and behaviors in all manner of convoluted confused rational to justify doing what they think may make them happy. Usually, only to find that it doesn’t, so they move on to the next object of longing or avoidance.

I am sorry you are missing your wife. I know it is hard. I have found myself several times during the winter …looking around the room at the cottage .. on a Saturday night ..filled with friends all joking laughing and having a good time, thinking; “He is missing this .. He should be here. Why would he want to miss this?”

Impossible to explain someone’s logic, when for the most part it is not logic but merely a mixture of wanting and hope for some magical external mechanism that will create a lasting sense of self worth and contentment or that will take away what ever it is that scares or worries them.

Perhaps the wisest response is to be happy that you had a satisfying marriage for as long as you did. For me, I think 25 years is a good run, perhaps expecting it to last a lifetime is simply not realistic.

Burgundy, sounds masculine to me... big grin...

Big Hugs…


Dear Eibrab,

I hate the mental picture I have of you curled up, shivering in that truck all night. Nor I do like to hear about hubby being rude to you.

I have said this before, but I truly believe the Harleys have infidelity and the appropriate responses to it pretty much nailed. The first rule is no contact. Your husband keeps putting himself in situations where there is going to be the possibility of contact.

As long as he does that, you and your family are not going to move on. He is constantly tearing open the wound. At some level, he knows this. He must.

Projecting the blame on you is just a defense mechanism, a way of avoiding responsibility and confusing the situation. He is being mean, because he is unhappy with himself. Sadly, you are the one bearing the brunt of his unhappiness.

Personally, I would sell up and move out of state. Frankly, Mayberry is just not big enough a place to be able to get away from this mess, particularly if she persists in her efforts to have contact with him. I know it is a drastic measure, but it has worked well for other couples.

Starting fresh… would be the best idea for everyone including the kids. It would allow you both to let go of the past and move on. You can let go of the hurt and he can let go of the guilt. Living as you are is just not fun. Life is meant to be fun..

Umpire.. cool.. I see a little blond ponytail swinging back and forth as you call someone out.. big smile.

Big Big Big Hug,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/09/07 08:03 AM
Journal .

It is almost 3.00 a.m. here. We are eating peanut butter and jam toast. Blue gets his peanut butter on a spoon which he slowly and fastidiously licks clean. He is crying now in a most pitiful fashion because he would like more please.

It makes me smile.

When life is good, we always want more.

I tried to go to bed without success. Lately there are nights, I find I simple cannot settle down.

I think, I am getting to the point where I finally believe my marriage is over on every level. For a long time, deep down, I think part of me, thought the whole thing just a bad dream, I would wake and it would dissolve in the morning sunshine.

I have been reading Eibrab’s last several days of posts and sighing - sad. Eibrab used the word “wonderment” it has struck a nerve with me somehow. It is so apt, you just kind of look around and think whoa .. how did I get here. She sounds defeated and numb.

It worries me.

Time maybe for a holiday? A regrouping - a little Carribean jaunt with the kids? The big LUG gets to stay home!!!! He is not worth taking seriously right now !!!!!

Neither Carnation nor Dukhuntr sound that happy of late either. I wish I could just give everyone a real hug and look them in the eye and tell them it will be OK. It will be OK.

There are still moments where I miss Midnight, the feeling of being a happy family we had, or I thought we had. I miss having my eyes kissed awake and being handed a cup of coffee… every morning. Often, just as I wake up a brief moment of longing crosses my mind.

Yet more and more, I believe our lives are the constructs of our minds, our thoughts. They are of our own making. Hard to believe when someone has betrayed you, left you feeling raw and brutally used, but it is true. We create our reality.

The real trick is deciding, what you want reality to be and accepting that you are the one who makes it!

Nowadays, I am working with lists, trying to take baby steps to a new future. What I don’t have clear in my mind is what that future will look like.

This weekend, I am going to start a wish book; an album of pictures, ideas, things that will make up that life so I can visualize where I am going. It sounds corny I know but I think it will help. I am going to give Blue his own page.. I bet his pictures will all be of the beach ….
Posted By: toni49 Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/09/07 03:42 PM
Hi PB-Duk-Carnation & Eibrab: Sorry to hear that everyone seems to be down in the dumps. I too have been depressed. I have had my good days and bad days. Seems that there are more bad days. Only because you keep flashing back to that question. "What happened". I'm counting down to when I go before the court for the my divorce ( May). Which each day it seems to be moving faster. I know that it's what I have to do if only for piece of mind. How much pain should you endure from your husband/wife before your eyes are opened. It hurts everyday just to think about it and know it's coming. I've been going to my therapist and doing alot of reading and trying to prepare myself emotionally for whats to come. You thought he/she was the one. Off to fantasy island you went only to find that you were the only one on the island. So I'm taking it one day at a time and focusing on my kids. I know that I tried and was always there for him and thought I was enough but it has to be both ways in the giving and receiving. PB I also have been having restless nights. Hope it's only temporary. Talk to everyone soon.
Posted By: carnation3 Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/09/07 09:59 PM
Paradise - I hope you can find the time to post here more often. Your writings - along with you - are priceless.

and, thanks for the hug - and the wisdom (again)

Thank you Heavenly Father for sending Your angel, Paradise to MB to help wounded souls.

Sincerely, carnation
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 03/15/07 12:11 PM


I've been listening to a series of talks given by Gil Fronsdal a rather well known zen master at:

They are free. I've downloaded them into my ipod and I listen while I run in the morning. One in particular .."Letting Go" I really quite liked.

You mentioned you liked the book Peace in Every Step.. I think you would enjoy many of these talks. They may help you deal with the very heavy load you are carrying...

Big Hugs.. You are in my prayers Hon

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 04/03/07 03:43 PM
Morning PB, Eibrab and Carnation!

Just lost a long and soapy post for some unknown reason and I am glad I lost it now. Been doing a lot of soul searching the last few weeks because of the time of year(D-day).

The conclusion I have come to is that this boy needs to let the past stay in the past and enjoy what is happening for me now. Life is good! Fishing, golf, the yard. Everything is okay and if I just see it for what it is I would be a whole lot happier.

I do miss talking to all of you and hope to hear that Eibrab is doing well especially! Have a happy Easter! I will be out in the sticks of central Nevada fishing with a group of friends from work. Poker, cigars, drinks and fishing. What could be better????
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 04/03/07 08:47 PM

Blue and I spent a happy hour at the beach today. My Greek friend who runs the chip wagon has returned to set up shop; looking tan and rested. I gave him a heartfelt warm welcome home! SPRING IS OFFICIALLY HERE!!!!!

I cleaned and closed the chalet last weekend, spending one final fun weekend in the company of four long time female friends. We talked, cooked, walked and talked some more to the wee hours…

Early last Saturday morning, I went out to shop for parts of our dinner. I like grocery shopping. For the observant, there is an enormous amount of information to be gleaned from the contents of someone’s grocery cart. Mine for instance, had lots of organic produce, soy yogurt, sea kelp face soap, the makings of a chocolate soufflé to balance all the healthy stuff and a decorator magazine. The chap behind me in the check out line had about 15 of the giant size Hungry Man frozen dinners, a large bottle of Fleecy and the largest family pack carton of condoms I have ever see. I buried my nose in my magazine trying to stop from giggling. Obviously, someone who prefers easy no fuss meals, likes their sheets to smell nice and is rather busy!!!

After I lock the door for the last time, Blue and I always take a walk. We trudge along looking around carefully, thinking until next year – feeling wistful. The winter always seems to go by so fast. Life goes by so fast. I cannot believe I am working up to the second year anniversary of our split.

I feel pretty much myself again, whole, healthy – at peace really. Frankly, I have been part of a couple since I was 15, this is my first real stretch of being single. After you get over the initial challenge, there are definite pluses. There is so much freedom to it. Your time is your time. It makes me giddy sometimes to think I can do whatever I choose. When friends ask me out to do things, I always say yes! Belly Dancing lessons ..sure why not!

I still meditate daily, often I will try to visualize Dukhuntre, Eibrab, Carnation, Holiday, Toni, each healthy and happy (but I will take soapy!)

Life is all about what you choose to see or maybe it is just what you choose to put in your cart.

Big hug to all.

PS. Heard a very good duck tale over the weekend from my film maker buddy. In Vancouver, there was a very distressed lady duck walking back and forth quaking in the crowds on a busy downtown sidewalk.

Evenutally, she just got so frustrated she grabbed with her beak the pant leg of one chap and tried to pull him along for a bit. He followed her and she sat on a big grate. He turned to walk away and she jumped up and grabbed his pant leg again pulling him along. This time he took the time to look around and lo and behold her eight little ducklings had fallen through the grate and were floating in the bottom of the sewer.

He dials 911 on his cell. The fire department arrives on the scene. They cannot lift the grate. They call city works, who come by with a special crane on a truck and lift up the heavy metal grate. The fire men then carefully scoop up each little duck with a pasta strainer borrowed from a near by restaurant.

All through this, moma duck just sat there watching the goings on with alert interest. When finally all 8 of her little ducks were on the sidewalk. Off they waddled away to a big cheer from the crowd that had gathered.

When my girlfriend told me story, I laughed and said.."There is a duck with faith." Something we all need.
Posted By: toni49 Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 04/03/07 10:46 PM
Hi Everyone: It's count down time for me. I looked at the calendar and I have about 5 weeks before we go and see the judge for our divorce. I am still very sad that it has come to this. I know that this is the right decision for me emotionally. And that it's the only way I can let go of what I thought was a marriage. I have my good days where I don't even think about it, then you have the bad days where you start re-living everyting again. And asking youself "what happen". I know this is the right thing for me in order to let him go emotionally (with my heart). I have been doing alot of self help reading trying to get prepared. But I know I'm gonna start crying when we see the judge and sign the papers. I will try to be strong and not cry but that's easier said then done. I was so glad to read that Duk/PB are doing well. Eibrab & Carnation hope you are well also.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 04/13/07 12:47 AM
I'm getting busy downloading on an ipod <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

I may be the only farm woman for miles around with a zen master in my ear.

Thank you, PB.

Things have been VERY difficult here. A HUGE amount of renewed contact, lies and deceit. I have handled myself the way I should have the first time around. I exposed, exposed, exposed and didn't apologize once (to MOWH). Do I think it is physical ? In my gut, no..but I do feel MOW has gotten bored, and she's never quite gotten over her idea of not "winning".. she even sent me a text message saying that she thought she told me to leave her family alone, and other choice words..

Leave HER family alone ? Go ahead and laugh freely with me. I had two messages to her H.. there were 497 texts and over 2000 minutes on a cell phone to mine..

Tell me, my friends..just what did I win if she was the loser? *chuckle*

I am doing amazingly well. I am strong and I am wise... both of which I owe you all here a huge thank you for. I will get through this, too.

I have the faith of a momma duck.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 04/13/07 08:52 PM

You have a lot more going for you than any momma duck ever had. You have a strength in character that is an inspiration to all of us. You also have the patience and good sense to see yourself though anything you choose to face.

I'm disappointed from where I stand and I can't even begin to imagine the emotions you are going thru. I am still rooting for you to be the one in our little group to keep her M alive and well if that is what you still want in your life. I think from all I have heard it still is.

To be truthful I was hoping to hear a whole lot better news from your neck of the woods. I truly do wish that things would take a turn for the better for you for once. No one I have ever known deserves it more than you and only PB equals you in my eyes. Take care of yourself and your children, I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 04/14/07 01:14 AM

Stay strong.

You have so much more inside of you than you might ever imagine.

We care.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 04/14/07 01:17 AM

I can do this..just not sure what "this" is yet.

Does that make sense?

I like myself. I like how I am, what I am and what I appear to be. I cannot make others see in me what they refuse to.

Maybe that is my starting point?

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 04/14/07 06:28 AM

Your knowing in your heart that nothing was wrong with you has been the strong foundation that has kept things together for you and your family. You have never chaged a thing about yourself because nothing needed to change. H on the other hand needs to pull his head out from the nether region it is fully inserted into.

You "started" a long time ago. This is just turning out to be a much longer journey than expected. I'm quite sure that "this" will become more and more clear to you with time. Don't become impatient now, you've endured too much already to give up that easily. I'll be out here pulling for you all the way, whatever way that turns out to be. I'm sure PB, Carnation and Toni will be right there with me too.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 04/14/07 01:47 PM
God Bless you Duk..

If he wants her..he can have her.

He always could.

I'm thinking of ordering a new bow, which is quite a bit lighter in my hand. It comes in a "black cherry pink". I figure that ought to get me noticed enough to realize that this may not be the only man left in this world. I have fought so hard for this, and I am not fighting anymore.

Maybe the lack of fight will be what it takes to win the war?

Posted By: toni49 Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 04/14/07 09:46 PM
Hi Everyone: Today we went to a court ordered "parenting class" which is part of what you have to do with your divorce. It was very informative as far as how you child/children are taking the divorce process. There was about 15 other people also taking the class. STBEH and I went together. We talked. I told him that I didn't want the divorce but it was something I have to do for me. I told him that he was not a fighter and didn't fight for the family or marriage. He said he never really looked as being married as a big deal and that he didn't believe in marriage based on how he grew up with his mom & stepdad. I guess it was just my fantasy about being "married" and that I had committed myself to him and that the divorce would hopefully set me free. And this time it would be about "Me" and not his feelings which I did so many times in the past. Eibrab I know how you feel I just have no fight left to try and change things that I now know can't be changed if the other person doesn't feel the same. Counting down to court date (4 weeks to go)
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 04/18/07 06:38 AM

Hi There Eibrab, Toni,

My heart felt care goes out to you both.

Eibrab, I read your last few posts with a heavy heart. At some point in life, people have to make choices. Your husband needs to realize, he is making a choice. He may not see it that way, but it surely is a choice.

Again, for the sake of your marriage, I would take the Harley's advice seriously and move. The only alternative to moving appears to be the slow deterioration of your marriage.

In one of Gil's talks, a phrase stuck in my mind, paraphrasing his words

"True faith is praying when prayer seems unimaginable.
True love is loving when the heart has turned to stone.."

I liked it so well I wrote it on a yellow sticky and stuck in on my monitor.

Big Hugs to you both. You have been in my prayers daily..I will keep you in my thoughts ..wishing you well and happy.

Posted By: doingfine Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 04/18/07 02:03 PM
I have now wrote down your quote
"true faith is praying when prayer seem unimaginable"
"true love is loving when the heart has turned to stone"
thats awesome, so powerful.
we all must prevail!
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 04/19/07 02:06 PM
PB and all...

How nice it would be to pack up and go.. but I can't even get common decency or respect here. To try for a move of the magnitude it would take, would leave me packing alone, I am sure.

I am amazingly strong right now. This has gone on too long.

I did find out through the grapevine that MOW has seemingly lost her last friend about the time she came back after H here full force. She's bored, it seems.

I can't find the gumption to care.

About either of them at this time.

Sigh.. help <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 04/19/07 08:29 PM
Hey Eibrab,

I wish I had an answer for you but at this point I don't think any of us could suggest anything that would help. Sometimes a spouse just decides to walk, ie. mine and Paradise's. In your case it sounds like he went back to cake eating big time. Having it both ways and expecting you to live with it.

Nothing could be harder to deal than his fence sitting in my mind. I couldn't with my EX, and I used to think it cost me my family. Now I see that what I did was exactly the correct thing for me to do given my nature and my own values. She's the one that made her choice and nothing I would have or should have done was going to change that. I gave her every opportunity to change her mind and two years down the road she is still living her new life and I don't ever hear from her. Maybe it has turned out to be a good choice for her.

All I can say to you is take your time on this and decide what it is you want. Until you have made this decision it is awfully hard to work at something so emotionally draining while not really being committed to it. This is what I hear in your posts now. Frustration, indecision, anxiety, everything each one of us has felt over and over again because of a WS's actions.

You can do this if you really want it, this being endure the hardships created by your H's A. He is with you and not her, this is good. He talks to and communicates with her, not so good. Given the amount of communication between them and the current state of you M even worse. BUT YET HE IS STILL WITH YOU! If you want him you still have all the advantages in terms of keeping him. Time and his presence in your home. There was a time I would have given all I had for this opportunity. Make your decision and then do what you believe is right for you. No one will ever say you didn't give it your entire heart in trying to keep things together.

I know in my heart that whatever you decide it will be the right thing for you. Your character and the will that you have shown so brightly thru all of this will carry you wherever you go. Take care of yourself and get out in the woods and kill something would ya! I know hunting and fishing have been my salvation the past two years. Without that and I'd be in the funny farm at best and places I rather not think about at worst.

Thinking good thoughts for you every day!


P.S.- I wouldn't bet my house on it but given what you have told me about your H, just about the time he sees you have made the decision to end this fence sitting he will wake up and come back to reality. So far you have done a great plan A and it has worked to an extent. Maybe plan B time to end the cake eating and make him decide?
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 04/20/07 06:12 AM

Take a very deep breath. It is time for Plan B.

The whole point of Plan B is getting away from the WS and their destructive behaviour to avoid irreparable damage to the affection, love and regard you hold in your heart for him.

It sounds to me like you are already losing ground on that score. So now there is no choice... your feelings are your guide. If you want to save your marriage and save your own self esteem, pack those boxes by yourself, if need be. But do not stay there and let him make you hate him and disrepect yourself.

I only know one woman who accepted infidelity and looked the other way, she is a bitter angry person. Beset with so many physical maladies she is in constant pain. It is like it has eaten away at her from the inside. Not someone I would want as a friend. You my dear, I do want as a friend.

Better yet, cannot you just ask him to leave until he gets his act together.

He can pack on his own. In fact, perhaps you should take the initiative and pack for him. Tell him he can come home when he agrees to have no contact and to a move out of state. You need agreement to both points. This creepy situation has gone on long enough. I would put it very simply... "if we stay together and I have to watch you do this will kill the love I have for you .I simply don't want that to happen .."

Big Big Big Big Hug

Posted By: carnation3 Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 04/21/07 07:13 PM
((( Eibrab )))

Oh honey, I am so sorry...

I agree with PB (who wouldn't ??!!!) Plan B will take you out of the triangle... away from the drama... think about it anyway...

Re moving - not sure if that would work, since they are communicating so much by phone.. that would not put a stop to that.. just my thoughts anyway...

Sorry, I have not been here lately... been gone but now I am back... all is good

Dear Heavenly Father - Wrap Eibrab in our and Your love and guide her where You want her to go....
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 04/22/07 01:37 AM

You have no idea how much your prayer means to me tonight.

I am taking my time deciding on my course of action here. I will do what I must in as wise of a fashion as I can. We had a run-in with MOW today at a little league baseball game. H walked right by her and the child and she him and that angered me greatly.

Behind the scenes is ok, but common decency in public is a no-no? Who are they fooling? Of course, H claims I am out of contol on this (no fighting or antics on my part, though I do report my findings to MOWH). He actually called me evil today.

BTW, she once again sent me a text addressing me as a horrid name and telling me that if I don't leave her family alone, she's coming after mine.

Coming after? Oh good Lord.. she's already been here, done that and is running that race again. Again communication between her H and myself is virtually none except when necessary. I was in possession of H's cell phone today and could have kept it from him all day. I did not..I looked at it for the first time in a very long time, reported the frequent phone calls to MOWH and then presented it back to him.

Laughable in some ways..isn't it? I hate to bother MOWH with any of my findings..but I did so much wrong during the active A before. This time I will not allow anyone to bully, threatened or otherwise control my actions when I know I am not doing anything wrong.

I am well..I am strong and amazingly different than I used to be. I am just not sure where to start the mess that is to be the rest of my life...and what that path is.

Thank you all of my dear friends.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 04/26/07 05:56 PM

I wish things were better in Mayberry but as I have come to conclude we just can't control anything more than our own actions and feelings. You have done everything in your power to save what you have cherished with your H. It's up to him now to decide what he wants to do from here.

I'm glad to hear a confidence and strength in your resolve, you will need it no matter his decision. Don't fool yourself into believing you will have this resolve and confidence everyday, I still have bad days two years after the D. The dwelling only comes every now and then when other issues arise either at work or in my so far futile attempts to start a relationship with someone new. They come and go much quicker and less painfully each time it occurs. You guys can probably tell from my posts when I am in the midst of one pretty quickly.(like today)

I thank God everytime I go back into one of these moods for the insights and encouragement that people like you and Paradise, Carnation and Holiday have given me here. It has guided me thru what I hope is the the most difficult personal trauma I will ever be challenged with. I really can't imagine anything more painful or prolonged than this ever happening again, nor do I want to.

I wish I could say I believed that there was something you or I could have done or said that would change our WS's decision making. At this point I don't believe there is anything we could or should do other than to retain the values we cherish and to improve ourselves. Paradise is the perfect example of this improvement process, always expanding her knowledge, her personal experiences and her compassion for others. Sometimes it is out of our hands and there is nothing we can do except decide what path we want to follow from that point on. I think you are at this point and being much wiser than me have seen that for yourself.

I will be out here hoping and praying your path becomes happier and healthier from here on.

Posted By: carnation3 Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 04/27/07 09:26 PM
((( Eibrab )))

You ok, honey ???

Duk - I really believe that you are going to be just fine. But, I have felt that all along about you. You rock !!

PB - You are our treasure ~ our treasure of treasures !!!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 05/02/07 03:00 PM
Hi Eibrab,

I am sitting in my sun filled office .. right now ..wondering how you are. Once a day, while walking the dog.. doing laundry.. or paperwork..I stop and try to visualize you wrapped up in all good thoughts of peace, I don't know if you ever feel them but I hope they help.

I can well imagine the pain and suffering you are going through..but I also know that you are growing out of ways that ultimately will make you a stronger person.

I sat and had coffee with a dear old friend the other day.. who was telling about a scary divorce battle of another friend of his ..whose wife .is sure he was unfaithful to her and is convinced he has ruined her life.

I blinked at him and said.."Don't be silly ..the only person who can ruin your life is you..." It is a good thought...

One to hold on to times when that doesn't seem so clear.

Big big big big big hug

Posted By: familycomesfirst Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 05/04/07 08:50 PM
I know where E is... I'll tell her to come see you guys.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 05/06/07 12:32 PM
Oh I read here most every day! Most times, I find that it takes a while to sit back and chew over an answer or a post. I find that I have become that way in my life... a thinker, first.

I used to react first and think later. That usually proved fruitless.

Springtime is here and that means busy-busy. H is again being as nice as he knows how, only because I am certain he needs me. So be it.

I know things are not as they seem on the outside, I just an not certain how to proceed just yet. I find myself, even on very good days, focusing on a painful memory of something he's done in the recent past... and wanting to hold that against him as I know he is still not a decent person.

To what extent he is not decent, I am still unsure.

What hurts the most at this time in all of this, is his supposed "choice" to be with me, but his complete lack of support or defense of me. He can seemingly spend a great deal of time communicating with MOW (about what and in what demeanor, I do not know) but one call or text between her H and myself and she is allowed to harrass me.

By the way, I ignore every attempt she makes at getting to me. I always have.

I planted some bulbs in some large pots to decorate the entrance of my horse barn. I believe the flowers are called cannas. They are tall, red, strong flowers..and by putting them in pots, they are completely capable of following me to any destination life will find me, right? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

In planting them, as I was digging for some fresh dirt, I found a very small painted turtle. Just one. He was no bigger than a fifty cent piece. Cutest thing.

Since I know painted turtles enjoy water, I thought he'd grow very nicely in my water garden among the lillies and such and I gently placed him there. Do any of you know how fast a small turtle can swim right before a large goldfish makes him dinner?

I have GOT to get my wits about me before I single-handedly make painted turtles and myself extinct.

I will apologize to his mother if I ever cross her path...which would mean I must slow down and enjoy looking for her.

I hope you all are well.. and I truly feel the prayers and hugs. I can honestly say that.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: carnation3 Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 05/06/07 02:14 PM
Hi honey -- yep, I know all about focusing on the crap that has happend in the past, near or not so near.. Usually it is a trigger or he is *acting up* in some way.... I think -- oh oh... this is not right - something is going on.... radar goes up --- and then I dwell on the stuff that he has said in the past...

Disecting (sp) - over analyzing -- every single thing he says and does - plus add that my FWH (WH??) is thousands of miles away with lots of unaccounted for time.... it is a recipe for disaster Eibrab !!

So, yes I do know what you are talking about... and, I am getting a little better at handeling it.... ok. alot since coming here to MB !!!

and, hey --- where were you found ??? if you can tell...

Thoughts and prayers coming your way - as always
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 05/07/07 03:22 PM
Hi Eibrab,

I don't think you need your H's support or defense in reality. I think you can and have handled everything thrown your way with dignity and courage beyond anything anyone would have believed of you before. It once again may be unfair of him but I believe your H has seen this too. He has seen how strong you are and is taking it for granted. It looks like a backhanded compliment to me. But what do I know?

Chumming up the carp with baby turtles huh? Like one of those shark fishing shows where they dump all the cut up fish in the water to bring in the sharks? I have done this on my annual fly-fishing trip to the Deschutes in Oregon. Three weeks and counting to this years trip! We go during the Salmonfly hatch. Salmonflys are 2"-2 1/2" long and if they could bite no one would go fishing while they were out. Trout gorge themselves on them while they are active. We use live bugs to see if there are trout holding in some areas before we fish them. Catch one on a bush, break it's wings and throw it in the river next to the bank and watch what happens. Looking forward to times like these are what is keeping me going now.

Over a year till DD's wedding and we have butted heads already because I refused to put myself at risk by signing a guarantee for a block of rooms at the Mexican resort she is using. I wouldn't sign because of the penalties in the contract for cancellations are substantial and she wanted me to cover her mother and all the ex-inlaws too. Trust between me and that family is non-existent. DD thinks I just hate them and am being hurtful in doing this. I think I am just being practical. What do you guys think? When I say substantial it's like $3,000-5,000 if the ex's all decide to go elsewhere and stay in the house a friend of theirs owns down the road. I would lose $750 if we cancelled their rooms the day after I deposit the money. The closer we get to the stay the more it could cost me. I really don't want to let them put me in a position of being a victim again. Is it something I should just suffer for my daughter if necessary to make this wedding special for her?
Posted By: carnation3 Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 05/08/07 06:09 PM
((( duk )))

Weddings can be (usually are) so stressful to plan.... and add an ex and ex inlaws...

My short answer is ~ no.. You are being practical.. and cautious...

Is there any way to get confirmations from those coming beforehand ??? but, of course, there will always be no shows and the such....

Just when I thought you were doing soooo great - DD wedding comes up.... ee gads.... you are back on my prayer list !!

And ~ do NOT put undue pressure, stress and most of all - guilt on yourself for her decisions.... try to remain semi calm....go along within reason !!!!
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 05/09/07 02:51 PM
Thanks Carnation,

I am still doing pretty good overall, I just hate to let anything make this wedding any less special for my daughter. As much as the EX does not want to admit it the D and the resulting trust issues are impacting my daughter and this is just one vivid example.

I have tried to work around the in-law situation and do everything my daughter needs to do without putting myself in a position where the EX's family could hurt me in any way. My daughter is very bright and sees all of this and it does bother her. Nothing I can do but be as careful as I can and still try and show her all I care about is her in this. She deserves to have this be a very special event for her. I will make it happen. I'm hoping if I just keep trying she will see that and adjust her expectations of how all of this will sort itself out. Not what I wanted but I'm doing the best I can for her.
Posted By: still seeking Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 05/09/07 09:14 PM
We told our daughters what the budget was for the wedding, and let them spend money as they saw fit. We also told them that if there was any money left, they could keep it. All of them came in under budget, and one only spent half of what she could have.

If you already have an amount in mind, maybe this would work for you. Then if there are problems, it is her loss, not your loss.

I have read much on this thread over the years. I hope everyone is doing well.

PB, what are your plans for the next few years? I am curious.

Eibrab, are you in NV? If you are, I am in an adjoining state.

I know Duk is in NV, but I am the other direction.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 05/10/07 05:15 AM

I gave her the budget and told her the balance was hers to keep already, great minds think alike. The problem is if the ex-inlaws don't come thru on the rooms I'm on the hook for way more than the budget after all is said and done. The travel agent wants a better credit history on the contract or it would be simple to let DD sign and be liable. Nothing about this seems to be simple right now, and that is what I think is the problem.

Weddings in tropical locations while sounding romantic and special are way more complicated than this simple minded dukhuntr would have ever believed. Especially considering she is really going to get married here in front of a JP to avoid all the complications of a Mexican marriage license. All we are doing is putting on a show for the relatives who choose to attend. Tahoe is 30 miles away, 50 degrees cooler in June and just as pretty as any resort in Mexico ever thought of being. I'm just a Dad trying to do something my DD wants and deserves. Who am I to say what is right for her?

If it were me I'd do all the same things she is doing only at Tahoe for half the cost and keep the other half and have a nice start on a down payment on a house. Of course I'm a bean counter by trade and lot more budget conscience when it comes to this stuff. June 2008 is a long way off and a lot can happen between now and then. Hopefully it will become a little easier and a lot less nerve wracking.
Posted By: carnation3 Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 05/10/07 05:37 AM
Here is something just for you duk --

I Loved Her First ~ Heartland

click and enjoy (tissues may be necessary)

Posted By: still seeking Re: How do I make the pain go away? - 05/10/07 03:29 PM
Ah - over budget.
You softie you. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: toni49 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/12/07 12:39 PM
Hi PB,Duk,Carnation & Eibrab: Well I had my divorce this past Thursday 5/10/07. We went to court they called my name, I had to go to the witness box and be sworn in. Ex sat at defendants table. The judge asked questions based on what you filed and said Is the marriage irrevocably broken and theres no chance for reconsiliation. I said yes and then he said that The dissolution of marriage was granted. To think that almost 13yrs of marriage was over in 10-15 minutes. Anyway I took (2) days off to process. I don't think it has hit me yet. Probably when I have to tell someone who new us as married that I'm divorced now I'll feel it. Throughout this process I didn't tell many people about it only because I didn't want to deal with questions you usually get ex. what happen? Anyway I home all well with everyone. Talk soon
Posted By: carnation3 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/12/07 03:23 PM
((( toni )))

I am so sorry honey...

I wish I had the words... or was there to put my arms around you and make it all better - for just a little while...
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/18/07 03:41 PM

Hi Toni

My thoughts have been with you these last few days... wondering how you are doing. In a way, going through emotional turmoil has a back handed benefit of making us appreciate ..more the times in life that are just normal.

You'll get through this. You will make new friends..have moments in the future where you forget all about it happening for a while at least.

Sunny day here .. Blue has been to the park..had kibble with beef broth and is looking up at me with a big smile.
As though to say... "Hey Mom.. we having another great day!"

You will get there too... I know it.

Big Hug

Posted By: toni49 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/19/07 03:32 PM
Hi PB: Thanks for the kind words. I made past 1 week of being divorced. It's hard for me to even say the word to other people for fear of crying. When I watch tv and see wedding shows I have to turn the channel. When I hear what was my wedding song on the radio I turn it off. It hits me more when I'm at work. The thoughts just come running through. I then try to shake it off if only to make it through the day. I had to change my W-4 form to single. And when I got my check I was even madder because they took for money out. All I could think was that now I'm losing more money because of the divorce. Any way taking it one day at a time but every day it "hurts". Talk soon.
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/20/07 01:06 PM

Oh Toni.. (((T))) there is so much ahead of you much good and so much that YOU are in control of. I am not certain where you may be, but I hope today is filled with sunshine, the sky is clear and blue and you smile even if you do not feel like it.

That will get you through.

Coconut ice cream helps, too.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/20/07 01:08 PM
Still Seeking..

I am in the Great Lakes area.. I'd give my left arm ( need the right one ) to live in Nevada..

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/20/07 01:21 PM
PB, Duk and Carnation...

Not much news worthy here. This is such a busy time of year for everyone.

The more I pull away in an attempt to try to get H's eyes opened - and mind you, I am always polite and continue my responsibilites - the more H continues to ignore me with a HUGE smile on his face.

Makes me wonder who is getting his attention.

Maybe it is the times, who knows for sure. I had a mildly traumatic, though not huge, event this week and when I tried to reach out to him, he actually called me "stupid" and hung up the phone on me. Not once, but twice.

I am seemingly getting used to this behavior and I am not letting it really bother me, though it does hurt.

This big, tough man walks around like he has the world by the ear, smiling and treating people with so much dignity...and then there's me... and how he treats me.

Odd thing here for my consideration, is that he actually was a man worth being around for quite some time after dday...

Still thinking in my world.

My largest female tortoise, Phyllis, has started a rather peculiar hole in the outdoor pen. She's being quite meticulous and is not sharing with the rest of the crew.

My fingers are crossed. Lord knows I do not need 75 fertile tortoise eggs at this time, but wouldn't one or two bring a dose of sunshine ? Anything in "baby" form is so special..

Except maybe flies and mosquitoes..

Oh, and I once had a dragon fly larvae clean out my goldfish population in the water garden.. I hate baby dragon flies with a passion... even though their parents make me smile...makes me wonder if being a pre-school teacher for very ill-behaved children isn't one of the worst jobs in history.

Bless you all,

Posted By: carnation3 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/20/07 07:43 PM
((( Eibrab )))

I can relate alot to what you say...

Not too long ago, during a personal crisis, I naturally called my h (didn't have it in me to even put that in caps !!) bawling and I mean bawling my head off.. he let me take a breath - and said.... curtly...... I'm sorry - can I call you back !!!!

As he is not here, but driving around... who knows where - doing who knows what !! (truck driver)

I spend so much time by myself, which I actually like - but doesn't do our shaky marriage a bit of good...

I have alot of relatives and friends on Lake Huron.... well not ON it... you know....

If only I was not so scared....
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/22/07 01:17 AM

I'll have to get back to you..can I respond later?

Hehe, couldn't resist.. aren't we something? Such decent women living for the respect of someone who just isn't giving it.

Are we THAT determined or are we simply what you wrote - scared? I never thought I was scared of anything UNTIL this mess...and this whole deal scares the beejeebies out of me.

I like being alone, too... way too much nowadays. H is really ruining things. I wonder if my not giving a hoot is ruining them even more.. or does he want me to rally and beg?


I'm close to Lake Erie.. we could go fishing together when you get brave <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> ..

Though I am sorry for what brought you around, I'm glad you are here, Carnation..

Many Blessings,

Posted By: carnation3 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/22/07 04:32 AM
<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Thanks for the laugh...

It almost happened again tonight.... a crisis with my grandson.... how I love that little boy --- called h to vent a little.... my call went directly to voice mail....

He called me an hour or so later, but by then I was talking the problem over with a friend - who would pick up -- so I just ignored h calling back...

Oh I would love to drive up there and go fishing... what fun.... really the only thing I am afraid of is getting my heart handed to me on a paper plate....

E --- every single day when I talk with him on the phone.. he has been gone almost 5 weeks at this point --- it is always on the tip of my tongue * don't call me anymore ~ I am sick of doing this *... but I don't because I would prolly go into panic mode....

Why am I letting him decide MY future ????
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/22/07 02:45 PM

THIS time, I really do need to get back to you..I want to give this as much thought as I can today.

Our worlds are so different, but so much the same... You are treated this way from afar, while it happens to my face.

You have a friend who understands.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/22/07 03:10 PM
Eibrab & Carnation,

I feel sorry for the two H's in your lives because they can't seem to see what they are risking losing. And from your posts I can see that both of them are pushing the envelopes with you. Some people just don't get it and they may never get it. Caring, loving, committed spouses are something to be treasured, not tested and taken for granted.

Eibrab, please do not let your fears guide you in any of this. H is the one that should have fears and he is not smart enough at this point to realize it. What, if anything, could be worse than what you have already endured and suffered? Over the course of our discussions here at MB I have read the things you have seen and done and they have never failed to reinforce my original impression of you. The strong willed independent and self sufficient "Lonesome Dove" rancher. You still are that person and you always will be. Fear is for someone who is less capable and has less to offer in life.

Carnation you also have so much to offer it absolutely astounds me as to what your H is thinking. As is the case with all of us, you can not let your H's actions change who you are in any way. Changing to meet the expectations of someone who has shown a severe character flaw only lessens our own self esteem and lowers our own integrity. Respect yourself always, H will see this and he is the one in need of a look in the mirror.

Not posting much lately, been really busy and happy doing yard work, planning DD's wedding(getting better there), fishing and tying flies. Haven't had the patience in two years to sit and tie. In the last month I have turned out over 100 for myself and friends. Hooray!!! Peace of mind has finally set in a little!

Hoping and praying for a little of that for both of you to come soon!


P.S. Eibrab, Trout love to eat those nasty dragon fly nymphs. Get revenge for the goldfish and put a trout in the pond once. Just get the goldfish out first, trout like them too!
Posted By: carnation3 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/22/07 05:17 PM
E and duk --- thank you sooooo much for being here for me.... your kind words mean alot to me...

Just for the record, please do not get the impression that because my h drives a truck... I am living in a trailer or something...not the case ... I walked away from my first marriage in very good position $$ wise...material things and $$ mean nothing to me, never have... I am emtionally driven.... hence, the problem

Him being gone all the time has taken such a toll on me and our marriage - if you can call this a marriage... now problems (huge problems) with my grandson and his mother - my dd....

Dear God - Please give me strength and a little wisdom to make the right choices.... help me dear god... this all scares me so.....and thank you for directing me here to this kind and caring wise posters....

P.S. and can you let Joey win tonight on Dancing ???

thanks tons E and duk.... I await more wisdom....
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/22/07 06:08 PM
I liked Billy Ray.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Honest.

And, my dear friend Carnation, I LIVE a trailer park life in a 5 bedroom house because of the actions of others...

Say UGH in sympathy with me..hehe

I have a CDL here with doubles and triples.. I got it years ago to prove a point to the men here who said that I could not. If I could tie a fly, I'd be quite a catch !

I'm still thinking Carnation.. don't give up on me ..


Posted By: carnation3 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/22/07 06:31 PM
oh yeah --- I loved Billy Ray 2 !!!

My h has showed me how to start and bring the truck to a complete stop if need be... that backing looks like it is a bit tricky though !!!

Thanks for listening.... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/22/07 07:59 PM

You are and always will be quite a catch even if you haven't felt the need to learn to tie flies! I'm sure if you decided to you would be as good at that as anything else you have already learned to do. A CDL??? You never cease to amaze me! Okay, so you, PB and Carnation can load up the Semi, hit the road with everything you need and then some, and come to Nevada and visit, right? PB the sailor can navigate and you can do the driving with Carnation doing the braking.

On the way you can judge a few horse shows, climb some rocks with PB, umpire a few games to make spending money, and shoot your meals with the bow. What else is there you need? As I keep saying, you are as self sufficient as anyone I know and should never fear anything or anyone.
Posted By: carnation3 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/23/07 03:47 AM
Yay ~ a road trip ! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

Oh goodness, does that sound like a fun adventure or what ...

Hey duk - when's the wedding ?? Might as well plan our trip around that !! you know, moral support and all....

(now, do I hit the yellow button or the red button....hold on gals.... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> )
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/24/07 12:51 AM
OhMyGoodness! Yellow or red ? I suppose I must be a frustrated truck driver at heart because that made me spew my diet Pepsi all over this keyboard...

Dear, dear Carnation..I spent today sitting on a tractor baling hay. I shouldn't have helped him at this time, but I love it. The sunshine, the tan.. well, I love it.

Except the attitude that comes with it from the men... then again, I can take any attitude when my tan is smoking hot!

So, I spent most of the day contemplating an answer to your post from yesterday..

I have no answer. Me, the Queen of words and thoughts.. I have no explaination for us.

I am a big believer in "signs".. I truly think that God is with me, even though I fear not at times. I see Him in the butterflies, the hawk that circled me today (fear of God anyone? LOL), and the wildflower that suddenly grew where I walk everyday and was not there yesterday.

There's got to be a reason for this...and an answer.


Posted By: carnation3 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/24/07 01:09 AM
Bless you E or, I am guessing it is B.... Bless you for thinking about me and my situation... that warms my heart..

I agree with the tan thing... so much for all that sun protection... if I am having a good hair day and I am tan... well, it makes me feel much better <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

Not too long ago, over on GQ II, I asked a question about trying to set the OW up... since my h is on the road mostly, and I believe they are in contact - pay phones, calling cards - I was wondering if I somehow could call OW from a pay phone and see if she would take a collect call from my h !!!

Since I can not even get either one of them to admit to knowing each other, much less the LTA - IF she accepts the call - there is proof... a start.... if she doesn't - she may have not taken the bait...

Not knowing... not having any where to start from or end at... is driving me crazy !!!

What do y'all fine people think of that desperate plan ???
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/25/07 02:13 AM

I suppose if we focus on the title of this thread, you'd be doing the exact opposite in this plight.

If she accepts, she may be being a good samaritan (ick! I know, but I'd most likely accept a collect call as they are so rare), so therein you learn nothing..

Or if she doesn't take the "bait".. you've got nothing again...but more worry.

So, from the outside looking in, how do you win with this plan? There has to be a more concrete way to ease your mind or gain the knowledge you seek.

Hmmm.. I am thinking for you.

I am going to bed tonight with you on my mind and a prayer for peace to find you tonight.. you are such a delightful lady with such a beautiful heart. You deserve so much more.

It is a shame that you can't pick a winning celebrity dancer, though..

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/30/07 06:22 PM

I think your intuition is enough to make you want to sit down with H and talk about your feelings. Confirming what you perceive and believe will just make it worse to deal with. Sometimes too much knowledge is worse than not enough. My only lasting regret with the EX is going up to that motel at Tahoe and confirming with my own eyes what I already knew. It only made things worse down the road for me.

Talk to the man in a straight forward and no holds barred discussion and tell him what you are feeling and how, if he cares, he can make you feel safer and more secure. We men are not all that bright in reality and we just don't see the things you do nor do we feel them in the same way. Think dense and you got us! Sometimes we don't get it when you put out those subtle messages that you need help or that you are concerned. Telling us point blank is the only sure fire way to get our attention. I think I have finally seen that this is uncomfortable for women but at the same time necessary to really get thru to us men.

I know I have missed some messages lately and it makes me feel horrible. I think I missed something really important to Eibrab and I wish she would open up and talk to me again soon.

Things are busy here and I am really anxious to leave on my annual fishing trip to Oregon. Good times with good friends and a week away from work! I hope all of you have something special to look forward to soon also.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/09/07 03:04 AM
A very big hug to you all..

Carnation... are you ok, my friend? I know this site does not allow for private've been on my mind and in my prayers.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/14/07 08:27 AM

It is 3.00 a.m, as I write this, very quiet, the window looks out on a black sky.

I have not done a journal entry in so long – it is making me blink. My life is so ordinary really. A series of small moments, the late night run finished a couple of hours ago, the long walk along the water afterwards with the dog.

I often think of the people I have met on this thread and come to know well. It invariably makes me smile. Not sure why, but I always smile maybe because it is such a fantastic thing that one’s most inner thoughts can be shared and truly understood by people you have never met face to face and live thousands of miles away.

When I read Dukhuntr, Eibrab’s, Toni’s or Carnation’s posts and they are happy I am happy if they are sad, I am sad. Our emotions are like gaffer tape, they bind us together.

On many levels I feel lighter. All the running is making me almost twig like but mostly my heart feels light and free. I think I have let go.

It has taken two years but I finally changed our home phone message, wiping off midnight’s voice. For a long time I could not bear the idea, knowing, it was the only way I could hear it when I wanted to.

The Japanese have a word called Kaizin which means that even small changes can have a big impact. Now, my voice answers.

I just finished a wonderful book called “Mastering Life's Energies: Simple Steps to a Luminous Life at Work and Play” by Maria Nemeth.

It has many wonderful quotes but the one I like the best is

“For everything that has been I say thank you and for everything that will be I say yes”

I am not sure of the spelling of the chap’s name, who said it and I have already lent my copy to a friend but it is perhaps the best thought I have heard in a long time.

Walking by the water tonight, I thought life is such a privilege. that even when it is not exactly as we want it .it is all about dancing with what is ..

Carnation, Eibrab you two are particularly in my prayers, I know how difficult it is just to carry on sometimes ...

Big Big Big Hugs to All
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/24/07 09:01 AM
Hello Paradise,

I do miss your posts, I still look for them regularly. It's become almost a spiritual thing for me to read them and try to see and feel all the thought and sincere care you put into them. I know they have carried me thru many times of anguish and self pity and made me think of other ways to deal with my problems. I know you have helped many others like me in the same way. Just by being yourself and sharing the way you think with us. For this I will always remember you and will always be thankful I found you when I needed you the most.

It's been over two years since my D now and I think I finally have a good handle on my emotions. I don't think I will ever completely heal but it's down to a nuisance now rather than a wound. I watched a video today by Dr. Harley that Pepperband posted and it really hit home for me what has made this so difficult for me to "get over". The EX has never shown one ounce of remorse or guilt over what she did. The good doctor's theory is that forgiveness does not come for a BS until the WS gives "just compensation". Mainly this comes in the form of regret and remorse. Didn't happen for me or you and I don't believe anymore it ever will. Nor do I believe I have forgiven anymore either.

Given the results of my efforts so far to start a relationship with someone else I can see too that I need a much longer time to shut off that part of my heart that will forever belong to the EX. After 28 years and two wonderful children I have been unable to just seal that off as she has seemingly done so easily. After all the therapy, quiet thought, soul searching and plain old nightmares all I have come to believe is that she just got bored and someone else offered some excitement that she felt was missing. I really don't believe anymore that there was anything I did or didn't do to cause all of this. I wish I could have come to this conclusion two years ago. I can see now though that I needed to make this journey in my own way, as each of us has. Each personality deals with this trauma in their own individual way. Some spiritual, some more emotional and physical.

Having travelled this road to recovery, I'm absolutely sure I never want to travel it again! I don't think I could cope with that level of hurt a second time. I worry more now that I will never be able to trust and love someone in the same complete way as I did with my EX. Until I believe myself capable of that level of comittment again, I shouldn't be out there looking for anybody new either.

The one good thing that has come from all of this is that I feel a lot more compassion for others in this situation now. Compassion for both the BS's and the WS"s. No one wins in an A. Everyone gets hurt in one way or another. Someday I hope to hear that someone in our little group has hit the "MB Lotto" and can finally say that their marriage has recovered. It would do my heart good just to hear it once.

You and EIbrab and Carnation are my hopes for this. Someday and somehow one of you will be able to come here and tell the rest of us it's happened. I will be hoping all of you eventually can.
Posted By: carnation3 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/25/07 02:45 AM
The EX has never shown one ounce of remorse or guilt over what she did. The good doctor's theory is that forgiveness does not come for a BS until the WS gives "just compensation". Mainly this comes in the form of regret and remorse. Didn't happen for me or you and I don't believe anymore it ever will. Nor do I believe I have forgiven anymore either.

Duk - I hope you know that I think the world of you... but, may I just give my honest opinion of the above --

Forgiveness is a gift that you give to yourself...

Harboring animosity towards another person is just too much negative weight to carry around....

Please take this in the manner that it is meant to be given.... certaintly not trying to lecture you.... but, this is something I feel very strongly about and try to interject it where I can !!!

(((( duk, Eibrab, PB ))))

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/25/07 06:49 PM
Hi Carnation!

I don't think I am carrying a bunch of animosity or anger anymore, I just don't believe I really have forgiven completely and without reservation. I felt like the video "spoke" to me while watching and listening. It made me really sit back and think about what and how I feel towards the EX.

I believe that for me to truely forgive she would have to come to me and show some regret and remorse that she has never once shown. All I ever heard was that she would never regret her relationship with the OM. Nowadays I don't mind that statement near as much because her relationship with this OM has cost her and the rest of us so much it should be worth not regretting.

I honestly thank you for your concern and good advice! I just don't think I am capable of following your advice completely. I'm sure it's something to do with my own OCD that is inheirent in being an accountant. That and my own sense of what integrity is and should be. I am working on and gaining ground on my ability to just live and let live with her. I know my level of care about her is next to non-existent so that is a start.

I don't think you are capable of saying anything that would sound like a lecture by the way. Friendly helpful suggestions- sure, a lecture? Never.


Posted By: carnation3 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/25/07 07:24 PM
Hi duk... glad you understand what I was trying to get across in my own way...

I am always reminded of a story about my x mil... for years and years she held deeply onto a dark, deep *grudge* she had with another woman (one of her former friends)... I mean she was consumed with hatred for this former friend... seemed like it almost ate her alive and she was proud of holding onto this grudge for sooooo long..

One day my dd and I ended up at this former friend's home... well, the lady had aboslutely NO idea that my x mil was still harboring all this hate for her... none at all... there she was sitting on a swing, in the shade, enjoying a lemonade and also - enjoying life to the fullest !!! almost not a care in the world and it showed...

Back at the il's house -- hatred was all around...

Anyway -- that day was a light bulb moment for me... listening to the mil go on and on in her negative way and seeing the sweet little lady (ex friend) enjoying the day to the fullest, not having the slightest idea that there even was a grudge between the two....

And - I know matters of the heart grow deeper and this may not truly apply here -- but I know you see what I am trying to say...

And, thanks so much for the kind words....
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/28/07 01:01 AM

Perfect story, my friend. Perfect.


Posted By: carnation3 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/28/07 02:56 PM
<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

((( Eibrab )))
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/23/07 03:41 AM
Journal July 20th

Sigh, I sat at a ball game tonight with a girl friend, my mind a million miles from the field. A waste of one very good seat because I found it impossible to keep my mind on the game and eventually left early. I was very, very glum company. I could only come up with one joke the entire night a very feeble one at that “..hmm I think my lesson from all this will be “Love Makes You Stupid”

It has been a trying week, unbeknownst to me, Midnight had signed some months back, a “fraudulent” deal which effectively stripped virtually all the key assets of our company and sold them to a competitor. I got wind of it by a chance email sent to him by mistake - at the wrong email address, a few days ago…just in time to stop it at considerable expense.

After reading the email, I stared for a long time at the screen, with the exact sensation; I would imagine you would get from being wacked, upside the head with a two by four. I could not breath for a full two minutes, it felt like all the air was just sucked out of me.

Sometimes people change to the point they are no longer recognizable.

At first he lied about it, and when finally, he admitted what was going on to me. I found I could not come up with anything to say - some situations are beyond words. I was just speechless. After about four minutes of complete silence.. I said .. “the only question I have .. Is what kind of person are you becoming?” I walked away. In that moment, any tender hope I have been resolutely harboring that he would snap out of it … extinguished. He is not someone I know or care to know.

So much “ …for dancing with what is” .yet perhaps in the most difficult moments .when the steps get trickier and your balance is at its most precarious there is the greatest opportunity for grace. I am not sure really. I feel far from graceful right now ..mostly sad… hurt .. and … really tired.

I have not laughed much at all this week. Right now, I so want to laugh .. so I will…

Last weekend, prior to all this blowing up, Midnight asked to see the dog, (only the second time since Christmas) and then brought him back, all irritated and indignant a few hours later. Apparently, the dog had dragged his back end across the cushions of one of Midnight’s pristine new white linen sofas, leaving a very long brown smear.

Dogs can express themselves quite elegantly at times. I am not sure exactly how that would translate in human speech, but when I lie in bed tonight waiting to fall asleep I think I will lift up one of those floppy ears and whisper the question. “What were you trying to tell Daddy?
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/23/07 03:17 PM

I was very pleased to see you post again, until I read why. Seems our WS's have even more in common now. Making unilateral financial decisions and then hiding them must make them feel in control or something. All I know is it is just one more example of the character flaw that has surfaced for both of them.

There is a well respected businessman here that I used to hunt and fish with. He is from a family that has been in this area for several generations and is just a very grounded and down home person. His family has become wealthy by selling off what used to be the family farm/ranch to developers and he is one of my favorite people to listen to and get advice from. One of his favorite quotes is "if a husband/wife can cheat on and lie to their spouse they will cheat and lie in business".

It seems to me that once a person has chosen to give up one of the few things in life no one can take, their integrity, they seem to be able to rationalize all manner of behavior. I liken it to opening Pandora's box. For my EX, she opened the box when she hid her brother's thevery from me and let me pay off the credit card debt he stole from us. From there why bother pretending to be something you are not anymore, right????

I know you will be as patient and forgiving here as you have been thru all of this, but maybe, just maybe, it's time to really protect yourself from any other financial surprises?

And give Blue a big hug for me, he knew the best response to this whole mess was to show exactly what the whole thing smelled of!!!!

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/23/07 06:36 PM
Sally was driving home from one of her business trips in Northern Arizona when she saw an elderly Navajo woman walking on the side of the road. As the trip was a long and quiet one, she stopped the car and asked the Navajo woman if she would like a ride.

With a silent nod of thanks, the woman got into the car. Resuming the journey, Sally tried in vain to make a bit of small talk with the Navajo woman.

The old woman just sat silently, looking intently at everything she saw, studying every little detail, until she noticed a pink bag on the seat next to Sally.

"What in bag?" asked the old woman.

Sally looked down at the white bag and said, "It's a box of chocolates.
I got it for my husband".

The Navajo woman was silent for another moment or two. Then speaking with the quiet wisdom of an elder, she said: "Good trade."

I want you to laugh, too, my friend.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/24/07 12:53 AM
Journal July 23,

Well another trying day, sitting with lawyers, in these sessions, I find I cannot sit still. I pace instead, head down, thinking hard, this is especially true if Midnight is present.

It is really like dealing with someone who has lost touch with reality completely. One of the lawyers asked him today, if he realized what he had signed was fraudulent. He just stared off into space for a while and then started talking about something else. No blinking, no blushing – no sign of any kind of emotion whatsoever. The deal had been in the works for almost two years.

I had been making strained jokes all day… though no one laughed much at them, at least it cut the tension. I like laughing. I really need to laugh, as much as I need to breathe sometimes. Both were difficult today.

When I got home, I read Eibrab’s post and really laughed. Funny as soon as I started to really laugh, I started to cry. The same jagged, howling I was doing two years ago – only minus the urge to break china. It moved through like a storm and left me calm and tired. The first tears I have shed over this and hopefully the last.

I think Dukhuntr is right. Sometimes when you do something that undermines your integrity – you lose it. You are operating without any kind of moral compass and then it is so easy to be swept in the direction of what ever cravings you happen to have at the moment. Our actions, our every thought has a consequence, they shape who we are.

I am not sure I really lost my husband to another woman after all, now it seems to me more like he lost himself first.
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/24/07 05:30 AM
Hey Paradise,

I don't know if swept away with cravings is how I think of it. I'd have to say more likely they know what they have done and what it means to them personally. They know they have lost the trust and respect of the people who mean the most to them. At that point it's "in for nickel, in for a dime", what does it matter now? I see it as a form of self inflicted punishment.

Not sure if it's something they will ever come out of either. It's got to be playing he11 on their subconcious thought. Not that we will ever see any ill effect in person, wouldn't want to lose anymore ego to the Ex's. I think they are hurting inside and and have become lost in life. All we can hope is that as time has helped us, maybe it will do the same for them.

I for one hope that your attorney does more than mention fraud to Midnight. Looking at criminal charges from the wrong end of the law would be a great way to clear a lasting fog don't you think?
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/24/07 05:42 AM
Okay girls some husbands are better than a box of chocolates. Not all but some.

Old Herb took his wife Bessie to the Doctor one day. Once in the examining room Bessie started complaining of a severe case of flatulence. She timidly added that they didn't smell and they were always silent. Bessie went so far as to add that she was passing gas as they spoke so that the doctor would realize how bad the flatulence was. She admitted it helped that no one knew when it was happening, especially since she had been doing it in the waiting room for quite some time that morning. The Doctor went and retrieved a botlle of pills and sent Bessie home with Herb with strict orders to take two pills three times a day for a week and come back for a check up at the end of the week.

The next week Herb loaded Bessie up again and they went to see the Doc. Again Bessie started complaining in the exam room that the pills had not helped and in fact only made the flatulence smell really bad! The kind Doctor replied "Good, now that we have the sinus infection cleared up we can work on the ear infection!". Herb could only smile!!!!
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/25/07 02:02 AM
Hope these make you laugh ....

John asked his wife, Mary, what she wanted to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. "Would you like a new mink coat?" he asked.

"Not really," said Mary.

"Well how about a new Mercedes sports car?" said John.

"No," she responded.

"What about a new vacation home in the country?" he suggested.

She again rejected his offer. "Well what would you like for our anniversary?" John asked.

"John, I'd like a divorce," answered Mary.

"Sorry, I wasn't planning to spend that much," said John.

Funny Sayings from Courts
A collection of what people have said in court whilst standing trial.

Q: What is your date of birth?

A: July fifteen.

Q: What year?

A: Every year.


Q: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?

A: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.


Q: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?

A: Yes.

Q: And in what ways does it affect your memory?

A: I forget.

Q: You forget. Can you give us an example of something that you've forgotten?


Q: How old is your son, the one living with you?

A: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can't remember which.

Q: How long has he lived with you?

A: Forty-five years.


Q: What was the first thing your husband said to you when he woke that morning?

A: He said, "Where am I, Cathy?"

Q: And why did that upset you?

A: My name is Susan.


Q: And where was the location of the accident?

A: Approximately milepost 499.

Q: And where is milepost 499?

A: Probably between milepost 498 and 500.


Q: Sir, what is your IQ?

A: Well, I can see pretty well, I think.


Q: Did you blow your horn or anything?

A: After the accident?

Q: Before the accident.

A: Sure, I played for ten years. I even went to school for it.


Q: Trooper, when you stopped the defendant, were your red and blue lights flashing?

A: Yes.

Q: Did the defendant say anything when she got out of her car?

A: Yes, sir.

Q: What did she say?

A: What disco am I at?


Q: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about
it until the next morning?


Q: The youngest son, the twenty-year old, how old is he?


Q: Were you present when your picture was taken?


Q: Was it you or your younger brother who was killed in the war?


Q: Did he kill you?


Q: How far apart were the vehicles at the time of the collision?


Q: You were there until the time you left, is that true?


Q: How many times have you committed suicide?


Q: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?

A: Yes.

Q: And what were you doing at that time?


Q: She had three children, right?

A: Yes.

Q: How many were boys?

A: None.

Q: Were there any girls?


Q: You say the stairs went down to the basement?

A: Yes.

Q: And these stairs, did they go up also?


Q: Mr. Slatery, you went on a rather elaborate honeymoon, didn't you?

A: I went to Europe, Sir.

Q: And you took your new wife?


Q: How was your first marriage terminated?

A: By death.

Q: And by whose death was it terminated?


Q: Can you describe the individual?

A: He was about medium height and had a beard.

Q: Was this a male, or a female?


Q: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice
which I sent to your attorney?

A: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.


Q: Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed on dead people?

A: All my autopsies are performed on dead people.


Q: All your responses must be oral, OK? What school did you go to?

A: Oral.


Q: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?

A: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.

Q: And Mr. Dennington was dead at the time?

A: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an


Q: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?


Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?

A: No.

Q: Did you check for blood pressure?

A: No.

Q: Did you check for breathing?

A: No.

Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began
the autopsy?

A: No.

Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor?

A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.

Q: But could the patient have still been alive nevertheless?

A: It is possible that he could have been alive and practising law somewhere.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/25/07 11:49 PM
July 25th,

I sat down last night and figured out how much each sentence I said to my lawyers was actually costing. For a short sentence, $22.50 for a long sentence $45. I am not a big spender by nature, I can have a lot of fun with $45. Today, I went in with a list of prepared questions, and just listened.

During the middle of the session, I asked for a recess. So I could bring my mind into focus and assimilate what I am being told. During the recess, with the meters turned off, I thought. I meditated. I focused on filling my heart with gratitude for just having today - a precious day of life, I am enjoying or perhaps not so enjoying.

I have to say when I embraced meditation and Buddhism; I never realized how much it would help me, personally, professionally – spiritually. It is just good for business. It is good for life because it just makes it so much easier. Trying to deal with an adverse situation is only made more difficult if you are also battling adverse emotions.

I draw my 3 regular columns in how I think things through: What I need to know? What I think I know? What I really know?

What I really know – is that people come first… then money ..then things. Often people think money should be at the bottom of the pile of priorities but money is important, it is a means to a great deal of freedom and experience. Always, always, it is the things that are less important. Most of us have more things than we need or can really appreciate. And the things that are really important are valuable for sentiment not in monetary terms. What you drag from a burning home is not your plasma TV, it is the photos ..the items you cannot replace.

It is equally true that not respecting your money, is a kind disrespect to yourself in a way. Treat it with negligence or abandon and it flies away.

Usually when people crave money, or they think it will make them happy it is not just the money they envision - it is a life where they will be more…. In truth if you just work on the being more . the money always comes…

Ironically, I think Midnight has always wanted to be more than he is .. He just has never really known how to go about it. All the recent splurging is just a symptom of this.

Today, I sat and thought, well if he had been lost at sea on a sailing trip. What would I have done. I am pretty confident in saying, I would have spent every dime we had trying to locate him or the boat and I would likely have waited five years if I did not have a clear answer before doing much of anything.

When I sat across from him yesterday, it is painfully obvious he is lost… completely lost… in just a different kind of sea… bobbing around in different kinds of waves.. fear of dying. .fear of old age .. of not having, doing, living, BEING enough.

In every thing there is a blessing, during recess today, I had a kind of epiphany. Curled up, sitting on a table, clasping my knees to my chest, where I really saw him and I really saw me, free of prejudice, without any bias or the personal fictions we all have, it made me smile. In that moment, I was finally able to let him go… to feel a powerful compassion and understanding .. but to finally really let him go …

This situation is a gift, a blessing really! I think I was in real danger of continuing to love someone for maybe the rest of my days, who no longer loves me. It would have been a much more profound waste.
Posted By: carnation3 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/26/07 12:24 AM

Iced tea - $1.79

High speed - $19.99

Eibrab - Priceless

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/26/07 12:48 AM

Your latest entry gives me so much to think about tonight.

I am very proud of you.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/26/07 03:42 AM
I think I am feeling sorry for Midnight and I never thought I would ever say that. The man just does not know what he has lost.

Just from the tone in your posts I can hear and feel the confidence and firmness in your resolve. Now go and do something about ending all financial ties to the man! I know you and I am certaim you will only ask for and receive what you feel you are entitled to. Guarantee your own future and let the lost boy fend for himself.

All I can say is "IT"S ABOUT TIME!!!!!!".
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/26/07 03:47 AM

I'm sure that post makes you think! It applies just the same to your situation, maybe more so. And your H is as lost and confused as Midnight ever was.

How about thinking your way into getting back to me someday????
Posted By: yonnadoung Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/26/07 11:20 AM
I would have thought you were writing about me...I have been married 25 years on 6/12 and just found out my H has been in an A since 1/07. Completely shocked me...we were not in a good place, but I never in a million years would have thought this could have happened to me.

I am grateful for the book...we are sort of reading it together. We are seeing a marriae counselor and working on our marriage but I have to tell you that this thing has rocked me to the very core of my being. I thought I was a strong independent woman, but I have had thoughts of suicide, depression, revenge and just plain irrational thoughts throughout the last 2 months since DDay (5/27/07).

I am grateful fo this forum...I see and red many of the things I am going through. Find a way to take care of yourself. That is the most important thing you can continue to do. Time can be your friend in this....and know that you are not alone.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/27/07 02:19 PM

So sorry you find yourself here, but really it is in your circumstance a truly wonderful resource full of understanding and insight. Often the hardest part of dealing with these kinds of issues is trying to come to a clear comprehension of how it happened.

I do believe the Harleys have just a great grasp of the dynamics of infidelity and reading pretty much everything on this site will help.

Good luck

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 07/28/07 01:51 AM
July 27, 2007

I have decided that for the next month, every day I would come up with a blessing that I can attribute to the break up of my marriage. To regain perspective and just generally cheer me up.

Today’s blessing is a biggie. I just did the math, over the course of our 25 years together I’ve spent at least 13.36 days of my life, shifting through the big pile of shells for the few whole peanuts left in the bowl. I really hated doing it because it was so unnecessary. And in all likelihood at least 7 days trying to convince Midnight of the merit of using the two bowl approach, it takes but a moment to take out an extra bowl for the shells. If I just tossed the lot out, there were always strident complaints. Walking by peanuts in the shell when I grocery shop, always puts a big grin on my face, because I don’t buy them anymore!!

I am reading an excellent book right now, called Count Your Blessings by Dr. John R. Demartini, he has some great quotes such as ..

“To see your drama, clearly is to be liberated from it” Ken Keyes, Jr.


“I have found out that a genius is someone who listens to the light of their soul and obeys. And wisdom is the light of the soul…” Dr. John Demartini..

Not sure how you listen to light but I really like the metaphor..
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/07/07 02:48 PM
Hey PB!

Just checking in to see how you are doing. I hope you got the mess with Midnight all sorted out. I just find it hard to believe he could even begin to believe you would just sit by and watch while he did whatever it was he intended to do. Makes me wonder if he has had to force himself to rid any thoughts of you what so ever from his day to day thinking just to get by. I know it's giving him more credit than he probably deserves but what else could explain this?

How's Blue doing these days? I haven't heard much about him lately. You haven't been relegating him to the background in all of this have you?

Have a great week and let's hear about how things are up in the frozen north these days!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/08/07 01:11 AM
Hey Dukhuntr,

Thank you for caring. Life has been a tad busy here. I am getting close to sorting out the dust up with Midnight, and then moving on with finalizing our financial separation in preparation for divorce. Doing things I should have probably done years ago.

The dog has been well. I find he has slowed down quite a bit, he turns 10 in November. He is not the frisky jumping bean that he use to be. He will no longer go on runs with me, preferring strolls where he methodically picks up his pee mail and promptly sits at every opportunity, happy to watch what is going on.

Rainy night tonight, I was out seeing Harry Potter (very good!) with a friend and then on to dinner, we chatted for a long time over a second glass of wine. Then I came home to walk the dog in the rain, which meant he needed a bath. Now I sit here in wet jeans and a wet shirt with my sleeves rolled up listening to the drum of the rain on the windows.

I have started another round of renovation at home, finding an outlet for the sheer frustration I was feeling over Midnight’s crazy actions. Ripping out carpet, I find is quite good therapy. I am doing an acid wash treatment on the floor in my home office and I have stenciled big gold fish swimming. When I sit at my desk and the sunlight hits them they glint – very pretty. I may tackle putting in new baseboards next. By the time my divorce degree comes through, (laughing) I suspect I will be quite handy.

I ran into John’s wife while walking, she has been adjusting to her loss. Her daughter is now going through a nasty marital break up and has moved in with her bringing her two grand children. Her life is crowded, hectic and noisy. She is starting to smile more.

I hope the weather has not been too hot, for you to enjoy the garden. I know in many places in the US, it has been sweltering.

I hope your family and Jamie are well.

Wishing you happy thoughts,


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/08/07 03:12 AM
Hey PB!

Thanks for the kind wishes! It has been hot here but the flowers are doing good. I had many problems with them in the heat but it all came together just in time for Dad's 75th birtday party in the backyard. My 80+ year old neighbor/watchwoman spent the whole party regaling people about my skills as a gardner. I heard one quote that was actually semi embarassing. She said "you would never know it was just two men living here". Kinda made me feel a bit like someone out of Queer Eye.

I've been a really busy boy this summer going and doing again. So much so I long for a weekend at home this weekend. I volunteered to fly to Austin Texas last weekend and tag team drive a 4wd pickup home with a friend from work. Flew out Thursday morning and arrived home Saturday afternoon(1750 miles). We were beat by the time we pulled in.

I hope you start journaling again soon. The process for the actual D is going to bring back a bunch of the old emotions and you will need to channel the energy somewhere. I for one am hoping to see more of your writing as a means of coping. That is just me being selfish though and I know it. I'm sure you will handle all of this with the same style and grace you have shown from the beginning. The house will come out for the better, that's for sure!

Jaime is doing well but will need to get in a lot better shape soon for duck season. Dad has been negligent and let her go round again. I'm just too easy and she is the master of the hopeful and needy stare at the dinner table. The drooling helps too! Labs are way too loveable to be strict with.

Well off to another softball game! Out trying to prove I can still be competetive with the youngsters. Only now the strains and pulls take way too long to heal for it to be really fun. The beer after the game still tastes the same though!

Give Blue a good scratching for me!

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 08/14/07 05:35 AM
Journal August 14, 2007

Well Blue and I dined at the beach after work, on hot dogs, mine with sauerkraut, his plain without the bun. It was a glorious summer day; blue skies, bright sunshine and warm with a gentle breeze – perfect.

We got the goods on Mr. J., my Greek friend who runs the chip wagon. He spends at least three months a year in Greece and works every day for the rest of the year in Canada.

Tonight he confided while he cooked our hot dogs, that he is married with a wife of many years who lives with him here and he has a girlfriend in Greece. I suggested that it sounded like a complex and expensive arrangement. He nodded and said “..that is why I work so hard.. it is VERY expensive…” in a grave serious tone.

While I munched away, I thought about his poor wife who had to watch him pack every year to go to be with his other gal and then the poor girlfriend who would have to watch him pack to go to be with his wife. Yikes!!!!!!

The dog had no comment, he was happy to just eat and be at the beach. I was happy to just eat and be at the beach. We ate in companionable happy silence.

Before we left to come home, I spent a long while throwing stones in the water for him to chase and bark at the splash, taking care that he never got to close to them, his favorite game – doggie tail wagging ecstasy.

It put him in a very good mood all night, he followed me around from room to room, while I did chores.

Looking up at me as though to say, “Boy was that not a blast!!!”
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/21/07 12:14 AM
Hi all!

Long time no post! I have to let you all know what I just heard from Eibrab aka "The Huntress". She just got her first deer with her bow. A big accomplishment for any sportman or sportswoman let alone a first time hunter with a new bow. It was a dandy buck too! I figured you would all want to hear about this and I know she might not want to do her own "bragging". I'm proud of her and her accomplishment! No help from the menfolk either.

It's been very quiet for our group and I hope that means good things for everyone. I am doing great. Jaime the Lab has retrieved a bunch of ducks already this year and has gotten back in hunting shape finally. She went from only being able to hunt a half a day on the opening weekend and hurting for days from that to going out both days last weekend and feeling fine afterwards. Dad is still lagging a bit behind but doing better too.

Hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving! I miss hearing from all of you and owe Paradise, Holiday, Eibrab and Carnation a big thank you for all the patience you have shown and the support you have given me here at MB.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 11/29/07 03:10 PM
Hiya Dukhuntr,

I am sitting with a cup of coffee, looking out at a grey day with the dog asleep at my feet; just filled with happy thoughts - knowing you and Jamie are doing well. Big big big hug my friend.

I am so glad you have heard from Eibrab, I often find myself thinking of her - admiring her strength and patience - wondering how she is doing.

Life is good here. Just organizing - for a quick trip to California - a Buddhist thingy, I will be leaving on the weekend. I find myself repeatedly looking at my ticket and smiling.

I am working on a new plan for what I will do with my time. Our company was sold. It seemed to be the only practical response to the situation.

Sort of scary and delicious at the same time dealing with a blank page of possibilities, I wake up in the middle of the night sometimes with a thought or idea, which I scribble down and then curl up and promptly go back to sleep. Somehow I know whatever comes to fruition will be right…

I too am so thankful for all the support; wisdom; affection; humor and faith, I found here in this small circle of understanding. It helped enormously when I felt beyond help. Thank you all so much.

Be well, I will post in a couple of weeks .. by then we may have heard how Eibrab’s furry, feathery friends are all doing …

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/25/07 03:43 AM
Hi Dukhuntr, Eibrab, Holiday Carnation

It is almost 11 pm on xmas eve... just finished making and wrapping my last present album for my mom. Full of happy pictures ..many of midnight smiling into the camera with a happy grin. We did have a lot of fun!!!

Funny how your life can dramatically change and those happy moments are frozen ..trapped on paper to remind you of how much joy life holds... even in a moment.

We are having a quiet xmas eve..just Mom the dog and I .. no company until tomorrow. She is sound asleep. It is peaceful here .. even the dog has started to snooze.

I do wish you one and all and anyone who happens to read this a very merry xmas. I know well for some this will be a horrible holiday filled with pain and hurt but it will pass. It always does.

Big big big big hugs

Posted By: LovingAnyway Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/25/07 07:46 AM

Merry Christmas to you, your Mom and your dog.

I hope every BS can read your thread from the beginning...find comfort in your words...and the great friends you made here...holding each other up through it all.

Blessings to you are to MB. Thank you.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/26/07 11:51 PM
Hi Paradise!

Happy Holidays to you too! I'm always glad to hear from you and especially when you sound as good a you do now. Things do have a way of mellowing and becoming easier to deal with over time don't they?

A great Christmas here! My kids are doing great, I'm having a lot of fun out in the marsh with Jaime and life is good. I even met someone new and have a lot of hope that this could be something special given a chance.

It's good to hear you talk about the shared memories with Midnight in a good way again. We all need to remember there were good times with our former spouses too. It's way too easy to only remember the ugly ending we endured with them.

Have a great New Year!

Posted By: Berniece_N Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 12/29/07 03:37 AM
Wow, this sounds somewhat like my situation. Although my H and the OW didn't have sexual intercourse there was oral sex involved not that it makes any difference. I was so DEVASTATED. We have been together for 29 years. 24 of them married.

About 3 years ago he had something happen that devasted him and he wouldn't talk to me or let me in. I tried and tried to reach him but no luck-tried to get him to go to couseling, a doctor for depressants,... etc.

Then a year ago my brother-in-law was killed in a hit and run. My whole family was so devasted and so I grieved for a year and sorta came out of that this year to find out about the affair. it is still new and yes I was in such shock that I was numb.

I wanted him to move out but he refused. He wanted to work on our marriage. After seeing how sorry he was and that he was really trying hard I decided to try to work things out. We went to our priest. I also told my sister but as it was her husband that was killed she is not really able to check up on my H to let him know she is watching him. She is still in denial of the accident and can hardly function.

Anyway my H still is working at the same place as the OW and has to deal with her. I just found out 2 days ago that he picked up a Wii for her kids (that she paid for). I was sooooooo angry. He said it was because it was dicussed in a group of people and she had to pick it up near where we live. It was way out of her way to get it and it would have looked weird to coworkers if he hadn't. It was one of those Craig's list items so not a store thing. I don't care!! One of the items he promised me was only work contact ONLY not anything else and that was hard enought for me to agree to in front of our priest.

We had just started having sex again (when I found out no sex for 1 1/2 months)-then he had a surgery so no sex- and he wanted to start sex up again but I said not until she is out of your head and out of your nonwork life. What should I do? When is it right to start the sex up again? I am so unsure of myself now.

Since we don't have a lot of money we have been using information that I got from **edit** to help us.

Any input appreciated. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/17/08 06:24 PM

Hope all is well up in the frozen north and you are happy tomorrow on your birthday. I'm sure you will make it a great day.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/26/08 09:15 AM

Hiya Duk,

Thank you so much! So sweet of you to remember. I had a great birthday, strung out over several days filled with outings with friends and kind remembrance.

Life is all good here; I have been working on a new plan and making progress. My brother flies in for a week stay in early February and I am very much looking forward to just chillin with him.

It sounds like you are doing really well too. I am very happy to think that after all those difficult months you are out of the shadow of all that hurt and pain.

It really does fade. Thankfully.

Big Big Big Hug

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/26/08 09:20 AM

Dear Berniece_N

So sorry that you find yourself here, but really I can think of no better place to be. This site if full of expert and very practical information on how to deal with the emotional upheaval you are going through.

I wish you strength, patience, humor and a loving heart.

Posted By: itwasntaboutme Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 01/28/08 09:30 PM
Dear Paradise,

I just spent a couple of days off and on reading through this post. Since one of my fundamental beliefs is that we are all gifts, though admittedly some of us are more like buried treasures. I love being able to see the gifts in others. Your's didn't take too much effort at all, but I believe there is way more in you than what you have so graciously shared.

Wow! It is rare today to see someone . . .how did you say it? "shining through during adversity" a show of true character. You are a true inspiration.

I wish I had a friend like you. I am about 10 years agewise younger than you, I can fully relate with you and am realizing that for me 50 is not too far off. I aspire to be as courageous and as positive as you when it arrives. . . I believe I'm on my way.

I love Good Coffee (Starbucks) My daughter (20) works there actually and very interesting . . . today she decided to bless someone in the drive through and pay for their coffee, that person decided to pay for the person behind them . . and so on . . .she called me today (she is over 1000 miles away) and said how excited she was because it kept going on for 96 consecutive drive thru customers. A feeling of the goodness and kindness of others . . .being passed on - I'm very proud of her.

My D day was almost a year ago now and things for me have turned out unexpectedly well. We have been in MC for about a year now - that has been helpful and surprising - in that our particular counselor has spent a lot of time with us individually working on individual issues and then also meeting with us as a couple. I feel totally blessed in the fact that I don't have to drag him - he really wants to do the work. I am very thankful.

Someone told me that I was lucky - I personally believe luck has nothing to do with it at all. Relationships and love are choices, and though it is great to have those highly charged romantic days filled with holding hands, smiling at each other over candlelight and fine wine - they are the rich "harvests" rewards of seeds planted in seasons past.

Another realization was that it had been a while since I planted seeds. It's funny how easy we can grow into taking each other for granted. (A side note: my husband was snoring last night and I remembered what you wrote about being thankful that he was breathing - that he was choosing to spend his life with me. I remember going to sleep being thankful instead of annoyed - Thank You)

My FWH was very remorseful and one of the biggest things that helped me was the realization that "It wasn't about me" He didn't even try to blame me.

This site has been helpful, though I have not been an active poster. I have mostly read others, it has helped me feel like the journey I've been on in my personal healing is one that I am not alone in. Your posts stand out as a shining beacon of light.

It would be an honor to meet you and talk with you should our paths ever cross. Some of my story I have put in responses to other posts, I don't know how to link it up though.

You seem like the kind of person who can make anyone feel good! A sort of party on wheels bringing laughter and joy with you wherever you go. Celebrating the moments! Living a life rich with memories of days well spent. I pray for you that to the degree of the suffering you've endured, that it would be to a greater degree of joy and surprise and success for you in the days, weeks, and months to come. You are a genuine inspiration! And a great writer!

Many blessings to you!

ps. sorry about your dad - I really admired the dynamics of your relationship with him from what you shared.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 02/03/08 01:32 AM
Hi There Itwasntaboutme,

I love the thought that we are all gifts. Thank you for sharing it. Knowing you are blessed is perhaps the most wondeful blessing of all. It is even more wonderful if you can share it with your family.

The image of your daughter's kindness stretching out into a long line of generousity really made me smile.

I am very happy you have found this site. It is full of wisdom and perspective. Somehow life's intense moment's always make us reach out, hold on, connect.

Everyone i have met here is worth connecting too.

Big Hug,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/29/08 09:20 AM

Thought I would post a few lines.

It is still dark before dawn and very quiet. I really like this time of day - so still and peaceful. There is a bigness in the quiet somehow.

Life goes on and perhaps the only constant to the experience is change. Sometimes change comes as painful upheaval and drama and at other times it is so gradual you only notice if you are really paying attention.

I often wonder how everyone is doing. I will stop for a moment and picture Dukhuntr in his garden with Jamie collapsed in the shade panting or Eibrab with her horses. Reading the stories and posts in this forum were so helpful to me - somehow knowing I was not alone in facing loss and hurt made it easier. Perhaps the most addictive human condition is community.

It makes me smile to think that.

I watched Eckhart Tolle speak last night on, (he wrote The New Earth). Towards the end of the show, Oprah read an email from a woman which closed with the phrase .. " Life is a gift,live every day like a thank you note." I really like the sentiment.

So once again thank you to one and all.

And just because ... this one is so much fun!

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 04/30/08 06:06 PM
Hi B!

I have been out in the yard planting but Jaime never lays down in the shade when we are out there. She has her ball and wants to play!!! She barks constantly until Dad relents and starts pitching the ball around the yard for her to go and retrieve. Takes twice as long to do anything but it does bring a smile to my face seeing her so excited. She's beginning to show her age at 9yrs old. She had some rough Sunday's this year out hunting. Slow to rise in the morning and sore until she got moving during the day. I tried to leave her in with my folks once but that became a wrestling match and my 75yr old parents were not up to the task. Labs are so dang loyal and love to hunt more than I do that's for sure.

Everything okay up north? I hope Blue is getting his beach time in! Kinda sounded like you needed a trip to me. I hope you are well and that you are happy always. Your words and thoughts still come to me often when I need them.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/09/08 03:16 PM

Just in case you still check in now and then I thought I would wish you a happy and joyful birthday! I haven't heard any hunting stories lately and I miss hearing from you.

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/10/08 06:08 AM
Hi Dukhuntr,

So nice to hear you are doing well! Made my day. It is late here, the dog and I have just gone for a long walk by the water. One of those lovely late spring nights where the air feels like velvet.

Life is good! I really do enjoy each day. I read back through some of the posts on this thread and it almost seems like a different person was writing them. Still working away on various projects, going out lots, reading, running, I feel blessed. The saying "this too will pass" - is so true of everything really.

Dukhuntr you have a great memory for birthdays! I must have missed yours. I send you belated Happy Birthday wishes and an apology for being late.

Hi Eibrab,

I hope Dukhuntr's birthday wishes find you... very happy and surrounded by all that you love and all those you love - both two legged and four legged.

Drop us a line we would love to hear how you are!

I will keep checking in from time to time. Hoping for news!


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/25/08 12:20 PM
PB and Dukhunter!

I have been selfish in not visiting here. I apologize. The two of you have never left my thoughts and prayers, and I agree, PB..that we have all changed a great deal.

Many, MANY rough days here... not sure if I see sunshine yet. smile

I am also not sure why I keep trudging on...but I will share my constant thought at the end here..

Back earlier this year, H started acting horribly AGAIN. Just the meanest, ever. To make a long story short, he started legal proceedings against MOW to start visitation with the child without informing COM or I. He made it all the way to the second court date before I figured it out. He and MOW became the best of friends... talking whenever they wished and such.

It is apparent that he made some lofty promises to MOW to get what he wanted here... including the premise of "evicting" me! He actually told a few choice people around town that he was doing so (never told me per say) and drew up phoney papers to prove to MOW.

While his actions are inexcusable, what kind of stupid woman signs over her child (shared parenting - he got) goes AGAINST her husband, who happened to hire his own attorney after he finally was told, and does this? Makes one wonder how deep her hatred of me must run.. she did this all to make sure I was finally gone..without regard to what it has done to her family or mine.

To me..I suspect that this is all about control with the big man here...and it is soon going to come and bite him in the backside I am sure.

At the beginning, I was told that I would never meet this child, as I would be "horrible" to him.. I kept my mouth shut, I caused no waves..I sat and watched this odd soap opera play itself out.

Oh..and I started classes at the local college in the meantime. Made the Dean's list my first semester!

Slowly, I saw H's attitude chnage.. DD wrote an amazing letter to the local paper for Mother's Day about me for a contest and the whole county saw it! (I'll email it to you, Duk smile. H made a big ruckus for my birthday...the first time in years.

AND... he brought his child to me this week. I met him.

I am sure that sparks will fly when MOW finds out, if they have not already - and I suspect that they started back when MOWH and I put our heads together, too late for MOW to change her mind...a dear friend of mine called H a "brillant jacka*#". He uses everyone to get what he wants.. and that's apparently what he did here.

If no one had ever known the true parentage of this child, or had it been a girl (sadly) he would not have done this. Right now, I'd like to know his motivation. I did not see some great bond between H and the child..and the child is a real handful.

My COM were very calm, respectful children.. this one, well..My DD is taking this well, after having spent one seriously stressful evening telling her father what she thinks of him, while DS is not taking this well and stays in his hole for the most part. I actually took my children and escaped for a weekend at the beginning of May without prior notice to H, though we left a polite note. We all needed it. I think it was a turning point in our lives. DS continually tells me how much he loves me and sorely avoids his father, though he is respectful. His grades are good, his baseball is outstanding and he seems ok, but I worry about my little boy.

The horses are good. I spent last weekend judging a very prestigious show and was quite honored to be in that position. I silently sat there thinking to myself.."I wonder what all of these folks would say if they knew what a mess my personal life was?".. LOL

Sometimes, I humorously feel like white trash in a fifth avenue mindset.

The tortoises are awaiting Summer. It has been so cold and wet here. It is Memorial Day weekend and most farmers in our area do not have one seed planted. I'd say this is karma coming around for J, but I'd suspect that his bad karma wouldn't also be hurting the other poor farmers. smile

For my whole life as long as I can favorite number has been 46. I nuke my morning coffee for a minute and 46 seconds, Andy Pettitte's NY # is 46, oh and I could go on.. what I never realized until leafing through a magazine was the meaning of the 46th Psalm.

"Be still and know that I am."

That's how I am living...

I am so touched to be here with you both this morning...


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 05/27/08 08:27 PM

How in the world can a Yankee fan be such a wonderful person?????
It's just not natural!!!!

It is so good to hear from you once again even if things have been tough. I read the letter your DD wrote and it's something all of us can sense and feel about our friend Eibrab. DD put into words what you mean to her in a way that shows the love and respect she has for you. That had to make you feel good about youself and the way you have handled yourself thru all of the ordeals life has thrown your way.

My DD's wedding down in Mexico is three weeks away. I am reaching deep and trying to do as much as I can to make sure this comes off just like she wants it to. I am a little leery of the EX and her family and my family all being in the same place at the same time with free booze available to all of them. May end up being the Hatfield's and McCoy's all over again but it won't be because of me or anything I did. All I want to do is walk my little girl down the aisle and enjoy the moment I have been imagining for 27 years.(That and pay off the dang thing!)
I offered her a big bribe when she and her fiance got engaged to just elope and save us all the grief, but now that it is here I am looking forward to the big event. I am very glad she didn't take the money and run.

We will always be happy to hear from you too! Chime in now and then and let us know you are well and hopefully happy.


Posted By: carnation3 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/05/08 12:53 PM
Good morning Paradise, duk and 46 !!! I took a break from the boards for various reasons and have recently started reading here again.

Paradise, you are exactly where I knew you would be. Your story and growth here have touched so many, please be comforted by that fact. Everyone reading here wishes you were their best friend in rl !!!

duk - You are a man of men. You may not have found the woman for you, but -- much more importantly, you have found yourself. side note - I recently caught my first fish in the pond very close to my home. Apparently bologna is the secret !!

Eibrab (46) - I am concerned for you with all that you have been dealt. Only you will know when enough is enough... my admiration to you as you have held your head high through all this adversity. I applaud you 46 !!

Now on to me -- Recent developments have resulted with my husband of 12 years leaving our house. Not only has he left home, he has left the state.

Drinking seems to be his demon or maybe not... perhaps he drinks because he feels entitlted, as so many do who have cheated. Anyway, because of this drinking he has lost another job and I had had enough.

Slight background - My first divorce (after 27 years of m ) left me with a sizeable bank account. Enter husband #2 .... in short, he took advantage of the situation and helped me to spend most of the $$$. For this, I am very bitter. I realize that I had a say in it, but I thought - wanted, my husband to be a provider and it seemed hard for him to do just that.

I sent him to school twice - AC and CDL, neither of which he worked at very long. After losing another job, drinking related, I told him that I just could not live like this anymore. I now have a retail job, which I like alot, but at this point in my life and with what I had at one time, resent the fact that I get up every day to go to work while he is content to *look* for another job and drink beer. Enough is enough -- finally...

Oh, and add the disputed fact that he cheated on me for years with a serious, younger gf. As he is a conflict avoider, he (sober) will not admit any of it to me... drunk, things come out...

His good points -- I did fall head over heals in love with him. Looking back, I never was in love with my first H and this was almost my first love -- at 46 !!! I lusted him big time, unfortunately, he never did lust me.... I do believe that he loves me with all his heart, almost in a caring way... sf hardly ever.... as to my dismay...

We really enjoy each others company... but I have just become too resentful over all that has happened... and the drinking around the clock ended his last job with me... he thinks, thought, nothing of quitting or getting fired because of his drinking -- because he knew that I would make sure that the (my) bills would get paid one way or another... him using the situation to his advantage...

So -- he is gone, for a week or so.... even has left the state. Ozarks where he wanted to live and really is a paradise.... we talk some, but surprisingly, or not so... my heart just isn't in it anymore.... I do believe that I have had enough...He did not want to leave, duh.... but I insisted.

I have always questioned, since being with him.... just how important is love anyway ???? because I do feel that we are in love.... but come on, I have to start looking out for myself here... certainly can't count on him...

Plese give me your thoughts and wisdom on my current situation... I do feel in a pretty good place... but question if I am doing the right thing...

My love to you 3 !!!!!


Posted By: Galoot Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/05/08 05:16 PM
On one of the posts I've read - they suggested just treating this as mental illness - that in effect the WS is delusional and in some kind of fantasy land. That actually helps alot.

I've posted a number of times on the physiology of infatuations. It is the only way I was able to cope with my FWW's affair (she is also 50, but is often thought to be no more than late 30's). She exhibited the same craziness and insanities as your husband towards her OM. I was ready to file for divorce, when I stumbled on some articles on infatuations, and how your brain is very heavily influenced (I won't say controlled, though) by hormones which make one addicted to another person. I was given hope from these articles, in that first, the infatuation strongly influences the person, to the extent that they do things (lie, deceive, cheat, be totally insensitive to their spouse) they never before could imagine doing, and second, the state of infatuation is only temporary, and eventually fades. ('the honeymoon's over'). Once the honeymoon, or infatuation, ends, the relationship goes through a period of doubt, where each partner questions, to some extent, the wisdom of the relationship. During this phase, the relationship may just fizzle out on its own (which is why there are many divorces after 2 years of marriage), or the two may work through their doubts, and develop a more sincere, true form of love, more typical of long-term married couples.

With this in mind, I tried to be patience during the first several months of their affair, because I knew there wasn't a chance during that time for reconciliation. I just maintained a Plan A. When I sensed cracks in their relationship, though, I switched to a Plan B and discussed with her some sort of separation arrangement where we would both be free to date others. Like your H, my W had always assumed I would be there, always ready to take her back. She also learned that there was another woman who was attracted to me. Seeing that she might actually lose me, she seriously began to reconsider her affair. Simultaneously (which I discovered later) OM was basically doing the same thing. He had fallen in love with WW, and became insanely jealous as well at the thought of me and WW still having SF. He essentially Plan B'ed her, as well. So, she was forced to choose one, at the risk of losing both. It was then she agreed to a NC.

She later, after the fog began to clear, admitted that it was the fact that I actually might find another woman that convinced her to end the affair and come back. She says now, however, that she can never fully trust me (a classic example of the 'pot calling the kettle black'), and that she no longer holds me up on a pedestal, since I flirted with this other woman. But that suits me just fine. As long as she thought I would always be there, regardless of what she did (expecting me to be her little doormat), she had no incentive to come back, and would see no problem of continuing her A as long as it suited her.

I can't say the same strategy would work in your situation, but there are enough similarities to at least consider the idea of a solid plan B, if you can sense when the infatuation may be waning. That would be the most effective time to do so.
Posted By: carnation3 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/06/08 12:24 PM

for comments and help from my friends

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/06/08 01:56 PM

Oh, how I have wondered about you!

AND.. I have to admit, that I am very tickled for you. You sound so strong, so sure of yourself. You sound good!

I completely understand having been at a "better" point in your life, whether it be financially or other, and allowing someone to bring you down. That's what you sort of did, and what I've done at times, too. But we are strong enough to recognize that and put an end to it.

I am so proud of you. I mean really, REALLY proud. You'd have thought I had a hand in the turns your life has taken, lol.

I'd say to keep your space from H right now. Talk if you care to, but if the feeling aren't there, then you are so much better off. In my life, I am trying to take my time and decide if the feelings are "there" or if it's a sense of not letting the other's win. Silly, I know.

Tiny tidbit for you...I was asked to come down to the local sheriff's dept. for questioning of an unsigned letter sent to many members of the local little league that MOW and H are involved with.. it was logically slamming H and MOW and some others. Am I ticked beyond belief for the questioning? Oh yes.. was it wrong and possibly illegal? Oh yes, as the deputy admitted there was no criminal intent and only facts were stated.. I think someone called in a favor here.. But, but..BUT.

This means others are watching and they agree with the lunacy of it all.

Ah, but sitting back and watching is so much fun. Who ever said the meek shall inherit the world, just may be right.. but again, meek is in the eye of the beholder, right?

I'm so happy to hear from you..


Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/06/08 02:52 PM
HI Carnation!

I'm so sorry to hear this about your H. I am happy to hear the resolve in your post. You have been thru this before and you knew in your own heart what you needed to do and just did it. It's not something we wished to learn about in our lives but the knowledge we have now about WS's empowers us to be a little stonger now. It will never be painless, just a whole lot easier to deal with and handle than the first time.

From the tone in your post I know you will manage this and come out the better for it. Good people will always survive and thrive given the time and space to do so. Take a page from PB's book and go out and do something entirely for yourself. Take a trip, go out and join a club or get back to the gym. Something that is just for you. I'll be out here rooting for some good things to happen in your life.

Your friend,

Posted By: carnation3 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/06/08 11:47 PM
((( Eibrab ))) ((( duk )))

Seeing your replies to me made me smile from ear to ear.. But, don't praise me too highly...That is the very reason why I posted here, to have a little sounding board and feedback...

Generally, I feel at peace with my decision ..... other times - I question it and wonder what am I throwing away ?? I know, I know.... but that is why I am posting here, to feel my way through this or out of it.

I truly think and feel that my H and I love each other very much and I suppose you could accurately say -- in love. But I can only speak for myself, not him, although I do believe it to be very true for him also.

On the other hand --- if this *love* is costing me my well being and self worth.... then it's not love ?? or worth it any way ??

This is what is troubleing me... the *what ifs*.... I guess that is just life.... and I do know that I can NOT live with him the way I have for all these years.... It is costing me more important things than money... but money is up there !!

All those years of him being on the road made me very self sufficient and enjoy my alone time.... frankly, I love it !!! My sil rescued a little dog this past fall from the street and I have taken her in.... Not only did I save her.... She saved me too !! Nothing like a little loving doggy for therapy !!! It def is a win-win situation with her....

So, I do realize, as he does - that I am used to living basically by myself. It is a small house and not room enough for me, a dog and a drunk !!! This I know.

Perhaps it seems weird that we are separating, divorcing when we really aren't fighting or getting along... we do... It just has gotten to be too much for me.... I think....

I guess I am just not totally sure of my decision right now... I do miss him... but not the bad stuff.... does any of this make sense ???? I know it takes a long time to adjust to a divorce.... not sure if I can go the distance, as much as it is the BEST thing for me.... I think...

Hmmm.... maybe *I* am the conflict avoider in this marriage.... oh no.... if we both are --- we will never be free of it....

Thanks sooooo much for being here for me.... I truly, truly am grateful for it.....


Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/07/08 08:05 PM

Forgive me for being hypocritical here...but loving someone probably isn't the hard part. It's having them compliment you (not in a verbal way) that matters to our well-being, doesn't it?

The little dog! Tell us about the little dog! I think many lives have been saved by a dog. I know a rather gross, little, white bulldog that came along at the very moment that I needed her most.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/07/08 10:44 PM

Self doubts??? Who among us does not have these to one extent or another? Yes I still question just about every big decision I make to this day. Part of our confidence and self assuredness has been taken away and will never come back to the same level. At least that's how I feel about myself.

What I do know is I have a very low tolerance for a lack of integrity in other people now. I keep my old friends who I know and trust close and anyone new has to prove themselves to me before they can get into my circle of friends. As for a romantic relationship this is even more important to me. The smallest and slightest sign of a weakness in character sends me running. Been there and done that and don't want to go thru it again. Call it "baggage", a sore spot, or whatever you want. I just know it's there for me.

Sounds like you have the same kind of thing going here in your own life. You have boundaries that although they are not as stringent as mine they are still boundaries you will enforce. I think you are doing the appropriate things for yourself right now and it's okay to do this! The doubts will always be there but trust yourself to do what you know you need to do. You have a kind and giving heart that will lead you in the right direction every time if you let it.

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/08/08 02:13 AM

I could have typed your post virtually word for word.

I, too, find myself very critical of another's integrity. Isn't that horrid of me, as I live with someone who doesn't exhibit an ounce of it?


Posted By: carnation3 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/08/08 03:56 AM
It certainly is a case of self doubts.... or maybe just sad that we could not make it work.... ha ha.... work being the main problem !!!

There def is a sense of peace here in this house and in my own inner house... this I relish.... finally.... scary, not really - just kinda sad that it had to end like this....

Oh well - what happened, happened....

On a lighter note... duk, are you familiar with Flagstaff at all ?? My son is moving back to Phx, the fire dept which he is on leave from... and is talking about buying a second home in Flagstaff which could be my residence if I so choose...

I realize that I can't rush into any thing else. I need to get my bearings and just take my time through this separation/divorce. Hopefully the opportunity with him will still be there if and when I am ready...Just wanted to know if you have any info on Flagstaff or the surrounding areas.

Oh Eibrab - my little Sandy is only the bestest dog ever !!! My sil rescued her from beside a very busy street in a pretty big city here... she was skinny and unkept... but just the cutest, sweetest thing.... very very loving and obedient... half chihuahua - half rat terrier or dauchsand.... too cute.... she weighed 6 pounds when I got her and weighs almost 10 now..... but I must level off her weight.... no more gaining for her.... she isn't heavy yet but on the verge of it... I love her to death !!!!

Thanks so much for the replies..... I feel pretty confident and strong --- until I speak with him.... then I feel bad and unsure... I know -- don't speak with him... duh.... I am just not ready to totally shut that door yet.... ya know ???

So -- as Tina Turner so famously said ---

What's love got to do with it ????? right ????? help on this one please

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/15/08 09:34 AM
Hi Everyone,

Wow, I had some catching up to do. It took me a while to read and reread your posts, precisely two cups of coffee.

Despite the sad tidings, it is truly lovely to hear your voices in conversation again. It put a huge smile on my face, that, and the mental image I have of Duk walking his daughter down the aisle - self composed and every inch the proud and caring Dad. I have to keep blinking to keep my eyes from misting up!

Duk, when you dance the father and daughter dance under that big Mexican moon - with your grown up little girl who was so wise in the power of redeeming love - feel the magic. Feel the blessing. I have to stop now or I really will start blubbering.

Carnation, I am proud of you. Finding peace is important and knowing you deserve it even more so.

If you feel in a true state of peace without him - then I think you have your answer - separation is the right choice. It does not necessarily mean you have to rush into finalizing a divorce. Maybe just take it one day at a time. I suspect you will find that when you do come to a final decision you will be comfortable and know it to be the right one.

Flagstaff is a beautiful town! Sometimes life just has a flow to it. When you are ready – your options will be there.

I hope you follow Duk's advice. The emotional roller-coaster that comes with marital breakdown can be exhausting. You need to find ways to recoup and recover. Happily perhaps the best answer is wagging her tail at your right now! Amazing how one small bundle of fur can brighten a room and your heart. I often wonder who rescues who.

I also hope that your husband for his own sake gets help with his addiction.


Sigh, I am bereft of speech when I read your posts.

I hope Duk will forward a copy of your DD’s letter. I would very much like to read it. (Duk can you post your email address again? I went back through the thread looking for it but it is a very long one.)

There is a great book out by Eckhart Tolle called “A New Earth” You may have already read it. If not, I think it might help you deal with your current situation. The main premise is living in the present moment but it provides many useful insights to daily living – especially in challenging circumstances.

I think your husband is deeply unconscious. You have to choose to accept him just as he is - knowing he will go on making life challenging - or to let him go.

I am "gobsmacked" by how he is behaving.

What advantage does shared parenting of this child offer to anyone? Is it good for the child? Is it good for your children? Is it good for the MOW’s marriage? Is it good for your marriage? Am I missing something? As I understand it – he negotiated obtaining shared parenting of this child by promising to dissolve his marriage, evict his current wife (but keep his kids)? He has lied and deceived both the women who he would have to work in partnership to further the child's best interests. It is a non-starter.

Perhaps he is simply acting out – wanting control – regardless of whether or not it is the right thing to do or offers any real benefit to anyone else. It is just very difficult to understand the ratonale for it when so clearly these actions seem to add up to being a lousy parent and a total disaster as a husband.

Can you accept this situation? Will you be able to enjoy spending your time raising this child? Can you be enthusiastic about it? You have to be able to come up with at least one yes to at least one those three questions. Or you are going to be continually stressed.

Families do overcome these kinds of situations when there is complete honesty, commitment and the miracle of love but none of those elements can share space with deceit.

I am editing this after posting this early this morning. I find your situation just hands down one of the most difficult I can imagine and my first instinct is to shut it down. But you are also an extraordinary woman, Eibrab, perhaps if anyone can find grace in this - it will be you.


I am glad you were able to find the resources to navigate your way out of the morass your wife’s actions created. It shows genuine foresight and profound patience. I hope you both find joy in rediscovering each other anew. Thank you for your comment.
Posted By: carnation3 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/16/08 09:21 PM
Hi PB !!! How marvelous to read your writings once again.... Your calming ways touch so many.

Yes, I do feel peace here by myself. And, you are correct, as much as I may be second-guessing my decision - if only I can stay focused on this roller coaster, the answer will be right there, as it probably has been ... all along.

Thanks for the book information you passed along... I have been looking for something a tad bit more rewarding than my current non-fiction material.

((( Eibrab ))) Please chime in as often as you feel comfortable in doing so.... Your situation tugs at my heart strings too... Not sure if this is appropriate advice - but please

don't just settle...

We on this thread -- love you.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/18/08 03:11 PM
Hola Amigo's

I am back physically but I left way too many brain cells in Ol' Mexico. We had a wonderful time and everyone got along! The EX wanted to pretend all was good and put on a show but I suggested (after a light and well meant 10 minute discussion that had everyone holding their breath) just keeping it polite and respectful from a distance and it worked out perfectly.

The best part of this compromise was it worked for the kids. Even at 26 and 24 they had a real hard time with the EX and I being in the same place with them again at the same time. You could see both kids do the same thing. If they were with me and the EX walked up both kids backed away and quit talking. Neither one of them knew how to act or what to expect. I asked both of them about it and both told me the same thing, "it just feels weird". After that the EX and I kept our distance and everything went perfectly. Well I should say on our side it went perfectly. The groom's parents who are divorced (no A) did manage to get into it at the reception and the groom's mother disappeared after that never to be seen again. She missed most of the reception and did not even say good-bye to her son and went home the next morning without telling anyone. Needless to say her son was pretty upset with that move.

I have to get back after it here at work so I will chime in with more later. Thanks for the thoughts from all of you! My best friend Butch said watching me walk her down the beach to the ceremony brought him to tears so I must have looked the part PB. I know it is something I will never forget!

Posted By: a_hopeful_one Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/18/08 09:17 PM
Good afternoon everyone,

PB, I started reading at the beginning of this thread early today, and have jotted down many quotes, thank you for your wisdom. I stopped at page 13 and jumped to 115 because I was running out of time and wanted to see if you were still here. I will go back and catch up on the current state of afairs.

I started at your beginning because that is my now. I told him to leave yesterday after finding graphic images on his email. This is by no means the first issue. I don't have time to go into it all right now but will catch you up if you like.

I just wanted you all to know, PB particularily, how grateful I am that you have shared so much so well.

Please pray.
Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/22/08 02:44 AM
Hello Everyone:

Hola Duk!

So happy it went well. I was sure it was going to be a great experience for your whole family. It made me smile to hear how your friends were getting teary eyed -some moments are just intensely wonderful and that had to be one of them!

Hiya Carnation:

I think you will like the Tolle book, he has a good grasp of how to understand how important the present moment is. It is a good read. Although I found I had to read it slowly to fully digest what he was saying .

I am hoping you find each day a little easier. I know at first it is tough. Whether or not you are the one who makes the decision to end a relationship there is still years of attachment to let go of. It will take time. Time heals all.

Dear Eibrab,

I found myself thinking about your situation again again over the last several days. I think the most accurate thing I can offer is that sometimes it truly is impossible to understand what someone else is thinking, needing, feeling. Your husband is going through his own process for sure. In a positive light, it is telling that he was so determined that you meet his son. He is looking for your acceptance.

It just would have been so much better if he could talk out the whole situation with you and offer some understanding of how it makes you feel.

Sending you a big hug.

Dear a_hopeful-one,

I am truly sorry you find yourself here, but this site is a wonderful resource to use to deal with your current challenge. There are many here who are wise and have successfully skirted the disaster of marital breakdown by using the strategies offered here.

They work!

I will remember you and your husband in my prayers.

Posted By: dukhuntr Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/23/08 05:14 PM
Hey PB!

I need to get you a copy of the Mother's Day letter Eibrab's daughter wrote still. You can e-mail me at **edit** and I will get it to you.

Still recovering from all the fun in Mexico and catching up here at work too. I have some photo's of the wedding if you are interested.

Talk more soon!

Posted By: Eibrab Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/24/08 09:09 PM
Duk, PB, Carnation and all!

I hope this finds you all in a peaceful frame of mind. I have you, Carnation, in special prayer as I know this is a very "thoughtful" time for you. I hope your little dog is doing her job in keeping you in good spirits.

And ummm, Duk... you have my email address for those pictures, too! I am so tickled that the wedding came off in grand fashion. Do you find yourself thinking ahead to the thought of being a grandpa? I think that will be a great time in my life... I just hope and pray that isn't for a long time smile .

PB, again, your words mean so much. I cannot argue with anything you have said, nor would I want to. I live the most amazing of lives, don't I? It is so odd, that a woman of so many words just can't say many anymore. I just find this overwhelming desire to keep my mouth shut and watch.

I did consult an attorney, btw, and file a complaint for the incident involving the sheriff's dept.. I will not be stepped on or made to look like a fool, when I've worked so hard to maintain grace and dignity. I have a sneaking suspicision that this complaint stems from MOW's displeasure at her child being around me. She can't find anything to use against me at this point, so she has resorted to stupidity. I will prevail.

The child was here quite a bit, then all contact seemed to have ceased. I suspect that he was old enough to relay his fascination with the tortoises and his great time at attempting to catch frogs with me to his mother. I feel badly for this little guy. He's as much a victim in all of this as me and my children. He is not my child, nor do I feel about him as if he is, but we are somehow in this together. I am angry with H for seemingly allowing the visitation to become so sporadic and weird all of a sudden. It screams discontentment in the fantasyland that this could all "work" to me. What these two (H and MOW) have done to shake up this child's world is virtually unforgiveable.

I did attend a few tball games for the child (who, yes, is far too young to do this) as long as I knew that H was there. I sat off in the distance, clapped and smiled. At one game OC even broke away and ran up to speak to me as the game ended. I spoke quickly and happily and then left. The child is mostly unattended. I left dignified and without causing any drama. I refuse to for the sake of the child or my own sanity. I don't really want to.

I suspect that I still have faith that justice is not mine to hand out.

Now..on a positively grand note! Last week, I stumbled upon the deal of the century! Well.. at least the deal of my day. That day, 50 pheasant and 50 quail chicks had been delivered to a local feed store. I just so happened to file for a game bird license with the local dept. of Natural resources here a while back in hopes of raising game birds... so, guess who came home with them?

The quail are the size of a 50 cent piece.. absolutely precious. Maybe, just maybe, I can be as well known in the game bird market someday as Colonel Sanders is to chicken.

Pardon that horrible comparison. smile

Life is what I am currently making of it...and I am learning every day how important it is to keep a level head.

Again, PB.. your comments and afterthoughts have given me much room for thought and I thank you, my friend.



PS Duk.. it's amigA's..hehe

Posted By: carnation3 Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/25/08 03:43 PM
((( Eibrab )))

I only wish that we all here were fortunate enough to be blessed with your fortitude !!! Your strength amazes me.... I was going to ask that you send some my way -- but just being able to read your replies here steadies my uncertain heart and soul and gives me courage to press on.... heck, if someone in your situation can persevere, there may be hope for us all !!!

Once again, I come away from this thread calm and determined...

Sandy -- my precious little fur buddy is absolutely a life-saver, I saved her from the street and she saved me in return... for her I am soooo thankful...

Grandchildren --- only the very best there is !! You have heard it over and over.... people going on about their grandchildren.... but -- you have NO idea how much joy and love that will enter your life until if/when it happens to you..... talk about unconditional love.... once my grandson called me grandma --- my life was complete.....

Sending warm thoughts to y'all.... from Texas


Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/27/08 05:50 AM
Hey Eibrab,

So happy to hear you sounding so calm, so centered - so STRONG! When ever thoughts of you flash into my mind I say a little prayer - for you, your children, your husband, the oc, the mow and her husband, their children, the dogs, the horses, the tortoises, and now the game birds. I must admit I always linger in sending good thoughts to you and the dogs.


I am not sure I mentioned this, but I had a couple of friends diagnosed with breast cancer this spring. I put their names on our prayer list at my buddhist group. Once had a tumor the size of a tennis ball - it disappered. The other had a much smaller tumor - it reduced in size by about 20% before being removed. There is prolific empirical evidence now that prayer is effective in speeding someone's recovery whether they know they are being prayed for - or not. Almost spooky but in a sense just reinforces the understanding that we are all connected.

I hope when you have those dark moments and need some light, or when in public you have to dig for grace and composure that for a few scary seconds you are not sure will be there: that you remember there are many who truly care for you. Who wish you well and are sending happy thoughts to you and all your hoofed, furry, and feathered friends.

A big hug

Paradise and Blue

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/27/08 05:59 AM
Dear Carnation,

I loved your last post. Nothing like grandchildren and love to make life complete. Perfectly said my friend. Keeping you and Sandy in my prayers. Hoping the turmoil within subsides and you find peace.

A big hug,

Posted By: paradise_blue Re: How Do I Make the Pain Go Away - 06/27/08 06:28 AM

Funny just about to toddle off to bed and I was struck by a thought I should put to paper. Picking up the mail today, I flipped through bills addressed to me and a lovely thank you note addressed to the dog with a dog bone on the envelope.

It was from my film director friend from the beach, I had her and her husband and a few other people in to dinner last week. Before entertaining I scrambled and pulled together a photo album of some pictures of her 50th birthday party I took. Wincing because I am three years late in getting to this.

She wrote just a lovely note, telling me that though I did not know it - I had captured the last pictures taken of a beloved doctor friend of hers who had died about two years ago to a rare form of cancer. She will cherish them always.

The note sits on my desk - funny and touching.

It is strange how even in the little mundane things in life we do - we are all connected - like threads in a tapestry.

I did ton glen practices for her doctor friend though I thought I had never met her. In fact I did meet her briefly at a very big party. I took pictures of her smiling, sitting on a sofa surrounded by my friend's rascally three hounds (who were flopped over in a series comical postures) while she raised a glass of wine in celebration. I looked at her picture on my computer screen for a good while tonight with almost a tangible sense of her being gone but not gone.

Life really is precious and it is expansive, big, spacious because we really are part of some kind whole.

Yawn I really will go to bed.
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